Thursday, February 25, 2010

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Record Volume 40, Issue 20

The Official Student Publication of the Saint Louis Priory School since 1960

Winter Sports Wrap-Up

Hockey Falls to Oakville in Game 2 Superb season ends in Quarterfinals Loss Sean Lamb, ’10 Content Editor

As another season of Priory hockey comes to an end, it is a time to look both to the past and the future. The Rebels season ended a week earlier than hoped for with tough losses against Oakville in the second round of the Wickenheiser Cup. The Rebels, who fell 2-0 in the first game, came out with hopes of winning both the second game and the minigame in order to move on. The Rebels put themselves in a hole early in the game with undisciplined play and were down 3-0 halfway through the game. Refusing to go down without a fight, the Rebels scored late in the second period to make the score 3-1 going into the third period. Gaining momentum between periods, the Rebels (Continued on page 7)

Disappointment Kwai Nyu 2nd in Tin District Bob Gooch Gym sadly is the end of the road Can, SLUH victors for the Wrestling Rebels in the most successful

Placekick in final seconds gives SLUH 10-7 win. Patrick Mulvihill, ’10 Editor in Chief

The Kwai Nyu Rebel Ruggers went into the 506th Annual Tin Can Tournament with high hopes. Arriving at the turf pitch early Saturday morning, they warmed up for their first game verses Fox. This team was compiled mostly of Fox players but did include some of the Eureka R.F.C.’s best players as well. The Rebels started off the scoring early in the first of two 10 minute halves with a with making a strong run from 10 yards out to convert the first try of the game. Minutes later, Brendan Kelly collected a punt and flipped it to Patrick Mulvihill, who then darted down the sidelines for 60 yards for another try. In the second half, Craig Boyce made an incredible run through (Continued on page 7)

and exciting season in recent memory. Drew Link, ’10 Sports Writer

And so the spiral into obesity begins. Yes it is the end of the wrestling season. The signs are everywhere; there is food on Tony Hayes’ lunch tray, Eric Anderson is not wearing spandex, and the bruises on Jeff Swaney’s face are starting to disappear. With the end of the season comes the last update (it’s ok to cry, I know I do all the time). After a weekend of mixed results at the ABC tournament, the team was looking forward to doing its best wrestling at districts. Going into districts a few of the Rebel wrestlers were seated favorably to qualify, and the team had high aspirations. The fact that the team now expects wrestlers to qualify for state shows just (Continued on page 7)

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