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SLOWCUrT is a neologism composed of three words from two different languages. The way it’s written allows double reading. SLOW is an adjective borrowed from English. Apart from its genuine meaning “moving or going forward with little speed” it has became some sort of a prefixe to denote a way of understanding life. The verb CUT (to divide with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument) in the audiovisual technical production vocabulary refers both to the word used to mark the end of shooting a specific scene, as for the act of cutting and splicing during the editing process. CURT is common lexicon in the Catalan Language that replaces the term short film. When we read SLOWCUT we refer to a way of filming and editing that takes into account a way of understanding audiovisual production away from the demands of the mainstream. When we read SLOWCUrT we refer to an audiovisual work that has been designed to be seen and enjoyed calmly and paying attention to it.
