Echo Wednesday, October 25, 2017
“We should better learn what is right and wrong, and really think before we make decisions. Liz Madonna, freshman
Unmasking cultu
Halloween highlights larger issue of misrepresentation Alexis Machoka & Ndunzi Kunsunga alexiamachoka@slpecho.com ndunzikunsunga@slpecho.com
s people step into their Halloween costumes this season, many don’t recognize the impact their costume may have.
What is Cultural Appropriation?
unior Zion Chappell said Halloween costumes have the potential to be offensive and seen as cultural appropriation because of their inherent lack of respect. “I think there can be (cultural appropriation on Halloween) especially because a costume is supposed to be a silly thing that you put on,” Chappell said. “When you’re dressing up in a sombrero because it’s a silly hat rather than respecting that it is a part of a culture, I think that’s definitely cultural appropriation.” Senior Ruchmah Borg said the appropriation of cultures lacks consideration for the struggles of marginalized groups. “I think it’s (cultural appropriation) dangerous to ignore it because it dismisses the pain that people of color go through,” Borg said. Lenora White, a human rights enforcement officer at the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, said she defines cultural appropriation as the misinterpretation of varying cultures. “(Cultural appropriation is) mocking or misappropriating another person’s culture,” White said. Equity coach Matt Horel said he defines cultural appropriation as a form of oppression that diminishes parts of a culture. “(Appropriation occurs) when a dominant culture, white culture, takes aspects of marginalized culture and makes it their own,” Horel said. Chappell said he views cultural appropriation as the utilization of another’s culture as an aesthetic, disregarding the significance of their customs. “(Cultural appropriation is) taking aspects of a culture without respecting where those (traditions) have come from,” Chappell said. “(In) a lot of very specific instances, it’s people trying to dress like a certain culture or talk like a certain
culture so they feel coo According to Ilana of Gender, Women and nesota, cultural appro “One thing that is a lot of people think (c pens just today, but it’ land and labor though Chappell said he fe round society today ap “You can’t step out cultural appropriation life and a fact of how Horel said cultural between cultures, espe “It’s just one more their history and oppr
Halloween a
unior Ayanna N affects Saint Lou student population. “Saint Louis Park h Jewish population, we significant Hispanic po of those groups in a ne White said it is her feels their human right “Particularly in the discrimination-free env school and the school fensive costumes to be could prompt a charge Beth El Synagogue’ the St. Louis Park com “While it is a time come at the expense o upon us as good neigh Junior Melissa Alca within in the commun “I think it affects o tension between cultur Alcantar said. “Instead mad at one another.” Turner said certain ture into an object.
I think (cultural appropriation) is a big part of the community in they way that it’s just very offensive.
Echo Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Sanjay Manohar, senior
ural appropriation
ol.” Turner, a doctoral student in the department d Sexuality Studies at the University of Minopriation is rooted within American history. key to understanding cultural appropriation is cultural appropriation is) something that hap’s actually part of a larger history of stealing h colonization,” Turner said. eels cultural appropriation continues to surpart from Halloween costumes. tside your door without seeing some type of n on a daily basis,” Chappell said. “It’s a fact of the world is progressing.” appropriation serves to further the divide ecially those in the minority. thing to minimize their experience or minimize ression,” Horel said.
at Park
Nathan said cultural appropriation directly uis Park because of the schools’ multicultural
has such a diverse community. We have large e have a large Muslim population, we have a opulation. (Cultural appropriation) affects all egative way,” Nathan said. department’s job to get involved if a student ts are violated. e area of education we are tasked to create vironments,” White said. “If you’re in your is allowing racially offensive or religiously ofe worn, and a student complains about it, that e of discrimination.” ’s senior Rabbi Alexander Davis said it is up to mmunity to be watchful for appropriation. of revelry and happiness and joy, it can not of another person,” Davis said. “It is incumbent hbors to think carefully of how we celebrate.” antar said appropriating often creates conflict nity. our community because people cause a lot of res when they appropriate other cultures,” d of uniting people you have people who are costumes can turn aspects of a person’s cul-
“Halloween gives a forum for that type of racism to be expressed, so it’s probably extra important to remember that when you’re dressing up you’re objectifying something. You’re making it into an object that has very little dimension,” Turner said. Spanish teacher Kris Christiansen said she remembers growing up seeing similar Halloween costume trends that were just as offensive as the ones seen today. “When I was a kid in particular, there was dressing up like (Native Americans). (The costumes were) very common and very normal Halloween costumes. If it wasn’t cultural appropriation then it was almost mocking,” Christensen said.
Moving Forward
athan said she feels the best way to combat cultural appropriation is to educate people about different cultures and the harm appropriation can cause. “I think the answer to every problem is education,” Nathan said. “We need to properly be educating everyone on what is okay and what is not okay, culturally, physically, and emotionally. We need to be educating people to bring awareness to the issue.” Alcantar said she feels there is a distinction between appreciation and appropriation of a culture. “People fail to realize that they need to respect other people’s cultures and stay in their lanes,” Alcantar said. “If they want to be appreciative of a culture, do it in a correct way and not act like it’s a costume or something to make fun of.” Horel said he believes addressing problems and facing them directly will help solve the overall issue of cultural appropriation. “For (equity coaches), we bring to light what (cultural appropriation) looks like,” Horel said. “When we take cultures from oppressed people and try and make it our own or try and make it cute, it’s not okay.” White said she encourages students everywhere to be open to the lives and identities of others and seek to learn about other cultures. “(Students should) educate themselves and listen to other people. Hopefully you have people around you who have friends of different cultures. Just listen to them,” White said. “If you have a question or you’re wondering ‘is this costume appropriate,’ just ask someone.” According to Turner, students can make the decision to not engage in cultural appropriation during Halloween. “We can’t change (history), but there are some things we have choices about,” Turner said. “We have the choice whether or not to extend or expand or participate in. Cultural appropriation is one of those things. If we want to heal these really violent histories of slavery and colonization, one of those things we can decide to do is not engage in cultural appropriation.”
Student poll results Do you think cultural appropriation is a significant issue?
73% Yes
27% No
Do you think cultural appropriation becomes more evident around Halloween time?
32% No
68% Yes
Have you ever felt like your culture has been appropriated?
26% Yes
74% No
275 students were surveyed during lunches Oct. 17.
Infographic Devin Raynor
In their own words
I’m Native American. What I find offensive is putting headdresses on everything. It’s a very sacred headwear. Putting it on figures and stuff is demeaning. Zion Chappell, junior
“ “
Costumes that represent different cultures or imitate other things are bad.
Marian Mohamud, junior
It really offends me when I see people dressing up as slaves and it really hurts me.
Amaya Fokuo, sophomore
Infographic Hanna Schechter
Photo Illustration Devin Raynor & Sam St. Clair