Boeing Institue of International Business December 2014 Newsletter

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Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business John Cook School of Business ~ Saint Louis University December 2014

Volume 22, Number 2

NEW YEAR BRINGS NEW DEAN TO THE JOHN COOK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Following a na onal search, Mark Higgins, Ph.D., has been named the next dean of the John Cook School of Business at Saint Louis University. His tenure begins January 1, 2015. “Dr. Higgins brings more than a quarter century of experience as a highly respected scholar and innova ve leader to his new role at Saint Louis University,” said University President Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D. “The fact that he was selected from an excep onally strong field of candidates

HUSSMANN IB AWARDS CEREMONY HONORS GLOBAL LEADERS Congratula ons to the Scholars and Awardees recognized at the 2014 Hussmann Interna onal Business Awards Ceremony on Thursday, October 2. Saint Louis University President, Dr. Fred Pestello, presented the awards and scholarship medals to the 2014 Hussmann Interna onal Business Awards Ceremony honorees. He was assisted on stage by Edward Monser, president and COO of Emerson and (ConƟnued on page 4)

speaks to the outstanding na onal reputa on of our business school.” Dr. Higgins has been a member of University of Rhode Island’s (URI) faculty since 1988 and was appointed dean of the URI’s business college in 2006. Under his watch, the college has launched new degree programs and majors, increased resources for faculty, and enhanced student support services. As dean, he strengthened relationships with the college’s alumni and (ConƟnued on page 6)

EMERSON GLOBAL CONFERENCE EXAMINED CYBERSECURITY, ASIA TRADE, AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY More than 320 people registered for the 2014 Emerson Interna onal Business Conference held at Saint Louis University’s Busch Center Ballrooms on Friday, November 21. The event is held annually with topics changing each year to address current global business issues. The Conference Commi ee, comprised of members of the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business Advisory Board (BIIB), was chaired by Kevin Carr, managing director of Marsh USA. They assembled a Cybersecurity Panel, secured the Deputy U.S. Trade Representa ve (the U.S. Trade Representa ve’s Office highest ranking career employee), and a highly recognized entrepreneur and philanthropist to discuss corporate social responsibility. A con nental networking breakfast ran from 7:30 – 8:30 am. Dr. Seung Kim, director of the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business that sponsors the event, called the group to order. He introduced the morning program moderator, Kevin Carr, who began the program welcoming the four high-level cybersecurity panelists: (ConƟnued on page 2)

S A V E T H E D A T E S F O R T H E S E 2015 E V E N T S FEBRUARY 11: Japan Update: Japan’s Visions in Asia (see informa on on page 11) OCTOBER 8: Hussmann Interna onal Business Awards Ceremony NOVEMBER 20: Emerson Interna onal Business Conference

John Cook School of Business • Saint Louis University

The John Cook School of Business

ANNUAL EMERSON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONFERENCE WELCOMES MORE THAN 300 GUESTS ON NOVEMBER 21 (conƟnued from page 1) Anish Bhimani is CIO of J.P. Morgan Commercial Bank in New York. He assumed this role recently, having previously held the posi on of CIO for Corporate Technology & Risk at J.P. Morgan. Before joining the firm in 2003, he was at Booz Allen Hamilton. Earlier in his career, he worked in security and fraud reduc on at Bell Communica ons Research and then became Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Global Integrity Corpora on and Predic ve Systems. Mr. Bhimani has lectured worldwide and wri en ar cles on informa on security, has co-authored Internet Security for Business (Wiley & Sons, 1996), and is a U.S. patent holder. He is Chairman of FS/ISAC, and Chairman of the Risk Commi ee of The Clearing House. Honors include Informa on Security Execu ve of the Decade for North America (Tech Exec Networks) and a Bank Technology News “Top 25 Innovators”. He received an engineering degree from Brown and a master’s degree in informa on networking from Carnegie-Mellon University. Ma McCabe is senior vice president and Senior Advisory Specialist for the network security and data privacy group with the FINPRO prac ce at Marsh’s New York City headquarters. His current responsibili es include advising clients on emerging cyber security trends and issues plus ways in which they can address their unique data and privacy needs. Prior to joining Marsh, Mr. McCabe served as senior counsel to the U.S. House of Representa ves Commi ee on Homeland Security, where he advised congressional representa ves on federal, state, and local policy involving cyber security, data protec on, and privacy law. He also previously served THEE NE TH NEWS WSLE LETT TTER ER OF TH THEE BOEING INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AT THE JOHN COOK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY

Publisher Dr. ScoƩ Safranski, Interim Dean, John Cook School of Business

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Seung H. Kim, Director Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business

Boeing InsƟtute of InternaƟonal Business Karen Schneider CarpenƟer, Associate Director Jill Newman, External RelaƟons Danielle Stevens, Program Coordinator Teresa Walsh, AdministraƟve Assistant GETTING DUPLICATE COPIES? Emai Em aill Bi BiiB iB@s @ lu @s lu.e .edu du or ca callll (31 314) 4)) 977 77-3 363 630 0


in the administra on of President George W. Bush as a Policy Director on the Homeland Security Council. Before working in Washington, Mr. McCabe was a li gator at Schulte Roth & Zabel in New York, specializing in an trust cases and securi es and accoun ng fraud. He served as a federal law clerk to the Honorable William H. Pauley III in the Southern District of New York. He has earned a B.A. in Business from Bucknell University and a J.D. from Hofstra University School of Law. Ma hew Porter is chief execu ve officer at Contegix, an award winning managed hos ng, cloud compu ng and coloca on service provider in St. Louis. Since he cofounded Contegix, company revenues have grown consistently with expansion from a two-person team to a staff of more than 50 employees. Mr. Porter con nues to drive innova on, promote rapid organiza onal growth, and foster the core values of Contegix by empowering employees, partners, and customers. Before founding Contegix, Mr. Porter served as Director of Professional Services for Demand Management Inc. (DMI) in St. Louis, managing the next-genera on of enterprise supply chain management. He has also held the posi on of Senior Applica on Developer for World Wide Technology and senior engineering posi ons at TelcoBuy. com and IBM Global Services. Mr. Porter sits on the Advisory Board for a select number of startups, including Bonfyre. Prior recogni ons include being named as a “30 Under 30” local business leader in 2007 and a “40 Under 40” local business leader in 2012 by the St. Louis Business Journal. In 2010 he was inducted into the Entrepreneurial Hall of Fame as the “Under 40 Entrepreneur” at Saint Louis University’s John Cook School of Business. He was educated at Saint Louis University, where he earned his B.S. in Applied Computer St. Louis. Ari Schwartz serves as senior director of cybersecurity for the U.S. Na onal Security Council at the White House. He leads the team responsible for protec ng cri cal infrastructure, privacy, and civil liber es; informa on-sharing policy; and Federal IT security. He also leads outreach to the private sector and civil society for emerging cybersecurity policy. In April 2014, Mr. Schwartz was promoted from his role as Director for Cybersecurity at the Na onal Security Council. Previously, Mr. Schwartz served as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce. He helped run (ConƟnued on page 3)

The John Cook School of Business

MORE ABOUT THE NOVEMBER 21st EMERSON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONFERENCE TOPICS, SPEAKERS, AND SPONSORS (conƟnued from page 2) Mo M More ore than han 32 320 0 gu gues ests ts aƩen end ded th ded the he Em Emer erso son n InternaƟonal Business Conference on Friday, November 21, at Saint Louis University’s Busch Ballrooms. Two snapshots of the morning session n are pictured here. It was followed by a luncheon n program. Mark your calendar for the 2015 conference: Friday, November 20.

the Department of Commerce’s Internet Policy Task Force, providing input on areas such as cybersecurity, privacy, intellectual property, and radio spectrum policy. He came to the Department of Commerce through the Na onal Ins tute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where he served as Senior Internet Policy Advisor. Prior to his work in government, Mr. Schwartz served over 12 years as Vice President and Chief Opera ng Officer of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT). While at CDT, Mr. Schwartz regularly tes fied before Congress and Execu ve Branch Agencies on internet policy issues. He also led the An -Spyware Coali on (ASC) dedicated to defea ng spyware. Honors include the RSA and the Online Trust Alliance awards for Excellence in Public Policy, and being named a “Top 5 Influen al IT Security Thinker” by Secure Compu ng and an “Emerging Leader” by both Government Execu ve and Poli co. The audience was able to ask the panel many ques ons to delve further into the issues related to and impac ng today’s efforts to assure cybersecurity success within today’s virtual economy. It was quite an enlightening panel and Q&A. The final morning speaker --Wendy Cutler, the U.S. Trade Representa ve’s Office (USTR) highest ranking career employee as Deputy U.S. Trade Representa ve-discussed “Highlights of the Obama Administra on’s Trade Agenda in the Asia-Pacific Region.” She is working on U.S. trade nego a ons 3

and enforcement in the Asia-Pacific region. Her specific responsibili es include the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) nego a ons and bilateral trade rela ons with all TPP countries, U.S.-China trade rela ons, the Asia Pacific Economic Coopera on (APEC) Forum, the U.S.India Trade Policy Forum, and Trade and Investment Framework Agreements with countries ranging from Pakistan to the Philippines. Ms. Cutler also directly oversees engagement with Japan in the TPP, as well as in the bilateral nego a ons with Japan parallel to the TPP. Ms. Cutler joined USTR in 1988 as Chief U.S. Nego ator for the U.S.- Korea (KORUS) Free Trade Agreement, and on APEC, on bilateral agreements with Japan, as the U.S. nego ator for the WTO Financial Services Agreement, and with several Uruguay Round Agreements. Prior to joining USTR, Ms. Cutler worked on trade issues at the Commerce Department. She earned a master’s degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and a B.A. from George Washington University. A er a ques on and answer session, the guests moved to the luncheon por on of the program. Robert Clausen, chair emeritus of the BIIB Advisory Board, served as moderator. Paul Stark, S.J., vice president of Mission and Ministry at Saint Louis University provided the blessing. Ellen Harshman, Ph.D., J.D., interim vice president for academic affairs, welcomed the guests. This was followed by the Director’s Report provided by Dr. Kim. Pat Sly, execu ve vice president at Emerson and a member of the (ConƟnued on page 8)

The John Cook School of Business

STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS HONORED AT THE HUSSMANN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AWARDS CEREMONY (conƟnued from page 1) Chair of the Awards Ceremony Honorary Commi ee; Dr. Sco Safranski, interim dean of the John Cook School of Business; and Dr. Seung Kim, director of the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business that hosts this annual event, which is made possible by the corporate sponsor HUSSMANN, the co-sponsors (Tom & Kate Gunn and the St. Louis Business Journal), and the companies sponsoring scholarships. A er comments by the stage party, the ceremony began with the presenta on of the Globalist Award. The 2014 recipient was Madame Ma, Xiuhong, former vice minister of commerce for the People’s Republic of China. The award was presented by David Farr, Chairman and CEO of Emerson. While Madame Ma was not able to a end, the award was received on her behalf by Luomei Shu, commercial counselor from the Chinese Consulate Office in Chicago. Madame Ma did send a video expressing her gra tude and hopes that U.S.-China rela ons con nue to grow and prosper. The presenta on is pictured to the le with David Farr, chairman and CEO of Emerson; Luomei Shu; Dr. Pestello; Ed Monser; and Dr. Safranski (le to right). Next, the 2014 Interna onal Visionary Award was presented to James Berges, opera ng partner at Clayton, Dubilier & Rice as well as the Chairman of Hussmann and the Chairman of HD Supply. He is shown holding the crystal award flanked by Robert Clausen, chairman emeritus of the Ins tute’s Advisory Board and re red CFO of Solu a (le ) and Dr. Pestello. Mr Berges expressed gra tude, apprecia on, and the expecta on that the global economy will con nue to offer many opportuni es. In addi on to the professional awards, students studying interna onal business were presented with scholarships funded by area global companies. A representa ve of the company presented the official scholarship cer ficate and Dr. Pestello bestowed a scholarship medal on each student. He is pictured le placing the medal around the neck of Stephanie Sanchez with Dr. Kim’s par cipa on. The 2014 scholars and the representa ve presen ng the scholarship cer ficates were: • The Anheuser-Busch Global Business Scholarship was presented to Mian Li by Stephen Frein, Director of People at AB InBev. • The BIIB Advisory Board Interna onal Business Scholarship was presented to Madeline Alexander by BIIB advisory board member, David Orthwein. • The Bud Berman and Kellwood Company Global Business Scholarship was presented to Yu Liu by Mrs. Bud Berman and Keith Grypp, Vice President and General Counsel at Kellwood. • The Emerson Scholarship in Interna onal Business was presented to Cameron White by Pat Sly, Execu ve Vice President at Emerson. • The Monsanto Global Business Scholarship was presented to Tasso Pe grew by Lisa Safarian, Vice President of Commercial Opera ons at Monsanto. • The Neil Seitz Interna onal Business Student Scholarship was presented to Margaret Hazzard by Dr. John Keithley, former Dean of the John Cook School of Business. (ConƟnued on page 5)


The John Cook School of Business

STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS HONORED AT THE HUSSMANN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AWARDS CEREMONY (conƟnued from page 4) • The Novus Global Business Scholarship was presented to Stephanie Sanchez by Francois Fraudeau, President and CEO of Novus Interna onal. • The Sigma-Aldrich Global Business Scholarship was presented to Hope Williams by Kevin Krosley, Chief of Staff at Sigma-Aldrich. The event was held in the John Cook School of Business Anheuser-Busch Auditorium. More than 300

guests a ended to recognize the student scholars and business professionals. The program concludes with a celebratory recep on in the building atrium. Mark your calendar for the 2015 Interna onal Business Awards Ceremony: October 8. For more informa on on this event, or any other program sponsored by the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business, please email or call 314-977-3898.

The prof The Th ofes fessi sion ionall and d stu tud dent hon dent onor oree eess ar aree pi pict ictur ured d above bove. Fro ront nt row fro rom m leŌ leŌ: Luo uome meii Sh Shu u, Cam amer eron on Whi hite te, Hope Hope Wilillililiam amss, Stephanie Sanchez, Margaret Hazzard, Mian Li, Yu Liu, Madeline Alexander, Tasso Peƫgrew, and James Berges. Standing, from leŌ: Robert Clausen, Dr. Seung Kim, Pat Sly, Kevin Krosley, Francois Fraudeau, Dr. John Keithley, Stephen Frein, K ith Gryp Ke ypp, p, Mrs. Bud Berman,, David Orthwein,, Lisa Saffarian,, Ed Monser,, and Dr. ScoƩ Safr f anski.

THE BOEING COMPANY FLITE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: LOOKING AHEAD TO SUMMER 2015 For the past two summers, undergraduate interna onal business students in the John Cook School of Business have been invited to apply for the Boeing Future Leaders in Thought & Experience program (Boeing FLITE). It is a 10-week internship designed to create world-class, inclusive thought-leaders. Students work 40 hours a week with four days focused on their internship du es within a specific business unit and one day with the other FLITE interns par cipa ng in FLITE school. FLITE school gives the students an opportunity to reflect on their experience at Boeing, con nue to develop their business and professional skills, discuss real world work environment issues, and learn more about the organiza onal structure of The Boeing Company. The 2014 undergraduate student par cipants from the John Cook School of Business are pictured at the FLITE gradua on on August 7, 2014. From le to right they are Lisa Galvan, Cam White, and Kali Lueken. The applica on process for Summer 2015 FLITE par cipants will open February 1. For more informa on on eligibility and the applica on process, please contact Danielle Stevens at or 314-977-3631. 5

The John Cook School of Business

NEW YEAR WELCOMES NEW DEAN TO THE JCSB supporters, with a primary focus on fundraising for student scholarships. Dr. Higgins also created a diversity task force that, during his tenure, helped double the college’s minority enrollment. “We are thrilled that Dr. Higgins will be joining the faculty of Saint Louis University,” said Ellen Harshman, Ph.D., J.D., interim vice president for academic affairs. “As an experienced dean, he is well prepared to move the John Cook School of Business forward.” During his tenure at the University of Rhode Island, Higgins has also served as director of the masters in accoun ng program and associate dean for undergraduate programs. He currently holds the Alfred J. VerrecchiaHasbro Inc. Leadership Chair in Business. A graduate of the University of South Carolina, Dr. Higgins earned his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee and is also a CPA. Prior to joining the University of Rhode Island, he was a tax manager for Ernst and Young in New York City. This announcement represents the culmina on of an extensive na onal search led by a commi ee of faculty, staff, and students. The search process was inclusive, with all members of the John Cook School of Business community having opportuni es to meet with finalists and offer feedback to the commi ee. “The search commi ee and the faculty expressed the belief that Dr. Higgins will be a great fit for the business school because he has the leadership skills to continue the school’s forward progress,” said search commi ee chair Michael Wolff, J.D., dean of SLU’s School of Law. Dr. Higgins said he is very excited about joining Saint Louis University as the dean of the historic business school that has graduated 28,923 students since its founding in 1910. “All the people I have met at SLU have been extremely friendly and welcoming,” he noted. “I look forward to working with the faculty and staff at the Cook School as well as others throughout the University and in the business community to enhance the reputa on of both the business school and Saint Louis University.”

(conƟnued from page 1)

Dr. Higgins succeeds Sco Safranski, Ph.D., who has served as interim dean since 2013. For more than 20 years, Dr. Safranski has held a variety of administra ve roles at the business school, including chair of the Department of Management and twice as associate dean. “I would like to thank Dr. Safranski for his leadership during the past year and for his efforts to guide the John Cook School of Business during this important time of transition,” expressed Dr. Pestello. Founded in 1910 with Father Joseph Davis’ vision to create a flourishing school of finance and commerce, the John Cook School of Business is the oldest business school west of the Mississippi River. Rooted in a rich history of values-based business educa on, for the past century Saint Louis University’s business school has con nuously sought to define business educa on. Accredited by AACSB Interna onal — the premier accredi ng agency for degree programs in business — the John Cook School of Business at Saint Louis University is home to top-20 programs in entrepreneurship, interna onal business, and supply chain management. In 2014, U.S. News & World Report ranked the Cook School No. 79 out of more than 400 business schools in the country. Visit to learn more about the John Cook School of Business. Saint Louis University is a Catholic, Jesuit ins tu on that values academic excellence, life-changing research, compassionate health care, and a strong commitment to faith and service. Founded in 1818, the University fosters the intellectual and character development of more than 13,500 students on two campuses in St. Louis and Madrid, Spain. Building on a legacy of nearly 200 years, Saint Louis University con nues to move forward with an unwavering commitment to a higher purpose, a greater good. Visit the university web page at for more informa on. Excerpted from the JCSB web page: h p://

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER ACADEMY Summer 2015 will welcome the third High School Student Summer Academy in Interna onal Business sponsored by the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business in the John Cook School of Business at Saint Louis University. The academy is a two-and-a-half day program welcoming students from high schools around the area and as far away as Puerto Rico during the 2013 program. Students check-in on a Wednesday evening and depart a er a (ConƟnued on page 10)


The John Cook School of Business

ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: NETWORK AND GET AS MUCH EXPERIENCE AS YOU CAN Brian Josephson, the senior vice president of business opera ons and emerging markets at Rawlings in St. Louis, says “networking and partnering with those who have already walked the path” are the keys to success for expanding your business. In his five years at Rawlings, Brian has spent the first three as the company’s CFO. His current posi on involves developing emerging markets for Rawlings’ products. The strategic focus for Rawlings is expansion into global markets. A leading manufacturer and marketer of spor ng goods around the world, Rawlings has been in business for 127 years. They started as a small retailer in downtown St. Louis and are now a major player in the global spor ng goods industry, par cularly in the baseball market. Rawlings has established itself in the U.S. and has become a household name, but Brian and the other execu ves at Rawlings realized that, in order to grow, they needed to go global. Rawlings already has clients in Canada, some in La n America, and a small opera on in Europe. Up un l two years ago, they u lized a sub-contractor for their Asian business


opera ons. However, they now have built an office in Japan with a staff of 30 who are taking care of the Japanese market and will eventually take over all AsiaPacific. In the New Year Brian will be leaving Rawlings to expand his interna onal focus on promo ng emerging markets. Brian, a na ve of Salt Lake City, Utah, lived in Japan for two years, giving him a par cular familiarity and sensi vity to the Japanese market. Now that he is in St. Louis, he spends about 50 percent of his me traveling, mostly to Asia. He noted that the Japanese market, with their affec on for baseball, is similar to the United States, although there is con nued room for growth. The next opportunity that Rawlings is seeking is to get into the Chinese market. In fact, in early April 2014, Rawlings invited the Chinese Na onal Baseball Team to play against the Maryville University Saints. When asked about the lessons he has learned in his 25+ year career, Brian talked a great deal about learning as you go, par cularly when it comes to interna onal business transac ons and interac ons. “It is best to partner with those who already know, who have walked the path. By ‘picking’ their brains, you can learn how to best address different markets and how to deal with government officials. This all goes back to the importance of networking and expanding your network through those you already know.” He also noted that it is important to build strong communica on skills, always be approachable and humble, and be persistent—constantly looking for new opportuni es. He stresses the importance of being honest and fair: “If you are honest and fair, your customers will treat you the same way.” Brian’s advice for today’s interna onal business student: “Get as much experience as you can. Internships, mentoring opportuni es, and networking are each cri cally important learning pla orms teaching different skills for and giving different exposure to the work place. Take advantage of every opportunity.” He sees con nued growth in the global economy with new poten al available to the companies willing to expand beyond their comfort zones into emerging markets.

The John Cook School of Business

NOVEMBER 21 EMERSON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS TOP CONTEMPORARY TOPICS (conƟnued from page 3) BIIB Advisory Board, greeted the guests as the sponsor This event is possible due to the support of a number of of the Emerson Interna onal Business Conference. sponsors. For the second year, Emerson supported the The luncheon speaker was introduced by Steve LeClair, event as the Naming Sponsor. president of HDSupply Waterworks, a member of the BIIB Ambassador Level Sponsors were Boeing, Bunzl, Centene, advisory board, and the person hos ng Walter Wang. Edward Jones, Marsh/Mercer, Monsanto, Novus, SigmaA er Mr. Wang’s talk, Sco Safranski, Ph.D., interim dean Aldrich, the World Trade Center St. Louis, and the BIIB of the John Cook School of Business, presented a token of advisory board. apprecia on. Consul General Level Sponsors were Bunge, DuPont, Ernst Walter Wang discussed “The Impact of & Young, HD Supply Waterworks, Hussmann, J.P. Morgan, Corporate Global Responsibility on Global Maritz, and the St. Louis Regional Chamber. Business” and then answered ques ons Consul Level Sponsors were Clayco Forum, Commerce from the crowd. An entrepreneur and Bank, Enterprise Holdings, Inc., Mallinckrodt philanthropist, he is chairman and CEO Pharmaceu cals, Peabody Energy, Reinsurance Group of of JM Eagle Inc., the world’s largest America (RGA), RubinBrown, Unigroup, and Watlow. manufacturer of plas c pipe. Headquartered in Los Partnering OrganizaƟons providing invaluable support Angeles, JM Eagle employs more than 1,200 people in were the St. Louis Business Journal, the Missouri 22 plants throughout North America. Mr. Wang started Interna onal Trade & Investment Office, the U.S. his career at Formosa Plas cs in Taiwan. In 1990 he Department of Commerce Commercial Service, the World transferred to J-M Manufacturing Co. Inc. (J-M), becoming Agricultural Forum, the World Affairs Council, the St. Louis president in 2000 a er taking the company’s annual sales U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC), the Interna onal from $200 million in 1990 to over $1 billion. In 2005, Ins tute of St. Louis, the St. Louis Mosaic Project, and the he acquired J-M, which in 2007 acquired PW Eagle, the Transporta on Club of St. Louis. second largest PVC pipe maker in North America. This “This conference would not be possible without launched JM Eagle, which reached combined annual sales the generosity of all of these sponsors,” stated Dr. Kim. of more than $1.6 billion. Mr. Wang is ac vely involved in “We are very grateful for their support and partnership.” a number of organiza ons such as the Commi ee of 100 He expressed similar apprecia on to the Conference (C-100); the Young Presidents Organiza on Los Angeles; Commi ee and the en re BIIB Advisory Board. “These CEO; the World Economic Forum Centre for Global global execu ves drive the momentum of the Ins tute. Growth Companies Commi ee; and the Boao Forum Without them we could not achieve our goal of advancing of Asia. With his wife, the Wangs share this success the study and prac ce of interna onal business.” by generously suppor ng more than 15 philanthropic Mark your calendar for the 2015 Interna onal ini a ves in disaster relief, cancer research, pediatric Business Conference: Friday, November 20. For more informa on, email or call 314-977-3898. surgery, AIDs educa on, U.S.-China rela ons, ChineseAmerican Studies, and computer skills development, to name a few. They bring clean water to over 300,000 people in impoverished villages by dona ng plas c piping for water transport. He has earned many honors for his dedica on to Th lunch The Th heon tabl ble is piictur t ed d ab bove. From leŌ Ō is St Steve LeCl Clair, i Dr. Seung Kim, Patt Sl Sly, Robert b t Cl Clausen, the humanity. spea sp eake kerr Wa Walt lter er Wan ang g, Dr. Ellllen g, en Har arsh shma man n, Dr. Sco coƩ Ʃ Saffra rans nski ki,, an and d Fa Fath ther er Sta tark rk. 8

The John Cook School of Business

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: SUCCESS IS DRIVEN BY A GLOBAL FOCUS While working at MasterCard, Meghan Minnear was also planning a path to achieve her career goal of transi oning into an overseas assignment. An advanced degree would certainly make her a be er candidate, so she began researching degree programs available to her. She a ended an informa on session about the Execu ve Master of Interna onal Business (EMIB) program at Saint Louis University’s John Cook School of Business and immediately new the program was a perfect fit for her. She could obtain a master’s-level degree that would help her focus on an interna onal career. Addi onally, the execu ve-format—with classes every other weekend for 21 months—would not infringe upon her work or personal commitments. She began the 21-month program in 2009, and soon a er approached her employer with the request to keep her in mind for an interna onal placement, par cularly in Singapore. A er a year and a half in the EMIB program, MasterCard offered her the opportunity to transfer to Singapore. She accepted the offer, taking her out of St. Louis and into Asia. She completed her final EMIB semester virtually, and was able to remain well-connected with her faculty and classmates through video-conferencing for class, group mee ngs, and faculty discussions. Due to the me difference, Meghan was o en par cipa ng in the middle of the night. A er comple ng the EMIB program, she flew back to St. Louis to a end her gradua on. While in Singapore, Meghan was given growing leadership roles. She recruited, trained, and managed local talent in both the Asia/Pacific and Middle East/Africa regions. The knowledge she gained through the EMIB courses, faculty, classmates, speakers, and study abroad was cri cal to her success in this new assignment. She explained, “I would not have had the confidence to be able to take on an overseas assignment without my con nued educa on in general and the EMIB degree in par cular.” When asked what was the most valuable part of her EMIB educa on, Meghan had a hard me pinpoin ng just one thing; however, for her, the study abroad experience stands out in her memory. First, she noted it “was an opportunity for us to put together all 9

of our educa on to see firsthand different cultures, different business strategies, and how to be successful in emerging markets.” It is truly bringing the classroom to the country. Second, Meghan had never been to Asia before the EMIB study abroad trip to China. This cultural immersion opportunity intensified her global professional creden als, which would be considered by MasterCard when considering her for the Singapore transfer. Thus, the study abroad course was invaluable to her career. Her classmates are another key asset to the program. Having people with various backgrounds and experience levels helped contribute to her own personal growth and professional development. She considers her classmates to be lifelong friends that she can call upon and network with even years a er comple ng the program. Meghan’s experience living and working abroad, as well as her me in the EMIB program, has led her to offer the following advice for business professionals about the role of global business in the future. “We saw with the recession in the U.S. that relying on one country for your livelihood as a company will not allow you to weather economic storms. Having diversified business strategies that incorporate the global market will allow for greater opportunity and sustainability to be able to take advantage of a variety of markets. Without a global focus you may find yourself feeling every economic swell of your limited por olio.” In March of 2014, Meghan and her family returned to St. Louis a er three years in Singapore. She has been promoted to Vice President in Technology Account Management at MasterCard. Her me abroad has taught her a great deal about conduc ng business globally. She emphasized the importance of having an open mind and pa ence as well as knowing that the strategy and methods used in interac ons with people from different cultures will not be the same; thus, taking the me to learn those nuances is cri cal to good business rela onships. For more informa on on MasterCard, visit: www. For more informa on on the Execu ve Master of Interna onal Business, visit: h p://

The John Cook School of Business

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SUMMER ACADEMY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE WORKS FOR 2015 (conƟnued from page 6) closing ceremony and dinner, a ended by the students’ families. During the me living on campus, the high school students reside in a dorm to get the feel for college-life, a end academy courses such as Going Global, Interna onal Culture & Business E que e, a global case study, and a company visit. They also par cipate in collabora ve learning experiences with an entertaining format such as Global Jeopardy and An Amazing Race. For the la er, various countries are located around campus. The students have to complete an interna onal challenge to receive a clue to find the next country to get their passport stamped. The first student team to receive all stamps wins. Challenges, used to teach students about other countries and cultures, have included learning a cultural dance, determining the ingredients in an interna onal food, learning to e a sari, to name a few. The schedule also provides social me with their fellow high-school par cipants and the student ambassadors who are majoring in interna onal business at the John Cook School of Business. “We have been very pleased with the number of students who par cipated in the first and second year,” noted Dr. Seung Kim, director of the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business that sponsors the program. “Our goal was 15 and each year we exceeded that number. In 2015, we hope to welcome 25 students to the program.” Dr. Kim also noted his gra tude to the board members, faculty, students, and staff who worked together as a team to make the program possible. If you are interested in more informa on on the 2015 Interna onal Business Summer Academy for High School Students, contact Danielle Stevens at or 314-977-3631. PH P PHOT HOT OTOS OS: The top ph OS hotto sh hows the sttud dents t on the firstt niigh ht in th ht the h attrium i off th the h Joh hn Cookk Sch hooll off Business i during ice-breakers to get to know one another. The second photo shows Dr. Seung Kim direc ng a class. The b om pho bo hoto to sho hows ws the gro roup up p wit ith h th thee Sa Sain intt Lo in Loui uiss Un ui Univ iver iv ersi er sity si tyy Bilillililike ken ke n. n. 10

The John Cook School of Business

Japan Update: Japan’s Visions in Asia Wednesday, February 11, 2015 .... Saint Louis University John Cook School of Business Anheuser-Busch Auditorium

4 p.m. 6 p.m.

Panel followed by Q&A with audience Sushi Networking recep on


• Ambassador Ira Shapiro is President of Ira Shapiro Global Strategies LLC, a consul ng firm with an emphasis on U.S.-Japan trade policy and rela ons. He is also the Chairman of the Na onal Associa on of Japan-America Socie es. Previously he was Partner at Greenberg Traurig in Washington, D.C., where he focused his prac ce on interna onal trade. He has held senior staff posi ons in the U.S. Senate and has served as General Counsel, Ambassador, and Chief Trade Nego ator with Japan and Canada in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representa ve during the Clinton administra on. He will discuss: “The Economic and Geo-poliƟcal Importance of Trans-Pacific Partnership NegoƟaƟon”

• Masami Doi is the former General Manager of Toyota Motor Corpora on and currently Partner at KREAB & GAVIN ANDERSON in Tokyo. He is also a Specially Appointed Professor at Yamagata University. He will discuss: “The role of the Japanese Economy in the World and Asia”

• Dr. Ulrike Schaede is Execu ve Director of the Center on Emerging and Pacific Economies at the University of California, San Diego, School of Interna onal Rela ons and Pacific Studies (IR/PS). She is also Professor of Japanese Business. She will discuss: “The Emergence of ‘New Japan’ and its Role in Global Supply Chains”

• Brian Josephson is the re red Senior Vice President of Rawlings Sports Company


managing interna onal sales. His career includes many years of living and working in Japan. He built a Rawlings business in Japan that con nues to grow. “Doing Business in Japan” Admission to this event is complimentary, but space is limited. Please RSVP today to the Boeing Ins tute of Interna onal Business: or call 314-977-3898. For each guest, please provide: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Full name (please include any professional tles, such as Honorable, Dr., Rev. etc.) Title Company name and company mailing address (with street, city, state, zip) Email address and phone number

Funded by The Sasakawa Peace FoundaƟon/NAJAS Sponsored by the Japan America Society of St. Louis and the Boeing Institute of International Business, John Cook School of Business, Saint Louis University in partnership with Saint Louis University’s Center for Interna onal Studies and Department of Sociology & Anthropology


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Boeing Institute of International Business John Cook School of Business One. Grand Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63103

WE’RE PROUD OF OUR OUTSTANDING ALUMNI Pat Larmon President and CEO Bunzl Distribution USA, Inc. Cindy Malawy Vice President, Marketing The Boeing Company Amber Simpson Vice President National Multicultural Markets US Bank Mike Woida

Senior Vice Pres., International CKE Restaurants Inc.

U.S. News & World Report recently ranked Saint Louis University’s international business graduate programs 13th in the nation. 16th naƟon.

Success in today’s global economy requires competence and confidence in the Success in today’s global economy requires competence and confidence intricacies of international business. Open doors to the world business in the intricacies of international business. Open doors to the world of of business withwith a a

MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DEGREE Executive format (EMIB). Classes meet every other Saturday for 21 months!

Executive format (EMIB). Classes meet every other Saturday for just 21 months!

FIND US AT: SLUCookBusiness

Attend the next Info Session: Thurs., Jan. 8, 5:30 pm or Sat., Jan. 24, 10:30 am. Make your reservation at or call Jill at 314-977-3839.

For more information about the Boeing Institute of International Business visit us at email or call 314.977.3839.




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