The Record Weekly
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Student Publication of the Saint Louis Priory School
Volume 3, Issue 23
Inside this Issue... P1. Cover •Jeromans State Run •Spring Play Review P2. Entertainment Weekly •Judgement Weekly •Inanimacy •Assassin's Creed •iTunes Top 10 •Top 10 Country Songs P3. The Weekly Update •STUCO Update •Jammin’ Rights Watch •NHL Playoff •Bookstore Update •Lunch Schedule •Bookstore Coupon P4. Priory Sports Weekly •Baseball Update •Jeromans (cont.) •Golf Update •NHL Playoff (cont.) P5. Puzzles Weekly •Crossword Puzzle •Sudoku (easy) •Sudoku (hard) •Cryptogram P6. The Back Page •Word Find •Judgement Weekly (cont.) •Euro Football Trade Rumors
The Record Editors Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Barbara Sams Chief Editor: Patrick R. Mulvihill, ‘10 Content Editor: Sean J. Lamb, ‘10
Layout Editor: Chad E. Huber, ’10
Jeromans Finish 2nd In State ~ Patrick Mulvihill ’10 The Jeromans went into a long letting up four in the first half, the Jeromans weekend of Frisbee optimistic and hungry for shut out their opponents, ending the game on a state title. Looking at the a nine point run to close off the competition, our eyes were set day. on a very talented Desmet Sunday brought a new set of team, the only other challenges, as the Jeromans undefeated team in Missouri. had to face a very athletic, very Though most Saint Louis fast, very high jumping Vashon Ultimate enthusiasts could team. A repeat of all three of have predicted a Priorythe previous day’s games Desmet state final, it would occurred, with a shaky start, take both teams two days to letting up four in the first half get there. The Jeromans and none in the second. This came out on Saturday was all made possible by an morning at 8:00 AM to walk incredible turnout. Veteran the dew covered fields of captains Dan Noyes and Joey Buder Park, their home for Wagner led an athletic squad the next two days. After of the Jeromans throughout Junior Michael Puettmann and Senior initial warm-ups and the tournament to the Captain Joe Wagner celebrate after a assessment of the day ahead semifinals game against the touchdown against Vashon of them, the Jeromans started third best team in the state, off game one against SLUH. A clash of pure Warrensburg. A shaky start due to athleticism, skill, height, speed, and overconfidence was overcome, and the endurance between the two teams resulted in Jeromans easily defeated them with a 15-4 a hard fought, tiring victory for the Jeromans, victory. Kirkwood was next on the Jeromans’ defeating the Junior Billikins 15-9. Going into hit list, defeating them by a score of 15-6. the finals, the well-rested, experienced Next was Desmet JV, a team that the Desmet Ultimate Club (DUC) had the Jeromans had lost to the year before because confidence necessary. Even so, the Jeromans of missing players and fatigue. Desmet JV had the determination, talent, and endurance was ranked 5th in the tournament, but after (continued on page 2)
Much Ado About Nothing Review The Priory Spring Play was the must see production of the school year. Mrs. Raley chose one of Shakespeare’s better comedies, Much Ado About Nothing. With Brother Sixtus’ help concerning the set design, the small cast set to work on its construction. If you’ve been in the theatre recently or if you went to the show you saw the fruits of weeks and weeks of tough labor. Thanks to all the carpenters and members of the cast who made it one of the cooler sets I have ever seen at Priory. If you saw the show you had to notice the period-style work Mrs. Conway (mother of Dan, ’04) did on costumes. I looked like the Travelocity gnome and I could not have been happier. The Play was a real success and it’s a shame you missed it if you did not come.
~ Jim Havel ’09
Hopefully the success of Much Ado About Nothing will inspire the Priory community to become more involved in the theatrical arts. Thanks again to everyone who helped make this show possible. For my senior year, one of my goals was to join the spring play. I was never much in to musicals and so this provided me with an chance to act. While hesitant at first, I learned it could quite a fun experience and I recommend every student give it a shot. Not to be outdone by some wood, stucco and paint, the cast did a phenomenal job acting. Despite Mrs. Raley’s constant worrying about timing and worrying about lines by the cast, the actors certainly put it together in fantastic fashion. Marlow Gazzoli and Paul Smelcer received lead roles and performed wonderfully.