Hiking in Slovenia

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MY WAY OF EXPERIENCING HIKING. #sloveniaoutdoor #ifeelsLOVEnia #myway


www.slovenia-outdoor.com www.slovenia.info



beverages food and beverages


overnight accommodation health resort/wellness

Alpe Adria Trail

natural landmark/point of interest

Via Alpina (purple)

cultural landmark

Via Alpina (red)

observation point

Juliana Trail

archaeological site

European long-distance path E6

bus stop

European long-distance path E7

railway station

Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic Via Dinarica Koroška Alpine Trail


Zasavje Long-Distance Trail Trdina Trail

HIKING TRAILS 1 mountain trails 2 thematic trails

View of the Ljubljansko barje wetland


The green heart of Europe is home to active people. Slovenia is a story of love, a love of being active in nature, which is almost second nature to Slovenians. In every large town or village, you can enjoy a view of green hills or Alpine peaks, and almost every Slovenian loves to put on their hiking boots and yell out a hurrah in the embrace of the mountains. The new guidebook will show you the most beautiful hiking trails around Slovenia and tips on how to prepare for hiking, what to experience and taste, where to spend the night, and how to treat yourself after a long day of hiking. Save the dates of the biggest hiking celebrations in Slovenia – the Slovenia Hiking Festivals. Indeed, Slovenians walk always and everywhere. We are proud to celebrate 127 years of the Alpine Association of Slovenia, the biggest volunteer organisation in Slovenia, responsible for maintaining mountain trails. The mountaineering culture and excitement about the beauty of Slovenia’s nature connects all generations, all Slovenian tourist farms and wine cellars. Experience this joy and connection between people in motion. This is the beginning of the mighty Alpine mountain chain, where the mysterious Dinaric Alps reach their heights, and where

town, mountain pasture summit, summit – path destination,



church, chapel cable car

waterfall health resort car park bus stop information, information centre

Experience the land of enthusiastic hikers.


castle, observation tower


natural landmark cultural landmark archaeological site geometrical site observation point cheese-making route for tourists information, information centre





bridge, saddle

hut/hotel/accommodation, shelter

We can walk for days on end. On the tallest mountains, the highlands, and across plains, on the trails of Slovenian cultural heritage, which is as varied as its landscape. Embark on any of the long-distance trails and follow the call of the wild.



path destination

karst caves dominate the subterranean world. There are rolling, wine-producing hills wherever you look, the Pannonian Plain spreads out like a carpet, and one can always sense the aroma of the salty Adriatic Sea. Slovenia’s surface area is 20,000 square kilometres, and it is so diverse that each step tells a new story, provides a new experience and new feelings. There are more than 10,000 km of mountain trails and more than 5,000 km of themed walking trails around the country. Do you know how many steps that is? This is another reason to always return to hiking and exploring.




33 Bled, CAMPING BLED 34 Bohinjska Bistrica, DANICA CAMP 35 Gradac, BELA KRAJINA HOLIDAY RESORT & CAMPING 36 Luče, ŠMICA CAMPSITE 37 Ozeljan, CAMP LIJAK 38 Kočevje, CAMP JEZERO 39 Rečica ob Savinji, MENINA CAMP





12 13

12 20

9 48 3 4




1 23 37 40


16 43



18 24

















22 9

10 25 48 10

6 7 15 21



45 46 49

22 47

38 35



11 32 30 18

19 39

21 36 27

SLOVENIA IN BRIEF The 1st country in the world awarded the title Green Destination

The Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism, the original Slovenian national certification system, has been praised by experts around the world.


8 UNESCO sites of natural, cultural, and intangible heritage

87 natural thermal and mineral water springs as well as 14 natural spas

World Bee Day — On Slovenia’s initiative, the United Nations proclaimed 20 May as World Bee Day, a day for raising awareness of the extraordinary significance of bees for the survival of humankind.

European Region of Gastronomy 2021

Alpine Slovenia

Ljubljana & Central Slovenia

Thermal Pannonian Slovenia

Mediterranean & Karst Slovenia

Everything is nearby in the only European country where the Alps, the Mediterranean, the Karst and the Pannonian Plain meet.

365 days of experiences in all 4 seasons Climate and temperature

Alpine in the mountains Kredarica • 2514 m Alpine in the valleys Rateče • 846 m

4.6 °C / 39.2 F

23.8 °C / 73.4 F

0.4 °C / 32 F

21.6 °C / 69.8 F

-7.7 °C / 19.4 F -3.7 °C / 26.6 F


Continental inland Novo mesto • 220 m


Mediterranean along the coast Portorož • 2 m

7.4 °C / 44.6 F 17.7 °C / 62.6 F

Average daily temperatures between 2004—2013 at the aforementioned locations. Source: ARSO

Velika planina



Green, active and healthy Slovenia is known far and wide for its efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. Under the auspices of the internationally recognised Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism, we implement green policies and propose green experiences. Why? Because we want to preserve the exceptional diversity of this little piece of Earth for the current and all future generations and visitors in Slovenia. Think sustainably and wander responsibly around Slovenia.


SLOVENIA IS ONE OF THE RICHEST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES IN TERMS OF BIODIVERSITY Nearly 60 percent of Slovenia’s surface is covered in forests, with primary forests of global significance just 60 kilometres from the capital. More than one third of the country is listed in Natura 2000, the network of protected areas of the European Union. One fifth of the Slovenian coast is protected. Its more than 22,000 animal and plant species make Slovenia one of the

richest countries in Europe in terms of biodiversity. Wherever you choose to spend time outdoors in Slovenia, you should respect nature.

IN SLOVENIA, YOU CAN RELY ON THE SLOVENIA GREEN LABEL On hiking trails, there are many mountain huts and other forms of accommodation catering to hikers that will welcome you, and all around Slovenia you can choose from 100 destinations, accommodation providers, nature parks, travel agencies

and tourist attractions that meet the demanding requirements of the Slovenia Green label, which is a sign of verified sustainability.



In Slovenia you can quickly find yourself in the habitat of rare animal and plant species. Respect the rules of each specific protected area. Protect both living and non-living nature. Do not take plants, animals or rocks with you. Do not disturb species in their natural habitat with motor vehicles. Be careful not to leave any unnecessary traces of your visit. What you bring into nature, take away with you – and dispose of waste properly.


Choose paths and destinations that are appropriate to your physical and mental fitness. Take the necessary equipment on every trip and learn how to use it. Stick to marked trails.

3. CHOOSE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY MEANS OF TRANSPORT. When planning a hike, think about how to get to the starting point of the trail. Plan environmentally friendly transport from the city to your destination. Check public transport options.


When embarking on an unknown path, you should have an experienced local guide who knows it very well. Especially when hiking in the mountains you should be accompanied by a licensed mountain guide. You can check out wholesome and safe hiking experiences at specialised tourist agencies.


Slovenia is one of the first countries in the world where the right to clean drinking water is guaranteed in the Constitution. When you are active outdoors, carry water in a reusable, environmentally friendly bottle.


Slovenia has been awarded the title of European Region of Gastronomy 2021. Have lunch at Slovenian taverns, tourist farms, mountain huts or top restaurants, where chefs wearing Michelin or Gault & Milau hats are creating exceptional culinary experiences!


Show everyone the beauties of Slovenia that you discover. Share your positive experiences and recommendations on social media and with your friends. Let’s make Slovenia recognisable around the world as a green, active and healthy country.

#ifeelsLOVEnia #myway #sloveniaoutdoor



The most local, authentic, boutique and sustainable tourist experiences in Slovenia have been awarded the Slovenia Unique Experience mark. This includes activities in nature. Let’s add new experiences to our list of hiking trips!

Slovenian tourism providers comply with GREEN&SAFE responsible travel standards, including all hygienic measures issued by the National Institute of Public Health. We should all respect them! Follow the recommendations provided at your destination, and stay safe and healthy.






HIKING TRAILS IN SLOVENIA Slovenia is crisscrossed by 10,000 km of intersecting mountain trails, trails on plains, in the highlands, and high mountains. While dirt roads and paths predominate in the highlands, the trails in the high mountains are as diverse as the Slovenian Alps. Well-marked trails run from the valleys, past mountain huts, to the summits. If mountain trails cross difficult rocky terrain, they are usually secured with steel rungs (stemples) and steel cables. Old mountain passes once used by hunters and shepherds, now best known by mountain guides and chamois, will present a challenge to mountain lovers, and lovers of long-distance trails will also not be disappointed. Furthermore, over 700 different thematic trails can be found in Slovenia, anywhere from the coast to the high mountains.

THE MOST SUITABLE TIME You can hike in Slovenia in all seasons. Summer is ideal for visiting the high mountains, because most of the snow melts in June. This is also a season known for afternoon storms, so you should observe the old saying that “the early

bird catches the worm” in order to hike in the mountains safely. Autumn is the most beautiful season for hiking. Winter, when days become significantly shorter, is best suited for visiting the highlands and plains. Slovenia is in bloom in spring, but because there is thick snow cover in the high mountains, this is the best time to visit the highlands.

TRAIL MARKINGS Hiking in Slovenia is simple. Mountain trails are marked well with Knafelc blazes, which consists of a white circle surrounded with a thick red line. Red signposts are set up at the starting point or at crossroads, which also include the approximate time required for the hike in addition to the destination. Thematic trails are marked with a yellow blaze, which is a white circle surrounded by a yellow ring, and with yellow signposts. In addition to other information, they also include the logo of a particular thematic trail on the left.

EQUIPMENT Suitable and comfortable footwear, shoes with good ankle support and a profiled hard sole, are a prerequisite for

safer hiking in high mountains. Always keep additional warm clothing in your backpack – an anorak, hat, gloves, a long-sleeve shirt, which will be useful if the weather suddenly changes. Do not forget first aid, a headlamp, matches and a candle, astronaut foil, which helps to retain a significant amount of heat in your body, a mobile phone with a fully charged battery, sunscreen, and sunglasses. A helmet is a must when you head into the high mountains; it is a self-protection measure on secure mountain trails. Do not forget water. You will be able to find fresh drinking water in springs and wells along numerous trails.

SAFETY Slovenia has good mobile phone coverage, which makes it possible to call 112 in an emergency no matter where you are – this is the only emergency and first aid phone number available. If an accident occurs in the mountains, the Mountain Rescue Service Association of Slovenia (GRZS) intervenes. In most urgent cases and depending on weather conditions, it carries out helicopter rescues.

USEFUL INFORMATION FOR HIKERS Weather information • www.arso.gov.si • www.pro-vreme.net Mountain snack

Public transport • buses: www.arriva.si, www.nomago.si • trains: www.slo-zeleznice.si


Information on specialised hiking accommodation • www.slovenia-outdoor.com • www.slovenia.info/hiking Information on mountain huts • www.pzs.si, http://huts.pzs.si/ • www.slovenia-outdoor.com • www.slovenia.info/hiking Kriški podi



SPECIALISED HIKING ACCOMMODATION In Slovenia, you don’t need to fear that you will have to sleep under the open sky. Specialised hiking accommodation is offered by 52 hotels, guesthouses, and holiday apartments marked with a sign showing one to five hikers. The most basic services are provided by accommodation providers ranked with one hiker, and the broadest range and quality of accommodation is provided by accommodation providers with five hikers. Their joint advantages include traditional cuisine adapted for hikers, tours, and luggage transfer. Nature lovers will be able to find camp sites all over Slovenia in diverse landscapes, near lakes and rivers, in mountain valleys, or near towns, from where they will be able to quickly and easily embark on a hike on one of the hiking trails. In addition to Slovenian, you can also communicate in English, German, and Italian.

MOUNTAIN HUTS Mountaineering societies manage 178 mountain huts, shelters, and bivouacs in mountains, highlands, and on the plains.

Some huts in the highlands and valleys are open all year round, but mountain huts open only in June and receive supplies until the end of September. The huts offer overnight accommodation in small rooms with a minimum of two beds or in dormitories. It is recommended to use your own sheets; however, bedding for single or multiple use is fresh. In summer, it is highly recommended to book an overnight stay in advance, especially for huts in the Julian Alps. Most of the mountain huts in the high mountains are open in the summer, while the remaining huts are open all year round or over the weekend in winter. Most of them offer local home-made food. Frequent dishes include ričet (barley and bean stew with smoked ham), Vipava Valley jota (bean and sauerkraut soup), homemade sausages, mush (žganci) and goulash, and štruklji (rolled dumplings) or different strudels for desert.

ORGANISED HIKES Guided and organised hikes in Slovenia are provided by specialised accommodation providers for hikers and by small specialised travel agencies. For tours, these providers and agencies hire mountain

guides who work under the umbrella of the Slovenian Mountain Guide Association or mountain guides licensed by the Alpine Association of Slovenia.

THEMATIC TRAILS Slovenia is a land of healthy waters. Running along rivers and lakes are a large number of thematic trails where you can observe a range of plant and animal species. These trails run along flat land so are not difficult, and they are not that long, so are ideal for families. You can find information on the thematic trails online or at tourist information centres, where you can also get maps and descriptions of specific trails.

SELF-GUIDED HIKES Individual exploration of Slovenia is possible due to the well-marked trails, mountaineering maps in the scale of 1: 50,000 and 1: 25,000, guidebooks for individual mountain ranges and trails in foreign languages, GPS tracking for mountain trails, Slovenia Trail, Alpe Adria Trail, Juliana Trail and Monolit2Go.




In Slovenia, standards are applied to hiker-friendly hotels, guesthouses, facilities with holiday apartments, and and private room rentals. The quality of services for such accommodation is ranked using signs showing 1 to 5 hikers. 5 hikers is the top category, and provides hikers with all of the necessary amenities. Signs with the number of hikers are placed near entrances.

1 HIKER This category provides basic information on hiking services and the general tourist offers in the area, information on the closest sports shop, and the schedule for public transport in Slovenian and one foreign language. Basic printed brochures, a three-day weather forecast, one one-day hiking programme, and a separate room for drying hiking equipment are available.

2 HIKERS In addition to everything included in 1 Hiker, there is also internet access, more hiking information, more printed brochures, and a three-day hiking package. The accommodation also has a licensed hiking guide for easy and difficult tours and organises the transportation of hikers from airports and public transport stations to the starting point of the tour. The breakfast schedule is adjusted to the hikers; only a simple lunch package is available.

An informational folder can be found in the rooms with descriptions of the hiking services available.

4 HIKERS In addition to everything described above, the facility also provides information in two foreign languages, a digital topographic map of Slovenia, the possibility of transferring GPS trail data to your device, guided hiking tours twice a week, a sauna and massage. After the tour, on the day of departure, showering and luggage storage are also available after check-out.

3 HIKERS In addition to everything from the two categories described above, 3 Hikers also includes an internet area, maps of neighbouring areas, and information on accommodation in other destinations. The facility organises a guided tour twice a week in all weather conditions and an overnight stay at no additional cost. Basic hiking equipment can also be purchased at the facility or nearby; washing and drying of hiking equipment is available; there is a sauna nearby; luggage transfer and various types of food are also available.

5 HIKERS In addition to everything described above, facilities categorised as 5 Hikers also employ a licensed hiking guide, organise hiking tours five times a week, offer shoe and GPS device hire, and provide their own vehicle for transporting travellers.


Rotunda, Selo

WHERE TO HIKE IN SLOVENIA You can set off to conquer the highest peaks, ramble over green hills or explore picturesque valleys. The possibilities are endless!

HIGH MOUNTAINS In Slovenia the high mountain ranges of the Julian Alps, the Karavanke and the Kamnik-Savinja Alps rise up between 1,500 m and 2,864 m. At these altitudes the forest gradually gives way to bushes and bare rock. The marked mountain trails lead past numerous mountain lodges offering hikers food and lodging. The trails in these areas are medium-difficult, difficult and also secured via ferrata climbing routes. The summer season begins in mid-May and lasts usually until the middle of October. In winter the high mountains receive up to 5 m of snow. During that time you can climb up many of the peaks with the right winter gear (crampons, ice axe, helmet, rope and harness) or in easier areas you can scale the heights with snow shoes. The plateaus of Komna, Pokljuka, the Pohorje and the peaks above them offer ski touring. You


can also try ice climbing on the numerous frozen waterfalls in the high mountain valleys.

HIGHLANDS The highlands range between 500 m and 1500 m above sea level, encompassing the Ĺ kofja Loka and Idrija-Cerkno hills and the regions of KoroĹĄka, Posavje and Zasavje. They are criss-crossed by numerous marked mountain and thematic trails. The thematic trails include historical, cultural, culinary, fruit growing and forest interpretive trails, along with trails through protected areas and more. Hikers have a choice of numerous types of specialised lodging and mountain lodges, which are usually open all year round, since hiking is possible in these areas in all seasons. Even hiking in snow, which can get up to a metre deep, is not a problem, since the trails are easy and there is no danger of avalanches. In winter this makes these areas ideal for snow-shoeing, and ski touring through both dense and sparse forest is an option.

LOWLANDS The areas up to 500 m above sea level in the Karst, Brda, Notranjska, Dolenjska, Prekmurje and Prlekija offer easy hiking tours. Numerous thematic trails run through wine-growing, seaside and riverside areas, where hikers can immerse themselves in the typical cultural, historical and culinary specialities of the region.

ONE-DAY OR MULTI-DAY TOURS In Slovenia you can hike in organised guided groups or on your own, independently. The numerous specialised types of lodging for hikers and mountain huts make it possible to do not just day hikes but also multi-day tours, including loops with the same start and end point, or multi-day tours along long-distance trails. In this case you can get luggage transported to the end point, and you get dropped off at the start point. A range of specialist hiking agencies offer guides, all the necessary hiking gear, roadbooks, maps, gpx tracks and more.


MY FIRST-RATE EXPERIENCES MOUNTAIN PEAKS HIGH MOUNTAINS, HIGHLANDS OR COASTAL VIEWS Slovenia is a small country, but its extraordinary natural diversity makes it possible to enjoy satisfying hikes in the high mountains, the highlands and along the coast in a very short time span.

MY PATH TO TRIGLAV AND THE SEA IN TWO DAYS From the northwest of Slovenia and its highest peak, Triglav, which rises 2,864 m above sea level, to the slopes of Istria and the sea with car transfers. Early in the morning I drive to Lake Bohinj in the heart of Triglav National Park, stopping at the car park by the mountain lodge in the Voje valley. From here I continue on foot. The gentle incline on the left side of the Voje valley soon becomes more vertical. After three hours of walking I get to the Vodnikova koča lodge, where hikers are sunning themselves. I can recognise those who are happily coming back down from Triglav and those of us who are gazing reverentially at its peak. In two more hours of gentle switchback trails I get up to the Planika lodge, today’s objective. After about an hour’s rest the peak is beckoning to me. An ascent up to

the peak wasn’t in the plan for today, but the lovely summer weather draws me to continue up to the Aljažev stolp tower on the top. I get my protective gear ready, put on my helmet and I’m already on my way up the secured trail to the summit. Every metre a wonderful new view opens up, and on the ridge – where the paths from Kredarica and Planika meet – the view on all sides of the sky is fantastic. A gentle breeze accompanies me as I reach the summit after an hour and a half. Up here there are plenty of hikers. They are chatting happily, exchanging impressions and taking selfies. Quite a few of them are identifying the neighbouring peaks. Yes, the highest mountain in Slovenia, which every Slovenian ‘must’ ascend, is truly majestic.

Socerb Castle Aljažev stolp tower on Triglav

View of Triglav


Planika lodge Flower garden below Triglav

The return to Planika is quick. I’m pleasantly exhausted and hungry too, as the aroma of fine homemade jota sauerkraut stew and goulash wafts towards me. The rest after an arduous hike is just what I need, even though the mountain hikers in the dormitory rooms are always noisy. The next morning I step out into a cloudy, windy day. In just under four hours I get down to the car. Now I have the drive to Primorska, to the village of Osp. I park below the famous overhang where I can already hear climbers trying out multiple routes. My objective is the trail on the left side of the deep depression to the summit of Socerb – the Istrian viewpoint. The weather here by the sea is fine and hot. Sweat runs off every pore when I ascend through the bushes to the old fortress. The view over the whole Gulf of Trieste is wonderful. I return along a different, shady path, which is also in part a cycling tour trail. At the car I quench my thirst, then drive off to the sea.

And finally a dip in the blue evening water, which delightfully cools my tired joints and muscles. I’m content. In two days I managed to reach the highest and lowest points in Slovenia. Yes, Slovenia is great. With good organisation you can experience truly a lot in one or two days.


SEVEN DAYS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN SECTION OF THE ALPE ADRIA LONG-DISTANCE TRAIL The Alpe Adria Trail is a route of three countries – Austria, Slovenia and Italy, a trail of three cultures, three different cuisines and three different types of landscape. The Slovenian section of the Alpe Adria Trail starts at the Jepca saddle in the Karavanke range. The trail reaches the saddle via Austrian Carinthia, from Grossglockner through lovely valleys, over the Nockberge mountains towards the Wörthersee and Faaker See lakes and from there to the summit of the Karavanke. From Jepca I head along the Karavanke ridge on what is called the old border patrol trail (where the border of the former Yugoslavia was strictly controlled) to Trupejevo poldne and then descend steeply to the lively town of Kranjska Gora. This is the end of the first stage. The next stage begins with an ascent up

the old road past the Russian chapel to the almost 1,000 m high pass of Vršič. The ascent is in no way tedious, there is plenty of drinking water and of course views of the imposing faces of Mts Prisojnik and Mojstrovka. From the top of the pass I descend steeply along the old road to the source of the River Soča, and then on along the well-kept Soča Trail to the Triglav National Park Info Centre in the Trenta valley. In the recent past the villages in the valley were almost abandoned, but then tourism started to flourish. The young masters of the land have turned farms into camping areas and apartments, and gain extra income from guiding. The third stage takes you over the picturesque River Soča. In two narrow gorges the river gains power, and plenty of kayakers try out their skills here on the lively emerald waves – while the anglers along the banks of course get irritated by them. The fourth stage beings in Bovec, and leads to the lovely waterfall of Virje, hidden in the foothills of Mt Kanin. The trail continues

towards the Soča and then alongside it to Trnovo. From there it climbs to the lovely villages of Magozd and Drežnica. The fifth stage takes me below the peak of the ‘Triglav of Primorska’, Mt Krn, where terrible battles of the Soča (Isonzo) Front were fought during the First World War. The museum in Kobarid and numerous open-air museums are dedicated to those battles. From the Kuhinja mountain lodge I descend towards the River Soča and on to Tolmin. In the sixth stage I climb up to the Kolovrat pass, which is famous for its open-air museum dedicated to the First World War battles. Along the Italian side the trail winds back into Slovenia and its famed winegrowing region of Brda. The fine cuisine, wine and cherries leave no hiker unaffected. After the Italian section of the Karst and a taste of the sea, the trail once again winds into Slovenia and to Lipica, traditional home of the famous Lipizzaner horses. Just a hop up the mountain of Kokoš and then across the border to Italy, where the trail ends at Muggia by Trieste.

Lipica Juliana Trail


Alpe Adria Trail




(May) e tic@brda.si, www.brda.si

(June) e info@pzs.si, www.pzs.si



(April) e info@kocevsko.com, www.kocevsko.com

ALPE ADRIA TRAIL, OPENING OF HIKING SEASON (April) www.alpe-adria-trail.com


(June) e kamnik.savinja.alps@gmail.com, www.kamnik-savinja-alps.com

HIKING DAYS IN TUHINJ VALLEY (September) www.turisticna-zveza.si, www.terme-snovik.si


(May) e effekt.simenko@siol.net, www.effekt.si/hotel-rakitna-slo/

(September) e effekt.simenko@siol.net, www.effekt.si/hotel-rakitna-slo/



(May) http://eupoti.com/

SPRING POSAVJE HIKING FESTIVAL (May, June) e tic.krsko@cptkrsko.si, www.visitkrsko.com

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ALPINE FLOWERS IN BOHINJ (May, June) e info@bohinj.si, www.bohinj.si/alpskocvetje

DESTINATION ROGLA-POHORJE HIKES (June) e tic.zrece.lto@siol.net, fb RoglaPohorje, www.destinacija-rogla.si

(September, October) e info@dolina-soce.si, www.dolina-soce.si

AUTUMN IN BOHINJ (September, October) e info@bohinj.si, www.bohinj.si

AUTUMN POSAVJE HIKING FESTIVAL (October, November) e tic.krsko@cptkrsko.si, www.visitkrsko.com

MARTINMAS HIKE IN BRDA (November) e tic@brda.si, www.brda.si




SLOVENIAN MOUNTAIN TRAIL Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination Maps Information


28 days 599 km All levels of difficulty Maribor Ankaran Alpine Association of Slovenia www.pzs.si, e info@pzs.si

This is the longest and by far the most popular long-distance trail in Slovenia. It begins in Maribor and crosses the plateaus of the Pohorje Hills, from where you already have a glimpse of the tallest Alpine summits in the distance. The trail first enters the Alps in the Kamnik and Savinja Alpine range, as it runs across its highest peaks, and then the trail continues along the long Karavanke range, which separates Slovenia from Austria. From there, it again descends into the valley and soon rises into the heart of the Julian Alps, to Mount Triglav and the steepest peaks, with breathtaking views following one after another as the trail approaches the Adriatic Sea. Each of these peaks offers a wonderful view and experience, and each step takes you closer to the sea. However, before you reach it, you must still climb many higher and lower mountains in the pre-Alpine foothills, the inspiring Karst Region, and then, suddenly, a sea breeze cools your tired body. The Slovenian Mountain Trail ends at Debeli Rtič on the Adriatic coast and connects 49 mountain huts, 23 peaks, and 5 towns. It is well marked with Knafelc blazes and the number 1. The Slovenian Mountain Trail is the oldest connecting trail in the world, and was created in 1953. How much time will you need to walk this trail? It can be walked in 28 days, and some of the best mountain runners even run along it. The record is seven days, eight hours, and ten minutes. But you are in no hurry. Its founder, Ivan Šumljak, advised hikers: “Walk slowly, my friend. In that way, you will experience much, much more.” There is no doubt that the Slovenian Mountain Trail is number one in more ways than one.

Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination Maps Information

Seven days in Slovenia (a total of 33 days) – 6 hours per day; + additional 6 stages/days, a total of 43 stages/days 145 km in Slovenia (the total length of the trail is 750 km)

easy to medium Grossglockner; Jepca saddle (the Slovenian part) Muggia near Trieste; Lipica (the Slovenian part) Alpe Adria Trail brochure (1 : 50,000) Alpe Adria Trail guidebook (1 : 75.000) www.alpe-adria-trail.com booking: booking@alpe-adria-trail.si www.slovenia-outdoor.com, e info@hiking.si

Austria, Slovenia, and Italy – three countries, three cultures, three different landscapes, but all connected by the Alpe Adria Trail. The trail begins in Koroška under the highest mountain in Austria, Mount Grossglockner, and enters Slovenia across the Karavanke Range, where the landscape turns into a wild limestone world. The Alpe Adria Trail will lead you across the Vršič Pass and through the Soča River Valley into the very heart of these primeval surroundings. Near Kobarid, the trail ascends to the Planina Kuhinja beneath Mt. Krn, then continues towards Tolmin, where it leaves the Alpine world at the Kolovrat Ridge and transforms for the third time. This time, it becomes Mediterranean. In the Brda Hills and in the Karst Region, it once again leads you to Slovenia, but it soon returns to Italy, where this great trail through three countries ends in Muggia, near Trieste. The Alpe Adria long-distance trail consists of 37 stages, with a relatively minor altitude difference. You will be able to focus on enjoying the beautiful countryside and tasting delicious culinary delights. Another six stages connected into a circular six-day tour leads you through all of the three countries on the Alpe Adria Trail.

Juliana Trail




Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination

Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination Maps

Map Information

red trail: 14 days, purple trail: 7 days red trail: 220 km, purple trail: 120 km all levels of difficulty red trail: Krvavi Potok, purple trail: Dolič red trail: Korensko Sedlo purple trail: Jezerski vrh Via Alpina (1 : 50,000) www.via-alpina.org www.slovenia-outdoor.com, e info@hiking.si


20 days 330 km/20 stages easy to moderate Kranjska Gora Kranjska Gora Julian Alps (1 : 170,000) Juliana Trail Guide 330/20 www.julian-alps.com booking: booking@juliana-trail.si, info@dolina-soce.si www.slovenia-outdoor.com, e info@hiking.si

The biggest advantage of the Via Alpina trail is the Alps and their natural and cultural heritage.

With its variety of faces the Juliana Trail is a path through otherness.

Two of the five trails connecting the eight Alpine countries pass through Slovenia, and are marked in red and purple. The red trail begins in Trieste and then crosses the Karst and the karst plateaus before making its way through the pre-Alpine foothills into the heart of the Julian Alps and the surrounding mountains of Mt. Triglav. From there, it descends into the Trenta Valley and once again makes its way up, this time to Slovenia’s highest mountain pass, Vršič, and continues towards the Tamar Valley, dominated by the crystal Mt. Jalovec. Leaving the Tamar Valley, it briefly enters the Karavanke Alps and then finally leaves the embrace of the Slovenian Alps. The purple trail allows you to explore eastern limestone Alps in Slovenia, Austria, and Germany. Along this trail, you will be able to discover the highest mountain ranges in Slovenia: the Julian Alps, the Kamnik and Savinja Alps, and the Karavanke Alps. The trail begins at the foot of Mt. Triglav, under Dolič Pass, and descends into the Vrata Valley past the magnificent North Face of Mt. Triglav, from where it ascends to the Karavanke Ridge and then continues into Austria across Zgornje Jezersko, with the beautiful north faces of Mt. Grintovec, Mt. Kočna, and Mt. Skuta as the backdrop.

The heart of the Julian Alps, with its high peaks and steeply cut valleys is just the backdrop to our views along the trail, which circles Slovenia’s biggest mountain group and Triglav National Park. This is a circular long-distance hiking trail with an added spur linking the central part of the Julian Alps via Kolovrat by Kanal and the Brda hills with the town of Nova Gorica. It is 330 kilometres long and divided into 20 stages. The stages average between 17 and 20 km in length and take about 5 to 7 hours of walking per day. The recommended daily stages are designed so that you can spend the night in the location at the start or end of the stage, and get refreshment, food and drink. The trail starts and finishes in Kranjska Gora, but you can complete it in whichever direction, starting wherever you like and doing as much of it as you feel like. A stage or two, perhaps the whole thing, in one go or over several years. The Juliana Trail is designed so that hikers can add visits to sites of interest close by the trail that they have hiked.


Radensko polje

Otočec Velika planina

European Long-Distance Path E7





Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination Information

Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination Information

33 days 520 km (Slovenia and Italy) easy to medium Log pod Mangartom Trst The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation www.thewalkofpeace.com, e info@potmiru.si

All the way from the Julian Alps via the Brda hills and Karst to the Adriatic, the rhythm of time takes a more tranquil pace, offering space for rest or reflection, a century after the First World War. Among the mountains, canyons, karstic caves and vineyards, it is impossible to miss its legacy. It is now linked up into a trail that spreads a message of peace among nations.

KOROŠKA ALPINE TRAIL Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start and destination Maps Information

10–12 days 230 km difficult (some individual legs are easier) Ravne na Koroškem Koroška – Hiking and Biking Map (1 : 60,000) Kamnik-Savinja Alps (1 : 50,000) Pohorje Hills (1 : 50,000) Koroška Region Board of Mountaineering Societies www.koroska.si, e turizem@rra-koroska.si www.slovenia-outdoor.com, e info@hiking.si

A circular long-distance mountain trail with 31 checkpoints, follows the edges of the Koroška Region valleys – the Mežica, Drava, and Mislinja valleys – and connects the Karavanke Alps, the Pohorje Hills, the Kozjak Hills, and the Savinja Alps.

6 days 160 km (Slovenian section) easy to moderate Nanos Babno Polje–border crossing www.slovenia-outdoor.com, e info@hiking.si

Via Dinarica Slovenia marks the start of this long-distance hiking trail and traverses the entire Dinaric Alps. It crosses stunning unspoilt karst terrain, where you’ll encounter the natural phenomena of the mysterious underground world and experience breathtaking views of the high karst plateaus.

ZASAVJE LONG DISTANCE TRAIL Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination Information

12 days 200 km, connective trail medium Šekoranja Restaurant, Bizeljsko Region Mt Kum Hut, Trbovlje www.slovenia-outdoor.com e info@hiking.si, mdo.zasavja@pzs.si PD Trbovlje, Hrastnik, Zagorje, Lisca–Sevnica, Radeče, Litija, Kum–Trbovlje, Laško, Rimske Toplice, Dol–Hrastnik, Brežice, Bohor–Senovo, Videm–Krško

The many rolling, wine-producing hills of Bizeljsko form the starting point of a 200 km hiking trail. The trail ends with a walk up to Mt. Kum, the highest mountain in the Posavje Hills.

TRDINA TRAIL Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start and destination Maps Information

6–7 days 159 km difficult Novo mesto Novo Mesto, Dolenjska, Cycling and Hiking Map, (1 : 50,000) TIC Novo mesto www.visitnovomesto.si, e tic@novomesto.si

NEW: TRAIL AROUND THE KAMNIK-SAVINJA ALPS The new long-distance trail will circle the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and will be available to hikers in 2021.

The Trdina Trail is a circular highland trail that runs through some of the most attractive parts of the Dolenjska region. Named after Janez Trdina, teacher and writer, who travelled the length and breadth of the gentle, rolling landscape of Dolenjska and condensed and immortalised his impressions in his Tales of the Gorjanci Hills.



Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination Information

Trail on the map Walking time Length Difficulty Start Destination Information

20 days 350 km easy to medium Radelj Strunjan E6 guidebook Slovenia Forest Service, www.zgs.si www.slovenia-outdoor.com, e info@hiking.si

Part of this trail runs from the north of Slovenia to the south, crosses the Pohorje Hills, the Posavje Hills, the Dinaric Alps and ends on the Adriatic coast.

30 days 600 km easy and medium Robič Hodoš E7 guidebook Slovenia Forest Service, www.zgs.si www.slovenia-outdoor.com, e info@hiking.si

It runs from the west of Slovenia to the east, reaches its maximum altitude at Mt. Porezen, and then continues through the Dolenjska Region, softening its appearance on its way to the Pannonian Plains.



Discover the differences between the Julian Alps, the Karavanke and the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. Start at the popular mountain centres to get to the highest parts of Slovenia. Many scenic viewpoints offer amazing views over multiple mountain chains and the world of green valleys below.


FIND PEACE AT THE FRONT Above the Soča Valley – with its wild waters and unusual basins, mountains covered with grasslands, and amazing stories – challenges await along the AlpeAdria long-distance trail and at the Walk of Peace along the remnants of World War I. Experience peace in a different way and enjoy the views reaching as far as the sea.

CONQUER THE HIGHEST SUMMITS When you’ve had enough views of the Julian Alps from Bled, Bohinj, Kranjska Gora and other beautiful places, you might be tempted by Triglav, the highest summit in Slovenia. Choose the appropriate trail for your fitness level. While you’re conquering the highest parts of Slovenia, discover its deep valleys, high mountains, forests and lakes in Triglav National Park, which is the largest protected area in Slovenia.


Julian Alps

MEET THE LOCALS Watch the summits from the valleys. Walk on the Juliana circular trail, connecting the most beautiful points below Triglav, Slovenia’s highest mountain. The trail across the Unesco biosphere area in the Julian Alps connects scenic views of the diverse heritage. It is also a good place to meet local people.



Along the northern Slovenian border are the Karavanke, featuring views of green forests and white rocks. Travel in time and discover the geological particularities of the Dovžan Gorge and Karavanke Geopark, which is under Unesco protection, where you can also visit the underground world of Mt Peca.

You can admire the basin of the Slovenian capital from the top of Krvavec. Learn about the life of shepherds at Velika Planina. Visit the farms at the highest altitudes along the Solčava panoramic road over the famous Logar Valley — a glacial valley with waterfalls and a fairy-tale forest.



Lake Bohinj

alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family


The International Festival of Alpine flowers

i Turizem Bohinj Stara Fužina 38, SI-4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 574 75 90 e info@bohinj.si www.bohinj.si

In the heart of the Julian Alps, in Triglav National Park, lies Bohinj, one of the most magnificent Alpine glacial valleys. The high mountains and green forests embrace Lake Bohinj, while glittering in its mirror-like surface. The biggest permanent natural lake in Slovenia appears as a perfect picture of nature, and is an ideal starting point for guided or independent hiking adventures.




• International Festival of Alpine Flowers, May and June Revel in the Alpine flowers and the delights of Bohinj. Enjoy the hikes, talks, workshops, concerts, markets, village events and more. • Cow Ball in Bohinj, September The oldest event in Bohinj began in 1954 and heralds the end of the pasturing season. You can try local dairy and meat products and traditional herder dishes, such as Bohinj cheese and Bohinj corn mash. One day before the Cow Ball is the Cheese and Wine Festival.

• A mountain wellness centre in one of the hotels offers relaxation with a view of the mighty Julian Alps. Experience the soothing effects of baths and saunas – there is nothing better than some warm pampering after an active day.

• All the flavours of Bohinj can be scooped up with a spoon or stabbed with a fork Bohinj cuisine and the local ingredients that enrich it are an essential part of the authentic experience of Bohinj. Stop in at restaurants with the Bohinjsko/From Bohinj certificate and immerse yourself in forgotten flavours from the past in modern guise, with attested traditional dishes that will warm your heart, or dishes whose bold Bohinj flavours will completely enchant you.

Zajamniki, an Alpine pasture in Bohinj Cow Ball in Bohinj

Alpine sea holly (Eryngium alpinum)



TRIGLAV (2,864 m)

ČRNA PRST (1,844 m)

A three-day hike starting in Stara Fužina, not far from Lake Bohinj, takes you over the Alpine pastures of Uskovnica and Velo polje to the Triglavski dom lodge on Kredarica and on to the summit of Mt Triglav. Then follows a descent to Dolič and through the Valley of the Triglav Lakes and across Fužinarska planina to Vogar and the start point in Stara Fužina.

The trail starts at Bohinjska Bistrica and climbs up to Orožnova koča lodge on Planina za Liscem, which also marks the start of a botanical trail. Along the trail interpretive panels have been placed by the most typical plants. After this comes a steep climb up to the summit of Črna prst. The return route goes over Planina za Črno goro and back to Bohinjska Bistrica.

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Maps

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Maps

3 days 38 km very difficult in places 2,500 m Stara Fužina 46.2898 N, 13.8887 E Bohinj (1 : 25,000), Julian Alps (1 : 50,000), Triglav (1 : 25,000), Triglav National Park (1 : 50,000)

7 hours 15 km moderate 1,380 m Bohinjska Bistrica 46.270247 N, 13.956907 E Bohinj (1 : 25,000), Julian Alps (1 : 50,000), Triglav (1 : 25,000), Triglav National Park (1 : 50,000)


View of Triglav

Mountain section of the trail Climbing section of the trail


On Lisec above Orožnova koča lodge below Črna prst mountain Pršivec, viewing point for Bohinj

BOHINJ ALPINE TRAIL Bohinj Alpine Trail was created more than 40 years ago, and is one of the oldest long-distance trails in Slovenia. This is a point trail leading to 36 check points that are accessible to any average mountain hiker. One special feature of the Bohinj Alpine Trail is what is called its climbing section, which additionally leads to eight off-trail 2,000 m mountains. Bohinj Alpine Trail offers the chance to reach and stay at all of the Bohinj area mountain lodges and to get up to all the major peaks in the area, including Triglav. Tours of the Bohinj Alpine Trail can be divided into several groups. There are more easily accessible trips in the Bohinj area and lower highlands, the peaks and lodges in the highland ranges, technically easy summits in the high mountains and longer and technically more challenging tours that include off-trail hiking and even some light climbing. At the peaks and check points there are inked stamps. A new booklet has been published with basic information and tips on safety in the mountains, and in a special section of the booklet there is a log intended for collecting these stamps. The booklet is available at tourist information centres, at Turizem Bohinj and also at mountain lodges. In Bohinj the Bohinj Alpine Trail is recognised as an outstanding feature of value and a hiking tourism product that we wish to cultivate and offer to visitors in a properly sustainable way.



Bohinj (1 : 25,000) Julian Alps (1 : 50,000) Triglav (1 : 25,000) Triglav National Park (1 : 50,000) Booklet and log for stamps from the Bohinj Alpine Trail www.bohinj.si, e info@bohinj.si



sportive hiker

Pac d.o.o. Ribčev Laz 60, SI-4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)4 572 34 61 m +386 (0)40 864 202 e info@pac.si www.pac.si

Description The Hostel under Mt. Vogel (Hostel pod Voglom) is located at an idyllic location next to a forest, at the very heart of Triglav National Park, on Lake Bohinj. It is an excellent starting point for hiking and climbing tours and is also specialised accommodation for hikers and bikers. The hostel is suitable for groups of adults and young people, as well as for individuals looking for an active holiday in nature. It has 122 beds in three types of rooms. The main building has a restaurant and a social corner intended for guests to socialise, exchange travel experiences and have fun. Accommodation advantages The hostel also houses an outdoor travel agency, Pac Sports, which takes guests to experience nature while doing various types of sports, from rafting to canyoning and tandem paragliding. The agency also has a bus with 45 seats.

• For active visitors: It is possible to hire bikes, kayaks, or canoes and other sports equipment to explore the hidden nooks and crannies of Bohinj. • For visitors seeking rest: The hostel has its own ‘beach’, a garden with lounge chairs, and a playground. Highly recommended Explore Triglav National Park and the natural and cultural sites of Bohinj while walking on numerous mountain trails, alone or with a guide. Pac Sports travel agency recommends various adrenaline adventures. • cave exploration, trekking, and hiking • canyoning, and rafting • tandem paragliding • e-bikes • in winter: snow rafting, snowshoeing, sledding from Vogar with headlamps Accommodation with breakfast: from EUR 16 per person per night



alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Camp Danica Bohinj Triglavska cesta 60 SI-4264 Bohinjska Bistrica t +386 (0)4 572 17 02 e info@camp-danica.si www.camp-danica.si

23 Julian Alps · Bohinj

alpine hiker

Description Danica Camp is located in Bohinjska Bistrica, in a beautiful forest next to the River Sava Bohinjka. It can accommodate about 700 guests, who can choose between camp sites in sunny meadows next to the rivers or sites in the shade of trees. The Slovenian Tourist Board awarded the Camp 1st place for the best campsite in 2012. It is also open in winter. Accommodation advantages • Location: at starting points for hiking trails. Transportation is not necessary – you can head into the mountains from here on foot. The camp site is surrounded by the Julian Alps and Triglav National Park. The Upper and the Lower Bohinj Valley, the surrounding hills and mountains offer many opportunities for active fun. • Hiking equipment hire: hiking poles, safety belts, helmets, hiking shoes, backpacks. • Culinary offer: on the edge of the camp site, in

a pleasant location, the Danica Restaurant offers delicious and interesting combinations of traditional flavours and attractive modern cuisine. Highly recommended Active lovers of sport can enjoy many nature-friendly sports along the River Sava Bohinjka and on beautiful Lake Bohinj: • Fishing, mountaineering and sports climbing, mountain biking, kayaking and canoeing, sailing and surfing, rafting and hydro-speed, canyoning, paragliding, and hang-gliding. • In winter: near the camp, there are running paths, surfaces for snow activities, a covered artificial ice rink where you can hire skates, a water park with pools, saunas, and a gym. Campsite accommodation (per person per night): EUR 9.50–30.00. Hut accommodation (2 persons per night): EUR 80–100 (10% discount for cyclists)


HIKE&BIKE HOUSE alpine hiker

sportive hiker family

Turistična agencija HIKE&BIKE Stara Fužina 117, SI-4265 Bohinjsko jezero t +386 (0)31 374 660 e grega@hikeandbike.si www.hikeandbike.si

Accommodation advantages • Location: located in the middle of Triglav National Park, the Hike and Bike House is an ideal starting point for recreational hikers, rowers, swimming enthusiasts, and daring climbers. Cleanliness, an affordable price, and the direct

24 Central Slovenia ·Ljubljana | Julian Alps · Bohinj

Description In the heart of Triglav National Park, a pleasant stroll from the Hike and Bike House is all that separates you from the magical wilderness of Lake Bohinj. The Hike and Bike House is surrounded by some of the most beautiful mountains in Slovenia and is a true surprise for hikers. The kitchen, two bedrooms, a lounge area, and a large terrace will make you feel right at home, except that it’s more beautiful, perhaps. The House is owned by the specialised hiking and biking travel agency Hike and Bike, who are happy to help you with your hiking adventures.

connection of the House with hiking encourages even the most relaxed holidaymaker to be more active. When choosing and planning your trail, the friendly Hike and Bike team are always available. Highly recommended Hike with those in the know: you are in one of the most beautiful corners of Slovenia. Explore it! By Lake Bohinj, in the heart of the Julian Alps, you can enjoy a range of activities in nature: • for sports enthusiasts: hiking, sports climbing, Alpinism, mountain biking, kayaking and canoeing, SUP, canyoning and paragliding. • for nature lovers: a hike through the Bohinj valley to Savica waterfall, a tour of the Mostnice gorges, ričet stew on Vogar and light strolls along one of the stages of the Juliana long-distance trail. Per-night price for the house (1–6 people): EUR 150–200



Monolit d.o.o. Letališka 33d, SI-1000 Ljubljana t +386 (0)1 546 67 60 e info@monolit.si www.monolit2go.si

Discover Slovenia with the Monolit2go app The mobile app Monolit2go is the most detailed mobile excursionists’ guide to Slovenia. It currently contains details of more than 2,500 mountain trails, hiking routes, cycling routes and tourist trails across the entire country. All routes in one place and on one map for the first time! ALL ROUTES IN ONE PLACE, ON ONE MAP Among the popular hiking and cycling routes included in the app are: the Path of Memories and Comradeship, the Parenzana cycling route, the Three Countries Trail, all the main long-distance hiking routes crossing Slovenia (the Slovenian Mountain Trail, European long-distance paths E6 and E7, Via Alpina), 30,000 points of interest and much more.

The app is aimed at all nature lovers who enjoy discovering new places and want to experience the beauties of Slovenia. With Monolit2Go it is easy to find the right route, study its characteristics, and find your way once you’ve set off.



Hotel Ribno Izletniška 44, SI-4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 578 31 00 e info@hotel-ribno.si www.hotel-ribno.si

Description The Hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of Bled, in the idyllic village of Ribno, from which it takes its name. Due to its location on the edge of a pine forest, it is a great starting point for hiking tours and other sports adventures in the surrounding area. The hotel can provide you with information on hiking trails, and you can also make reservations at reception for other sporting activities. It is the first choice for anyone looking for some peace and relaxation in nature. The hotel is open throughout the year. Accommodation advantages A pleasant atmosphere and distance from the hustle and bustle will fill you with positive energy, which is always in abundance in these parts. Also, the restaurant of the Ribno Hotel is known for its excellent local and international cuisine and friendly staff. • Everything for hikers: organising hiking trips, hiring of hiking equipment, laundry service, or-

ganising transportation for people and sports equipment, tennis and volleyball courts at the hotel, and massages available at the hotel. • Relaxed picnics: the spacious terrace and green areas surrounding the hotel are your number one choice for a relaxing picnic after returning from a difficult hike. Highly recommended The green environment with the luscious scent of pine trees invites you to spend your free time outdoors in the fresh air. Hike on any of the numerous hiking trails near the hotel or go on an organised guided trip that will get your adrenaline flowing. • for sports enthusiasts: rafting, canyoning, kayaking, descent down a river, paragliding, climbing, diving, and horseback riding • guided biking or hiking trips Double room with breakfast: EUR 45–70 per person per night



alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Camping Bled Kidričeva 10 c, SI-4260 Bled t +386 (0)4 575 20 00 e info@camping-bled.com www.camping-bled.com

25 Julian Alps · Bled

alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Description Bled Camping combines the magical power of nature, the warmth of wood, and the comfort of luxury accommodation. It is located in a peaceful valley on the western shore of Lake Bled. It is among the highest category camps, with the most modern furnishings. The camp also offers glamping accommodation. The camp is also open in winter. Accommodation advantages Glamping houses or forest villas are located on an elevated natural terrace in a remote part of the camping site, surrounded by greenery, but still in the immediate vicinity of Lake Bled. They are made from environment-friendly unprocessed larch and covered with larch shingles. In front of each one is a wooden hot tub heated with firewood. These houses offer a harmonious experience with nature and world-class relaxation after an active day.

Culinary delights: • Picnic baskets: the special feature of Bled Camping are picnic baskets that you can order to be delivered to your tent, trailer, or house at any time. Breakfast, classic or gourmet lunch, and gourmet dinners in picnic baskets are available. • Camp guests can also enjoy food prepared in the Bled Camping restaurant, which offers traditional Slovenian and Mediterranean dishes. Highly recommended Located not too close, but not too far, from Lake Bled, Bled Camping invites you to be spoiled by enjoying the most beautiful nature scenes. • For sports enthusiasts: adrenaline-fuelled and hiking activities, mountain biking, canyoning, rafting, hot-air ballooning, sledding, swimming, hikes on surrounding plateaus, and endless strolls around Lake Bled.



alpine hiker

sportive hiker family

Hotel Kompas Borovška cesta 100, SI-4280 Kranjska Gora t +386 (0)4 589 21 00 e info@hit-alpinea.si www.hit-alpinea.si

Julian Alps · Kranjska Gora


Description An ideal location at the foot of the Karavanke/ Karawanken. Starting points for numerous hiking tours or short excursions, just a stone’s throw from the town centre. A rich choice of wellness programmes (saunas, massage, beauty services), in-hotel activities for the whole family, free entry to the Aqua Larix water park and the Kompas Relaxation Centre, while the Hit Alpinea Kranjska Gora hotel chain provides all the other elements you need for a perfect holiday. Accommodation advantages Comfortable, spacious, recently refurbished rooms adapted to the needs of athletes. You have the option of taking all your meals in the hotel or external facilities and we can also prepare packed lunches for the road. • For hikers: sports massage, hiking maps at hotel receptions, walking pole hire, advice

about the best routes, etc. • For cyclists: sports massage, MTB park, cycling trails close by (links to Italy and Austria), option of excursions with an activity leader/coordinator. More than 200 km of marked cycling routes on forest roads in the Karavanke/Karawanken. Highly recommended • Path from outside the hotel across the Robe meadow to Srednji Vrh and return along the Sava Dolinka river. Just over four hours of walking with the best view of the Martuljek group and the other mountains of the Julian Alps. • Another recommended option is the path past the Zelenci nature reserve (a Natura 2000 area) to Planica, the home of the world’s largest ski jumping hill. The hike there and back takes around four hours. Double room, half-board: EUR 48–75 per person per night


ŠPIK ALPINE RESORT***/**** alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Alpski resort Špik Hotel Špik*** & Hotel Špik**** Jezerci 21, SI-4282 Gozd Martuljek t +386 (0)4 587 71 00 e hotel.spik@hit.si www.hotelspik.com

Description Špik Alpine Resort is located in a quiet little corner of the Alpine hamlet of Gozd Martuljek, a mere 7 km away from the town of Kranjska Gora. Accommodation advantages With a unique view across the Špik mountain range, we provide guests with the choice of simple three-star hotel accommodation, a modern four-star hotel or our own campsite. For afternoon fun and relaxation, guests can take advantage of Špik’s water park, which boasts three swimming pools (250m2) and a wellness centre that offers a wide range of Alpine massages and beauty treatments. There are Turkish, Finnish and herbal saunas to help you relax after a busy day in the marvellous landscapes that surround the resort. • For hikers: Numerous hiking trails in the immediate vicinity take you to the Martuljški waterfalls, the peak of Srednji Vrh in the Karavanke mountain range, and towards Jasna lake

and Kranjska Gora. If you’d like to enjoy some delicious food and drink outdoors, our chefs are on hand to prepare a selection of snacks and picnic baskets for you to take away. • For cyclists: There are lock-up facilities to keep your bikes safe and give you the space to undertake any basic repairs. The cycle paths themselves lead past Hotel Špik towards Kranjska Gora and the villages of Podkoren and Rateče, then over the border into neighbouring Italy, where the most popular stop is by the crystal-clear lakes of Fužine/Laghi di Fusine. You can even take a cable car to the top of Višarje/ Monte Lussari, where the views across the Alps are superb. We also recommend the cycle path to the Alpine museum in Mojstrana and a visit to the Peričnik waterfall in the Vrata Valley. Double room, half-board: EUR 42–58 per person per night (3*), EUR 54–75 per person per night (4*)



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Hanging bridge on the Soča River

alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family


i Turizem Dolina Soče - TIC Bovec Trg golobarskih žrtev 22, SI-5230 Bovec t +386 (0)5 302 96 47 e info.bovec@dolina-soce.si www.dolina-soce.si

On one side, the highest peaks of the Julian Alps; on the other, the emerald course of the River Soča. This is Bovec, a little town always inclined to sports, which enthrals with its open-air activities. It is wonderful to feel the heart of the Soča Valley while mountaineering. The wooden bridges hanging over the river are reminiscent of a ladder to a green paradise, while the high mountain trails always have the fragrance of wild flowers.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Bovec Day (Buški dan) and Potato Night (Čomparska noč), July and August The folklore events in Bovec are famous for culinary delicacies and a rich programme. On Bovec Day, old crafts are demonstrated, and on Potato Night, dance, theatre, and musical groups perform. • Bovec Marathon, September A marathon ordeal where no energy bars are needed, because strength pours into you from the emerald Soča, which the route follows.

This marathon, crossing the heart of the Slovene Alpine world, is one of the most picturesque European marathons.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • 132 dialect names for potato are known in Slovenia. In Bovec, it is called čompe. Cooked jacket potato with curd has been a typical dish in this Slovenian landscape since the 19th century.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • The emerald waters of the Soča invite you to try rafting or kayaking, and to end the day, treat yourself to an adrenaline shower under the magnificent Boka Falls.

Soča kayak Potato Night traditional event







The Soča Trail is the oldest and longest trail in Triglav National Park. It links old footpaths and calm, lesser known corners of the valley. The trail is marked and equipped with descriptions of attractions. Particularly beautiful are the old footbridges across the Soča, which the trail crosses several times.

The trail begins at the final station of the Kanin cable car. It runs across the high mountain karst and is clearly presented with descriptions on seven boards. The surrounding peaks, pasture, history, flora and fauna, and mountaineering are clearly presented.

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End Maps

Walking time Length Start GPS coordinates Map

8–10 hours 25 km easy 400 m Car park next to the Soča Spring Lodge 46.4091 N, 13.7255 E Bovec Triglav National Park (1 : 50,000), Trenta (1 : 25,00), Bovec (1 : 40,00)

2 hours 4 km Final station of the Kanin cable car 46.3949 N, 13.4919 E Prestreljenik Plateau –Kanin leaflet; designations T01 – T06 denote the positions of boards along the route with additional information 29


HOTEL BOKA & BISTRO & OUTDOOR*** sportive hiker easy & joy family

Hotel Boka & Bistro & Outdoor Žaga 156a, SI-5224 Srpenica, Bovec t +386 (0)5 384 55 52 e info@hotel-boka.si www.hotel-boka.si

Central Slovenia ·Ljubljana | Julian Alps · Soča Valley


Description Hotel Boka is a small family hotel. It is located in the Soča river valley, by the River Soča and the Boka waterfall, with views of the Julian Alps and the Kanin range. We are 4 km from Bovec heading towards Kobarid. Accommodation advantages The hotel has 16 spacious double rooms and 4 suites. We offer a rich breakfast with local delicacies, and dinner. At Boka Outdoor you can rent bicycles, and we can also arrange for a variety of water sports. At the end of the day you can relax in the sauna with views of the Julian Alps and Triglav. The hotel offers two conference rooms that are ideal for meetings or teambuilding events. • For hikers: running close to the hotel are two long-distance trails (Juliana Trail, Alpe Adria Trail); we also recommend: hiking up Svinjak, a tour of Kanin, Krnsko jezero lake, the Soča

Trail to Lepena, Stol, Krasji vrh above Kobarid, the Walk of Peace from Kluže to Log pod Mangartom or hiking up to the Boka waterfall. • For cyclists: e-bike tour from Boka along byways taking in two valleys, MTB tour to Lepena, ascent to Vršič, challenging MTB tour covering Boka – Magozd – Kozjak – Boka, MTB tour up Mt Stol, ascent to Mangart saddle. Highly recommended A trip to Boka waterfall, the viewing point above Žaga, in the summer months a dip in the Soča, a stroll to the village of Trnovo, downstream kayaking for beginners and guided cycling tour along byways to Lepena. You should also visit Kobarid, the open-air museums of the First World War and the Planika Cheesemaking Museum. Double room with breakfast: from EUR 50 per person per night


VISIT GOODPLACE alpine hiker

easy & joy

Visit Goodplace Rimska cesta 2b, SI-1000 Ljubljana t +386 (0)31 370 107 e info@visit-goodplace.com www.visit-goodplace.com

Description VisitGoodPlace is an agency for active and responsible travellers. The choice of holidays is a matter of trust, expectations and dreams.

genuine local hospitality and the moving legacy of the First World War. The whole tour takes 13 days, but you can also book a shorter version.

Book the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea tour with us. The Walk of Peace is a multi-day hiking path that follows the former WW1 frontline running from the Julian Alps to the sunny Adriatic coast. This diverse hiking tour is characterized by numerous remnants of the Isonzo front, breath-taking views and friendly locals. Due to its mission and homage to peace, this historical trail is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The tour represents a perfect choice for outdoor enthusiasts and history buffs alike. Superlative hiking trails running through some of the most beautiful parts of the region are combined with

As local experts, we also organize other hiking tours in the Alps-Adriatic region. Please contact us for an offer to suit your needs.




Kobarid (Caporetto in Italian) is a historic town marked by the Soča (Isonzo) Front. Walk along the Kobarid History Trail, visit Tonovec Castle, the mysterious Kozjak waterfall, the famous Kobarid Museum and the Museum of Cheesemaking. Take a peek at Breginjski kot, the romantic village of Drežnica, head off to enjoy the views along the ridge of Livški greben, and in summer cool off in the River Nadiža. Fine dining enthusiasts should visit the outstanding restaurants, especially Hiša Franko which boasts two Michelin stars.


TO MT. KRN (2,244 m) From the car park, following the marked trail to the Kuhinja Pasture, where you will find yourself in the true embrace of the Krn mountain chain, including Mt. Batognica. On the route to the top, some remains from World War One can always be found; if nothing else, there is barbed wire, a poignant reminder. Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End Maps

7 hours 12 km medium 1,500 m The village of Kamno or the car park at the Kuhinja Pasture 46.24143 N, 13.66294 E At the start Soča Valley (1 : 40,000), Mt. Krn (1 : 25,000), Triglav National Park (1 : 50,000)

alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

i Turizem Dolina Soče – TIC Kobarid Trg Svobode 16, SI-5222 Kobarid t +386(0)5 380 04 90 e info.kobarid@dolina-soce.si www.dolina-soce.si




sportive hiker family

Eko apartmajsko naselje Kamp Koren Kobarid Drežniške Ravne 33, SI-5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 389 13 11 m +386 (0)41 371 229 e info@kamp-koren.si www.kamp-koren.si

Julian Alps · Soča Valley


Description The first Slovenian ecological campsite links Triglav National Park and the Soča, one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe. Just 500 m from the centre of Kobarid, a city of history and fine cuisine, you can camp in your own way or choose from eco log cabins and glamping huts. Accommodation advantages • Surrounded by unspoilt nature, situated on a favourite hiking stage of the Alpe Adria and Juliana Trails, by the gorges of the River Soča, this is an outstanding starting point for short and long hikes of varying difficulty, along with other outdoor activities. • Staying in an eco log cabin or glamping hut is delightful due to the warmth of the wood, which conjures a feeling of being connected to nature (accommodation made entirely of natural materials).

• Sauna, salt room, local products on offer, a gym, climbing tower, conference room, E-charger, defibrillator, organisation of water activities and hiking/cycling trips (bike rental). Highly recommended • Mountaineering, hiking, climbing, Alpinism, kayaking, rafting, canyoning, paragliding, hang gliding, mountain biking, angling, horse riding. Accommodation per person per night: • Campsite: from EUR 10 • Glamping, log cabin: from EUR 35 • Breakfast and dinner: EUR 18



alpine hiker

sportive hiker

Gostišče Jelkin Hram Drežnica 30, SI-5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)5 384 86 10, m +386 (0)41 953 370 e jelkin.hram@siol.net www.jelkin-hram.com

Description The Jelkin Hram inn is situated by the foothills of the mighty Mt Krn in Drežnica. This is an excellent starting point for hikers, mountain bikers, paragliders and others who love the mountains and unspoilt nature. The inn has 30 beds, and offers overnights with breakfast, half-board, lunches for groups, homemade food in pleasant surroundings, a Finnish sauna, free Wi-Fi, minivan shuttle transport, tandem paragliding flights, guided hiking and cycling tours and much more. Accommodation advantages Homeliness, warmth, old customs, a tranquil setting and pristine nature have all been preserved here through the centuries to the present day. The traveller can find tranquillity and a place for rest, while adventurers can find endless opportunities for thrills in the fresh mountain air. • For hikers: organised hiking trips, rental of

hiking gear, laundry, shuttle transport of people and sports equipment. • Special features: “Hike & Fly” – instead of walking down, you fly down to the valley. End your hike on the peak of the hill, and return to the valley in a paragliding tandem with an experienced paraglider. Highly recommended Where the urban life ends and the days are a bit longer, you can get a view of the marvellous landscape that is hidden from the eyes of the everyday traveller along the Soča Valley. Set out on one of the numerous hiking routes in the vicinity or choose from the activities offered by the Soča area: • Alpe Adria Trail, rafting and kayaking on the Soča, canyoning, paragliding, climbing, horse riding and more. Double room, half-board: from EUR 40 per person per night



sportive hiker family

Accommodation advantages Accommodation for up to 20 people in renovated stone houses or rooms in the farmhouse. Guests can prepare their own food. Preparation of food on the farm is possible by agreement. Own vegetable garden, also available to guests. • For hikers: hikes to the summits of Stol and Joanaz/Ivanac, along the old smugglers’ path to Prossenicco/Prosnid (over the border), along the dry bed of the Nadiža, circular trails also suitable for children.



• For cyclists: The summits of Stol, Matajur and Joanaz/Ivanac, cycling on the route of the 2016 Giro d’Italia, a 600 m forest trail in the village or circular cross-border road tours with many changes of elevation. In the evening, relaxation in the Mini Eco Spa complete with sauna. Highly recommended Swimming or paddling in the Nadiža/Natisone, hiking trails, extreme sports (paragliding, water sports). Suitable for families and small children (large garden, children’s playground equipment). Also suitable for groups (room for lectures or socialising). Half-board: EUR 50–100 per person per night

33 Julian Alps · Soča Valley

Trail center & Razpršeni hotel Robidišče SI-5223 Breginj (Robidišče) • Namestitve: t +386 (0)31 345 958 e robidisce@gmail.com www.skvor-holidayhouse.com • Trail center & namestitve: e info@arbischa.si www.arbischa.si

Description The westernmost village in Slovenia lies on the edge of “Slavia Veneta”, part of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region of NE Italy. The surrounding area offers wonderful views of three distinct landscapes: the Alps, the Pre-Alps and the Friulian lowland. The Natisone/Nadiža – the warmest Alpine river – flows nearby.

easy & joy

Soča Valley Freeride Magozd 6, SI-5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)41 759 307 e soca.valley.freeride@gmail.com www.soca-valley-freeride.com www.pri-jakobu.si

For hikers: • One-day guided excursion to Triglav • One-day guided excursion to Krn • One-day guided excursion to the Polovnik Ridge • One-day guided excursion to Stol • Accommodation at Pri Jakobu Apartments




Tolmin is an attractive location with a range of hiking trails, Tolmin Museum and the Church of the Holy Spirit on Javorca, which bears a European Heritage label. Visit the famous Tolmin Gorges, the lowest gateway to Triglav National Park. Nearby you can row a boat around the lake at Most na Soči, learn about the centuries-old tradition of cheesemaking in the village of Čadrg, try some traditional frika omelette and take the historical train along the old railway through Baška grapa ravine. 34


LOM IS MY HOME A circular hiking trail runs through colourful hay fields, meadows and pastures edged by boreal forests. The trail offers up wonderful views. Information panels along the route offer an insight into life in these parts in earlier times and today. Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End Map

4.5 hours 12 km moderate 595 m Široko 46.13193 N, 13.75982 E same Lom is My Home – Circular hiking trail leaflet

alpine hiker

sportive hiker easy & joy family

i Turizem Dolina Soče – TIC Tolmin Petra Skalarja 4, SI-5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 380 04 80 e info.tolmin@dolina-soce.si www.dolina-soce.si



alpine hiker

easy & joy

Accommodation advantages Comfortable lodging is provided in renovated rooms furnished with top of the range mattresses for excellent rest, air conditioning and fast internet, plus a varied and tasty breakfast. • For hikers: if guests wish, shuttle transport can be provided to the start or from the end of trails, and packed lunches can also be provided. There is a special space for drying your hiking gear, with individual airing cupboards,

and they also offer outstanding reflex-zone massages for tired legs and feet, or Swedish massages for the whole body. Highly recommended The shorter hikes suitable for families with small children include a tour of the fairy-tale Tolmin gorges, the ruins of the castle on Kozlov rob or a visit to the cheese-producing Alpine pastures below Mt Krn. History enthusiasts can take a tour of the open-air museums of Kolovrat and Mengore. The friendly staff will be glad to offer additional information on the trails and other features of interest in the surrounding area, and you can find maps of hiking trails in the hotel reception. Double room with breakfast (per person per night): from EUR 38.25 (basic), EUR 43.50 (standard), EUR 49.75 (superior)



alpine hiker

35 Julian Alps · Soča Valley

Hotel Dvorec Mestni trg 3, SI-5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 382 11 00 e info@hoteldvorec.com www.hoteldvorec.com

Description Dvorec Hotel is located in Tolmin, in the heart of the Soča Valley, and is an ideal starting point for both challenging and easy hiking tours. Anyone wishing to cover a longer route can take advantage of the hotel’s Juliana Trail and Alpe Adria Trail packages, which include hiking along two or more Soča stages with shuttles provided and no need to pack up your bags each day.

easy & joy

Penzion Kobala Poljubinj 6a, SI-5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)5 381 01 55 e penzion.kobala@siol.net www.penzion-kobala.si

Description Penzion Kobala guest house is located in the Soča river valley, up against the foothills of the 1,080 m high mountain of Kobala, which is a favourite jumping off point for paragliders and hang gliders. The guest house is a great starting point for mountain bikers and runners, hikers and others who love natural and cultural features, and who are seeking out tranquillity and relaxation in the heart of unspoilt nature. Accommodation advantages Penzion Kobala offers 26 comfortable beds, and along with accommodation they offer a breakfast buffet replete with local treats, and by prior arrangement they can also provide lunch or dinner featuring local dishes. Guests are welcomed by a beautifully arranged and peaceful setting, great food, the option of recharging in the guest house pool or a relaxing massage in the jacuzzi, and by the warm and friendly atmosphere created by the outgoing staff.

Penzion Kobala also offers stays in the Eco Chalet Astra Montana mountain cabin up on the Alpine pasture of Stador. The cabin is ideal for an escape to peace and nature, and is a great starting point for tours of the nearby Julian Alps peaks. • For hikers: organised hikes to desired destinations and other adrenaline sports (tandem flights, water sports, canyoning, climbing and more). • For cyclists: rental of normal and e-bikes. Highly recommended An excursion to the nearby waterfall of Beri, a hike to the ‘Triglav of Tolmin’, or all the way to the Alpine pastures of Razor to sample the most famous quark cheese strudel, a tour of the Tolmin gorges, a stroll to Kozlov rob, the magnificent viewing point above Tolmin, or a hike on the maintained trails along the River Soča. Accommodation per person with breakfast: from EUR 44


B-TOURS easy & joy family

B-TOURS Turizem in prevozi d.o.o. Poljubinj 4, SI-5220 Tolmin t +386 (0)51 226 823 e info@btours.si www.btours.si

For hikers: • shuttle transport from Slovenian and nearby airports to destinations in Slovenia, • excursions in the Soča area and Goriška Brda, • trips throughout Slovenia, • transport of baggage from accommodation to accommodation, • shuttle transport in the Soča area, • the experienced drivers speak English, German or Dutch in addition to Slovenian.

Julian Alps · Soča Valley



SOČA FUN PARK easy & joy family

ProAktiv Sport d.o.o. Pot na Breg 11, SI-5250 Solkan t +386 (0)40 377 477 e info@socafunpark.si www.socafunpark.si

Description We invite those seeking adventure, sport and fun to visit Soča Fun Park in Solkan near Nova Gorica. Located right by the Solkan–Plave cycle route, the Fun Park offers five courses of varying difficulty with 53 separate obstacles in the pleasant shade of the treetops above the emerald surface of the beautiful River Soča. The difficulty levels are adjusted to the user; the first part of the park is perfect for children aged between 5 and 8, while the main section, at heights of between 3 and 11 metres, is intended for older children, teens and adults. The mild Mediterranean climate makes the park an attractive destination even in the autumn and winter. The friendly and properly trained instructors will offer you a safe yet thrilling experience that will certainly stay in your memory. The boldest adventurers can return to base via

a 300-metre zipline stretched 40 metres above the River Soča. Soča Fun Park is not just a place for thrills, it is also a place for socialising in nature and for meeting new friends. And of course it is an appealing way of having fun in the Goriška area, which you should not miss. You can also spice up your day with lunch, dinner or a wine tasting in the world-acclaimed wine region and experience a full day, weekend or holiday. A warm welcome awaits!




Kanal, a small medieval town with a rich cultural heritage, surrounded by natural beauty and opportunities for recreation, relaxation, excursions, cycling, hiking, hunting, fishing, bathing and climbing. The focus of cultural events in Kanal is the Kontrada square, which is bordered by a complex of heritage buildings. A stroll across the famous bridge over the Soča will take you to the Keramost gallery, the First World War museum collection and Pečno park.


PRIŽNICA MEMORIAL PARK Circular Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic. This links the Prižnica Memorial Park and the Vodice open-air museum. It runs past numerous remains of the First World War. The rise of Prižnica is famous mainly for its military designation as Hill 383, which was an important strategic point for access to the plateau of Banjška planota.

Walking time Length Difficulty Start GPS coordinates End

2.5 hours 5.6 km moderate Plave 46.042224 N, 13.610293 E same

alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

i TIC Kanal Pionirska 2, SI-5213 Kanal t +386 (0)5 398 12 13 e tic.kanal@siol.net www.tic-kanal.si



Logar Valley

alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family


Days of national dress and clothing heritage

i http://kamnik-savinja-alps.com/

The Kamnik-Savinja Alps make up the easternmost section of the Alpine chain that binds Europe. It is home to a range of small villages such as Jezersko and Luče, which due to their small size and unspoilt natural environment are members of the Bergsteigerdörfer association of mountain villages. Jezersko with its lake of Planšarsko jezero and the Češka koča lodge, Luče with the River Savinja and Snežna jama cave and the Logar Valley in Solčavsko are regarded as incomparable gems. They are also joined by the high mountain pasturing settlement at Velika planina and the Krvavec ski resort. From there in the summer days you can take a tandem paraglider flight to Črnava lake in Preddvor.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Days of national dress and clothing heritage, September Each year tradition merges with ethnography, culture and fun in Kamnik. The main event involves the participation of more than 2,000 enthusiasts and experts on folk costumes. At the event you can also try traditional Kamnik dishes.

• Shepherd’s Ball, second Sunday in August The oldest Slovenian ethnographic event takes place in Jezersko, which is home to the native Jezersko-Solčavsko breed of sheep. The event shows the herding of sheep down from the Alpine pastures and the work associated with processing sheep wool: shearing, spinning, carding and even knitting socks.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Zgornjesavinjski želodec is the geographically protected Upper Savinja Stomach, a famous local culinary feature. Homemade cured meats, a recipe handed down from generation to generation over the centuries, this is a typical dried meat product that draws happy guests to the table.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Treat yourself to the perfect view of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps from Velika planina (1,666 m) or take a walk through the green Logar Valley, which lies in the embrace of high mountains. More experienced hikers can admire the views from the highest peaks, looking out to neighbouring Austria and the Julian Alps and Mt Triglav.

Shepherd’s Ball Velika planina


KAMNIK TIC Kamnik Glavni trg 2, SI-1241 Kamnik t +386 (0)1 831 82 50 e tic@visitkamnik.com www.visitkamnik.com A lively little medieval town with a mountain beat is an ideal starting point to visit the Kamnik–Savinja Alps. Venture through steep ravines to the extensive mountain plateaus and saddles, where the aroma of delicacies rises from mountain lodges. Mountain meadows imbued with the dairy farming tradition and fed by the crystal-clear waters of the Kamniška Bistrica, which will fill you with the vibrant life of the region, draw visitors to the uplands above Kamnik.

Logar Valley Jezersko

LOGAR VALLEY AND SOLČAVSKO TIC Logarska dolina Logarska dolina 9, SI-3335 Solčava t +386 (0)3 838 90 04, e info@logarska.si www.logarska-dolina.si Stop at the mighty Logar Lime Tree protecting the entrance to Logar Valley Nature Park; take a breath at the view of soft green meadows merging into forests, and which in turn climb to the soaring flanks of two-thousand metre peaks. The Logar Valley is a starting point for easy hiking routes, as well as more difficult and the most difficult ones. TIC Solčava – CENTER RINKA Solčava 29, SI-3335 Solčava t +386 (0)3 839 07 10, e info@solcavsko.info www.solcavsko.info Where can you start to discover the Solčavsko Region? In the Robanov Kot Valley surrounded by steep mountain walls, in the Logar Valley, one of the most beautiful glacial valleys of Europe in the embrace of the Kamnik and Savinja Alps, or in the remote Matkov Kot Valley? From the panoramic Solčava Road, your view takes in everything and you can quickly choose a hiking route.

CERKLJE NA GORENJSKEM TIC Cerklje Krvavška cesta 1b, SI-4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem t +386 (0)4 281 58 22 e info@tourism-cerklje.si www.visitcerklje.si Cerklje na Gorenjskem is a small Alpine village below the Krvavec ski centre. Its enchanting miniature perfection draws visitors from all over in the winter time. The beautifully maintained ski area is a regular recipient of the annual awards for best-kept ski areas in Slovenia.

Cerklje na Gorenjskem

Kamnik Luče


TIC Preddvor Dvorski trg 3, SI-4205 Preddvor t +386 (0)40 606 091 e info@visitpreddvor.si www.visitpreddvor.si Below Mt. Storžič which, proud as a lonely guard, watches over the Kranj Plain, lies Preddvor. Nestled against the foothills of mountains, it lies at the heart of a network of routes to high peaks and long ridges, through steep forests and gentle slopes. The valley of the River Kokra lies before us, the Slovenian Alps all around us, and a little lake below the mountains is already inviting us to rest.



TIC Luče Luče 106, SI-3334 Luče t +386 (0)3 839 35 55 e info@luce.si www.visitluce.si

TIC Jezersko Zg. Jezersko 56, SI-4206 Jezersko t +386 (0)51 219 282 e tic@jezersko.si www.jezersko.info

The preserved authenticity of Alpine architecture, a backdrop of steep mountains and the clear waters of the Savinja give Luče a special charm. Here is a mix of the free spirit of the mountain peaks and the harsh life in the hills; trails lead here to mighty mountain tops and green highland pastures, where life is still dictated by tradition, and trails also descend into an underground world that tells the stories of millennia.

Embraced by the Kamnik-Savinja Alps is the enchanting Jezersko, the first Bergsteigerdörfer village in Slovenia, boasting a rich tradition. Its natural appeal and fresh climate have long drawn hikers and those who appreciate pristine nature. The barrier of the north face of the highest peaks is breathtaking, merging with green forests then jutting into the sky.






The trail to the saddle of Kamniško Sedlo is one of the most popular in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. The start, in the enchanting valley of Kamniška Bistrica by the source of the river is a good indication that you will be traversing unspoilt nature up to the mountain lodge, which offers views across half of Slovenia.

The trail to Češka koča – so named because it was built a century ago in Jezersko by Czech mountaineers – offers a fairly easy hike that in some places will still require you to hold on to steel cables. Climbing up a ladder is not challenging, but does add an extra enticement.

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End Maps

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End Maps

6 hours 11 km moderate 1,300 m Dom v Kamniški Bistrici lodge 46.327600 N, 14.589256 E same Grintovci (1 : 25,000) Kamnik-Savinja Alps (1 : 50,000)

3 hours 6.5 km difficult 650 m Car park at Ravenska kočna 46.384626 N, 14.536489 E same Grintovci (1 : 25,000) Kamnik-Savinja Alps (1 : 50,000) Jezersko (1 : 25,000)



alpine hiker

sportive hiker family

Hotel Krvavec Ambrož pod Krvavcem 50 SI-4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem t +386 (0)51 350 830 e booking@rtc-krvavec.si www.rtc-krvavec.si

Description This highest-lying hotel in Slovenia is at an elevation of 1,600 metres, only a relative stone’s throw from Ljubljana (20 kilometres). The beautiful dairy farming countryside and a magnificent view of the valley and the Slovenian Alps are true magnets for hikers. The hotel is equipped in Alpine style with a hint of the modern; in the summer season, it is open from May to October, and in the winter season, from December to April. Accommodation advantages The hotel offers genuine Slovenian food based on local ingredients and the Krvavec Pasture. • An excellent starting point for hillwalking tours: a number of more and less difficult hillwalking trails have been set up and marked in the immediate vicinity. Breathe the fresh

mountain air and get away from the crowds and the city hustle and bustle, which, although it is not far away, you will be completely unaware of in this mountain pasture. • Maps of mountaineering and hiking trails and the use of basic hiking equipment Highly recommended On Krvavec, you can walk, cycle, paraglide, enjoy an adventure park, or explore wonderful nature up close and in its purest form. • hiking hotel packages • hiking guided by a hillwalking guide along hiking trails • themed events Double room, half-board: from EUR 45 per person per night

Kamnik-Savinja Alps



SNOVIK THERMAL SPA**** easy & joy family

Terme Snovik Snovik 7, SI-1219 Laze v Tuhinju t +386 (0)1 834 41 00 e info@terme-snovik.si www.terme-snovik.si

Description The invigorating mountain air, the positive energy of nature, and the pristine proximity of the mountains all lead to active free-time pursuits in the Snovik Thermal Spa which, at an elevation of 462 m, is the highest thermal spa in Slovenia. It boasts high-quality water for bathing and drinking, and an apartment settlement called Little Houses at the Edge of the Forest. Accommodation is also possible in two-bed rooms, and the spa remains open all year round. Accommodation advantages The Snovik Thermal Spa, which has an ecological mission, is an excellent starting point for hikes across the Kamnik–Savinja Alps. When you return, you can relax in healthy thermal water, a sauna, or with a massage. • Breakfast and house specialties: for breakfast, house specialties and local foods are also

available, whereas for lunch you can order trout, princely goulash (firštov golaž), and the house struklji. • Loan of Nordic walking poles and bicycles Highly recommended Venture alone or with a guide along easy or difficult routes. The area around Snovik Spa offers many hiking possibilities: • Velika Planina Mountain Pasture, Mt. Grintovec, Mt. Skuta, Kamniško Sedlo, Sv. Miklavž na Gori, Mt. Menina • Vranja Peč Climbing Site and the Budnar Museum House • Old surrounding footpaths leading past cultural heritage monuments and farms offering home-made products. Double room, half-board: from EUR 51 per person per night


TOURISM ON THE LENAR FARM alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Turizem na kmetiji Lenar Logarska dolina 11, SI-3335 Solčava t +386 (0)3 838 90 06 m +386 (0)41 766 098 e tk.lenar@siol.net www.lenar.si

Accommodation advantages The mountain farm occupies a supremely tranquil location in the middle of the Logar Valley. Its position amidst grassy meadows and old apple trees by the foothills offers an ideal starting point for mountain hiking in the high Kamnik-Savinja Alps and also hiking and cycling along lower reaches of the valley. We can arrange guides and free equipment loans.

42 Kamnik-Savinja Alps

Description Welcome to the Lenar mountain farm in the Logar Valley, famous for being one of the most magnificent Alpine valleys. Due to the exceptional cultural landscape and the preserved state of the natural environment, the valley was declared a nature park. Our farm has eco (organic) status, and we offer locally produced breakfasts adapted to the guest’s needs. The comfortable rooms and apartments have balconies or terraces and a fibre optic Wi-Fi network.

Highly recommended • Explore the Alpine thematic trail through the Logar Valley Nature Park. • Hike up to the mountain lodges and pastures of Okrešelj, Klemenča jama and Strelovec. • You can continue on into the high mountains in the company of mountain guides. We recommend the peaks of Ledinski vrh, Ojstrica and Planjava. • Take a walk to the 76 protected natural features and monuments (waterfalls, caverns, extraordinary trees, springs, rocky gorges, cirques and scree slopes with mountain vegetation). • Visit the nearby historical mountain farms with their traditional method of farming, forestry and architecture. Accommodation with breakfast: EUR 49 per person per night Apartment rental: from EUR 100/day



alpine hiker

sportive hiker

Kamp Šmica Luče 4, SI-3334 Luče t +386 (0)3 584 43 30 e camp.smica @siol.net www.camp-smica.com

Description The Šmica Campsite is arranged on a partly grassy and partly forested area on a bank of the unspoiled River Savinja, not far from the Logar Valley, at an elevation of a little over 500 metres. It is an ideal starting point for hiking and water sports. If you would like to stay in the camp, but did not bring your own accommodation, you can hire a trailer or a bungalow and stay in a little wooden house or room. Accommodation advantages You can enjoy your break very actively: • we will drive you to thrilling guided kayak or raft descents on the Savinja, where it is also possible to swim or fish; • kayak-raft equipment is for hire to the experienced; • tennis enthusiasts can play a match on two sand courts;

• loan of bikes (helmets, locks); • we offer transport from the airport to the camp. Highly recommended The campsite is an excellent starting point for diverse walking and hiking trails for both demanding and less demanding hikers. The Logar Valley invites you to experience natural landmarks such as the Robanov Kot Valley, Matkov Kot Valley, Snežna Jama Cave, Velika Planina Mountain Pasture, and others. Hillwalkers can strike out with a backpack to somewhat longer routes, and ascend Mts. Raduha, Ojstrica, Korošica, and other peaks of the Kamnik–Savinja Alps. In the gurgling waters of the River Savinja running just alongside our calm camp site, you will be able to refresh your legs after your walks – which we will be glad to recommend at the site reception.


ŠENKOVA DOMAČIJA HOMESTEAD sportive hiker family

Šenkova domačija Polona in Drejc Karničar Zgornje Jezersko 140 SI-426 Zgornje Jezersko m +386 (0)41 467 008 e info@senkovadomacija.si www.senkovadomacija.si

Description The Šenk Homestead (Šenkova domačija) is an organic farm with accommodation and camping space. The new wooden dower house and renovated 500 year-old house offer four apartments and seven rooms. we serve our guests meals based on the organic produce of our own farm. In addition to tranquillity and an outstanding natural environment in an authentic farm setting, to enhance your relaxation we also offer a Finnish or infra-red sauna and pampering massages. Advantages of the accommodation • For hikers: Jezersko is a hiker’s paradise, where you can experience the genuine beauty of pristine nature in the embrace of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and Karavanke range. There is a choice of easy walks in the valley, undemanding tours to outstanding viewing points around the valley and also the most difficult

trails and climbing routes on the north faces of the Grintovci range, which you can also do accompanied by a mountain guide. • For cyclists: you can ride to Jezersko through two picturesque valleys. The Kokra Valley on the Slovenian side and the Vellach Valley on the Austrian side complete a circuit around the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and the Karavanke. Jezersko itself offers mountain bikers more than 50 km of forest roads, along which you can explore the hills and valleys across this municipality. Hikers and cyclists can get the information they need about where to go from local Alpinist and mountain rescuer Drejc Karničar. He has completed numerous Alpinist ascents and ski descents of mountains in Slovenia and abroad, and in 1995 together with his brother Davo he skied down from the eight-thousander Annapurna.


FEEL GREEN TRAVEL alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Park Jezersko, d.o.o. Zg. Jezersko 57, SI-4206 Zg. Jezersko t +386 (0)31 203 930 e info@feelgreen.si www.feelgreentravel.com (Walking, Cycling & Winter Tours) www.park-jezersko.si (XC Skiing & Family Park)

43 Kamnik-Savinja Alps

alpine hiker

What we do The Feel Green Travel tourist agency organises easy hiking and biking tours for groups and individuals through some of the most beautiful destinations and national parks in the Alps and the Western Balkans. Self-guided hiking This is the ideal choice for hikers who like to travel independently, without luggage and without the stress that comes with searching for suitable accommodation, local culinary experiences and transfers at the end of the tour. You’ll receive from us a carefully compiled, easy-to-understand description of the route, with maps. Telephone support is also available. One-day tours Our experienced and certified guides are out and about on a daily basis, guiding visitors to

panoramic peaks, through unspoilt nature, and along trails in the Soča, Bled and Jezersko valleys. You can book half- and full-day excursions on our website. Multi-day tours Choose between crossing Triglav National Park or hiking a more tourist-oriented circular route around the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, taking in the unforgettable sights of Velika Planina, Logarska Dolina and Jezersko. A via ferrata or Triglav, Slovenia’s highest peak? For those with a head for heights, we recommend one of the via ferratas or a two-day trek to the country’s highest peak.



alpine hiker

easy & joy family

Hotel Golte Radegunda 19 c, SI-3330 Mozirje t +386 (0)3 839 11 00 m +386 (0)51 354 806 e info@golte.si www.golte.si

Kamnik-Savinja Alps · Savinja and Šalek Valley


Description The Golte Hotel is situated at an elevation of 1,410 metres, in the heart of Golte Nature Park, where the karstified plateau offers a number of arranged and marked hiking and cycling trails. The boutique eco-hotel has 52 rooms with balconies, a wellness centre and a wonderful view of the Savinja Valley. The hotel restaurant offers a wide selection of dishes, local cuisine, and characteristic mountain flavours with which you can also refresh yourself at mountain lodges. The hotel is open from May to October and December to March. Accommodation advantages There is an artificial dam atop the Golte Plateau; the trails feature karst caves and shafts, and lead past wonderful lodges and shepherds’ cottages. Medicinal mountain plants can also be found in places on the Plateau. • Location: you can reach the hotel, which is di-

rectly beside the E6 European Long-Distance Path, via the longest gondola cable car lift in Slovenia, or along the parallel panoramic road. • For hikers: information on hiking tours, maps of hiking trails, tour organisation, transfers to and from the hotel, hillwalking guides, washing of hiking clothes, use of trekking poles, energy-filled breakfasts, and a shop with sports clothes and nutrition. Highly recommended On the Golte Plateau, thrill enthusiasts will also find satisfaction. • zip-line, climbing on a climbing wall • rafting on the River Savinja • thrill park (Menina Camp) and a cycling park • winter hiking, snowshoeing, ski touring, skiing, sledding Double room, half-board: from EUR 43 per person per night



alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Kamp Menina Varpolje 105, SI-3332 Rečica ob Savinji t +386 (0)31 219 393 e info@campingmenina.com www.campingmenina.com

Description Not far from the Mozirje–Ljubno main road, but just far enough, the Menina Camp is located in Rečica ob Savinji. On the left bank of the River Savinja in the pleasant shelter of the forest and alongside a lake, it offers a number of activities – swimming, water sports, fishing, a sports park with all types of sports fields just beside the camp, and countless hiking possibilities in the area, from hills only a few dozen metres high to true Alpine peaks rising above 2,500 metres. The campsite is open all year round. Accommodation advantages The campsite offers tent plots, caravans, and trailers. It includes a hostel, trekker lodges, wooden houses and mobile homes. A restaurant will take care of your appetite; it offers oven-baked pizzas, baked or roast dishes, and various kinds of trout. • For hikers: maps and hiking equipment are available at the campsite. You can arrange your

hiking tours when you arrive at the campsite. You will also be provided with guides, reservations for overnight stays at mountain lodges, and everything needed for safe mountain tours. • Massages and saunas beside the lake Highly recommended The many hiking trails nearby, in the valley, and the Kamnik–Savinja Alps call you to experience them. • Guided hikes and more demanding tours, both with experienced guides, are available each week • Two-hour family hikes to the mountains up to 1,500 metres, four-hour holiday hikes to two-thousand metre peaks, and extreme hikes to the highest of the Kamnik–Savinja Alps (8 hours and 2,500 metres a.s.l.) • Nordic walking course and hikes Half-board EUR 45 per person per night, camping EUR 13.50/9 per person per night (adults/children)


TRIGLAV INN HOTEL*** SUPERIOR easy & joy family

Hotel, gostilna Triglav Dobrna 12, SI-3204 Dobrna t +386 (0)3 780 11 30 e info@gostilna-triglav.si www.gostilna-triglav.si

Description Hotel Triglav tells an old story, so guests arrive in delighted anticipation and return satisfied. It has everything that you need for a comfortable rest amidst pleasant surroundings: a modern reception, an inn offering fine Slovenian gastronomy, car park, free wireless network, and a friendly team that takes care of guests from the moment they arrive. The hotel is in the centre of Dobrna and allows easy access to all the local natural and cultural landmarks. The oldest operating thermal spa in Slovenia, Dobrna Thermal Spa (Terme Dobrna), is only two hundred metres away. Accommodation advantages Hotel Triglav is an ideal starting point for exploring cycling and hiking trails. It is worth taking time to enjoy the marvellous countryside and cultural heritage, and to visit farms where you can taste delicacies made by local farmers. • Cuisine: the Triglav Inn has been providing ca-

tering services since the days of Austria-Hungary. Guests have long come here to spoil their taste buds. The menu is seasonal, and dishes are prepared from locally produced ingredients. Highly recommended People cycle and walk everywhere in Dobrna, but to help you choose more easily, here are some tips. • Afternoon excursion to the Valley of the Mills: this 15 kilometre trail is fairly easy. • Trip to the Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT) in Vitanje: this 26 kilometre trail is moderate. • A stroll along Ana’s Trail or the Dwarf Bišer Interpretive Trail • A visit to Velenje lake (natural bathing area) • A visit to the Žalec Slovenian Ecomuseum of Hops and Brewing, and the Green Gold beer fountain Double room, half-board: from EUR 49.90 per person per night



ALPE ADRIA TRAIL Use a mobile guide to enjoy discovering more than 200 biking and hiking trails in Slovenia. Search for useful information, such as the length of the trail, duration and difficulty, signs, and points of interest along the trail. Free applications are available from the App Store and Google Play.

JULIANA TRAIL OUTDOORACTIVE Additional information: SLOVENIA OUTDOOR www.slovenia-outdoor.com

PURCHASE OR DOWNLOAD OF MAPS AND TRAILS • www.pzs.si print or digital versions (www.locusmap.eu) • www.slovenia-outdoor.com • At tourist information centres and destinations in Slovenia



If you start at the edge of the Pannonian Plain in the east and travel through central Slovenia all the way to the Karst, you’ll see the Alpine foothills and Dinaric plateaus, which offer great opportunities in all seasons for easy or more demanding hikes. You can rest at the scenic viewpoints at the top, where there are usually mountain huts. You can also start in the city, as many hiking trails start in the surrounding area.




You can go hiking in the land of Karst phenomena all the way to the Notranjska Regional Park, which boasts the famous intermittent Cerknica Lake. Explore the hills above the lake, Javorniki and Bloke, and the two Karst plateaus, Nanos and the Trnovo Forest. And don’t forget the Unesco forest reserve in Snežnik.

The Idrija Unesco Global Geopark protects the heritage of one of the biggest mercury mines in the world, the tradition of lace-making and the legacy of famous scientists. Besides the geological features, you can also explore botanical phenomena alongside canals, rivers and at the unusual Wild Lake.



WALK ALONG THE ANCIENT BORDER In the hills next to Škofja Loka there are many thematic trails and some even lead to the never-used defensive fortresses of the Rupnik line and along the Rapallo border. The highest summits in the area can be conquered by walking on the Loka alpine trail.

RISE ABOVE THE RIVERS Climb the 1220 metres high Kum, the highest summit of the Posavje hills, which offers views of all the hills between the Sava, Savinja and Sotla Rivers. The circular Rečiška alpine trail is perfect for walking above the city of spas, Laško. In 2019, it was pronounced the most beautiful alpine trail in Slovenia.

WANDER AROUND THE POHORJE HILLS The Pohorje hills offer many hiking options between Maribor, Slovenj Gradec and Zreče. There, you can embark on Slovenian alpine trails. On easier hikes, you can explore high peat lands with lakes, for example the Lovrenc Lakes at Rogla. In the vicinity, there is also the picturesque Treetop Walk.


Sv. Tomaž

Loka Castle

easy & joy family


i Turizem Škofja Loka Kidričeva cesta 1a, SI-4220 Škofja Loka t +386 (0)4 517 06 00 m +386 (0)51 427 827 e info@visitskofjaloka.si www.visitskofjaloka.si

Škofja Loka is one of the oldest Slovenian towns, attracting people with its colourful medieval streets, which seem never-ending as they wind towards forests and hills. This is the door to the Selca and Poljane Valleys, the meeting point of two rivers that have shaped two magnificent valleys. Experience the rich cultural heritage and discover the many trails across the Škofja Loka Hills.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Historial Škofja Loka, June Historial Škofja Loka – a presentation of colourful centuries through portrayals of ancient crafts, cuisine, costumes from past centuries, old music, dances and legends, evoking the history of the area. Takes place in June in the streets and squares of Škofja Loka. • The Day of Charcoal Makers, August The cultural and folklore event called Charcoal Burners’s Day takes place on the first Sunday of August at Grebljica Hill under Old Peak Hill

Charcoal Burners’ Day

(Stari Vrh). The event presents old, almost forgotten, traditions connected with wood storage, the preparation of firewood for a charcoal pile, the building of a charcoal pile, and the use of charcoal, particularly in blacksmithing.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Loka medla or Loka midla is a thick larded dish, a tasty stew from millet porridge or flour, beans, turnip, cabbage, and since the 19th century, also from potato. The lard was originally the only flavouring in this dish.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • At mountain lodges, tourist farms, and opendoor farms, which are abundant in the Škofja Loka Hills, you will be welcomed with pleasure and served traditional dishes from naturally produced ingredients. The merry hospitality of the locals will persuade you to return.

Soriška planina



TRAIL TO PLANICA AND KRIŽNA GORA TRAIL UP TO BLEGOŠ FROM HOTAVLJE A thematic trail leads from Škofja Loka to Crngrob, where the pilgrimage Church of the Assumption stands. Above the church, the route ascends to a pass, where you can turn left for Planica, or descend from the peak through the forest and along a ridge to Križna Gora and the nearby Church of the Holy Cross. A footpath leads to the valley past a hunting lodge, the hamlet of Cavrno, and then along a forest path to Stara Loka.

From Hotavlje, the trail leads to the village of Čabrače, from where you can continue across scenic meadows and through beech forests to the florally rich peak of Mt. Blegoš. The views from the peak are wonderful. From there, descend to the Blegoš Lodge, then continue west past the Mountain Patrol Refuge at Jelenci, and along the old path towards Volaki. The last part of the route leads along an asphalt road to the starting point in Hotavlje.

Walking time Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Maps

Walking time Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Maps



Križna Gora, 669 m

Information Event

4–5 hours easy 450 m Škofja Loka 46.1370 N, 14.3072 E Škofja Loka, Idrija, and Cerkno Hills (1 : 40,000), Hiking trails in the Škofja Loka area (1 : 50,000) Turizem Škofja Loka, Škofja Loka MC Traditional 1 May Hike to Križna Gora, 1 May

Information Event

5–6 hours medium 1,200 m Hotavlje 46.1149 N, 14.1167 E Škofja Loka, Idrija, and Cerkno Hills (1 : 40,000), Hiking trails in the Škofja Loka area (1 : 50,000) Turizem Škofja Loka, Gorenja vas MC Memorial and Recreational Hike to Mt. Blegoš, the Sunday closest to 9 May




Škofjeloško območje

alpine hiker

easy & joy family

Penzion in gostišče Lajnar Zgornja Sorica 80, SI-4229 Sorica t +386 (0)40 565 891 e info@soriska-planina.si www.soriska-planina.si



Description Situated on the Alpine pasture of Soriška planina, right by the ski area and car park, is the new Lajnar guest house and restaurant, offering a wonderful mountain ambience in the heart of the forest. The guest house, constructed of natural materials, offers guests comfortable double rooms and family rooms with views of the surrounding mountain tops. In the spacious dining room and charming conservatory you can treat yourself to local specialities, and in addition to its a la carte restaurant it offers full board. Accommodation advantages The Penzion Lajnar guest house is in a lovely setting at the meeting point of the Bohinj and Selška dolina valleys and Baška grapa ravine. Soriška planina is an ideal starting point for hiking and cycling tours of all levels of difficulty, and in the summer the two-seat Lajnar chair lift continues to operate. The ski area operates in winter on Soriška planina, and there are also maintained cross-country ski trails.

• Gastronomy: local traditional cuisine prepared the modern way, homemade and local ingredients and homemade desserts. Highly recommended • Hikes (including guided) around the mountain tops of Soriška planina (Lajnar, Dravh, Možic) and a tour of what remains of the military installations of the Alpine Wall and the period of the Treaty of Rapallo border, a panoramic ride up the Lajnar chair lift or downhill bike ride along the wagon roads and forests of Jelovica, paragliding, a tour of the natural features of Soriška planina and its surroundings. • In winter: In winter Soriška planina is a pleasant family ski area, where in addition to Alpine skiing you can enjoy tobogganing (including at night), cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing and winter hiking. Double room with breakfast: from EUR 37 per person per night


CERKNO HOTEL***, ALPSKA PERLA APARTMENTS*** alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Hotel Cerkno d.o.o. Sedejev trg 8, SI-5282 Cerkno t +386 (0)5 374 34 00 e info@hotel-cerkno.si www.hotel-cerkno.si

Description In the heart of the very varied Cerkno Hills lies the little town of Cerkno, with a hotel of the same name. A homely atmosphere, good service, diverse culinary offerings with ‘granny’s corner’, modern rooms with Wi-Fi access, and reasonable prices – these are only a few reasons for visiting. More affordable (hostel) accommodation in rooms with a bathroom and bunk beds is also available. The hotel’s location is an excellent starting point for hikers and cyclists. Accommodation advantages • Interior thermal pool, various saunas, free wireless access. • Room for equipment storage, washing and drying clothes, various types of transport, advice and help with planning hiking tours, hire of guides. • Excellent cuisine – Idrija flour dumplings (žlikrofi – you will be able to make them yourself); delicious local speciality Šebrelje stomach sausage (šebreljski želodec), visits to cheesemakers and beekeepers with tastings.

• Numerous hiking and long-distance paths – E7 European Long-Distance Path, Via Alpina Red Trail, Sub-Alpine Path, Slovenian Mountain Trail, constructed walkways, suitable also for Nordic walking. • Rich flora and fauna. Highly recommended • The varied area of the Cerkno Hills offers hiking pleasures and wonderful views in all seasons. • The guided hiking programmes with varying numbers of accommodation days are adjusted to groups’ wishes. The climax of the journey consists of culinary experiences and visits to wellknown landmarks such as the Franja Hospital, which is a European heritage site, or Divje Babe Caves, where the oldest known musical instrument in the world was found. • Hiking Festival in autumn with numerous hiking activities Accommodation with breakfast: from EUR 28 per person per night



The municipality of Brezovica covers the southern portion of the Ljubljana Basin and 30 km2 of the Ljubljansko barje wetlands. The southern section merges into the Krim hills and the Rakitna plateau, which is part of the range of Dinaric plateaus of Slovenia’s Notranjska region. In the northern reaches the area stretches into the Polhov Gradec hills. This means the municipality offers a lot of places for hiking in natural settings, and the circular Pentlja hill trail runs around the entire area.

easy & joy family

i Občina Brezovica Tržaška cesta 390, SI-1351 Brezovica t +386 (0)1 360 17 70 e info@brezovica.si www.brezovica.si



easy & joy family

Hotel Rakitna Rakitna 150, SI-1352 Preserje t +386 (0)41 761 756 e effekt.simenko@siol.net www.effekt.si/hotel-rakitna-slo/

Description The family-owned Rakitna Hotel is located beside the lake in Rakitna, one of the most popular hiking spots near Ljubljana. The wooded Karst Plateau, 800 metres above sea level, has extremely favourable bioclimatic conditions, which is why Rakitna is considered one of the most healthy middle-mountain places in Slovenia. The hotel has seven rooms and three apartments, a conference room, fitness room and sauna, and a restaurant where you can choose from a wide variety of dishes. Accommodation advantages The Rakitna Hotel is ideal for those who want peace and fresh air and to discover the natural beauties of Rakitna and the surroundings on foot or by bike. The lake offers numerous possibilities throughout the year; you can swim in the summer, ice-skate in the winter and fish in the autumn and summer. Depending on the season, the surroundings offer opportunities for cross-country skiing, hiking and

biking and also for paragliding. • For hikers and active visitors: organisation of picnics and trips, sports and recreational activities and diverse events, special hiking and biking programmes with a guide Highly recommended Visit Rakitna for a few days and discover its features, secrets and beauty in a special hiking programme. • Forest and archaeological educational trail • Nordic walking course • Hike to Mount Krim • Whole-day trip to the idyllic village of Osredek, the junction of the Iška and Zale streams and up to Ustje • Hiking trail around the lake, to the Climatic Spa and the church in Rakitna

Double room with breakfast: EUR 47–79 per person per night



A view of Koroška

Energy points at Kope

alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family


i RRA Koroška – Regionalna razvojna agencija za Koroško, d. o. o. Meža 10, SI-2370 Dravograd t +386 (0)5 90 85 190 e turizem@rra-koroska.si www.koroska.si fb koroska.slovenia in discover_koroska

Kayaking in the Peca underworld Radlje ob Dravi Water Park

In northern Slovenia, far, far away, there extends a hilly landscape with dark forests. Mountains with their many stories, tales, and legends rise there. Paths, cart tracks and trails intersect and lead to peaks where you can view the ridges and, a moment later, hide in the forest. Discover the land of limitless possibilities for wandering.

NOT TO BE MISSED • K24 Ultra-Trail, August A mountain running race along the expanded K24 route – the Koroška Hill Challenge, with ascents up the five highest peaks in the Koroška region – Peca, Olševa, Raduha, Smrekovec and Uršlja gora.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Koroška curd cheese with onion and pumpkin oil makes a hearty breakfast, starter, or substantial snack. It goes well with Koroška’s fine rye bread.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Relax in the first biological swimming pool in Slovenia at the Radlje ob Dravi Water Park to recharge your batteries. • Tour the underground world of Peca on a real mining train, by mountain bike or by kayak through the flooded galleries. • Physical and mental relaxation at the energy points of the Kope Mountain Tourism Centre.





This colourful hiking trail between the Kope Mountain Tourism Centre and Ribniška koča lodge is furnished with wooden book panels telling the story of this part of the Pohorje range. It is also suitable for families with children and older people. At the Ribniška koča lodge it is worth going a little further and seeing the Ribniško jezero lake. At Kope, the very youngest hikers can walk the children’s thematic Holcerčkova pot trail.

This circular long-distance alpine trail with 31 control points runs along the edge of the three main Koroška valleys – the Mežica, Drava, and Mislinja – and links the mountain groups of the Karavanke, Pohorje, Kozjak, and Savinja Alps. A network of arranged trails allows you to plan numerous attractive shorter tours on sections of the Koroška Alpine Trail. Some are easier and therefore also suitable for occasional hikers.

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End Map

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start

2 hours 5 km one way easy 210 m Center Kope 46.5027 N, 15.2095 E same Tourist map of the western Pohorje

GPS coordinates Maps

10–12 days, or 80 hours 230 km difficult (some sections are easier) 14,186 m Ravne na Koroškem – car park behind the bus station 46.5465 N, 14.9634 E Koroška. Hiking and cycling map. (1 : 60,000), Kamnik–Savinja Alps (1 : 50,000), Pohorje (1 : 50,000)




Ekohotel Koroš Jamnica 10, SI-2391 Prevalje t +386 (0)2 870 30 60 e info@bikenomad.com www.mtbpark.com

Accommodation advantages Organically produced food: the eco-hotel developed on the Koroš Ecological Farm. After an active day there, you will be spoilt with delicious local dishes prepared from locally produced organic ingredients. The hotel is an excellent starting point for easier hiking tours nearby, and the Via Alpina trail is not

far away. Theme trips, cycle and cycling equipment hire, and organised cycling tours are available. Highly recommended The Koroš Farm Ecohotel breathes with nature, appreciates it, and cares for it. So all the activities offered by the hotel and its surroundings are inseparably linked to the natural environment of Koroška. • The outdoor activity centre in the Karavanke Geopark will enthral you with sports energy, wonderful views, and unique flowers and minerals that can be found nowhere else on the planet. You can explore it while wandering along the undemanding hiking trails among the nearby hills, meadows, and forests, or take a more demanding 7-day hiking tour across the Karavanke. Accommodation with breakfast: EUR 30–44 per person per night



Description The Koroš Farm Ecohotel is a unique smaller ecohotel with a wonderful view of the surrounding Koroška forests and mountains. It stands atop a small picturesque hill in Jamnica, surrounded by vegetable gardens and fruit trees. Guests particularly enjoy the sizable panoramic terrace and spaces for peaceful, creative leisure activities. In addition to comfortable accommodation, the farm also offers original traditional and organically produced dishes.



Lukov dom na Kopah Razborca 65, SI-2382 Mislinja t +386 (0)2 883 98 50 e rezervacije@kope.si www.kope.si

Description Kope, the premium gem of the Koroška region, lies 12 km outside Slovenj Gradec, in the Pohorje range, where an idyllic environment stretches out at an altitude of 1,564 m. A winter wonderland for skiers, a summer wonderland for anyone seeking an active day in nature, you can set out with your family or clear your mind on a hike past the energy points. You can visit Kope for a day or stay there for a holiday over several days, with a range of activities on offer each day. Accommodation advantages • A family-friendly destination. • An outstanding hiking location that is sure to enchant you. • Accommodation: The lodges of Lukov dom or Grmovškov dom at Kope. • Food: Spoil your taste buds at over 1,000 m above sea level! Treat yourself to a local cutlet,

mushroom soup with grain mash or a Pohorje stew. Highly recommended • Visit the energy points at the summit of Pungart. You will experience physical and mental relaxation, a cleansing of the body’s energy centres, a recharging of your body’s energy and overall psycho-physical condition. • Proposed hiking trails: - Grmovškov dom – Ribniška koča – Ribniško jezero – Črni Vrh – Grmovškov dom and - Grmovškov dom – Velika Kopa – Kremžarjev vrh – Petelinje jezero – Grmovškov dom. • The Holcerčkova pot children’s thematic trail for the youngest hikers. Accommodation with breakfast: from EUR 33 per person per night

MY WAY OF A GASTRONOMIC ADVENTURE. While discovering the hiking trails of Slovenia, you will also discover the tastes of the local dishes. You can savour the delicacies prepared with local ingredients directly from nature or grown organically. The path from the field to the plate is short. The rich culinary heritage of Slovenia, the European Region of Gastronomy 2021, can now also boast top restaurants with Michelin stars. 55

#ifeelsLOVEnia #myway #tasteslovenia

www.tasteslovenia.si www.slovenia.info


Pohorje Tree Top Walk on Rogla

Natura 2000 area

sportive hiker easy & joy family


i LTO Rogla – Zreče, GIZ Cesta na Roglo 11/j, SI-3214 Zreče t + 386 (0)3 759 04 70 e info@rogla-zrece.si www.rogla-pohorje.si

Walk along one of the many trails in the mighty embrace of the Pohorje forests and unspoilt nature, with the added bonus components of wellbeing such as clean water, air and peat. Let yourself be touched by the beauty of Rogla and the Pohorje. Breathe in the fresh air, tune in to the birds, the murmuring of the water and wind; now is the time to explore, feel and take in the destination of Rogla-Pohorje.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Pohorje Stew holiday, July The traditional competition in preparing the one true Pohorje stew in pots out in the open air is an annual event where visitors get to try the delicious local Pohorje stew, see presentations of local crafts and visit the market of local Pohorje specialities. • Pasture picnic and mowing of Pohorje grass, July At this traditional event you can get a close look at the work performed by Pohorje herders and at mowing done the old way, plus some silly ‘farmer games’ and a cow milking contest. All you need is plenty of high spirits.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Try one of the culinary treats bearing the Okusi Rogle (Tastes of Rogla) brand. This brings together local providers of culinary services who create traditional dishes from carefully selected local products using standard recipes. They fill the air with aromas of Pohorje stew, the pork-based Pohorska bunka and mushroom or flower soup!

THE HIKER’S REWARD • “Explore, feel and take in” the Rogla-Pohorje destination from a bird’s-eye view. On the summit of Rogla you can find inspiration on the Pohorje Tree Top Walk, offering views that open out onto the surrounding green hills and plains. Enjoy the green embrace of nature and gaze into the sky or towards the Alps.

Lake Zreče Pohorje Stew holiday





Mount Brinjeva gora is the first inhabited place in the vicinity of Zreče. The path through the countryside offers picturesque views of Pohorje and the Dravinja Valley. The route begins at the Zreče Spa and is historically interesting, because the area has been inhabited since the Copper Age; through the ages it has been home to Celts, Romans, and Slavs. The reward at the top is Our Lady Church with its rich interior.

The path leads through the Pohorje meadows and forests to a raised bog called Lovrenc Lakes, so named because of its nineteen small lakes (bog pools). A beautifully placed circular route with wooden footbridges leads to the heart of the bog, where a wooden viewing tower allows you to see the unspoiled environment from above. The bog is the habitat of rare plants and animals, among which the carnivorous round-leaved sundew is the most striking.

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End

1.5 hours 6 km medium 231 m Dobrava, Zreče Thermal Spa hotels 46.2211 N, 15.2319 E At the start

3 hours 16 km medium 347 m Planja Hotel in Rogla 46.2787 N, 15.2005 E At the start




alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family


Unitur d.o.o. Cesta na Roglo 15, SI-3214 Zreče t +386 (0)3 757 71 00 e rogla@unitur.eu www.rogla.eu

Pohorje • Rogla – Zreče


Description Amidst the greenery of an expansive forest, at an altitude of 1,517 m lies the Rogla climatic resort, which draws people to its tourist and sports centre in all months. In winter the fairy-tale white landscape offers not just skiing but also snow-shoeing, and in the summer months it is a paradise for hikers and cyclists. The variety of activities on offer at all times of the year is sure to excite even the youngest hikers. As well as saunas and bathing in the pool, you can enjoy a wide range of massages and baths where you can relax after an active day. Accommodation advantages Rogla Hotel*** Superior is a great starting point for active holidays. It offers modern rooms finished in wood, river rocks and metal sculptures, while the views from the balcony over spruces and on towards the valley will win the hearts of the most demanding guests. • For hikers: at the hotel you can rent hiking

gear, and they also offer storage, cleaning and drying of gear, a guide service and Nordic walking course. • Food: warm and cold dishes that can be adapted for the needs of sports people. No one leaves the Pohorje hungry, so do try the Pohorski lonec (Pohorje stew), mushroom soup with real porcini mushrooms, Pohorje blueberry strudel, venison fillet with cranberries and other delicious dishes linked to the Tastes of Rogla brand. Highly recommended The Pohorje range is ideal for hiking in all seasons. In winter you can try out some snow-shoe fun. Thrill seekers can meanwhile find their own version of heaven on the Zlodejevo winter-summer toboggan run. Experience nature as seen by the birds on the Pohorje Tree Top Walk. Double room, half-board: from EUR 64 per person per night



alpine hiker sportive hiker easy & joy family

Unitur d.o.o. Cesta na Roglo 15, SI-3214 Zreče t +386 (0)3 757 60 00 e terme@unitur.eu www.terme-zrece.eu

Description The Zreče Thermal Spa awaits you in a world of beauty, relaxation, and pleasures, with many arranged hiking and cycling trails in the embrace of nature. With experienced guides, you can discover cultural and natural heritage, near and more distant beauty spots, then jump into the thermal water, and enjoy the intimate warmth of a sauna.

cellent local dishes included in the Tastes of Rogla trademark. • Relaxation: the spas offer a genuine sauna village and a complex of thermal swimming pools in a green forest park. Real pleasure seekers will turn to IDILA Wellness & Spa. Diverse infrastructure, health-care diagnostics, and rehabilitation are available for sportspeople.

Accommodation advantages The Vital Hotel is in Zreče, on the edge of a sweet-smelling forest, and is an ideal starting point for active relaxation. The hotel offers a large guest restaurant with a self-service buffet, plus an a la carte menu of tasty dishes in combination with select wines. The hotel is directly linked to the thermal spa complex. • Food: hot and cold starters can be adapted to the needs of sportspeople. Also try the ex-

Highly recommended The Zreče Pohorje is an excellent hiking destination in all seasons. In warmer months, join the workshops for beginners in Nordic walking, and in winter, try out some snowshoes and explore the wonderful landscape of Rogla. Double room, half-board: from EUR 64 per person per night


Rajhenburg Castle, Brestanica

Ravni log

sportive hiker easy & joy family



TIC Krško CKŽ 46, SI-8270 Krško t +386 (0)7 490 22 20 m +386 (0)51 655 936 e tic.krsko@cptkrsko.si www.visitkrsko.com www.tvz.si

The world of the Posavje Region reveals the special charms of pristine nature, down by the river or higher in the wooded hills. Experience the soft hills with vines and vineyard cottages and discover the secrets of medieval castles. The pleasant Lower Sava Valley routes vary in difficulty and are suitable for all ages. You can explore the natural and cultural treasures on your own or with a guide.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Posavje Thematic Trails Festival, May and June The festival takes place for two months and includes more than thirty organised thematic trails, which together with the local cuisine, entertainment and educational programmes, provide a special experience of the Posavje Region. • Blaufrankisch Wine Festival, June Every year, an eno-gastronomic event dedicated to Blaufrankisch (Lemberger) grapes takes place at Sevnica Castle. Savour this aromatic

The Bohor Waterfalls

variety, without which there would be no Cviček, Metliška Črnina or red Bizeljčan wines.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • In Slovenia, the only local breed of pig is the Krškopolje pig, which is renowned for the high quality of its meat. Tuck into some tender, juicy, spicy roast pork, which will fill you with energy for hiking ventures.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Explore and discover interesting local stories in the company of hospitable people, get to know the Posavje Region by bike and along the courses of rivers. When your legs and arms get too tired, you can treat yourself to a dip in one of many natural thermal spas.

Winter aconite (Erantis hyemalis)


View of Maribor with Pohorje and the Drava River


sportive hiker easy & joy family


i Zavod za turizem Maribor Partizanska cesta 6a, SI-2000 Maribor t +386 (0)2 234 66 11 e tic@maribor.si www.visitmaribor.si

Maribor, home to the oldest vine in the world, is the second biggest city in Slovenia and capital of the Štajerska region. It is surrounded by the green forests of the Pohorje mountain range and wine-growing hills. Winding through the city and giving it a special character is the River Drava. Treat yourself to an active hiking excursion into the beautiful natural surroundings. Let yourself be charmed by the hills, lakes, waterfalls, vineyards and views.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Lent Festival, June and July This is the biggest multicultural and multi-genre summer festival in this part of Europe. It is a story of evenings fragrant with the summer calling people to join together, outside, under the starry sky, among colourful lights, sounds and rhythms. By the Drava, in squares and streets. • Old Vine Festival, September A wine, food and cultural festival that pays homage to the world’s oldest grapevine, which grows in Maribor’s riverside Lent district.

• Pohorje Ultra trail, August A run through some of the lovely spots and natural features of the Pohorje range.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Pohorski pisker is certainly the most popular hot pot dish in the wider area of the Pohorje. The taste of the Pohorje range can be found in the local ingredients, such as the root vegetables, porcini mushrooms, barley mash and Pohorje beef with herbs. Head out to discover the local delicacies along the Pohorje Culinary Transversal.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Grab your little piece of the ‘sea’ and calm the wild rhythm of life today at the Drava Centre, on the city beach along the Limbuško nabrežje embankment, where you can go rowing, sailing or surfing. • A visit to the wine-growing hills will thrill you with their range of breathtaking views. Hike up to Piramida, Kalvarija, Sveti Urban, Vodole, Svečina, Plački stolp or Zavrh. An especially romantic vista is offered among the vineyards by the view from Špičnik to the famous heartshaped road. Don’t miss the view from the top of the Maribor Pohorje, and be sure to visit Meranovo or Ritoznoj in the Pohorje foothills.

Špičnik Old Vine, the oldest in the world





Explore the Pohorje mountain range, home to expansive forests, including the Šumik virgin forest, waterfalls and peat bogs with tiny lakes. Past the Church of St. Bolfenk on the Pohorje, set off through the spruce forests past Areh and the summit of Žigartov vrh to Bajgot, where three Pohorje streams meet and several forest roads intersect. From here and on past Veliki Šumik, the biggest waterfall of the Pohorje range, you descend along the Lobnica to Ruše. Along the trail itself, be sure not to miss the authentic Pohorje food linked to the Pohorje Culinary Transversal.

The walk takes you from a Maribor city park through a varied landscape of vineyard-covered hills and forests to the viewpoints on the eastern slopes of the Kozjak range (summit and Church of St. Urban, Tojzlov vrh). Farms and vineyards along the way offer genuine hospitality and open the door to a world of local gastronomic pleasures. You can also shorten the hike and from Urban via Medič you descend to Kamnica, or extend it and from the peak of Tojzlov vrh continue on towards the mountain top of Žavcarjev vrh.

Walking time Length Difficulty

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End Maps

Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates End Maps

8–9 hours 24 km easy; difficult from the Big Šumik to the Little Šumik Falls. 350 m St. Bolfenk’s Church, where you arrive by cable car or hike from Maribor 46.51552 N, 15.57742 E Ruše Pohorje Hiking Map (1 : 50,000), Pohorje Tourist Map (1 : 50,000), Maribor and Surroundings Tourist Map (1 : 50,000)

6–7 hours 20 km easy 500 m Maribor City Park 46.5640 N, 15.6481 E Bresternica Pohorje Hiking Map (1 : 50,000), Pohorje Tourist Map (1 : 50,000), Maribor and Surroundings Tourist Map (1 : 50,000)



Between the mountains and hills of Slovenia there are green valleys and basins, lined with little hills and many wine-growing slopes. Many beautiful hiking trails will lead you to friendly locals and numerous natural and cultural attractions. Exploring new places is easier if you hike, and this way you can also visit natural spas.




You can visit many thematic trails in the Karst, Slovenian Istria and right by the Adriatic coast. Explore salt pans, Refošk wine, truffles and other specialities. In the Škocjan Caves Regional Park, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site together with the underground canyon, you can also discover the unusual surface of the authentic Karst.

There are not many cities you can walk around as easily as Ljubljana – along the beautiful, 35-kilometre-long Walk along the Wire path (i.e. the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship). The capital of Slovenia is right at the edge of the Ljubljansko Barje wetlands, which are part of the Unesco pile dwellings heritage site and offer many hiking options.


Bela krajina




If you’re looking for a hiking challenge in vast woodlands and primary forests, you should visit Kočevsko. The neighbouring Dolenjska region also offers many hiking trails and excellent terrain for Nordic pole walking. In Bela Krajina, visit the beautiful Kolpa River and hike to the summits of the Gorjanci Hills above the Krka River.

Go hiking in the Goričko Hills, Haloze and the Slovenske Gorice Hills, where you can explore the wine-growing slopes as well as the natural and cultural heritage of Pannonian Slovenia, which is famous for its thermal springs and wellness centres. You will absolutely fall in love with the trails amidst the orchards of high trees in the Kozjansko Regional Park.

In the Goriška Brda hills and in the Vipava Valley, you must visit the famous wine cellars, where you will be spoiled with world-renowned wines. Walk under the majestic old fruit trees on paths named after ancient cherry species.



In pursuit of stunning views

easy & joy family


i TIC Ptuj Mestni trg 4, SI-2250 Ptuj t +386 (0)2 779 60 11 e info@visitptuj.eu www.visitptuj.eu

Slovenia’s oldest town and its surrounding area along the river Drava offer numerous interesting hiking routes. The best known of them are the Haloze and Slovenske Gorice mountain trails, while the European cultural route known as St Martin’s Way and the Ptuj Cultural Route are both becoming increasingly popular. Ptuj and the surrounding area offer a wide choice of places to eat and drink, comfortable accommodation and the chance to discover sites of historical interest.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Carnival Lonely Planet has placed Ptuj Carnival (Kurentovanje) on its list of the ten most interesting carnivals in the world, alongside the legendary carnivals of Venice, Rio de Janeiro and New Orleans. During Kurentovanje, numerous ethnographic and carnival processions take place, alongside parades, displays of ethnographic costumes, concerts, masked dances, exhibitions and much more.

• St Martin’s Day celebrations Celebrating St Martin’s Day in a town with the oldest wine cellar in Slovenia is always something special. Featuring a wide array of winemakers and farms, special attention is paid to the programme, which includes, in addition to professional lectures and guided wine tastings, guided tours of the hidden corners of Ptuj’s wine tradition.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Haloze gibanica – a traditional cake that used to be enjoyed only on special holidays but is today one of the best sweet delights of this part of the country. Its rich, juicy filling of eggs, cottage cheese and cornmeal, with the crunchy crust provided by a wood-burning oven, will enthuse even the most exhausted traveller.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • The ancients Romans also loved to bathe in Ptuj’s thermal springs. This precious part of Ptuj’s history is reflected in the wellness services on offer at Ptuj spa complex (Terme Ptuj). A dip in the thermal waters is a real balm to tired legs and body, or you could relax in the warm embrace of one of the saunas.

Ptuj Carnival The Orpheus Monument


Hop fields

Hike along the Hop Trail

easy & joy family



TIC Žalec Šlandrov trg 25, SI-3310 Žalec t +386 (0)3 710 04 34 e tic@zkst-zalec.si www.turizem-zalec.si www.beerfountain.eu

In a landscape where summers are fragrant with the sweet aromas of hop buds and the fields stretch out as far as the eye can see, lies Žalec – Slovenia’s capital of hop growing and beer brewing. Active, relaxed, inspiring, varied and rich. The cultural heritage features the stories of counts and even the ancient Romans. The trails scamper over the forested hills, up hill and down dale. They run like refreshing shade along the rivers and get buried among abundant hop gardens.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Krigl Fest, June–September The Lower Savinja Valley, “the valley of green gold”, has been part of the history of hop-growing and beer-making since the mid-19th century. From June to September you can enjoy numerous events dedicated to preserving this rich tradition, as well as countless opportunities for fun, recreation and cultural enjoyment.

• Hike Along the Hop Trail, last Saturday in August Take a traditional hike through the hop fields to the landmarks of Žalec and its surroundings. This fourteen-kilometre route was ranked as the second-best theme trail in Slovenia.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Eat like the hop pickers used to. A picker’s lunch consisted of hot potato, cucumbers and green beans. And cheers! with Kukec – the house beer of the Hop and Brewing Industry of Slovenia Ecomuseum, produced according to an old recipe of the first Savinja brewer.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Take a sip from the world’s first beer fountain, a focal point for gatherings of locals and visitors alike in Žalec’s town park. The purchase of a special beer mug (designed by famous designer Oskar Kogoj) entitles you to sample six different types of beer made with aromatic hops from the Štajerska region (100 ml each). You can even take your beer mug home with you as a permanent souvenir!

Cycling among the hop fields Green Gold Beer Fountain



Virgin forest in Kočevsko

sportive hiker easy & joy family


i TIC Kočevsko Ljubljanska cesta 4, SI-1330 Kočevje t +386 (0)59 931 473 m +386 (0)31 544 744 e info@kocevsko.com www.kocevsko.com

Breathe with nature and fill your lungs with fresh air! The Kočevje Region is the largest Natura 2000 protected area in Slovenia and one of the best-preserved natural habitats in Europe. You will be astonished by the power of the mighty and primeval forests inhabited by bear and lynx. The River Kolpa beckons to the south, bringing the mysteries of the Karst from the west and even the salty tang of the sea. In this hiking and cycling paradise, you can also discover the interesting culture of the Gottschee Germans.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Extreme hiking, Bear Trail, April This hiking event is organised along the Kočevski Rog Trail, and hikers can walk the whole distance of 62 kilometres in a single day, or only half the route. The path reveals fascinating patches of the Kočevski Rog forests; it passes numerous natural attractions, the remains of lost villages of the Gotschee Germans and houses or farms which are still inhabited.

Bear Trail

• Weekend by the lake, June At the beginning of the summer, there are numerous sporting events on Lake Kočevje, from a triathlon, a sailing regatta to an SUP race, followed by an abundance of entertainment events.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • The Kočevje Region is known for its extraordinary forest honey, which is protected in Europe. Honey and bread are part of the traditional Slovenian breakfast, and in the Kočevje Region honey is also used in cooking.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • A rest on the shore of Kočevsko Jezero (a manmade lake) will quickly dispel any tiredness you feel after trekking through the Kočevje forests. • A glimpse into one of Kočevje’s six areas of virgin forest, untouched by human hand, where nature obeys its own laws, is an enchanting experience. • Rafting on the Kolpa, one of Slovenia’s beautiful rivers, is a pleasantly refreshing adventure. • A visit to the Škrilj Bunker, for many years one of Slovenia’s most closely guarded secrets, makes an exciting day out.

Kočevsko Jezero, a man-made lake



easy & joy family

Hostel Bearlog Ljubljanska cesta 4, SI-1330 Kočevje t +386 (0)5 993 14 73 m +386 (0)31 544 744 e hostel.bearlog@kocevsko.com www.kocevsko.com

Description Hostel Bearlog can be found in the centre of the town of Kočevje, close to a number of sites of natural and cultural interest. You’ve come to the right place if you’d like to get out and about and explore the secrets of Slovenia’s forests, then rest up before trying one of the many other activities that the area affords. A hearty and healthy breakfast of locally grown products will ensure that you have enough energy for the rest of the day. A proper balance + pleasing contrast = well being. Highly recommended The surrounding area offers a very varied range of activities in one of the loveliest and most unspoilt parts of the country. Any time of the year is a good time to visit, and there are numerous activities, as well as themed, hiking and cycling tours, to choose from. • For hikers: 22 marked trails of varying levels of difficulty ranging across a total length of 370 km. For lovers of a good story, there’s the ascent of the summit of Fridrihštajn, once the site of a cas-

tle, with a fantastic view over Kočevje and more than a hint of the tragic love story of Veronika of Desenice and Frederick II, Count of Celje; hardier souls might enjoy the ‘Bear’s Trail’ endurance hike deep into the mysterious forest along the 64-km-long Kočevski Rog Trail; and those keener on breathtaking views and sunrises should consider the Borovška footpath, with its view over the primeval beech forests of Krokar, which appear on the UNESCO World Heritage List. • For cyclists: 10 marked cycle paths of differing levels of difficulty of a total length of 475 km. For adrenalin junkies, the MTB Trail Center Kočevje or the Strma Reber Pass, also known as ‘Kočevje’s Vršič’, are a must-try. Bike, helmet, lock and child seat rentals are available, as is a bike storage facility. • For sports enthusiasts: swimming, sailing, diving, SUP and canoe hire, fishing. Accommodation with breakfast: EUR 20–50 per person per night



easy & joy family

Camp Jezero Trdnjava 3, SI-1330 Kočevje t +386 (0)8 382 17 62 m +386 (0)31 699 600 e camp.jezero@kocevsko.com www.kocevsko.com

Description Camp Jezero is an ideal base for hiking and cycling, and for anyone who wants to enjoy active experiences and explore the forests and their inhabitants. It is ideal for individuals, couples, groups or families seeking tranquillity, fresh air and the chance to explore hidden places of unspoilt nature. It is located close to Kočevje Lake, which in the summer months offers swimming and other water sports. Accommodation advantages The campsite offers overnight accommodation in five wooden cabins or sites for tents and caravans in varying sizes, complete with electric hook-ups. There are four stations available for motor homes. The campsite has a modern services facility with bathrooms, washing and drying machines, a well equipped kitchen with indoor and outdoor dining space and a barbeque. A large children’s

playground is provided for the enjoyment of the youngest visitors, all made of natural materials, and the grassy area offers a space for ball games. Close by the campsite is a restaurant where you can be assured of a tasty meal. • For hikers: This is a hiker-friendly campsite. The reception area provides guests with all the information they need about local hiking trails, along with free maps showing area trails. You can choose from a range of thematic hiking tours. You can discover the Kočevsko region for yourself on 22 marked trails. On the other hand you will certainly enjoy the most appealing experiences with a local tourist guide, who can show you to the loveliest spots and reveal them to you with fascinating background information. Overnight per person: from EUR 6.25 (campsite), from EUR 12.50 (cabin)



River Kolpa

Bela Krajina flatbread

easy & joy family


i TIC Črnomelj, Trg svobode 3, SI-8340 Črnomelj e tic.crnomelj@ric-belakrajina.si TIC Metlika, Trg svobode 4, SI-8330 Metlika e turizem@zavodmetlika.si TIC Semič, Štefanov trg 7, SI-8333 Semič e: tic@kc-semic.si

Picnic in nature


Enjoy the authentic, green and experiential dimensions of Bela Krajina, recipient of the Slovenia Green Gold label. You can explore the forested hills, wine-growing landscape and two wonderful nature parks, the Kolpa and Lahinja. The main attraction of this landscape is the River Kolpa, which bears the prestigious title of European Destination of Excellence, and which runs through the most unspoilt and mysterious corner of Slovenia.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Vinska Vigred, May This is a three-day celebration of award-winning wines and Bela Krajina culinary treats, and a promotion of ethnological features and cultural achievements going back 30 years. The rich and diverse cultural and musical programme, tasting of Bela Krajina wines, baking

of protected Bela krajina flatbread (Belokranjska pogača), a culinary exhibition and display of domestic crafts, a bike ride from Ljubljana to Metlika, Urban race and much more. Jurjevanje festival in Bela Krajina, June The oldest folklore festival in Slovenia takes place in the town of Črnomelj over five days. The festival is accompanied by the EtnoFolk music festival, a handicrafts fair, children’s workshops, exhibitions and street performances. And the event is not complete without the presence of the harbinger of new life, Zeleni Jurij (Green George). Semič Wedding, August This ethnological tourist event offers an experience of a different kind of wedding ceremony, with a taste of folk customs and practices in Bela Krajina folk costumes. The festival of dances and customs and the rich programme content will appeal to all members of your family. And if that’s not enough, your taste buds will thrill to the sinful treats of ŠtrudFest!

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Belokranjska pogača is a local flatbread with protected geographical origin. It is round, glazed with whipped egg, rolled in cumin

Hike through the Bela Krajina forests

seeds and a layer of coarse salt, and cut into squares. It is best fresh from the oven, when it is soft and intoxicatingly fragrant.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Step into the beauty of the beech forests, and let yourself be awed for a moment by the elegance of these trees. Sit close to them, take from your bag a bottle of the best Metliška črnina red wine, some Bela Krajina flatbread and then suddenly you won’t be in a hurry to get anywhere.


BELA KRAJINA HOTEL*** easy & joy family


Hotel Bela krajina Cesta bratstva in enotnosti 28, SI-8330 Metlika t +386 (0)7 305 81 23 m +386 (0)40 327 492 e info@hotel-belakrajina.si www.hotel-belakrajina.si

Description A pleasant little hotel with a 50-year tradition of Bela Krajina hospitality. Located in the heart of the oldest part of Metlika, it offers all you need for a pleasant stay in Bela Krajina. It has 26 air conditioned rooms and a restaurant with an outstanding menu of Bela Krajina dishes and local wines. Accommodation advantages A great base for discovering the wine-growing slopes of Bela Krajina, the hilly Gorjanci area and the picturesque River Kolpa. In the summer the river warms up nicely and is a favourite place for bathing, boating, SUP, fishing and hiking. • For hikers: free maps of hiking trails, rental of hiking poles, guide hire. The hotel staff will be happy to help plan your trail and arrange shuttle transport.

Highly recommended The area close by the River Kolpa offers a lot of scope for hiking, mushroom picking, culinary enjoyment and excursions around the Kolpa Nature Park. It’s also nice to visit the nearby vineyard cottages and taste some excellent Bela Krajina wines and enjoy the happy company during the grape harvest. • The circular Metlika–Krašnji vrh mountain trail; the trail winds out of town past the famous Three Parishes (Tri fare) churches, the distinctive beech groves and stands to the vineyard hills. The high point of the hike is the magnificent view of the land below from the 17.5 m high tower on Krašnji vrh. Double room, half-board: from EUR 33 per person per night 69



Camping Bela krajina – Podzemelj Škrilje 11, SI-8332 Gradac t +386 (0)7 306 95 72 e info@camping-belakrajina.si www.camping-belakrajina.si

Description The campsite is a little way away from the urban centres, right by the River Kolpa in a pleasant green setting. For over 25 years, this family campsite has been a favourite destination for active breaks, and a jumping-off point for forays into Bela Krajina, with its wonderful hospitality and stunning countryside. Accommodation advantages The campsite offers serviced pitches for motor homes and tents, as well as the more comfortable accommodation in mobile homes, rooms and ‘glamping’ cabins. When you’re not hiking you can try out a range of other sports in the sports centre. There is a small wellness centre for your relaxation. A pleasant café and restaurant, with a summer terrace, is located in the middle of the campsite. In the summer the pace of events is adapted to families, while the spring and autumn are more suited to quiet exploration of Bela Krajina.

Highly recommended The campsite also has an adrenaline park with a unique view of the Kolpa and surrounding area. Located nearby are a swimming pool, a children’s playground and a sports area for beach volleyball, basketball, five-a-side football, table tennis and mini golf, along with outdoor gym equipment and a jogging trail. • For hikers: choose between numerous hiking trails, explore the river and Kolpa Nature Park (by canoe or SUP board, if you prefer) and visit vineyard cottages offering tastings of a range of superb Bela Krajina wines. • Kučar–Kolpa circular trail: from the campsite it runs past natural features to the famous Kučar historical and archaeological find site. Accommodation per person per night: EUR 7.50–19.50 (campsite), EUR 15–39.50 (mobile homes, glamping)



Bela krajina

easy & joy family

Description The holiday home is situated in the village of Griblje, right next to the Kolpa Nature Park and just 500 m from the River Kolpa. There are eight regulated bathing areas on the Kolpa in a 10 km radius and the nearest beach is just 753 steps away. Nearby amenities include an asphalt sports surface, an adrenaline park, a sports airfield and a fish pond.

Počitniška hiša Kovačnica sreče Griblje 65d, SI-8332 Gradac m +386 (0)31 864 353 e info@convivas.si www.obkolpi.si fb Kovačnica sreče

Accommodation advantages • Starting point for longer and shorter hikes along the Kolpa, Slovenia’s warmest river, with less strenuous climbs up the area’s wine-growing hills. • Various sporting activities on offer (swimming, running, hiking, cycling). • Numerous thematic trails through Bela Krajina, suitable for all hikers. Accommodation per person per night: EUR 20–30




HOTEL ŠPORT****, OTOČEC easy & joy family

Hotel Šport, Otočec Grajska cesta 2, SI-8222 Otočec t +386 (0)8 205 03 00 e booking@terme-krka.eu www.terme-krka.si

Description Šport Hotel lies in the middle of the vibrant hills of Dolenjska and overlooks the fairy tale Otočec Castle. Because of its excellent location for many outdoor activities and proximity to some of the most beautiful hiking trails, it has earned a reputation as a hiking and biking hotel. Hotel guests have unlimited access to swimming in the thermal water pools at the Šmarješke and Dolenjske Toplice spas. The cuisine in the hotels is based on organic ingredients, creativity and love of food. Have we already mentioned cviček? A sip of the famous wine from the Dolenjska region is one of the indispensable taste experiences of this lively part of Slovenia. Accommodation advantages • Surrounded by greenery; Šport Hotel offers numerous opportunities for outdoor activities. Only a few steps away from the hotel, you can enjoy scenic walks along the Krka River, a coffee break in the castle courtyard and counting the swans in the river. A little farther away, you can fill your lungs with the smell of the wild primeval forest, which offers a safe shelter to numerous animal species.

• For hikers: hiking maps and thematic trails, hire and sales of hiking gear, hire of a guide for a tour of the hiking trails. Highly recommended Šport Hotel really is generous in the variety of activities it offers. You can take a walk in the castle courtyard, conquer the peaks of the Dolenjska Region, enjoy the thermal water and surrender to adrenaline-fuelled pleasures. • Unlimited swimming and wellness pampering in thermal pools, • Adventure park and Otočec Golf Course, • A hiking tour on Cvičkova gaz or Družinska pot (family path) in the company of a guide, • Discovering numerous thematic trails in the Dolenjska Region, • The hotel is near the Sub-Alpine Trail and the E7 European long-distance path. Double room with breakfast: from EUR 65 per person per night Double superior room with breakfast: from EUR 70 per person per night



Novo Mesto with Gorjanci in the background

Novo Mesto is the main centre of the Dolenjska region, with a world-class archaeological heritage. This city of situlas is surrounded by wine-growing hills where they make the distinctive cviček wine, and the mysterious Gorjanci hills, criss-crossed by numerous mountain trails. Hikers favour the climb up to the highest point in Dolenjska – Trdinov vrh.


TRDINOV VRH (1,178 m) The trail leads from Novo Mesto through the village of Žabja vas, where the asphalt ends and you enter the forests. You walk through the picturesque Dolenjska countryside to the foothills of the Gorjanci massif. The ascent begins at the stream of Šumeči potok in the village of Gabrje. At the Pri Gospodični lodge (828 m) it’s time for a break, then there is another hour of hiking to reach the top at Trdinov vrh. The return is by the same trail, or at the Pri Gospodični lodge you can take a parallel route that leads for the most part along the Klanfer stream.

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Map

10 hours 30 km moderate 1,350 m Glavni trg, Novo Mesto (Main Square) 45.803807 N, 15.170087 E Novo Mesto, Dolenjska, Cycling and Hiking Map (1 : 50,000)

sportive hiker easy & joy family

i Zavod Novo mesto TIC Novo mesto Glavni trg 11, SI- 8000 Novo mesto t +386 (0)7 393 92 63 e tic@novomesto.si www.visitnovomesto.si




Romanesque Rotunda, Selo

alpine hiker



easy & joy family

i TIC Moravske Toplice Kranjčeva 3, SI-9226 Moravske Toplice t +386 (0)2 538 15 20 m +386(0)40 829 870 e info@moravske-toplice.com www.moravske-toplice.com

Numerous hiking, recreation and thematic trails run from Moravske Toplice to the surrounding villages. Trails of varying length and difficulty wind along the plains or climb among the green vineyards and hilly Goričko, passing attractions of the River Mura area and the Goričko Nature Park. Go explore the trails through Ravensko, Dolinsko and Goričko.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Prekmurje mini marathon, October • St Martin’s Day hike, November • Popular footpaths: European trail of St. Martin of Tours, European footpath E7 SLO, Pomurje Mountain Trail • 15 organised hikes each year • 11 thematic hiking trails

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Savour and treat yourself to homemade delights, visit tourist farms, vintners, inns and other food providers.

Relaxing in Terme 3000

• The famous traditional dessert of Prekmurje is prekmurska gibanica, a cake with layers of dough and fillings of quark cheese, nuts, poppy seeds and apples. • There is also a range of other mouth-watering traditional Prekmurje dishes: dödöli, bograč, langaš, retaši, bujta repa s krvavicami (pickled turnip and black pudding), posolanka cake, zlevanke cakes and pumpkin seed oil.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Treat yourself to the healing and refreshing waters of Moravske Toplice spa. And enjoy some pampering in the spa waters of Terme 3000 and Terme Vivat. • Climb up the wine-growing hill of Jelovškov breg on Suhi Vrh, and the vineyard-covered hills of Filovci or Bogojina. Visit the Romanesque Rotunda in Selo, the Plečnik church in Bogojina, the pottery village in Filovci or the mead crafts of Ratkovci. Chocolate lovers should not miss the chocolate makers in Tešanovci and there are also the beekeeping operations in Moravske Toplice.

Prekmurje cuisine



Terme Banovci – Hotelsko naselje Zeleni gaj Banovci 1a, SI-9241 Veržej t +386 (0)2 513 14 40 e info@terme-banovci.si www.terme-banovci.si

Description A place where the old Mura flows along quietly, a land where time itself has stopped, where birds have found their peace and a spring has found its way out. Where the breezes make waves in the grain and the old mill turns, here is the place called Banovci. Trails wind along the valley floor, then suddenly rise up into wine-growing hills. On the right bank of the River Mura, where endless fields of grain unfold and hills rise in great waves, over which vineyards, wine cottages and bird rattles are laid in a special order, stretches out the land of Prlekija. And this takes you back again to the place where the search for oil yielded thermal water. Water that fortifies the spirit and body. Here you will be warmly welcomed and treated to prleška gibanica cake, tunka (lard barrel meat) and a drop of the good stuff.

Accommodation advantages We offer comfortable accommodation in breathtaking surroundings, friendly staff, an attractive range of activities for all ages, luxurious wellness programme, saunas in the Prlekija style and select local cuisine. Hikers and cyclists are offered trail maps, bicycle rental and a guide service. The home-style cuisine will lull you into a proper Prlekija fairy-tale, to the accompaniment of excellent local wines. Double room with breakfast: from EUR 45 per person



Surroundings of Lendava


Vipava Valley

Picturesque villages in the Vipava Valley

sportive hiker easy & joy family


i TIC Nova Gorica Kidričeva ulica 11, SI-5000 Nova Gorica t +386 (0)5 330 46 00 m +386 (0)41 460 217 e nova-gorica@vipavskadolina.si TIC Ajdovščina Prešernova 9, SI–5270 Ajdovščina t +386 (0)5 365 91 40 m +386 (0)31 355 110 e ajdovscina@vipavskadolina.si www.vipavskadolina.si

This green and sunny destination offers some intrepid activities and a variety of recreation all year round. Take a wander through the vineyards and orchards, ramble along the River Vipava and its tributaries, feel the freshness of the forests on the uplands and breathe in the youthful energy of Nova Gorica. Discover the numerous hiking trails, villages hidden away, fantastic views, heritage and tradition, the friendliness of the people and authentic flavours with a touch of the sea and the mountains.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Hills of the Vipava Valley Its hills are one of the delights of the Vipava Valley. Numerous fairly undemanding trails wind their way through vineyards, orchards, meadows and the occasional forest. The Mediterrane-

an climate brings to these parts a high proportion of sunny days and a long growing period. You’ll find the right path and an unforgettable experience at any time of the year, including those periods when snow lies all around. • Steep slopes The Vipava Valley is encircled by high plateaus to the east and north. The steep slopes above the valley are a favourite destination for large numbers of hikers. You can ascend to between 600 and 800 metres fairly quickly and enter a completely different world in terms of climate. The temperatures are refreshing in the summer, but in winter you’ll need extra layers and snow shoes at the summit. The slopes are sheltered, which makes them particularly pleasant when the icy burja wind starts to bite.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Vipavska jota is a stew of sauerkraut, beans, potatoes, hot fat, flour, garlic and pepper. This simple peasant dish is generally served hot and is a great fortifier after an arduous hike.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Want to see the Vipava Valey in its beautiful, green and unique entirety? Then fly over it with a paraglider, hang glider or plane. Sense that you have wings and observe.

Hiking among the vineyards Flying above the Vipava Valley





The trail starts at the monument to Mati Gorjanka (Mother Mountain) at Predmeja and leads across the undulating Karst landscape, through beech woods, over pastures and meadows, past isolated farms – all the while along the edge of the ridge – as far as Žagolič at Col. The Otlica Natural Window offers a wonderful view of the Vipava Valley. The trail is well marked. The Slovenian Mountain Trail also runs along the ridge.

Banjšice is a sub-Alpine gem, lying in the heart of the Banjška plateau, offering recreation and relaxation surrounded by unspoilt nature. The varied trail leads through sparse settlements, meadows, pasture land, forests and up nearby hill tops, rewarding you with fantastic views from the Alps to the Adriatic.

Walking time Length Difficulty

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Map Event

Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Maps Events

5 hours 14.3 km medium, not recommended in a strong Bora wind, very difficult in winter 382 m Predmeja 45.9468 N, 13.8701 E Nanos (1 : 50,000), Leisure Map of Goriška (1 : 50,000) Angelska Gora Hike, second Sunday in May; Hiking Up and Down Dol, second Sunday in September

6 hours 20 km easy 218 m Dom Krajevne skupnosti Banjšice 46.0526 N, 13.7110 E Goriška leisure map (1 : 50,000) Guided hike along the Sedevčič Trail, second week in October



AJDOVŠČINA YOUTH HOSTEL sportive hiker easy & joy family


Mladinski center in hotel Ajdovščina Cesta IV. Prekomorske 61 A, SI-5270 Ajdovščina t +386 (0)5 368 93 83 m +386 (0)41 945 392 e info@hostel-ajdovscina.si www.hostel-ajdovscina.si

Description The Ajdovščina Youth Centre and Hostel is situated on the edge of town, but not far from the centre, in the Pale sports park. It is surrounded by natural beauty and a range of sports facilities. Where nature and cultural heritage intertwine is a space for a meeting of the traditional and modern, the sporting and creative. At first glance the building looks like a traditional Vipava house, but the interior is light, warm and pleasant. The hostel offers 50 beds (with the possibility of 10 additional beds) spread across rooms with four, six, eight and 24 beds each, free internet access in all rooms and the small dedicated internet corner, and breakfast and other meals by arrangement. Open all year round, every day of the week except holidays. Special features The Youth Hostel offers a variety of creative programmes, while the tourist information

Highly recommended The Youth Hostel is a base for discovering the many marked hiking trails through the Vipava Valley, the Trnovo plateau and wine-growing hills. • Hikes to Čaven, Otliško okno, Ostri vrh, pot po Robu, and walks above Ajdovščina. Accommodation per person: from EUR 19

Vipava Valley


corner provides information about the visitor attractions and events in Ajdovščina and the surrounding area. • For cyclists: rental of bikes, helmets, locks and child seats. • Free time: space for luggage, laundry room, socialising space, restaurant/bar, sports areas. The Youth Hostel also houses a technically equipped concert and conference hall, a gallery, multipurpose room and classroom, and outside is an event space with a stage.


AJDOVŠČINA CAMPSITE sportive hiker easy & joy family

Zavod za šport Ajdovščina Cesta 5. maja 14, SI-5270 Ajdovščina t +386 (0)5 364 47 24 m +386 (0)51 442 553 e recepcija@zs-ajdovscina.si www.zs-ajdovscina.si/kamp/

Description Ajdovščina campsite is located in a quiet location just 10 minutes walk from the centre of Ajdovščina (motorway junction H4). The campsite is ideal for families and all who enjoy active holidays in the great outdoors. Accommodation advantages The campsite has 50 pitches for motor homes, campers and tents, all in the cool shade of pine trees. The campsite can sleep up to 200 guests. It has all necessary infrastructure such as toilet/ washing blocks, laundry facilities and a motor home station. Guests have free use of the outdoor swimming pools and Wi-Fi. • For hikers: from the campsite you can strike out for the nature trail, the source of the Hubelj River, the Čaven ridge, the Otlica Window, the mountain of Nanos or the Trail along the Edge, or take a hiking path to in-

teresting villages such as Vipavski Križ, Brje, Lokavec and Zemono. • For cyclists: we offer bicycle servicing, all necessary equipment and bicycle storage. Bicycles are available to hire by the hour, by the day or for several days. Cycling excursions: Through the Vipava Valley Hills, To Nanos, The Beauties of Trnovski Gozd, The Gora Plateau, To the Sea, Up Hill and Down Dale. Highly recommended Ajdovščina camp is the perfect starting point for hikers and cyclists alike. Take in the beauty of the Vipava Valley then poke around the Roman remains in the centre of Ajdovščina and its environs, surrounded by hill vineyards, the Trnovski Gozd forest area and the Nanos Plateau. Campsite accommodation: EUR 8 per person per night




Camp Lijak is located in the sunny Vipava Valley, surrounded by vineyards. The camp is an ideal base for hiking and cycling tours among the vineyards all the way to the Adriatic Sea. There are 60 camping pitches with electricity and water and wireless internet access. Accommodation advantages Location: Camp Lijak is an excellent starting

point for hiking on Banjšice Plateau and the Trnovo Forest Plateau, enjoying the mountain world of the Soča Valley, or taking trips by train to Bohinj and Bled or to the other side of the border all the way to Venice in Italy. The Mediterranean climate and excellent weather conditions allow paragliding throughout the year. The camp offers numerous guided activities,

Highly recommended

The exceptional surroundings offer a great variety of activities in one of the most beautiful natural environments in Slovenia: • For sports enthusiasts: rafting, adrenaline park, tandem paragliding, wellness, wine tasting, swimming in the sea, trips by train (Venice, Bled and Bohinj). • For hikers: popular mountain outposts on Sabotin, Čaven Trnovo Forest Plateau and Nanos. It is always interesting among the Vipava hills, too, because all of the peaks surrounding Nova Gorica offer magnificent views.

77 Brda

Kamp Lijak Ozeljan 6a, SI-5261 Šempas t +386 (0)5 308 85 57 m +386 (0)31 894 694, +386 (0)31 341 591 e info@camplijak.com www.camplijak.com

themed cycling tours, a rich entertainment programme, transportation and organisation of cycling, hiking and adrenaline challenges in the surrounding area.

Vipava Valley

sportive hiker easy & joy family


SAN MARTIN ECOHOTEL*** easy & joy family

Ekohotel San Martin Šmartno 11, SI-5211 Kojsko t +386 (0)5 330 56 60 m +386 (0)51 335 660 e info@sanmartin.si www.sanmartin.si

Description The San Martin Eco Hotel is a unique and above all nature-friendly hotel situated in the idyllic village of Šmartno, nestled in the hills of Goriška brda. The hotel has 20 carefully arranged rooms with en-suite bathrooms, flat screen TV, Wi-Fi and laundry by arrangement. Guests can enjoy the views from the bar and bistro, or you can book a special wellness room with Finnish sauna and terrace. Drink in the views, which stretch to the Vipava Valley, the sea and of course the medieval village of Šmartno. Accommodation advantages The hotel is ideal for families, couples or individuals seeking an active holiday and gourmet delights. The diverse Brda landscape, set back on a route between the Alps and the Adriatic, offers outstanding hiking and cycling trails. Just bring your hiking boots and get ready for an adven-

ture, while we do the rest! We can also arrange shuttle transport of luggage and people. Highly recommended • 9 footpaths named after Brda cherry varieties. • Alpe Adria Trail – cross-border long-distance hiking trail running through Austria, Italy and Slovenia. • In Brda you can set out on stages 19 and 20 of the circular long-distance Juliana Trail. • You can walk or cycle around Brda, and you can rent electric mountain bikes at the hotel. • Suitable for beginners or experienced sports people and adventurers. • The hiking season never ends here, with walks possible both in winter and summer. Double room: from EUR 50 per person



Brda cherries

easy & joy family


i TIC Brda Šmartno 13, SI-5211 Kojsko t +386 (0)5 395 95 95 e tic@brda.si www.brda.si

Gentle hills with a patchwork of vineyards, orchards and olive groves offer soothing views in this romantic landscape. Numerous hiking trails weave through a land smelling sweetly of ripening fruit and grapes. They say that the women of Brda don’t need lipstick because they have cherries in abundance, while the winemakers of the area are known throughout the world for their superb wine. The wine cellars and farm-stays of the area offer some genuine relaxation.

NOT TO BE MISSED • Relaxed chats with the local people at their open homes, spoiling you with superb wines, olive oil, honey or jam. • Treks along the long-distance Alpe Adria and Juliana Trails, or on one of the nine cherry trails through vineyards, olive groves and orchards. • Fantastic views of the Julian Alps and all the way to the sea.

• Lovely peaceful nights in boutique accommodation surrounded by vineyards and olive groves, where you will be woken only by the buzzing of bees and singing of birds.

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • Frtalja is a kind of omelette made with a wide variety of fresh herbs and aromatics, and can be enhanced with some pršut ham and sausages. Its local name is “cvrče”. Frtalja constantly reveals new heights of culinary creativity linked to the natural surroundings.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • Take a few steps down and wander the corridors of the wine cellars, then settle down comfortably and bring all your senses to bear on some superlative white or red Brda wines. The outstanding flavours will carry your thoughts off above the wine-growing landscape.

Villa Vipolže Brda wine cellar





The route leads through the region’s vineyards, along paths that fork in several directions and down farm tracks into the most hidden and authentic corners of Brda. Start the hike in front of Dobrovo Castle, then continue to the village of Šlovrenc, and by the crossroads in Peternel you will come upon a natural stone bridge over the Kožbanjšček stream, where there are wonderful views between the villages of Brda. The hike ends in Dobrovo.

The trail begins in front of Dobrovo Castle. First, you should climb up to the viewing tower in the village of Gonjače, from where you will have a magnificent view of the Julian and Carnic Alps, the Dolomites and the Gulf of Trieste. Continue through a vineyard until you reach the medieval village of Šmartno, where you will find rich culinary offers. The path leads to the village of Biljana, and after that you only have to walk down to the starting point.

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Map

Walking time Length Difficulty Elevation gain Start GPS coordinates Map

5 hours 16.5 km easy 50 m Dobrovo Castle 45.9966 N, 13.5245 E Hiking Trails of Goriška Brda Cherry Blossom (1: 43,000)

3 hours 9.5 km easy 150 m Dobrovo Castle 45.9966 N, 13.5245 E Hiking Trails of Goriška Brda Cherry Blossom (1: 43,000)


Razgledni stolp Gonjače

Cerkev sv. Martina

Dobrovo Grad Dobrovo

Cerkev sv. Mihaela

Razgledni stolp Gornjače

Grad Dobrovo

Grad Dobrovo

Grad Dobrovo

Grad Dobrovo

Grad Dobrovo



Karst Living Museum

sportive hiker easy & joy family


i Vodilna destinacija Lipica in Škocjanske jame (KRAS) – TIC Štanjel Štanjel 1a, SI-6222 Štanjel t +386 (0)5 769 00 56 e info@visitkras.info www.visitkras.info

Walking through the Karst landscape is an inspiration for anyone not concerned with great exploits but just enjoying each step of the way. Just such trails, lovely and full of fascinating tales, await you in the Karst and Brkini. No doubt this is also why several international hiking trails intersect here. The Way of St. James, Via Alpina and Alpe Adria Trail, which offer some unforgettable stages here. The Karst is full of beauty. Explore it on foot.

NOT TO BE MISSED • The Teran and Pršut Festival is the main holiday of the Karst people and of everyone that loves Karst cuisine and customs. Its rich cultural, sports, ethnological and of course social and entertainment programme draws to the Karst a multitude of visitors from local and foreign parts. You can experience the distinctive Karst hospitality at this event. • Brkini is known far and wide for its outstanding fruit, especially apples and plums. During

the Brkini Fruit Road Festival numerous tourist and fruit farms and restaurants offer visitors typical Brkini dishes made from local products, which always include Brkini fruit.

Teran Wine and Pršut Festival Typical dishes

BEST SNACK FOR HIKERS • The red earth colours the landscape and dictates the flavours. Something different, pleasantly tart and intoxicatingly sweet, is in everything that grows from this soil and then ripens to excellence in the ancient tradition. • Wine rooms beckon with their famous Teran, while homesteads cure their own outstanding pršut ham and mature a truly special cheese. The Karst common land is a fragrant herb garden and flowering meadow for the bees. Brkini fruit and plum brandy are famed far and wide. The Karst is one of a kind. Succumb to its flavours.

THE HIKER’S REWARD • The elemental natural environment offers endless scope for hiking and exploring. Tour the Škocjan Caves, which are listed among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites as a unique natural phenomenon, or the Peace Memorial at Cerje, which is dedicated to all victims of war. The home of the elegant white Lipizzaner

horses, known and admired the world over, is in Lipica in the Karst. The medieval village of Štanjel proudly displays its wealth of stone. On the margins of the rocky Karst nature has laid out green, fertile hills. This is Brkini, a gorgeous landscape with breathtaking vistas. The Glinščica Valley Nature Park is criss-crossed with trails. The Karst is picturesque. Experience all its hues.



Vipava Valley

Vipava Valley




RBS Turizem d.o.o. Ribnica na Pohorju 26, SI-2364 Ribnica na Pohorju t +386 (0)31 684 655, e book@blackpeak-ebike.com www.blackpeak-ebike.com

Cesta IX. Korpusa 35, SI-5250 Solkan t +386 (0)5 336 50 00 e hotel.sabotin @hit.si www.hit.si

Zalošče 12 a, SI-5294 Dornberk t +386 (0)5 301 78 53, m +386 (0)41 208 345 e info@vinasaksida.com, www.vinasaksida.com








Kraška cesta 30a, SI-6215 Divača t +386 (0)5 763 33 33 e info@hotel-malovec.si www.hotel-malovec.si

Kolodvorska 1, SI-6230 Postojna t +386 (0)6 863 23 45 e info@hotel-center.eu www.hotel-center.eu

Ratečevo Brdo 1, SI-6255 Prem t +386 (0)5 714 71 28, m +386 (0)31 851 399 e info@jenezinovi-sp.si www.jenezinovi-sp.si

Gornja Radgona


Soča Valley


Soča Valley





Police 93, SI-9250 Gornja Radgona t +386 (0)51 606 997 e info@mtbgo.si, www.mtbgo.si

Trg svobode 15, SI-5222 Kobarid t +386 (0)40 654 475, e info@positive-sport.com www.positive-sport.com

Tomačevo 30a, SI-1000 Ljubljana t +386 (0)68 147 467 e info@mtbgalaxy.com, www.mtbgalaxy.com

SLOVENIA OUTDOOR Dimičeva 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana m +386 (0)41 646 566 e info@slovenia-outdoor.com www.slovenia-outdoor.com

Follow us on social media: hikingandbikingslovenia/facebook slovenia_outdoors slovenia outdoor


SLOVENIAN TOURIST BOARD Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana t +386 (0)1 589 85 50 e info@slovenia.info www.slovenia.info

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Published by: SLOVENIA OUTDOOR in cooperation with SLOVENIAN TOURIST BOARD • Editor: Marko Lenarčič • Design and layout: Snežana Madić Lešnik • Texts: Nea Culpa, individual destination-based organisations and companies • Cover photo: Triglav lakes, Slovenian Tourist Board archive, Tomo Jeseničnik • Photographs: Slovenian Tourist Board archive, Iztok Medja, Tomo Jeseničnik, Jošt Gantar, Slovenia Outdoor archive, Jošt Gantar, Matevž Lenarčič, Turizem Bohinj archive, Mojca Odar, Tomo Jeseničnik, Mitja Sodja, Janez Mencinger, Martin Šolar, Tomaž Šolar, Turizem Dolina Soče archive, David Štulc Zornik, Aleš Fon, F. A. BOBO, Janko Humar, Domen Grögl, Mojca Benedejčič, Aleš Fevžer, Srdjan Živulovič Bobo, Janez Pukšič, Miljko Lesjak, Tamino Petelinšek, Uroš Švigelj, Turizem Kamnik archive, Ana Pogačar, TIC Preddvor archive, Naraglav D., Rinka Center archive, TIC Luče archive, Naraglav D., TIC Jezersko archive, Turizem Škofja Loka archive, Sašo Kočevar, Jošt Gantar, Tomaž Bradeško, RRA Koroška archive, Tomo Jeseničnik, LTO Rogla–Zreče archive, Miha Matavž, Dan Briški, Samo Jenčič, Izidor Kotnik, Zavod za turizem Maribor archive, Rok Breznik, Vid Ponikvar, Aleš Fevžer, Klara Kukovec, Domen Grögl, TIC Ptuj archive, Stanko Kozel, Marko Pigac, Mankica Kranjec, TIC Žalec archive, T. Tavčer, TIC Krško archive, TIC Brda archive, Damijan Simčič, TZ TIC Nova Gorica archive, T. Mihelj, TIC Ajdovščina archive, Matjaž Klemenčič, Miha Bratina, Janez Medvešek, RIC Bela krajina archive, Natalija Šveigl, Blaž Mikuž, TIC Kočevsko archive, Nejc Bole, Nea Culpa, Jošt Gantar, Manca Čujež, Zdenka M., arhiv Zavod Novo mesto, Tea Benko, Jošt Gantar, arhiv TIC Moravske Toplice, Luka Esenko, Jošt Gantar, TIC Štanjel, Jošt Gantar, Igor Petaros, Snežana Madić Lešnik, Companies photo libraries • Translation: Amidas d.o.o. • Printed by: Medium d.o.o. • Print run: 7,000, 2020

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