SUNSET PORTRAIT This sheet will teach you how to capture a portrait image against an early sunset. Š SLR Photography Guide
PHOTO ASSIGNMENT No more frustration when attempting to photograph a person or subject against an early sunset. Simply follow the f/4 rule listed below from the good old film days and your set.
Camera Settings For f/4 Rule When photographing a subject against a sunset, set your camera to manual mode with an f/4 aperture. Now choose a matching ISO/ Shutter Speed combination. For example, if you choose ISO 400, set a matching Shutter Speed of 1/400 second. If you choose ISO 800, set a Shutter Speed of 1/800 second and so forth. Note, if you are hand holding your camera make sure you select a ISO and Shutter Speed combination that is faster than the length of your lens. For example, if you are using a wide angle 24mm focal length, select a shutter speed faster than 1/24 of a second. Hence the ISO 100 with 1/100 second shutter speed is your best option. Always aim for the lowest ISO possible. If you are using a focal length of 300mm. Use ISO 400 + 1/400 second shutter speed combination and so forth. SHORT NOTE These settings will help get you quickly into a good ball park to start with. It's then up to you to tweak the settings depending on your creative vision for the shot.