SlovakAid at the Global South-South Development Expo 2013

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Slovakia is an emerging actor in international development cooperation. The Slovak official development cooperation program – SlovakAid – has been launched in 2003, following the country’s own transition to a prosperous and democratic society. Slovakia shares the responsibility for global development. We believe that by transferring the experience, which provided a basis for Slovakia’s own development, we can positively contribute to development processes in our partner countries. We seek to support the most effective and viable solutions to address the global development challenges. Some of our most successful initiatives include projects concerning social and economic development of rural areas, environmental protection and transfer of green technologies. In all our initiatives, we encourage strong local ownership, capacity building and community empowerment.

Transfering experience Sharing success...

Our goal is to support innovative solutions, and to replicate the ones that have proven successful. Only in such way we can make a significant contribution to sustainable and equitable development in our partner countries and bring about positive changes in people’s lives. We believe that the experience, know-how and technologies we transfer to our partner countries can help pave their way to future success.

Official Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic

Promoting sustainable agriculture and protection of natural resources In rural areas of Kenya, South Sudan and Afghanistan, SlovakAid has worked to help farmers strengthen their food and income security through a combination of interventions which aim to boost agricultural production and profits, while introducing strategies to reduce the impact of farming on the environment. The protection and sustainable management of natural resources has been a priority in many projects supported by the SlovakAid. An organisation People in Peril has implemented projects to improve the economic efficiency in agriculture and sustainable resource management in rural areas of Kenya, South Sudan and Afghanistan. These projects generally aim to provide motivation and job opportunities for young people to work in agriculture thus preventing them from migrating to the cities. Through practical and theoretical trainings new ecological farming techniques such as rainwater harvesting or drip irrigation and efficient animal husbandry are being introduced to students, small scale farmers and other community members. In order to increase producers’ profits, trainings are also provided in various value adding techniques, such as fruit drying or meat and wool processing. Furthermore, the establishment of farmers’ cooperatives are being encouraged to facilitate the access of small farmers to the local markets. Activities to increase the protection of natural resources are central to these projects. Through working with communities they focus on introducing alternative livelihood strategies such as energy-saving stoves, biogas technology, or tree nurseries to expand green space. The organisation has worked to develop community management of natural resources as one of the most efficient methods of protection.

When trading is FAIR Supporting Fair trade and organic farming for sustainable development SlovakAid has worked to improve social and economic conditions in rural areas by enhancing local capacities for production, processing and marketing of farmer‘s output and by offering better trade conditions to disadvantaged farmers and workers. Our aim is to contribute to a world in which justice and fair trading conditions are at the centre of sustainable and equitable development. Integra Foundation has worked to improve the living standards of cashew farmers in Lamu District in Kenya, where the cashew growing and export industry have been in serious decline over the past 20 years. Through a range of interventions, this project aims to improve the production, sales, exports and eventually the income of 2000 cashew farmers living in the district. These interventions include trainings of farmers in modern growing techniques, fair trade and organic production and financial management. A new technology for the processing of cashew is being introduced in the nut factory in Nairobi in order to increase the processing capacities and fulfil international food quality and safety standards, thus improving the sales potential of Lamu cashew. Through fair trade and organic certification, Kenyan and international markets for Lamu cashew farmers will be opened, while the workers’ rights to a decent pay will be protected. Furthermore, the fair trade social premium will allow farmers and workers to invest in development of their own businesses and communities.

Transferring green and innovative technologies for better life SlovakAid engages with partner countries to help them towards green economic growth by expanding green technologies and innovations. We have worked with the private sector and various civil society groups to promote clean energy and sustainable technologies in Kenya and South Sudan. The long-term objective of these initiatives is to help mitigate climaterelated threats which adversely affect the most vulnerable sectors of society. In cooperation with the AUREX Company, SlovakAid has developed a series of photovoltaic systems, which positively contribute to the climate change mitigation efforts, while making the power supplies available in rural areas of Kenya. Furthermore, the solar electricity produced is being used for the purification and disinfection of water in order to improve the hygienic standards of local population and enhance the overall living conditions in these areas. In addition to such interventions, SlovakAid has supported projects that provide vocational training to improve the sustainability of renewable energy investments in developing countries, by increasing awareness, knowledge and capacity of local stakeholders. In South Sudan, a Slovak organisation eRko - Christian Children Communities Movement has organised trainings in the field of solar technologies, which include modules on design, installation, operation and maintenance of solar systems. Through educational activities in WATSAN technologies as well as through small-scale participatory projects, the organisation is helping local communities to improve the water and sanitation conditions, introduce the sustainable waste management and use of irrigation systems, and to reduce the pollution and environmental degradation.

Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation Drotรกrska cesta 46 811 02 Bratislava Slovak Republic

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