Pleasure Principle

Page 1

Collaborating Abroad Knowing Not knowing





My personal ruangrupa timeline

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

After “ Party” #2, Julia Sarisetiati Photography series

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

“RURU”, ruangrupa, 2011-0ngoing 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

The Pleasure Principle

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

“If [we] can’t dance [we] don’t want to be part of your revolution” —Emma Goldman, accessed on 10/10/2014

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

“If [we] can’t dance therefore [we] don’t want to be part of your revolution” farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

“[…] it’s more important to do great work than make people happy.” —Jonathan Ive agreeing with Steve Jobs, 09/10/2014

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

“The works have become ‘politically incorrect’. It is indeed a cause for regret that contemporary art could not really play a role in the historic socio-political upheaval […]” —Jim Supangkat

Art ‘ and Politics in Indonesia’, in Turner, ed., 2005.

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014


ruangrupa members = friends

ruangrupa as ‘alternative space’ farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

public = friends


Current mutated nature of ruangrupa farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

“#if[you]want president prabowo, then we must #choosejokowi” “#if[you]want president romney, then we must #chooseobama

Oomleo for #siaga2jaga2, taken from, accessed on 10/10/2014

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014


other institutions = friends

BYAR Creative Industry

Jakarta Akademi Samali ELSAM Forum Lenteng Grafisosial Insititut Sejarah Sosial Indonesia Kineforum PenitiPink Sanggar Akar SERRUM

International C.E.I.A - Brazil Casco - The Netherlands NIMk/Montevideo - The Netherlands Gang Festival - Australia Engagemedia - Australia kuratorisk Aktion - Denmark/Germany Skulpturenpark/Kunstrepublik - Germany Video Art Center Tokyo - Japan

Yogyakarta Daging Tumbuh KUNCI Cultural Studies Center MES56

Jatiwangi Jatiwangi Art Factory

Cirebon Gardu Unik

Bandung Asbestos Art Space Common Room Networks Foundation farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014


other institutions = partners in experimentation


Mexico Crater Invertido

Colombia Casa Tres Patios Platohedro Mas Arte Mas Acci贸n

RURU 31bsp

Palestine Al-Ma'mal

The Netherlands Casco Stichting Doen farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

Arts Schoolaboratory @ ruru, 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo

24-29 November 2014

farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014


a short tactical guide for artist run initiative



beta version. written by ruangrupa 2011

not art”



farid rakun— farid rakun ruangrupa 31a Bienal de Sao Paulo Uses of Art, 12 Oct 2014

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