Friday, May 15, 2009

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The Record Weekly End of the Year Issue

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Student Publication of the Saint Louis Priory School

Volume 3, Issue 24

Inside this Issue... P1. Cover •Scholar Bowl •Love Den P2. Entertainment Weekly •Judgement of the Week •Love Den (cont.) •iTunes Top 10 •Top 10 Country Songs P3. The Weekly Update •STUCO •Frisbee •Bookstore Update •Calendar of Events •Bookstore Coupon •Lunch Schedule P4. Priory Sports Weekly •Kestrels •JV Tennis •X Squad •Athlete of the Week •Team of the Week P5. Puzzles Weekly •Crossword Puzzle •Sudoku (easy) •Sudoku (hard) •Cryptogram P6. The Forum •The Love Den •Amusing Events P7. The Forum •Ben Harper Review •Scholar Bowl (cont.) •Judgement (cont.) P8. The Back Page •Word Find •Class of the Year •Letter from the Editors •Exam Schedule

The Record Editors Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Barbara Sams Chief Editor: Patrick R. Mulvihill, ‘10 Content Editor: Sean J. Lamb, ‘10

Layout Editor: Chad E. Huber, ’10

Scholar Bowl Wins State ~ Zach Weiss, ’11 After an easy win over Potosi in sectionals, the St. Louis Priory Scholar Bowl team headed to Columbia last Saturday to play for the state title. Pulling into the beautiful Mizzou campus at around eight a.m., the Rebels felt confident, despite the absence of sports expert Jim Havel and assistant coach Hank Schake, who (daughter’s wedding or not) will only be called head coach if he ever decides to show up. The initial confidence was not enough to get the team through its first match with Cassville. By the second half Priory had begun to close the gap, but couldn’t do it in time to prevent Cassville from getting a narrow victory. The loss was a wake up call to the Rebels that they needed to get their act together. Shaking off their drowsiness, they managed to win their next two games in the prelims and moved on to the finals after lunch. Head coach Gayle Reichle provided enough moral support for both her and Mr. Schake, and although there were a few times when Jim’s expertise would have been helpful, questions about sports were surprisingly rare for an academic competition. Over hot toasty sandwiches, Captain Marlow Gazzoli prepared his team for what was to come. After the ordeal of trying to find something to eat, the Rebels headed off to

their first match of the finals against Hallsville, which was essentially a one man team (it was disturbing how much this guy knew). He may have had an intimidating knowledge of country music, but it wasn’t enough to beat the combined brilliance of Priory’s finest scholars. One sixty-point victory later the Rebels found themselves waiting to see who their opponent would be in the final match. It was between Cassville and reigning champions Notre Dame-Cape Girardeau. Not surprisingly, Cassville was soundly defeated, and Priory was in the exact same situation it had been in last year. However, this time Reichle’s Rebels had an advantage. Many scholar bowl teams consist of one brilliant player and three others to mop up any questions that player might miss. Notre Dame was no exception to this, but said brilliant player had graduated last year, and the team-oriented Rebels had kept much of their skill. Of course only time would tell if it would be enough to knock over Notre Dame and establish an undefeatable Scholar Bowl Dynasty that would last for at least another ten to twenty years. Priory snagged the first question right off the bat, and built up a small lead that managed to get them through the first quarter. (Continued on page 6)

Billy Brohan and Benny Broski’s Summer Guide ~ William Brohan and Benedict Broski As you all know, summer is quickly approaching and with it the brewing elation of freedom and joy. This being said, some of you might be looking for a lovely lady to share the good times with and we, here at the love den, are here to offer you a guide to enjoying summer, in both the romantic and bromantic aspects. It is key to keep a

balance between the bro’s and los chicas in your three months of happiness, so Billy Brohan and Benny Broski are here to tweak and fine-tune your lionly element. Billy Brohan: First and foremost, you should focus on your fellow bromo sapiens. Summer is a time for barbecues, Wiffle Ball... (Continued on page 2)

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