The Record Weekly
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A Student Publication of the Saint Louis Priory School
Volume 3, Issue 19
Inside This Issue P1. Cover • Hockey •Night of Depression P2. Entertainment Weekly • 24 • Domino’s vs. Papa John’s • Top 10 Movies • Top 10 Kenny Chesney
Hockey Going to Scottrade for the Wick ~ Jim Havel ’09 Priory v. MICDS The Wickenheiser Cup Finals - the only thing that
series, Niall snapped the puck to the top left shelf
stood in Priory’s way was the Seckman Jaguars. In
of the net, where even the goalie’s shoulder would
a highly anticipated series, the Rebels, fully
not be able to deflect it. Simply put, it was one of
P3. The Weekly Update •Calendar of Events •Mr. White •Stannard House
loaded (every single player was available for use)
the prettiest goals all season for the Rebels.
Rebels would go
P4. Priory Sports Weekly •Colin Barry •Basketball Final • NHL Trade Deadline •Top 25 NCCAB Teams
playoffs, as
on to win, 3-2
things got started
their victory
last Thursday at
Queeny Park.
P5. The Forum •Academy Awards •NoD (Cont) • Coke vs. Pepsi P6. Puzzles Weekly •Crossword Puzzle •Stucco Announcement •Sudoku (hard) •Cryptogram
for the first time this
While the
In the first
Senior Captain,
period, the
Charlie Bernard
Rebels came out
went in for a
sluggish, just as
vicious check
they had against
midway in the
Clayton. Yet,
third and instead
C h r i s t i a n
of leveling the
Herbosa moved
he became acquainted with the Seckman bench,
flying right into it. Bernard got back on the ice but
junior Sean Lamb put one in the net. Seckman
The Record Moderator: Mrs. Barbara Sams The Record Editors: Jim Havel Charlie Freidman Assistant Editors: Sean Lamb Patrick Mulvihill Layout Editor: Chad Huber
Jaguar forward,
the puck past the goalie, giving the Rebels a 1-0 In the second period, Priory again scored when
The Record Editors
suffered a concussion, which ended his semi finals early in the third (after he was checked hard).
responded with two unanswered goals. On quite
Saturday could’ve very well been the Rebels last
possibly the weirdest bounce all season, Kevin
game of the season. In front of one of the largest
Yuan’s stick was not able to block the puck and
crowds this season, the Seckman Jaguars had
Seckman for the tie.
upset on their mind handily winning game two
The Rebels were in desperate need of a hero in
4-1. But, the Rebels came back and won the mini
the third. Their answer came from sophomore
game 2-0 and now look to defeat MICDS on
stud, Niall Caparon. With the signature goal of the
Wednesday @ Scottrade!
Night of Depression “There are those who still think they are holding the pass against a revolution that may be coming up the road. But they are gazing in the wrong direction. The revolution is behind them. It went by in the Night of Depression, singing songs of freedom.” – Garet Garrett I am quite sure that most of you are totally unfamiliar with Mr. Garet Garrett. He was
~ Marlow Gazzoli, ’09 a journalist and writer of the first half of the twentieth centuries; he wrote for the New York Times, the Saturday Evening Post, and the New York Tribune amongst others. Garrett was a staunch defender of liberty and capitalism, fighting with great vigor against the onslaught of Roosevelt’s New Deal. His reward was obscurity, oblivion like so many of the Old Right. His words long ago echo today as we find ourselves mired in economic collapse. Those Continued on Page 5