APRIL 2019 //
Inspiring Senior Lifestyle Marketing & Sales Teams to New Heights
A Message
FROM THE CREW Helpful. Handy. Human. What do you do when a friend in need calls? You listen. You empathize. You help solve their problem. When a prospect or their family member calls, what should you do? Listen. Empathize. Help solve their problem. Be HELPFUL: We’ve got an intranet FULL of articles you can share. From caregiver burnout to nutrition and Parkinson’s, send helpful information via email with an “I saw this and thought of you” message. Be HANDY: Be there when they need you to make their life more convenient. That can mean passing on the name of a realtor or a medical specialist from your outreach network. Be HUMAN: Get to know the individual person. Ask insightful questions. Then actually LISTEN. Share in their joys. Feel their pain. Be thoughtful and you’ll definitely be remembered as someone who can be counted on to solve problems and to bring a smile to their face.
Your Sales & Marketing Leadership Team
AT TA B OY ! Outreach Superstars Not long ago, a regional survey went out asking RDOs to assess their communities’ outreach efforts. Kudos to these super sellers who were called out as going above and beyond.
Debbie Hamilton
DSM at Greatwood at Sugarland
Linda Shaw
DSM at the The Sheridan at Mason Brittany Tidrick DSM at Seneca House Tammy Jo Sprankle ED at Caldwell House Nicole Wiseman ED at Emerald Glen of Olney
This was a regional survey, and we’re sure there are many more untold success stories and unsung heroes. If you know of employees doing an outstanding job, please share their names and accomplishments with us.
How to obtain 100% occupancy in today's competitive market The Addison of Pleasant Prairie —Kathy Smith, Sales & Marketing Sales Director
When we opened our doors in May of 2016, we were ‘the new kid on the block’ in Kenosha , and when you’re new,
everyone wants to see you, so our ‘leads to first visit’ ratio was very high then, month after month. When we achieved full occupancy, the challenge became ‘how do we stay full?’ What’s so interesting to us is that we never really changed our strategy: We do our discovery and invite every inquiry in for a community visit. Most people asking about assisted living have never stepped foot in one or don’t know where to start their search, so a huge part of establishing our reputation is to be a resource for every family that comes in the door. That’s a practice we started in the beginning and one that continues to drive what we do with every lead, every day.
Our whole team is involved in every community visit: The greeting when they walk in the door, the way the building looks
and smells, the lunch that’s served, the care team member or housekeeper that says hello, our ED that pops her head in the door to say hi. Our Business Development Coordinator stays connected with referral contacts each week. She is truly the face of The Addison out in the professional community and has developed strong relationships with our referral sources. We’ve developed a wait list of prospects and stay in touch with them on a monthly basis. This is key to keeping our relationship fresh and staying updated on their readiness to move should we have an opening. The waitlist has been a big factor in keeping our vacancies to a minimum. Working our leads consistently – even those we don’t hear from – is key. We never know when someone will be ready, and we want to be the community that’s still in touch months, and sometimes years, later.
Data Integrity PART 1: ZIP CODES
If you’re a regular Lift reader, you know how heavily our organization relies on data to make critical marketing decisions. While a prospect’s ZIP Code can seem like a small detail to overlook, it plays a major role on how we target our efforts.
Fill out the forms for the prospect.
Repeat the information back to them to ensure accuracy.
We can use the phone number to reverse engineer information about our prospects, so that we can learn a deeper and richer wealth of knowledge about them. When you input the email, we can start to nurture the lead. The sooner we can send them tailored content, the better. With accurate address information, we can narrow down the leads into clusters and find better areas for our marketing efforts. That translates into more sales-ready leads.
While we’re currently confined to mail lists based on the radius around your ZIP code, an analysis of trade area maps would tell us that people shop in more of a polygonshaped area. Because we don’t have better data providing insight into where your prospects are coming from, we’re wasting time and money marketing to people who wouldn’t consider your community.
The decision to move to a senior community is an emotional one. Seniors and their families often make their decision on a gut feel. For that reason, people shop “up.” As seniors or their children look for an ideal residence, they search in areas with a higher socioeconomic level than the one in which the senior currently lives. Influencers want their parents to be in a “nice area.” So in actuality, your community is drawing on a wider area than the boundaries of your ZIP code.
These “bought” lists are a radius and aren’t an accurate reflection of consumer behavior. In truth, consumers shop in polygons We need you to help us “draw” your community’s polygon by entering accurate zip code data If we don’t, we end up wasting money in the excess areas. Money that could be spent on better, more targeted advertising to potential leads
Social media
PART 2: EMAIL ADDRESSES After filling out a HubSpot form, a prospect can expect to receive: • 5 emails in the first ten days and follow-ups once every 90 days after that • Invitations to your events • Eblasts with your limited-time incentives When talking to a senior or their family members on the phone or in person, collect and record their email address. Repeat the information back to the caller to make sure you’ve understood it correctly and enter it into the CRM. Not only does this lead nurturing strategy guide prospects through the buyer’s journey with relevant content, the series of emails keeps us top of mind and helps us develop stronger relationships over time.
Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate
50% 33% More sales-read lead at
80% of new leads never translate into sales
Social Media News You should be receiving two emails per month reminding you to send in your community photos and videos to your Grapevine account manager. If you’re not receiving them, please check your marketing email address and let your AM know. VERY IMPORTANT: Please keep Senior Lifestyle legally compliant. Ask every photographed visitor to sign a photography release. The form is on the intranet. If they do not sign the release, do not send the photograph for posting. EARLY RESULTS Overall, our Facebook engagement (reactions, shares, comments, clicks on links, videos and images) is very good with a March average rating of 13.7.
Hats off to these communities who beat that average: Orchard Point
Ashford Court
Emerald Springs
Grand Victorian of Sycamore 25.2% Sterling Aventura
Remind your employees to like, share and comment on your postings. When you think about each person having an average number of 338 friends, it’s a great way to extend your reach. —Brandwatch
A R R I VA L S THIRD QUARTER EVENTS In order to accurately gauge the effectiveness of events for the purposes of lead generation and to focus more effort on outreach, we are taking a structured approach to the frequency and type of events each community will host. Outreach Specialist Lexy Wand will be providing further details and training very soon. This policy will not apply to communities without a DSM. All other exceptions, including custom events, will require the approval of an ED and/or RDO. Sad to say, but in February, across 155 Facebook pages, we only received 39 reviews. We’ve got two ways to help you build your online presence on Facebook, Google and other sharing sites. 1. Host a learning event or review party. See pages 193-194 in the marketing catalog. 2. Hand out review cards to visitors and residents enjoying your community. Visit the storefront to order yours.
MONTHLY WORKSHOPS Join us Thursdays at 11 a.m. CST. These presentations by marketing and leadership are packed with information and allow time for questions and discussions.
97% Read online reviews when searching for local businesses
83% Trust online reviews over advertising
74% Have greater trust in a company if they read positive reviews
—Reputation Statistics
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If you missed this month’s training on Brand Works, a new program you can use to personalize event flyers, watch it on the intranet.
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Purposeful Follow Up —Cindy Ames, Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing Training Do all our leads convert to a community visit after the inquiry call? Do all our customers convert to a move-in after a community visit? The answer to both questions is no. Mike Schultz, President of RAIN Group, writes, “According to our Top Performance in Sales Prospecting research, it takes an average of eight touches to get an initial meeting (or other conversion) with a new prospect. For Top Performers, it takes an average of five touches to generate a conversion.” Some statistics will claim it takes 8 – 12 touches for a lead to convert. What we’re really talking about is a senior making a decision on where they want to live and who provides care for them. A decision that isn’t taken lightly. So, how can we best help our customers who reach out to us? We can help them by providing solutions that match the needs they share with us through their stories. By capturing their needs and story in LEAP, we can turn to our notes to better prepare for our follow-up actions. For those we have spoken with over the phone and captured their information in LEAP and some time has passed, we can use the Established Relationship Connection Tool
to form a new connection and understand the customer’s current needs. For those who have visited your community, the first tool to use is the Community Visit Follow-Up Tool. This tool can be used within 48 hours of the visit, by the ED or a sales associate, to understand the customer’s impressions of the community, what they found to be most important and their deciding factor in choosing a community. For leads received online, please use the Lead Nurturing Schedule, which outlines when to make touches, the types of touches to make and provides a voice mail and email script for ease of use. This tool will make your work easier and more impactful when following up with web-based leads. Having an understanding that more touches leads to more success will allow you to lean into the concept of purposeful follow up, which is planning follow-up questions based on information the customer has shared during discovery. Successful follow up stems from planning, using the customer’s story and impactful questions and/or tools. Set a goal this month to focus on your follow-up tasks and determine your success in helping seniors call your community their new home.
This is your captain speaking
SCORING WITH DATA —Catherine Erikson, National Director of Marketing
When we target new leads for your community, nothing is more crucial than creating a marketing campaign based on accurate, complete data about your existing leads. The Data Integrity Score reflects how many pieces of critical demographic information, on a star scale of 1-10, you have for your LEAP leads. The score is derived from a points system. DATA COLLECTED
Age 1 Street/City/State 2 Phone 2 Email 2 ZIP Code 3
In the monthly Leaderboard email, you’ll see a shout out to the community leading the way.
How does your community rank month over month? Check the SLC MARKETING LEAP DEMOGRAPHIC STAR RATINGS in Dynamics.
Are you an overachiever, too? Want to have the top score? Take the Data Integrity course in the LMS and enter your lead information into LEAP.
303 E Upper Wacker Drive, Suite 2400 Chicago, IL 60601 www.SeniorLifestyle.com 12