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Health & Fitness News
June is National Alzheimer’s, Brain Awareness, Cataract Awareness, Men’s Health, and Safety Month.
The Importance Of Staying Hydrated Throughout The Summer
Summer in Texas can be quite brutal, with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees for multiple days in a row. It is important to stay hydrated at this time of year, since the body is losing more water during the summer than the winter. Seniors have to be especially careful. They tend to get dehydrated quicker than younger adults, because their bodies are less able to recognize when they are thirsty. Also, certain medications and health conditions can cause older adults to become dehydrated quicker. Here are the facts:
Symptoms of Dehydration:
Dry mouth, lightheadedness or dizziness, feeling really thirsty or even hungry, thick or gummy saliva, dark urine or little urine, muscle cramping, headache, fatigue, irritability, sleepiness, low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, dry eyes, sunken eyes, convulsions, and flaccid skin
Daily Water Recommendations:
Senior adults are recommended to consume 8 glasses of water per day (6 to 8 ounces per glass). This can vary for some individuals, especially those who are more active. Always discuss with your doctor the right amount you should be consuming on a daily basis.
Ways to Increase Your Water Consumption:
Take a water bottle around with you everywhere that you go throughout the day.
Keep a water glass at certain places that you will see it—such as the countertop, coffee table, or nightstand—to remind yourself to drink more.
If you don’t like the taste of plain water, infuse it with ingredients such as lemons, limes, fruit, cucumbers, mint, ginger, etc.
Set a timer to go off every hour to remind yourself to have a glass of water or other liquid.
Try a variety of options besides just water, such as tea, coffee (1 cup only), whole fruit, or 100% fruit juices.
Health and Fitness Calendar | June 2023
All Aquatic Balance classes will be run by the Fitness Director, Kim Engen. The Low-Impact Water Aerobics classes will be run by Marky Forrest. Aqua Yoga will be taught by Sandi Tindal. All classes will be 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the class.