February Issue 2017

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editor’s note Though Valentine’s Day has just passed, love is still in the air! This February issue explores love in all its forms -- from romance to friendships. Our journalists took the time these past two months to create an issue that will warm every shark’s heart. Whether it be locally, nationally, or globally, 2017 has been a rough year so far -- but we’d like you to remember that you can still find joy in the little things and spread happiness around you. At a time when compassion and kindness are needed the most, we hope that this issue will remind you of the importance of love. As Debasish Mridha once said, “Let the power of your love change the world, but never let the problems of this world change the beauty of your love.” With Love, The SLSS Press Exec Team

SPECIAL THANKS TO... Contributors Anna Sandoval Angela Cheng Azadeh Kashani Caitlin Stephenson Celine Tsai Charine Ngo Gordy Li Hunger Management Counsellors Kathleen Kong Katrina Hong Lucy Lu Michael Cui Sophia Gu Teresa Co

SPONSORS Ms. A Shearer Ms. J. McBurney

Fundraiser Events celine tsai

“pie the grads” was pretty rad On January 18th, our Grad Committee of 2017 put together a “Pie The Grads” event at the Legends Gym to raise money for their upcoming grad events, such as Grad BBQ, Boat Cruise, Prom, etc. The Legends Gym was filled with people as they waited to bid money to pie some of their favourite grads. Along with Mr. E Ma, Colin Kamide, Melody Chen, Aileen Zhang, Eclipse Malixi, Justine Fernandez, Andy Cheng, Daniel Chen, Jessica Bilaya, Aaron Chang, Ryan Curtis, and Charis Chan were the eleven students from the graduating class to get pied. Collectively, “Pie the Grads” raised $289, with the highest bid of $80 on Daniel Chen, made by Susan Zhao! Our student council president, Andy Cheng, took it like a champ when Aaron pied him so hard that he got a nose bleed. Congrats to the Grad Committee for planning such a successful event! Also a huge congratulaGrads await to be pied in their protective attire. tions to Kathleen Kong, Athena Source: SLSS Yearbook & Mr. Akselrod Chen, Harrison Liu, Ashwyn Dholliwar, Joshua Wang, Caitlin Stephenson, and Tristan Chen who were voted to be on the Grad Committee of 2018! We know you have some amazing things planned for the future grads!

MultiCultural Club Fundraising For Cancer For the last three weeks of January, Steveston London’s Multicultural Club held a CoCo bubble tea fundraiser to raise money for the Cancer Research Society. Students had the option to purchase pudding milk tea, grass jelly milk tea, coconut jelly milk tea, matcha milk tea, and/or red bean milk tea; each for $4.75. On the day of pick-up, January 31st, 123 cups of bubble tea were sold, and the fundraiser raised $116 for cancer research! Way to go sharks!

Josh chamanya mEMORIAL A little more than a year ago on January 19th 2016, our beloved friend and classmate, Joshua, went missing. After a year of praying, searching, and hoping, we are deeply saddened to hear that his remains were found on January 9th, 2017. Though Joshua’s life was cut short, we will always remember the lives he has touched and the impact he has made. He will be dearly missed. You’ll be dearly missed. anonymous

I pray for you to never stop smiling up in heaven. ALIANA SANTIAGO (12)

Gone too soon. See you soon, buddy. anonymous At a loss of words of all that has happened, I’m praying that Josh is in a better place now, his family and friends are seeking comfort with each other - that they all have the support to handle their grief, all the best to the family. aileen zhang (12) I remember how energetic and humorous Joshua was. He brought a lot of joy to our math class. Joshua will forever be missed. May the love of family and strength from friends help you through the journey ahead. Mr. Wang (Math Teacher) Joshua was a very humourous and lovable person. P.E 10 was a very enjoyable time because he was able to make us laugh with his quirky remarks and funny actions. I am deeply saddened by the news of Josh passing. I extend my most sincere condolences to his family. ELINA JIANG (12)

Rest In Peace. ELAINE HU (12) We sat together on the skytrain as he was going for a job interview while he had his beloved skateboard. We talked until he got to his stop, which was Marine Drive. I remember him as a fun-loving person and he enjoyed making people laugh. Such a kind soul that has left us too soon. ANONYMOUS I remember always seeing Josh skateboarding to school. Still shocked and incredibly saddened to see Josh leave the world so soon... I pray that Josh is in a better place now, sending all my love to his family and his friends. CELINE TSAI (11) Words cannot express my shock when I heard about his news. I wish to express my condolences to his family. He was a very young and energetic soul that shall always and forevermore be missed. MICAH

Josh was always a cheerful guy in school and I imagine he’s still a cheerful guy in heaven. See you again one day buddy. RYAN CURTIS (12)

I had one class with Josh and one class was enough for me to say that he was one of the funniest, most loveable and charming students I’ve ever met in my highschool career. Rest in peace Josh. ONYX HO (11) Josh was always so nice, and would always wave, and say hi to me in the halls. He was one of the only kids to ever let me ride his penny board. SARGUN KHURANA (9) He was always encouraging in the last class I had with him. Bringing smiles and lighting up the room. Condolences. anonymous Although I don’t personally know Joshua, it shocked me to learn of his death. I’m sad to think that the boy I used to see walking to school will no longer be there, and I give his friends and family my deepest condolences. Thank you for being a part of SLSS. HANNAH CHENG (11)

I sincerely hope that Joshua is in a better place now. He will be missed by the Sharks community. evian young (9) I remember Josh from my PE. He was funny. KIM KERDSUMRAN (11)

I’m sorry for all that happened and I give you all my blessings and prayers. Rest in peace, Joshua. ANONYMOUS

The bright side of Josh’s personality really made our Science 10 class more fun! Rest in peace. EMILY WANG (11)

Josh was in my grade 8 math class and even though I only ever spoke to him once, I always remembered how funny and kind he was to me. He was one of the students that made me fall in love with high school. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. EMILY ISON (11)

Me and Josh had a class together, and every day was so funny, and great because he would always make me laugh. He was a great person. Everyday he would make everyone happy and he never failed to do so. He was one of the most genuine people I knew. I’m so sorry and deeply saddened to hear of this catastrophe. To his whole family, I’m so sorry that this had to happen. My prayers are with them all. KAITLYN SIEG (10) Rest in peace Joshua. JACK LE (10) Joshua will be remembered by every SLSS student, rest in peace. LILY WANG (10) I never had any classes with Joshua, but I wish him all the best above us and the deepest condolences to his family and friends. Lucy lu (11)

In grade 8, Josh was in my math class. He was a really nice and funny guy who kept to himself. In class, he was never afraid to ask his classmates questions. Josh was always willing to learn, and that’s something I admired. Although I never really talked to him, the fact that there’s one less presence at Steveston London saddens me. I wish I was there for him. I’ll miss you Josh. ANGELA cHENG (11)


KATHLEEN KONG AND SOPHIA GU “She enjoys food more than me” - Leo Wang

“Sydney is like a box of white chocolate... Because she’s so pale. But all jokes aside Sydney is my inspiration to stay true to myself and take risks in life. She’s my motivation to get up every morning and I don’t know what I’d do without her. Love brings us all together in ways unimaginable no matter if you’re in a relationship, a friendship, or with family. This Valentine’s day I am grateful to have her and my friends, to remind me about the importance of love.” - Wesley Lam ““I think that things like love and like are often mixed up with one another because you often have that likeness with somebody and that likeness can sometimes grow deeper and deeper into love. But love is also lots of other things, like obligation to people, and also you have that love through a deep connection with other people, like with your siblings and your children. I don’t know if that makes any sense or not, but there’s lots of different aspects of love, and that’s the best I can come up with.” - Mr. Lin

One Word Association: Love CELINE TSAI Love is a universal feeling. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we decided to ask some of our fellow sharks to say the first word that comes to their mind when they hear the word love.

Red - Celine Tsai (11)

Guys - Ivy Lin (8)

Journey - Sydney Ng (11)

Dating - Cissy Luo (12)

God - Davy Lau (12)

Me - Andy Kwan (11)

Spaghetti - Brooklyn Cheng (9)

Hate - Jaeden De La Torre (11)

Acceptance - Caitlin Stephenson (11)

Family - Chris Tyler (11)

Television, books, and sleep - Bertina Lee & Gordy Li (11)

Memes - Leanne Lau (11)

Loyalty - Lucy Lu (11)

Friendship - Sophia Gu (11)

Love! - Michael Cheung (11)

Hugs - Mandy Huang (11)

Pain - Thidarat Phoosit & Onyx Ho (11) Trust - Kerrie Ye (10)

Ashwyn (JKJK... hearts?) - Melody Chen (12)

Amour - Bryan Xu (11)

Commitment - Angela Cheng (11)

Strawberries - Charine Ngo (11)

Hearts - Elaine Ma (11)

Exclusive Interview with Jaeden, who wished to elaborate Ugh, love? love sucks. If there’s one thing that comes to my mind when I hear love, I think hate. At least hate makes you smarter. Because if you’re in love, you’re going to be like “oh my god she’s so pretty, blah blah blah”, or “he’s so handsome” or whatever. You won’t be able to see how he’s a jerk or that she’s a gold-digger. Love makes you blind, do you want to be blind? I don’t think so. If you have hate, it makes you see better, and that’s what I think of love. Screw love.

How To Survive Valentine’s Day IF YOU’RE...

Michael Cui In a relationship that’s lasted for quite a while You should probably know what to do already.

In a new relationship

Just start with a date. Go out for a dinner, movie, or some other activity. You don’t want your first Valentine’s Day to be awkward. Make it enjoyable!

Looking for a relationship

This is probably a bad time to look for a relationship, since there’s lots of people who just want a date for the night. Find something else to do for the day.

Have no relationship

Don’t worry, just find something to do for the day. Take advantage of the chocolate on sale after Valentine’s. ;)

Want to do it alone

This… I don’t know. It’s all up to you.

YOUR LONG LOST LOVE GORDY LI AND KATHLEEN KONG I remember autumn skies of azure, And dancing our magic waltz with the leaves; Only my time spent with you could conjure Such fondness, our moments and fantasies. From time to time, my mind spirits away Drifting from vivid dreams to reveries. Those echoes of joy in a world of grey; Don’t you remember our faint memories? Our talks talks until three, our walks by the bay; Each night we wished upon the stars above. I thought you far more beautiful than they, For the first time, with you, I fell in love. You left, and when I tried to face the pain, Our memories were lost like -- tears in rain.


WINNER: NADIA CLAYpack Words can’t explain how much I love Chevonne, but I couldn’t ask for a better best friend :)

Mark is my BFF. I love him because he carries me in French and gets lit with me :) - Andrew Huang

I love these two, because no matter how far away we are from each other, that doesn’t stop us from being the best of friends! We help each other through all the ups and downs, and we’re always there for one another. - Cathy Yeung My friends are important to me because just a quick conversation makes my day better; I love them because they make being at school more tolerable LOL - Michelle Ngai

She always continues to inspire me in every way possible, and I think she is a wonderful person and an even more amazing friend. - Celine Tsai

They make my life a little less boring :) - Nicole Chung They’re important to me, because they make tough times endurable. - Tiffany Mak

I love Madeleine because we can hang out every single day and not get sick of each other, we strongly believe the other deserves the best and we’re related through our dogs! :) - Kris-Ann D’Soura

If you were to ask me to pick one person that means a lot to me, I wouldn’t know who to choose, because there are so many people who are important to me. That’s why I chose a picture of my fellow Spectrum classmates, because they’ve been by my side since grade 8, and we’ve all established a bond that cannot be replaced. They mean a lot to me, because I know I can count on them if I ever come across an obstacle. - Annie Zhou Our relationship isn’t a Romeo and Juliet type of relationship, but more of a Spongebob and Patrick kind of relationship, because we enjoy each others company and support each other through ups and downs. Chris shows love to me by supporting me through my financial issues and paying off the $30 math workbook fee even when I still owe him $30, while I show love to Chris by helping him decide on life and death decisions with his indecisive mind in life, from which shoe he should wear to walk home, or if he should buy the lunch special or not. We go together like toothpaste and orange juice because we’re always bitter at each other with our disagreements and how Chris never replies to the memes I tag him in. - Toby Lo

I love my friends, because they care about me and they’re always there for me. <3 - Angela Cheng

teresa co

shark Idol

A huge round of applause for the contenders Adelaide Chan, Aliana Santiago, Carol Seto, Elaine Aggasid, Mark Cam, Nicole Chung, and Willam Watt. These eight contestants fought until the Shark Idol semifinals. While interviewing some of them, I encountered their many special, touching traits. Below are their heart-warming replies to the question: “What are your goals, and how are you going to try to win Shark Idol?” (Texts are reprinted verbatim, except for grammatical changes) Sara Lee: I’m going to try and sing from my heart and if I enjoy myself, maybe everyone else will too. Mark Cam: I’ve been singing ever since I was in grade 4 but I never thought of joining a singing competition. As soon as I got into high school, Shark Idol seemed like such a great opportunity. Unfortunately, I didn’t get in for the first two years I tried out, in grade 8 and 9. I was pretty disappointed, but eventually, I made it in grade 10, all the way to the finals. Even though I didn’t win, I had so much fun preparing, and getting ready for the performances - HUGE shoutout to my friend Wesley Lam for playing the guitar and helping me prepare for the songs. So I guess this year I really want to bring something new to the whole competition. For me it’s not so much about just winning per se, but about what I can take away from the competition, and how I can grow as a musician, and singer. I would say the biggest thing for me, is always knowing that I’ve put 100% into it and that I’ve tried my best. Aliana Santiago: Shark Idol to me is sentimental, because when I made the finals in the 8th grade, it inspired me to pursue performing. By participating now in the 12th grade, I want to be able to keep the musical spirit alive in our school because I find that it’s lacking.

Congratulations to Mark Cam, who won Shark Idol! We wish you the best at RichCity Idol!

TEACHER INTERVIEWS azadeh kashani Mr. Ubial: Math, Science, ICT and Programming Teacher Q: Which courses do you enjoy teaching the most? A: I enjoy teaching all of them, however, the one I like teaching the most is probably... right now... actually, I can’t choose- never mind, they’re all good. Q: What inspired you to be a teacher? A: The pivotal point at which I decided to become a teacher was when my partner said “you like working with kids” to which I answered “yes”, and she said “you’re pretty good at it” and then to which I answered “I guess so” and then she said “why don’t you teach? It combines all those things” and I said “Okay, I’ll give it a try.” So then I gave it a try and I haven’t looked back. Q: What is the best part about your job? A: The best part about my job is making connections with students and helping them to love learning. Q: How long have you been teaching? A: This will be the 5th year of teaching for me Q: What do you think is the best Valentine’s Day gift? A: My wife is a sucker for chocolates so a stroll through Purdy’s and picking something up from there will always make her smile. Q: Do you have any Valentine’s Day disaster stories? A: Yes, one disaster story that I have was that I hadn’t planned anything for this one particular Valentine’s Day, and so I had to, in a matter of hours, plan a dinner, get flowers, and all of that stuff, and it was chaos. But I managed to pull it together. Q: How did you and your significant other meet? A: We went to high school together, but our friend circles never overlapped. It wasn’t until university where- because we lived in the same town, we took the bus periodically to and from school, and that’s where I got to know her and I was like, “Oh, she seems like a pretty okay girl.” And then after that I decided, “Alright, why not take a chance”, so I asked her to go out for a cup of coffee and several coffee dates after that we started to go out- and that was what, 7 years ago? The rest is history. Q: What’s the most important trait in a partner or friend? A: The most important trait in a partner or friend is someone that believes in you and supports you and is not afraid to say “Hey, we’re on the same team.”

Mr. Rally: Junior Science and Senior Biology Teacher Q: Which courses do you enjoy teaching the most? A: Oh my gosh, that’s so hard! My answer is I enjoy teaching anything that’s science, it’s because I like the little ones and the bigger ones. If you notice, I never just teach Bio 12, I teach Bio 12 and Science 8 because I can’t choose. Q: What inspired you to be a teacher? A: It was an accident. Q: Have you ever thought about a different career? A: Well yeah, I was first involved as a marine biologist, then I was a forester, then I got into medicine, and coming around, then at that point when I was 27, I realized I was doing them all well but I just wasn’t that happy. However, as soon as I stood in front of students, a lightbulb went off and I was very, very happy. Q: Do you have any Valentine’s Day disaster stories? A: Yes, this was a long time ago when I was young and I wasn’t married. My best friend was married and he was young too, and he was trying to play a Valentine’s Day joke on his wife. So when she was out, he was an escalation worker, and he dug a big hole in his backyard with a big truck. He filled the entire thing with red Jell-O and then he covered it with a thin slice of grass and then his wife went back there and fell into it- I don’t know why he thought that was funny but it was a disaster! Q: What’s the most important trait in a partner or friend? A: Trust.

131 days of Shark Week Anna Patricia Sandoval

Sharks, there are 131 days of second semester left (Yes, I did the math) before we hear the last peal of the bell, ending the school year 2016-2017. Summer break is something to look forward to. Some of us reminisce about the sunshine and the heat while looking out our windows, staring at the cloudy skies and dripping raindrops on the glass. But until then, spring break is approaching and there’s surely going to be more vigour and zing in the atmosphere. Now, enough about vacations. Let’s focus on channeling our energies to the second semester and giving it our best! This might be a hackneyed phrase, but school is about learning and meeting new people. You never know, the person sitting next to you in one of your classes might be your new best friend or the love of your life (Valentine’s Day is a few weeks away, just sayin’.) Balance is very important to success though. It’s not just about just studying or socializing; there should be some leeway in between. Spending equal amounts of time with school coursework, extracurricular activities and social groups is a good and healthy way to spend the school year. Be sure to take care of yourself and don’t overstress! Set goals for yourself and try to keep tabs on them. Be steadfast until the end of the semester. It’s good to take a chance on new things, think of it as having a fresh new start. I’m not saying to forget everything and everyone you’ve met in the last semester, but it’s helpful to be open-minded and to take chances every once in awhile. As Wayne Gretzky said, and I quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Date (And Friendship Outing) Ideas caitlin stephenson You know what’s better than a gift? An experience. Why not give your special someone the best experience ever, the gift of being able to hang out with you! Here are a variety of restaurants and activities with different price points, including ideas you can even try at home! I’m sure you’ll find an idea to suit your preferences! You know what’s better than a gift? An experience. Why not give your special someone the best experience ever, the gift of being able to hang out with you! Here are a variety of restaurants and activities with different price points, including ideas you can even try at home! I’m sure you’ll find an idea to suit your preferences! Food Breakfast - ABC Country (No. 3 Road) http://www.abccountry.ca/ - Café Crepe (Robson Street or Granville Street) http://cafecrepe.com/welcome/ - Cora (Steveston Highway or Robson Street) http://www.chezcora.com/en - IHOP (No.3 Road, St Edward’s Drive, or West Broadway) http://www.ihop.com/ - Jam Café (Beatty Street) http://jamcafes.com/vancouver/ - Jethro’s Fine Grub (Dunbar Street, Bute Street, or Fraser Street) https://www.jethrosfinegrub.com/ - Nelson the Seagull (Carrall Street) http://www.nelsontheseagull.com/ - Nero Belgian Waffles (Seymour Street or Robson Street) http://www.nerowafflebar.com/ - Radicle Juice (Main Street) http://radiclejuice.com/ - Siegel’s Bagels (Cornwall Avenue) http://siegelsbagels.com/ - Sophie’s Cosmic Cafe (West 4th Avenue) http://www.sophiescosmiccafe.com/ - The Red Wagon (East Hastings Streret) http://www.redwagoncafe.com/ - The Templeton (Granville Street) http://thetempleton.ca/ - Yolks (Broadway or East Hastings Street) http://www.yolks.ca/ Lunch - Caliburger (Thurlow Street) https://caliburger.com/ - Chipotle (Howe Street) https://chipotle.ca/ - Gami Sushi (No. 3 Road) - Hog Shack Cook House (Bayview Street in Steveston) http://hogshack.ca/ - Miku Restaurant (Granville Street) https://mikurestaurant.com/ - PokéTime (Robson Street) http://www.poketime.ca/ - Pepper Lunch (No. 3 Road or Cambie Street) http://www.pepperlunchcanada.com/ - Sura (Hazelbridge Way or Robson Street) http://www.surakoreancuisine.com/ - Tacofino (Mainland Street or West Cordova Street) https://www.tacofino.com/ - Zee’s Grilled Cheese (No. 1 Road in Steveston) http://www.zeesgrilledcheese.com/

Dinner - Ask For Luigi (Alexander Street) http://www.askforluigi.com/ - Cactus Club (No. 3 Road, West Broadway, Davie Street, Burrard Street, Beach Avenue, Robson Street or Canada Place) https://www.cactusclubcafe.com/ - Captain’s Boil (Capstan Way or Kingsway) https://www.thecaptainsboil.com/ - Italian Tomato (Bridgeport) http://www.italiantomato.ca/ - Kisamos Taverna (Moncton Street) - Little Mexican Cantina (Chatham Street in Steveston) http://www.littlemexicocantina.com/ - Pearl Castle (Richmond Centre, No. 3 Road or Sexsmith Road) http://www.pearlcastle.com/ en/ - Steveston Pizza Company (Moncton Street) http://www.stevestonpizza.com/ - Strike (Garden City) - Yokohama Japanese Restaurant (No. 1 Road in Steveston) http://www.yokohamabc.com/ - Zefferelli’s Spaghetti (Robson Street) http://zefferellis.com/home Dessert - Fresh Press Coffee Bar (No. 3 Road) https://www.facebook.com/FreshPressCoffeeBar - Gong Cha (No. 3 Road or Robson Street) http://www.gong-cha.com/en/ - Meet Fresh (Capstan Way) http://www.meetfresh.ca/ - Mink Chocolate Cafe (West Hastings Street) https://www.minkchocolates.com/ - Mister Artisan Ice Cream (Mainland Street) http://madebymister.com/ - Passion8 Dessert Cafe (Cambie Street) https://www.passion8cafe.com/ - POP Bar (Metrotown or Tsawwassen Mills) http://www.pop-bar.com/ - ON Yogurt (Smithe Street) http://www.onyogurt.com/ - Rocanini Coffee Roasters (Moncton Street, West Boulevard, West 5th Avenue or Beatty Street) https://www.rocanini.com/ - Small Victory Bakery (Homer Street) http://smallvictory.ca/ - Snowy Village (Alexandra Road) http://snowyvillages.com/ - Sulmida Dessert Cafe (Ackroyd Road, or Kingsway) https://www.facebook.com/sulmida. canada/ - The Bubble Tea Shop (No. 3 Road or Robson Street) https://thebubbleteashop.ca/ - True Confections (West Broadway or Denman Street) http://trueconfections.ca/ - 720 Sweets (Capstan Way or West Broadway) http://720sweets.com/ Activities - Watch a movie (Try International Village Cinemas or Marine Gateway Theatre for a change, movie ideas: A Dog’s Purpose, La La Land, Doctor Strange, , Lion, , The Space Between Us, Lego Batman) - Go snowboarding/skiing/tubing (Grouse, Seymour, Cypress) - Visit the Vancouver Art Museum - Go for a walk and a photoshoot (Steveston or Granville Island) - Try go karting (Speeders Indoor ProKarts) - Go bowling and play arcade games (The Zone, Grandview Lanes) - Visit the Vancouver Aquarium - Go skating (Robson Square) At Home - Baking and cooking (eg. make your own pizza, bake cookies) - Play board games - Have a movie marathon (eg. Disney movies, Marvel, TV shows on Netflix)

food for thought:

vancouver trends The Hunger Management Counesllors With the new semester coming in strong, and the end of the year fast approaching, we, the Hunger Management Counsellors return with some great recommendations to ease the stress of school! For this month’s edition, we bring you two great food trends booming in Vancouver right now, that will hopefully satisfy your cravings.

Poké from The Poké Guy As the poké trend finally hits Vancouver hard, sushi lovers are rejoicing, because their dreams are coming true. Poké is a Hawaiian appetizer that has raw cubed fish, vegetables, and sauce, on top of rice. In Vancouver, there are only a handful of places to eat poké at. We went to The Poké Guy, which is south of the Waterfront station. At The Poké Guy, you make your own poké bowl. You choose between the two bowl sizes, either the “Big Guy”, or the “Lil’ Guy”. Then, you choose what to put in your bowl. The amount of food you can order depends on the size of the bowl. We chose the Lil’ Guy, as we weren’t exceptionally hungry. The Lil’ Guy consists of 2 pokes of your choosing, a maximum of five sides, toppings, and an option of drizzle. We chose albacore tuna, and ahi tuna as the poké, and for the sides, we decided on pineapples, mangoes, green onions, cucumbers, and tomatoes, drizzled with teriyaki sauce on top. To top it off with some crunch, we chose shredded nori (seaweed), crispy onions, and sesame seeds. It was around $14 dollars, and even though we felt it was a little pricey, it was definitely worth it. The poké was marinated to near perfection, and the vegetable size was perfect. It wasn’t too crowded, and they offered free internet, so we really recommend The Poké Guy. They offer vegetarian, and vegan options, like tofu, and there are also specialty bowls on their menu board if you can’t decide what to choose. Location: 420 Richards St, Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4, Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z3 Wifi and Takeout: Available

2. The Duo Cup from The Bubble Tea Shop If you’ve scrolled aimlessly on Facebook, or viewed your friends’ Snapchat stories within the past month or so, there’s a chance that you have seen an oddly shaped cup. By odd, we mean it’s split in half, and each half has a different bubble tea order. For the price of $6 dollars, you can select two different flavours of milk tea, bubble milk, and fruit tea, and choose your two toppings at the Bubble Tea Shop, located in Richmond, and Downtown Vancouver. The Bubble Tea Shop - or more commonly known as the BBT Shop, is popular for their delicious bubble waffles and exceptional bubble tea. For our first duo cup, we decided to try something simple: original milk tea with pearls for one half, and matcha milk tea with red bean for the other. It was spectacular, because for once in our lives, we were allowed to be indecisive. The two milk teas went amazingly well together. We honestly believe it was the best of both worlds. For those who don’t have a huge appetite, and are unable to finish a whole cup of bubble tea, the duo cup is perfect for you. With the duo cup, you can share with a friend! If you and your friend share half of the duo cup, you can each choose a tea and topping of your choice, save money, and get just enough for one person to finish. This is one of many current trends, and highly recommended for indecisive people. Location: 4651 No 3 Rd #105, Richmond, BC V6X 2C4 Wifi and Takeout: Availiable

BON APPETIT! Valentine’s edition

ANGELA CHENG It’s that time of the year again! That’s right, Valentine’s Day! To the single pringles out there (including me), Valentine’s Day is a great day for making delicious sweets for your loved ones ! Below are 3 enjoyable recipes for you to try. Give them to friends, family, or even your significant other ;) Bon appetit!

Ice Cream Heart Sandwiches

Prep Time: 5 mins Ingredients: square/rectangle ice cream sandwiches sprinkles heart-shaped cookie cutter Directions: 1. Use a cookie cutter, and gently press it into your sandwich. 2. Using a knife, carefully trim off the extra ice cream sandwich around the cookie cutter. (Best part of this recipe is that you can eat the remaining ice cream sandwich!!) 3. Slowly remove the cookie cutter, then add some sprinkles along the edges of your sandwich 4. Enjoy your delicious creations with whomever your heart desires :)

Chocolate Sweet Hearts

Prep Time: 20-25 mins Cook time: 30 mins Ingredients: 1 cup all-purpose flour, (spooned and leveled) 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces 1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar 1 large egg Directions: 1. In a bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl set over (not in) a saucepan of simmering water, place chocolate, butter, and brown sugar; stir until almost completely melted. Remove from heat, and stir until completely melted; let cool slightly. 2. Add egg to chocolate mixture. With a mixer on low, beat until well blended. Gradually stir in flour mixture (dough will form a ball). 3. Divide dough in half; roll out each half on a sheet of parchment paper to a 1/4-inch thickness. Transfer each half (still on paper) to a baking sheet; freeze until firm, about 20 minutes. 4. Preheat oven to 350F°. Working with one half at a time, flip dough onto a work surface; peel off paper. Using a 2-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter, cut out cookies; place, on 2 baking sheets. Bake until firm and fragrant, about 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer cookies to a rack to cool. 5.Enjoy your sweet treats!

Conversation Heart Cookies

Prep Time: 20-25 mins Cook time: 20-25 mins Ingredients: 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour, plus more for surface 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened 1 cup sugar 1 large egg 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Icing Gel-paste food coloring (such as leaf green, lemon yellow, peach, red, rose, and violet) Directions: 1. Whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. Cream butter and sugar with a mixer on medium speed until pale and fluffy. With mixer running, add egg and vanilla. Reduce speed to low. Add flour mixture gradually, beating until just incorporated. Divide dough in half; flatten each half into a disk, and wrap each in plastic. Refrigerate until firm, at least 1 hour (or overnight). 2. Preheat oven to 325F° with racks in top third and lower third. Let 1 disk of dough stand at room temperature just until soft enough to roll, about 10 minutes. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out dough to just under 1/4-inch thickness, adding more flour as needed to keep dough from sticking. Cut out cookies with a 2-inch heart cutter, and place them 2 inches apart on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Roll out scraps once, and repeat. Repeat with remaining disk of dough. Freeze cookies until very firm, about 15 minutes. 3. Bake cookies, rotating sheets halfway through and switching from top to bottom, until edges turn golden brown, 14 to 16 minutes. Let cool on sheets on wire racks. Cookies will keep, covered, for up to 1 week. 4. Divide royal icing into 1/2-cup portions in small bowls. Tint each with a different gel-paste food coloring, starting with just a drop, mixing well, and adding more, drop by drop, to reach desired shade. Transfer 1 bowl of icing to a pastry bag fitted with a 1/8-inch round plain tip. Pipe the outline around edge of each cookie, then fill in with frosting. Poke air bubbles with a toothpick. Transfer decorated cookies to a parchment-lined baking sheet, and let stand uncovered overnight until dry. 5. Arrange stamp letters to create desired phrases. (Examples: LUV U, UR A QT, BFF, B MINE!) Fold a paper towel into quarters. Squeeze a small amount of red gel-paste food coloring onto a paper towel, and press stamp in coloring. (You may need to blot stamp a few times on a clean paper towel if coloring is too thick.) Lightly press stamp on top of icing in center of each cookie. Let stand until dry, about 30 minutes. 6. Share your sweets with some friends!

Netflix movie and tv recommendations

Katrina Hong

When Netflix is bae, you already know what you’re doing on Valentine’s! Netflix offers an abundance of movies available through its streaming platform, so it can often be overwhelming. As you begin scrolling from genre to genre trying to decide what you’re in the mood for, the whole process becomes tedious and turns into a nuisance. Sometimes, it’s just tough to find something worth watching. What should you spend your precious evenings watching? Which movies and series are worth your time? That being the case, I’ve taken the time to cruise through the ridiculous amount of content in order to bring to you a list of some of the best films currently available on Netflix. Planning your weekend has never been easier!


- Ant-Man- stunning visuals, outstanding tiny ant scenes, brilliant action, hilarious dialogue - Hunger Games- creative adventures, superb action and love scenes, powerful characters - 22 Jump Street- hilariously entertaining; silly dialogue


- Despicable Me- classic yellow minions; light-hearted story - Inside-Out- magnificent plot, touching and meaningful; very original and relatable - The Jungle Book- beautiful visuals, sounds and characters, graphics of nature - Zootopia- comical dialogue, cute story plot, contrasting characters


- Angel in the House- adorable and witty little boy; instills a very heartfelt message - Pitch Perfect- lots of fun; lots of singing; lots of laughing; lots of smiles - Safe Haven- gorgeous couple, excellent story, logical and realistic decisions made - The Fault in our Stars- tearjerking; so cute and heartwarming; so sad but worth the tears!


- Circle- intense and dramatic; engaging and empathetic - Hush- eerie, spooky, alarming; fantastic portrayals


- Saw- brilliantly daunting, frightening; nightmares guaranteed - The Purge-convincingly real, violent and gruesome - Would You Rather- artistic, imaginative, prolific yet ghastly


- Jack and Jill- highly amusing, ridiculously humorous, unrealistic - White Chicks- absolutely absurd and bizarre; relaxing and interesting

T.V. Shows

- The Walking Dead- hands down the best show ever: you must watch!! - Stranger Things- finally, something different, original and fascinating!!

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