Friday, January 14, 2011

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Friday, January 14, 2011

The Record The Official Student Publication of the Saint Louis Priory School since 1960

Volume 41, Issue 15

Snow Day!!!??? A group of Priory students did not need to be at home all day to enjoy the plentiful snow

Sean Sigillito, ’11

Entertainment Writer As winter weather hits the St. Louis Priory School, the students take to the slopes. After having shown every other school in Missouri who is truly most manly and forgoing a snow-day on Tuesday, we just could not keep our inner children chained up forever. Therefore, some of the seniors chose to utilize their free periods wisely and venture into the Priory backcountry. The Priory Sledding Club was formed when Doug Brooking, Kyle Hill, and myself decided to lighten our mood by getting soaking wet and unnecessarily cold on Tuesday

afternoon. Our mountain of choice was the steep, yet short blue square run by the Abbey Church facing Mason Rd. We had our share of wipe-outs, but continued to perfect our techniques in order to go farther than many thought humanly possible. Soon, however, the bell for class rang, ending our fun for the day. Our story continues Wednesday, with the addition of a new member: Joey Heitz! When fourth period rolled around, we were all anticipating a few more members to join our good time, but sadly the event was BYOS (Bring your own sled.) Outfitted in snow pants and ski goggles we headed out, with our own personal photographer, David Taiclet. We had a solid period and a half of joyous ecstasy

zipping to-and-fro across the Priory campus on our trusty sleds. We hope to expand our club on Friday, and on the lack of snow-days to come, with the addition of some more members and guest appearances from some of the faculty! We’re blessed at Priory to have so many options when it comes to shredding some sick pow(der.) Whether one is gliding towards the pond on the deep bowl in the center of campus, or speeding towards an airy demise behind the tennis courts, one is guaranteed an enjoyable time. As we all have our good, clean fun out sledding to our hearts’ content, remember to stay safe, stay classy, get to class on time, and always stay in dress code! See you on the slopes! See more pics on page 5

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