! THE RECORD Dress Down Day Next Week For PCC VOLUME XLIV ISSUE 14 DECEMBER 13, 2013 Editor In Chief! Andrew Cammon ‘14! Layout Editor! Lucas McGartland ‘14! Content Editors! Michael Herman ‘14! William O’Brien ‘14! Eric Stange ‘14! Faculty Moderator! Ms. Layton!
!! !
Contact! theprioryrecord@gmail.com! 314.434.3690 ext. 221!
The Record Disclaimer!
The Record is the official student publication of Saint Louis Priory School in St. Louis, Missouri. It is produced by students/staff members. Its purpose is to inform students of events in the community; to encourage discussion of local, national, and international issues; and to serve as a training ground for budding journalists, photographers, and graphic designers. The Record accepts contributions from all members of the Priory community, including students, faculty, and alumni. The Record will not publish content considered legally unprotected speech, including but not limited to: libel, copyright infringement, unwarranted invasion of privacy, or material disruption of the educational process. Student editors apply professional standards to the production of the newspaper and are solely responsible for all content, both explicit and implicit. Letters to the Editors are always appreciated. Feedback not intended for publication is also welcome.
By Andrew Cammon ’14 Editor-in-Chief
On December 20th, Dr. Kilcullen’s Church and the Poor Class will participate in a soccer game against a team of homeless men called named the “Roadies.” This team is organized through the Homeless World Cup. This organization seeks, in their own words, “to use football improve the lives of homeless people throughout the world.” This idea and mission has been extremely successful. Soccer, through a team atmosphere, gives the homeless are opportunity take back their energy and lives. One only needs a ball to play soccer, and the sport itself is not really the point. We take families and support structures for granted,
but those who are homeless often feel, along with hunger and the cold, complete abandonment. This can be incredibly devastating and depressing. The soccer team, through this organization seeks to build of some sort of support structure among the homeless. The Homeless World Cup wants to help the homeless help themselves. The Homeless World Cup began in 2001 in Cape Town, South Africa and was founded of Mel Young from Scotland and Harald Schmied from Austria. Since 2001, the Homeless World Cup has grown to include branches in 70 countries and over 250,000 participants. Each year the umbrella organization puts on the Homeless World Cup tournament in which “all-star” teams from each of the 70 member coun-
tries travel to the host country to compete against each other. According to the organization, “over 70% of players significantly change their lives after taking part in the annual tournament and many more benefit throughout the year.” A couple of years ago, a member of the “Roadies” was selected to be on the United States’s Homeless World Cup team. The 12th Homeless World Cup will take place in Santiago, Chile. Next week’s dress down day will support this effort; please be generous. The funds will go towards putting on the game between the Priory “Hooligans” and the “Roadies.” If you are at all interested in this organization and effort, I would recommend the documentary Kicking It. The film is informative and eye-opening.
Boy Realizes He Is Attractive To Females By Chris Chivetta ’14 STUCO President A sophomore student realized his able to interest females, sources close to the friend say. This incident of revelation occurred during one of the many groovy songs at Viz-Priory. “We were dancing in a circle with our dates when he leans over and says to me, ‘Oh my God, I think she’s really into me.’”
The source later went on to explain that the student had maintained eye contact longer than four seconds with a female that was not his date. Neither party averted stares. The incident occurred during “Cupid Shuffle”, as urban-line dancing allowed dancers to have a jovial time while they “kick, kick, now come on baby kick.” This marked the 76th time in the past three years at VizPriory that reaffirmed that in
fact, Priory students are attractive to the opposite sex. A recent Harvard study showed that this is higher than any other school attending the event, about 2-3 times higher than Saint Louis University High, and a staggering 100 times higher than MICDS. The evening was fun and enjoyed by all. Student’s are now looking forward to Christmas Break, and the Christmas assembly on the 20th.
“A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.”
! TEAM+S? More Like TEAM+Awesome! By Matt Ludwig ’14 Staff Writer
I’m not really sure of the title for this article. I’d imagine it could be something like “TEAM+S? More like TEAM +AWESOME!” or just simply “The Start of TEAM+S.” Fortuitously, I don’t need to make that decision. That will be up to the meritorious editor (or should I say Editor in Chief?) of this fine publication who will hopefully put this article on the front page. Who needs a cover page when you have TEAM+S? I digress. I believe I can say, with a certain acuity, that the word “TEAM+S” will grace the title. Now, as everyone should know, before you can understand a subject matter, you must understand the basics. In this instance, the basics include not chemistry or physics, but actu-
ally pronouncing the darn name of the organization correctly. It is “team plus s.” Not “teams.” (It may or may not be worth noting that I have had multiple people tell me that it is not pronounced this way. But whether or not the captain of the varsity, national-championship-winning-team is an authority on this topic is something I will not address, for obvious reasons.) I think that we can establish, by using common sense, that this is true. When you see 1+1 written on the board, you don’t read that as “one one,” do you? No! You read it as “one plus one.” I rest my case. We should all be able to agree that knowing how to accurately pronounce the name is definitely the most important thing to understand. However, some of you will assuredly disagree with the previous state-
ment and so, to avoid the complaints, which would offset the numerous compliments I received last time I wrote an article, I guess I’ll tell you a little about what TEAM+S (I hope you pronounced it correctly) actually does. TEAM+S (Did you get it right?) stands for “Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science.” Memorize that whole thing if you want, or just say TEAM+S (correctly, of course!). It’s sort of like downloading a PDF right before it gets deleted. Wait, what? TEAM+S probably isn’t like anything you’ve done before (unless you’ve done TEAM+S, ha ha). This year the topic is “Engineering Tomorrow’s Cities.” We have already discussed semi-permeable asphalt, so this is guaranteed to be an exciting year! On another, happier note, the molecule
C12H22O11 does make the occasional appearance. And by the occasional appearance I mean every practice. For those of you who have not yet had a day in chemistry or biology, I am referring to sugar. And by sugar I mean candy. It doesn’t last too long, especially not the whoppers (Charlie?). But if you’re fast and not too engaged in the problem set, which we all usually are, you should be able to snag a few molecules, I mean pieces of candy. So the next time you can’t go to that party (on Sunday from 12 to 2), you can tell your friends that you’ll be at a TEAM PLUS S party. And make sure you say TEAM PLUS S or this whole article will have been for naught. N.B. The reason Mr. O does not pronounce TEAM+S properly whilst making announcements is currently anagogic.
Based on a couple listens, the album addresses issues with the Internet. Despite being a man who made his fame and fortune through the Internet, CG questions how the webs affect our daily lives, from our friends to relationships to partying. While normally I resent concept albums, the internet affects us in so many ways, so he is able to write about many different subjects while maintaining focus, instead of getting distracted or repeating the same themes. He even wrote a screenplay to go with the album, which can be seen at becausetheinter.net. The content and lyrics are far and above his previous efforts; he trades cheesy one-liners for a more Drake singing-type style, just
done better. Sonically, the album clearly has Drake-influenced rap beats, but the overall feel of the album is more indie/alternative rock, representative of Gambino’s off-put and unorthodox stylings as a rapper. Many of these songs were meant to be played live, as “crawl” and “3005” come to mind. Highlights for me include “the worst guys”, which features Chance the Rapper, and “telegraph ave. (“Oakland” by Lloyd)”, which are more relaxed and spacey vibe. Overall, this album is amazing. It’s the most well thought out endeavor of the year, complete with a music, screenplay, videos, themes, and representative of Donald Glover’s multitalented nature.
I Hated Childish Gambino. By Chris Chivetta ’14 STUCO President
I hated Childish Gambino. His flows were annoying, his lines were corny, his pastel shorts were too short for a rapper, and his thick rimmed glasses should only be worn by Taylor Dubray. His first album, Camp, was only salvageable by production, and his mixtape Royalty wasn’t better, just more obscure. I still hate Childish Gambino. Why? What has his new album Because the Internet done? Make me look like a hypocrite while I write an article praising it at one in the morning. Childish Gambino must be introduced as Donald Glover, writer and comedian, best
known for his role on the TV show Community. He does rapping “on the side”. Or as least used to. After a very emotional breakup with Community, he focused more heavily on music. Which was the right and wrong choice for CG. He went and had a breakdown, indulging in drugs and contemplating suicide. He maintained a low profile before the album release, only occasionally showing for interviews, highly impaired. For a mediocre rapper for whom no one’s expectations were high, CG’s personal issues would not normally mean a better album (Kanye’s 808s and Heartbreak, Eminem’s Relapse, Tyler the Creator’s Goblin, etc.). But Childish Gambino channeled all of his efforts into his best body of work.
Tell that to your teachers.!
! Easy, Medium, and Hard Sudokus:
Crossword Puzzle ACROSS! 1. In order to prevent! 5. Trim! 10. Unwakable state! 14. Ancient Peruvian! 15. Lone-Star State! 16. Not under! 17. A preacher! 19. Road shoulder! 20. French for "Name"! 21. Expire! 22. Peels! 23. Schemes! 25. Mobile phones! 27. Fodder! 28. Swaggered! 31. Automaton! 34. Berths! 35. Yes to a sailor! 36. Norse god! 37. Businesses! 38. Flower stalk! 39. Holiday drink!
40. Scrawny! 41. Ganders! 42. Merciful! 44. Genus of macaws! 45. Nipples! 46. Hard to pin down! 50. Jaegers! 52. A steel wire rope! 54. Veto! 55. Hearing organs! 56. Instability! 58. Away from the wind! 59. Canker sore! 60. Clairvoyant! 61. Not more! 62. "Beau ___"! 63. At one time (archaic)!
DOWN! 1. Property claims! 2. Emissary! 3. Cons!
4. Buff! 5. Torrid! 6. Assists! 7. Allies' foe! 8. Male sterilization! 9. Eastern Standard Time! 10. A hard metallic element! 11. Exaggerate! 12. No more than! 13. Not legs! 18. Shine! 22. Add! 24. Not now! 26. Makes a mistake! 28. Open skin infections! 29. Visual organs! 30. A territorial unit of Greece! 31. Chime! 32. Smell! 33. Threads!
34. Small! 37. 12 inches! 38. Oceans! 40. Partiality! 41. A thin porridge! 43. Stops! 44. Attraction! 46. A common green newt! 47. Not outer! 48. Transgressions! 49. Put forth, as effort! 50. Secure against leakage! 51. Cabbagelike vegetable! 53. Circle fragments! 56. Pull! 57. East southeast! 128. Happy (Belated) Birthday Andrew.
Riddles What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees Up, up it goes, And yet never grows?
No-legs lay on one-leg, two legs sat near on three legs, four legs got some.
Alive without breath, As cold as death; Never thirsty, ever drinking, All in mail never clinking
Thirty white horses on a red hill, First they champ, Then they stamp, Then they stand still.
A box without hinges, key or lid, Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
What have I got in my pocket?
“You shall not pass!�!
WEATH ER Snow! Days And No Says? By George Ahlering ‘17 Staff Writer
On Thursday December 5th and Friday December 6th, winter weather hit St. Louis. Fortunately, this was well predicted by the National Weather Service therefore anticipated and prepared for by both MoDOT and local municipalities. The first predictions said that the St. Louis Area could get anywhere from 2-5 inches of snow, but as the time drew nearer, the numbers fell to a mere total of 1 to 2 inches, which subsequently was a correct prediction. Even with only 1-2 inches of accumulated snow, we received more freezing rain and sleet than predicted. The freezing temperatures caused the precipitation on overpasses (like the one at Mason and 40) to ice over, posing great danger to unsuspecting drivers. Thankfully the other roads didn’t turn out too bad around
the area come 7:00am Friday morning (with exception to the overpasses), but we still managed a late start due to the inclement weather. Over 400 high schools in the St. Louis Area decided to go better safe than sorry and called off school, including Villa Duchesne, CBC, Whitfield, Westminster, Visitation, and Ursuline. You may ask why Priory was still in session. Some possible answers could be that we only got 1-2 inches, or the roads weren’t bad. However, Priory students’ geographical demographic is widespread, concentrated in the West County and St. Louis County area, but there are students who travel from as far as Washington, MO and some in Illinois. With this being said, we can’t account for the conditions of their roadways, so why group everyone together in saying that school should continue due to the fact that the roads
Trippy Stuff around Priory’s campus are fine. With all of this being said, I do agree with the administration’s decision for a late start. However, when winter weather strikes again, I hope Priory’s administrators keep this in mind: As gentlemen and scholars, we would never want to miss a day of learning, but we would like to be kept safe and out of harm’s way. On the other hand, The US Department of Transportation reports that the annual average of automobile accidents due to inclement winter weather exceeds 580,000. And we hold our safety in upmost importance to ourselves, and honestly the risk of driving with the impediment of winter weather is just too great of a risk. All in all, I hope that the administration takes this into great consideration when deciding whether or not to cancel school due to winter weather in the future.
Bent Nail #3: The Most Overrated Band By Chris Hammer ’14 Staff Writer
Music is vastly important to the society’s advancement. During the last 50 years though there has been a band who has been held above the heads of all other bands: The Beatles. I do not think The Beatles are terrible, or even bad for that matter, but they certainly are not the greatest of all time. The Beatles, while certainly being good, are more a product of era and circumstance than any true skill or deeper meaning. The Beatles have some of the most childish lyrics in history. Exhibit A: “We all live in a yellow submarine (repeat).” Now you may think
that is just a bad example, but let’s look at one of their more popular songs: “That is you can't, you know, tune in / But it's all right / That is I think it's not too bad.” It wouldn’t be surprising if a 12 year old had written most of the their songs. The Beatles surfaced in a time where the majority of the music was burnout stoner like the Rolling Stones. The Beatles offered something different. It suddenly wasn’t about partying and philosophy was just about being happy. Finally, The Beatles are able to gain massive traction in the US and achieve their rockstar status not because of a particularly good album, but due to delayed releases of their work.
In Britain, The Beatles were big but very comparable to The Rolling Stones and several other bands of the day, many coming out of the same Liverpool dancehall movement as The Beatles. The Beatles had a problem releasing their music in the US due to a licensing issue which led to a several year delay in their release. This delay put them in a prime position releasing two full albums of music and have a third in the pipeline to fill the void of a dyeing rock movement in the US during an absence of a mega star. I in no way think The Beatles are a bad band, but they don’t deserve the title of the greatest band of all time.
Fr. Ambrose’s class.!
By Lucas McGartland ’14! Layout Editor!
Lately, here at The Record, I’ve been inspired by the natural trippiness of the universe around us. Instead of letting it all go by, I decided to add to it, and create some of my own fresh trippiness in order to achieve a more harmonious relationship in our school. In addition to the pieces below, check out my Instagram for more @lmcgartland.
School Tip Setup your Priory email account on your phone or tablet so you need miss another important email. For help in doing this, visit the Technology Department in the library.
Clothing Drive The Junior School is hosting a clothing drive currently until Friday, December 20th. All donations will go to Catholic Charities Community Services Southside, a charity that helps immigrant and refugee communities in the area. Donations, accepted from any and all members of the Priory community, may be placed underneath the crucifix in the Junior School. Gently used clothes of any size, newborns through adults XXL, will be gratefully accepted. Shoes, boots, and bedding (sheets, blankets, towels, etc) of all types are also needed. Underwear, if donated, needs to be new and in the original packaging.
! Notice Host families are still needed for Irish exchange students! The boys arrive from Coláiste Ailigh School in Ireland on March 27 and depart for home on April 8.! ! Please call or write to Mr. O’Connell if you’d like more information about how you can host one, two, three or the whole kit and caboodle. 314.434.3690, ext. 122, koconnell@priory.org
Notice Fr. Michael presents the World Religions Series, a free series of presentations for all ages, from students to seniors.!
! !
Saint Anselm's Parish Center! 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.!
Saturday, Jan. 4! ! Introduction & Hinduism! Saturday, Jan. 11! ! Buddhism! Saturday, Jan. 18! ! Kundun*! Saturday, Jan. 25! ! Daoism & Confucianism! Saturday, Feb. 1! ! Zoroasterianism & The Axial ! ! Age! Saturday, Feb. 8! ! Judaism! Saturday, Feb. 15! ! The Message*! Saturday, Feb. 22! ! Islam! Saturday, March 1! ! 1947 - Earth* & Conclusion!
* Full-length movie - begins at 1 p.m
Notice If you have a notice that you would like featured in The Record, s e n d a n e m a i l t o t h e p r i oryrecord@gmail.com and the one can be put in for the next week’s issue.
World Cup Predictions By Andrew Stange ’17 Staff Writer
GROUP A: Brazil, Croatia, Mexico, Cameroon Prediction: Winner: Brazil Runner Up: Croatia To start off the 2014 World Cup hosting country Brazil will face off with a tenacious dark horse Croatian squad. The likes of Brazil’s young but skilled Neymar and Croatia’s Luka Modrić will make this an exhilarating game. A mediocre Mexico will be led by Chicharito after squeezing into one of the final spots. Cameroon is the likely last place this group. GROUP B: Spain, Netherlands, Chile, Australia Prediction: Winner: Spain Runner Up: Netherlands Without question, the most exciting game of this group will be high-energy Spain and a strong side from the Netherlands. Spain has some of the best players in the world on their team, boasting names such as Jesus Navas, Sergio Ramos, and Xavi. The Dutch aren’t too shabby themselves, however. They have an extremely gifted Robin van Persie in their lineup. Chile is not to be taken likely, but I deem Spain and the Netherlands to deal with them handily. Chile will be ousted along with Australia. GROUP C: Colombia, Greece, Ivory Coast, Japan Prediction: Winner: Colombia Runner Up: Greece Colombia’s Radamel Falcao, the AS Monaco striker, will lead Colombia to the top of Group C. This is by no means the strongest group, but it is a tight one. Keisuke Honda of Japan and his nasty freekicks could be the decision maker between them and Greece for second place. Yes, this means the Galatarasay forward Didier Drogba and the Ivory Coast
will have an earlier than hoped for plane ticket home. GROUP D: Uruguay, Costa Rica, England, Italy Prediction: Winner: Uruguay Runner Up: England A very strong Group D will be led by Uruguay. With Diego Forlán leading this side, it will be interesting to see how they fare against the others in Group D. England and Italy will have to go at it for second place. Experienced Andrea Pirlo and Wayne Rooney will be impact players in this classic battle. Young names like Theo Walcott and Lorenzo Insigne will also pose threats in the box. Costa Rica will be for sure eliminated in the group stage. GROUP E: Ecuador, Switzerland, France, Honduras Prediction: Winner: Switzerland Runner Up: France Ranked eighth in the world by FIFA, Xherdan Shaqiri and company will represent Switzerland this summer. I believe they are capable of thoroughly outplaying every single team in their group. At the very least the Swiss will secure second place. France is a highly regarded side yet I don’t feel that they are quite up to the same level as Switzerland. I don’t think Ecuador and Honduras have much of a chance in this group. GROUP F: Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iran, Nigeria Prediction: Winner: Argentina Runner Up: Nigeria Argentina will easily dominate this group regardless of Lionel Messi’s health. Bosnia will have to put their best foot forward with Edin Džeko. This is Bosnia’s first taste of World Cup Soccer, so expect a energetic and very nervous squad. Stoke City’s Asmir Begović will have to be on top of his game and keep his goal empty. Nigeria poses a threat purely
“Short cuts make long delays.”
with their athleticism. Chelsea veteran John Obi Mikel will look to help his country to at least a second place spot in order to move on. Iran’s best chance for points will be their match against Bosnia. GROUP G: Germany, USA, Ghana, Portugal Prediction: Winner: Germany Runner Up: Portugal Germany appears to be the favorite in the so-called “Group of Death.” They would not have gotten into Brazil if it wasn’t for their target man, Christiano Ronaldo, and his heroics against the Swedes. The United States is going to be faced with a challenge. Two sides in Germany and Portugal are very capable of beating the Americans. Also, Ghana, who ended the USA’s World Cup run in 2006 and 2010 will look to foil their hopes yet again. There is no telling what this group will bring, but it will be most thrilling. GROUP H: Belgium, Algeria, Russia, South Korea Prediction: Winner: Belgium Runner Up: Russia Group H is pretty much smooth sailing for the Belgians. With players like Moussa Dembélé, Jan Vertonghen, Christian Benteke, and recent breakout star Romelu Lukaku, as well as Simon Mignolet between the posts, this incredibly youthful squad that can do an immense amount of damage at Brazil 2014. Russia will fare well in this group if their captain Roman Shirokov holds the middle. Goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev will have to keep the goals allowed to a minimum to help maintain a positive goal differential. Ki Sun-Yueng of Sunderland will have to be a force in the attack if the South Koreans want any chance in advancing. Finally, I don’t see Algeria moving past group stages.
! Reviews: The Fray And More K-Money
Editor’s Picks
By Austin Krueger ‘14 Staff Writer
It’s Christmas season, no doubt, and if your house is anything like mine, you have lights up, wreaths hanging, and Christmas music blaring 24/7. I am certainly a fan of good Christmas songs, but a lot of them are not that great and they get a little old after a while (especially
favorite indie songs. You’ve all heard Lorde’s hit single “Royals,” but her next big hit is on its way in “Team” off of her debut album Pure Heroine. The 17-year-old New Zealand singer-songwriter has defined her own style of music with a bold minimalistic approach that directly opposes the big electronic sounds of most modern pop. Her lyrics help the
p / .
Churchill. This indie-folk band takes a similar acoustic approach as Mumford and Sons and Of Monsters and Men but with more of an Americana feel. Their song “Change” of off The War Within EP has a similar theme to “Team” in that they both talk about being true to yourself and not changing to conform to other peoples’ expectations. Churchill has an
Shooting Stars Dexter Brian
2 The Holiday Excitement Dexter Brian
3 4
Ghetto Angels Carlos Serrano
Love Don't Die The Fray
5Blow (Cirkut because some radio stations have already been playing them for several weeks). As I am sure that all of you already know which Christmas songs you like and dislike, I will not bore you with a list of the ones I like. Instead, I will do as I always do and write about some of my
c e
anti-glam/pop-culture themes, writing lines like “I’m kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air, so there.” She sings about not wanting to be a part of pop-culture and she still manages to top the charts. That takes guts and talent. My next song is by the band
o n
n t
almost Country-like sound to their brand of folk, using instruments like the mandolin and acoustic guitar. “Change” has a high energy and a great feel. Sadly, I have heard rumor that the band split up, but you can still find their music on the internet.
Remix) Ke$ha
to 6 Welcome the Black
Parade My Chemical Romance
Book Review: Department 19 By Rohith Perla ‘15 Staff Writer
Before the 21st century, vampires and werewolves were considered dangerous. However, because of the Twilight series, people are now wishing that they could be one, and vampires having been humanized. This book series may change the way people think about supernatural creatures again. The story takes place in
Britain and with a common British boy – Jamie Carpenter, whose father went missing many years ago, presumed to be dead. Jamie’s mother is kidnapped by creatures, and Jamie is powerless to stop them. Department 19 informs him that vampires are real, and highly dangerous, with abilities that include increased speed, healing due to blood, flight, and unearthly strength. The vampire that stole his mother is Alexandru Rusmanov,
one of the oldest vampires, who was bit and “turned” by Dracula himself. Dracula, the most powerful vampire in existence, is dead. However, if Dracula were resurrected, he would threaten all humanity. This is the story of one boy putting aside his feelings to recover his mother, and the danger is quite real. If you want to change your opinion about supernatural creatures from the Twilight paradigm, the book series is in the library.
Especially in cross country.
Dead And Gone T.I.
8Diane Young
Vampire Weekend
U 9 BeenSince Gone Kelly Clarkson
10 Aurora Hans Zimmer
Letter To The Headmaster: Snow Day
By Daniel Martin ’14 Staff Writer
Friday, December 13! Lunch: Vegetable Mostaccioli ! ! Fish and Chips !
Speaking for the entire student body now, I would like to appeal to the good will of the administration. Specifically, snow days. For every time any snow or drop of freezing rain is forecast, we, the student body, is united in the hope for one snow day. It is the dream of every child and continues into our high school years. However, snow days are given for so many more reasons than this. Not to say that crushing a child's dreams isn't a sufficient reason to not call a snow day, but there are important issues at stake here. There should be more snow days. Here's why. Everybody thinks that the only reason for a snow day is
for safety. Safety is a great reason. Just ask Griffin Meert. Roads are icy and dangerous in many situations where a snow day is threatening. It would be silly to risk having hundreds of teenage boys drive through the snow and ice to school. After all, there's a reason insurance companies charge us more. But I digress. There are other perfectly valid reasons. For example, snow days build character. Fact. Think of all snowy times of your past and remember how heavy the snow was as you shoveled it off your driveway and front door. It is hard work, and we teenage guys are asked to do all the heavy lifting. What better exercise in building character is there than doing manual labor for your family/neighbors? There are other reasons as
well. It gives teachers and students alike time to catch up on work and lesson plans. Priory students are diligent. Any extra time would be used well, I can guarantee. How else do you complete that Chemistry project in time? A much bigger reason is that a snow day reduces the number of cars on the road, thereby reducing pollution and wear on the roads. So basically, by calling a snow day, you are saving the environment, and saving our penniless local governments from shelling out more money every year in road maintenance. So please, Father Linus. More snow days are needed for the dreams of the child inside us all, for the safety of everyone, for our adult character, and for the world at large. Else the student body undertake more drastic measures.
Kanye West recently went on national TV and gave TMZ enough material to last through the school year. Apparently going on tour is like being in combat, and is like what Nelson Mandela went through. I’m sorry Kanye but you can’t keep saying stupid things, because despite what you may think 99% of Americans have TV’s and can see what you are saying. Comparing what you do for a living, jumping around on a stage and singing egotistical lyrics, is not remotely sympathetic to those in duty, or Nelson Mandela. Yes, you are married to an extraordinarily attractive gold-digger, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to compare your self-proclaimed feats to those of true heroes, or
name your child yet another direction. I understand the stresses that must go through your life on a daily basis, and I know it must be difficult to cope. But deciding on whether or not to use Versace camo pants, or Gucci is not remotely the same as combat. And I get that you are leading a revolution against people that try to wear different patterns in the same outfit (Mr. McNair), but comparing that to a revolution against the oppressors of racism might be stretching it a little. Look Kanye we’re thrilled that your maid told you people are fighting a war and Nelson Mandela recently died, but that really doesn’t count as understanding “normal people” and since you are a god I really think you should be a little more in touch. We get that you probably expect a larger funeral
Saturday, December 14! Sunday, December 15! Monday, December 16! Lunch: Pork Loin ! ! General Tso’s Chicken!
Tuesday, December 17! Lunch: BBQ Chicken ! ! Spaghetti and Meatballs ! 7:30PM Form IV Parent College Meeting !
Wednesday, December 18! Lunch: Pot Roast Tacos! ! Enchiladas !
Thursday, December 19! Lunch: Kielbasa ! ! Burger !
Friday, December 20! Christmas Assembly! Lunch: Lasagna ! ! Tilapia!
Michael Blogs: Letter To Yeezy By Ramzi Haddad ’17 Staff Writer
! ! !
9:45PM V Hockey vs. Fox @ Webster Groves Rink
service than Mandela, and that you probably think the war in Syria is over which album of yours is better. However I’m going to need you to just tone down your opinions a little. I know you are the greatest person to ever live and create music. You are truly the Yeezus of our society, but when you formulate ideas in your head, maybe next time you can just share them with you equally brilliant wife instead of with national TV. We get that you didn’t understand other people had TV, and you were probably just saying it so that you could watch yourself later. However now that you have been informed of this elusive and surprising information I urge you never to open your mouth again. Thanks a ton, your biggest fan, Ramzi Haddad
“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.”!