TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Letter from the Abbot ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Letter from the Xanadu Chair . ......................................................................................................................... 5 Past Xanadu Chairs and Co-Chairs ................................................................................................................... 6 Past Mothers’ Club Presidents ......................................................................................................................... 7 Xanadu Section Chairs . ................................................................................................................................... 8 Special Acknowledgments . ............................................................................................................................. 9 Sponsors ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 Group Donors ................................................................................................................................................ 14
EVENING PROGRAM Evening Schedule.. ......................................................................................................................................... 18 General Information and Rules.. ..................................................................................................................... 19
PREMIER AUCTION ITEMS W/ MOBILE BIDDING (LIVE) AUCTION Quick View .................................................................................................................................................... 24 Premier (Live) Auction Items ........................................................................................................................ 25
MOBILE BIDDING (SILENT) AUCTION ITEMS TREASURES OF THE DOME Quick View .................................................................................................................................................... 36 Class of 2021 Senior Tie Masterpiece ............................................................................................................. 57 SPORTS & LEISURE Quick View .................................................................................................................................................... 60 PRIORY CLASSICS Quick View .................................................................................................................................................... 72
ABBOT GREGORY Dear Friends, I thank all of you for your presence here tonight, as we gather together, albeit in a v irtual fashion, to enjoy an evening of friendship and fun, in the spirit of the Abbey Family at our 52nd Xanadu Auction & our 1st Virtual Xanadu Auction. How many are the blessings that come from this yearly eff ort: the sense of community enjoyed by all the friendships forged in the year-long work of preparing for the auction; the real and necessary financial benefit given to our School. Each year, the faithful and dynamic dedication of so many makes this outstanding event possible. May I ex press, on behalf of all of us, our deepest appreciation to all w ho have worked so tirelessly over the many months to make Xanadu 2021 a reality. Special thanks, congratulations, and prayers go out to Theresa Johnson, the Chair of this year’s auction. Her leadership has been v ital all along the way. Theresa, may God richly bless you for your dedication and sacrifice all through this year! In the end, all of this is for one purpose: to ensure that our students continue to receive that Benedictine, Catholic, college-preparatory education of the highest excellence, w hich is the hallmark of Saint Louis Priory School. The greatest blessings arising from this evening’s eff orts and accomplishments are these young men themselves. May God enrich them w ith His gift s in every way, and may He be w ith them all the days of their lives. LAUS TIBI DOMINE! Yours sincerely in the Lord,
Abbot Gregory Mohrman, O.S.B. ‘76
THE XANADU CHAIR Dear Priory School Family and Friends, Prepare to be dazzled by Saint Louis Priory School’s “ Cirque du Priory,” our 52nd annual Xanadu Auction! This past year has been such a blessing. I have seen firsthand w hat an amazing community we have. So many parents, faculty, staff and friends have selflessly given of their time, talents and treasures to ensure a magical evening to remember in support of our beloved Saint Louis Priory School. The money raised tonight and throughout the past year w ill benefit all Priory students through tuition assistance, faculty development, student activ ities, athletics and technology enhancements. Thank you! I would like to extend a special thanks to our entire community, especially the Monastic Community, faculty, Advancement Off ice, Maintenance staff, Communications Department, Fathers’ Club, Mothers’ Club, Alumni Mothers’ Club, Alumni Board and our alumni. I am so grateful to all of our donors, sponsors, advertisers and guests for their enthusiasm and support. The true gems of the evening are the Section Chairs, Lisa Brnjac, and Mary Rhodes. The countless hours of dedication and love they have so generously given are astonishing and truly reflect the Benedictine Rule, so that in all things God may be glorified. Tonight promises to be a shimmering event. I give my sincerest gratitude to all w ho have continuously supported Saint Louis Priory School. This event would not be possible w ithout your amazing generosity and contributions. Please raise your paddles and enjoy the evening! Laus Tibi Domine,
Theresa Johnson, Xanadu 2021 Chair
Xanadu Chair 2021, Theresa Johnson, with her sons Thomas '21 and Andrew '19
Claire Travis* Anne Ryan*
Anne Ryan* Verna Houston*
Twink Baker Georgette McKenna
Margot Danis Heininger Edwina Bussmann*
Patsy Potter Beck* Martha Rowe
Kathie Hummel Liz Wilmsen
Sue Jones Mary Gunther
Verna Houston* Joan Sheehan Bea Human* Billie Daniel
Mary Fox* Orlean McAuliffe* Shotzie Pollvogt
Maureen Werner Chuddy Wight
Barbara Niemann Sophie Lee
Sheila Johnson Alice Nouhan
Jerri Hoffmann Mary Caye Jones
Sara Grzeskowiak Joyce Finneran
Mary Reitz Dawn Thomas
Susan Kalhorn Barbara Beracha
Georgia Purcell Jane Reid
Susan McCusker Mary Ellen Tucker
Ellen Umlauf Janet Plas
Judy Ross Darryl Ann Schilli
Heidi Ross Terri Hennessey
Connie Sorkin Jane Rothery Aja Stokes
Jennifer Robertson
Jerri Hoffmann Sandy Finney
Debbie Monterubio Mary Reedy Rowena Simpson
Lyz Miskovsky Patricia Hyland* Nancy Warner* Jan Berberich
Connie Berni Marilyn Sumner
Eileen Carr Hetty Mayes
Barbara Beracha Jean Zinsmeyer
Suzanne Baker Nancy Galvin
Nancy Galvin Jennifer Robertson
Mary Ellen Burns Pat Dickherber
Ann Gallardo Pat McAtee
Kathy Binz Joan Arbuszewski Lauren Rice
Rowena Simpson Debbie Aliperti Kathy Chipperfield
Lou Leonard Kathy Chipperfield Trish Connelly
Pattie Schafer Jean Hively Kate Raybuck
Janine DiMarco
Sheila Michalski
Kim Kuchan
Karen Monette
Cathy Naunheim* Lou Leonard Mary Ellen Tucker
Lisa Brnjac
Marianne Brady Sandy Conway Jenny O’Neil Christy Schlafly
Joan Pawlowicz Rhonda Wehking Lori Willibrand
Kristina Hanley
2018 2019
Barb Palmer Leslie L’Hommedieu
Christine Look *Deceased
Past Mothers’ Club
1957 - 58
1974 - 75
1991 - 92
Joelle Travis
Stacy Sabino
1958 - 59
1975 - 76
1992 - 93
2009 - 10
1959 - 60
1976 - 77
1993 - 94
2010 - 11
1960 - 61
1977 - 78
1994 - 95
2011 - 12
1961 - 62
1978 - 79
1995 - 96
2012 - 13
1962 - 63
1979 - 80
1996 - 97
2013 - 14
1963 - 64
1980 - 81
1997 - 98
2014 - 15
1964 - 65
1981 - 82
1998 - 99
2015 - 16
1965 - 66
1982 - 83
1999 - 00
2016 - 17
1966 - 67
1983 - 84
2000 - 01
2017 - 18
1967 - 68
1984 - 85
2001 - 02
2018 - 19
1968 - 69
1985 - 86
2002 - 03
2019 - 20
1969 - 70
1986 - 87
2003 - 04
2020 - 21
1970 - 71
1987 - 88
2004 - 05
1971 - 72
1988 - 89
2005 - 06
1972 - 73
1989 - 90
2006 - 07
1973 - 74
1990 - 91
2007 - 08
Ruth Pfeffer* Rosemary Boedeker* Nancy Lardner* Mary Louise Barker* Jean Wells* Nadine Selkirk Donahue Virginia Benoist* Mavis Mohrman* Lucie Huger* Nancy Dooley* Ann Flanigan* Helen Imbs Ricki O’Meara* Elsie Bussmann* Chris Guyol* Emily Switzer Angie Merenda* 7
Nancy Van Benthuysen* Margot Danis Verna Houston* Beatrice Human* Rosalie McNearney* Alice Nouhan* Lyz Miskovsky Sylvia Suba Nancy Warner* Betty Diemer Mary MacDonald Liz Wilmsen Mary Ann Reed Ellen Brnjac Jane Walker Mary Gunther Carol Benoist
Irene Francisco* Martha Swaykus Mary Ferrick Nancy McDonald Jennifer Robertson Kathe Cronin Susan Kalhorn Sarah Igoe
Cindy Marrs Susan McCusker Lisa Nouss
Marge Merjavy
2008 - 09
Mary Rhodes Michelle Moen Michele Forshaw Joanne Welsh Denise Cole Kristina Hanley Geeta Swaminathan Sherry Stange Jill McNeive Theresa Johnson Beth Blessing Kelli Mitchell
Mary Ellen Voss Peggy Lane Gina Woodruff Katie Sullivan *Deceased
SECTION CHAIRS Ad Acquisit ions Ruthie Ahlering Diane Limp
Gina Van Bree
Catalog Dist r ibut ion Ruthie Ahlering Mae Roxas
Cer t if icates
Christina Besancenez Celia McGraw
Chic Bout ique Mindy Finan Sue Finan
Coat Check
Kathleen Dixon
Decorat ions
Jennifer Ehret Jennifer Phillips
Gif t Gat her ing Par t ies For ms I & II
Courtney Harrison
For m III
Kelly Britt
For m IV
Laura Villa
For m V
Lisa Flavin
For m VI
Maddi Kancherla
Chic Bout ique
Jill McNeive Theresa Johnson
Monk Under w r it ing Par t y
Senior Tie Master piece
Inf or mat ion Desk
Specialit y Items Coor dinator
Mary Ligocki Teresa Vineyard
Annmarie Hamill Amy Kemna
Inv entor y
Suzie Haskell Shelly Lane
Item Pick up
Marc Bahr Jennie Billhartz
Liv e Auct ion
Megan Clinton Thanda Meehan
Logist ics
Patty Bussman Lynn Finnie Terri Welz
Regina Yanics
Sponsor ships Kim Weas
Spor ts & Leisur e Jennifer Jung Amy Kaller
St udent Ser v er s & Volunteer s Terri Welz
Tr easur es of t he Dome
Lisa Riad
Ashley Carr Erin O’Keefe
Pr ev iew Par t y
Tr iv ia Night
Karrie & Kyle Carlin Suzie & Darren Haskell Melinda & John Ross
Pr ior y Classics Christine Look Lori Willard
Raf f le
Janet Whalen
Reser v at ions Rime Chahoud
Julie Foshage Mae Roxas
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Theresa Johnson extends her heartfelt gratitude and thanks to the following generous individuals and companies for helping to make Xanadu 2021, Cirque du Priory, a stunning success: The Xanadu Chairs and the Xanadu Committee for sharing their knowledge and creative ideas as we navigated the virtual format. Their enthusiasm, time, talent, dedication, and flexibility make them the true stars of the show Steve Hunt, Vicky Hanzlik , Oliv ia Hannah and Cannonball – St. Louis Marketing & Advertising Agency for their amazing vision, time and talent with our graphic design needs Katheen Daniels for her graphic design talent Eric Vogel & Walnut Grill for helping secure the Priory specialty bourbon Fogarty Serv ices for patiently guiding us as we moved to the virtual format Just Add Friends for adding just the right flair to the Watch Party Packages Maureen Strasheim for her willingness to pitch in, no matter the task, and for her support in the final stretch Terri Welz & Patty Bussman for creating the magnificent Class of 2021 Senior Tie Masterpiece Kendra Scott and Cha Boutique for hosting shopping events benefitting Xanadu Sami Haddad and Thomas Johnson for graciously agreeing to be our student emcees Dierbergs Markets, Grey Eagle Distributors, and Schlafly Beer – the Saint Louis Brewery for their continued support
Karen & Scott Monette and 100 Percent Wine for kindly supplying wine for Xanadu
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Saint Louis Priory School Mothers’ Club for supporting our fundraising efforts Kelli Mitchell our Mothers’ Club President for unending support, sound advice, encouragement and devoted friendship Jill McNeive and the Saint Louis Priory School Alumni Mothers’ Club for their continued encouragement and devotion to Priory Murphy Reese ’85 & the Saint Louis Priory School Fathers’ Club for their generous support Matt Wagner ‘90 & the Saint Louis Priory School Alumni Board for their generous support The Priory Parents for your outpouring of encouragement and support Volunteer Parents for offering time and talent Saint Louis Priory School Students for their willingness to help Priory Information Technology Gabe Santa Cruz ’92, Greg Rivera, and Derek Ward for keeping us connected Doug Erw in for his generous support and creativity Martin Fitzgerald, Dee Webb and the Priory Maintenance Staff for their patience, time and energy and helping hands Dzevada Grbic for help with hospitality Abbot Gregory and the Monastic Community for prayers and unwavering support 10
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Father Cuthbert for reminding us Xanadu is truly "God's Work" Kev in Kline ‘65 for being so gracious with his time & talent Cathy Tweedie & Steve Oslica ‘05 for supporting our assorted communications & photography needs Janice Bailey for her valuable input, her role in leading the sponsorship charge, and co-producing the Fund-A-Need video Ann Bender for her upbeat attitude, teamwork, guidance, overall friendship, and co-producing the Fund-A-Need video Theresa Rogers for help with mailings, always with a smile Mary Rhodes with deepest gratitude for the countless hours and dedication to Xanadu. Mary recently retired, but we remain grateful for the foundation she laid and her continued guidance and friendship. Lisa Brnjac for enthusiastically joining the Xanadu circus mid-production and infusing her experience, hard work, and humor throughout the show. Her friendship and support are the greatest treasure of all. The Priory Families for continual support in so many ways, our deepest and sincere gratitude The Johnson Men for providing the most entertaining circus of all Thank you to all!
Thank you to Mary Rhodes for her service to Mothers’ Club, Fathers’ Club, Alumni Mothers’ Club, Xanadu, and Saint Louis Priory School. Congratulations on your retirement!
SPONSORS As of March 13, 2021
Ring Master Level
Juggler Level
Dr. & Mrs. Elie Azrak
Carla & Gary Grewe
BSI Contractors Duggan Contracting and Carpentry
Trapeze Artist Level
Dr. & Mrs. John Finnie
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Billhartz
Food Service Consultants
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Brnjac ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kuchan
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael DiMarco
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Palmer
Thomas R Forget Jr., MD
Mr. Qian Xi and Mrs. Jing Wu
Theresa and Brett Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Michalski
Tight Rope Walker Level
Kelli and Donn Mitchell
Baldwin Wealth Management
Saint Louis Priory School Alumni Mothers’ Club
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Blessing
Saint Louis Priory School Fathers’ Club
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Carr
Saint Louis Priory School Mothers’ Club
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fournie
Mr. & Mrs. James Switzer ‘64
Gunther Salt Company
WFF Facility Services
JK World Travvel – Kim Weas
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wilkinson
Vicki and Patrick Huck
WILsquare Capital
Mr. Frank Latuda, Jr. and Mrs. Leanne Magnuson Latuda Lockton Companies, LLC Lou Fusz Automotive Mr. & Mrs. Dan McLaughlin Dr. & Mrs. Joshua Nadaud Mr and Mrs. Daniel O’Keefe ‘83 Drs. James and Patricia Perschbacher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Raybuck ‘75 Drs. William and Ann Ricci Mr. Jake and Dr. Christine Sommer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stoneman
GROUP DONORS As of March 13, 2021
Form VI Gift s
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scheiner '90
Form IV Gift s
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buganski
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stoneman
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Buckalew
Drs. Georges & Rime Chahoud
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Van Bree
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buganski
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Clark
Mr. & Mrs. William Vineyard
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Carlin
Mr. & Mrs. Nadir Djavaherian
Mr. & Mrs. John Virtel '92
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Welz
Dr. & Mrs. John Finnie
Dr. & Mrs. Kev in Coleman
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Whalen
Dr. & Mrs. Darren Haskell
Dr. & Mrs. John Eisenbeis Dr. & Mrs. John Finnie
Form V Gift s
Ms. Theresa Fletcher
Dr. & Mrs. Elie Azrak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leritz
Mr. Richard Fook & Ms. Elaine Wolshock
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Besancenez
Mr. & Mrs. B. Michael Margiotta '92
Dr. & Mrs. John Freitag
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Flav in
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Nowak
Mr. & Mrs. Kari Hoijarv i
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Parent
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glarner, Jr. '88
Mr. & Mrs. S. Murphy Reese '85
Drs. M. Kiran Kancherla & Madhuri Subbaiah
Mr. Dav id & Dr. Tammara Goldschmidt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hamill
Dr. & Mrs. Souheil Khoukaz
Form III Gift s
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel King
Dr. & Mrs. Peter M. Ahlering '82
Mrs. Rebecca Hunsel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Leary '87
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Britt, Jr.
Drs. Omar Jassim & Monica Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Kjell Lundal
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Carr '96
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kraemer, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. B. Michael Margiotta '92
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Clinton
Mr. & Mrs. John Lally
Mr. Donald Martin & Mrs. Nancy Stevens-Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Corley
Dr. & Mrs. Robert MacDonald III '85
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick DeHaven
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O'Meara
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Guthrie
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ramey '92
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hamill
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Renetzky
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hartig
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Rox as
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Huesgen
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Soriano
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jung
Drs. James & Katherine Temprano
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Kaller
Mr. & Mrs. S. Murphy Reese '85
Mr. & Mrs. Dav id Wasinger
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff rey Mueller
Mr. Randall Reinker & Ms. Mary Ligocki
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Weas
Drs. John & Maria Spivey
Dr. Dana Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Donn Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Lee Moen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Keefe '87 Mr. & Mrs. John Phillips II '85 Mr. Robert Phillips & Mrs. Angela Mitchell-Phillips
Dr. & Mrs. Dav id Rempe Mr. & Mrs. John Ross 14
Mr. & Mrs. Kari Hoijarv i Mr. & Mrs. Kev in Joyce
GROUP DONORS As of March 13, 2021
Form II Gift s Dr. Laura Baalmann Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bower '89
Mr. Kenneth Poteet & Mrs. Stephanie Bahn-Poteet Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Swallow Drs. James & Katherine Temprano
Mr. & Mrs. Donald DiPasco, Jr. '92 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dow ney Mr. & Mrs. Andy Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Eisenbeis Drs. Thomas & Nickole Forget Mr. & Mrs. Duff Foshage Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glarner, Jr. '88 Mr. & Mrs. Kev in Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marcely Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Keefe '87 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Parent Mr. & Mrs. William Puschel Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Rox as Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saladin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Weas Mr. & Mrs. Luke Zebala Mr. & Mrs. James Zemlyak
Form I Gift s Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Beff a Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Beimdiek Judge & Mrs. Gary Gaertner, Jr. '83 Drs. Kev in & Julia Hoff man '93 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Vasiliki Huck Mr. Andrew Jeremiah & Mrs. Ann Yeoh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jung Dr. & Mrs. Joshua Nadaud Mr. & Mrs. Kev in Palka Drs. James & Patricia Perschbacher '91 15
Alumni Gift s Drs. Timothy & Marianne Brady '73 Mr. & Mrs. Bart Brnjac '66 Mr. & Mrs. John Brnjac '88
Alumni Parent Gift s Drs. Timothy & Marianne Brady '73 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. Brannan Mr. & Mrs. Bart Brnjac '66 Mr. & Mrs. John Brnjac '88 Mr. & Mrs. Julian Carr Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fournie Mr. & Mrs. Walter Galv in Mrs. Deanna Heuermann Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Igoe '70 Mr. & Mrs. Denis McCusker Dr. & Mrs. John Merjav y Mrs. Maureen Mersman Mr. & Mrs. Lee Moen Mrs. Barbara Niemann Mrs. Ginger H. O'Brien Dr. & Mrs. Jerome O'Neil, Jr. '74 Dr. & Mrs. Blase Pignotti Mr. & Mrs. Paul Reitz Mr. & Mrs. William Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shea Mr. & Mrs. Rene Van Breusegen Mrs. Lori Willibrand
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Igoe '70 Mr. Andrew Johnson '19 Mrs. Ginger H. O'Brien Dr. & Mrs. Jerome O'Neil, Jr. ‘74
Past Xanadu Chair Gift s Mrs. Barbara Beracha Dr. Marianne Brady Mrs. Lisa Brnjac Mrs. Eileen Carr Mrs. Nancy Galv in Mrs. Mary Caye Jones Mrs. Susan McCusker Mrs. Karen Monette Mrs. Barbara Niemann Mrs. Jenny O'Neil Mrs. Mary Reitz Mrs. Jennifer Robertson Mrs. Lori Willibrand
GROUP DONORS As of March 13, 2021
Past Mothers’ Club President Gift s
Form VI Gift Gathering Party – Cash Donations
Mrs. Ellen Brnjac
Forms I & II Gift Gathering Party – Cash Donations
Mrs. Betty Diemer
Drs. Thomas & Nickole Forget
Mr. & Mrs. John Phillips II '85
Mrs. Sarah Igoe
Mr. Justin Nangle & Ms. Lucie
Mr. & Mrs. William Vineyard
Mrs. Theresa Johnson
Furstenberg Huger
Mrs. Susan McCusker
Drs. James & Patricia Perschbacher '91
General Donations
Mrs. Nancy McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Swallow
Mr. John Antes
Mrs. Marge Merjav y
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willard
Drs. Georges & Rime Chahoud
Mrs. Beth Blessing
Dr. & Mrs. John Freitag
Mrs. Elisabeth Diemer
Mrs. Michelle Moen
Mr. & Mrs. Donn Mitchell
Mrs. Jennifer Robertson
Form III Gift Gathering Party – Cash Donation
Mrs. Jane Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Guthrie
Mr. & Mrs. James Rhodes
Mrs. Mary Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Phillips
Dr. Thomas Sw itzer
Past Alumni Mothers’ Club President Gift s
Form IV Gift Gathering Party – Cash Donations
Mrs. Beth Blessing
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Bahr
Mrs. Lisa Brnjac
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buganski
Mrs. Eileen Carr
Drs. Kev in & Susan Journagan
Mrs. Nancy Galv in
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Leung
Mrs. Sarah Igoe
Mr. & Mrs. Kev in Lipe
Mrs. Susan McCusker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Loft us
Mrs. Michelle Moen Mrs. Jennifer Robertson
Form V Gift Gathering Party – Cash Donation Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wenzel
Tony’s Trader Joe’s
Serves 1
• 2 ounces rye or bourbon whiskey • 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice • ½ cup pomegranate juice • black feathers, for garnish • maraschino cherries rolled in red sanding sugar, for garnish
To prepare garnish, spear a sugared maraschino cherry with a black feather. To prepare a cocktail, combine whiskey, lemon juice, and pomegranate juice in a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice, cover and shake well. Strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with feather.
6:30 PM
Pre-Show Begins
7:00 PM
Virtual Program Begins
7:15 PM
Priory Classics Closes
7:30 PM
Sports & Leisure Closes / Raff le Closes
7:45 PM
Treasures of the Dome Closes
8:00 PM
Virtual Program Concludes
9:00 PM
Live Auction Closes
GENERAL INFORMATION & RULES 1. If you pre-registered at w w w.priory.org/XanaduRSVP for Cirque du Priory, you will receive an email and/or text when online bidding is activated on Monday, April 12. Click on the link found in the text or email sent to you. o The email message, sent from Saint Louis Priory School, will read “ Welcome to Online Bidding” in the subject line. o The text message will read “ Welcome Xanadu 2021 Cirque du Priory Supporter! Start bidding!” o Make sure the correct name is displayed. If it is not, please call 314-434-0783. o Continue to visit the bid page at http://w w w.priory.org/XanaduBidding to keep track of your bids. 2. After April 7, 2021 gain auction access at http://w w w.priory.org/XanaduBidding. Click on the “Get Started” tab to register. Upon registration, click on the link found in the text or email sent to you. o The email message, sent from Saint Louis Priory School, will read “ Welcome to Online Bidding” in the subject line. o The text message will read “ Welcome Xanadu 2021 Cirque du Priory Supporter! Start bidding!” o Make sure the correct name is displayed. If it is not, please call 314-434-0783. o Continue to visit the bid page at http://w w w.priory.org/XanaduBidding to keep track of your bids. 3. Watch the show at Xanaduauction.com. For optimal participation, view the show on your computer, tablet or Smart TV and use your phone to bid. 4. General Auction Rules • All winning bid sales are final. • There will be no exchanges or returns. • Pay special attention to expiration dates on certificates and the timing for scheduled trips, dinners or outings. If no time period is specified, arrangements must be made by February 4, 2022. Ex piration dates are not extendable. As a courtesy to the donor, arrangements should be made as soon as possible. • Before traveling, please confirm updates on local rules or restrictions that may be in place relating to COVID-19. • All parties and packages are subject to current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. • Vacation homes are not transferable. SPECIFIC DATES & RESTRICTIONS MUST BE HONORED, NO EXCEPTIONS. The primary occupants must be at least 25 years of age. The initial mutually agreed upon date for trips, homes and parties must be honored. Taxes and gratuities are not included in restaurant and service items and certificates unless otherwise noted. Successful bidders are responsible for airfare, car rental and incidentals unless specifically included in a package. • Dinners, trips, party packages are the responsibility of the purchaser. Failure, for whatever cause, to arrange a meal, event, trip and/or party within the time limit and according to the specified conditions and/or limitations, imposes no obligation for refund on the donor or Saint Louis Priory School. Sales of these items are nontransferable. • Contact Ann Bender, abender@ priory.org, by Monday, April 19th, by 4:00 p.m., if you wish to use a donor advised fund to pay for the tax-deductible portion of your bill. 19
GENERAL INFORMATION & RULES 5. Online Bidding You w ill use your phone or computer to place bids on all auction items. Online bidding w ill be activated for Treasures of the Dome, Sports and Leisure, and Priory Classics at 12:00 p.m. on Monday, April 12 for all guests. The Live section w ill be activated at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, April 16 for all guests.
• Access auction bidding at http://w w w.priory.org/XanaduBidding.
• Search packages by number, keyword, category, or pull up packages with no bids by selecting “No Bid Pkgs.”
• Select Details/Bid to bid on a package. o You can bid the next available increment, set a max bid (eBay-style bidding), select a straight bid amount from the increments listed, or simply watch packages. o You can set a max bid by making sure the max bid option is turned on and then selecting your amount from the increments listed. If you enter the highest max bid on a package, the system will automatically place bids in your favor until your max bid is reached or until the auction closes. If your bid is lower than the highest max bid on that package, you will be prompted to enter a higher bid. o If you turn off the max bid option, then you can place a straight bid at any of the increments listed if you prefer to immediately raise the bidding.
• You can keep an eye on packages you’ve bid on or are watching by going to “Bids,” in the drop-down menu.
• Packages you’ve favorited can be found using the “Favorites” button in the menu.
• If you are outbid, you will be notified via text message.
• Do NOT wait until the last minute to bid or you may be outbid. BID HIGH, BID OFTEN!
• Watch the event timer in the upper left. As soon as the silent auction closes, the guest with the highest bid will win.
• Under “Bids” you can check your winning packages.
Any bids not submitted according to these rules will be considered invalid.
• To make a general donation, click on the Donate button on your home screen and choose a preset amount or enter the amount you wish to donate and select Submit.
6. Live Auction Live Auction online bidding begins at Noon, Friday, April 16, 2021 and continues without interruption until 9:00 p.m. Saturday, April 17, 2021.
• Individuals bidding for a group must contact Ann Bender at 314-434-3690, ext. 326, by 5:00 p.m., April 19th, 2021, to notify her of the parties splitting the cost of the item.
• No changes in dates or terms w ill be accepted.
GENERAL INFORMATION & RULES 7. Treasures of the Dome
• Treasures of the Dome online bidding begins at Noon, Monday, April 12, 2021 and continues without interruption until 7:45 p.m., Saturday, April 17, 2021.
• No changes in dates or terms will be accepted.
8. Sports & Leisure & Raff le
• Sports & Leisure online bidding begins at Noon, Monday, April 12, 2021 and continues without interruption until 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 17, 2021. Raffle ticket sales will continue without interruption until 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 17, 2021 • No changes in dates or terms will be accepted.
9. Priory Classics
• Priory Classics online bidding begins 12:00 p.m., Monday, April 12, 2021 and continues without interruption until 7:15 p.m., Saturday, April 17, 2021. • No changes in dates or terms will be accepted.
10. Item Distribution -- A paid receipt will be emailed to you and must be presented to pick up auction items. Items will be available for pick up at the Switzer House on the following days:
• Sunday, April 18th, Noon – 5:00 p.m.
• Monday, April 19th, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
• Select items only, as noted in the item description, are available to be mailed. Shipping and handling are not included. Please contact Lisa Brnjac at lbrnjac@priory.org by April 23, 2021 to coordinate shipping.
• Tuesday, April 20th, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
11. At the close of each Online Bidding section, the auction website will close to new bids. There is no secure personal information collected or maintained on these items. 12. Values for the items being auctioned are estimated by donors and are not warranted by Saint Louis Priory School for tax purposes or for general use. Please contact your tax advisor about the proper deduction you may take on any item purchased at the auction. Revenue Ruling 67-246 covers this information. 13. All goods and services purchased at Xanadu shall be used at the sole risk of the purchaser, and neither Xanadu nor Saint Louis Priory School or their representatives will be responsible or liable for any damage or injury occurring to any user of such goods and/or services. All items are sold “as is” and neither Xanadu nor Saint Louis Priory School or their representatives make any warranty or guarantee as to the merchantability or suitability of any such items. 14. Good faith effort is used to be accurate when listing donors and descriptions of auction. 21
GENERAL INFORMATION & RULES Dav id Yurman’s Sterling and Diamond Double Wheat Chain Raff le David Yurman’s Sterling and Diamond Double Wheat Chain offers two looks because it can be worn with or without the pendant! Measuring 16 millimeters by 16 millimeters, the sterling silver pendant looks to be from the Albion collection and has a square 11-millimeter center filled with pavé diamonds. The pendant dangles from a hinged bail that, in turn, is suspended from a round ring etched with “David Yurman.” The ring has pavé-diamond-studded caps attached to the double wheat chain that secures with a hallmarked push clasp with cable details. In excellent condition, it was recently polished. The bail will accept a 5-millimeter chain or cord and the total diamond weight is 0.73 carats and retails for $3200.00. Tickets may be purchased on-line at http://w w w.priory.org/XanaduBidding until 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 17, 2021. The drawing will take place at the conclusion of the Virtual Auction. Tickets are one for $40, three for $100. Saint Louis Priory Ezra Brooks Privately Selected Single Barrel Bourbon Back by popular demand – our Priory Bourbon for $100 a bottle! Enjoy a bottle of our own personalized 10-year Ezra Brooks Private Barrel label bourbon hand-selected by past Xanadu Chair, Christine Look and her husband Chris and only available at Priory. To sip Barrel Proof Bourbon is to experience Bourbon in its purest form – uncut, straight from the barrel, and without chill filtering. Each bottle is hand labeled with its unique proof and batch number but the nose, taste and finish of every sip is pure Ezra Brooks. Supplies are limited. This item cannot be shipped and must be picked up at the Switzer House. Bourbon can be purchased online at http://w w w.priory.org/XanaduBidding until 7:15 p.m. Saturday, April 17, 2021. Xanadu Fund-a-Need: In Memory of Father Paul Kidner, O.S.B. From its inception, the purpose of Priory’s Xanadu auction has been to raise funds to support its remarkable students and provide them outstanding preparation for an exceptional life. Tonight, as we celebrate the 52nd Xanadu, our Fund-aNeed will be in memory of Father Paul Kidner, O.S.B. Father Paul’s intellect, work ethic, sharp wit, and dedication served countless Priory students for more than 55 years. He committed himself completely to Priory and the Abbey Family. Often behind the scenes, he was the one who made sure things happened and could be relied on to carry out a task worthily and efficiently. Tonight’s Fund-a-Need contributions will ensure that outstanding young men continue to benefit from Father Paul’s vision and hard work for years to come. Donations to the Fund-a-need portion are 100% tax-deductible. Thank you in advance for your commitment to our mission, our wonderful students and our school. “ Love Mom” Care Package Sign-Up Party This year, you may sign up for a the “Love Mom” Care Package Party using online bidding. More information can be found in the Priory Classics section of the catalog. Party reservations will be billed to your credit card. Refunds will not be given. To purchase a Sign-Up Party at the Buy Now price, click on the Buy Now button located in the upper right-hand corner of the package detail page. Do not enter the Buy Now price in the field for max bid. Information or Questions Please call 314-434-0783.
LIVE AUCTION QUICK VIEW 1 Boys’ Beef, Bourbon, Buckshot & Billiards Breakaway 2 Cape Cod Lux ury Home for 6 3 Heads of State Bayou Feast for 10 4 Dinner w ith Abbot Gregory at Saint Louis Country Club for 10 5 Five Night Stay in Orlando, Florida - June 18 – 23, 2021 6 Honey Bee Good Brunch for 8 7 7 Night Stay in New York City - May 28 – June 4, 2021 8 Dinner w ith the Headmaster at Annie Gunn’s for 8 9 Move Over Man Cave – Here Comes the She Shed! 10 7 Nights on the Vegas Strip – June 11 – 18, 2021 11 7 Night Stay for Up to 12 in Pompano Beach, Florida – June 11 – 18, 2021 12 Access for 2 VIP Ex periences for the 5th Annual Bommarito Automotive Group INDYCAR 500 – Saturday, August 21, 2021
Boys’ Beef, Bourbon, Buckshot & Billiards Country Boys Breakaway Mutually agreeable date; must be used before February 2022. Must be 21 to attend. Grab your cronies and a duffel...game on! This adventure for 6 will include an overnight stay on the majestic Eagle Estate, a private 200 acre resort-like property that features four lakes, a trap shooting range and miles of hiking trails. You will find this hideaway less than an hour outside of St. Louis! Aft er private trap shooting lessons with a seasoned expert, head to an authentic tipi (yes, this is spelled correctly) in the middle of the prairie to enjoy cocktails and appetizers. This is followed by a feast featuring the manliest of steak dinners with all the fixings prepared for you by Priory dad Brian Clinton (Cole ‘24). Enjoy a sampling of hearty ryes & locally sourced liquors from the Wooden Hat Distillery. Then tour the rathskeller which includes billiards, darts & poker if you dare. Hot tub, heated pool & sauna are also part of this experience. In the morning, enjoy a continental breakfast. Tool around the property, cast in a fishing line or challenge yourself on a paddle board on one of the many lakes before departure later that day. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Clinton Eagle Estates Cape Cod Lux ury Home for 6 Beachcomber Mutually agreeable week excluding June 11 - August 29, 2021. Must be used by February 4 , 2022. Available dates are to be strictly honored. No exceptions! Es“ CAPE” the Circus and spend one week in this magnificent shingle-style home beautifully situated in East Falmouth, Massachusetts on the Waquoit Bay. The main home with three bedrooms and four baths sleeps six. This beach home with its mesmerizing water views and private sandy beach is perfect for relaxation, entertainment and outdoor enjoyment. It's a stone’s throw from the many amazing shops, restaurants and activities that Cape Cod has to offer. Kayak in the bay, rent bikes and hop on the bike path to Woods Hole, or catch a ferry to nearby neighboring islands Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard. You can also take day trips to Plymouth or Chatham. The pool will not be open at the time of rental. Consider spending Thanksgiving on the Cape close to the location of the very first Thanksgiving! Includes a round of golf for three at the private Saconnessett Hills Country Club with Rich Mynahan, Dan Meehan’s brother-in-law. Successful bidders are responsible for travel costs, transportation and incidentals. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Shaker Sadasivam
Heads of State Bayou Feast for 10 Big Easy Mutually agreeable location and date in May or June 2021. Savor a bayou feast for 10 and bring a taste of Louisiana to you. Your Priory Heads of State include: Mothers Club President, Kelli Mitchell (Ryan ‘21); Xanadu Chair, Theresa Johnson (Thomas ‘21, Andrew ‘19); and Fathers’ Club President, Murphy Reese ‘85 (Murphy ‘21, Sam ‘23). Enjoy a traditional Cajun boil complete with crawfish, shrimp, sausage, corn, and potatoes. Also included are authentic Louisiana beer and beverages. Laissez les bon temps rouler! Mr. & Mrs. Brett Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Donn Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. S . Murphy Reese '85 Dinner w ith Abbot Gregory at Saint Louis Country Club for 10 Delicious! Mutually agreeable date before February 4, 2022. A spectacular evening for three couples at the esteemed St. Louis Country Club with Abbot Gregory. From cocktails to dessert, revel in the wisdom and humor of Abbot Gregory and the graciousness of your hosts, Dr. & Mrs. Tim Farley. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your connection to the Priory community. Package subject to current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Abbot Gregory Mohrman, O.S.B. ‘76 Dr. & Mrs. Tim Farley (Ryan ‘20, Owen ‘24) 5 Night Stay in Orlando, Florida – June 18 - 23, 2021 Fun in the Sun Friday, June 18, 2021 - Wednesday, June 23, 2021. Available date to be strictly honored. No exceptions. There is magic in allowing yourself to get lost in your vacation. This resort offers the Mediterraneaninspired design, best-in-class amenities, and well-appointed rooms that prove you don't have to go to Walt Disney World to find something magical in Orlando (and if you really want to, it’s less than a mile away). Club Wyndham Bonnet Creek is the perfect home-base for easy access to Central Florida’s most popular attractions, the magic of Disney, the thrills of Universal Studios, the aquatic animals of SeaWorld. Plus, hang out at the shops and restaurants at Disney Springs, Universal CityWalk, Mall at Millenia, and more. Accommodations are in a 1 bedroom deluxe condo which sleeps a max of 4 individuals. Successful bidders are responsible for travel costs, transportation and incidentals. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Huelsmann
Theresa Johnson
Cirque du Priory Performers
Honey Bee Good Brunch for 8 A Lovely Afternoon Mutually agreeable date June or July 2021. Buzz out with your besties and enjoy an early aft ernoon honey tasting for 8 in a bucolic farm setting at the home of Christine and Christopher Look. Sip on cocktails inspired by this liquid gold and nosh on delicacies like honey challah bread, all before feasting on a lovely curated brunch by Walnut Grill. Beekeeper and Priory student, Max Look ‘21 and bee-keeper extraordinaire, Tony Busekrus, will be on hand to teach you and your guests about the funny and fascinating habits of bees and how they produce the nectar of the gods. Great for a garden club brunch or small family event, like Grandma’s 80th birthday! Each guest will receive a parting gift to remember the day spent in the company of a Queen! Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Beffa Mr. & Mrs. John Brnjac ‘88 Mr. Tony Busekrus Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dent Ms. Candace Graves Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Look Mr. Max Look ‘21 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Chris Petri Walnut Grill 7 Night Stay in New York City – May 28 - June 4, 2021 Dazzling Friday, May 28 - Friday, June 4 , 2021 Dates to be strictly honored. No exceptions. Delight in the magic of Manhattan with this unique experience in an unrivaled location! Settle into your luxurious junior executive suite, which sleeps up to 4, at The Manhattan Club located between 7th Avenue and Broadway near Columbus Circle, and three blocks from Central Park. Step out and explore Times Square, Central Park, the Theatre District, and so much more. At The Manhattan Club you'll enjoy a plush queen size bed and full size sleeper sofa, robes, a kitchenette, daily housekeeping, and enough square footage to allow you to spread out and relax aft er a great day in the Big Apple. Private Club Lounge access offers continental breakfast each morning, full bar, wifi, and TVs. Successful bidders are responsible for travel costs, transportation and incidentals. Drs. John Lin and Kathryn Bucklen
Dinner w ith the Headmaster at Annie Gunn’s for 8 Five Star Mutually agreeable date before February 4 , 2022, no weekends or holidays. Join Father Cuthbert as you enjoy a one-of-a-kind experience feasting on a 3-course seasonal dinner prepared by renowned chef Lou Rook III at Annie Gunn’s, an award-winning restaurant. Sommelier John Cain and Wine Director Glenn Bardgett will pair each course with the perfect wine. This is sure to be a memorable evening. Annie Gunn's and The Smokehouse Market are passionate about extending hospitality, generosity and good tastes beyond the four walls of the restaurant and into the community. Tax and gratuity not included. Package subject to current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Father Cuthbert Elliott, O.S.B. ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Thom Sehnert Annie Gunn’s Move over Man Cave-Here comes the She Shed! Amazing! Available for St. Louis and St. Charles counties only. Consultation must be completed by June 30, 2021; work must be completed by February 4. 2022. Escape your daily grind in your own personal hideaway! The 117 square foot structure features charming French doors, flanked by floor to ceiling windows, allowing plenty of light to filter in for board games with girlfriends or snuggling up with a good book. To be set on a concrete foundation provided by RV Wagner (thanks to Dan Wagner, Charlie ‘24), it will be constructed to perfection by contractor Nick Simmons (Wyatt ‘22, Huck ‘24). This fabulous space is sure to become your favorite spot with the help of MC Design, owned by interior designer & Priory mom Megan Clinton (Cole '24). Megan will assist you in spending your store credits at Villa Lighting, Weekends Only and Wayfair, to finish the space off. Also included is a consultation from The Garden Edit who will include a plan to select just the right perennials and shrubs to accentuate your new hideaway and showcase the three-tiered fountain which is part of this unique package. Purchase and installation of landscaping not included. The entire shed is constructed of all-natural tongue and grove Norway spruce solid wood with a 2-foot canopy. Outside dimensions 12'8" x 10'9," Interior 11'10" x 10'1 ¼", Wall height 6'8" overall height 8'2." Includes double pane French doors flanked by windows (windows do not open), a flat tin roof and 3-tiered fountain. (Disclaimers: Anyone bidding on this item should be familiar with their municipality in terms of construction restrictions. Buyer required to obtain all applicable permits for desired building location as well as insurance rider for construction.) Mr. & Mrs. Britt Pim Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Acker Mr. & Mrs. Nick Simmons Mr. & Mrs. David Bealke ‘92 Rick’s Ace Hardware Mrs. & Mrs. Brian Clinton Mr. & Mrs. Matt Villa Mr. & Mrs. Michael Conley Villa Lighting Mr. & Mrs. Baxter Fort R.V. Wagner Dr. & Mrs. Labib Haddad Weekends Only Furniture Outlet Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lane Friend of Priory Dr. & Mrs. Eric Foss Mr. & Mrs. Sean McGowan
The Saint Louis Priory School Fathers’ Club thanks
Theresa Johnson and the
“Cirque du Priory” Xanadu Committee Thank you for a spectacular evening and for all your hard work on behalf of the Priory Community!
The Saint Louis Priory School Fathers’ Club
7 Nights on the Vegas Strip - June 11 - 18, 2021 Feelin’ Lucky Friday, June 11 - Friday, June 18, 2021. Available dates are to be strictly honored. No exceptions. Let loose along the famed Las Vegas Strip from the comfort and luxury of Hilton Grand Vacations. Your unit is a 3-bedroom/3-bathroom suite located on the penthouse level and sleeps up to 8. It includes a luxurious master bedroom with a freestanding shower and separate Jacuzzi tub, fullyequipped kitchen, separate living/dining rooms, and a washer and dryer. The second and third bedrooms are furnished with king-size beds. The living room includes a queen-size sleeper sofa. Onsite amenities include full-service spa, fitness center, basketball, pickle ball, shuff leboard courts, and two outdoor heated swimming pools. Situated at the northern end of the Strip, this nongaming resort offers ideal access to the city's signature gaming, shopping, dining, and glittering spectacles to keep you energized day and night. There is a $150 resort fee due upon arrival. Successful bidders are responsible for travel costs, transportation and incidentals. Mr. Robert & Mrs. Regina Yanics 7 Night Stay for Up to 12 in Pompano Beach, Florida - June 11 - 18, 2021 Fun in the Sun Friday, June 11, 2021 - Friday, June 18, 2021. Available date is to be strictly honored. No exceptions. Located directly on the beach, this Wyndham property sits on three full acres of prime oceanfront with a variety of activities and amenities in and out of the surf. It's a quintessential tropical vacation offering a central location to Pompano Beach’s most exciting attractions and entertainment. Here you always have a place to get away from it all, in the middle of it all. Accommodations are two 2-bedroom deluxe condos, sleeping up to six guests each condo for a total of 12 guests. Successful bidders are responsible for travel costs, transportation and incidentals. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Huelsmann Access for 2 VIP Ex periences for 5th Annual Ready! Set! Go! Bommarito Automotive Group INDYCAR 500 - Saturday, August 21, 2021 Saturday, August 21, 2021 Tired of ZOOM calls? Zoom over to one of St. Louis’s hottest venues, the World Wide Technology Raceway, and take in the excitement of the 5th Annual Bommarito Automotive Group Indy Car 500 in style! Your VIP experience for 2 will include premier access to the VIP suite and food and beverage during the race. Your Paddock Pass will get you into the infield where the action is aplenty. Also included is VIP parking. Plan to head over early to take in all the sites, lights, and sounds and an evening full of excitement! World Wide Technology Raceway
7-Night Off-Season Stay at Southwood Shores Condo/Lake of the Ozarks for 4
Father Dominic’s Chili Dinner for 10
Demolition Ranch at the LookOut
Mexican Fiesta with Father Augustine for 8
Gone Fishing
Walking tour of the Hill with Father Aidan for 6
Staycation Date Night
Mad Science Party with Father Linus for 12
Out with the Kids
Handmade Rosary with Father Paul's Crucifix
See Chicken, Taste Chicken, Make Chicken
Don’t Drink & Derive - Father Paul T-Shirt Pillow
Yeti Party on Wheels
Father Paul’s Stop Watch
BBQ for the Road
Tour of Abbey and Monastery with the Abbot for 6
Father Cassian’s Festive Roman Dinner for 6
102. 103. 104.
107. 108.
Class of 2021 Senior Tie Masterpiece
Salt & Smoke BBQ Catering for 25
Priory Graduation Summa Cum Laude
Annie Gunn’s $250 Gift Card
Junior Ring Ceremony & Reserved Parking Spot
Veritas Dinner for 6
Form II End-of-Year Celebration Seating and Reserved Parking
Three's A Charm--Three Date Nights
Dinner with Friends
Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earphones
Cardinal Sin Vodka Distillery Tour for 20
Ray-Ban New Wayfarer Sunglasses
Budweiser Private Tour for 6
Kleitz Education Group Private Test Prep Package for SAT/ACT/PSAT
Webster Grove’s Date Night
Dinner at the Crossing
Fit Learning Comprehensive Advanced Logic Assessment
Cinco de Mayo at Rosalita’s
New Driver
Taste of Italy
MAACO Collision Repair and Auto Painting Gift Certificate (Item $500)
Backyard BBQ for 10
Fix My Ticket Gift Certificate
Cardinal Orthodontics Treatment Certificate and Waterpik
Junior School Hero
Advisory Hero
Stallone’s Formal Wear $100 Gift Certificate #1
Stallone’s Formal Wear $100 Gift Certificate #2
Cigar Afficionado 101
O’Fallon Brewery Beer for a Year
4 Authentic Members Only Anheuser-Busch Beer Steins
Edg-Clif Farms and Vineyard Wine Tasting for 6
2017 Cade “ Estate” Howell Mountain Premium Wine Basket
Whiskey and Rye Gift Set
Kentucky Bourbon Trail Basket
Veritas Brunch
Paella Night
Duck, Duck, Goose!
Time for Dinner Gift Card
Kalat “ Capri” Premium Wool and Silk Area Rug
Garden Consult and Design
Green Thumb
Beautiful Lawn
Just Landscaping Lighting Gift Certificate
New Space $250 Gift Certificate
Hours of Home Organizing
$100 Woodard Residential Cleaning Services Gift Certificate
Craft Alliance Insider Membership & 1 Six Week Class
Rusted Chandelier Gift Bag of Treasures
The Spotted Pig Gift s & Accessories Gift Card
Set of 2 Wooden & Chocolate Brown Leather, Swivel, Bar Height Stools
Moyna Custom Designed Beaded Crossbody Handbag
Julie Wiegand “ Iris” Original Oil
Lululemon Black Camo Bag & Vinyasa Scarf
Bling Waxed Blues Hat
Fine Art Framed Photograph of “ Grand Avenue Water Tower”
Looking Good
$450 Strauss Peyton Gift Bond
Boutique Day
Josephine Havlak Senior Portrait Mini Session
Shopping Fun
Bentley Studio Ltd. Photo Session & 11" x14" Salon Print
Faster Way to Fat Loss
24" x 36" Schiller's Gallery Wrap
Two Bio Balance Deluxe HydraFacials
Simple Will Legal Services Gift Certificate
BioBalance Neurotoxin for 2 Areas
Hand-Painted, Colorful Spanish Bowl
Three Premium Facials
White & Gold, 8” Bubbly Bar Vase
2 Rhythm & Ritual Spa Facials
St. Louis Oval Melamine Platter
12 Wine Glasses with Beveled Stems
Glassware Set Featuring 56 Glasses
8 Waterford Crystal Lismore Water Goblets
10 Cut Crystal Highball Glasses
Instant Counter - Glass Burner Cover, Food Prep & Serving Board
A Pair of Softer than Cashmere, Malpaca Queen Size Pillows
David Yurman Sterling Silver Ring with Pave Diamonds
$100 Gift Certificate to Catholic Supply
Kendra Scott - Elle Earrings & Ever Necklace in Rose Gold
Tiffany & Co. 14.5" Sterling Silver Toggle Necklace with Starfish Charm
100. Tour of Abbey and Monastery w ith the Abbot for 6 Sacred Tour Mutually agreeable Sunday from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. by January 30, 2022. Join Abbot Gregory Mohrman, O.S.B. ‘76 for a tour of the Saint Louis Abbey and Monastery. Aft er learning the history of the Abbey and Monastery, including the unique Hradetzky organ, join Abbot Gregory for a light reception in the Monastery where you will enjoy delicious bites provided by Just Add Friends, owned and operated by Priory Alumni mothers Suzanne Cichelero (Jacob ‘18) and Jill McNeive (Matthew ‘18). The tour is limited to 6 individuals. Package subject to current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Abbot Gregory Mohrman, O.S.B. ‘76 Mr. & Mrs. Marek Parafiniuk Just Add Friends 101. Father Cassian’s Festive Roman Dinner for 6 Molto Bene! Mutually agreeable date - Must be used by February 4 , 2022 Celebrate the goodness of life, family and friendship in Roman style with a pranzone romano, a festive Roman meal. It will be prepared in part by our own Italian-trained cuoco or cook, Father Cassian, with the help of his sister, Betsy Binz, in your home. Enjoy selections of Father Cassian’s favorite traditional Roman dishes accompanied by Italian wine. Buon appetito! Package subject to current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Father Prior Cassian Koenemann, O.S.B. ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. William Vineyard Holy Beans 102. Father Dominic's Chili Dinner Mutually agreeable date prior to February 4 , 2022. There’s nothing better than chili on a crisp autumn day. Father Dominic will prepare a scrumptious chili dinner for you and your guests using his secret family recipe with all the fixin’s at your home. Cap off your evening with yummy homemade desserts. Package subject to current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Father Dominic Lenk, O.S.B. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Limp 103. Kicked-Up Mex ican Fiesta w ith Padre Augustine for 8 Holy Guacamole Mutually agreeable date before February 4 , 2022. We're adding some serious spice to this already delicioso fiesta! Father Augustine will join you and your guests, at your home, for an evening filled with laughter, stories and good cheer. There will be a hands-on cooking demonstration featuring MariCarmen Conway’s famous guacamole and she will use her certified tequila instructor background to educate you and your guests on the potent Mexican spirit. Package subject to current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Father Augustine Wetta, O.S.B. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Brannan Mr. & Mrs. John Brnjac ‘88 Mrs. MariCarmen Conway
104. Walking Tour of the Hill w ith Father Aidan for 6 Andiamo Mutually agreeable date before February 4 , 2022. The Hill is one of St. Louis’ most famous neighborhoods and happens to be Father Aidan’s old stomping ground. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through The Hill area including stops at St. Ambrose Church, the newly-opened Piazza Imo, J. Viviano’s & Sons Italian Grocery, Vitale’s Bakery, and Volpi’s Foods, to name a few. Finish off your tour with home-style Italian cooking at Guido’s. Father Aidan McDermott, O.S.B. 105. Mad Rocket Science Party w ith Father Linus for 12 Blast Off! Don your lab coat and your funky goggles...we’re going to the chemistry lab! Father Linus will teach you secret recipes for bubbling potions and stinky fumes, glowing powders and gurgling foams - a dozen experiments in all. Aft er playing in the lab, enjoy a yummy pizza and dessert. Package subject to current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Mr. & Mrs. Phil Buckalew Father Linus Dolce, O.S.B. 106. Handmade Rosary w ith Father Paul's Crucifix Amen May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Father Augustine handmade and blessed this magnificent hematite rosary that includes a crucifix from Father Paul Kidner’s rosary. This special rosary comes in a box which was among Father Paul’s belongings. It is tangle-proof and comes with a lifetime guarantee. If it ever breaks, bring it to Father Augustine for repairs. Father Augustine Wetta, O.S.B. Father Knows Best! 107. Don't Drink & Derive - Father Paul T-Shirt Pillow May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Fatherly advice from Father Paul - Don’t Drink & Derive! This one-of-a-kind pillow is made from one of Father Paul's iconic t-shirts. Priceless! Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Look Malpaca Saint Louis Priory School 108. Father Paul’s Stop Watch Enduring Treasure May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. On your mark! Get set! Own a piece of Priory history! Father Paul used this stop watch for countless Priory Track and Field and Swim Meets. Who knows how many Priory athletes were timed with this watch! Not only would Father Paul know, he’d probably remember the athlete’s times! Saint Louis Priory School
Class of 2021 Senior Tie Masterpiece Tied To Priory This item cannot be mailed. Senior parents - here’s your chance to take home the stunning Class of 2021 Tie Art Masterpiece, which is a magnificent remembrance of your son’s time at Priory. The 2021 Senior Tie Project is modeled aft er the top clerestory window of the Abbey Church. But here it reflects the formation of this class. At the center is the school itself. The black bars reaching out from the school are the monks, teachers, academics, arts, sports, and all things that worked towards the forming our sons. Each tie represents the colorfully formed young men of this class. Included on the design is the class motto “ sic luceat lux vestra ut glorificent Patrem vestrum” which translates to “ so let your light shine, that it may glorify your Father.” This exquisite masterpiece was craft ed by Priory mother, Terri Welz (Peter ‘21) and alumni mother Patty Bussmann (Matthew ‘00). The beautifully framed piece of art, constructed with ties donated by each member of the Class of 2021 are sewn together to represent the bond forged over these past six years. Mrs. Patty Bussmann - Custom Embroidery Mrs. Terri Welz Class of 2021 Form VI Parents
Highest Honors 110. Priory Graduation Summa Cum Laude Sunday, May 23, 2021 Head straight to the front row for the Senior Graduation ceremony, which will be reserved for you and your entourage of up to 8 guests. You will also receive 2 prime reserved parking spaces. Saint Louis Priory School Convenient 111. Junior Ring Ceremony & Reserved Parking Spot Saturday, May 22, 2021 Head straight to the front row for the Junior Ring ceremony, which will be reserved for you and your entourage of up to 8 guests. You will also receive 2 prime reserved parking spaces. Saint Louis Priory School Front Row 112. Form II End-of-Year Celebration Seating and Reserved Parking Saturday, May 22, 2021 Reserved front row seats await you and your entourage of up to 8 guests. You will also receive 2 prime reserved parking spaces for a stress-free arrival. Saint Louis Priory School 113. Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earphones Great Tunes May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. These Powerbeats Pro wireless earphones will take your listening experience to the next level. They provide 9 hours of sweat-resistant listening for tough workouts or for simple enjoyment. There are volume and track controls on each earbud, voice capability and auto play/pause. Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Coleman
114. Ray-Ban New Wayfarer Sunglasses Looking Good May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Inspired by the iconic original Wayfarer, the New Wayfarer by Ray-Ban is a modern take on a timeless classic. Dr. Julie Sturm Selkirk $2,500 115. Kleitz Education Group Private Test Prep Package for SAT/ACT/PSAT Registration must be completed by April 30, 2021 for either package. Help your college-bound student prepare for the PSAT, SAT or ACT with this private test prep package. Kleitz Education Group has worked with many Priory students to help them succeed on these critical tests. All sessions are held at the Kleitz Education Group Classroom located in Ladue or virtually. Tutoring must begin a minimum of 10 weeks prior to the chosen test and be completed by October 31, 2021. Supplementary hours of tutoring for these or other examinations may also be arranged through the Kleitz Education Group at additional cost.
Choose from two options:
Option A – Dr. Brett Kleitz will provide 10 hours of one-on-one tutoring for the July, September or October 2021 ACT exam, August or October 2021 SAT exam or the October 2021 PSAT exam (and SAT exam if needed).
Option B – A KEG Associate Tutor will provide 12-15 hours of one-on-one tutoring for the July, September or October 2021 ACT Exam or the August or October 2020 SAT exam or the October 2021 PSAT exam (and SAT exam if needed). Please set up tutoring no later than April 30, 2021 to ensure tutor availability. Kleitz Education Group
116. Fit Learning Comprehensive Advanced Logic Assessment Fluency Assessment must be scheduled by June 30, 2021. Fit Learning is where the science of learning meets the art of teaching. The Fit Learning Comprehensive Logic Assessment helps to identify your child's current level of fluency in problem solving, advanced comprehension, critical thinking and study skills for grades K-12. The logic assessment includes essay writing, persuasive essay, listening and reading comprehension. Fit Learning St. Louis 117.
New Driver Safety First Must be activated by July 1, 2021 for Missouri residents only. Get your teen ready for the road and keep him safe when he gets there! This package includes an introductory driving lesson with an instructor from Mid America Academy of Driving. Also included is an emergency road kit. The 1-year AAA Plus Membership entitles you to Emergency Road Service which includes 100 miles of free towing, travel services, special member savings with the AAA “ Discounts & Rewards” Program and a subscription to AAA’s “ Traveler Magazine.” American Automobile Association Excel Driving School
118. MAACO Collision Repair and Auto Painting Gift Certificate Oops Kirkwood Location Only. The perfect gift certificate, worth $500, just in case your car needs a few cosmetic car repairs and/or paint services. MAACO Collision Repair - Kirkwood Location Speed Racer 119. Fix My Tix ! Gift Certificate Expires October 31, 2021. Fix My Tix! gift certificate is good for one speeding ticket in the metropolitan St. Louis area to reduce or eliminate points charged against a driving record. All fines must be paid by bearer/ defendant. Must call 3 days before court date. If ticket requires non-routine services, additional charges may apply. Compass Law Group Straighten Up 120. Cardinal Orthodontics Treatment Certificate & Waterpik Sonic Toothbrush May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Get those pearly whites in line using your Cardinal Orthodontics $500 treatment certificate, which can be used toward full Orthodontic or Invisalign treatment. Keep your teeth sparkling white with your Waterpik Sonic Professional Plus toothbrush. Good at either the Rock Hill or Ballwin location. For new patients only. Dr. James Galea Cardinal Orthodontics Head of the Class 121. Junior School Hero To be redeemed by May 14, 2021. Minimum 1-week notice appreciated. Let your son be the hero of the Junior School! One lucky junior schooler can treat his classmates to donuts from Donut Palace. One donut per student. Delivery included. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saladin Donut Palace STL Touch of Class 122. Adv isory Hero To be redeemed by May 14, 2021. Minimum 1-week notice appreciated. Let your son be the hero of his Advisory! One lucky student can treat his Advisory to Jimmy John’s sandwich, chips, and a cookie. Delivery included. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Saladin Jimmy John’s (Des Peres) 123. Stallone’s Formal Wear $100 Gift Certificate #1 Sharp Dressed Man Use your $100 Stallone’s Formal Wear gift certificate for the purchase or rental of men’s formal wear which includes coat, trousers, shirt, vest, tie, suspenders, studs and cuff links. Valid at their Chesterfield, Ladue, Maryland Heights, O’Fallon and South County locations. Stallone’s Formal Wear
124. Stallone’s Formal Wear $100 Gift Certificate #2 GQ Style Use your $100 Stallone’s Formal Wear gift certificate for the purchase or rental of men's formal wear which includes coat, trousers, shirt, vest, tie, suspenders, studs and cuff links. Valid at their Chesterfield, Ladue, Maryland Heights, O’Fallon and South County locations. Stallone’s Formal Wear Up in Smoke 125. Cigar Aff icionado 101 This stunning collection of 50 fine cigars and cigar accessories is ideal for the seasoned cigar aficionado or new cigar enthusiast. This package starts off with The Tuscany Cherry Humidor, with a cherry finish which will accommodate up to 100 premium cigars and includes the premium Spanish cedar-lined interior and SureSeal Technology to maintain optimal seal and humidity. The Humi-Care Blue Round Digital Hygrometer is accurate within +/- 2% RH, and ready to go out of the box , this unit makes monitoring your humidor's conditions a breeze. The Humi-Care HX10 Crystal Gel Humidifier delivers a hassle-free humidification but in a conventional casing. The Herf-a-Dor Travel Humidor Case is perfect for taking your cigars “ on the go.” It can accommodate up to 10 cigars and includes a built-in humidifier to preserve the quality of your cigars. The Montecristo Deception Cutter by Lotus is a cutting machine! This cutter features two super-sharp, spring-loaded stainless-steel blades in a sturdy housing, which will make quick work of any cigar up to 62 ring gauge. The Montecristo Amigo Torch Flame Lighter by Lotus is one of the most reliable lighters in the cigar game. With a large flame adjustment knob and convenient fuel window, this lighter will become your go-to. Next up, Xicar’s Premium Butane will extend the life of your lighter and prevent your torch lighters from clogging. The pièces de resistance of this package are 50 handmade super premium cigars including 25 Davidorff 702 Series Cigars and 25 Cohiba Macassar Cigars. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Weas Liquid Sunshine 126. O’Fallon Brewery Beer for a Year Let the party begin and enjoy regional craft beer all year! The first 3 months of O’Fallon Brewery beer has already been picked up for your convenience. For the next 9 months, choose between O’Fallon Brewery’s Everyday Beer or Seasonal Craft s. Keep your beer of choice cold at a cookout or tailgating party with these six Priory Crest koozies. Never let your drinks get warm again! Mrs. Rebecca Hunsel O’Fallon Brewery Prost 127. Four AuthentiC Members Only Anheuser-Busch Beer Steins These items cannot be mailed. No bar would be complete without these 4 genuine Anheuser-Busch Collectors Club Members Only Steins. These authentic ceramic, pewter, and glass steins symbolize the history and heritage of Budweiser beer. Each stein includes a signature of authenticity, limited edition stein number, and off icial stamp located on the bottom of each stein. Mr. & Mrs. James O'Donnell ‘71
128. Edg-Clif Farms & Vineyard Wine Tasting for 6 Wine Country Expires December 31, 2021. Come and enjoy a true Missouri experience in the rolling hills of the Ozark Mountains at Edg-Clif Farms & Vineyard which has been family owned and sustainably farmed since 1926. Your experience will include a wine tasting, tour of winery, wine glasses, and a wine pairing snack. Must be 21. Reservations required to redeem. Edg-Clif Farms & Vineyard 129. 2017 Cade “ Estate” Howell Mountain Premium Wine Basket Wine Enthusiast These items cannot be mailed. Produced from estate fruit on Howell Mountain and made from 88% Cabernet Sauvignon and 4% each of Malbec, Petit Verdot, and Merlot, the 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon Estate offers a darker, more mineral-driven style compared to the Napa release. It has beautiful black currant, cassis, forest floor, graphite, and tobacco leaf-like aromas and flavors. Deep, full-bodied, beautifully polished and elegant, it’s another remarkable effort from this team. As Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon goes, it’s brilliant! Enjoy a wonderful evening while sipping this delicious wine from two stemless wine glasses and matching glass decanter. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bommarito, Jr. ‘01 Mr. Mathis Stitt ‘00 Veritas Gateway to Food & Wine 130. Whiskey and Rye Gift Set At Your Service These items cannot be mailed. Yes, that is a bottle of Blanton’s! This basket includes 1 bottle of Blanton's Single Barrel Bourbon, 1 bottle of Old Elk Single Barrel Straight Rye Whiskey, Volpi Salami, Wine and Cheese Place nuts, Jack Rudy cocktail bitters, cocktail cherries, and cocktail jigger. The Wine & Cheese Place 131. Kentucky Bourbon Trail Basket Cask Strength These items cannot be mailed. There’s nothing better than a good ol’ classic! Sip and savor your way across Kentucky with these exceptional bourbons: Bulleit Bourbon Frontier Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey; Four Roses Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey with candies and nuts from The Wine and Cheese Place. Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hartig
132. 7-Night Off -Season Stay at Southwood Shores Condo/Lake of the Ozarks for 4 Easy Getaway Mutually agreeable 7-night stay, October, 2021 - May 15, 2022. Available dates are to be strictly honored. No exceptions! Enjoy an amazing vacation only three hours from St. Louis! Everything you could possibly need awaits you in this package for that perfect week-long getaway to the Lake of the Ozarks. This 2-bedroom (2 queens), 2-bath condo is beautifully furnished and includes a foldout sleeper that can sleep two children or one adult. Your private, covered sundeck is three stories up with a great sunset view of both the cove and the main channel. Southwood Shores, located off Highway HH, just past the Lodge of the Four Seasons, is a gated community boasting an indoor heated pool, indoor hot tubs and one of the largest outdoor pools at the lake. Your condo is only five minutes from the H. Toad's Bar & Grill, HK’s, Andre’s, and championship golf courses. Perfect for a girls’ weekend or guys’ golfing trip. No pets allowed. Mr. & Mrs. George Brier Perfect Day 133. Demolition Ranch at the LookOut Mutually agreeable date before February 4, 2022. For 6-8 people. This is sure to be an aft ernoon perfect for the outdoorsman! You will learn from the experts at Adventure Shooting Sports while shooting a variety of pistols and rifles, as well as skeet shooting using some beautiful over/under shotguns. Then end the day than with appetizers and a bourbon tasting on the patio, presented by Eric Vogel, Owner Walnut Grill. This will be a dream aft ernoon for the adventure seeker! Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Look Mr. Eric Vogel, Owner of Walnut Grill Adventure Shooting Sports Loaves and Fishes 134. Gone Fishing Create memories with the Gone Fishin’ package. Includes fly-tying and casting lessons, fly fishing kit of 64 assorted flies, multi-functional tackle bag, and outdoor chair with detachable insulated cooler bag. Aft er a fruitful day, rest your head in the Coleman 2-person Sundome tent. Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Carlin Feather-Craft Fly Fishing Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Leary ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Nowak Mr. & Mrs. Randy Soriano Just Needs a Ribbon 135. Staycation Date Night Start the night off right with a beautiful floral arrangement from Botanicals Design Studio before escaping the Circus at Paul Manno’s for a little taste of Italy using your $100 gift certificate. Certificate can not be used for gratuity. Continue the staycation with a 1-weekend night stay at Drury Hotels. Botanicals Design Studio Drury Hotels Paul Manno's - St. Louis
136. Out w ith the Kids Louis, Louis Expires December 31, 2021. Fix the kids’ lockdown DIY haircut with $40 in gift certificates from Hairy Elephant Children's Salon. Let them show off their new do and charge up at The Shack with your $100 gift certificate before heading to the Magic House with your 4 general admission passes. Hairy Elephant Children’s Salon Mr. & Mrs. Greg Huesgen Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kaveney ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Swallow The Magic House 137. See Chicken, Taste Chicken, Make Chicken Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner These items cannot be mailed. Enjoy your chicken three ways. First, use your $20 Straub’s gift card to indulge in their famous chicken salad. Second, tempt your taste buds with Hodak’s famous chicken using your $20 gift card. Third, make your own chicken with your NuWave Brio 14-Quart Air Fryer Oven. You can air fry, broil, grill, sear, bake, reheat and even dehydrate all in one countertop. Includes a rotisserie kit, skewers and basket. Mr. & Mrs. Greg Huesgen Drs. M. Kiran Kancherla & Madhuri Sabbaiah Friend of Priory Party Time 138. Yeti Party on Wheels These items cannot be mailed. Take the party with you in your YETI Tundra Haul Hard Cooler on Wheels and 17" Charcoal Smoker Grill. Chill on the extra large outdoor picnic blanket with 2 Brumate Hopsulator Slim Can Coolers. The machine washable, sand proof, and waterproof blanket is wide enough for 4-6 people to use together and still provides enough space for picnic food and supplies. The Hopsulators will keep your beer icy-cold, no matter how hot your party gets; works with all slim-style 16 oz. bottles (Michelob Ultra, Bud Light, and Budweiser). Dr. & Mrs. Peter Ahlering ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Parent Mr. & Mrs. Whitaker Varley Friend of Priory Yummy Fun 139. BBQ for the Road These items cannot be mailed. Take your BBQ on the road. Feast on delicious BBQ with $125 of Salt and Smoke gift certificates. Need a new side dish? The Gringo Goose presents its trio of QUACK...Goose Poop (a sweet and spicy pepper relish originally served with cream cheese but so much more versatile), Gringo Goose Poop (mild) and Duck Butter (a uniquely creamy honey mustard horseradish spread.) Honk Honk! The portable YETI Tundra 35 will keep all of your hydration needs within reach. Mr. & Mrs. Sean Ehret Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marcely Dr. & Mrs. Joshua Nadaud The Gringo Goose 46
140. Salt & Smoke BBQ Catering for 25 Pack It Up Salt & Smoke would love to cater to you and your family and friends with great BBQ! The lucky winning bidder will receive BBQ catering for 25 people with all the fixings including 2 BBQ meat trays with 2 additional catered sides. If you're hosting, Salt & Smoke can do the cooking! (Does not include bar or staffing, but could be added if desired.) Salt & Smoke 141. Annie Gunn's $250 Gift Card Epicurean A fabulous night out at Annie Gunn's awaits you! This distinguished restaurant delights its guests with a keen attention to detail, warmth & hospitality. Bon Appetit! Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Huck Mr. & Mrs. William Puechel Delicious! 142. Veritas Dinner for 6 Gather your family and friends for a dinner for 6 with wine pairings at Veritas, owned by Priory alum Mathis Stitt ‘00. Mathis Stitt ‘00 Veritas Kitchen Break 143. Three’s A Charm--Three Date Nights This package provides three ready-made date nights with your someone special as you dine on some of the most delectable food St. Louis has to offer using your $275 Annie Gunn's and Smokehouse gift cards, $100 Corner House Pub and Grill gift card, and $100 Veritas gift card. Bon Appetit! Mr. & Mrs. Andy Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Greg Huesgen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hussey Mr. & Mrs. Kjell Lundal Mr. & Mrs. Chris Petri Mr. & Mrs. Mark Witkoski 144. 145.
Dinner w ith Friends Sip 'n Savor This item cannot be mailed. Enjoy the delectable food at Annie Gunn's using your $350 in gift cards while tasting the impressive and inviting DeLille Cellars 2016 D2 Bordeaux blend magnum. Dense and vibrant on the palate, with a pure fruit core, this wine offers elegant tannin and remarkable integration. Dr. Laura Baalmann Mr. & Mrs. Brett Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rothery DeLille Cellars Cardinal Sin Vodka Distillery Tour for 20 Private Label Pure, clean and crisp in taste, Cardinal Sin Spirits are truly exceptional! Voted the #1 Craft Vodka Distillery in the Nation by USA Today in 2016 & located in Saint Charles, MO. This distillery tour features an interactive tour, providing each guest an insider’s look into the distillation, spirits, and the artisan process. Spirit samples, reserved products and a signature drink will be served. Cardinal Sin Vodka
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Budweiser Private Tour for 6 Brew-tastic Expires on 12/30/2021. Enjoy a private tour of the Budweiser Brewery Experience Tour for 6 guests. Advance reservations required and redeemable aft er re-opening. Mr. & Mrs. John Steinhubl Webster Grove’s Date Night In the Grove Here's your opportunity to enjoy two glorious meals in Webster Groves at Olive & Oak with your $100 gift card and at The Block with your $100 gift certificate. Two bottles of The Block Original Spices add flavor to the night too. Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Keefe Dr. & Mrs. Robert Stanley Dinner at the Crossing Dine In Style Enjoy dinner at The Crossing; where food, dining, and service are all pieces of the hospitality picture, with your $250 in gift cards. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bower Drs. John Lin & Kathryn Bucklen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glarner, Jr., ‘88 Mrs. Molly Kraeger Ms. Angy Peter Mr. & Mrs. Britton Pim Cinco de Mayo at Rosalita’s Ole! Whether you want to host a Cinco de Mayo happy hour or Dia de Muertos dinner or celebrate a milestone event, use your $110 Rosalita’s Cantina gift card to host a happy hour, dine with friends or carry out for your in-home fiesta. Rosalita’s offers a tantalizing menu of both food and drinks. Try their signature table-side guacamole made right in front of you or a piled-high order of nachos. They feature a full array of classic Mexican dishes and more modern specialties, including Cadillac Fajitas. Their house margaritas are the best in town. Good at either the Downtown or Des Peres locations. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cooke Taste of Italy Chow Down Tour Italy’s culinary delights in the Lou with your $75 Katie’s Pizza & Pasta gift card, $25 Brio gift card, $25 Mia Sorella gift card, and $60 Paul Manno’s gift certificate. Mr. & Mrs. Donald DiPasco, Jr. ‘92 Drs. Thomas & Nickole Forget Mr. & Mrs. Whitaker Varley Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Waltz Backyard BBQ for 10 Smoky Good This item cannot be mailed. Mutually agreeable date before February 4 , 2022. Indulge in award-winning St. Louis style barbeque from Sugarfire Smokehouse delivered to your backyard. This offer also includes two cases of New Belgium product to wash it all down. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Clinton
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Veritas Brunch A Lovely Afternoon Any mutually agreeable Saturday or Sunday, 9 a.m . - 2 p.m. Gather with your friends and family for a delicious brunch worth $100 at Veritas, owned by Priory alum Mathis Stitt ‘00. Mathis Stitt ‘00 Veritas Paella Night Authentic It is said the most authentic paella comes from the Spanish community of Valencian. Recreate, Arroz a la Valenciana (Spanish), “ Rice from Valencian”, in your own home with the deluxe paella kit with a traditional pan and only the freshest and authentic ingredients. The L a Paella Cookbook will help you create deliciously authentic rice dishes from Spain's Mediterranean Coast. Mr. & Mrs. Arieh Foster Friend of Priory Duck, Duck, Goose! Honk, Honk This item cannot be mailed. The Gringo Goose presents its trio of QUACK...Goose Poop (a sweet and spicy pepper relish originally served with cream cheese but so much more versatile), Gringo Goose Poop (mild) and Duck Butter (a uniquely creamy honey mustard horseradish spread.) Honk Honk! The Gringo Goose Time for Dinner Too Busy to Cook Time for Dinner is a meal assembly service that is dedicated to providing quality meals for your family’s table. The monthly menu offers a variety of seasonal dishes that are easy to assemble, cook, and clean up! Use your $35 gift certificate to purchase ready-made dishes by either pre-ordering or simply stopping in and grabbing from the freezer. Time for Dinner Kalaty “ Capri” Premium Wool and Silk Area Rug $2,550 This item cannot be mailed. For those who appreciate the modern side of traditional - this 6' x 9' Kalaty “ Capri” borderless Oushak area rug is hand knotted in a Turkish-style weave using a combination of premium wool and silk. A stunning choice! The Carpet Shoppe Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Wes Lipe Garden Consult and Design Bloomin' Lovely Mutually agreeable date before February 4 , 2022. Looking for more curb appeal? Or how about a secret garden in the backyard? You choose the site and Garden Edit will make it happen. This item entitles you to a two-hour consult plus a garden design and help in sourcing your plants. Also included is a $35 gift card for Baxter Gardens of Chesterfield. Mrs. Megan Clinton Baxter Gardens of Chesterfield The Garden Edit
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Beautiful Law n Green Thumb Your lawn will never look better than with this Rex Rieger 7-Step Lawn care package for up to a 5,000 square foot lawn includes 4 fertilizations, pre-emergent, 2 weed control applications and lime application. Rex Rieger Landscaping Just Landscaping Lighting Gift Certificate Illuminate Expires December 31, 2021. Beautify your home and surrounding landscape using your certificate from Just Landscape Lighting for a new LED low-voltage landscape lighting system installation. Requires minimum purchase of eight (8) fixtures designed to illuminate the architectural features of your home, landscaping, pool area, etc. Just Landscape Lighting, LLC New Space $250 Gift Certificate The Home Edit Must be used by April 16, 2022 & cannot be combined with other offers. Use this $250 gift certificate toward the purchase of NewSpace custom organized cabinetry. Organize your closet, home off ice, and more. NewSpace Home Organization
Hours of Home Organizing Spark Joy Expires December 2021. How is your New Year’s Resolution for finally getting organized? Don't despair, Happy Spaces by Lizzy will save you with this gift certificate for one 3-hour home organizing session. Lizzy Klein - Happy Spaces by Lizzy
$100 Woodard Residential Cleaning Serv ices Gift Certificate $100 gift certificate for residential cleaning services. Woodard Cleaning and Restoration
Green Thumb Full Bloom This item cannot be mailed. Be inspired by the magnificent Missouri Botanical Garden right here in the Arched City! This package includes a 1-year Garden Level Membership which provides free general admission to the Garden, Butterfly House and Shaw Nature Reserve for 2 adults and any children 12 and younger, reduced adult admission and free child admission to festivals, including Chinese Culture Days, Japanese Festival and Best of Missouri Market, reduced rates to Garden Glow and other signature events and a 10% discount at all Garden retail locations. Make your list before heading to the Garden Heights Nursery where you can use your $35 gift certificate to stock up on garden essentials. Use your AeroGarden Harvest Indoor Hydroponic Garden to keep your garden going year-round. The garden includes 6 pods - Genovese Basil, Curly Parsley, Dill, Thyme, Thai Basil and Mint. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Underriner Garden Heights Nursery Missouri Botanical Garden
Oh So Clean!
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Rusted Chandelier Gift Bag of Treasures Spring in STL This item cannot be mailed. It's time! Spring has returned - throw open the doors, shake off the winter gloom with this delightful Rusted Chandelier gift bag. The bag features MacKenzie-Childs paper placemats, 4 black hand-dipped candles, 5" x 7" black and white checked frame, and fun bee pillow. Welcome back to a colorful spring! Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Carr ‘96 The Spotted Pig Gift s & Accessories Gift Card Boutique Use your $75 gift card at the unique boutique conveniently located in Ladue featuring a carefully curated selection of accessories, furniture, and home decor from around the world. The Spotted Pig Gifts & Accessories Set of 2 - Wooden & Chocolate Brow n Leather, Sw ivel, Bar Height Stools Decor This item cannot be mailed. Add a pair of stylish bar height swivel stools to your home’s decor. These gently used stools offer a touch of classic style to your abode featuring four curved legs, a round seat, and a closed back. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Weber Moyna Custom Designed Beaded Crossbody Handbag It's in the Bag May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Moyna handbags are individually hand beaded and embroidered by skilled artisans in India, using traditional beading techniques. This stadium size crossbody handbag is custom designed by YOU! Cha Boutique
Lululemon Black Camo Bag & Vinyasa Scarf Om! May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Now’s your chance to grab some of your favorite Lululemon gear! Enjoy the versatile All Night Festival Bag in black camo & wrap yourself in warmth with the Lululemon Vinyasa Scarf made in Rulu fabric in mint green/navy blue stripes. Ms. Angie Peter
Bling Waxed Blues Hat May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Get ready for NHL playoff season with this crystalized St. Louis Blues hat. Let's Go Blues! Ms. Stacey Worley
Craft Alliance Insider Membership & 1 Six -Week Class Crafty Release your artistic talents with this wonderful package that includes the The Craft House Insider (household level) 1-year St. Louis Craft Alliance membership. This membership levels affords you discounts in the gallery shop in the Delmar Loop, early enrollment for classes and special invites to ex hibition openings and Member events for the entire family. Your certificate also includes a 6-week class at Craft Alliance, tuition free! Material fees not included. St. Louis Craft Alliance
Go Blues!
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Looking Good Summer Nights Get summer ready with your 3 Sol Organic Sunless Tan Gift Certificates (expires December 31, 2021) and a shellac manicure at Serenite Nails & Spa. Finally, indulge in the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation experience at Presence Float Spa with your $59 gift card. Mr. Kenneth Poteet & Mrs. Stephanie Bahn-Poteet Namaste Yoga Studio & Sol Sunless Tan Presence Float Spa Boutique Day Retail Therapy Consider this your boutique day as you make selections at Leopard Boutique using your $50 gift card and $50 gift card at Paisley Boutique. Don your cool pair of gold tone bolt hoop earrings measuring 1.5" diameter while using your $25 gift certificate to buy more fabulous fashion, jewelry, or accessories from Never Enough Boutique. Leopard Boutique Never Enough Boutique Paisley Boutique Shopping Fun Shopaholic Expires December 31, 2021. Spend some time shopping at Vie using your $50 gift certificate and add some sparkle with your $100 gift certificate from The Diamond Bar. Ms. Melanie Tauben The Diamond Bar Faster Way to Fat Loss Stunning! Pandemic pounds weighing you down? Take advantage of 1 free round of FASTER Way to Fat Loss with certified coach, Ann Schulte. By implementing the core strategies of intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and whole food nutrition, learn how to fuel your body to gain energy, sleep well, and burn fat for fuel to lose inches, change body composition and lose those stubborn pounds. Mark your progress with the FitTrack Smart BMI Scale. FitTrack allows you to measure 17 different health indicators including body fat %, BMI, muscle mass, hydration, and more. Treat yourself with the Amaki Herbal Bath Soak Blend & Sea Salt, a luxurious floral bath fit for a queen! Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Keefe Ms. Ann Schulte Drs. John & Maria Spivey Two BioBalance Deluxe HydraFacials Looking Good Mutually agreeable date before February 5 , 2022. The hottest treatment in aesthetics! Using technology called hydradermabrasion, the HydraFacial blasts the skin with oxygenated and vitamin-infused water via a wand equipped with a resurfacing tip which also helps to lift off dead skin cells - almost like a mini pressure wash! These 2 HydraFacials can be customized with exclusive boosters to address your specific skin care needs. Includes Dermaplaning. Mrs. Dana Whalen BioBalance Skin
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BioBalance Neurotox in for 2 Areas Skintastic Mutually agreeable date before February 4 , 2022. Looking to smooth away facial wrinkles and folds so you can have a more youthful appearance? This package includes facial injection treatment of 2 areas of Neurotoxin (Xeomin or Dysport equivalent) for up to 40 units total. Mrs. Dana Whalen BioBalance Skin Three Premium Facials Youthful You Mutually agreeable date before February 4 , 2022. This item entitles you to three comprehensive facial treatments using a combination of techniques, including dermoplaning, microdermabrasion, enzyme peel, microcurrent, and facial massage, plus many more! Treat yourself! The Only Facial Two Rhythm & Ritual Spa Facials Relaxing The hottest treatments in aesthetics! Rhythm and Ritual is a “ Boutique” medical practice specializing in non-invasive medical aesthetic treatments designed to enhance the appearance of your skin and bring out your most youthful, smooth, and radiant version of yourself. This package includes 2 facials including 1 Hydrafacial (60 minutes) and 1 Biologique Recherche Facial (90 minutes). Rhythm & Ritual Spa Julie Wiegand “ Iris” Original Oil Inspired This item cannot be mailed. Take a deep breath and relax as you gaze upon this gorgeous 11" x 14" painting from Augusta, Missouri entitled “ Iris” painted by renowned St. Louis artist Julie Wiegand. A superb piece to display in any home or off ice. Julie Wiegand Julie Wiegand Studios Fine Art Framed Photograph of “ Grand Avenue Water Tower” Picture Perfect This item cannot be mailed. The Grand Avenue Water Tower is the tallest free-standing Corinthian tower in the world. Completed in 1871 and designed by St. Louis architect George L. Barnett, The Grand Avenue Water Tower was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1970 and is a classic St. Louis landmark. This captivating fine art photo was taken by Michael Schlueter and features a toned black and white matted and framed photo which measures to 21' x 27". Mr. Michael Schlueter Michael Schlueter Photography
$450 Strauss Peyton Gift Bond Sittin’ Pretty Offered for bidding is this Strauss Peyton Gift Bond which includes a personal consultation, portrait sitting and the remaining balance toward your portrait order. The portrait may include any number of people in your family at the location of your choice. You must notify Strauss Peyton within 10 days of auction purchase to validate your certificate. Not valid for orders in process, cash refund, senior pictures or other special promotions. Strauss Peyton Portrait Studio
182. Josephine Hav lak Senior Portrait Mini Session $350 Now you can have your senior portrait taken by none other than Josephine Havlak. This gift certificate features a 30 minute photography session including one digital yearbook file with basic retouching, one outfit, at one location of the photographer's choice. Bring the beauty of her work into your home today! Josephine Havlak 184. 185. 186. 187.
Bentley Studio Ltd. Photo Session & 11" x 14" Salon Print Vogue This package includes a pre-portrait consultation, photographic session in studio or at the location of your choice, and an 11" x 14" print in color, black & white or sepia. Bentley Studio Ltd. 24" x 36" Schiller's Gallery Wrap Memorable Enlarge your favorite photo, up to 24" x 36", on canvas. Photo will be professionally mounted and stretched onto a wooden frame. Schiller’s Imaging Group Simple Will Legal Serv ices Gift Certificate Sound Advice Expires October 31, 2021. This certificate entitles the bearer to one " Simple Will" document which is the most basic document, allowing one to name heirs, name guardians for minor children, name personal representatives and empower them to act without posting a bond. Limited to Missouri residents. Compass Law Group, LLC Hand-Painted, Colorful Spanish Bow l Fiesta May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This beautiful bowl is hand-painted by Ceramica Antonio Jesus Ortiz Ruiz, an artisanal ceramic factory founded in 1985 and located in La Rambla, Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain. Ole’! Dr. Laurie C. Burke
White & Gold, 8" Bubbly Bar Tall Vase Brilliant May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This unique vase features geometrical angles with a gold rim accent created by Rosanna, Inc., an award-winning tableware and home accessory design company based in Seattle, WA. Dr. Laurie C. Burke
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St. Louis Oval Melamine Platter Lou Landmarks May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. 16" Oval melamine platter featuring a colorful and delightful view of the St. Louis landscape. Cat’s Meow Personalized Gifts
12 Wine Glasses w ith Beveled Stems This item cannot be mailed. These 12 glass wine glasses with beveled stems are the perfect addition to any bar. Friend of Priory
Glassware Set Featuring 56 Glasses Bottoms Up This item cannot be mailed. Don't limit the size of your party because of lack of glassware! Enjoy these 56 various sized drinking glasses for parties. Friend of Priory
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8 Waterford Crystal Lismore Water Goblets Traditional This item cannot be mailed. The Waterford Lismore pattern is a stunning combination of brilliance and clarity. Elegant and versatile, the Lismore Goblet can be used for serving wine, water or juices. The intricate detailing of Lismore’s signature diamond and wedge cuts enhance color and clarity whatever the glass's contents, while the comforting weight of Waterford's hand-craft ed fine crystal produces a stunning item of drink-ware that defines traditional styling even while transcending it. Mr. & Mrs. Denis McCusker 10 Cut Crystal Highball Glasses Cheers! Delight your guests with these sophisticate and elegant cut crystal highball glasses. Perfect for formal entertaining or casual dinner parties. Friend of Priory Instant Counter - Glass Burner Cover, Food Prep & Serv ing Board Top Chef This versatile kitchen piece for is ideal for food prep over a cool stove, or sink, or even as a beautiful serving tray on the buffet. Mr. & Mrs. John Steinhubl A Pair of Soft er than Cashmere, Malpaca Queen Size Pillow s Sweet Dreams Lay your head on the gentle soft ness of an all-natural Malpaca pillow. These 2 queen-size medium fill pillows are soft er than Cashmere with a structure of alpaca fiber which allows for superb moisture wicking and thermal regulation. These pillows will provide a more consistent and restful sleep throughout the night. Malpaca pillows are filled with 100% alpaca fleece which is also naturally fire resistant and hypoallergenic. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Look Malpaca Dav id Yurman Sterling Silver Ring w ith Pave Diamonds Gorgeous David Yurman’s iconic motif beautifully adorns a universal symbol or shape meant to be collected, combined and treasured. This collection combines delicate designs with dramatic pavé-set gemstones capturing the excitement and energy of New York City at night. The Jendrisak Family
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$100 Gift Certificate to Catholic Supply Blessings Abound Expires April 17, 2022 Don't miss out on that special gift for a loved one or for yourself at Catholic Supply of St. Louis with these 2 $50 gift certificates. Catholic Supply of S t. Louis, Inc. Kendra Scott - Elle Earrings & Ever Necklace in Rose Gold Flirty Beautifully designed Kendra Scott jewelry for any occasion features Elle Earrings and Ever necklace, both in rose gold, with Dichroic glass. Kendra Scott Tiff any & Co. 14.5" Sterling Silver Toggle Necklace w ith Starfish Charm Stunning Inspired by the iconic key ring first introduced in 1969, the Return to Tiffany collection is a classic reinvented. The engraved front toggle closure gives a unique finish to this glamorous style. The necklace measure 14.5" and includes a sterling silver starfish. The Jendrisak Family
SAINT LOUIS PRIORY SCHOOL CLASS OF 2021 Alexander Albert Gavin Bena Joseph Berni Tyler Buganski Marc Chahoud Samuel Chalfant RJ Clark Aaron Cole Carter Coleman Joseph Cyr Hayden Dierker Anthony Dixon Joseph Dixon Christian Djavaherian Will Dolan Declan Ehret John Eisenbeis Adam Figueras Sean Finnie Benjamin Fletcher Nicholas Fletcher Matthew Fook Michael Freitag Gary Gaertner
Gabriel Gross Sami Haddad Ammar Haider David Hartenbach Seppo Hoijarvi Thomas Johnson Sam Juenger Devin Kancherla Myles Kee Will Kelly Gabe Kemna Peter Khoukaz Dash King Danny Leary Andrew Lloyd Maxwell Look Shad Lundal Nicholas Marcrander Michael Margiotta Charles Martin Carter Mercer Reid Miller Yusuf Mirza Ryan Mitchell Michael Moen David Mohrmann
Ethan Newman Patrick O’Keefe Jude Palliser Aidan Phillips Brendan Phillips Murphy Reese John Reinker James Rempe Adam Rolwes Donald Ross Drew Scheiner Brayden Schnurbusch Brendan Smith Mark Sommer Will Stoneman William Swafford Brogan Trout Ross Van Bree Grant Vineyard Steven Virtel Peter Welz Brody Whalen Harrison Wilmsen Patrick Zheng
Pelican Sentinel 100 EXO Kayak
Golf Practice Net & Left-Handed Golf Clubs
Blues Happy Flight Framed Poster
Whitey Herzog HOF Autographed Jersey
Callaway 300 Pro Golf Laser Rangefinder with Slope Measurement
Rickie Fowler Autographed 2012 US Open Touring Golf Bag
Diamond Kinetics Swingtracker Baseball & Soft ball
Pop-a-Shot Dual Shot Sport Arcade Basketball Game
Father Paul's Priory Track Coach Jacket
SKLZ Dribble Stick
Bocce Ball Set with Carrying Bag
48" Foosball Table
Westover Farms Fishing Trip for 4
Trek MT 220 Boy's 24" Mountain Bike
Sebring Race Package
Airhead Blast Watersport Tube
Kraus Farms Equestrian Center Introductory Riding Evaluation Lesson
Let's Go Camping
Kraus Farms Equestrian Center Trail Ride for 1
Golf & Cocktails for 3 at Algonquin Country Club with Mike Margiotta '92
Family Golf Lesson for 2 Hours
Mimosas and Muff ins aft er Golf Workshop for 4
1 Year Membership to D1 St. Louis West
Creve Coeur Racquet Club - One Racquet Family Membership for One Year
Pickleball Set
One-Month Namaste Yoga Gift Certificate
One-Month Namaste Yoga Studio Gift Certificate
Back Yard Fun
Family Fun Night
Outdoor Family Fun Night
Inflatable Bumper Balls
Giant Inflatable Outdoor Dartboard with Soccer Balls
Crown ME Disc Golf Set
Circus at Home
Work from Home
Arduino Uno 3 Ultimate Starter Kit
Squirrel Buster Standard Bird Feeder
Architectural Model Building Kit
1 Week at Priory Soccer Camp
1 Week at Priory Football Camp
1 Week at Priory Junior School Summer Lacrosse Camp
Try a New Workout Approach
1 Week at Coach Bobby McCormack's Basketball Camp #1
Living Your Best Life with 314 Pilates Posture Assessment + 3 Private Integrated Movement Sessions
1 Week at Coach Bobby McCormack's Basketball Camp #2
1 Week at Coach Bobby McCormack's Basketball Camp #3
Strengthen Your Body
For the Priory Golfer
Learn to Climb
Orangetheory 30-Pack of Classes
Orangetheory 30-Pack of Classes
Orangetheory Private Class for 18
Patrick Mahomes II Autographed Kansas City Chiefs Jersey
Blues Happy Flight Framed Poster Gloria! This item cannot be mailed. This iconic image was captured on the return flight from Boston as the St. Louis Blues won their first-ever Stanley Cup with a 4-1 victory in Game 7 against the Boston Bruins. Oakville, MO native Pat Maroon holds the Stanley Cup alongside Ryan O’Reilly as he hold the Conn Smythe trophy for the most valuable player in the 2019 playoff s. Friend of Priory Whitey Herzog HOF Autographed Jersey Cardinals Royalty This item cannot be mailed. Own this piece of Cardinals history! Hired in 1980 to helm the St. Louis Cardinals, #24 Whitey Herzog won the 1982 World Series over the Milwaukee Brewers and was inducted into Baseball Hall Of Fame in 2010. This autographed 1980’s classic baby blue Cardinals jersey is framed with two smaller, classic photos of the “ White Rat” as part of this framed set. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bower ‘89 Rickie Fow ler Autographed 2012 US Open Touring Golf Bag Golfer’s Dream This item cannot be mailed. Rickie Fowler’s autographed touring bag was carried during the 2012 US Open Championship played at the Olympic Club in San Francisco, California and features his alma mater, Oklahoma State University. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Conley ‘82
Father Paul's Priory Track Coach Jacket Priory History You will automatically feel smarter wearing this jacket that Father Paul wore for Priory Track events! Who knows, you might even improve your track times and math scores! Saint Louis Priory School
Westover Farms Fishing Trip for 4 Gone Fishin’ Mutually agreeable Monday - Thursday, 2021, excluding holidays. Expires December 30, 2021. Reservation must be booked by December 1 , 2021 and fulfilled by December 30, 2021 . Whether it’s fly fishing in the amazing streams or hiking through the secluded Mark Twain National Forest, there’s something for everyone at Westover Farms in Steelville, Missouri. Enjoy a 2-night stay in a 2-bedroom house with catch and release fishing for 4 guests. Must be used midweek, MondayThursday, and excludes holidays. No cancellations allowed. Certificate only good for lodging and catch and release fishing. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glarner, Jr. ‘88 Westover Farms
Patrick Mahomes II Autographed Kansas City Chiefs Jersey Touchdown! This item cannot be mailed. The Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes II, took home Super Bowl MVP in 2020 when he accounted for three scores, including two touchdowns passes in the fourth quarter that helped rally the Chiefs past the San Francisco 49ers for a 31-20 win in Super Bowl LIV. Be the winning bidder to take home this Mahomes autographed signed NFL Kansas City Chiefs Jersey! Friend of Priory
209. 210. 211.
Sebring Race Package Adrenaline Rush This Sebring race package includes 3 races for up to 10 racers. Also enjoy, 1 gold medal, head socks for every racer, and 1 non-alcoholic beverage per racer. Plus private party area, 4 large 1 topping pizzas, and 1 beer (or nonalcoholic drink) per racer aft er racing is completed. All racers must be at least 16+ years old. Must be booked a minimum of 7 days in advance. All racers must sign a waiver to be able to race & no alcohol is allowed to be consumed prior to racing. Victory Raceway Kraus Farms Equestrian Center Introductory Riding Evaluation Lesson Giddy Up Expires September 18, 2021. Kraus Farms offers both English and Western riding lessons from age 7 to adult. Students learn to be safe and confident riders and learn all aspects of horse care, including grooming and tacking. Your certificate includes a horseback riding evaluation that will last approximately 90 minutes total. Saddle up! Kraus Farms Equestrian Center Kraus Farms Equestrian Center Trail Ride for 1 Happy Trails With approximately 5,000 acres of trails, Kraus Farms is considered one of the largest working ranches in Missouri. Trail rides are offered March through November and reservations are required. Riders must be at least 7 years old and have the ability to mount and dismount independently and execute verbal instructions. The trail ride lasts about an hour, but allow 90 minutes total for the paper work. Giddy up! Kraus Farms Equestrian Center Golf & Cocktails for 3 at Algonquin Country Club w ith Mike Margiotta ‘92 Tee It Up Mutually agreeable date in 2021. Join Priory alum and current dad Mike Margiotta ‘92 (Michael ‘21, Ryan ‘23) for a round of golf followed by cocktails at Algonquin Country Club. Mr. & Mrs. B. Michael Margiotta ‘92 Family Golf Lesson for 2 Hours Fore! Mutually agreeable date by April 2022. Swing into summer with a 2-hour family golf lesson with professional golfer, Scott Thomas at the Family Golfplex in Kirkwood. Mr. Scott Thomas Mimosas and Muff ins aft er Golf Workshop for 4 Birdie Mutually agreeable date before February 4 , 2022. Ladies--listen up! Takes strokes off that game aft er a short game workshop with LPGA instructor Sabrina Tate. You will walk away with hot tips on improving your game. Enjoy mimosas, muff ins, and camaraderie too! Mrs. Megan Clinton Ms. Sabrina Tate
212. 1 Year Membership to D1 St. Louis West Fitness Buff Must be redeemed by 12/31/2021. Train D1fferent! D1 Training St. Louis West is a non-traditional fitness training facility in Ballwin that helps beginners, fitness enthusiasts, and professional athletes take their training to the next level. Nothing will stand in your way to increased fitness with this 1 year membership of athletic based training, hoodie, t-shirt, and sling bag. D 1 St. Louis West 213.
215. 216.
Creve Coeur Racquet Club - One Racquet Family Membership for One Year Foot Fault Expires April 30, 2022; non-transferable & applies to new members only. For one year, your family will enjoy the casual country-club like atmosphere in the warm and welcoming environment of CCRC. Tune up your tennis, paddle, and pickle skills while enjoying access to CCRC’s dining facilities. This family membership includes any 2 adults living at the same residence and any of their dependents as claimed on their taxes. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Carr ‘96 Pickleball Set Game On Play your favorite game anytime, anywhere with this portable pickleball net and set of 2 premium, lightweight graphite rackets with honeycomb composite core, 4 balls and covers. The ultra-portable net and stand both set up in mere minutes, allowing you to create your very own pickleball court on another sport court, driveway or other flat surface. A heavy-duty travel bag is included for compact, convenient storage. Meets USAPA standards. It’s perfect for players of all ages and skill levels. The set is ideal for avid pickleball players who want to play at home anytime they please. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ramey ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willard One-Month Namaste Yoga Gift Certificate Inner Peace Expires December 31, 2021. The winning bidder will enjoy one month of yoga classes at Namaste Yoga Studio including hot yoga, vinyasa flow, and slow flow. Namaste Yoga Studio One-Month Namaste Yoga Studio Gift Certificate Om! Expires December 31, 2021 . The winning bidder will enjoy one month of yoga classes at Namaste Yoga Studio including hot yoga, vinyasa flow, and slow flow. Namaste Yoga Studio
217. Try a New Workout Approach Feel the Burn Expires June 30, 2021. Step up to the bar and up your fitness game. The Bar Method gift certificate is valid for 3 classes at either location (Town & Country or Brentwood). The winning bidder will also enjoy 3 classes at Ladue Orangetheory Fitness. Orangetheory Fitness is a dynamic workout that combines treadmills, rowers and weights for a total body workout. Unlike other classes, the workout isn’t about how many pushups you can do or your mile time, but how hard you work. Instead of having everyone in a class do the same thing, members do variations of the same workout wearing heart-rate monitors to capture how hard their body is working. The workout is the same at every location, and changes daily. Mr. Kenneth Poteet & Mrs. Stephanie Bahn-Poteet The Bar Method 218.
219. 220. 221.
Liv ing Your Best Life w ith 314 Pilates Posture Core Move Assessment + 3 Private Integrated Movement Sessions Expires December 2021. If you have been living with pain or are struggling with recovery from surgery or illness, you want nothing more than to do the things you love again with ease. You may think it's hopeless, but through Pilates it is possible to get back to living your best life! 314 Pilates Strengthen Your Body Shape Up Stand taller with this Pilates & Custom Fitness $50 Gift Certificate & Gift Basket. The deep tissue massaging foam roller is perfect before and aft er workouts. Control the intensity with your body weight and speed up injury recovery. Pilates & Custom Fitness Friend of Priory Learn to Climb High Climber Expires July 25, 2021. Reservations required. Rock your new Priory “ P” sport shorts (2 Gray; 2 Navy - Adult Medium) while using your 2 passes for Upper Limits introductory climbing class “ Rock Gym 101”. Climbers younger than 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Mrs. Teresa Vineyard Upper Limits Pelican Sentinel 100 EXO Kayak Water Fun This item cannot be mailed. The Sentinel Recreational Sit-on-top Kayak is ideal for the paddler looking to enjoy a stable and relaxing kayaking experience during the warm season on calm or slow moving waters. Features include anti-slip carpet, bottle opener, carrying handles, drain plug, ERGOLOUNGE seating system, EXOSHELL removable storage compartment, molded footrests, storage platform with bungee cords, paddle tie-downs, tank well with bungees. This 1-person kayak has a weight capacity of 275 lbs. and is 9'6" long, 30" wide. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Keefe ‘87
Golf Practice Net & Left -Handed Golf Clubs Driving Range This item cannot be mailed. Working on your golf game? This golf practice net is sure to improve your game. The 10' x 6.5' net is perfect for backyard driving and chipping. Great for both indoor and outdoor use. Just like a tent, this golf net goes up in a snap. The Maxfli Varsity golf clubs and bag are great for any LEFT HANDED golfer looking for more distance, forgiveness, and accuracy. This set was designed to help teens improve their game all-around. This used set of clubs include a #1 driver, #3 driver, #3i hybrid driver, #4i hybrid driver with the 5 iron, 7 iron, pitching wedge, sand wedge, and putter. Mr. & Mrs. B . Michael Margiotta ‘92 Drs. William and Ann Ricci Callaway 300 Pro Golf Laser Rangefinder w ith Slope Measurement Spot On May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Never head off to the golf course again without the Callaway 300 Pro Golf Laser Rangefinder with Slope Measurement device! Throw away the pad and pencil to calculate all your measurements! With the click of a button, you’ll get all the distance measurement you could ever need! The Callaway 300 Pro Golf Laser Rangefinder offers pin-seeking precision in a sleek, sophisticated design. Its exclusive Pin Acquisition Technology (P.A.T.) lets you lock onto the pin from up to 300 yards away, ensuring accuracy even when trees and other objects are in the background. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cooke Diamond Kinetics Sw ingtracker Baseball & Soft ball Hit Away SwingTracker is the most precise and complete swing analysis and development tool available today. Whether you are a player, parent, or coach you will find a wide range of resources to help you achieve your goals. SwingTracker has dedicated iOS apps for both baseball and soft ball. Baseball and soft ball players of any age or skill level, and their coaches, can have access to the science of motion analysis and unlock an entirely new world of understanding about their swing, its components and how to improve their hitting. Friend of Priory Pop-a-Shot Dual Shot Sport Arcade Basketball Game Rebound The ultimate basketball arcade game - the all-new Dual Shot Sport features revolutionary technology and multiple game options. This arcade features 10 different games and 6 audio options. With a large, 3-digit scoreboard, the Dual Shot scoring system is nearly 100% accurate. Enjoy hours of interactive fun. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Renetzky SKLZ Dribble Stick Ball Skills Improve hand positioning, stance and speed with the ball using the Dribble Stick. Get immediate feedback on movements and mimic on-court dynamics against defenders. Easily adjustable arms enable a wide variety of drills for ball control, speed with the dribble and plyometrics and agility. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Belt
Bocce Ball Set w ith Carrying Bag Bocce ball is easy to learn and can be played with 2-8 players for hours of entertainment. Friend of Priory
48" Foosball Table Foos Shark Add a classic to your home and enjoy some friendly competition. The perfect centerpiece to any game room, arcade, or man cave, this 48-inch foosball table will have kids and adults kicking goals for hours in pursuit of the title of table soccer champ! It even has built-in cup holders, so players can keep a drink nearby when sweat starts to fall. For halft ime entertainment and all-around family fun, this foosball table will have everyone shouting. Friend of Priory
230. 231.
Game On
Trek MT 220 Boy’s 24" Mountain Bike Mountain Air This item cannot be mailed. This Trek MT220 is a perfect all-terrain bike for a smaller, but capable rider. Front suspension and a full range of gears make this an excellent choice for local paths, trails, and neighborhoods. This bike has been fully tuned and checked by a professional mechanic, so that all you have to do is saddle up and ride. Includes new bike lock & chain. Mr. & Mrs. John Brnjac ‘88 Airhead Blast Watersport Tube Tubular Airhead towables are guaranteed to give your family an unforgettable day on the water! Enjoy this 1 rider tube for boating & watersports featuring Airhead’s patented Kwik-Connect for quick and easy rope connection., speed safety valve, and padded handles. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Billhartz Let’s Go Camping Glamping Set up camp in a compact, yet spacious tent with the Coleman Sundome 6-Person Dome Tent. If it rains, this tent keeps you dry, thanks to the WeatherTec. Meanwhile, the compact dome shape and a strong frame is tested to withstand 35+ MPH winds. You'll get even more weather protection from a door awning and an included rainfly. This tent features a spacious interior with room for 2 queen airbeds. Don't be caught in the dark! With front spotlight mode (400-1000lm), left side mode (70130lm) and right side red flashing mode, this rechargeable 10-watt searchlight is applicable to most scenarios, such as running, camping, jogging, fishing, bicycling, reading, repairing car, etc. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Parent Friend of Priory
Back Yard Fun Back To Nature Gear up for back yard fun with your 60" x 70" picnic blanket, Tourit soft-sided cooler (which keeps drinks cool for up to 3 days), 3 backpack hammocks, and 10" x 10" Coleman Sundome Tent (sleeps 4 comfortably), and 2-in-1 LED Light and Camping Light. Aft er setting up, enjoy the backyard classic washers game which includes 2 targets and 8 washers. Major Ryan & Dr. Kathleen Burke '02 Mr. & Mrs. John Daniel Mr. & Mrs. John Lally Dr. & Mrs. Joshua Nadaud Mr. & Mrs. Glendon Schuster Friend of Priory Family Fun Night Lots of Laughs Up your family fun night with Decryption and Letter Jam Board games. End the evening belting out your favorite tunes with the Karaoke Glow Classic Series Bluetooth Singing Machine. Use your $100 in Katie’s Pizza & Pasta gift card to keep the smiles coming. Dr. & Mrs. Darren Haskell Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Whalen Friend of Priory Outdoor Family Fun Night Fun Stuff This item cannot be mailed. Take the fun outside with a Spikeball Set, Wicked Big Sports Supersized Pong Outdoor Game, Ring Toss Boss, 4Fun Wicket Kick Giant Kick Ball Croquet Game, and Go Sports Ladder Toss. These are great outdoor games, providing hours of fun. The portable games can be brought to tailgates, parks, beaches, and camping trips. Mr. & Mrs. Elie Azrak Mrs. Irene Buckalew Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Eisenbeis Dr. Susan Journagan Ms. Lisa Riad Mrs. Mary Swafford Friend of Priory Inflatable Bumper Balls Good Time Let the fun commence with these 2 inflatable Bump 'n Run bumper balls. Enjoy the freedom to bounce, flip, roll over and bump while playing games like soccer. Whether at a birthday party, beach party, backyard game day, these bumper balls are sure to amp up the fun factor. Mr. & Mrs. James Newell, Jr.
236. Giant Inflatable Outdoor Dartboard w ith Soccer Balls Ultimate Fun! Watch their faces light up as this giant game quickly inflates to over 6 ft . tall. Everything is included - 1 huge inflatable soccer dart board, 2 red kickballs, 1 kickball pump, 1 electric air pump for dart board, 4 ground stakes, and a reusable dry erase score card with pen. Get ready for hours of fun!!! Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hansen 67
237. 238.
Crow n ME Disc Golf Set Lawn Fun May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Looking for some quick fun that complies with social distancing directive? This double set of beginner discs is a great way to be outside away from the crowds. The set includes 6 discs, starter disc golf bag, fairway driver, mid-range and putter disc. Drs. Georges & Rime Chahoud Circus at Home Clowning Around This item cannot be mailed. Bring Cirque du Priory home with this fun package. The juggling balls are the perfect gift for any age. Beginners to advanced jugglers of all skill levels will be able to handle and practice with ease. Take your juggling to the next level with these foam juggling clubs and rhythm scarves. Keep the fun going with the CZJ Tech 24" Wheel Unicycle. Large saddle with removable poly-nylon guard rails. Great for both novices and professionals. Drs. Thomas & Nickole Forget Work from Home Convenient Freshen up your work from home situation with the perfect technology package. The webcam is perfect for your next video streaming meeting. The selfie ring light with tripod and phone holder provides the perfect light for your live streaming and videos. The Eero WiFi system router brings up to 1,500 sq. ft . of fast reliable WiFi to your home. Eero works with Alexa and makes it easy to manage WiFi access for devices and individuals in the home. Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Clark Drs. Thomas & Nickole Forget Drs. James & Katherine Temprano Arduino Uno 3 Ultimate Starter Kit Creative Genius Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform to make experimenting with electronics more fun and intuitive. This set is recommended for the beginner interested in learning Arduino programming which is based on C/C++ programming language. This ultimate starter kit includes a 72-page full color instruction manual and various electrical components for learning the basics of electrical circuits. Mr. & Mrs. William Vineyard Squirrel Buster Standard Bird Feeder All Things Birds A welcome choice for bird lovers, the squirrel-proof bird feeder attracts a wide variety of clinging and perching birds including American Gold Finches, Chickadees, Hairy Woodpeckers, Cardinals, Indigo Buntings, Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks, White-Breasted Nuthatches, and Purple Finches. Holds 1.3 pounds of seed. Mr. Eric Saxton & Ms. Crystal Barker Architectural Model Building Kit Collector’s Item Bring out your inner architect! Based on contemporary building techniques, ARCKIT 120 will let you bring your designs to life. ARCKIT consists of a series of interconnecting modular components permitting you to design, build, and modify multiple structures. Mr. & Mrs. William Vineyard
1 Week at Priory Soccer Camp Summer 2021 One week of Priory summer soccer camp for a high school or junior school student. Saint Louis Priory Athletic Department
1 Week at Priory Football Camp Summer 2021 One week of Priory summer football camp for a high school or junior school student. Saint Louis Priory School Athletic Department
Ball Skills
Touch Down
245. 1 Week at Priory Junior School Summer Lacrosse Camp Lax Bro Summer 2021 - Junior School Only One week of Priory summer lacrosse camp for a junior school student (incoming Form I or Form II). Does not include Queeny Park Camp. Saint Louis Priory School Athletic Department 246. 1 Week at Coach Bobby McCormack’s Basketball Camp #1 Hoops Summer 2021 For years, this camp has been the most sought-aft er basketball camp in St. Louis. Let Priory’s own Coach Bobby McCormack enhance your son or daughter’s basketball skills. Co-ed, ages 6-14. Coach Bobby McCormack 247. 248. 249.
1 Week at Coach Bobby McCormack’s Basketball Camp #2 Rebound Summer 2021 For years, this camp has been the most sought-aft er basketball camp in St. Louis. Let Priory’s own Coach Bobby McCormack enhance your son or daughter’s basketball skills. Co-ed, ages 6-14. Coach Bobby McCormack 1 Week at Coach Bobby McCormack’s Basketball Camp #3 Score Summer 2021 For years, this camp has been the most sought-aft er basketball camp in St. Louis. Let Priory’s own Coach Bobby McCormack enhance your son or daughter’s basketball skills. Co-ed, ages 6-14. Coach Bobby McCormack For the Priory Golfer Dapper Look your Priory-best while improving your putting game! The 3' x 9' SKLZ Putting Mat emulates a real green feel with true-roll surface for better putting practice. Work on all aspects of your putting game anytime, anywhere and build consistency, tempo, and follow-through. Includes Saint Louis Priory School golf umbrella, navy Priory golf hat, navy Priory crest golf towel, 3 Priory crest Callaway golf balls, and Priory crest metal poker chip ball marker. Dr. & Mrs. Peter Ahlering ‘82 Saint Louis Priory School
Orangetheory 30-Pack of Classes In the Zone The winning bidder will enjoy a 30-pack of classes at either Chesterfield or Ladue Orangetheory Fitness. Orangetheory Fitness is a dynamic workout that combines treadmills, rowers and weights for a total body workout. Unlike other classes, the workout isn’t about how many pushups you can do or your mile time, but how hard you work. Instead of having everyone in a class do the same thing, members do variations of the same workout wearing heart-rate monitors to capture how hard their body is working. The workout is the same at every location, and changes daily. Expires 1 year from date of winners first class. Orangetheory Fitness Mr. Conor Ahlering ‘10 Mr. Nick Ahlering ‘04 Orangetheory 30-Pack of Classes Keep Going The winning bidder will enjoy a 30-pack of classes at either Chesterfield or Ladue Orangetheory Fitness. Orangetheory Fitness is a dynamic workout that combines treadmills, rowers and weights for a total body workout. Unlike other classes, the workout isn’t about how many pushups you can do or your mile time, but how hard you work. Instead of having everyone in a class do the same thing, members do variations of the same workout wearing heart-rate monitors to capture how hard their body is working. The workout is the same at every location, and changes daily. Expires 1 year from date of winners first class. Orangetheory Fitness Mr. Conor Ahlering ‘10 Mr. Nick Ahlering ‘04 Orangetheory Private Class for 18 Awesome Expires April 17, 2022 The winning bidder will enjoy a private class for up to 18 people at either Chesterfield or Ladue Orangetheory Fitness. Orangetheory Fitness is a dynamic workout that combines treadmills, rowers and weights for a total body workout. Unlike other classes, the workout isn't about how many pushups you can do or your mile time, but how hard you work. Instead of having everyone in a class do the same thing, members do variations of the same workout wearing heart-rate monitors to capture how hard their body is working. The workout is the same at every location, and changes daily. Orangetheory Fitness Mr. Conor Ahlering ‘10 Mr. Nick Ahlering ‘04
PRIORY THIS AND THAT 401. Iconic Father Paul Priory scarf 402. Father Paul BC Calculus Portrait T-Shirt 403. Father Paul's Needlepoint Priory Belt 404. Astronomy Package 405. Jostens Priory School Class Ring Gift Certificate 406. Pick Your Locker 407. VIPP Student Parking Space #1 408. VIPP Student Parking Space #2 409. Faculty VIP Parking Space 410. Rainy Day Reading 411. 5 Months of College Care Packages 412. Sweet Annie Rose Baked Goods Basket 413. Dinner to Go for 6 414 " Let Them Eat Cake" for a Special Occasion Priory Coffee Experience 415. Pampered Priory Pet 416. 4 Priory Crest Tervis Tumblers 417. 418. Priory Soccer Scarf Priory Collegiate Pennant 419. FORM GIFTS Form I - Class of 2026 Autographed Priory Trash Can 420. 421. Form II - Class of 2025 Autographed Priory Flag Form III - Class of 2024 Autographed Priory Jenga Game 422. Form IV - Class of 2023 Autographed Priory Flag 423. 424. Form V - Class of 2022 Autographed Plush Blanket 425. Form VI - Class of 2021 Autographed Priory crest plaque UNIQUE PRIORY CREATIONS Priory Custom Needlepoint Belt 426. 427. Priory Shield Minky Fleece Chevron Blanket 428. Priory Football Jersey Pillow 429. Priory Track and Cross Country Jersey Pillow 430. Priory Basketball Jersey Pillow 431. Priory Basketball Jersey Pillow Priory Soccer Jersey Pillow 432. 433. Priory Ravens Prayer Blanket 434. JBloom " Laus Tibi Domine" Jewelry Set 435. Custom Made Priory Bauble Bracelet 436. Abbey Church Aerial View Pillow 437. Abbey Church Jigsaw Puzzle 438. New Priory Letterman Jacket 439. Priory Alum Basket 440. Priory Nutcracker 441. Priory Ravens Visor Priory Ravens Visor 442. 443. Priory Ravens Insulated Stainless Steel Tumbler
PRIORY’S GOT GAME 444. Custom Priory Crest Dart Board Priory Shield Cornhole Game 445. Jumbo Priory Shield Connect 4 Game 446. Priory Shield Kubb Viking Chess Game 447. 448. Oversized Priory Shield Dominoes Game 449. Oversized Priory Shield Yard Dice Game PRIORY BARWARE 450. Silver Wine Coaster 451. Eight Priory Shield White Wine Glasses 452. Six Priory Crest Red Wine Glasses & CIRCLE Crystal Decanter 453. Two Priory Crest Wine Stoppers Priory Shield Tumblers 454. 455. Priory Shield Needlepoint Coaster PRIORY ART Mary, Seeker of the Lost Stained Glass 456. 457. St. Benedict Icon 458. 3-D Printed Medal of St. Benedict Coaster - Set of 6 459. John Pils Framed Saint Louis Priory Print 460. Abbey Church Aerial View Metal Art SIGN UP PARTY 461. Class of 2021 " Love Mom" College Care Package-Making Sign Up Party 462. Saint Louis Priory Ezra Brooks Privately Selected Single Barrel Bourbon
401. 402.
Father Paul BC Calculus Portrait T-Shirt A+ Own a piece of the history! The perfect gift for anyone who considers themselves a " math person", this Father Paul BC Calculus portrait t-shirt is surely a collectible. Saint Louis Priory School
Father Paul's Needlepoint Priory Belt Enduring Treasure One-of-a-kind gently used needlepoint & black leather belt with Father Paul's initials (MPK) included on the belt. The belt features Priory’s school colors of red, white, and blue in a size 36". Friend of Priory
406. 407.
Iconic Father Paul Priory Scarf Priceless This classic red and blue striped scarf is as iconic as Father Paul! Perfect for showing your Priory spirit all season long in this one-of-kind warm scarf. Saint Louis Priory School
Astronomy Package A Star Is Born Mutually agreeable date in January or February 2022 Use your new Celestron 70mm Travel Telescope as you spend an evening of astronomical viewing and discussion on the campus of Saint Louis Priory School with Priory science teacher Dr. Andrew Davis. This portable refractor telescope with fully-coated optics is ideal for beginners. Featuring a potent 70mm objective lens, lightweight frame and custom backpack, the telescope provides low- and high-power views of celestial objects at night and terrestrial objects during the day. The evening includes hot chocolate and s’mores. Dr. Andrew Davis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Keefe ‘87 Jostens Priory School Class Ring Gift Certificate Lord of the Rings Your Priory sophomore will appreciate this gift certificate for a Lustrium Class of 2023 Saint Louis Priory School class ring, valued at $289, from Priory’s designated jeweler, Jostens. The certificate can be redeemed for a Lustrium ring or used to upgrade to a gold ring. The original, signed certificate must be turned in with the ring order in the Fall of 2021 to receive credit and will not be accepted at any other time. Mr. Larry Glennon - Jostens Pick Your Locker Prime Location Your high school student can pick prime real estate for his locker for the 2021-2022 school year. Locker must be within the student’s Form and selected by May 8, 2021. Saint Louis Priory School VIPP Student Parking Space #1 Running Late This “ Very Important Procrastinator Parking” high school parking space will be reserved for your favorite Priory student. The space is just steps away from the front door of the high school. This privilege is valid for the 2021-2022 school year. Saint Louis Priory School
Faculty VIP Parking Space Thank You! Give a coveted reserved parking space to your son’s favorite teacher, advisor or coach. This privilege is valid for the 2021-2022 school year. Saint Louis Priory School
Rainy Day Reading Cozy May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This package is a reader’s delight. Assistant Head of School for Intellectual Formation, Judy Mohan has thoughtfully put together an assortment of 4 books for your reading pleasure. The books include: Sea Prayer by Khaled Hosseini, Apeirogon by Colum McCann, The Book of Legends by Janie Chang, The Mountains Sing by Nguyen Phan Que Mai. These novels feature stories from across the globe. Enjoy a warm cup of cocoa and stay snuggly warm with this sherpa blanket featuring the Priory “ P” and you'll be more than ready for your next reading binge with these amazing works of art. Mrs. Judith Mohan
5 Months of College Care Packages Love From Home October - November, 2021 & February - April, 2022 There’s nothing more special for a college student than a care package from home! Treat your college students to 5 months of care packages from October 2021 - April 2022, excluding December and January. What a wonderful reminder of home and the Priory family! Mrs. Karrie Carlin Mrs. Carla Grewe Mrs. Shelly Lane Mrs. Carrie Parent Mrs. Laura Villa Mrs. Lori Willard
VIPP Student Parking Space #2 Buying Time! This “ Very Important Procrastinator Parking” high school parking space will be reserved for your favorite Priory student. The space is just steps away from the front door of the high school. This privilege is valid for the 2021-2022 school year. Saint Louis Priory School
Sweet Annie Rose Baked Goods Basket Sugar Coma This item cannot be mailed. Scrumptious! Mouthwatering! Delish! These are only a few culinary superlatives to describe this tasty package which Saint Louis Priory School Receptionist Robin Chestnas baked with great love and care! This marvelous basket includes 2 dozen chocolate covered pretzels, 2 dozen triple chocolate chip cookies, 1 dozen brown butter bourbon pecan chocolate chunk cookies, 1 dozen chocolate covered Oreos, 2 dozen Priory shield decorated cookies, and 4 espresso coffee bombs. Mrs. Robin Chestnas
413. 414.
416. 417. 418.
Dinner to Go for 6 Too Busy to Cook Mutually agreeable date with two weeks notice before February 4 , 2022 The perfect opportunity to entertain without all the work. Alumni mother and former staff member Mary Rhodes (Matthew ‘10, Andrew ‘12, John ‘14) will make and deliver dinner for 6 including appetizer, entree, salad and dessert. Mrs. Mary Rhodes “ Let Them Eat Cake” for a Special Occasion Scrumptious Mutually agreeable date with two weeks notice before February 4 , 2022 You have not lived until you’ve tried Priory mom and alumni mom Michelle Moen’s (Alec ‘08, Brett ‘11, Andrew ‘16, Sean ‘20, Michael ‘21) white almond sour cream cake! It is hands-down the BEST cake on the planet. It's moist, dense and seriously delicious. Michelle will bake and customdecorate a cake that will serve up to 30 for your special occasion. Don't count on any left overs. Mrs. Michelle Moen Priory Coff ee Ex perience Espresso Yourself May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Perfect for morning coffee or aft ernoon pick up, these 14 oz. light blue matte and 17 oz. Priory shield mugs will add a stylish touch to any table. Enjoy this Peru El Guayacan whole bean coffee from Sump Coffee, as highly recommended by Father Augustine Wetta, O.S.B. Enjoy the notes of blood orange, red apple, cinnamon, and toffee. Father Augustine Wetta, O.S.B. Mr. & Mrs. Brett Johnson Pampered Priory Pet Puppy Love May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Pamper your Priory pet with this $25 Kennelwood Pet Resorts Gift Certificate. Every member of the family needs Priory swag, including your pup! Show Priory Pup Pride with this unique Priory dog bowl. Kennelwood Pet Resorts Saint Louis Priory School 4 Priory Crest Terv is Tumblers Priory Perfect May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Show your Priory Pride with these four 12 oz. original Tervis double-walled insulated classic tumblers. Perfect for keeping your cold drinks cold and your hot drinks hot. Saint Louis Priory School Priory Soccer Scarf Priory Warmth May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Keep warm while supporting your favorite soccer team. Show your Raven Pride with this Priory soccer scarf. Saint Louis Priory School
Priory Collegiate Pennant May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. 18" x 12" Priory pennant. Perfect for a bedroom or dorm room! Saint Louis Priory School
Priory Swag
420. Form I - Class of 2026 Autographed Priory Trash Can Tradition This item cannot be mailed. This Priory trash can features our Priory shield and the signatures of each student of the Class of 2026. What a wonderful keepsake for your Form I Student's room during all his years at priory and beyond. Saint Louis Priory School - Class of 2026 421. 422. 423. 424. 425.
Form II - Class of 2025 Autographed Priory Flag Flying High May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This 2' x 3' Priory flag which has been signed by the members of the Class of 2025 will be a wonderful memento of his years at Priory. Saint Louis Priory School - Class of 2025 Form III - Class of 2024 Autographed Jenga Game Brotherhood This item cannot be mailed. Enjoy this keepsake Jenga game at your next Priory gathering or family game night. The pieces to the game have been signed by each member of the Class of 2024. Mrs. Rebecca Hunsel Saint Louis Priory School - Class of 2024 Form IV - Class of 2023 Autographed Priory Flag Loyal May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Show off your son's Priory team spirit with this 3' x 5' Priory flag. This flag features the signatures of each student in the class of 2023 and will be a fabulous addition to any student's room. Saint Louis Priory School - Class of 2023 Form V - Class of 2022 Autographed Plush Blanket May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This 58" x 48" Priory red plush stadium blanket is signed by the class of 2022. This fun and functional blanket is perfect for those chilly outdoor sporting events. Saint Louis Priory School - Class of 2022 Friend of Priory
Form VI - Class of 2021 Autographed Priory Shield Plaque Fierce This item cannot b e mailed. This 10" x 12" black walnut plaque, carved with Priory shield, is signed by the members of the Class of 2021. This would make a great graduation gift ! Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Look Saint Louis Priory School - Class of 2021
427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432.
Priory Custom Needlepoint Belt Priory Pride May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This handsome Priory Shield needlepoint belt has been lovingly stitched by Priory alumni mother Elaine Figueroa (Phillip ‘19). The belt features “ Priory” and beautiful Priory shields. The belt will be customized and sized to the winning bidder's specifications (belt sizes 35" - 40" ). Finishing not included. Mrs. Elaine Figueroa The Needlepoint Clubhouse Priory Shield Minky Fleece Chev ron Blanket Warm and Toasty May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Add warmth and style to your next outdoor Priory event with this fun and functional navy chevron fleece blanket. Just Me Apparel Priory Football Jersey Pillow May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Mrs. Theresa Welz Malpaca Saint Louis Priory School Athletic Department
Priory Track and Cross Country Jersey Pillow May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Mrs. Theresa Welz Malpaca Saint Louis Priory School Athletic Department
Run the Distance
Priory Basketball Jersey Pillow May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Mrs. Theresa Welz Malpaca Saint Louis Priory School Athletic Department
Slam Dunk
Priory Basketball Jersey Pillow May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Mrs. Theresa Welz Malpaca Saint Louis Priory School Athletic Department
Priory Soccer Jersey Pillow May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Mrs. Theresa Welz Malpaca Saint Louis Priory School Athletic Department
JBloom “ Laus Tibi Domine” Jewelry Set Inspired May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This beautiful “ Priory-tized” jewelry set which includes a necklace, bracelet and earrings was personalized with “ Laus Tibi Domine” by Priory mom, Lori Willard (Jacob ‘23 and Ryan ‘26). Mrs. Lori Willard
Custom Made Priory Bauble Bracelet May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Enjoy wearing this fun and colorful bracelet featuring Priory colors and charms. Mr. & Mrs. Kjell Lundal
Abbey Church Aerial View Pillow New Heights May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This breathtaking view of our beloved Abbey Church captures the beauty of the church from two different perspectives. This 18" x 18" two sided linen pillow displays a colored picture of the Abbey church on one side and an aerial view of the church on the other. This pillow will complement any décor and jazz up any room. Mrs. and Mrs. Mark Willard
437. 438.
Priory Ravens Prayer Blanket Family Heirloom May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. A beautiful “ Prayer Blanket” featuring the new Priory Raven logo created by Priory mother Regina Yanics (Robert ‘25) and blessed by Abbot Gregory. With each stitch, loving prayers were offered up for the intentions of the recipient. For the first and last five rows, a prayer was said for every Priory student individually for each stitch. May this mantle be a safe haven, a sacred place of security and well-being, sustaining and embracing in good times as well as the diff icult ones. May the recipient of the blanket be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace and wrapped in love. The cotton blanket is washable. It measures 48" x 44." Mrs. Regina Yanics
Abbey Church Jigsaw Puzzle In Pieces May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. During quarantine, solving jigsaw puzzles has been a safe way to entertain ourselves while keeping our brains engaged. If you are looking for a fun but safe challenge then this 1,000+ piece custom Abbey Church jigsaw puzzle will provide hours of entertainment for the entire family. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willard New Priory Letterman Jacket Priory Style May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Perhaps the greatest testament of hard work and determination remains the Priory Varsity Jacket. Dating back multiple generations, earning a Varsity Jacket is an achievement above all others. New, Size XL. Mr. & Mrs. James Leonard ‘74
Priory Nutcracker One Of A Kind May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This one-of-a-kind Priory nutcracker is sure to be a true conversation starter and will add a touch of Priory whimsy to your home during the holidays or year-round. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ramey ‘92
Priory Ravens Visor Go Ravens! Don your white visor, sporting the new Priory Ravens logo, on the course showing your Priory pride. Winning Streak
Priory Ravens Visor Soar Boldly Wear your navy visor, sporting the new Priory Ravens logo, on the course showing your Priory pride. Winning Streak
443. 444.
Priory Alum Basket Priory Pride May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. The perfect package for any Priory Alum. Show your Priory pride with a navy Priory crest baseball cap (one size fits all), red Saint Louis Priory School shield tie, navy blue Priory shield belt (size 38, 40, 42, or 44 available), “ Go Priory” 25 oz. Camelbak oxford blue water bottle, and Priory shield Laus Tibi Domine coaster. Saint Louis Priory School
Priory Ravens Insulated Stainless Steel Tumbler $30/item May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. $30 each Be the talk of Priory town with this functional Yeti-like 30 oz. tumbler sporting the new Priory Ravens logo! Only 60 available. Mrs. Anne Buganski Custom Priory Shield Dart Board Perfect Aim This item cannot be mailed. Bring this game to your home with a custom Priory dart cabinet with a walnut front which Priory parents Chris and Christine Look (Max ‘21) hand-craft ed. Enjoy competition among friends while pre-gaming, during half-time or at the aft er-party. This dart board game comes with everything you need for a great game -- Winmau Diamond Plus dartboard, six steel-tipped darts, scoreboard and out chart. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Look Priory Shield Cornhole Game Outdoor Fun This item cannot be mailed. Be the hit of Priory tailgates with this skin decal vinyl wrapped Priory shield cornhole game. Includes 2 sets of throw bags. Mrs. Rebecca Hunsel
447. 448. 449.
Priory Shield Kubb Viking Chess Game Viking Chess May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. The object of this lawn game is to knock over wooden kobb blocks. The game of Kubb (pronounced “ KOOB” ), originated with the Vikings is a combination of bowling, horseshoes and is nicknamed “ Viking Chess.” Mrs. Rebecca Hunsel Oversized Priory Shield Dominoes Game Classic May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. These extra-large Priory shield dominoes are ideal for indoor or outdoor use. Simply set them up for toppling or play a competitive game such as double six or double twelve. The pieces come packed in a storage bag. Interactive, inclusive and genuine fun for all ages. Mrs. Rebecca Hunsel Oversized Priory Shield Yard Dice Game Good Roll May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. These giant Priory shield dice will bring added excitement to any traditional dice or board game. Includes 6 hand sanded wooden dice & 2 scoreboards. Giant size fun for countless dice games. Each die measures 3.5 inches square. Mrs. Rebecca Hunsel Wine Enthusiast
Silver Wine Coaster May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This silver wine coaster with a wooden insert etched with the Priory shield. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Look Saint Louis Priory School
Eight Priory Shield White Wine Glasses Celebrate! This item cannot be mailed. You’re all set for your next Priory party with these lovely Priory shield white wine glasses. Friend of Priory
Six Priory Crest Red Wine Glasses & CIRCLE Crystal Decanter Salut! This item cannot be mailed. Your Cabernet Sauvignon will taste all the better sipped from these beautiful Priory Crest red wine glasses along with a CIRCLE crystal decanter. Cheers! Friend of Priory
Jumbo Priory Shield Connect 4 Game Four Score The jumbo Priory shield Connect 4 giant game is an oversized version of the beloved classic 4-in-arow game. The large Connect 4 is great for two players or teams. A great party game for kids, adults and families attending birthday parties, BBQs, camping, lake, beach days, weddings, corporate events, football tailgating and more. Mrs. Rebecca Hunsel
Two Priory Crest Wine Stoppers May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. Makes a stylish gift or better yet, gift yourself! Saint Louis Priory School
Priory Shield Tumblers Be Our Guest May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. These two 10 oz. double walled vacuum insulated tumblers keep drinks hot for 5+ hours and cold for 10+ hours. Saint Louis Priory School
455. 456.
À Votre Santé
Priory Shield Needlepoint Coaster Cheers! May be mailed; shipping & handling fees not included. This magnificent, handmade drink coaster features the needlepoint talent of Priory alumni mother Elaine Figueroa (Phillip ‘19). It’s sure to add a pop of school spirit to any room in your home. Mrs. Elaine Figueroa The Needlepoint Clubhouse Mary, Seeker of the Lost Stained Glass Stunning! This item cannot be mailed. Form III and Form IV students in Medieval Arts, as well as students from Form II in The Guild, have been hard at work on the Xanadu window. In all, over 20 students (and counting) have helped with this window. The window portrays the Orthodox icon, Mary, Seeker of the Lost in which our Mother Mary cradles Christ against her cheek in a moment of tenderness between mother and child. The window is a variety of deep shades of blues, yellows, oranges, and reds with painted faces and hands. Mrs. Mary Claire MacDonald Class of 2023-2025 Medieval Arts The Guild St. Benedict Icon Faith Virtual learners in Priory’s Medieval Arts Program spent time at home “ writing” an icon of St. Benedict. Their teacher, Mrs. Mary Claire MacDonald, painted this icon alongside the boys as an exemplum for their work. This icon of St. Benedict features our patron saint holding his crozier, being ministered to by the raven, and holding Holy Scripture. His expression is one of joyful solemnity, a good reminder for us that joy is present at all times. Mrs. Mary Claire MacDonald Class of 2023-2025 Medieval Arts The Guild 3-D Printed Medal of St. Benedict Coaster - Set of 6 High Tech This set of 6 medal of St. Benedict coasters was made on Priory’s 3-D printer by Systems Administrator Derek Ward is sure to be a conversation starter. The medal is one of the oldest and most honored medals used by Christians and due to the belief in its power against evil, is also known as the “ devil-chasing medal.” The medal is used to ward off spiritual and physical dangers, especially related to evil, poison and temptation. Mr. Derek Ward
459. 460.
John Pils Framed Saint Louis Priory Print Laus Tibi Domine This fabulous print of Saint Louis Priory School makes a wonderful keepsake for any Priory student or alumnus by legendary artist, John Pils. Friend of Priory Abbey Church Aerial View Metal Art Heaven Blessed This breathtaking view of our beloved Abbey Church captures the beauty and artistry of the church and its unique architecture. The frameless 10" x 10" design with an attached metal easel mount gives it a clean, modern look. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willard Class of 2021 " Love Mom" College Care $25/person Package-Making Sign Up Party Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 7:00 - 9:00 PM $25/Person Available to the mothers of the Class of 2021. Reunite with the wonderful moms from the Class of 2021 in the Priory Dining Hall for some delicious libations and comestibles as we prepare fun and yummy care packages to send to our new college Freshmen! Your hosts for the evening are Priory almost alumni mothers Anne Buganski (Tyler ‘21), Jennifer Ehret (Declan ‘21), Kelli Mitchell (Ryan ‘21), Melinda Ross (Donny ‘21) who will provide the shipping supplies, boxes, note cards and will take care of mailing the loaded goody packages packages to the boys. You will be asked to bring multiples of an item of your choice to share so think snacks, food, gift cards, socks, pens power cords and so on as well as to cover the cost of the flat-rate shipping for your son’s package. You will receive more information closer to the date of the party. What a special opportunity to catch up with fellow Priory moms while sending love to our boys. Be sure to come decked out in apparel representing your son’s college! Mrs. Anne Buganski Mrs. Jennifer Ehret Mrs. Kelli Mitchell Mrs. Melinda Ross Saint Louis Priory Ezra Brooks Privately Selected Single Barrel Bourbon $100/bottle Supplies are limited. These items cannot be mailed. Enjoy a bottle of our own personalized 10-year Ezra Brooks label bourbon hand-selected by Eric Vogel, Owner Walnut Grill, and only available to Priory. To sip Barrel Proof Bourbon is to experience Bourbon in its purest form - uncut, straight from the barrel, and without chill filtering. Each bottle is hand labeled with its unique proof and batch number but the nose, taste and finish of every sip is pure Ezra Brooks. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Look Mr. Eric Vogel, Owner Walnut Grill
Inside Front Cover Clayton Financial Group Inside Back Cover Cannonball, Inc. On Screen & Full Page Doster, Ullom & Boyle, LLC Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale. P.C. Monterubio & Herbosa, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery P.C. Plancorp, Inc. R.V. Wagner, Inc. Live Auction & Full Page Mr. & Mrs. B. Michael Margiotta '92 Saint Louis Priory School & the Advancement Off ice Saint Louis Priory School Fathers' Club Saint Louis Priory School Mothers' Club WFF Facility Services Full Page Assured Partners of Missouri Mr. & Mrs. Bart Brnjac '66 John B. Costello, M.D. '71 Ford Hotel Supply Form VI Parents and Saint Louis Priory Senior Class of 2021 Carla & Gary Grewe Grey Eagle Distributors Mr. & Mrs. Brett Johnson Kwik Kopy Business Solutions Lou Fusz Automotive Network Rhodes & Lally, LLC Schlafly Brewery - The Saint Louis Brewery Stifel Financial Corporation TruTurf Solutions Walnut Grill Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilkinson WILsquare
Half Page American Cleaners Brightfield Striping Co. Butler Durrell Security Systems Casper Stolle Quarry Just Add Friends Drs. James & Patricia Perschbacher '91 VoicePro Mr. & Mrs. David Wasinger Quarter Page Aim High Lordo's Diamonds Michael Schlueter Photo Workshops Saint Louis Priory School Alumni Mothers' Club Southwest Pediatrics, Inc.
John E. Cramer III, Class of ’60 C. Campbell Mulvihill, Class of ’77 Thomas O. Mulvihill, Jr., Class of ’80 John E. Cramer IV, Class of ’89
Casper Stolle Quarry & Contracting Co. (618) 337-3343
Timothy W. Guhman, Class of ’99 C. von Brecht Mulvihill, Class of ’08 Patrick R. Mulvihill, Class of ’10
Best wishes for Xanadu 2021! P AT T Y P E R S C H B A C H E R M D A S S O C I AT E S I N D E R M ATO L O G Y 222 South Woods Mill Road Suite 710 North Chesterfield, MO 63017 314-576-1411 www.stlderm.com
In recognition for providing outstanding medical care in Saint Louis for 100 y ears and counting. 1918 - 2021
John B. Costello, MD ‘ 71
St. Louis University School of Medicine May 14, 1977 Board Certified in Internal Medicine & Rheumatology Location: Clayton & Ballas Roads Phone: 314.995.9988 Joseph P. Costello, Jr. MD St. Louis University School of Medicine February 28, 1946 Joseph P. Costello, Sr. MD St. Louis University School of Medicine June 3, 1918
American Cleaners extends its best wishes to
Xanadu 2021 92
Many thanks to the Saint Louis Priory monks, faculty and staff for all the work they have done to allow our boys to attend in person classes this year! We know it has been a challenge for all, but we are so very grateful! With gratitude, David, Colleen, Alex ('20) & Andrew ('22) Wasinger
Congratulations & Best Wishes for Xanadu 2021
Just Add Friends A Petit Party Planning Service www.justaddfriendsstl.com Follow us on instagram @justaddfriendsstl
Managing Risk and Opportunity Managing Risk and Oppor tunity Solutions in RiskCreative Management and Insurance Solutions in Risk Management and Insurance Brokerage
Steve Marsh '67 & Rick Frechmann Westline Industrial Drive Steve Marsh11975St.’67 & Rick Frechmann Louis, Missouri 63146 (314) 523-8800
11975 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146 (314) 523-8800
Congratulations to Theresa Johnson and The 2021 Cirque du Priory Committee!
Best Wishes for a successf ul Xanadu!
Ellen and Bart Brnjac ‘66
Walnut Grill Executive Chef/Ow ner Eric Vogel wishes
Theresa Johnson & The Cirque du Priory Success! 4401 Highway K O’Fallon, MO 63368 1386 Clarkson-Clayton Center Ellisville, MO 63011 10797 Sunset Hills Plaza St. Louis, MO 63127 17392 Chesterfield Airport Road Chesterfield, MO 63005
Congratulations to the Saint Louis Priory’s Xanadu Team! Best wishes for an over-the-top night! Carla and gary grewe
Congratulations Class of 2021 & Xanadu’s Cirque du Priory Auction! Best wishes, Libby and Bruce Wilkinson
Don’t forget to buy your raffle tickets!
1 Ticket for $40 3 Tickets for $100 David Yurman’s Sterling and Diamond Double Wheat Chain offers two looks because it can be worn with or without the pendant! Measuring 16 millimeters by 16 millimeters, the sterling silver pendant looks to be from the Albion collection and has a square 11-millimeter center filled with pavé diamonds. The pendant dangles from a hinged bail that, in turn, is suspended from a round ring etched with “David Yurman.” The ring has pavé-diamond-studded caps attached to the double wheat chain that secures with a hallmarked push clasp with cable details. In excellent condition, it was recently polished. The bail will accept a 5-millimeter chain or cord and the total diamond weight is 0.73 carats. This is definitely a case of getting two baubles for the price of one!