YO U R L I F E , YO U R S T Y L E .
ASSISTED L I V ING A comprehensive plan.
Opportunities served; support given; fulfillment found.
Combining apartment-style
With a daily schedule
living with as-needed
that can include fitness,
personal care, this is a
educational programs,
rewarding lifestyle for
shared-interest groups
exceptional seniors. You’ll
and plenty of chances
discover marvelous dining,
to socialize with other
state-of-the art programs,
fascinating residents, your
attentive services,
life will be an adventure
activity-filled common
of your own design. You’ll
areas, and terrific staff
know that if you ever need a
and neighbors. Maurice
helping hand with the tasks
House offers you a
of daily living, we’ll be there
comprehensive plan for
with professional care and
an active, satisfying
genuine kindness. And so,
way of life.
transportation. Catch a ride to shopping, entertainment or medical appointments.
all that remains is for you to pursue your interests to your heart’s content and see how fulfilling life can be.
COMMITTED PA RTNE R The focus on service.
As a member of the Senior Lifestyle Communities family, we’re part of a successful legacy stretching back to 1985. We dance to the rhythm of seniors’ lives and provide a community where you can create, fulfill, and be sustained in the lifestyle that suits you. We brighten and enrich the lives of older adults, and as we meet you on your journey, we seek to serve you well.
FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO SCHEDULE A VISIT, CALL 856-825-4002. 1719 W Main Street | Millville, NJ 08332 Assisted Living | AL # 90108 WWW.SENIORLIFESTYLE.COM