Weekly Friday, April 24, 2009

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The Record Weekly

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Student Publication of the Saint Louis Priory School

Volume 3, Issue 20

Inside this Issue P1. Cover •Archbishop Carlson •Jeromans Ultimate P2. Entertainment Weekly •Amusing Events •Raising Kaine Concert •iTunes Top 10 •Frank Sinatra Top 10

Saint Louis Appointed a New Archbishop ~ Matt Menendez ’10 For the past nine months Saint Louis Catholics

Canon Law, must take place within two months,

have been waiting for the appointment of our

and until then Bishop Hermann will continue

new Archbishop. The news finally arrived at

to lead St. Louis in consultation with

P3. The Weekly Update •Calendar of Events •Lunch Schedule •Stucco Update •Field Day Update

5:18 AM Saint Louis time Tuesday that Pope


P4. Priory Sports Weekly •Athlete of the Week •Team of the Week •Track and Field •Jeromans (cont.) •X Squad

Apostolic Signature, the Vatican’s

P5. The Forum •Blues Update •FA Premiere Update P6. Puzzles Weekly •Crossword Puzzle •Sudoku (easy) •Sudoku (hard) •Cryptogram P7. The Forum •Word Find •Field Day (cont.) P8. The Back Page •NFL Draft •Taylor Swift Letter •Letter from the Editors

Benedict XVI had appointed a replacement

In many ways Carlson follows in the

for Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke,

footsteps of his predecessor, our

who had been made head of the

beloved Archbishop Burke. They are

supreme court.

both canon lawyers.

From all I’ve

Rushing out of

heard, Carlson has the same

bed, I found out that the Holy

theology as Burke, but a different

Father chose Robert James


It is already apparent that

Carlson, Bishop of Saginaw.

Carlson gets along very well with

Saginaw? Yes, it’s north. No, not

the media, a group which Burke

Canada. It’s in Minnesota. On April 21, Bishop Carlson

was able to avoid for 18 months. We have yet to see what will happen,

ceased to be the Bishop of Saginaw, but

but I have very high expectations of

will continue to be the Diocesan

our new Archbishop.

Administrator of Saginaw. Born on June

Once again, our Holy Father

30, 1944, Archbishop-elect Carlson is 64

has done St. Louis, previously known

years old. This native of Minneapolis was

as the Rome of the West, a good turn.

ordained a priest in 1969 and has led the

Welcome Archbishop-elect Robert

Dioceses of Sioux Falls and Saginaw.


In the next week, a final date for his installation will be announced. Carlson’s enthronement, according to

The Record Editors The Record Moderator: Mrs. Sams The Record Editors: Patrick Mulvihill Sean Lamb Thanks to Jim Havel and Charlie Friedman for a year well-done!

Layout Editor: Chad Huber

Jeromans Ultimate Undefeated ~ Patrick Mulvihill ’10 The Jeromans Ultimate Squad is still going strong with two weeks left before the State Championships in Saint Louis. This past weekend brought about two more notches on the belt with two huge wins over Chaminade and SLUH. The Jeromans had a weak showing on Saturday, as players were still arriving at the 10:00 AM start of the game. Both teams struggled with less than five subs a piece, but conditions were relatively calm and cool, making for a great day to play.

The Jeromans struck twice quickly, and soon the Jeroman Squad were even compared to “lightning” by a Chaminade Ultimate player, unable to deter unimaginable hucks and inconceivable skies from occurring left and right. Missing fellow handler Dan Noyes, Joey Wagner and Patrick Mulvihill were left with Kenny Capps, Teddy Altepeter, and several others with the ultimate goal (pun intended) of grabbing another W over Chaminade... (Continued on page 4)

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