SLMA Corporate Plan 2009 to 2012

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About the SLMA The Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) is the oldest national professional organization of medical doctors in Asia and Australasia. It brings together medical practitioners of all grades, from all branches of medicine in Sri Lanka. The SLMA started life as the “Ceylon Branch of the British Medical Association” on 17 December 1887 with 65 members on its roll and Dr P D Anthoniz as its first President. However, the moving force behind its inception was Dr W R Kynsey (later Sir William Kynsey), who persuaded 5 doctors to meet on 26 February 1887, at the Colonial Medical Library on Maradana Road, Colombo to form the Association. He had declined to be the first President as he was going abroad on furlough. The change of the name to “Ceylon Medical Association” came in 1951 and in 1972 when Sri Lanka became a Republic, the name changed to the “Sri Lanka Medical Association”.

The Historic Wijerama House The SLMA headquaters is at “Wijerama House” named after Dr E M Wijerama, who gifted the house he lived in at McCarthy Road (now Wijerama Mawatha) to the Association in 1964. Although his offer was made in writing in October 1957, resolution of the many issues took 7 years!

The SLMA publishes the Ceylon Medical Journal (CMJ), the first issue of which came out in August 1887, and fittingly the first article in the first issue is authored by Dr W R Kynsey. The name changed to Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the British Medical Association in 1904, but changed to its pristine appellation in 1952. It continues to be published as the CMJ. At 121 years, it is the oldest surviving English medical journal


in Asia and Australasia, and the leading scientific journal in Sri Lanka. The CMJ is indexed in BIOSIS, CAB International, EMBASE and the Index Medicus. CMJ’s editorial policies and quality are of international standard and it is listed by the International Committee of Medical Journal editors as conforming to their editorial guidelines.

The historic Sri Lanka Medical Library, which is over 164 years old, is also accommodated within Wijerama House. The Sri Lanka Clinical Trials Registry, started as recently as 2006, has achieved recognition from the World Health Organization by being selected as a WHO Primary Clinical Trials Registry.

The Annual Scientific Sessions of the SLMA brings together a cross-section of the medical fraternity from both the state and private sector, ranging from senior to junior specialist and generalist, postgraduates, grade medical officers and even medical students. The Sessions gives them the opportunity to present original research papers, exchange views, up date their knowledge through the various plenaries, symposia and workshops and enjoy fellowship. The Sessions serves as the main professional development (CPD) activity for the profession in general and is a much anticipated academic and social event in the medical calendar of the country for forging useful and lasting links locally and internationally.



VISION To be the most influential medical professional organization in Sri Lanka

MISSION As the apex medical professional organization in Sri Lanka, to lead the medical community to achieve the highest standards of medical professionalism and ethical conduct To be an advisory body on health policy to the Sri Lankan government and community


GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1) Enhance the capacity as the apex professional and scientific organization of all categories of medical doctors as defined in the constitution of the SLMA. 2) Play an advocacy role towards comprehensive curative and preventive health services for the people of Sri Lanka 3) Promote professionalism, good medical practice and ethical conduct among doctors. 4) Disseminate state-of the art knowledge, clinical practice, technology and emerging concepts in medical sciences among medical professionals. 5) Provide opportunities for continuous professional development with particular emphasis on the National CPD programme. 6) Encourage ethical medical research. 7) Educate the public on health-related issues. 8) Enhance closer professional and scientific links between medical doctors and professionals allied to health care.


STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE GENERAL OBJECTIVES General Objective 1 Enhance the capacity as the apex professional and scientific organization of all categories of medical doctors as defined in the constitution of the SLMA. Specific objective1.1 Re-define our role among colleges and form a consensus group with Colleges and other healthcare related associations and societies Strategy 1.1.1:Appointing a SLMA committee to plan and implement the setting up of a consensus group, comprising one member from each College / Society and chaired by the SLMA Specific objective1.2 Take appropriate measures to enhance the corporate image of the SLMA Strategy 1.2.1:Assign the Public Relation Officer and the Media Committee of the SLMA to plan and implement the corporate image enhancing campaign with the assistance of selected experts in this field. Specific objective1.3 Develop strategies to attract more doctors to join the SLMA Strategy1.3.1:Assign the SLMA Membership Committee to formulate the proposals Specific objective 1.4 Develop a mechanism to respond rapidly to important current issues Strategy 1.4.1:Empower the President, Secretary and Media Committee to respond quickly with the advice of appropriate experts to health issues that emerge, pending covering approval of the Council Specific objective1.5 Network with outstation clinical societies and associations to strengthen academic and professional links Strategy 1.5.1:Assigned to the SLMA Assistant Secretary dedicated to outstation activities, and the Website Committee



Play an advocacy role towards comprehensive curative and preventive health services for the people of Sri Lanka Specific objective 2.1 Further strengthen our links with the Ministry of Health Strategy 2.1.1:Appropriate committee or member from SLMA, as guided by the Council, to meet the relevant Directorate of the Ministry of Health Specific objective 2.2 Develop a review mechanism for monitoring and evaluation of the performance SLMA Committees ever six months Strategy 2.2.1:Forward annual plans submitted by SLMA Committees at the beginning of each year and review of biannual progress reports using predetermined criteria developed with the agreement of relevant SLMA Committees, by a review Committee appointed by the Council Specific objective 2.3 Make optimal use of the media to address curative and preventive healthcare services delivery to the people Strategy 2.3.1:Public Relations Officer and Media Committee to arrange media conferences quarterly or every six months under Council direction


STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE GENERAL OBJECTIVES General Objective 3 Promote professionalism, good medical practice and ethical conduct among doctors. Specific objective 3.1 Enhance opportunities for Continuous Professional Development and to include professionalism and ethics as a substantive part of Continuous Professional Development Strategy 3.1.1:Assigned to National Continuous Professional Development programme of the SLMA Specific objective 3.2 Develop mechanisms to increase ethical funding of SLMA activities Strategy 3.1.2:Assigned to the SLMA Fund-raising Committee



General Objective 4 Disseminate state-of the art knowledge, clinical practice, technology and emerging concepts in medical sciences among medical professionals. Specific objective 4.1 Develop a news-sheet with up-to-date developments in medicine and allied health sciences to public and private sector healthcare institutions and societies Strategy 4.1.1:Assign to an expanded Newsletter Committee Specific objective 4.2 Make available in-depth information of the summaries in the news-sheet electronically through the SLMA website and other useful web-links Strategy 4.2.1:Assign to the SLMA Website Committee and the expanded Newsletter Committee Specific objective 4.3 Collaborate with Colleges in the above activities Strategy 4.3.1:Assign to an expanded Newsletter Committee Specific objective 4.4 Transmit the proceedings of scientific sessions of the SLMA on CD to public and private sector healthcare institutions and societies, especially in the outstations Strategy 4.4.1:Assign to Scientific Sessions Steering Committee Specific objective 4.5 Influence policy makers to contribute to the dissemination of health information through allocation of resources Strategy 4.5.1:The SLMA to discuss with Deputy Director General Education Training and research and the Deputy Director General- Planning of the Ministry of Health regarding policy issues and funding



General Objective 5 Provide opportunities for continuous professional development with particular emphasis on the National CPD programme. Specific Objective 5.1 Establish a National Centre for Continuous Professional Development CPD in Medicine (NCCPDIM) Strategy 5.1.1 Form a Central Continuous Professional Development representations from all medical professional bodies



Strategy 5.1.2 Establish fully equipped centre at the SLMA house with funding from the Ministry of Health. Specific objective 5.2 Award a Continuous Development Certificate based on a common point scheme acceptable to both specialist and non specialist doctors Strategy 5.2.1 Initiate a dialogue with specialist Colleges and other professional bodies such as IMPA, (Independent Medical Practitioners Association ), SLIDA (Sri Lanka Institute of department Administration ) and the GMOA (Government medical officers Association ) in order to reach a consensus Strategy 5.2.2 Develop a portfolio format acceptable to doctors of the relevant specialties. Specific Objective 5.3 Motivate doctors to participate in the National CPD Programme Strategy 5.3.1 Develop a system of incentives applicable to doctors who obtain the appropriate CPD certification in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, GMOA, PSC (Public Services Commission) and other relevant institutions, Strategy 5.3.2 Introduce revalidation at an appropriate point of time suitable to launch a CPD programme island wide Strategy 5.3.3 Advocacy directed to obtaining SLMC concurrence for revalidation certification.


STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE GENERAL OBJECTIVES General Objective 6 Encourage ethical medical research. Specific objective 6.1 Cultivate a research culture among medical doctors especially those in the outstations Strategy 6.1:Assign to the SLMA Research Committee Scientific Sessions Steering Committee and Ethics Committee Specific objective 6.2 Attract more funds to the SLMA research fund Strategy 6.2.1:Assign to the SLMA Research Committee


STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE GENERAL OBJECTIVES General Objective 7 Educate the public on health-related issues. Specific objective 7.1 Empower President, Secretary and Media Committee of the SLMA to respond quickly with the appropriate experts to health issues that emerge, pending covering approval of the council. Strategy 7.1.1:Assign to President, Secretary and Media Committee of the SLMA Specific objective 7.2 SLMA to participate in short TV and radio programmes Strategy 7.2.1:Assign to President, Secretary and Media Committee of the SLMA Specific objective 7.3 SLMA to identify banks of experts on different subjects whom the SLMA Media Committee can draw on Strategy 7.3.1:President and Secretary of the SLMA to draw up a list of experts in the relevant areas


STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE GENERAL OBJECTIVES General Objective 8 Enhance closer professional and scientific links between medical doctors and professionals allied to health care. Specific Objective 8.1 Encourage professional development of professionals allied to health care. Strategy 8.1.1 Encourage/include professionals allied to health to undertake research projects Strategy 8.1.2 Organise CPD activities for professionals allied to health care.

Specific objective 8.2 Interact with professionals allied to health care on issues related to health Strategy 8.2.1 Consult/interact with professionals allied to health care whenever appropriate on cross cutting issues within the health sector Strategy 8.2.2 To collaborate with professionals allied to health care and other stakeholders in ensuring rights of patients and the public on issues pertaining to health and patient rights



Time frame


1) Edit and print corporate plan

30 November Prof Colvin 2008 Goonaratna and Dr. Ruvaiz Haniffa

2) Convey to all individuals and committees to whom work has been assigned, of their duties and responsibilities, and define the approximate timeframe. They will be requested to submit an Action Plan.

Immediately after the Council has approved the draft of the Corporate Plan

President SLMA

Review Mechanism

An Assistant Secretary dedicated to the task

3) Develop a review Biannually or The Vice mechanism for 6 monthly Presidents, periodical review of Assistant the Corporate Plan Secretaries and Assistant Treasurer of the SLMA to plan and implement the review of Corporate Plan and report to the Council


Acknowledgements Ms. Mallika Manurathne World Health Organization, for funding this project Professor Colvin Goonaratna Dr. Malik Fernando Dr. Ruvaiz Haniffa Dr. Udaya Ranawaka Professor Gita Fernando Professor Rezvi Sheriff Dr. Lakshman Ranasinghe Dr. Asela Olupeliyawa Dr. Rasanga Peiris Dr. S. Sivapriyan Dr. Anurudhdha Padeniya SLMA members who contributed by providing suggestions Ms. Chandani Kumari

Corporate Plan was compiled by Professor Lalitha Mendis President, SLMA Dr. Indika Karunathilake Secretary, SLMA December 2008


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