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The Authority of God Class Sample

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Name: _____________________________________ Member #: _________________ Address: ___________________________________ Apt:_______________________ City:_____________________________State:________________ZIP:_____________ Phone: (_______) _______________________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________ *Please date and sign your name beside the topic that is being taught.



1. Introduction to Authority 2. God – The Supreme Authority 3. The Authority of Believers 4. Exercising Authority 5. Rebellion – A Satanic Principle 6. The Manifestations of Man’s Rebellion 7. Authority – Not Might, Not Power, But Spirit


8. Delegated Authority – God’s Choice 9. The Basis for Being in Delegated Authority 10. Misuse of Authority/Preventive Maintenance 11. Clean, Holy, Set Apart–Your Ultimate Challenge 12. Delegated Authority – Attitude of the Heart


The above named member has completed all of the classes for this course. Please make a certificate of completion. Certificate Completed: ___________________________ Date: ___________________

Instructor’s Initials:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Entered Computer: ______________________________ Date: ___________________

Date of Class Completion: ________________________________________________

Section Five How to Find the Gifts

Acts 2:47

47Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

1 Corinthians 12:27-28

27Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. 28And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

All the gifts are in God’s house. You must remember that God’s house expands all over the earth. He knows exactly what you need to make your vision become a reality, so don’t get caught up in seeing only the people you have in front of you.

Everything you need is already manifested in the Spirit. When visions are from God, through your tenacious loyalty to prayer, you can call God to remembrance of His Word, He is obligated to send laborers in your mist to fulfill the assignment He placed in your heart.

Listed below are some of the skills and expertise you will need in accomplishing your vision for growth:

 Human Resources

 Contractors

 Computer Programmers  CPA/Financial Managers  Legal Advisors  Needs Assessments

 Marketing/Crusade Planners  Recording Engineers  Travel Agents  Publishers

 Meeting Facilitators & Planners  Transportation  Maintenance

 Chefs

 Landscapers  Artists

 Seamstresses

 Photographers

The next two pages give an example of a survey that may be used as a tool to determine what gifts you actually have in your church. It could be incorporated as part of your new members kit or you could have it filled out by each family when you do a church directory.

Once it is completed, this information can be keyed into the computer, thus giving you a pool of resources to pull from for every manner of work.

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