Friday, October 23, 2009
The Record Volume 40, Issue 7
The Official Student Publication of the Saint Louis Priory School since 1960
The Love Den: Billy Brohan’s Fall Dance Preview William Brohan PhD in Love
I’m sure you all are well aware that the Fall (not Homecoming) dance is this weekend. In these times of economic hardship, these times of brutal war, these times of the dying art of being a man, brokind must refuse to give in to the ludicrous temptations of submissive loneliness. We must stare Satan in the eye and reject the pressures of solitude and spread love and affection across the globe. So today, I, Billy Brohan, ask you this: how can you spread love? I’m going to have to answer my question with another question: do you have a lady friend in your life? If your answer is “no,” “sort of,” or “define ‘lady friend’…” then you are in dire need of help. The art of being a man is synonymous with the art of wooing the ladies. If you don’t have a lady friend, and do not want one, I suggest you stop reading. Just taking in these following sentences may lead to an uncanny ability to flatter girls, and you may be unable to control the aftermath. First and foremost, assuming you have a date, you must give her your attention. This may be tough, especially for most of us who have three dates, but proper consideration towards your date (i.e. the basics: holding the door, paying for her meal, offering a slow dance) can go a long way. In no way should you come off as clingy (contrary to popular belief, it is allowable for her to leave your sight at some point during the night), but show her (or them) the
attention that she (or they) deserve. A four-way slow dance might end up being awkward, so in a perfect world STUCO will play a minimum of three slow dance songs. During the rest of the songs, let loose. Take the jacket off, loosen the tie, maybe even unbutton the top button when Mr. Finan isn’t looking. Not everyone can dance well, but very few people will judge you for that. Unless you are absolutely 100% certain you can dance, do not, by any means, overdo it. If you take anything from this article, it should be this last sentence. Just don’t dance like an idiot. Moonwalking: acceptable. Dorky robot: acceptable. Hardcore raving: extremely acceptable. The worm: never, under any circumstances, acceptable. This dance is the perfect venue for a brewing romance. A sweaty gym filled with dancing high school students and strobe lights is about the equivalent of a barefoot walk on the beach in romantic aspects. Keep in mind that while you might know most of the people at the dance, your date might not be in the same boat. Don’t be the guy leading the Conga Line when your date is unfamiliar with anyone else at the dance. If Party in the USA and Every Time We Touch don’t help you kick back a bit, you may be a lost cause. Overall, just be your fun self. Don’t try too hard, your date will know you’re not being sincere. The dance will obviously be the high point of your night (i.e. T.A.T.U., a guilty pleasure for all of us…), but read up from my friend Benny Broski for tips about the dinner and after party. Stay classy, God bless, and good luck amigos.
The Love Den: Benny Broski’s Dinner & After-Party Guide Benedict Broski The Love Guru
Benedict here, with your homecoming dinner advice. Your dinner plans should reflect both your personality and the type of date you’re taking. If you are taking a serious date, go to a nice restaurant, something like Kobe’s, Stir Crazy, or the like. If you are taking a less serious date or just taking someone as a friend, you need not go somewhere as expensive, although Taco Bell or McDonald’s definitely don’t qualify. I would suggest Gashouse Grill or Applebee’s. My only true dinner advice is make sure you practice catching things in your mouth because if you go to Kobe’s they throw shrimp at you and no one wants to embarrass themselves in front of their date. As for party plans for after the dance, small parties are better than one huge party. Small parties are much easier to control and they allow for more intimate gatherings. If you are hosting a party, there are certain party necessities that you must have: Doritos, punch, and cocktail wieners. These things allow for a feeling of classiness to permeate the party and let the good times roll. Remember, have fun and be safe.