SMALL BUt MIGHtY Learn more about the fearless leader of P.E. as he dominates the competition. Page 2.
FACEBooK Luc Bettaieb breaks down the new Facebook updates. Page 4.
VoL. XLII, ISSUE 4 9/28/11
The Seventh Wonder By Kyle Finnegan Staff Writer
David (right) celebrates with Junior Mitch Van Bree. Luke Slabaugh | Record Weekly On Sunday, September 18, senior David Fournie had his thesis voice recital in the Church. The many who attended Dave’s recital were not disappointed, and everyone who was not there missed an opportunity of a lifetime. “Dave Fournie is easily one of the Seven Wonders of the World,” declared Trevor Jin, one of the many audience members. “Pyramid of Giza: move over.” Dave sang five songs for 30 minutes straight, an intense show for the skilled 17-year-old, a feat in itself. Fournie started off with a strong G. F. Hardel’s O Ruddier Than the Cherry in English. Then, he
switched things up and sang Jean Baptiste Lully’s Bois Epais in French. Next, Fournie sang W.A. Mozart’s Non Piu Andrai in Italian. Next, he sang Robert Schumann’s Der Nussbaum in German. Then followed Franz Schubert’s Standchen in German. Dave capped off the day with Copland’s At the River in English.“Singing in four different languages is pretty crazy,” commented Scott Leer. After his beautiful rendition of Copland’s song, everyone gave Dave a standing ovation with thunderous applause. Many in attendance were hoping that Fournie would have an encore, but unfortunately, this did
not happen. Almost a third of the senior class expressed gratification for the spectacular performance by the baritone. Few were able to describe Dave’s performance in words. Adults and students alike were blown away by Fournie’s vocal prowess. “His voice made me cry tears of joy,” said audience member Brian Bucol. “But seriously, Dave is the man. That was a great show, I loveß his voice.” Dave’s rich voice, complimented by a beautiful display of vibratto, was in prime shape at his recital. It was so soothing that it could have lulled even the most awake person into peaceful slumber. However, Dave’s inherent talent and vocal range, as well as his smooth transitions from one language to the next, kept everyone on their toes and excited. Thunderous applause greeted him after every song. Fournie has an opera career potentially in his future. Most likely, the next time he sings, you’ll have to pay money. You will not be disappointed. “Dave, I want to be you,” senior Jack O’Brien said as he approached Fournie after Sunday’s recital. “If I touch you, will I become as talented as you?” At this remark, Dave just smiled and chuckled.