Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Bratislava, January 2013
I. Introduction II. Goals of the ODA SR in 2013 III. Territorial priorities of the Slovak ODA in 2013 IV. Modalities/forms of ODA SR 1. Development cooperation with programme countries 1.1 Afghanistan 1.2 South Sudan 1.3 Kenya 2. Cooperation with project countries in the form of expertise and experience transfer 2.1 Western Balkans 2.2 EU’s Eastern Partnership 2.3 EU’s Southern Neighbourhood 2.4 CETIR 2.5 “Public Finance for Development“ Programme (MF SR) 2.6 EBRD Programme (MF SR) 3. Humanitarian assistance 3.1 Financial humanitarian assistance 3.2 Material humanitarian assistance 4. Public awareness, development education and capacity building 4.1 Public awareness 4.2 Development education 4.3 Capacity building 4.4 UNDP’s Trust Fund (MFEA SR, MF SR) 5. ODA Support Programmes 5.1 Co-financing of ODA projects funded by the European Commission 5.2 Supporting development activities of Slovak business entities 5.3 Financial contributions (micro-grants) 5.4 Sending volunteers 5.5 Response to current development needs of the international community 5.6 Trilateral cooperation 6. Governmental scholarships (MESRS SR) and bilateral assistance of MI SR 6.1 Governmental scholarships 6.2 Bilateral assistance of MI SR 7. Multilateral development cooperation 7.1 Multilateral cooperation with the European Commission 7.2 Multilateral cooperation with UN organisations 7.3 Cooperation with the OECD 7.4 Cooperation with International FinancialIinstitutions Annex No. 1 – Goals and indicators of increasing quality and efficiency of the Slovak ODA in 2013 Annex No. 2 – Action plan of global education for 2013 Annex No. 3 – Indicative budget of the 05T0A Programme (MFEA SR) for 2013 Annex No. 4 – Expenditures for development assistance for 2013–2015 (all departments and other central state administration bodies) Annex No. 5 – List of acronyms
I. Introduction The National Programme of Official Development Assistance of the Slovak Republic for 2013 (NP ODA 2013) is being submitted for approval ten years after the government of the Slovak Republic approved the first NP ODA for 2003. The Slovak development agenda has come a long way in those ten years, becoming an effective instrument and an integral part of the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic (SR). The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic (MFEA SR) has managed to build the institutional, legal and strategic framework of development assistance. However, the current mechanism of providing development assistance continues to require systemic changes, mainly in terms of increasing efficiency and transparency, also supported by measures proposed in this, the 11th NP ODA. The National Programme of ODA SR for 2013 defines territorial and sectoral priorities, Slovak development goals, as well as the forms and modalities to realise these goals. The document also indicates the utilization of financial resources allocated from the state budget and managed by MFEA SR (05T Programme), Ministry of Finance of the SR (chapters on the General Treasury Administration and State Financial Assets), as well as by further departments and other central state administration bodies (especially the 097 Programme). The official development assistance of the SR for 2013 amounts to approximately EUR 60.9 million, including contributions of the SR to the budget of the EU and international organisations. In 2013, the Slovak Republic will try to maintain the ODA share of its Gross National Income (GNI) at 0.091%, the level achieved in 2011, which, however, will make the country once again lag behind in fulfilling the international commitments adopted by the EU (to achieve ODA/GNI share of 0.17% in 2010 and ODA/GNI of 0.33% in 2015).1 NP ODA 2013 is based on the medium-term strategy of the ODA SR for 2009–2013,2 and is in line with Act No. 617/2007 Coll. on Official Development Assistance and the Supplement to Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on the Organisation of Activities of the Government and Central State Administration, as amended.
II. Goals of the ODA SR in 2013 The Slovak Official Development Assistance (ODA) should be perceived as a contribution of the Slovak Republic to a more prosperous, stable and safer world, as well as an act of solidarity with the less developed countries. The Slovak Republic will place emphasis in its development policy on promoting the principles, rules and values that lead to strengthening the inclusive development of partner countries, achieving their sustainable growth, creating democratic and functioning institutions, and building capacities in partner countries. MFEA SR will realise development of cooperation that reflects the values of Slovak society and common EU values. The goal of the MFEA SR is to constantly increase the quality of the provided development assistance, its efficiency, effectiveness and transparency. A necessary condition for fulfilling the above mentioned goal is strengthening the capacities of the national development cooperation system. In this regard, MFEA SR will apply the recommendations made in the evaluation report by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (DAC/OECD),3 and the principles of effectiveness of development cooperation, as defined in the Paris Declaration, the Accra Agenda for Action, and the outcome document from Busan. 1 According to the ODA data for 2011, no new EU Member State, except for Malta, currently fulfils the mentioned international development commitments. Source: Council of the EU Document No. 049/12 DEVGEN of 10.04.2012. 2 The Medium-term Strategy of the Official Development Assistance of the SR for 2009–2013 was approved on 04.03.2009 by the resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 170/2009. 3 The OECD evaluation mission was carried out in November–December 2010. The results of the evaluation report (referred to as the DAC Special Peer Review) were presented at a conference in Bratislava in October 2012 –
In 2013, SR will increase the quality and effectiveness of development cooperation, and will focus on the following goals: • • • • • • •
Setting a comprehensive approach to development assistance with the Slovak ODA Programme countries; Improving the mechanism of selecting projects and awarding grants; Strengthening the monitoring and evaluation system of Slovak ODA ; Supporting the participation of Slovak business entities in development cooperation projects, based on the concept approved by MFEA SR, and in cooperation with MF SR as part of international financial institutions; Supporting the participation of Slovak entities in public calls for proposals by EU and international financial institutions; Systematically working with professionals and the general public, in order to achieve a better understanding of Slovak development activities and national solidarity; Building and launching an information system, which will enable better ODA recording and statistical reporting, as well as strengthening ODA SR transparency.
The stated goals, supplemented with activities and indicators, have been elaborated in Annex No. 1. In this eleventh year of the Slovak ODA, the MFEA SR faces the task of developing a Mediumterm Strategy for 2014–2018, including the final evaluation of the current strategy (2009–2013). In 2013, MFEA SR will also develop an amendment to Act No. 617/2007 Coll. on Official Development Assistance and on Supplement to Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on the Organisation of Activities of the Government and Central State Administration, as amended.
III. Territorial and sectoral priorities of the Slovak ODA in 2013 Territorial priorities: 1. 2.
As part of the programme approach: Afghanistan, South Sudan, Kenya; By experience sharing (technical assistance): Western Balkans (primarily Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia), countries of the EU’s Eastern Partnership (primarily Ukraine, Moldavia, Belarus and Georgia) and countries of the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood (with a focus on Tunisia).
Sectoral priorities: The sectoral priorities of the Slovak ODA are based on the Medium-term Strategy of ODA SR for 2009–2013 (building democratic institutions and a market environment, building infrastructure, including social, landscaping, environmental protection, agriculture, food safety, and use of raw materials). Considering the long-term profiling of the SR in the area of security sector reform, projects with such a focus will also be supported. In the National Programme of ODA for 2013, sectoral priorities have been set separately for programme countries (more details in Chapter IV Part 1) and project countries (more details in Chapter IV Part 2). In the case of programme countries (Afghanistan, South Sudan, Kenya), sectoral priorities will be gradually specified, depending on drafting of the Framework Programmes of the Slovak ODA (Country Strategy Paper – CSP). Support will also be provided to projects and activities reflecting crosscutting issues – environmental protection, combating climatic change, gender equality, good governance, and coherence between migration and development policy.
IV. Modalities/forms of the ODA SR 1. Development cooperation with programme countries Development cooperation with programme countries is a key component of the NP ODA 2013. It is based on a comprehensive and strategic approach to project implementation, and will enable a gradual shift from project to programme cooperation, as was recommended to the SR in the evaluation report of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD (DAC).4 The programme approach leads to a better reflection of the needs of assistance beneficiaries, strengthens sustainable growth and synergy among individual project activities, thus increasing the effectiveness of the Slovak ODA. Based on the Medium-term Strategy of the ODA SR for 2009–2013, Afghanistan and Kenya have been identified as programme countries, and as a result of activities realized in 2011 and 2012, also South Sudan. In all three countries, MFEA SR – in cooperation with the governments of these countries, NGO platforms, and other partners in the SR – has been preparing framework programmes of cooperation (Country Strategy Paper – CSP). The framework programmes will be developed in the course of 2013, and will enable the detailed defining of sectors, locations/regions, as well as forms of cooperation with the given countries. Broader sectoral priorities of the Slovak ODA have been set for Afghanistan, Kenya and Southern Sudan, for the implementation of the National Programme in 2013: - - - -
Improving of healthcare, including approach to healthcare for disadvantaged communities; Increasing the quality of education at all levels (with special focus on primary and vocational education) emphasising employment opportunities for young people; Supporting socio-economic development in rural areas, including support for agricultural production and environmental protection; Strengthening good governance skills, as a contribution to security sector reform.
1.1 Afghanistan Development of cooperation with Afghanistan in 2013 is based on political and economic commitments, on the long-term involvement of Slovak entities in cooperation with this country, as well as on the international position of the SR. This cooperation is based on the Afghan National Development Strategy, as well as on the outcomes of the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan of July 2012. MFEA SR will support projects and activities that benefit from the professional capacities and experience of Slovak entities. The current approach is also based on the results of the external evaluation of Slovak projects, developed by the UNDP Regional Centre in Bratislava in April 2011. However, a precondition, for the realisation of standard development cooperation, is improved security situation in the country and fulfilment of the Afghan government’s commitments concerning transparency, and respect for human rights, principles of democracy and the rule of law. The Slovak ODA in 2013 will focus mainly on improving healthcare, quality of education on all levels, supporting socio-economic development, and building capacities in the area of security sector reform. In the National Programme of ODA SR 2013, the Bilateral ODA for Afghanistan has been allocated EUR 600,000. 1.2 South Sudan South Sudan was included among programme countries of the Slovak ODA in 2011, based on the appeal of the international community, as well as previous successful work of Slovak entities performing development activities in South Sudan since 2005. These Slovak activities in a low-income country are highly appreciated by the local population, and contribute to the good reputation of the 4 According to the DAC Special Peer Review (p. 32), Slovakia should reform its mechanism of providing ODA, and move from individual small projects to programme modalities, harmonized with strategic documents.
Slovak Republic in the international community. SR actively participates in joint EU programming for South Sudan in the healthcare sector. Development cooperation of the SR with South Sudan in 2013 will focus mainly on improving healthcare standards, increasing the quality of education on all levels, and supporting socio-economic development. In the National Programme of ODA SR 2013, the Bilateral ODA SR for South Sudan has been allocated EUR 800,000. 1.3 Kenya Kenya has been a part of the territorial priorities of the Slovak ODA since 2003. In this country, it is therefore possible to build on a strong tradition of mutual relationships and on-going activities of Slovak entities. Non-governmental organisations are well established in the country, as well as Slovak research and education institutions, specifically in the field of healthcare and education. A useful basis for this development cooperation is the agreement approved by the Government of the SR in November 2011. Links between SR and Kenya have a great potential for involving Slovak entities in development activities, as well as for supporting business activities that have a positive impact on the socio-economic situation in the country. The Slovak Development Cooperation Forum in Nairobi in November 2012 established a base for developing a framework programme of the Slovak ODA in Kenya, enabling a more strategic and comprehensive approach to cooperation with this country. The development cooperation between SR and Kenya in 2013 will focus mainly on improving healthcare standards, increasing the quality of all education levels, supporting socio-economic development, including support of agricultural production, environmental protection and the use of economically significant raw materials. In the National Programme of ODA SR 2013, the Bilateral ODA SR for Kenya has been allocated EUR 1,200,000.
2. Cooperation with project countries in the form of expertise and experience transfer Development cooperation with project countries in 2013 will be territorially focused on three regions: • Western Balkans (primarily Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia); • Countries of the EU’s Eastern Partnership (primarily Belarus, Georgia, Moldavia and Ukraine); • Countries of EU’s Southern Neighbourhood (with a focus on Tunisia); Cooperation will take mainly the form of technical/expert assistance, i.e. by sharing expertise and experience, and transferring specific know-how. The stated form of cooperation benefits from the transitive experience gained by the SR during its transformation and integration process. Slovakia thus makes use its comparative advantage by the donor community, increasing its credibility and quality of cooperation with partner countries. The successful work of Slovak specialists and professionals on technical assistance projects opens the door to long-term cooperation of Slovak entities in the region. In 2013, MFEA SR, in cooperation with other institutions and organisations, will apply tested forms of expert assistance (e.g. the national convention on the EU in partner countries, public finance management, expert study tours to Slovakia, etc.). MFEA SR is also interested in expanding cooperation, and using the expertise and experience of new partners of the Slovak ODA, e.g. the Association of Towns and Townships (ATT). The results of successful bilateral projects can be followed up by regional projects, through which the SR supports several partner countries simultaneously. In order to increase the effectiveness of Slovak development activities in project countries, it is important to use their synergy with EC instruments for the stated countries (mainly IPA and ENPI).
2.1 Western Balkans Countries of the Western Balkans are natural beneficiaries of the Slovak ODA. Slovakia has won the respect of local authorities, as well as of the international community with its long-term work in this region. Considering the political, social and economic shift of countries in the Western Balkans, forms of development cooperation of the SR with this region have gradually changed as well. The key areas of expert assistance for the Western Balkans will be: •
• •
Transferring Slovak experience from the transformation process, leading to intensified reforms (in the economy, building of a market environment, management of public finance, legislation, security, education, social system, public administration reforms, selfgovernment, public policy development); Supporting civil society, mainly strengthening dialogue between the government and civil society, supporting intersectoral cooperation, strengthening capacities of civil society; Building institutions and capacities to cooperate with the EU, enlargement policy, approximation of EU norms and standards by individual sectoral policies, and supporting Euro-Atlantic integration;
The amount of EUR 500,000 has been allocated for expert assistance projects to countries of the Western Balkans (primarily Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia) in the National Programme of ODA SR 2013. 2.2. EU’s Eastern Partnership Expertise and experience sharing with countries of the EU’s Eastern Partnership builds on the previous positive results of the SR in this area. More room has been made mainly for expert cooperation projects with Moldavia, where MFEA SR plans to open an Embassy in 2013. An impulse for a more intensive cooperation with Moldavia should also be given by the involvement of the SR in the common programming of EU development cooperation (if approved at the EU level) and in the Task Force Moldova for dealing with migration issues. The areas of expert assistance for countries of the Eastern Partnership are identical with the areas stated in part 2.1 (Western Balkans). EUR 500,000 has been allocated for expert assistance projects for Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in the National Programme of ODA SR 2013. 2.3 EU’s Southern Neighbourhood Tunisia has been a new partner of the SR, in terms of providing expert assistance since 2011. Slovak entities have realised several successful projects as part of the ODA. At the same time, the SR, together with the Netherlands, chairs the Task Force as part of the Community of Democracies “Task Force Tunisia”. The main goal of the two-year initiative is to help the country in the transitional period, and to contribute to turning Tunisia into a success story of democratic change in the region of North Africa. The second year of Slovakia´s involvement in this initiative will focus mainly on the transfer of Slovak experience to Tunisian partners, when it comes to political and economic transformation, including security sector reform and strengthening of the role of civil society (capacity building and institutional basis for the creation of local non-governmental organisations). In the National Programme of ODA SR 2013, the amount of EUR 300,000 has been allocated for expert assistance projects to these countries. 2.4 CETIR CETIR is a separate programme aimed at transferring Slovak transformation and integration experience to partner countries. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is managed and implemented directly by MFEA SR (specifically the CETIR Management Council through a ‘contact point’ as part of the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation). When selecting specific activities,
a key role is played by embassies of the SR in the partner countries. The success of activities depends on the cooperation between departments and other central state administration bodies. The programme takes mainly the form of visits by state administration representatives of partner countries to Slovakia, and reciprocal visits of Slovak experts. In the National Programme of ODA SR 2013, the amount of EUR 200,000 has been allocated for the CETIR Programme. 2.5 The “Public Finance for Development” Programme (MF SR) The “Public Finance for Development” Programme: Strengthening of capacities in the area of public finance in countries of the Western Balkans and the Commonwealth of Independent States” has been realised by MF SR jointly with the UNDP Regional Centre in Bratislava since 2009. The goal of the programme is to strengthen and improve national capacities in the area of public finance in the partner countries (Moldova, Montenegro, Ukraine and Serbia), since its proper management is crucial for combating corruption, reducing poverty and ensuring the effective use of public resources. The Programme supports sharing of Slovak experience with transformation of public finance management. The Programme realisation is planned until 2014. Activities of the Programme in 2013 are based on the negotiations with individual partners and on jointly approved work plans. 2.6 The EBRD Programme (MF SR) MF SR has been realising the Technical Cooperation Fund between SR and EBRD (hereinafter referred to as the “fund”) since July 2009. It is a regulated fund aimed at funding technical cooperation of Slovak entities helping transforming countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (beneficiary countries), and countries of South and Eastern Mediterranean (potential beneficiary countries), transiting to a market economy, while emphasising support of the private sector. Its priority is to ensure that cooperation between EBRD and Slovak business entities is fully developed in the developing countries, in order that Slovak entities can engage in development cooperation and implement projects funded by EBRD by utilising their experience and know-how. The know-how gained this way creates room for involving more Slovak entities into the implementation of large infrastructural projects of EBRD. MF SR plans to support the fund again in 2013, specifically with an amount of approximately EUR 2 million.
3. Humanitarian assistance Humanitarian assistance is an integral part of the ODA, though governed by certain specific features, depending on the need to respond to the current requirements of countries affected by humanitarian crises. This is realised in accordance with the needs of the international community, and its goal is to mitigate negative impacts of humanitarian crises caused by natural disasters, civil wars, social conflicts, etc. The basis for providing humanitarian assistance is the Mechanism for Providing Humanitarian Assistance.5 The mechanism also stipulates that material humanitarian assistance can be realised only based on the conclusions of the coordination council, with the participation of MFEA SR and the Ministry of Interior SR (MI SR) (or other involved departments and organisations), and based on the approval of both ministers. When deciding about providing humanitarian assistance, emphasis is placed on its effectiveness and transparency. The key is the coordination with other donors, mainly by the EU, effectively reducing the costs of humanitarian material transport. Humanitarian assistance can take both the financial form (with MFEA SR being responsible) and the material form (with MI SR being responsible).
5 The mechanism for providing humanitarian assistance by the Slovak Republic abroad was approved on 12.04.2006 by the Resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 310/2006.
3.1 Financial humanitarian assistance For support of financial humanitarian assistance in the National Programme of ODA SR for 2013, the sum of EUR 250,000 has been allocated. MFEA SR will provide this through:
1. Direct financial contributions to the affected countries; 2. Financial contributions to international organisations and multilateral funds; 3. Financial contributions to Slovak entities working in the crisis areas;
3.2 Material humanitarian assistance In 2013, material humanitarian assistance will be provided by MI SR, or other ministries, in form of relevant humanitarian material. Providing material humanitarian assistance depends on sufficient humanitarian supplies that should be supplemented with regards to the used resources, when providing humanitarian assistance. The amount of EUR 49,500 has been planned for material humanitarian assistance in the budget of MI SR, as part of the National Programme of ODA SR for 2013.
4. Public awareness, development education and capacity building A common denominator of activities in the area of public awareness, development education and capacity building, is that these activities are not realised in the developing countries, but rather in Slovakia. However, they are an integral part of development cooperation, and they significantly contribute to its more effective, meaningful and transparent implementation. In all three areas, MFEA SR will use, as much as possible, any opportunity to cooperate and secure co-financing through the EC, multilateral or bilateral donors. 4.1 Public awareness In 2013, MFEA SR will continue to realise projects aimed at increasing the awareness and engagement of Slovak general and professional public, media and other relevant players, concerning the importance and meaning of development cooperation provision. The goal of such activities will be to approach selected target groups, to form their opinions, and to provide information about the Slovak ODA, with regards to the effective use of resources from the state budget. Activities through print and electronic media, internet, thematic events, etc. will be based on the Communication Strategy of ODA SR.6 An important partner of MFEA SR in this area remains the Platform of Non-Governmental Organisations. Communication with the public will also emphasise the tenth anniversary of the Slovak ODA mechanism. The amount of EUR 50,000 has been allocated in the National Programme of ODA SR 2013 for public awareness projects. 4.2 Development education In 2013, the segment of development education in the SR will follow the National Strategy on Global Education for 2012–2016.7 Thanks to the adoption of the National Strategy, development education (an important part of global education) is gradually being incorporated into school plans and curricula at individual levels in Slovak schools.
6 Communication Strategy of ODA SR approved at the meeting of MFEA SR leadership in 2009. 7 The National Strategy on Global Education for 2012–2016 and the Action Plan for Fulfilling Tasks resulting from the National Strategy on Global Education for 2012 was approved by Resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 20 from 18th of January 2012 (Document No. 43312/2011).
The realisation of development education projects, supported through calls for proposals of MFEA SR/ SAMRS, will also continue. Projects will focus mainly on: • Incorporating issues of development education into the state and school curricula (not only for primary and secondary schools, but on all levels of education); At this stage, the activities will focus mainly on the development of methodological themes, source textbooks, and teaching aids for individual subject areas; • Incorporating development education into study programmes of universities, in the form of internal capacity building, exchange study programmes for academic staff, creating study programmes and plans, as well as study materials. Similarly as in the area of public awareness, the key partner of MFEA SK, when it comes to development education, is the Platform of Non-Governmental Organisations and MESRS SR. The amount of EUR 100,000 has been allocated in the National Programme for 2013 for development education projects. 4.3 Capacity building Professional capacity building at all levels of development cooperation management and implementation will continue to be an integral part of strengthening the Slovak ODA system. The current state of human resources in this area is identified in the OECD evaluation report,8 as one of the crucial points of the Slovak ODA system. Support for the implementation and coordination capacities of Slovak non-governmental organisations and business entities will also be important. In the case of the nongovernmental sector, MFEA SR will follow up on the Memorandum of Understanding signed in May 2010 by the Platform of Non-Governmental Development Organisations (NGDO Platform). MFEA SR and the NGDO Platform have a several-year history of mutually beneficial cooperation, which is important from the aspect of coordinating joint steps. Following up on the successful cooperation in the previous period, the common goal of MFEA SR and NGDO Platform in 2013 will again be the improved implementational and professional capacity, as well as increased effectiveness of the ODA SR system. In order to strengthen the implementation capacities of the business sector, MFEA SR will offer support for the establishment of the Platform of Slovak companies active in the developing countries. MFEA SR will continue to closely cooperate with MF SR on the testing and launching of an information system aimed at recording and reporting on the provided development cooperation of the SR. The system of links to the managerial-information system of the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) will enable the acquisition of comprehensive and consistent information concerning the official development cooperation provided by the SR, as well as other official and private sources of assistance. It will also ensure statistical reporting of the provided ODA, in accordance with the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) guidelines, and will create a basis for a future increase in development assistance transparency in the SR, in line with the recommendations of the Programme for Changes of the EU.9 Activities connected with the creation of the information system, and statistical reporting, will not be funded from this budget item (the Slovak ODA capacity building). The amount of EUR 80,000 has been allocated in the National Programme ODA 2013 for the Slovak ODA capacity building.
8 According to DAC Special Peer Review recommendation (p. 32), the SR must create and maintain at MFEA SR a system of career growth in the area of ODA, employ good professional development workers at MFEA SR, as well as in the agency, deal with the issue of frequent rotation, ensure regular training programme for employees of MFEA SR in the development area, and create a set of motivational instruments for these employees. 9 15560/11 (COM(2011) 637 final version) and doc. 9316/12: Council Outcomes of 14.05.2012 – Increasing the impact of the EU development policy: Programme of Changes.
4.4 UNDP’s Trust Fund (MFEA SR, MF SR) MFEA SR has been cooperating with the UNDP Regional Centre in Bratislava since 1997. The SlovakUNDP Trust Fund was created as part of this Centre in 2003, and since 2008 it has been serving to strengthen the capacities of the SR, while increasing Slovak public awareness about development cooperation, and supporting greater involvement of Slovak experts in the UNDP programmes and activities. In 2013, the fund will be primarily used to improve the project cycle, to strengthen the process of project selection, monitoring and evaluation. The Fund will also finance stabilisation and human capacity building of the Slovak ODA (by participating in education programmes and trainings), activities focusing on public awareness raising, as well as projects with UNDP, aimed at transferring transformation experience of the SR. The amount of EUR 200,000 has been allocated in the National Programme of ODA SR 2013 for activities within the Trust Fund.
5. ODA Support Programmes As part of the National Programme of ODA SR for 2013, several activities will be funded that have proven to be successful in previous years, and that have significantly supported the goals of Slovak development cooperation. Examples are the trilateral cooperation, co-funding of projects of Slovak entities that would succeed in the development grant schemes of EC, financial grants for embassies of the SR (micro-grants), and sending of volunteers to the developing countries. New activities aimed at involving Slovak businesspersons in development cooperation are also included in the NP ODA 2013. 5.1 Co-financing of ODA projects funded by the European Commission The Slovak development contribution to the EU budget is the largest part of the ODA SR. In 2011, it amounted to approximately EUR 37.8 million, representing 61% of the total ODA SR. Since 2011, the SR has also been contributing to the European Development Fund (EDF), and by December 2012 it provided EUR 10.584 million to the 10th EDF (2008–2013), including EUR 5.124 million in 2011 and EUR 5.460 million in 2012. Slovak entities participate in the realisation of activities funded by the European Development Fund only minimally. In order to change this negative situation, it is necessary to strengthen the systemic support of Slovak non-governmental entities by co-funding of projects, as well as by providing information and offering recommendations. This will thus increase the Slovak capacity to implement EU development projects, and Slovak development assistance will become linked with EC activities. In 2012, two projects of Slovak entities were supported in this way. We expect increased interest and success rate of Slovak entities in this area in 2013. The amount of EUR 100,000 has been allocated in the National Programme of ODA SR 2013 for the co-financing of development projects that receive funds from the EC (primarily from EDF and EIDHR and DCI instruments). 5.2 Supporting the development activities of Slovak business entities One of the main goals of MFEA SR in 2013 in the area of ODA is to intensify the involvement of the business sector and institutions representing businesspersons in the Slovak development cooperation. The starting point is the Concept of Involving Business Entities in Development Cooperation of the SR,10 approved by MFEA SR on 04.10.2012, which defines new approaches, forms and steps of selecting projects and measures, in order to increase the awareness of the business community. In terms of new forms, MFEA SR will open a grant scheme in 2013 for starting business partnerships in the developing countries (the so-called Start Ups) that will support the identification and search for partnership entities in the developing countries, developing case studies, business plans, market 10$File/ Koncepcia%20ODA%20a%20podnikatelia.pdf
and marketing analyses, training of the local workforce, etc. A new form of project co-financing will also be pilot-tested, submitted by Slovak companies based on specific tasks. MFEA SR/embassies will prepare project outlines based on consultations with the government of the developing country, and will look for a Slovak supplier through a call for tender. Unlike the current modality, it will be possible to choose the most effective offer for a specific activity, based on the needs of the developing country. MFEA SR also plans to increase information awareness of business entities concerning opportunities to apply for funds from the Slovak ODA. The intensified involvement of embassies, utilising independent experts to assess the professional aspect of projects, and consultation support for selected projects with traditional donors, should contribute to improved selection of development projects submitted by business entities. In the area of supporting development activities, the experience of MF SR with involving Slovak business entities in projects of international financial institutions (EBRD, World Bank, etc.) will be utilised. The amount of EUR 650,000 has been allocated in the NP ODA 2013 for starting partnerships in developing countries (the so-called Start Ups) and for projects, developed and based on a specific task. 5.3 Financial contributions (micro-grants) Financial contributions (micro-grants)11 represent an operative and effective form of development cooperation of the SR, enabling Slovak embassies to respond to the problems and needs of a partner country in a quick and targeted way. A side effect of financial contributions is the increased visibility of Slovakia in the developing world. In 2013, embassies of the SR will again be able to submit funding proposals for micro-grants of up to EUR 5,000. Proposals will always be evaluated at the end of the month, until 30.06.2013. In case of a financial surplus in the budget item of micro-grants, applications for grants will also be evaluated also on 15.09.2013. Emphasis will be placed on the development aspect, and sustainability of project results. Preference will be given to projects involving programme and project countries defined in this National Programme. The amount of EUR 300,000 has been allocated in the National Programme of ODA SR 2013 for micro-grants. 5.4 Sending volunteers In 2012, MFEA SR launched a pilot programme of sending volunteers as part of ODA. In the pilot stage, 16 volunteers were sent as part of the programme, even though the interest of Slovak entities was significantly higher. The main goal of sending volunteers to developing countries is to build capacities of Slovak volunteers, mainly young people, to obtain direct experience from developing countries. This programme should also contribute to the short-term involvement of professionals in activities in the developing countries, in the form of volunteer work. In 2013, MFEA SR plans to evaluate the pilot phase in order to increase the effectiveness of the programme. The amount of EUR 120,000 has been allocated in the National Programme ODA SR 2013 for volunteers. 5.5 Response to the current development needs of the international community Activities of the Slovak ODA are to a certain degree a direct instrument of foreign policy. MFEA SR must operatively respond to current challenges and needs of the international community, which are not always identical with the territorial and sectoral priorities of the Slovak ODA. For instance, in 2012, financial assistance for Burma/Myanmar was funded from this item. The amount of EUR 40,000 has been allocated in the National Programme of ODA SR 2013 for current international challenges. 11  Governed by the Directive of MFEA SR No. 68/2011 of 30.06.2011 (Rules for the provision of financial contributions, as part of the official development assistance for Embassies of the SR).
5.6 Trilateral cooperation Trilateral cooperation has always been an effective instrument used by the Slovak ODA. Common activities realised in the past with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), are an example, showing that if comparative advantages of donors supplement each other, they can lead to the desired effect in the developing country. The Slovak ODA will build on this positive experience also after 2013, and will look for ways of implementing joint projects with Germany, Israel, the Netherlands and the USA, i.e. with countries that have expressed the willingness and interest to cooperate with the SR in chosen activities. The basic pre-requisite is that the trilateral cooperation does not unnecessarily burden the entities implementing the assistance, that the contribution of the Slovak ODA is sufficiently visible, and that activities are in accordance with the foreign-political priorities of the SR. Projects of trilateral cooperation can be funded from the items 1.1.–1.3. (programme countries), 2.1.–2.4. (transfer of experience), and 4.1.–4.3. (public awareness, development education and capacity building of the ODA).
6. Governmental scholarships (MESRS SR) and bilateral assistance of MI SR 6.1 Governmental scholarships The programme of providing governmental scholarships to students from developing countries has been a traditional form of the Slovak ODA. Governmental scholarships support education as a significant global element in combating the socio-economic lagging behind of the developing countries. It is based on the assumption that Slovak university graduates will return to the countries they come from. The programme of awarding governmental scholarships is guaranteed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR (MESRS SR), in cooperation with MFEA SR. Preference is given to scholarships for countries listed in the programme, or project priorities of the Slovak ODA. In 2013, governmental scholarships will be awarded to 48 new applicants from the developing countries, and to 178 students from the developing countries who are currently already studying at public universities in the SR. This programme also includes government scholarships for Slovaks living abroad, who will be provided 70 new scholarships and 274 scholarships for students already studying in senior years of public universities in the SR. Considering the long-term problem of increased costs of living in the SR, which are not reflected in the valorisation of scholarships, the involved departments will look for an optimal solution to the current situation. The amount of EUR 1,976,366 has been allocated for governmental scholarships in the National Programme of ODA SR 2013. 6.2 Bilateral assistance of MI SR An important provider of bilateral development assistance is MI SR. In 2013, as part of the 05T Programme, it will ensure the provision of material humanitarian assistance in the amount of EUR 49,500 (more details in Chapter IV, Part 3.2). As part of further programmes of the MI SR budget, assistance to refugees will be provided in the amount of EUR 1.2 million and the SR will participate in international missions of EULEX (Kosovo), EUBAM (Ukraine and Moldavia), EUMM (Georgia), EUPOL (Afghanistan), and OBSE Kyrgyzstan, with the planned budget of EUR 497,077. 7. Multilateral development cooperation The SR also participates in development activities of the international community through the EU and international organisations. In 2013, assistance in the form of multilateral contributions will make up 75% of the total Slovak ODA. Through the budget, the multilateral assistance involves (programme 097, Chapter General Treasury Administration, State Financial Assets and Other Budget Programmes) 10 departments (MFEA SR, MI SR, MF SR, MEN SR, MESRS SR, MH SR, MLSAF SR, MEC SR, MARD SR, MTCRD SR) and three other central state administration bodies (NRA SR, IPO SR,
4. 11. 8. 5.
7. 10.
3. 2.
Programme Countries: 1. Afghanistan 2. Kenya 3. South Sudan
Project Countries: 4. Belarus 5. Montenegro 6. Georgia 7. Macedonia 1.
8. Moldova 9. Serbia 10. Tunisia 11. Ukraine
SOSMT) that provide contributions to more than 50 international organisations. A detailed description of planned multilateral contributions is given in Annex No. 4. The goal of the Slovak ODA is to actively participate in the decision-making process of the multilateral organisations, to which the SR contributes, and thus reflect Slovak attitudes, values and foreignpolitical and development priorities in specific activities of these international organisations. 7.1 Multilateral cooperation with the European Commission The EU remains the largest collective donor in the global context (it provides more than 50% of the world’s ODA). The Slovak development contribution to the EU should preliminarily reach EUR 33 million in 2013. The SR also contributes to EDF, representing the main instrument of the EU for development cooperation with countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. EDF lies outside of the EU budget and in the current 10th EDF (2008–2013), EUR 22.682 billion is available. The contribution of the SR into the 10th EDF represents 0.21% of the total amount, and this should amount to EUR 7,035 million in 2013. Slovakia has been participating in forming and implementing the EU development policy since 2004, and has been trying to achieve its geographical balance, placing emphasis on the respect for human rights, principles of democracy and the rule of law, as well as on the effectiveness and transparency of the EU development cooperation. The SR considers the common programming of EU assistance to be an important modality. The goal of this new approach is to divide the work and focus of donors in the developing countries within the priority sectors, and prevent the fragmenting and duplicating of activities. Since 2012, MFEA SR has been involved in the common EU programming in South Sudan, and in 2013, the participation of the SR in common programming in other developing countries is expected as well. In 2013, the SR will also make efforts to continuously and systemically support greater involvement of Slovak entities in the developmental cooperation funded from EU resources. Apart from the cofinancing of EC projects, implemented by the Slovak entities (more details in Part 5.1), it will provide information and practical recommendations to applicants for EU project participation. 7.2 Multilateral cooperation with UN organisations The SR has been contributing to organisations in the UN system, in the form of compulsory and voluntary contributions through several departments and other central state administration bodies. The highest contributions in 2013 will go to the following organisations: - -
- -
Through MH SR to the World Health Organisation (WHO), with the SR priority being to support health improvement, strengthen health systems, prevent non-infectious diseases, reduce the burden of infectious diseases, and create reliable medical data; Through MLSAF SR to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), with the SR priority being to support the promotion and application of basic principles and rights at work, creating greater opportunities for women and men to ensure work dignity, as well as increase social protection and further activities; Through the NRA SR to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), with the SR cooperating in the area of the peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy and realisation of the Technical Cooperation Programme; Through MFEA SR to the UN Organisation for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), with the SR supporting the international cooperation in the field of culture, education, social and natural sciences, environment, information, communication and informatics, in order to contribute to strengthening of peace around the world; Through MARD SR to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), with the SR participating in improving food standards, increasing the productivity of agriculture, and improving the life of rural populations.
Apart from providing grants, it is the goal of the SR to actively support the activities of selected organisations, in line with the foreign-political priorities of the SR. Among the UN organisations, the key partner for the SR in the area of development cooperation is the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), mainly its Regional Centre for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (RC UNDP). With its seat in Bratislava, and focus on the priority countries of the Slovak ODA, the Regional Centre is a natural partner, mainly in terms of providing assistance in the form of experience transfer. In 2013, we will continue cooperating with the Slovak-UNDP Trust Fund, administered by the UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre (more details in Part 4.4). 7.3 Cooperation with the OECD Cooperation between the SR and the OECD, in the area of development cooperation, will focus on active participation in the activities of relevant working bodies, while considering the fact that the OECD is a unique source of proven experience and expertise of advanced donors, useful for forming and managing the national development cooperation policy. In connection with the OECD recommendations, resulting from the evaluation of the development cooperation system of the SR (DAC Special Peer Review), MFEA SR will continue to implement these recommendations, aimed at increased quality, effectiveness and transparency of ODA, and in line with the long-term ambition of the SR, to gain full-fledged membership in the Development Assistance Committee. 7.4 Cooperation with International Financial Institutions In 2013, the SR will pay the second instalment of EUR 820,000, as part of the activities of the World Bank group and the country’s participation at the 16th replenishment of IDA resources (International Development Association12). This is the last continuous replenishment of IDA resources prior to 2015, which is thus important for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. In 2013, the SR will also participate in funding of the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) as part of IDA, and will pay the corresponding fifth instalment of EUR 70,000. Through the financial support framework aimed at low-income countries, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) provides financial support to low-income countries under advantageous conditions. We expect that in 2013, the SR will contribute to this financial framework, according to its share of the remaining revenues from the sale of a part of IMF gold supplies, and this contribution will be reported as the official development assistance of the SR for 2013. In 2013, MF SR will also actively participate in the activities and functioning of the Western Balkans Investment Framework, which is a joint initiative of the European Commission, EBRD, European Investment Bank and Development Bank of the Council of Europe, including its involvement in the Joint European Fund for countries of the Western Balkans. In 2013, the SR will continue to provide guarantees for the benefit of the European Investment Bank (EIB) according to the Guarantee Agreement between EIB and its Member States, concerning loans provided by EIB for investment projects in the countries of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific, in overseas countries and territories, and the Agreement on Back-Payment Administration. Based on the Guarantee Agreement, the SR will provide financial coverage for the benefit of EIB, amounting to EUR 401,908 in 2013.
Goals of increasing the quality and effectiveness of the Slovak ODA in 2013
Activities for achieving the goal
Indicators/Indicative numbers
Setting a comprehensive approach to development cooperation with programme countries of the Slovak ODA
Developing Country Strategy Papers (CSP)
Number of developed CSPs (3)
Strengthening of contractual and legal base
Number of concluded agreements on development cooperation with partner countries (2)
Improving the mechanism for selecting projects and awarding of grants
Involvement of external experts in the evaluation of project proposals
Number of involved external experts (5)
Participation of other donors in the evaluation of project proposals
Number of involved other donors (3)
Intensive involvement of embassies of the SR in the evaluation of project proposals
Developing structures instructions for embassies of the SR
Modification of schedules of the approval process
Changing of the Statute of the project commission, amending Decree of MFA SR No. 135/2011
Realisation of monitoring trips and external evaluations of selected projects
Number of realised external evaluations (2)
Connecting the results of monitoring trips and evaluations with strategic planning
Integrating results into the preparation of NP ODA 2014 and Medium-term Strategy of ODA 2014–2018
Implementing the Concept of Involving Business Entities in Development Cooperation of the SR
Realisation of grant provisions for “start-up” activities
Strengthening of monitoring and evaluation of projects of the Slovak ODA, including internal monitoring
Supporting participation of Slovak business entities in development cooperation projects, based on the concept approved by the MFEA SR leadership and in cooperation with MF SR, as part of international financial institutions
Number of realised monitoring trips by embassies of the SR, SAIDC and DDHA (5)
Realisation of grant provisions, based on a specific task Number of events for increasing information awareness of businesspersons (4)
Activities for achieving the goal
Indicators/Indicative numbers
More effective involvement of Slovak entities in EU public tenders
Systemic support of Slovak entities by project co-financing
Number of Slovak entities successful in EU public tenders (5)
Increasing information awareness of Slovak entities about EU public tenders
Number of events focused on increasing information awareness of Slovak entities (2)
Systematically working with professionals and the general public in order to achieve a better understanding of Slovak development activities and greater national solidarity
Improving the website of SAIDC and MFEA SR
Number of visits to the website (5,000)
Implementation of the ODA SR Communication Strategy
Number of events for general public (4)
Building and launching of an information system enabling improved ODA recording and statistical reporting, as well as strengthening of ODA SR transparency
Pilot testing of RIS.DEV platform and its actual launching
Number of entities involved in the system (5)
Building of SAIDC managerialinformation system, and its linking to the RIS.DEV information system
Functioning SAIDC managerialinformation system and its linking to the RIS.DEV
Publishing maximum amount of information, concerning provided and planned development assistance of the SR on SAIDC and MFEA SR websites
Circulation of published information
Action plan of global education for 2013
Goal 1: Incorporate the goals, principles and issues of global education (GE) into the state education curricula. Tasks: 1. Maintain continuity in ensuring information awareness of schools and school facilities about current opportunities for helping fulfil the National Strategy for GE, and in emphasising this topic within School Organisation Instructions for the relevant academic year. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR / National Institute for Education (NIE) 2. Professionally evaluate and subsequently publish on the NIE website the available verified methodological procedures and methodological publications, reflecting the themes of global education for use in education at schools. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR / NIE, in cooperation with the Platform of Non-Governmental Development Organisations (PNGDO) 3. Publish and update database of schools that participated in various trainings – accredited as well as unaccredited in the area of global education. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR / NIE, in cooperation with PNGDO 4. Provide information about financial and further opportunities for supporting global education application in schools, to the education community – grants, calls for tender, activities and offers of courses by non-governmental organisations (NGO). Responsible for the task: MESRS SR / NIE, in cooperation with PNGDO 5. Ensure the sustainability of the current portal (renamed to www., where education materials about GE for teachers will be updated, including a link to other portals related to development assistance. Responsible for the task: PNGDO in cooperation with MFEA SR and SAIDC Goal 2: Continuous education of teachers, so that they reflect the principles, goals and issues of GE, and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of teachers necessary for integrating GE into instruction. Tasks: 1. Continue preparation of the accredited programme of continuous education on the issue of GE for teachers, in cooperation with NGOs. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR / NIE, in cooperation with NGO 2. Continue the preparation of resource teaching materials on the issue of GE for the needs of teachers, participating in education programmes. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR / NIE, in cooperation with NGO Goal 3: Deepen issues of global education in the preparation of future teachers. Task: Recommend to faculties, offering study programmes in teaching study fields, to continue establishing the goals and issues of global education in the preparation of future teachers. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR
Goal 4: Integrate issues of GE within extracurricular activities into the education programmes of school facilities. Task: 1. Include goals of global education when creating the goals of education programmes of school facilities, and integrate global education as another thematic area into the education plans of school facilities. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR and IUVENTA Goal 5: Support integration of development issues into study programmes at universities with non-pedagogical specialisations. Task: 1. Set aside financial resources for capacity building at universities to support the introduction of development education issues into instruction. Responsible for the task: MFEA SR / SAIDC Financing: MFEA SR – National Programme of Official Development Assistance – calls for tender for university projects, within the line of development education. Goal 6: Support science and research at universities in the area of development issues. Task: 1. Support science and research in the field of development issues, as part of the system of standard scientific research financial stimuli, such as VEGA and KEGA. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR Financing: Existing financial resources as part of the subsidy programmes of VEGA and KEGA. Goal 7: Ensure non-formal education of youth in the field of global issues. Task: 1. Initiate the creation and accreditation of education programmes focusing on GE issues for administrators and trainers for work with children and youth in their leisure time, as part of the KomPrax project. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR / IUVENTA Financing: Existing sources as part of the KomPrax project. 2. Ensure GE development issues in work with youth, through Programmes of Financial Support for Activities of Children and Youth ADAM and Communitarian Programme EU Youth in Action – including GE issues as part of the challenges in the ADAM Programme. Responsible for the task: MESRS SR / IUVENTA Financing: Programme of Financial Support for Activities of Children and Youth ADAM, and existing sources within the communitarian programme EU Youth in Action.
Goal 8: Continue creating conditions for access of the public, public administration employees, politicians and media to information on global problems. Tasks: 1. Set aside financial resources for public information awareness as part of NP ODA. Responsible for the task: MFEA SR / SAIDC Financing: MFEA SR – National Programme of Official Development Assistance, budget item for public information awareness and UNDP Trust Fund. 2. Initiate cooperation with the media for covering the issue of development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. Responsible for the task: MFEA SR / SAIDC 3. Update the website with information about projects and results of the official development cooperation. Responsible for the task: SAIDC / MFEA SR Financial challenge: Operating costs of SAIDC Goal 9. Deepening cooperation between ministries and other relevant players Task: 1. Deepening cooperation of departments responsible for the issue of global development education and other relevant players, with the goal of strengthening the institutional ownership of the implementation processes and increasing the quality and coherence of realisation of the global development education strategy. Responsible for the task: MFEA SR, MESRS SR / MED, DDHA, SAIDC, PNGDO, NGO
Indicative budget of the 05T0A Programme (MFEA SR) for 2013 No. Name of programme/project and code of budget
ANNEX No. 3 € 5,998,544
1 ODA allocated for MFEA SR (05T0A)
for 2013 2 Resources transferred from 2012
€ 2,062,022
3 Commitments for 2013
€ 4,175,642
Free resources for 2013 total
ODA SR realised by MFEA SR/SAIDC (05T0A)
Allocation/ Use
Development cooperation with programme countries
1.1. Afghanistan 1.2. South Sudan 1.3. Kenya TOTAL (1.1.–1.3.)
€ 3,884,924
€ 600,000
€ 300,000
€ 800,000
€ 400,000
€ 1,200,000
€ 537,240
€ 2,600,000
€ 1,237,240
Cooperation with priority countries in the form of experience transfer 2.1. Western Balkans
€ 500,000
€ 250,000
2.2. EU’s Eastern Partnership
€ 500,000
€ 250,000
2.3. EU’s Southern Neighbourhood (Tunisia)
€ 300,000
€ 150,000
2.4. CETIR
€ 200,000
€ 200,000
TOTAL (2.1.–2.4.) 3.
Humanitarian assistance
€ 1,500,000
3.1. Financial humanitarian assistance
€ 250,000
Public awareness, development education and ODA SR capacity building 4.1. Public awareness 4.2. Development education 4.3. ODA capacity building 4.4. ODA SR capacity building through the UNDP Trust Fund
TOTAL (4.1. – 4.4.) 5.
Support programmes
€ 850,000 € 250,000
€ 50,000
€ 50,000
€ 100,000
€ 50,000
€ 80,000
€ 80,000
€ 200,000
€ 200,000
€ 430,000
€ 380,000
5.1. Co-financing of development projects of the European Commission 5.2. Supporting activities of Slovak business entities
€ 160,000
€ 80,000
€ 650,000
€ 350,000
5.3. Financial contributions – micro-grants
€ 300,000
€ 250,000
5.4. Sending volunteers
€ 120,000
€ 100,000
€ 40,000
€ 40,000
€ 1,270,000
€ 820,000
€ 347,684
€ 347,684
€ 6,397,684
€ 3,884,924
5.5. Response to the current development needs of the international community TOTAL (5.1.–5.5.) 6.
Costs of SAIDC functioning
Expenditures for development assistance for 2013–2015 (all departments and other central state administration bodies)
Expenditures for development assistance of the SR for 2013–2015 (EUR) Programme code Total
2013 Official bilateral development assistance
Official development assistance of MFEA SR/ SAIDC*
Official development assistance of MEN SR
Kyoto Protocol to UNFCCC ITL to Kyoto Protocol
9,504 1,901
9,504 1,901
9,504 1,901
Convention on international trade in endangered species (CITES) World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
05T08 05T09
Official development assistance of MI SR Humanitarian assistance Official development assistance of MARD SR FAO CEECFOODS – Central Food Data System Official development assistance of MESRS SR Governmental scholarships Official development assistance of MF SR EBRD – financing of the position of an advisor in the constituency of the Czech Republic/Hungary/SR/ Croatia/Georgia Official bilateral development assistance financed from budget items other than the 05T Programme Participation of the SR in international missions of the EU and UN (EULEX, EUBAM, EUMM, EUPOL, OBSE Kyrgyzstan) through MI SR Assistance to refugees through the Migration Office of MI SR Depository library of FAO in SR through MARD SR
Official multilateral development assistance
Contributions of the SR to international organisations
Industrial Property Office of the SR
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
UNEP Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol
10,126,703 10,129,184
UN Programme for Environment (UNEP)
IAEA Technical Cooperation Fund
48,965,961 58,394,839
219,587 129,987
230,567 136,487
242,095 143,311
Expenditures for development assistance of the SR for 2013–2015 (EUR) Programme code 2013 2014 09071 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the SR 1,119,541 1,121,298 United Nations (UN) 360,000 360,000 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 237,000 237,000 Organisation (UNESCO) UNESCO World Heritage Fund 3,000 3,000 UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund 3,000 3,000 Contributions to the UN Peace Missions 174,000 174,000 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) – 30,000 30,000 voluntary contribution United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – voluntary 12,000 12,000 contribution United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – voluntary 3,000 3,000 contribution Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for 10,000 10,000 Refugees (UNHCR) – voluntary contribution International Organisation for Migration (IOM) – 5,000 5,000 voluntary contribution Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 5,000 5,000 (OCHA) – voluntary contribution World Food Programme (WFP) – voluntary contribution 12,000 12,000 International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) – 10,000 10,000 voluntary contribution Entity for Gender Equality and Empowering of Women 10,000 10,000 (UNWOMEN) – voluntary contribution
09702 09704
09705 09706
UN Central Emergency Fund (CERF) – voluntary contribution Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) OSCE Development Centre Ministry of Interior of the SR International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Ministry of Economy of the SR United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Ministry of Health of the SR World Health Organisation (WHO) Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SR International Labour Organisation (ILO)
2015 1,123,236 360,000 237,000 3,000 3,000 174,000 30,000 12,000 3,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 12,000 10,000 10,000
17,620 51,020
19,377 51,020
21,315 51,020
Programme code 09707 Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunication of the SR Universal Postal Union (UPU) 09708 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the SR United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Total Official Development Assistance of MARD SR funded from the 090 budget programme United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in the countries seriously affected by drought (UNCCD) Total Contributions of the SR to international financial institutions – Ministry of Finance of the SR
Set % of payments of the SR to EU
2013 16,087
2014 16,087
2015 16,087
10,616 10,737
10,934 12,884
22,538 15,460
45,005,000 45,005,000
33,000,000 33,000,000
Trust Funds and joint programmes of the SR and EBRD, UNDP, EIB and World Bank
European Development Fund (EDF)
Ministry of Finance of the SR
1,376,008 10,776,500
International Development Association (IDA)
International Development Association – contribution for funding the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) – increasing of capital International Monetary Fund (IMF) – PRGT**
European Investment Bank, provision of guarantee (EIB)
59,092,664 68,524,023
* The Official Development Assistance MFEA SR/SAIDC for 2013 contains financial resources allocated to the budget chapter of the department amounting to EUR 5,998,544 and financial resources shifted from 2012 to 2013 in line with Act No. 523/2004 Coll. on Budget Rules of Public Administration and on the Amendment to Certain Acts, as amended, amounting to EUR 2,062,022. For 2014 and 2015, the amount of transferred financial resources is not yet known. ** Indicative estimate, conversion to EUR based on the exchange rate of IMF SDR/EUR of 14.01.2013. The exact amount will correspond to 90% of the paid dividend from IMF and the relevant exchange rate SDR/EUR on the day of realisation of contribution of the SR to PRGT.
List of acronyms ADA Austrian Development Agency AKT Countries of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific CETIR Centre for Experience Transfer in Integration and Reforms CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CSAB Central State Administration Bodies DCI Development Cooperation Instrument DDHA Department of Development and Humanitarian Assistance EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EDF European Development Fund EIB European Investment Bank EIDHR European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights EC European Commission EC European Council FAO UN Food and Agriculture Organisation GENE Global Education Network Europe IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IDA International Development Association ILO International Labour Organisation IOM International Organisation for Migration IPO Industrial Property Office of the SR IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature KEGA Cultural and Education Grant Agency of the MESRS SR MDGs Millennium Development Goals GTA General Treasury Administration MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative MTCRD SR Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the SR MF SR Ministry of Finance of the SR MEC SR Ministry of Economy of the SR MED Methodological Education Centre MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Association MARD SR Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the SR MLSAF SR Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SR MESRS SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR MI SR Ministry of Interior of the SR
MH SR Ministry of Health of the SR MEN SR Ministry of Environment of the SR NRA SR Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic ODA Official Development Assistance OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UN United Nations SAIDC Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation SFA State Financial Assets SOSMR Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNDP UN Development Programme UNDP BRC UN Development Programme Bratislava Regional Centre UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNFPA UN Population Fund UNHCR UN High Commissioner for Refugees UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation UNIFEM UN Development Fund for Women UPU Universal Postal Union VEGA Grant Agency of the MESRS SR and the Slovak Academy of Sciences WB World Bank WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organisation WTO World Trade Organisation