"Thank You” to our SLUH community translated in the seven modern and classical languages we offer: Arabic, Chinese, French, Greek, Latin, Russian and Spanish.

These words resonated with the founding of St. Louis University High in 1818, when the school sparked a fire that continues to spread. For more than 200 years, we have illuminated the world by developing leaders of competence, conscience, courage and compassion. We have provided fuel to better the world, especially for the most needy, through an active commitment to justice and service.

The successful conclusion of our Go Forth campaign fans our flame for our third century of excellence. This publication is dedicated to our generous alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, friends, volunteers and benefactors whose unwavering support has positioned us for success for the next generations of Jr. Bills.

In 2000 and 2006, the Jesuit Secondary Education Association (now known as the Jesuit Schools Network) released a document to help all Ignatian-inspired school apostolates maintain and deepen their Jesuit identity. Reflected in that document is a profound statement of St. Ignatius’ second observation in the Contemplation on the Love of God, which “reminds us that love consists in the mutual sharing of goods” (Spiritual Exercises [231], What Makes a Jesuit School Jesuit [2]).

The successful completion of the St. Louis University High Go Forth campaign, the largest in the history of our 204-year-old school, demonstrates that the love for our educational and formational community is broad and deep. The campaign was not only an exercise in fundraising, but also an opportunity to listen, unpack and be moved by the stories of alumni, friends and benefactors who were considering “mutual sharing of gifts” because of their love of the school and its Jesuit mission.
It was a true and humbling blessing to hear alumni who graduated from the 1940s through the 2000s reflect, process and define the formational and educational impact of SLUH. Stories of teachers, coaches and administrators – lay and Jesuit – delineated the long blue line of intellectual and faith-filled alumni. The commonality for all of these conversations was a deep sense of foundational excellence that led to meaningful and rich lives of service, leadership and personal success.
Some spoke of fulfilling marriages and raising wellrounded and accomplished children, or perhaps a life of service to the Church. Others recalled scientific and entrepreneurial creativity, or even corporate and financial outcomes. But all spoke of problem solving, work ethic, service to others, a relentless pursuit of excellence, as well as lessons learned and embedded deep through their formational experiences at SLUH.
Our school is deeply blessed by the Christ-inspired love that permeates our tradition on 4970 Oakland. Our enrollment remains strong at about 1,000 boys; our 100-year-old campus is being renewed to serve another 100 years; our modernized programming provides exceptional STEM and global education opportunities; our activities and athletics are vibrant and successful (SLUH was among the Top 5 athletic programs, according to local media); and our academic outcomes remain at a level of traditional excellence.
Your love and generosity, underpinned by our Jesuit mission, is allowing us to make great things happen for and with the young men we serve. Thank you for supporting our Go Forth campaign, and thank you for helping us live for the Greater Glory of God.
Gratefully, Alan Carruthers President

"The successful completion of the St. Louis University High Go Forth campaign, the largest in the history of our 204-year-old school, demonstrates that the love for our educational and formational community is broad and deep."
" is evident that SLUH remains the premier academic and formative institution for nearly 1,000 students because of the collaborative commitment of our many partners –from parents, teachers and staff, to alumni, benefactors and friends."
Dear Parents, Alumni and Benefactors,
Congratulations! As a result of your support and prayers, St. Louis University High has achieved another milestone by surpassing an historic capital campaign goal few would even consider. We are deeply thankful to each of you. By exceeding $70 million for the Go Forth campaign, SLUH is uniquely positioned to continue developing young men as leaders guided by intellectual competence and high moral caliber.
This incredible feat will help ensure that SLUH can build upon its legacy of admitting all young men capable of thriving at our school, regardless of their financial circumstances. In addition, bolstering investments in a strong and innovative curriculum, Jesuit spirituality, social justice and a 21st century campus will continue fulfilling the Ignatian mission of the school established more than 200 years ago.
Having first walked these halls 45 years ago as a freshman, been blessed with two sons who thrived at SLUH 10 years ago, and having the privilege to serve on your Board of Trustees for the past nine years, it is evident that SLUH
remains the premier academic and formative institution for nearly 1,000 students because of the collaborative commitment of our many partners – from parents, teachers and staff, to alumni, benefactors and friends.
With my final term as Board Chair complete, and on behalf of your entire Board of Trustees, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for all that you have done and will continue to do for our Jr. Billikens.
Thank you for fostering our tradition of excellence, generosity and spirituality for our young men, our community and beyond.
Sincerely, Joseph F. Jedlicka III ‘80 Chairman, Board of Trustees


Letter from the President 2
Letter from the Chairman 3
2021-22 Highlights 4
Thank You to Our Sponsors 6
Sports Scorecard 7
In Motion. On Mission. 8
Opportunity for all Qualified Young Men 10 Intellectual Growth and Discovery 12
The Greater Glory of God 14
Board of Trustees 16
Financials 17
New Giving Opportunity: Endowed Funds 18

Mothers Club/ Fathers Club 19
Alumni Board 20
Faculty & Staff 21
Advisory Committees 22
We are grateful to our Photography Club, led by Kathy Chott, for capturing many of the photos in this publication.
This Gratitude Report from the President is a publication for alumni, parents and friends of St. Louis University High School. Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this report. If an omission or error has occurred, please send a note to
Published September 2022
SLUH hosted a Modern Languages Summit to share perspectives in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish with peers from partner schools in Egypt, Taiwan, France, Russia and Spain.
FIVE students received the highly selective U.S. Department of State National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) Scholarship.
Jr. Bills earned recognition as National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists, and 11 were National Merit Commended Scholars.
SLUH administered 938 Advanced Placement examinations to 484 students.

Eighty percent scored a three or higher, earning credit at most colleges.
Jr. Bill musicians earned three gold, four silver and three bronze medals at the State Solo and Ensemble Festival.
The Dauphin Players presented live stunning performances of Wait Until Dark (fall) and The Addams Family (spring) in the Joseph Schulte Theater.

STUCO organized a fun lineup of activities during Mission Week to benefit Covenant House, which assists the homeless youth of St. Louis.
All four classes enjoyed a programming day to build brotherhood and enjoy recreational time together.
The Mock Trial team argued skillfully in the Mock Trial State Championship and advanced to the quarterfinals.

Campus ministry conducted 14 retreats, including Freshman Retreat (1 classwide), Sophomore Retreat (1 classwide), Junior Retreat (4), Kairos (5), Art Retreat (1), Service Learning Retreat (1) and Philia Retreat (1).
The 4th annual St. Louis U. High Day, held in conjunction with the school founding day, raised $576,933 to support the Jr. Bill Fund. The Jr. Bill Fund supports need-based aid and ensures the full Jr. Bill experience is available to all SLUH students.

The RoboBills advanced to the championship round at the Regional First Robotics Competition.

Eight Jr. Bills who are actively engaged in research shared their remarkable projects and experiences at SLUH STEM Night.
Seniors undertook their Grande Projects to engage with outside, marginalized populations and to become more aware of and sensitive to the needs of others. Learn more at
All classes participated in the annual Food Drive, with food items and monetary donations directed to the Freshman Service Program, which supports Peter & Paul Community Services.

The school community rallied at Celebrate SLUH: CASHBAH '22, led by auction co-chairs Sara Martin Buehring and Nancy Parker Tice, by raising more than $1.4 million to help continue an enduring legacy of providing need-blind admission.
The 10th annual Scholarship Golf Classic, presented by Mungenast St. Louis Acura, Alton Toyota and the Kurt and Katie Mungenast Charitable Foundation, raised more than $180,000 for financial aid.

Area Wide Refrigeration | Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP | Anthony M. Bommarito Sr. | Busey Bank | ChemStation | John and Mary Clohisy | Focal Pointe Outdoor Solutions, Inc. |
4 Hands Brewing Co. | Steve and Stacy Gund, in honor of Fr. Weiss, SJ | The Hannah Family | Hastings + Chivetta Architects
| Healthcare Infection Control Solutions| The Ledbetter Family

Kathleen and Paul '74 Matecki Mary and Joseph '78 Stieven
Ameren Missouri | Aon | Patty and Mark '72 Mantovani
Berra Family Charitable Foundation | BSI Constructors | Emerson | Friend of SLUH | Sandy and Chris Hemmersmeier
| Krilogy - John M. McArthur ’95 CIMA®
| Leslie and Marty Lyons | SLUH Class of 2000 | Monster Tree Service - The Tim Sansone Family | The Tice Family | The Vanous Family

Jennifer and Tim Fogerty | Food Service
Consultants | Lockton | Precision Daylighting, Inc. | Savvy Design Group

| WeFinance - John Schmidt | Mark '72 and Debbie Wilhelm
| Lewis Rice LLC | Carol and Al Litteken | Marcum LLP | The Market Street Group at RBC Wealth Management | The Mays Family | Missouri Orthopedics & Advanced Sports Medicine | Nestlé Purina Petcare | Northwestern Mutual - Jen and Gerard Hempstead | Laurie Hunsicker Phillips and Brad Phillips
| PNC Bank | Seyer Industries | SLUH Fathers Club | SLUH Mothers Club | Eric, Janet and Jackson '23 Slusser | Southern Lochmoeller Team at Dielmann Sotheby's Realty - Elizabeth and Baxter Southern | Jim, Peggy and Jack '18 Wachter | Aimee Wittman and Scott Jarboe | World Wide Technology

Absolute Granite and Quartz | Mark Alford and Mari Watanabe
| Anders CPAs + Advisors | The Andrew Family | The Baumer Family | Bieg Plumbing Company | Bio Balance Skin - Jim and Dana Whalen | Janet Bone, CFP - Benjamin F. Edwards | The Browdy Family | The Brugnara Family | Buckingham Strategic Wealth | Byrne & Jones Construction| Eileen Cole, P.C. - Cole Estate Planning Solutions | Commerce Bank | Corrigan Company | DiMaggio Electric Inc. | The Dorn Family | Dowd Bennett LLP | The Eisenbeis Family | Chris Erker '85 | The Etling Family | Chris and Christine Finney | Freise Construction Co. | Garcia Properties - Alexandra Castellano | The Glarner Family | Kevin and Amy Gunn | Hoffmann Brothers | The Johnson Family | A Friend of SLUH | The Locker Family | McAuliffe Law Firm LLP | Robbie, Stacie and Robert '22 Mize | Owen Development – The Barry Family | Jane, Dave and Justin '20 Peacock | Rubin Brown LLP & Fred and Kristin Kostecki | Jim and Kathryn Sansone Family | Sharamitaro & Associates, PC | Mike and Mollie Shelton | George and Kim Tarlas | Jimmy Vreeland '98 | Michelle and Michael '89 Zarrilli
The Kurt and Katie Mungenast Charitable Foundation
Mungenast St. Louis Acura
Mungenast Alton Toyota
The Wacker Financial Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
Patti and Mark Mays
SLUH Class of 2000 | Stieven Capital Advisors, LP - Joe Stieven '78
Account Resolution Corporation, Jim Hill '84 | Capital for Business | Friend of SLUH | Food Service Consultants | Mark and Patty Mantovani | The Market Street Group of RBC Wealth Management, Pete Sadlo '91 and Rob Funke '92 | Millennium Pain Management, Dr. Steve Granberg '84 | The Pauly Jail Building Company – Bob Pohrer '79, Joe Pohrer '75 | Safety National | Mary Pat and Tom Santel '76 | SLUH Class of 2023 Fathers
AUTOCOhome Appliances | Sharamitaro & Associates, CPA
JPMorgan Chase – Jim Penilla '91 | The Jedlicka Family – Joe ’80, Frank ’84, John ’12 and Joe IV ’12 | Owen Development – Cathy and Mike Barry '80 | Jeff '98 and Idania Rombach | SmithAmundsen LLC
– Brian Wacker '02 | The Sullivan Family – Kevin '83 and Jack '19
Sports Scorecard

2021 Fall
MCC Champions
4th in State
FOOTBALL: State Quarterfinalist
Most wins (7) since 2015
SOCCER: MCC Champions
Top 16 in State
Most wins (23) since 2015
MCC Champions
3rd place team finish at State
4 individual State champions
2021-22 Winter

State Quarterfinalist
Most wins (18) since 2016-17 season
2022 Spring
#2 in District
Most wins (20) since 2014
ESPORTS: #5 in State (Super Smash Bros)
Top 4 in State (Valorant)
Top 4 in State (League of Legends)
GOLF: Jesuit Cup Champions
#17 in State (Louis Cornett '22)


Top 8 in State
2 All-Star Selections
All-Metro Players of the Year
SWIMMING: Cooper Scharff ’22

ICE HOCKEY: Max Bely ’23
ICE HOCKEY: Jesuit Cup Champions
11th consecutive National title
Finished in 5th (day 1) and 2nd (day
2) at the National Championships
2nd highest win total in dual matches in seven seasons

LACROSSE: Top 4 in State
TENNIS: Gus Tettamble ’22
VOLLEYBALL: George Henken ’22
WATER POLO: Cooper Scharff ’22

TRACK & FIELD: MCC Champions
#6 in State (top team finish for a St. Louis area team, 5 individual medals)
The SLUH Insignis podcast celebrated sports with three extraordinary guests: Ben Rosario '98, Murphy Troy '07 and Steve Nicollerat. Listen to their engaging conversations with show host Jim Linhares.
Scan the codes below with your mobile device to view videos that capture our mission in action at SLUH, from inspiring achievement and vibrant student life, to selfless acts and formational moments.
SLUH Insignis Podcast: A conversation with Fr. Matt Stewart, SJ ‘98, celebrating the Ignatian Year
Class of ‘25 Running of the Bills: A SLUH rite of passage

Kathy Hylla honored for her dedicated service
Clavius Project Jamboree: STEM outreach program hosted 300+ middle school students for a robotics showcase and competition
"Thanks to SLUH, I no longer see learning as a transaction where students retain and memorize information. I view it as a collaborative effort by both students and teachers to create an environment that puts students outside of their comfort zones in ways that challenge them to be the best version of themselves, both as learners and as people.”

Mothers Club and Alumni Mothers Club Hosted the Janet Knobbe-Viox Loyola Santa Shop
Dr. Eric Clark ‘83 Recognized with the Backer Award
Several years ago the St. Louis University High Board of Trustees led a strategic thinking process that would set the school on a trajectory of excellence for its third century. After identifying the goals that would be essential for the future of SLUH, they were aiming for $70,000,000 of forward-looking improvements. A campaign of this magnitude had never been attempted – perhaps not by any secondary school in the region – and many felt it would be out of reach for SLUH (including our professional fundraising consultant).
Today, the aspirational vision of the Go Forth campaign has been fully funded, and SLUH enjoys a position of strength that will not soon be taken for granted. This remarkable achievement has everything to do with your love for SLUH, and your belief in the importance of our school for the future of the world. Thank you.
In the sections that follow, you will see how the Board’s operational focus areas of SCHOLARSHIP, Innovative Programming and Facility Improvements have made SLUH a model of ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT and FAITH FORMATION for the nation and the world. Thank you to all who

COMMITTED: $70,524,834
GOAL: $70 Million
have made the Go Forth campaign an historic success.
Please enjoy learning about the ways that the Go Forth campaign has transformed St. Louis U. High, and join me in saying a prayer of gratitude for the many donors who helped to realize the vision of a new century of service for SLUH. Thank you for supporting the formation of our young men at Backer Memorial, and for all the ways you help to carry the torch of SLUH into the future Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
Go Forth strengthened financial assistance to preserve student diversity and an unwavering commitment to affordable education in the Jesuit tradition. The campaign provides a new level of scholarship assistance to ensure a SLUH education remains accessible to all qualified young men, regardless of economic circumstances.
• Growing the endowment for financial aid by more than 100% to preserve need-blind admission.
• Meeting 100% of demonstrated need from students (currently more than $4 million per year).
• Strengthening the endowed scholarship program which now funds more than 85% of need-based aid.
• Starting the Francis Scholars program, which provides extra support, beyond tuition, for families most in need.
The Go Forth campaign launched Presidential Scholarships, which are funded at $1 million and publicly recognize SLUH scholars of distinction. The St. Louis Scholarship was one of the Presidential Scholarships established as part of Go Forth to provide the equivalent of three full tuitions annually.
Learn more about St. Louis Scholars
“Our son, Luke, is a current sophomore at SLUH and we have been so grateful for the gift of the SLUH community for our son. We are especially appreciative of the talented SLUH faculty and staff who have accompanied Luke in his educational journey. It would be our desire that any boy in St. Louis could learn from and with the amazing educators at SLUH.
"We decided to create a scholarship in honor of Mr. Stephen Deves who taught our son’s Algebra 1 class during his freshman year. We have been inspired by Stephen's joyful spirit, his kindness and generosity, and his deep commitment to forming Men for Others. We see in Stephen the qualities that are uplifted and celebrated at SLUH, and we are honored to support the opportunity for more boys to learn from Stephen and all of our outstanding faculty and staff through the creation of this scholarship.”


“Whatever success I have had in life, I attribute to two sources. First are the common sense, appreciation of education, and personal responsibility values instilled by my parents. Very close behind that are the extremely high-level education, discipline, moral value reinforcement, and competitiveness fostered by my years at SLUH. The faculty really cared about the students and strove to foster our progress.
SLUH has made great strides to manage its operating budget and improve annual fundraising efforts to underwrite financial aid, thus preserving the endowment corpus, while simultaneously paying down debt (primarily acquired in the 1990s). No debt has been assumed in the past decade. The net result is a notably increased net endowment. Even still, an average annual draw of 5% on the net endowment equates to only about $1600 per student.
$80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000
“After my freshman year, a work-study program covered half of my tuition. [The rest I earned with part-time jobs.] Without that SLUH program, I would have been unable to continue there. I fully support SLUH’s position that no student who can handle the curricula will be turned away due to finances.
“Since I have been fortunate to have the wherewithal to do so, I assist this policy as best I can. My education at SLUH is directly and specifically responsible for my receiving a college scholarship. SLUH’s relatively new Presidential Scholarship program is an excellent way to help qualified students with financial need to take that next important educational step.”
Dr. Bob ‘60 and Rosemary Emnett (pictured) created the Emnett Family Presidential Scholarship to assist young men to attend SLUH and to promote their ability to attend college. It was established in gratitude for the assistance Bob received as a student at SLUH. It also recognizes the excellent education and character development SLUH provided to Bob, his son Bob, Jr. ’85, nephew David Emnett, Jr. ’07 and nephew Benjamin Emnett ’11.
Mindful of the pulse and vitality in education today, Go Forth engaged a holistic, globally conscious model of curriculum development and innovative programming. It prioritized student support while modernizing the Backer Memorial building for its next century of forming leaders of competence, conscience, courage and compassion.
• Creating the James Guth Costigan ’62 Innovation Lab to anchor STEM programming. This 5,200 square-foot strategically planned space features a fabrication workshop, Peacock Family Classroom, workshop, robotics construction space and collaborative meeting areas.
Learn more about SLUH iLab Ambassadors
• Hiring a Director of the Innovation Lab, Mr. Jeff Schaefer.
• Renovating six science labs.
Learn more about SLUH Science Lab Renovations

• Opening The J. Anthony '57 and Donna M. Dill Center for Academic Success, a 6,300 square-foot space for School Counseling, College Counseling and Academic Administration. It features 14 offices, three reception areas and two conference rooms.
• Launching the College Counseling Department with four College Counselors and an array of programming; simultaneously creating capacity in the Student Counseling Department to prioritize student holistic health and well-being.

• Creating the Learning Center and Curriculum Outreach Program.
• Establishing the first Director of Global Education, Mr. Rob Chura.
• Starting Arabic Language and Culture Studies.
• Expanding foreign- and English-based exchange programs, and integrating a global dimension into our curricular intentions for every SLUH student.
• Developing new immersion partnerships with Jesuit schools in Columbia and Taiwan, as well as service opportunities at multiple international locations.
• Facilitating a Comprehensive Curriculum Review and providing interdepartmental professional development.
• Conducting a Strategic Summit among SLUH academic leaders to build a plan for curriculum and programming that could be implemented after the pandemic.

Pictured (from top, clockwise): Interior of the Dill Center; Dr. Brock Kesterson speaks with a student in his office in the Dill Center; aviation simulator; students work on a project in a renovated science lab.

“The key to our future comes through innovation. Creativity and the ability to envision that which has not been conceived before is a skill that has defined the American story. Automobiles, movies, cell phones, kidney transplants, the light bulb – they all stem from the ability to find new ways to solve legacy problems. SLUH is devoting time and energy to nurturing this in their students and we felt an imperative to help.”

“I supported Global Education initiatives through Go Forth because I believe that we should educate students to appreciate diverse cultures and understand their connections to the wider world. As members of the SLUH community, it is imperative to carry out our Jesuit mission and educate youngsters, regardless of economic circumstances, to serve our society and to reach out to the world.”
Go Forth reinvigorated the enduring commitment of SLUH to educating Men for Others who live out the Jesuit, Catholic mission around the world. Go Forth has provided nearly $10,000,000 as direct investments in the Jesuit Catholic character of SLUH. These investments represent a longterm commitment to the mission of the Church. SLUH will remain a leader in vocation promotion to the Society of Jesus and the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Go Forth is ensuring that all students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni continue to experience SLUH as a place of encounter with God, and formation for mission.

• Acquiring and renovating the Madonna della Strada Retreat Center to support the school's strong retreat program. Resting on 88 sprawling acres near Troy, Mo., it features gathering spaces, meeting rooms, dormitories, a freestanding chapel, recreation center, a Spirit Walk nature trail and Stations of the Cross. Learn more at
• Expanding the retreat program in Campus Ministry by creating Sophomore Service and the Junior Retreat Program, now required for all students, while increasing the number of students attending Kairos Retreat.
• Beginning in 2023, SLUH will renovate the main school chapel and create the St. Peter Faber, SJ Campus Ministry Center, in Honor of Kelly and David Laughlin. These improvements will not only make more efficient use of space, the heart of the school will become a more inviting space of worship and solitude, grounding academic and athletic achievement in spiritual and moral formation.

In the summer of 2021, SLUH installed a new rooftop on Backer Memorial and opened up the skylights in the main chapel. This allows for the originally intended natural light to fill the chapel for the first time since the 1927 tornado.
Get a bird's eye view of the new rooftop and skylights.
Pictured (from top-left, clockwise): Art retreat at Madonna Dells Strada Retreat Center; retreat center sign; retreat center recreation space; junior retreat; retreat center grotto.


"I feel blessed to have benefited from a SLUH education, from its consistently excellent academics combined with need-blind admission and the diversity it creates, to a strong emphasis on faith formation and developing Men for Others.
"One of my classmates did not grow up in a family of faith and was not a Catholic when he attended SLUH -- yet he was so moved by his high school experience that he went on to become a faith leader in his community. SLUH transformed him, and he is eternally grateful for the path it set him on.
"I don’t want anyone who is qualified to miss out on the SLUH experience I had as well as the lifelong brotherhood and opportunities that the school opened up in my life."

Mark and his wife Debbie made a Go Forth leadership gift to help fund the St. Peter Faber, SJ Campus Ministry Center, in Honor of Kelly and David Laughlin. This new space will be complete in 2024.

We thank our Board of Trustees for their leadership in ensuring that the future direction of SLUH coincides with and promotes its Jesuit, Catholic mission. Please join us in recognizing our outgoing and new Trustees.
Tim Fogerty PP
Joseph Jedlicka III ’80 PP Paul Matecki ’74
John Wunderlich ‘66 PP
Harold Carter ’05 J. Chris Hemmersmeier ’84
Daniel Millman ’87 PP
PP = Past Parent
We look forward to Darryl Jones ’73 PP (pictured) serving as our new Board Chairman. Learn about Jones in his SLUH Archive video interview by scanning the QR code with your mobile device.

The Board of Trustees serves as the St. Louis University High governing body and ensures that the future direction of the school fulfills its mission and founding purpose, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. Various subcommittees report to the Board.
Thomas P. Berra Jr. ‘85 PP
Attorney Lewis Rice, LLC Alan R. Carruthers CP President St. Louis University High School Harold L. Carter, PharmD '05 Vice President, Strategy and Contracting Express Scripts Michael Caruso, SJ Saint Louis University (through June 30, 2022) Vice President for Mission, Planning and Operations (as of July 1, 2022)
St. Louis University High School

H. Eric Clark, Ed.D. '83
President Loyola Academy of St. Louis Kwofe A. Coleman ‘01
President and CEO The Muny David G. Eichhorn ‘92 CP
President and Head of Investment Strategies NISA Investment Advisors, LLC
Timothy R. Fogerty PP David Glarner ‘89 CP
Principal Raven Development, LLC J. Chris Hemmersmeier '84 President/CEO Jerry Seiner Dealerships
Francis William Huete, SJ Socius U.S. Central and Southern Province of Jesuits
Joseph F. Jedlicka III ‘80 PP - Chair
Legal and Business Consultant
Darryl T. Jones ‘73 PP
Managing Partner, Owner D&D Concessions, LLC
LaShonda L. Lambert-Howze
Senior Counsel
Schnuck Markets, Inc. Mark Mantovani ‘72 PP
Retired Chairman, President and CEO Ansira
Paul L. Matecki ‘74
Retired General Counsel
Raymond James Financial, Inc. Daniel M. Millman '87 PP
Vice President Millman Lumber Mary R. Reedy PP John H. Schaefer ‘70
Retired President & COO Global Wealth Management
Morgan Stanley Global Wealth Management
Anjanette R. Schmelter PP
David J. Suwalsky, SJ
Vice President of Mission and Identity
Saint Louis University
Mark A. Wilhelm ‘72 PP Chairman and CEO Safety National John D. Wunderlich ‘66 PP

2021-2022 % Total
Tuition $17,782,172 70.0%
Student Activities & 612,861 2.4% Auxiliary Enterprises
Other Revenue 8,936 0.0% $18,403,969 72.5%
Gift & Endowment Transfers $6,989,819 27.5%
Total Operating Revenues $25,393,788 100%
Tuition 70.0%
Gifts & Transfers From Endowment 27.5%
Student Activities & Auxiliary Enterprises 2.4%
Other Revenue 0%
2021-2022 % Total
Instructional $14,670,322 57.8%
Direct Financial Assistance 4,313,559 17.0%
Student Activities & 2,420,393 9.5% Auxiliary Enterprises
General & Administrative 1,582,666 6.2%
Plant Operation 2,406,848 9.5%
Total Operating Expenses $25,393,788 100%
Instructional 57.8%
Direct Financial Assistance 17.0% Student Activities & Auxiliary Enterprises 9.5%
General Activities & Administration 6.2%
Plant Operation 9.5%

Strong Tradition
SLUH is proud to announce a new giving opportunity that allows donors to create and name funds within four principal categories. These funds will support beloved programs and departments that comprise the core character of SLUH.
Named funds to support Jesuit Catholic Mission will sustain Campus Ministry, service programs for all grade levels, including the Senior Service program, vocation promotion and student retreats. This type of endowed fund can also provide for the ongoing care for the Madonna della Strada Retreat Center, and more broadly ensures the Catholic identity of SLUH in the Jesuit tradition.
Athletic success stems from strong will, team spirit and relentless grit. Hiring exceptional coaches, surrounding them with top-tier facilities and equipment, and forming them in the Jesuit tradition of SLUH athletics takes resources. Endowed funds will drive success for our student-athletes by creating a stable source of revenue for planning athletic improvements .
Our outstanding faculty furthers the long-standing tradition of academic excellence at SLUH. Along with strong, missiondriven hiring, endowed funds support professional development and continuous improvements in curriculum and effective instruction. Endowed funds can be named in honor of legendary SLUH faculty and academic leaders, and they will have the effect of driving academic greatness into the future.
SLUH has become synonymous with Prep News and Dauphin Players, as well as dozens of other artistic endeavors and co-curriculars that have formed Jr. Bills over the years. An Arts and Co-curriculars named fund provides funding in perpetuity for the co-curricular programs that enrich life at SLUH and connect alumni across generations in the unique SLUH experience.
Endowed funds begin at $50,000 and can be made by installments over a period of up to three years. Learn more about the Endowed Fund program at SLUH at
Tice Family Fund for Inclusive Growth
The family of Steve Aylward '64 created an endowed fund in Steve's name in support of Social Studies at SLUH. We are honored to remember the legacy of former teacher Steve Aylward (pictured, middle) with this endowed fund, which will support faculty and curricular excellence in the Social Studies Department in perpetuity.

NEW ENDOWED FUNDS Please join us in thanking our donors who established endowed funds in the first year for this new program.
Stephen Aylward '64 Fund for Social Studies
Endowed Fund for Advanced Chinese Language and Culture Studies
L. Wachter
Laura J. Cerutti
H. Cooley Marilyn R. Dell’Orco Angela Fiordelisi
Lolly A. Frillman M. Claire Garner
Kim R. Graman Sandra A. Jansen
Marybeth Lumetta

Susan M. O’Keefe
Kathryn T. Snodgrass Kathryn L. Sommers
Sara Martin Buehring Nancy Parker Tice
We gratefully honor the life and legacy of Pauline "Polly" Walsh, founder of the Alumni Mothers Club who served as the organization's first president (197778). Polly was a passionate, tireless SLUH volunteer who continued attending school events until her passing, at age 94.
She was the wife of John '41 (dec'd), mother of John '75 and Maureen (past SLUH parents), and grandmother of Peter Herrmann '20. We will always remember her as a Mother for Others.

The Alumni Board supports the mission of St. Louis U. High as ambassadors and champions of the school in the community. Alumni Board members make annual gifts to the school, drive the success of St. Louis U. High Day (annual online giving event), and provide support at important events like reunions and Cashbah. .
If you are interested in learning more about the Alumni Board, email
Mr. Richard Mehan, Jr. '70
Alumni Board President
Mr. Brian Walsh ‘89
Mr. Thomas Erman '71
Mr. Halpin Burke '82
Located across the St. Louis area and all around the world, Class Captains build excitement around supporting the Jr. Bill Fund at SLUH. Through outreach and engagement with members of their graduating class, Class Captains help increase giving, promote community and advance the mission of the school.
Mr. Daniel J. McAuliffe '53
Mr. Thomas R. Leritz '54
Mr. Thomas V. McTigue Jr. '55
Mr. Edward L. Golterman '56
Daniel L. Schlafly Jr., Ph.D. '57
Mr. Al W. Tikwart Jr. '59
Mr. John R. Gorman '60
Mr. J. M. Rohlfing '60
Mr. Donald S. Boyce Sr. '61
Richard E. Schrick Jr., M.D. '63
Mr. Robert A. Seitz '63
Mr. John L. Stein '63
Mr. Thomas W. Brockland '64
Mr. James L. Mudd Jr. '64
Michael J. Engle, Ph.D. '65
Mr. Edward W. Rataj '65
Mr. Paul L. Steube '65
Mr. David Powers '66
Stephen R. Kappel, M.D. '67
Mr. Michael J. Soehngen '67
Mr. Stephen E. Hutchison '68
Mr. Edward L. Bushmeyer Jr. '69
Mr. Lawrence B. Grebel '69
Mr. Peter Sharamitaro Jr. '69
Mr. Thomas J. Simon '69
Mr. William J. Kuehling '70
Mr. Richard J. Mehan Jr. '70
Mr. Mark S. Milburn '70
Mr. John C. Weller '70
James F. Whalen '70
Mr. Thomas J. Erman '71
Mr. Terry Moffitt '71
Mr. Timothy F. Rodgers '71
Mr. John R. Sondag '71
Mr. John E. Troy '71
Mr. David P. Weiss '71
Mr. Terry V. Altepeter '72
Mr. James P. Landolt '72
Mark G. Beck, D.D.S. '73
Mr. Michael J. Brand '73
Adm. Mark F. Stroble, M.D. '73
Michael F. Abels, D.D.S. '74
Mr. Mark A. Burmester '74
Mr. Robert C. Macauley '74
Mr. Patrick J. Leahy '76
Mr. David L. Richert Jr. '76
Mr. James P. Bick Jr. '77
Mr. Gene J. Brockland Jr. '77
Mr. Timothy D. Milford Sr. '77
Martin L. Buchheit, D.D.S. '78
Mr. Anthony K. Conroy '78
Mr. Francis G. Ferrara '78
Mr. John M. Ferrara '81
Mr. Halpin J. Burke '82
Mr. Francisco J. Carretero '82
Mr. Glen Kemper '82
Mr. Daniel P. Lally Sr. '82
Mr. Mark P. Clynes '83
Mr. Anthony S. Floretta '84
Mr. Thomas P. Berra Jr. '85
Mr. Richard A. Blankenship Jr. '85
Thomas J. Finan IV, Ph.D. '85
Mr. Timothy J. Graham '85
Mr. Patrick N. Mehan '86
Mr. Matthew Nordmann '86
Mr. Fred A. Surber Jr. '86
Mr. Peter A. Ferrara '87
Mr. Michael J. Grzesiowski '88
Mr. John T. Sadlo '89
Mr. Brian C. Walsh '89
The Honorable Thomas C. Albus '90
Mr. Michael R. Bowers '90
Mr. Louis H. Henderson '90
Mr. Mark F. Mueller '90
Mr. Robert R. O'Blennis '90
Mr. Richard K. Pickett '90
Mr. Anthony R. Winkeler '90
Mr. Roderick J. Harkey '91
Mr. J. P. Hoehn IV '91
Christopher S. Muskopf '91
Mr. Peter C. Palumbo '91
Mr. James M. Penilla '91
Mr. Peter J. Sadlo '91
Mr. John M. Wynne '91
Mr. Kevin J. Folkl '92
Robert M. Funke '92
Mr. Mark E. Berns '93
Mr. Joseph J. Buttice '93
Mr. Joseph F. Hodes '94
Mr. Dominic J. Orlando '94
Mr. Peter J. Schrappen '94
Mr. Eric N. Simon '94
Mr. Daniel P. Berns '95
Mr. Nicholas A. Kriegel '95
Mr. Daniel S. Leritz '95
Mr. John M. McArthur '95
Mr. John G. Weller '95
Mr. Gregory T. Donovan '96
Mr. William M. Hof '96
Mr. Timothy R. Powers '96
Mr. Thomas P. Shaner Jr. '96
Mr. Jerry J. FitzGerald '97
Mr. James P. Sanders '97
Daniel T. Daly, Ph.D. '98
Mr. Timothy C. Hodits '98
Mr. Christopher P. Kellett '98
Mr. Brian C. Klos '98
Mr. John F. Meier '98
Mr. Gregory A. Pratt '98
Jeffrey P. Rombach '98
Robert L. Wacker '98
Mr. John J. Marino Jr. '99
Mr. Andrew R. Gilfoil '01
Mr. Garrett A. Holland '01
Mr. David P. Willard '01
Mr. Peter J. Berns '02
Mr. Joseph F. Devereux III '02
Mr. James W. Lutkewitte Jr. '02
Mr. Michael Mahon '02
Mr. Frank J. Sgroi '02
Mr. Adam J. Hilkenkamp '03
Mr. Cliff J. Reynolds Jr. '03
Mr. Joseph A. Cherre '04
Mr. Nicholas C. Gresick '04
Mr. Kyle A. Poelker '04
Mr. Richard J. Bettger '05
Mr. Joseph G. Carlson '05
Mr. Timothy P. Larkin '05
Mr. Kenny J. Reagan '05
Mr. Adam J. Castellano '06
Mr. Christopher M. Hoffmann '06
Mr. Daniel J. Hrdlicka '07
Mr. T. William Hartzler '08
Mr. Bradley W. Tharpe '08
Mr. Justin L. Bertani '09
Mr. Jeffrey M. Brand '09
Mr. Andrew P. Howe '09
Mr. Joseph Schrick '09
Mr. Evan J. Sullivan '09
Mr. Christopher R. P. Ayala '10
Mr. Kevin J. McAuliffe '10
Mr. Richard J. Mehan III '10
Mr. Stephen E. Deves '11
Mr. Andrew J. Evola '11
Mr. Nicholas B. Hartzler '11
Mr. Daniel B. L'Ecuyer '11
Mr. Brad T. Pitlyk '11
Mr. Daniel L. Brummell '12
Mr. John W. Jedlicka '12
Mr. Matthew S. Sainz '12
Mr. Parker J. Schenk '12
Mr. Daniel T. Tlapek '12
Mr. Nicholas A. Kimble '13
Mr. Stephen A. Lordo '13
Mr. Nicholas A. Pertzborn '13
Mr. Alexander M. Ferrara '14
Mr. Andrew E. Gilkerson '14
Mr. William T. Kernell '14
Mr. Andrew W. Murphy '16
Mr. John M. Perryman '16
Mr. Samuel J. Tettamble '16
Mr. Patrick C. Wiegers '17
Sean T. Agniel
Addie E. Akin
Myriam L. Aliste

Magdalena A. Alvarado
William A. Anderson
Amanda L. Antony
Simonie L. Anzalone H. Regina Austermann Paul L. Baudendistel
Daniel J. Becvar
Sarah C. Becvar
Christopher D. Buerke
Joan C. Bugnitz
Latoya N. Burrage C. W. Busenhart Jr. Michael Bush
Lisa A. Byrd
David J. Callico
Frank Joe Callico
David J. Callon
Jennifer A. Carroll
Alan R. Carruthers
Lynne Degnan Casey
Elizabeth A. Chipley
Kathleen Ann Chott
Marina G. Chura
Robert N. Chura
Erwin Cranston Claggett
Kenneth L. Combs
Espen C. Conley
Jamie Danielle Cordia
Frank Corley
Teresa R. Corley
Our faculty and staff exhibit excellence in all they do, from teaching in the classroom and coaching athletic teams, to maintaining our campus and counseling our young men. We proudly recognize their passion and dedication and thank them for sharing their gifts and talents to further our mission.

Eldon D. Craft
Elizabeth K. Craft
Kevin M. Crimmins
Adam O. Cruz Timothy B. Curdt
Justin H. Danzy Michael Davis
Stephen E. Deves Jonathan C. Dickmann
Linda K. Domeyer
Ryan W. Doyle
Benjamin J. DuMont
Nicholas Ehlman
Lindsey R. Ehret Maria-Paz Erker
Richard J. Esswein
Jeffrey Allen Fields
Lori A. Figge
Rick B. Figge
Mary F. Fischer
Jeffrey E. Flanagan
Elaine R. Floyd Kevin Francis Foy
Robert M. Garavaglia
Mary T. Gatz-Meiners
William M. George Scott Gilbert
Brian F. Gilmore
Robert J. Goeke
Jeremy M. Griggs
Craig L. Hannick
Michael D. Harlan
Larry S. Harper
Correo L. Harris
Robert J. W. Hill
Anne M. Hilmes
Craig M. Hinders
Aaron L. Hodges
Yude Huang
James M. Hubbman
Charles Hussung
William H. Hussung
Jennifer L. Ice
Teri G. Igel
Kavanaugh John O. Christopher A. Keeven
Lindsay K. Kelleher
Walter G. Kempf
Kent Kershenski
Brock A. Kesterson
Thomas R. Kickham Katherine T. Kindbom
Elizabeth Kissel
Joseph P. Koestner
Joseph P. Komos Gary C. Kornfeld
Frank Kovarik
Timothy Shane Kreutztrager
Michael J. Lally Timothy M. Leahy
Connie Leinauer
Hayley S. Leitman
Julie M. Lewis
James Linhares Jr. Anne Marie Lodholz

Chandler Love
Theresa M. Lyons
Thomas F. McCarthy
Mary Lee McConaghy
Jonathan R. McCutchen
Ken McKenna
Kevin M. McKernan
Megan Menne
John Scott Mersinger
Mary E. Michalski
Stephen D. Missey
Julie W. Moeser
Richard F. Moran
Victor J. Moreno
Bradley Mueller
Rita S. Mulligan
Ann C. Murphy
Christopher S. Muskopf Diego Navarro Steven A. Nicollerat Sean P. O'Brien
Robert E. O'Connell Jr. Susan M. O'Keefe
Timothy P. O'Keefe
Timothy O'Neil
Jonathan R. Ott
John Michael Penilla Nhan A. Pham
Joseph T. Porter
Jeffry Joel Pottinger
Sean M. Powers
Emmitte J. Prince
Robert T. Quinn
Joseph Edward Rankin
Kristin Westfall Rea
Sarah E. Rebholz
Mary E. Russo Jaryta L. Sanders
Jeffrey A. Schaefer Andrew V. Schaeperkoetter Daniel C. Schulte
Daniel J. See Nina M. See Angela L. Sexton Daniel L. Shields
Nicholas A. Snyder
Christopher M. Stahl Donald Steingruby
Joseph L. Stickley
Jennifer C. Thomas Elizabeth J. Tippett
Katherine A. Toussaint
Beth M. Voegtli
Rachel E. Waller
Kim Walsh
John Walsh

Richard T. Wehner
Robyn D. Wellen
Ryan A. Willett
Thomas J Wilson
Walker J. Yane
Kathryn M. YarmanWhitaker
Patrick J Zarrick
Thomas J. Zinselmeyer
* The President of SLUH and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees are Ex-Officio members of all advisory committees.
We thank these volunteers for their generous service and good counsel.
Rob N. Chura PP
Chair, Foreign Language Department
St. Louis University High School
Dr. Kevin Foy CP '24
Assistant Principal of Academics St. Louis University High School
Milena Garganigo, Ph.D. Assistant Superintendent of Teaching Clayton School District Ian R. Gibbons, SJ Principal St. Louis University High School
Craig L. Hannick
Director of Financial Aid and Faculty, Mathematics St. Louis University High School
Dr. John T. James PP
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership Saint Louis University Mark Mantovani ‘72 PP
Former Chairman, President and CEO Ansira
Stephen D. Missey ‘88 PP
Faculty, English Department St. Louis University High School
Christine M. Mittendorf CP ‘22 PP President, SLUH Mothers Club St. Louis University High School Mary R. Reedy PP Mary Russo Faculty, Science Department St. Louis University High School Susan Vanous CP ‘22 PP
Anjanette R. Schmelter PP - Chair Daniel See PP Faculty, Math Department St. Louis University High School
Dr. Theodore D. Washington PP Faculty Ladue School District
Sean T. Agniel ‘96 Vice President, Advancement St. Louis University High School
Thomas C. Becvar
Assistant Principal, Academics (Retired) St. Louis University High School
Nicholas L. Bellon ‘00
Principal, Co-Founder VonAllmen Capital Partners
Thomas P. Berra Jr. ‘85 PP Member Lewis Rice LLC Harold L. Carter '05
Vice President, Strategy and Contracting Express Scripts
Kwofe A. Coleman ‘01 President and CEO The Muny Timothy R. Fogerty PP - Chair
Gerard M. Hempstead ‘89 CP ‘23 PP
Managing Partner Northwestern Mutual, St. Louis Molly Hyland PP
Vice President, Community and Government Relations Commerce Bank
Stephen G. Klug '70
Private Investor John H. Lake ‘89
Partner Mercer Investments, LLC
Timothy G. Sansone '84 PP
Principal The Sansone Group Nina See School Counselor St. Louis University High School
Peter C. Sharamitaro Jr. ‘69 PP President Sharamitaro & Associates, CPA
Thomas J. Zinselmeyer Jr. ‘99 Faculty, Social Studies Department St. Louis University High School
Thomas C. Becvar
Assistant Principal, Academics (Retired)
St. Louis University High School
John P. Csik ‘80 PP President Safety National J. Christopher Hemmersmeier ‘84 President & CEO Jerry Seiner Dealerships Francis William Huete, SJ Socius U.S. Central and Southern Province, Society of Jesus Darryl T. Jones ‘73 PP - Chair Owner D&D Concessions, LLC
Thomas J. Keeline ‘68 PP Retired Partner Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Joseph P. Komos, CPA ‘77 Vice President, Administration St. Louis University High School
Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘53 PP Manager, Partner McAuliffe Law Firm LLP
Daniel M. Millman ‘87 PP Vice President Millman Lumber Company
Julie Moeser Chair, Math Department St. Louis University High School Dallas J. Parks '66 Retired CEO Durham (NC) Housing Authority
John M. Penilla ‘99 Director of Alumni and Parent Giving St. Louis University High School Michael P. Siebert PP Accountant Marcum, LLP
David J. Suwalsky, SJ Superior, St. Jean de Brebeuf Jesuit Community, and Vice President, Mission and Identity Saint Louis University
Charles F. Urschler Jr. ‘81 PP Director Deloitte Tax, LLP
Mark A. Wilhelm ‘72 PP
Executive Chairman Safety National John J. Stephens '77 Retired Vice President and CFO AT&T
Sarah Becvar
Faculty, Social Studies Department St. Louis University High School
Robert J. Conrads '65 CEO Colchis Capital Management David G. Eichhorn ‘92 President and Head of Investment Strategies NISA Investment Advisors, LLC
Thomas J. Keeline ‘68 PP Retired Partner
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Joseph P. Komos, CPA ‘77 Vice President, Administration St. Louis University High School
Timothy J. Lower ‘95 CEO & Chief Investment Officer Willow Tree Credit Partners
Paul L. Matecki ‘74 Retired General Counsel Raymond James Financial Michael P. Siebert PP Accountant Marcum, LLP David J. Suwalsky, SJ Superior, St. Jean de Brebeuf Jesuit Community, and Vice President, Mission and Identity Saint Louis University
Mark A. Wilhelm ‘72 PP - Chair Executive Chairman Safety National
David P. Willard ‘01
Founder & Managing Partner 52 Capital Partners, LLC
John D. Wunderlich ‘66 PP
Richard T. Bradley ‘83
President, Board of Public Service City of St. Louis
William T. Chipley PP
Vice President, Operations Alberici Constructors
Francis J. Corley ‘77
Faculty, Math Department St. Louis University High School
Fred C. Daues Jr. ‘71 PP President/Owner Masonry & Glass Systems
Mark W. Franke ‘84 PP
Vice President, Global Supply Chain World Wide Technology
David Glarner ‘89 CP '24 Principal Raven Development Kent Kershenski
Faculty, Science Department St. Louis University High School
Richard T. Ledbetter CP ‘22 PP
Chief Operating Officer Guarantee Electrical Company Robert J. Lochner ‘86 Vice President, Development Clayco, Inc.
Michael G. McAuliffe ‘84 PP President Corrigan Company Robert C. Mitchell ‘74 Division Leader Franklin Mechanical Sean M. Powers '05 Faculty, Fine Arts Department St. Louis University High School
Joseph E. Rankin ‘83 Director of Facilities Services St. Louis University High School
John D. Wunderlich ‘66 PP - Chair
Thomas G. Auffenberg PP
Retired President
Modern Litho
Michael Caruso, SJ - Chair
Saint Louis University (through June 30, 2022) Vice President, Mission, Planning and Operations (as of July 1, 2022)
St. Louis University High School
Christopher A. Keeven Faculty, Theology Department St. Louis University High School
Danielle Harrison
Director of Mission and Charism Cor Jesu Academy
Ralph D. Houlihan, SJ ‘52
Special Assistant to the President St. Louis University High School
James Linhares PP
Assistant Principal for Mission St. Louis University High School
Matthew C. Stewart, SJ '98
Director of Campus Ministry St. Louis University High School
John D. Wunderlich ‘66 PP
Simonie Anzalone
Faculty, Fine Arts and Campus Ministry Departments St. Louis University High School
Thomas P. Berra Jr. ‘85 PP
Lewis Rice LLC
H. Eric Clark, Ed.D. '83
President Loyola Academy of St. Louis Erwin Claggett
Faculty, Social Studies Department St. Louis University High School
Ian R. Gibbons, SJ Principal St. Louis University High School Darryl T. Jones ‘73 PP

Owner D&D Concessions, LLC
Frank M. Kovarik ‘94
Faculty, English Department and Director, Equity & Inclusion
St. Louis University High School
LaShonda L. Lambert-Howze Senior Counsel Schnucks Markets, Inc. Angela Sexton-Warner PP Receptionist
St. Louis University High School
Daniel Shields College Counselor and Co-Director of Equity and Inclusion St. Louis University High School
Matthew C. Stewart, SJ '98
Director of Campus Ministry St. Louis University High School
Nancy Parker Tice CP ‘23 PP Community Volunteer Kate Toussaint
Chair, Foreign Language Department St. Louis University High School
Mark A. Wilhelm ‘72 PP Executive Chairman Safety National
Sean T. Agniel ‘96
Vice President, Advancement
St. Louis University High School
Thomas P. Berra Jr. ‘85 PP
Lewis Rice LLC
Michael Caruso, SJ - Chair Saint Louis University (through June 30, 2022) Vice President, Mission, Planning and Operations (as of July 1, 2022) St. Louis University High School
H. Eric Clark, Ed.D. '83
President Loyola Academy of St. Louis Timothy R. Fogerty PP Ian R. Gibbons, SJ
Principal St. Louis University High School
Darryl T. Jones ‘73 PP
Owner D&D Concessions, LLC
Joseph P. Komos, CPA '77 - Advisor
Vice President, Administration St. Louis University High School
Joseph D. McAuliffe '94 CP - Advisor
Attorney McAuliffe Law Firm, LLP
Daniel J. McAuliffe '53 PP - Advisor Manager, Partner McAuliffe Law Firm, LLP
Anjanette R. Schmelter PP
David J. Suwalsky, SJ
Superior, St. Jean de Brebeuf Jesuit Community, and Vice President, Mission and Identity Saint Louis University
Mark A. Wilhelm ‘72 PP
Executive Chairman Safety National John D. Wunderlich ‘66 PP
Emboldened by our future — and empowered by our benefactors
— we Go Forth into our third century as a model of academic achievement and faith formation for the nation and the world.

We thank all of our Go Forth campaign donors whose generosity is making our strategic vision become a reality for future generations of Jr. Bills — for the Greater Glory of God.