Saint Louis Brief v15i1 Alumni Magazine

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Dear Alumni and Friends,

I believe I speak for everyone at SLU LAW when I tell you the transition to our new building has been incredibly successful. The reaction of students, faculty, the legal profession, the business community and our other friends has been terrific. Students have found their favorite study spots, faculty are incorporating the new classroom technologies into their teaching and the views from the 12th floor never cease to impress. I’ve heard several students comment that the building possesses a real professional energy, making it feel more like a law firm environment and less like an academic institution. We’ve worked hard to capture the excitement in our move downtown and the increased interaction with the legal profession by exploring many new (and old) connections in a variety of ways, some of which came to fruition through our Inaugural Year of Events series (pg. 6). We’re proud to be positioned in the midst of such a bustling legal neighborhood. The opportunities this new home provides our entire community are experienced in numerous ways day in and day out at the law school, from our posting of court dockets for anyone who has time to walk over to the courthouse and see the law in action, to a judge or attorney grabbing a bite at The Docket or a member of the bar speaking in a class. The possibilities to enhance students’ education are vast and nearly endless. We welcome your ideas and involvement as well. As you may have gathered from the Brief’s cover, one of the proudest supporters of our move is our new neighbor Mayor Francis Slay (’80). My friendship with the mayor goes back 35 years to when he was a student in my Civil Procedure classes and Kim, his fiancée then and wife now for more than 30 years, worked in the office of my wife’s pediatrics practice.

For those of you who have yet to visit us in person, be sure to flip through our photographic tour of Scott Hall (pg. 8). But don’t let that stop you from coming in and experiencing it in person – contact our Alumni Relations folks (314-977-3300,, and they’d be delighted to give you a tour the next time you’re downtown. Or come use the library and look around and have lunch, coffee or a drink at The Docket, the fine café on our first floor. Our shiny new present of a building does not cloud our acknowledgement that we continue to face many challenges in legal education. With the pool of law school applicants decreasing nationwide, we must adjust to the market. Therefore, we will continue to admit smaller class sizes, and we will increase offerings in masters’ and other programs that utilize the expertise of our talented faculty. Whether through changes in financing or programming, we’re constantly exploring alternative ways to recruit the best and brightest students who can benefit from an excellent cost-effective education and will have career successes long after leaving SLU LAW. Though our location has changed and our new facility energizes us, our values remain constant – to prepare women and men for lives of useful service. Best wishes for a prosperous 2014,

Michael A. Wolff Dean and Professor

on the







DIREC TO R OF CO MMU N I CAT I ONS JE SS I CA C ICCO N E EDITO R L AURE N B R U C K E R GRA P H I C D E S I G N E R JOS H B O OTH CO N T R I B U TO R MAURE E N B R A DY P H OTO G RA P H Y ST E V E D O L A N , F E N T R E SS P H OTO G R A P HY, JAY F R A M , BI L L SAWA L IC H , JAME S V ISS E R . C H A D WIL L IA M S S P EC IA L TH A NKS SUSAN A. FITZGIBBON (‘84), C had Flanders , Bill Ford, Tony G ao ( ’91) , Amanda Goldsmith (‘07), S h eridan Haynes , W illiam J o h nson, N an Kaufman , JAN E TT E LO H M A N (‘ 8 1) , Stewart S h ilcrat, F rancis G . Slay (’ 8 0 ) , E lizabe t h Stookey, Constance Wagner, S hawn Z h au (’ 9 4 ), David Zou (’ 9 8 )

















M AYO R F R A N C I S G. SLAY (‘8 0 )


JA N E TTE LO HM AN (‘8 1 )

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L AW Honors and Distinctions D ean Wolff R eceives M issouri B ar Award Dean Michael Wolff was honored on Sept. 18 as one of the 2013 recipients of the Spurgeon Smithson Award. The Spurgeon Smithson Awards were established in 1976 and given annually by the Missouri Bar Foundation to Missouri judges, teachers of law and/or lawyers deemed “to have rendered outstanding service toward the increase and diffusion of justice.” In addition to numerous SLU LAW alumni, Wolff joins past faculty winners Professor Roger Goldman, Professor Peter Salsich, Jr., and Professor Emeritus Joseph Simeone, as well as former deans Vince Immel and Rudy Hasl.

SLU L AW Takes Action with ACA As the debate on the Affordable Care Act and its implementation continued this semester, the Center for Health Law Studies played a role in influencing legislation at both the federal and state levels by providing expert testimony before government officials. Thomas (Tim) Greaney, Chester A . Myers Professor of Law and co-director of the Center, appeared before the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on Sept. 19 in a hearing on Consolidation in the Health Care Industry. This was the second time he has provided live testimony to the House Judiciary Committee; he also previously submitted written testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee when he was unable to attend. More information on Greaney’s experience, as well as a copy of his written testimony and a recording of his appearance can be viewed at The Sidebar [].




Professor Sidney Watson has had a consistent presence in Jefferson City, Mo., as one of the leading authorities on Medicaid reform. This semester, Watson testified before the Missouri House Committee on Medicaid Transformation, the Missouri Senate Interim Committee on Medicaid Transformation and Reform (co-authored by Health Law & Policy Fellow Lisa D’Souza), and the Missouri Department of Insurance. She has also been quoted in a variety of media outlets on the subject, including The New York Times.

 SLU LAW H onored as a City Development of the Year On Oct. 4 Dean Wolff accepted a Development of the Year Award at the City of St. Louis 2013 Business Celebration Luncheon on behalf of the School of Law. Wolff was presented the award by Mayor Francis Slay (’80) and Otis Williams, chairman of the St. Louis Development Corporation Board.

Professor Aaron Taylor Selected LSSSE Director Assistant Professor Aaron Taylor was selected as the new director of the Law School Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE). Taylor began the position on Jan. 1, 2014. LSSSE is a national study that seeks to measure the effects of legal education on students. Taylor takes


it over at a time when law schools are implementing various reforms, and the need for valid and reliable assessments is critical.

Assistant D ean Mc Innis R eceives YWCA L eadership Award Assistant Dean for Career Services Mary Pat McInnis (’87) was selected by the SLU Women’s Commission as a 2013 Y WCA Leader in the Workplace. She was honored at the 33rd annual luncheon on Dec. 5. The event recognizes women from all over the St. Louis area for their leadership contributions.


deputy general counsel for the Immigration Service. Following the ceremony, Miles spoke to students about public service careers in government. The event was sponsored by the Public Interest Law Group.

Conferences, Symposia and Events

SERVING OTHERS L egal C linics Partner to S erve L atino Community The SLU LAW Legal Clinics now provides free legal services as part of a diverse partnership with Casa de Salud, Jewish Community Relations Council, Legal Services of Eastern Missouri and Catholic Legal Assistance Ministry. The Casa de Salud medical clinic serves new immigrants and refugees who encounter barriers to accessing other sources of care. Each month the organizations offer free legal counseling at Casa de Salud for those who could not otherwise afford such services. This is a benefit for the people who come to Casa with health issues and who all too often need legal counsel but are unable to obtain it.

Students Stand U p for Stand D own On Sept. 21, more than 30 SLU LAW students and faculty volunteered at the annual Stand Down for Homeless Veterans in Soldiers’ Memorial Park. The event provides services to homeless veterans such as food, shelter, clothing, health screenings, Veteran’s Affairs (VA) and Social Security benefits counseling, and substance abuse treatment. Led by Assistant Clinical Professor Brendan Roediger and coordinated by the Public Interest Law Group and Veterans Student Association, SLU LAW students volunteered their time and legal training to assist more than 80 veterans and embody the Jesuit mission to serve those who have provided the epitome of service to our country.

N aturalization Ceremony On Oct. 28 the Pruellage Courtroom became a United States District Courtroom when 44 new Americans (from 24 countries) took the oath of citizenship in a naturalization ceremony. Judge David Noce presided over the ceremony in which Dean Michael Wolff welcomed the new citizens along with John Miles,

R ecent A lumni N ight at the B allpark The Billiken threw out an honorary first pitch as Fredbird stepped into the batter’s box and pitcher Michael Wacha waited behind the plate during the Aug. 22 St. Louis Cardinals game. The Cardinals welcomed the SLU LAW community to the downtown neighborhood and Busch Stadium, where 325 students, alumni, faculty and staff attended the game. Prior to the game, a reception was held in the Louis W. Riethmann Jr. Pavilion. Check out more photos from the pre-game reception and the on-field experience at

SLU LAW H osts Urban Crime Summit For two days in September, SLU LAW was host to Attorney General Chris Koster’s Urban Crime Submit. The four day event, the first part taking place in Kansas City, Mo., had panels comprised of Koster, St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay, Kansas City Mayor Sly James, Chief Sam Dotson of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forté. County Executive Charlie Dooley and St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch joined the panel for the St. Louis meetings. The summit featured national and regional experts on issues such as hot-spot policing, crime

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mapping, evidence-based policing, strategies to reduce gun violence and the challenges facing felons reentering society. The occasion garnered lots of local media play from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, KSDK-TV, KMOV-TV.

Judicial Reception H onors J udges Bright and M cMillian On Sept. 25, federal judges – including the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals judges, the district court judges, magistrate judges and the bankruptcy judges – were invited to a reception to see the new law school building. Dean Michael Wolff took the occasion to honor two Eighth Circuit Judges who have had a special relationship with SLU LAW: Judge Myron H. Bright and the late Judge Theodore McMillian. President Johnson appointed Bright to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in 1968, where he was the first Jewish member of the court. He is now the longestserving judge in the history of the Eighth Circuit. During his time on the bench, Bright has heard more than 6,000 cases and has written notable decisions in cases involving employment discrimination law, environmental law, criminal law and evidence. After Bright spoke at SLU LAW in the late 1970s, he created one of the first Jurist-in-Residence programs in the U.S., which brought a sitting judge to the law school for a number of days to speak in classes, give public lectures, and visit on an informal basis with students and faculty – providing a unique opportunity for insight into judicial decision making and the development of U.S. law. He later expanded his relationship with the School of Law when he joined the faculty and taught appellate advocacy from 1985-1995. In recognition of this special relationship, the law school community presented Bright with an Award of Appreciation honoring him for his years of generous service and his friendship to SLU LAW. McMillian graduated from the School of Law in 1949, valedictorian of his class – one of his many firsts. That year he was the first African-American to be inducted into Saint Louis University’s chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu, a Jesuit national honor society. After starting his own law firm, McMillian was hired as an assistant circuit attorney for the City of St. Louis. He subsequently became the first African-American judge appointed to serve on the St. Louis City Circuit Court (1956), the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District (1972) and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals (1978 by President Carter). McMillian, who died in January 2006, was a public servant and a community leader whose legacy included his achievement of many firsts, his devotion to civil



rights, and his support of many individuals who needed a helping hand. With the 20132014 academic year, SLU LAW began the McMillian Scholars Program which gives first-year law students interested in using their law degrees to pursue social justice with a community of social justice allies and leaders at the law school, and offers them the opportunity to develop intercultural competencies and methods of conflict resolution as professional skills. The law school presented an Award of Appreciation plaque to McMillian’s family, acknowledging the inspiration his dedication to St. Louis and unwavering commitment to social justice provided.

 Mastering the Art of Mediation Advocacy The Association of Attorney Mediators and the Wefel Center for Employment Law hosted a day-long program designed to help improve mediation advocacy for all practitioners. The Oct. 4 program included plenary sessions on preparation of the advocate, the client and the mediator; making effective opening remarks; making effective use of caucuses, and ethics in mediation advocacy. Breakout sessions covered business, family, personal injury and employment mediations. Presenters included Joan Burger (’76), Association of Attorney Mediators; Jerome Diekemper (‘71), Jerome A . Diekemper, LLC; Susan Fitzgibbon (’84), SLU LAW professor and co-director, Center for Employment Law; Rebecca Magruder (‘96), assistant adjunct professor at SLU LAW; and Carol Needham, professor at SLU LAW.

H ealth Law Scholars Weekend SLU LAW and the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics hosted the 12th annual Health Law Scholars Workshop on Oct. 10-12. The Health Law Scholars Workshop is a collegial forum in which junior faculty who


are new to health law and bioethics scholarship present worksin-progress and receive in-depth advice from experienced scholars and teachers in the field of health law and bioethics. The workshop encourages health and bioethics scholarship, fosters the professional development of emerging scholars and furthers the sense of community among health law academics. Past scholars have placed their papers for publication in preeminent law journals. This year SLU LAW welcomed (pictured above, left to right) Diana R.H. Winters, associate professor of law and dean’s fellow, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law; Katherine T. Vukadin, associate professor of law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law; Anna B. Laakmann, assistant professor of law, Lewis and Clark Law School; and Issac D. Buck, assistant professor of law, Mercer University School of Law.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch, providing an overview of “How We Got Here.” Assistant Professor Aaron Taylor moderated a panel discussion that featured Dean Michael Wolff; Chris L. Nicastro, Missouri commissioner of education for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; Kate Casas, state policy director for Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri; and Ty McNichols, superintendent, Normandy School District. Read more about the event at The Sidebar [].

 SLU LAW Learns the SLU Shuffle The Billiken and the University’s MOVE Committee visited SLU LAW on Nov. 22 to celebrate the committee’s monthly Spirit Day, a fun celebration the last Friday of every month, designed to promote SLU unity and collegiality across the University. Faculty and staff sported their SLU blue and dancing shoes to learn the SLU Shuffle, just in time for the new basketball season.

STUDENT SUCCESSES / SPOTLIGHT PDP Makes a Match With about 150 people in attendance at Humphrey’s Restaurant and Tavern, SLU LAW’s Phi Delta Phi fraternity held its annual date auction for Life Skills Autism Services. The students raised more than $3,000 – the highest amount in the history of the Date Auction and more than twice the amount that was raised in 2012. Life Skills is a not-for-profit organization that is committed to helping individuals with developmental disabilities – including autism – learn, live, work and participate in the community.

M issouri S chool T ransfers Panel

Student Shout-Outs

The School of Law hosted state and regional leaders for a community discussion on the problems and potential solutions surrounding a new law in Missouri allowing students in unaccredited school districts the ability to transfer to a bordering school district. The Nov. 7 program began with Elisa Crouch, education reporter at the

Part-time/4L Clinic student Paul Schmitz argued a case before the Missouri Court of Appeals-Western District on Oct. 7. The Court was sitting in a special session at the Chariton County Courthouse in Keytesville, Mo., and Paul argued before an audience of local attorneys and high school students. 3L Nathaniel Carroll wrote an article encouraging attorneys and consumer fraud victims to work together in stopping scammers by sharing information in BAMSL’s November issue of St. Louis Lawyer Magazine. 3L dual-degree (JD/MPH) student Srishti Miglani’s article “Poor, Uninsured and Ignored: Potential Beneficiaries of the Alleged ‘Economic Dragooning’” was published in JURIST.

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3L Alixandra Hallen appeared on The Nine Network (KETC-TV)’s “Stay Tuned” to discuss the Affordable Care Act. 3Ls Ali Burns, Jeff Klaus and Carolyn Theis won best brief at the Regional National Moot Court Competition Nov. 15-16.

INAUGURAL YEAR OF EVENTS SERIES The SLU LAW move downtown is more than just changing our physical space. It represents a new way for us to teach, learn and mentor in an inclusive environment. As the role of lawyers and legal education continues to change, our new building embodies our response to this changing environment. With that in mind, the Inaugural Year of Events series was created. The series is a celebration of the new downtown location and an effort to supplement our normal programming with some high profile events relating to law or public issues of interest to students, faculty, staff, alumni and others in the community. Throughout the first semester of this inaugural year (and continuing into the spring semester), SLU LAW welcomed many distinguished speakers to Scott Hall.

21st C entury G lobalization : R elationships and L aws that G overn the Worl D The Inaugural Year Events series kicked off on Sept. 18 with Bob Holden, governor of Missouri from 2001-2005. Gov. Holden discussed globalization, particularly as it relates to China with respect to his work as chairman of the Midwest-U.S. China Association (MWCA), a non-profit, non-partisan organization that encourages commerce between 12 states in the Midwestern United States and China. MWCA focuses on governmentto- government outreach with corporate and academic support to expand trade and investment in both countries. The work of the MWCA is founded on its fundamental values for growth, partnership, and opportunity, and strives to increase awareness of the unlimited potential available in the Midwest, which offers unparalleled capacity for innovation and economic growth.



 “St. Louis O n the A ir ” Live from Scott H all On Sept. 26 the Pruellage Courtroom doubled as the site of a live St. Louis Public Radio broadcast. The monthly legal roundtable show of KWMU-FM’s “St. Louis On the Air,” moderated by Don Marsh, previewed the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court term and discussed other legal issues. Panelists included Joel Goldstein, Vincent C . Immel Professor of Law at SLU LAW; Bill Freivogel, St. Louis Beacon legal columnist and director of journalism at SIU-Carbondale; and Mark Smith, assistant provost at Washington University. Photos and a recap of the event, as well as the broadcast, can be viewed at The Sidebar [].

Millstone Lecture Best-selling author Mark Leibovich gave the 2013 James C. Millstone Lecture, co-sponsored by the St. Louis Beacon. Leibovich is chief national correspondent of The New York Times Magazine and is author of the best-selling book “This Town: Two Parties and A Funeral - Plus, Plenty of Valet Parking! - in America’s Gilded Capital.” He presented his lecture “How Self-Service Has Replaced Public Service in the Gilded Capital” on Oct. 2. A breakfast was held the following morning for students to interact in an informal setting with the author.

Truth I s Stranger Than (Legal) Fiction Michael A . Kahn, author of “The Flinch Factor” and eight other Rachel Gold mysteries came by SLU LAW on Oct. 17. All but one of Kahn’s novels are set in St. Louis and involve the protagonist Rachel Gold’s heroic efforts to address real legal issues in the fictitious St. Louis she inhabits.


A Conversation with Sen. Jack Danforth Senator Jack Danforth, one of the nation’s leading public figures and now a leading public citizen, dropped by on Oct. 24 to take part in an informal conversation with SLU LAW students. In a wide-ranging talk on topics including the recent federal government shutdown, the national debt crisis, and religion and politics, Danforth often stressed the importance of elected officials to compromise. Read more about the discussion at The Sidebar [].

A Conversation with Secretary of State Jason Kander Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander brought a message of public service to SLU LAW students at an event on Nov. 8. Kander, the youngest statewide elected official in the United States, discussed his work as a military intelligence officer in Afghanistan and how that experience is shaping his political career. He also took the opportunity of being in front of perhaps a few “future colleagues” to discuss his top issues of concern: early voting and campaign finance reform. Read more about the event at The Sidebar [].

“A Strange Freedom ” with Judge Roger G regory Judge Roger Gregory shared an alternate view of popular history with students on Nov. 15 with his presentation, “A Strange Freedom: Looking at Four Score and Seven Years of Constitutional Interpretation in Civil Rights Cases after Lincoln’s ‘New Birth of Freedom.’” Judge Roger Gregory is the first African-American to sit on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. He was nominated to the Court by President Clinton on June 30, 2000. Judge Gregory was re-nominated by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the Senate for a lifetime appointment to the Court. Judge Gregory is the only person in U.S. history to be appointed to the United States Court of Appeals by two presidents of different political parties. For more on his talk, visit The Sidebar [].



Social Scene Here’s what Twitter’s been saying about SLU LAW: @MayorSlay If you went to Central Casting and asked for a law school dean, they’d send you Mike Wolff. #fgs @ksdknews Great shot of the downtown #STL skyline w/ new @SLULAW school which opens today! #todayinSTL @JasonKander Really enjoyed visiting w/ students and faculty at #SLULAW today! pic.twitter. com/cb56spGXxu @ChiefSLMPD Welcoming all to @Koster4Missouri Urban Crime Summit @SLULAW. This is a great opportunity for all Missourians. @newsformaggie Full house @SLULAW for Urban Crime Summit. Some of the people I admire most are in this room. Great convo already has begun. @lisadclancy @SLULAW keep the tweets rolling...I’m following along from my desk! @ThompsonCoburn Very nice piece by @SLULAW professor Joel Goldstein a/b our beloved partner Tom Eagleton. via @HuffPostPol @ALIVEMagSTL Law and Ardor: Inside new state-ofthe-art @SLULAW Downtown. http:// @pistl @SLULAW students, we hope you’ll join us today or tonight at our @TheMXSTL location. 20% off your food order with valid school ID! #SLUZONE @LauraLichterman Snack of the month! #slulaw #billikencookie #happyhumpday Get in on the conversation and follow SLU LAW on Twitter and Instagram for announcements, photos, live tweeting of events and more! @SLULAW


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GREAT SCOTT INTRODUCING SCOTT HALL The AnheuserBusch Foundation Student Commons serve as the center point of activity on the newly-added 12th floor.

The 200-seat John K. Pruellage Courtroom features technology equivalent to the federal courts and includes dedicated jury and negotiations rooms.

Professor Marcia McCormack teaches criminal law in a hightech, 80-person classroom.

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The Louis W. Riethmann Jr. Pavilion serves as a scenic event space and an informal gathering area for students to study and relax.

Far left: The library’s twostory reading room overlooks the neighboring courthouses.

Interior stairs, like these on the fifth floor, connect every two floors together throughout the school, providing a feeling of openness and supplying plenty of natural light.

The 12th floor rooftop deck allows for a breath of fresh air and panoramic views of downtown. 10


The Gori Julian Grand Lobby welcomes you as you enter the main entrance on the first floor.

The Docket restaurant serves casual dining options for students, faculty and staff, as well as the larger downtown legal and business communities.

A birds-eye view of the reading room, with the red roof of City Hall in the distance.

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MAYOR F RA N C I S G. S L AY ( ‘8 0) As the cit y’s longest-serving mayor, Slay uses the skills he acquired at SLU LAW to bring St. Louis back into the limelight. BY LAU RE N B RU CK E R


rom his office in City Hall, Francis G. Slay (’80) can look out the window and see the new home of Saint Louis University School of Law a mere two blocks away. While the building and amenities may be drastically different from where he spent his law school days, the quality of education he received from SLU LAW isn’t much different than that of the students he sees walking the bustling streets of the city he overlooks.

As mayor of St. Louis for the last 12 years, Slay has seen his hometown city transform before this very window. He made history in April 2013 as St. Louis’ first mayor to be elected to a fourth, four-year term in office. Perhaps somewhat surprising for a man who did not have aspirations for a career in politics. After earning his undergraduate degree from Quincy College (now University) in Quincy, Ill., Slay returned home unsure of what he was going to do, but certain about one thing: he wanted to try something different than the family restaurant business. It was his father, Francis R. Slay, who encouraged him to attend law school.

“He was pushing me hard to go to law school,” he said. “He regretted the fact that he did not have an opportunity to get the education that I was able to get, so he was always pushing us to do more and do better, and he wanted me to be a lawyer. And I got in there, and I loved it. I did.”

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With his degree in hand, Slay practiced law for 21 years, first serving as a law clerk for Judge Paul J. Simon of the Missouri Court of Appeals for the Eastern District before joining the law firm of Guilfoil, Petzall & Shoemake where he specialized in business law and commercial litigation. When an opening on the Board of Alderman came up, Slay’s father once again gave him the encouragement to get into public service. “He said, ‘You ought to give it a shot, give it a try. You’ll make some really good relationships. You’ll meet a lot of people; it might help you with your law career.’”

It was also his father’s influence that directed him to SLU LAW. A politician in his own right, the elder Slay understood the value of the connections his son would create at the school as he advanced in his career in St. Louis. And for a man that has spent a large portion of his career at the helm of one of the Midwest’s largest cities, Slay continues to see the benefits and impact of those SLU LAW connections almost 35 years later. “I run into a lot of the people I went to school with time and time again around town. And that was another good thing about Saint Louis University and coming from St. Louis.” When reflecting on his days in law school – for him, that meant O’Neil Hall where in the cold of winter the windows had to be kept open due to the extreme heat of the radiator, leaving everyone sitting on one side of the room – Slay fondly recalls the impact of revered professors like Vince Immel, Rudy Hasl and Michael Wolff. No coincidence that all three also served (or serve, in the case of Wolff) as deans of the law school. “One of the things that got me wanting to get into litigation was Professor Immel. I took his contracts course, but the thing that really got me interested in litigation was his remedies course. It was a very good course to take for any lawyer. ‘Ok, you’ve got a problem. You know what the law is. What are you entitled to? What’s your path to try to fix the problem?’ I got very interested in all the various approaches.” Remedies, combined with Hasl’s evidence course (“one of those courses that came very quickly to me”) and Wolff’s civil procedure course were his favorite classes and easily steered him into the direction of litigation. 14


In 1985 Slay was elected to the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, representing the 23rd Ward. In 1995 he was voted Board of Aldermen President, where he served for 10 years. In 2001 he was elected as the 45th mayor of St. Louis. Slay experienced firsthand the litany of transferable skills afforded to him with his law degree. “The practice of law really did train me well for what I’m doing now: the self-discipline, the ability to learn a lot about very complicated things, and then absorb them and be able to talk about them in a way that people can understand. “It also taught me a lot about ethics. And in terms of public speaking, it really helped because you have to stand on your feet and speak a lot in front of juries and judges. The practice of law prepared me well for what I’m doing now, and law school of course prepared me well for the practice of law.” Making a Difference Downtown Under his administration, downtown St. Louis has seen a profound revitalization. In 2004 Washington Avenue emerged as a major commercial and residential district, and the renovations of the Peabody Opera House (formerly Kiel Opera House), the Old Post Office and the Central Branch of the St. Louis Public Library have added a renewed vibrancy to the area. According to The Partnership for Downtown St. Louis, more than $5 billion dollars has been invested in the last decade and with more than 14,000 residents, downtown is now the fastest-growing neighborhood in the entire region. The University’s commitment to move the School of Law to 100 N. Tucker Blvd. is

further evidence of the area’s turnaround. Slay acknowledged the new opportunities afforded to law students when addressing the crowd at the Scott Hall ribbon cutting ceremony on Aug. 16, 2013. “To the students who will spend your mornings, noons and nights here: you are in a prime location,” he said. “You’re in the heart of downtown’s legal community, within a stone’s throw of our city counselor’s office, municipal and state courts, other government agencies and a myriad of private law firms.” While he is proud of the strides taken to reduce crime (down almost 50 percent in seven years) or the number of vacant downtown buildings (from 150 to less than 30), it’s the work he has done to better the lives of the city’s less fortunate that gives him the most joy. “There’s a lot to talk about from the development standpoint and job creation, and I could talk about that forever. The things I’m most proud of are the things that help our most vulnerable citizens.” Slay cites the efforts to address homelessness, particularly for veterans, and reduce lead poisoning in children as some of his most fulfilling work. Regarding the latter, “The drop has been dramatic,” he said. “It was over 20 percent when I took office, and now it’s under three percent of those kids tested [who] have elevated levels of lead in their blood. And more kids are being tested.” Despite these and other successes, he swiftly acknowledges the work to reduce crime, increase the quality of education and a vast array of other problems faced by cities all across the country will never be complete. The issues never stop. “Everything can always be better. No matter what we do to improve education, we can have more and better quality education opportunities. No matter how much we’ve done to reduce crime, every single neighborhood could still be safer.” Challenges at City Hall In the age of social media communication, where news travels instantaneously – regardless of whether it’s true or false – communicating a clear message to the city’s stakeholders is very important, yet can also prove to be a challenge.


“On the one hand, I have more and better ways to communicate, which we do with Twitter, Facebook and our blog,” Slay said. “But there are also more people communicating, and there’s more noise out there. In some cases, inaccurate messages can go viral very quickly, and it’s hard to overcome that stuff.”

city-county will provide “a more united vision and strategy on how we compete in what’s become a much more global economy. Putting us at the same table, thinking as one, is going to really change our approach to things in a better way.”

One of the next big areas of focus for the Mayor’s Office is the proposed merger between St. Louis City and St. Louis County. Many aspects of the two areas have already been merged in recent years, such as the bomb and arson squads and components of the economic development agencies, which serve as good models for city-county cooperation and involvement.

For those with their sights set on public office – or those who may one day find their path headed that direction like Slay himself, he offers advice once again imparted to him by his father.

“This is a regional economy: things that happen in one part of the region impact other parts of the region,” Slay said. The competition to attract and retain corporate headquarters, industry sectors and talent is taking place between cities around the world. He believes a combined

The Power of Public Service

“One, you have to get in it for all the right reasons,” he was told. “It’s got to be to make a difference. It can’t be about yourself. You come in with a much better perspective, and it’ll be much more fulfilling once you get in there. Secondly, never overestimate your own popularity. Stay in touch with those you represent and communicate with them. Often.” Slay’s father always urged him to take a stand, whether it be on a vote or basic

ideology. “If you try to please everybody, you won’t accomplish anything, and you won’t please anybody in the end,” he said. “You need to listen, you need to understand that everybody has different views, different perspectives. But ultimately you need to take a position.” It’s evident when Slay speaks about his career that he recognizes the extraordinary dedication of the people involved. “I’m working with some of the best people there are anywhere in the world. People who care about others, people who care about our city, and they’re working to try to make better. We’re making progress. We are improving lives. But we have a lot of work to do.” That notion of unfinished business begs the question: what does the future hold for his political career? While he asserts he does not look five or even 15 years down the road, Slay does not rule out the possibility of a fifth term. “I’m at this job working as hard now as I’ll ever work at it…I tell you what, there’s no job I can imagine I’d enjoy more than this one.” VO LU M E 1 5 I SS U E 1



Dear Alumni, My first year at the School of Law has certainly not been lacking in activity and excitement! We have officially settled into our new downtown home at 100 N. Tucker Blvd., which made for a very busy and energizing semester. I have had the pleasure of meeting so many of you at our various events and open houses, and I thank you for your warm welcome. If you have not had a chance to visit, we hope you will do so soon. Now that the move is complete, it is our goal to take full advantage of our new downtown location and provide our students with more opportunities for experiential learning. In addition, we continue to strive towards increasing scholarship dollars to reduce the debt load incurred by our students. To help reach these goals we have established three new giving societies, the Dean’s Leadership Circle, the Partners in Excellence Society and the Immel Society. The details of each society are outlined on the opposite page.



It is my sincere desire that our alumni play an active role in the SLU LAW community. I ask that you please consider becoming involved with one of our new giving societies. Your commitment to the School of Law is felt by our students daily and appreciated as you impact the future of our profession. If you have not visited the new SLU LAW, we encourage you to do so. Participate in an upcoming CLE, check out one of the Inaugural Year Events or simply stop by for a tour – we would enjoy showing you around! As always, if I can ever be of service, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope to see you soon. Warmest regards,

Sheridan K. Haynes Assistant Dean of Development & Alumni Relations T: 314-977-3303 E:

The Dean’s Leadership Circle /// Dean Wolff seeks a core group of inaugural members who are committed to enhancing student and faculty development at Saint Louis University School of Law through a leadership level annual commitment to the School of Law. This giving society offers Dean Wolff the resources to take advantage of new opportunities that will create innovative, hands-on programs for students that assist in furthering the mission of graduating practice-ready attorneys. To become a Dean’s Leadership Circle member we ask for a gift of $5,000. Allocation of funds • Supporting our Partners in Practice Program, which seeks to increase the number of practitioners we bring into the school to teach hands-on practical problem solving to our students

• Increasing practical courses that allow students the opportunity to learn through a hands-on approach from practitioners within the community • Creating innovative programs, such as courses that focus on non-traditional ways to use a law degree

• Bringing in guest speakers and lecturers to enhance the quality of education

The PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE SOCIETY /// Saint Louis University School of Law is not only committed to providing an excellent legal education, but we are committed to assisting our students with the cost. Our goal is to do what we can to decrease the debt load of each student, while attracting and retaining the top students. By decreasing debt load, we assist students in pursuing their dreams, rather than working to pay off their debt. This also allows SLU LAW to recruit and retain the best and brightest. The goal of the Partners in Excellence Society is to secure 100 named scholarships of $2500 per year. These awards allow us to recognize the most deserving incoming students. To become a member of the Partners in Excellence Society we ask for a gift of $2500. Leadership Circle member we ask for a gift of $5,000. Scholarship Benefits • To help recruit the top students SLU LAW • Reduce the amount of debt our students incur • To assist our students in pursuing their dreams, rather than working to pay off their debt For Members • A named scholarship will be given in your name or as designated • You will be invited to our annual scholarship recognition event, as well as our Partners in Excellence Reception where you will have the opportunity to meet your student recipient

The IMMEL SOCIETY /// The Immel Society recognizes donors who annually give a gift of $1,000 or more to either the Loyal to Law Annual Fund or the SLU LAW General Scholarship Fund. Both funds provide Dean Wolff with the resources to further the mission of SLU LAW through scholarship and programming. The General Scholarship Fund supports the mission of assisting students in reducing debt load, by providing aid to the best and brightest at SLU LAW, while gifts to the Loyal to Law Annual Fund assist the School of Law in furthering our mission by providing flexible, unrestricted funds. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS • Renewing and acquiring needed resources for the law library • Offsetting the cost of the law journals and moot court programs • Supplementing career planning for students • Funding colloquia and seminars for students, faculty and alumni • Enhancing student activities VO LU M E 1 5 I SS U E 1



SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY s c h o o l o f l aw

Class of 1988 Donors The Class of 1988 gathered for their 25th reunion in the new Scott Hall and pledged to raise $30,000 to dedicate the Judge’s bench to the Honorable (Dean) Michael A. Wolff and the Jury Box to the Class of 1988. We thank our generous donors who have given (as of dec. 31, 2013). Harold Bailey

Patrick Flynn

John & marsha Beulick

Timothy Gallagher

Theresa Burke

Nathan Goldberg

jim carmody

Linda Italiano

lawrence denk

bill jochens

Amy & daniel Diemer

Patrick Keefe

lisa & richard faulstich

John Leskera

Elizabeth & dudley M cCarter

JoAnn & thomas Sandifer

Mary M cMath

timothy seifert

Dana M cWay

michael & ann stephens

Jim Onder jacqueline drury pollvogt

Scott Verseman Stephen Wigginton

There are still various naming opportunities available throughout Scott Hall. Please contact the Development & ALUMNI RELATIONS Office for information on how you can honor an individual, corporation or class with a named space in the School of Law’s beautiful new building.





The billboard features 2L Shatrasha Stone as she stands in one of the building’s interior staircases. By including an image of the neighboring Civil Courts building we are able to highlight Scott Hall’s proximity to the legal community, a major benefit for students like Shatrasha.



The community at Saint Louis University School of Law can be described in many ways. We are leading lawyers. We are a top health law program. We are strong diverse alumni. We are top notch faculty. We are dedicated stewards of social justice. We are thoughtful members of the community. These have all been an integral part of our makeup for decades. From billboards to banners, our new downtown location has opened up opportunities to refresh and expand our advertising message and presentation. This year, with the help of advertising agency Rogers Townsend, we have developed a new campaign that showcases our proximity to the legal community, the beauty of the open spaces, abundance of natural light and the inspiring views that accompany our new home in Scott Hall. The campaign is designed as a platform to communicate the law school’s goal of preparing future lawyers for the ethical, practical world of law beyond the classroom. Building upon the foundation of Saint Louis University’s pursuit of academic excellence and the law school’s emphasis on social justice, each advertisement focuses on the differentiators that are unique to SLU LAW. Themes for the ads include our integrated approach to education in the new building, our top health law program and our strong and dedicated alumni network.

A new video geared towards prospective students uses Scott Hall as a stunning backdrop to a fastpaced testimonial showcasing all the distinct advantages the new building and location provide law students. Learn more and watch it at



A great legal education balances theory in the classroom with experience from the real world. And at SLU LAW, the real world is everywhere you turn. Our downtown center is right where the courts are. Our Dean

Designed in conjunction with Rogers Townsend, each ad includes an inside look at our students in Scott Hall. Our billboard appeared on eastbound Highway 40 (Interstate 64) near 14th Street during September, our first full month of classes. New print ads can also be found in the St. Louis Business Journal, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, American Health Lawyers Association Connections, ALIVE Magazine and St. Louis Lawyer. Additionally, street banners featuring several students and highlighting the rich history and mission of the school will line Tucker Blvd., letting SLU LAW’s presence be felt all along the shadows of Scott Hall and the Civil Courts building.

is a former Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court. And a strong network of SLU LAW alumni are down the street, across the state, and around the country. Don’t just study the law, experience it.

Print ads are running in a variety of publications and new street banners will be placed outside Scott Hall signifying the law school’s presence in our new neighborhood.

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University School of Law before her appointment as director of revenue at the Missouri Department of Revenue. After leaving her government position, Lohman became a partner at a local law firm in addition to joining the SLU LAW faculty as an adjunct professor. She left the aforementioned firm 10 years ago to become a partner at Thompson Coburn LLP and remains there today. With almost a decade in one place, it may be safe to say that Lohman’s job hopping days are behind her. SLB: You have worked a variety of jobs in your career. Are there any moments that you are especially proud of?


self-described “shameless job hopper,” Janette Lohman (’81) knows a thing or two about the variety of jobs in the tax law industry. From private corporations to state government to firms large and small, if it is in the tax law field, Lohman has probably done it. All of her career shifts have served to diversify an already celebrated legal career. In 2013 alone, Lohman was named a “Lawyer of the Year” in litigation and controversy tax by The Best Lawyers in America as well as a Fellow of the Foundation by the American Bar Foundation. As a staff associate at Touche Ross & Co. in St. Louis, Lohman began her career in tax law while earning her J.D. from SLU LAW. After graduation, jobs at Emerson Electric Corporation and McDonnell Douglas Corporation followed, separated by a twoyear return to Touche Ross & Co. as a tax manager. During this time, she also served as an adjunct professor at Washington 20


JL: I would like to think that my varied experience, albeit all in the area of taxation, has enabled me to better assist my clients. My proudest moments occur when clients are pleased with our services, i.e., when the teams on which I work produce the best possible results for our clients at the lowest possible cost. SLB: You first worked for Touche & Ross LLP as a staff associate, while still attending SLU LAW. How was that experience? JL: It was terrific. I was practicing tax while learning tax theory – it was the perfect learning experience, and I strongly recommend that all law students try to find part-time jobs practicing in the areas they love. I did well enough that they eventually recruited me back to the firm. SLB: What is the most challenging part of your job at Thompson Coburn LLP? JL: Getting everything done in a timely manner. My current to-do list is six pages, single spaced.

SLB: What is your favorite part of being an adjunct professor? JL: I always learn at least one new thing in every semester I teach that helps me with an existing client’s case. By teaching the basics each year, I understand them better than most of my colleagues, which keeps me from getting lost in the weeds when making my arguments. SLB: As an adjunct professor, how do you think your out-of-classroom knowledge is particularly useful for students? JL: I literally practice what I teach. My experience gives a practical edge to the cases my students must read. For instance, although our casebooks contain an equal number of “winners and losers,” tax cases are all about money and sometimes one can negotiate a settlement that is far better than an absolute win at trial. That is, if I can convince the state or local government to settle a non-recurring issue for less than my clients will have to pay my firm to try the case, that settlement is better than a win, when analyzed financially. SLB: What benefits do you think come from teaching students practical skills? JL: Students will realize that there is an enormous difference between attending law school and practicing law. They will also realize that practicing law is a lot more fun than going to law school. SLB: You have many distinctions and awards in the field of tax law. How does it feel to get recognized in such a way? JL: As stated by former Thompson Coburn partner, the late, great Millard Backerman: it is better to be on these lists than not. Other than that, these awards are all for yesterday’s news. Today, it is “show time” all over again, and I’ll only be as good as the worst experience that anyone has in their dealings with me.



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aint Louis University School of Law’s connections with China date back decades. More recently, since 2000, ten Chinese students have traveled to St. Louis and graduated with their J.D. or LL.M. degrees from SLU LAW, with another scheduled to receive her J.D. in May 2015. Over the years numerous visiting scholars and faculty have spent time researching and teaching at the law school, including scholar Gao Ping who is in St. Louis for six months this academic year, researching U.S. intellectual property law, especially as applied to trademark protection.

“China’s importance today cannot easily be overstated,” said Associate Professor William P. Johnson, director of the Center for International and Comparative Law. “It is therefore critical that we offer meaningful opportunities for our students to gain deep understanding of the distinctive challenges presented by advising clients who are doing business in China. In addition, outside of the business arena, China simply has an incredibly rich cultural tradition. By engaging with Chinese institutions and forging strong ties with the people of China, we greatly enrich our law school community, which is of enormous educational value in its own right.” Through the years, several SLU LAW faculty members have taken part in scholarship in the world’s most populous country. For some, it is a singular summer trip. For others, they immerse themselves in repeat excursions or a year-long sabbatical. In the following reflections, professors Nan Kaufman, Chad Flanders and Constance Wagner provide a glimpse into their experiences teaching the law in China.






Reflections Nan Kaufman


ince the 1980s, the School of Law has consistently maintained some kind of relationship in China, including faculty exchanges, scholars’ visits, exchanges of library materials and student admissions. But my first exposure to Asia was across the Taiwan Strait in Taipei. In July 1989, I taught an intensive two-week course in income tax treaties to a group of 30 or so tax administrators from Taiwan and a number of other developing and newly industrialized countries. I sent 13 postcards home, all saying the same thing, “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” My clearest memories of that first visit remain a whirl – teaching in very slow English on a 12-hour jet lag in a sunfilled classroom when my body knew it be the middle of the night; navigating streets marked only in Chinese characters; crossing streets thronged with small cars and motor scooters that minded incomprehensible traffic rules;

umbrellas employed to provide portable shade on packed, steamy sidewalks; and my ever-present and solicitous hosts and students. Two years later my summer included an eight-week visit to the Law Department of Sichuan University in Chengdu. My time in Chengdu was part of an exchange agreement between SLU LAW and Sichuan University’s Law Department. I lectured law students on basic income tax and international tax concepts and enjoyed the hospitality of my Chinese colleagues and students. In Chengdu I developed what I call my theory of opposites: if I’m not sure how to behave in China, do the opposite of what I would do at home. For example, when a dinner guest at someone’s home in St. Louis, I wait for the host or hostess to begin eating before eating myself. In China, the guest of honor eats first. When the guest of honor is an uninformed American, there can be quite a standoff, while the food gets cold. If at home I would express indignation, in China I apologize—really. The law school has formed several enduring relationships through its exchange with Sichuan University and the connection exists, albeit informally, to this day.

For the next decade, China and Taiwan saw a good bit of me. I lectured at law schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an and Hong Kong, all the

while maintaining my annual sojourn to Taipei. Traveling as a teacher is incredibly rewarding. Colleagues and students have invited me to their homes for dinner. We have maintained formal scholarly exchanges and less formal conversations ranging from tax policy to politics to baseball. There have been weddings, I’ve sung karaoke, ballroom danced and trekked the mountains in search of pandas. And in the Chinese summer, I, too, carry the portable shade of an umbrella. It’s been a wonderful adventure. The relationships we have formed along the way continue to provide the School of Law with deep roots in China. A couple of years ago, Vickie Wu (Ruxi), a law student in Beijing, told me that for traditional Chinese students, teachers are a little bit like parents; the relationships formed can last for life. That has been my very happy experience. What is more, collegial relationships can be equally enduring. As the School of Law rekindles its old ties and develops new ones in China, we form durable and rewarding alliances in teaching, scholarship and service. VO LU M E 1 5 I SS U E 1


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uring the 2012-2013 academic year I was a Fulbright lecturer in Nanjing, China, teaching law to graduate students. Nanjing is one of China’s “smaller” cities, which means roughly eight or nine million people live and work there (compared to the 300,000 who live in St. Louis), with most of the people heavily concentrated downtown. Nanjing is in many ways a microcosm of China: it is big and crowded, polluted and poor. It is also growing and expanding at a ferocious rate. I taught three large classes at the main university – criminal law, philosophy of law, the First Amendment – and led a small seminar on the death penalty. I also gave more than 20 lectures throughout China on the American presidential elections, the death penalty and the U.S. Supreme Court. The high point of my week was a reading group that attracted some of my best law students and a student or two from the business school, where we discussed health care, economic inequality, legal education, gender discrimination and China’s “one child” policy. It was in this informal setting that I learned the most about law in China, and about what my

students thought about the law. For many of them, “law” was an abstraction. They were amazed that in America, constitutional law was such a “practical” subject, with stories of people fighting for their rights under the Constitution. The idea that courts might enforce those rights – even against the wishes of the ruling party – was alien to them. For them, their Constitution was a beautiful but mostly useless document, filled with empty promises. Very few of them had any interest in being, say, a criminal defense attorney. They knew the system was rigged. My students mostly wanted government jobs which paid well and were, they said, stable. Some of them were cynical about the law, but the cynicism was in part a disappointed idealism. They worried that China might be too big, or too unruly, or too poor, to afford anything like the rule of law or democracy or free speech. When we talked about flag burning and the First Amendment, some would say, “Well, maybe in America, but never in China.” But still they wanted to learn about America, and American law. The desire was not confined to students. One time, when judging an arbitration competition in Shanghai, I caught a ride with a fellow judge, a Chinese attorney. He said to me almost in a conspiratorial whisper: “I am very interested in the rule of law. Because of this, I pay close attention to the United States. When a Chinese court gives an opinion, they do





not give many reasons or they give very bad ones. But in the United States, they have to give good reasons. They have to be persuasive, and compelling. And I learn a lot from that.” Many of my students wanted to come to America, an America that exists for them mainly in bootlegged copies of movies and television shows, or quick two-week “tours” of major universities. In one case, a student dreamed of going to Yale Law School because “Bill and Hillary met there.” Those who could afford it thought going to America to study would be good for their careers. But they also wanted what American education had to offer and was in too short supply in China, like the 11-year-old boy who earnestly told me in perfect English he wanted to go to school in America because, “They teach critical thinking there.” Of course, American law and democracy can induce their own cynicism. During last year’s government shutdown, Xinhua, the state-run Chinese news agency, wondered whether this was a good time to start thinking about a de-Americanized world. Perhaps we should be; perhaps in some ways we are already living in that world. But during my time in China, it was nice to be reminded what we are still admired for, even if we don’t always live up to it.




ince joining the SLU LAW faculty and becoming a member of the Center for International and Comparative Law in 1995, I have had the great pleasure to meet and work with several visiting professors, visiting scholars and J.D. and LL.M. students from China. One visiting scholar who I came to know was Professor Xin Li, a faculty member of the School of Law at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing. Li spent one year at SLU LAW conducting research in the areas of corporate law and financial regulation. We found that we had mutual interests in these areas of law and that we shared many personal interests as well.

This past summer, at her suggestion, I was invited to teach a course in U.S. securities regulation as a visiting professor in the international summer school held at UIBE. UIBE is a leader in the fields of economics, finance and international business among Chinese universities and is part of Project 211, which is a government program intended to enhance the quality of Chinese higher education in the 21st century. The international summer school offers students the opportunity to study

with foreign professors from around the globe. My class was comprised of 40 students from both the undergraduate and graduate divisions. I was impressed by the work ethic of my students and the enthusiasm they displayed in learning about a foreign legal system and a complicated area of the law. Although initially hesitant about communicating in English in class, they quickly adapted to my American style of teaching and came through the final exam with flying colors. I had many interesting discussions both inside and outside the classroom with my students about the American legal system and our financial markets. I was especially touched by some of the farewell gifts that I received from these students, including an original pen and ink portrait of me drawn by one especially artistic student. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to teach in Beijing, which is not only the political capital of China, but an important cultural and historical center as well. When I was not in the classroom or working with students, I often spent my time visiting some of the famous sites in and around this fascinating city. Some of my favorites included the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the National Museum of China and a performance of Chinese opera at the Mei Lanfang Grand

Theater. I was usually accompanied by Professor Li and other UIBE law professors or by some of my students. Their generosity in sharing these aspects of their culture and history with me was something I greatly appreciated. A special highlight of my visit to Beijing was the opportunity to reconnect and visit with some of my former students at SLU LAW, who are now practicing lawyers in China. These included Hu Hong (’04, former Senior Legal Counsel to Dow Chemical, Asia Pacific Region and now Regional Legal Counsel for Asia & the Pacific to FMC Corporation), Tao Lan (’03, partner in the law firm of White & Case in Beijing) and Fancia Chen (LL.M. ’08, formerly a staff writer in the Asian legal news department at Thomson Reuters and now a practicing lawyer in Beijing). I felt a sense of pride as I heard them talk about their professional successes and how their education at SLU LAW had helped them to advance in their careers. For me, having the opportunity to teach law in China was a dream come true. As a result of my teaching experience there, old friendships were renewed and some new friendships were made. The world has become a smaller place. VO LU M E 1 5 I SS U E 1


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Tony Gao (’91)


Hometown: Shanghai, China Currently lives: Chesterfield, Mo. Title/Company: Principal at Law Office of Tony T. Gao

Path to SLU LAW: My journey to the U.S. began when I was a law professor at East China University of Political Science & Law (ECPSL) in Shanghai, China, teaching comparative law and foreign legal history. At the time, I was also in charge of one of the ECPSL summer Chinese Law programs for U.S. law students and I met SLU LAW Dean Rudy Hasl, who was the ABA inspector for foreign law school programs. It turns out, SLU LAW was in the process of bringing in several Chinese law students in its J.D. program, and I become one of the Chinese students directly from mainland China.

Life in St. Louis: At the beginning, I was shocked to see how “rural” St. Louis was since I came from Shanghai, and it just looks and tastes very much like New York City, which was what I expected to see. Eventually, I started to understand that most places in the U.S. do not look like NYC and I got adjusted. Now St. Louis has become my second hometown.

Differences in practice: The practice in China and in the U.S. is very different for at least a couple of reasons: one is that China is a Roman (Civil) Law country and the U.S. is a Common (Case) Law country, and second, the political systems are fundamentally different.

Favorite part of the job: I primarily practice U.S. immigration law and some international business law. I can see that my job will really help a business to get its needed foreign talent, and at the same time help the foreign national to successfully establish his career and live in this country.

Importance of building international experience: Depending on what field a law student will practice, but I believe international experience will definitely benefit all students since in almost every instance you will encounter immigrants and most businesses may directly or indirectly involve some international relations.

Advice: I highly encourage American law students to go out of country to see the world, not just as a tourist, but get some other life experience. It will definitely be beneficial to their understanding of different cultures and their influence on the daily life and business here.



SHAWN ZHao (’94)


Hometown: Chengdu, China

Hometown: Zhejiang Province, China

Currently lives: Beijing, China

Currently lives: Shanghai, China

Title/Company: Vice President, Greater China General Hewlett-Packard Co.

Title/Company: Senior Partner at Boss & Young

Path to SLU LAW:

Path to SLU LAW:

I graduated from Sichuan University in China with a bachelor’s degree in English in 1984. In 1991, I received a master’s in American history from the University of Alabama in Birmingham and was admitted to SLU LAW.

I studied law at Fudan University School of Law in the 1980s. As a young student, I admired the U.S. legal education and the common law system. To study at a U.S. law school was a dream of mine, which came true through the kind admission and offer of scholarship and fellowship by SLU’s School of Law.

Life in St. Louis: My wife and I stayed in St. Louis for seven years and had our first daughter in St. Louis right after my first year at SLU LAW. Our older daughter still sees herself as a St. Louisan even though she lived only three of her early years there. We still have a lot of friends in St. Louis.

POST-SLU LAW CAREER: After law school I worked at Armstrong Teasdale for three years. From there I went into the in-house legal department of Marconi Communications, Inc. in an attempt to avoid time sheets. Now I know better, as I have yet to work for an in-house legal department that is fully or over-staffed! But my in-house experiences have allowed me to better understand the business, products and technology. Marconi later assigned me to work in China to provide onthe-ground support to its subsidiaries there. Several years later, I joined Cisco as its first in-house lawyer in China, supporting a business with annual revenue of $ 1.1 billion. I stayed at Cisco for six years and then joined Google as its managing counsel for greater China, managing a legal team that covers China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Four years later, Google decided to pull out of search business in China, so I joined Hewlett-Packard Company as its general counsel for greater China, leading a team of 20 lawyers based in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei.

IN-HOUSE COUNSEL INSIGHT: For in-house lawyers to be effective and add real value to the business, they need to engage closely with the business clients, starting with the strategizing session, going through the structuring and implementing phases of each transaction. It is quite a job to expand the business, keep the operation going smoothly, keep it compliant with both the local and home country laws, and protect the reputation of the brand.

SLU LAW INFLUENCE: My SLU LAW education helped my career tremendously by providing a diverse student body, a curriculum with an international focus and faculty with international backgrounds and exposures.

Life in St. Louis: It was one of the most memorable experiences for me. It was hard, yet fun and rewarding. Despite the heavy course load, I managed to gain professional experiences by clerking for professors, the City of St. Louis Circuit Attorneys’ Office and the firm Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin. I also liked the experience of being a staff member and lead articles editor for the Saint Louis University Public Law Review.

POST-SLU LAW CAREER: After graduation, I worked in several U.S. and Chinese law firms before becoming a senior partner at my current firm, Boss & Young, in 2004. China was experiencing in-depth economic reform by privatizing most of the state-owned enterprises which released a lot of momentum of economic development. At the same time, an information technology revolution was happening in China, leading me to decide to return to China to practice law with a Chinese firm.

A TYPICAL DAY: About 80 percent of my work involves some sort of cross-border transaction. I am handling more and more outbound investment and acquisitions by Chinese companies, especially in North America and Europe. My typical legal work includes advising multinational corporations on their China business operations, entry into or exit from their China investment, all sorts of financing for Chinese and foreign clients such as equity fund raising, debt financing, listing in the Chinese and foreign capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, licensing of intellectual property, and regulatory compliance.

ADVICE: It is always a good idea to maintain relationships with your alumni in a foreign jurisdiction. You never know what may come out of such connections. Alumni may hire recent graduates and help them settle down professionally, just like we did many years ago when we hired a SLU LAW J.D. graduate, and now she is an inhouse counsel for a Fortune 50 company.

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C L ASS 1951



Hon. Joseph Nacy retired from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in November 2013.

Jack Challis, a shareholder at Polsinelli, was named to the 2013 Missouri/Kansas Super Lawyers in the area of estate planning and probate.

David Eversole is retired from the practice of law. He had practiced law in Shelbyville, Ill., since graduation.

1957 George Hrdlicka , a tax and tax controversy and litigation attorney and co-founder of Houston law firm Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Aughtry, was recently named to the 2013 Texas Super Lawyers in the tax law, litigation and controversy practice area.

1962 John “JACK” M. Bray was named one of Washington, D.C .’s Best Lawyers by Washingtonian Magazine, based on inquiries and interviews with lawyers and judges.

1968 Robert F. Ritter, chairman of the St. Louis firm Gray, Ritter & Graham, P.C., was named 2014 Product Liability Litigation, Plaintiffs “Lawyer of the Year” by Best Lawyers. He was also listed in seven practice categories, including the prestigious “Bet-The-Company Litigation.”

1971 Hon. Frederick Buckles was honored with the 2013 University of Missouri-St. Louis’ Distinguished Alumni Award. Hon. K athianne Crane retired as an appellate judge on the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District in August 2013.




1974 James Coles, a partner in the Indianapolis office of the law firm Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP, was selected as a 2014 Best Lawyers in America in the fields of copyright law, information technology law, patent law, technology law and trademark law. Doreen Dodson, a shareholder at Polsinelli, was named to the 2013 Missouri/Kansas Super Lawyers in the areas of employment & labor and immigration. Stephen Sexauer was elected secretary of the Collaborative Family Law Association of St. Louis which seeks to provide a nonconfrontational divorce that is a good option for families with children. Gary Soule joined the law firm Goldstein & Pressman, PC as an of counsel attorney. He is an experienced family law attorney, mediator and collaborative practitioner. In addition to family law matters, he represents clients in juvenile law, guardianship, mental health law, probate, estate planning and small business matters. Soule was also recently elected president of the Collaborative Family Law Association of St. Louis, which seeks to provide a non-confrontational divorce that is a good option for families with children.

1976 Timothy Hurley, a partner in the Cincinnati office of the law firm Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP, was selected as a 2014 Best Lawyers in America in the fields of bankruptcy and creditor debtor rights, insolvency and reorganization law, commercial litigation, and bankruptcy litigation. Daniel Raniere was named chairman of the St. Louis Regional Crime Commission, which coordinates the CrimeStoppers program and raises funds from the regional business community. James Scott joined CRB as general counsel, responsible for representing CRB on all legal matters. Scott has dedicated his career to engineering and construction businesses. Most recently, he was a partner at Greensfelder where he played a key role in the firm’s construction law practice. Stephen M. Tillery’s law firm, Korein Tillery, was named to the National Law Journal ’s Plaintiffs’ Hot List as one of the top plaintiffs’ litigation firms in the country. This is the seventh time the firm has been named to the list in the last 10 years. Tillery is senior partner and owner at the firm, which has offices in St. Louis and Chicago.

1977 Howard L . Adelman was chosen as one of the Top 10 Illinois Super Lawyers in 2012 and 2013. He has been listed for 20 years in The Best Lawyers in America.

1978 Hon. James Hackett, a longtime Madison County associate judge, was appointed a circuit judge. Y vonne Homeyer was elected a director of the Collaborative Family Law Association of St. Louis. Fredric Knapp was appointed by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as acting Morris County prosecutor and assistant attortney general for the state of New Jersey. Jay Krupin is now a partner with the law firm BakerHostetler in Washington, D.C. He serves as its national co-chair of the labor relations practice and national labor and employment practice team leader for industry sectors. He represents many national and international businesses, counseling on appropriate employment procedures. Timothy Noelker, a partner at Thompson Coburn, was named to the Catholic Charities USA board of directors. Thomas Weaver, a partner in the litigation group at Armstrong Teasdale, was elected to the board of directors of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers.

1979 Alisse Camazine of Paule, Camazine and Blumenthal was selected a Best Lawyer. She has been continuously listed since 1993. Joseph Porter Jr., a shareholder at Polsinelli, was named to the 2013 Missouri/Kansas Super Lawyers in the areas of business and corporate banking.

1980 Timothy Casey, of the Southfield, Mich., law firm Collins Einhorn Farrell, was recognized as being among the best attorneys for his work in insurance law. He has more than three decades of experience in insurance coverage and indemnity contract matters. John Larsen Jr., a principal at the workers’ compensation law firm Larsen & Hess, PC in St. Louis, was chosen by

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to fill a vacancy on the three-member Labor & Industrial Relations Commission for a term ending June 2018. Thomas E . Venker Jr. was hired by Husch Blackwell as senior counsel on the firm’s financial services industry team. He works primarily with trust and estate clients and is located in St. Louis.

1981 Hon. Jimmie Edwards received the national William H. Rehnquist Award for Judicial Excellence. The award, given by the National Center for State Courts, was presented by Chief Justice John Roberts at the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C . on Nov. 21. Edwards is the first Missouri jurist to win the award. For more on Edwards’ humanitarian work, including his thoughts on the accolade, visit Bruce E. Friedman, a principal with the St. Louis law firm of Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal, PC, was selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of family law. He was also named the Best Lawyers’ 2014 St. Louis Family Law “Lawyer of the Year.” Hon. Terry A . Gould was sworn in for a new two-year term as a judge of the Paradise Valley Municipal Court in Arizona. Recently his dockets have been primarily criminal misdemeanors and domestic violence cases. Gould is an emeritus member of the Wisconsin Bar and remains an active member of the Missouri and Arizona Bars. Maria Perron, an attorney at the Perron Law Firm, was honored by Legal Services of Eastern Missouri with its annual F. William McCalpin Pro Bono Award for extraordinary dedication for pro bono work. Joyce Slocum, chief administrative officer of National Public Radio (NPR), received the annual Public Radio Regional Organizations (PRRO) Award in November 2013. The award recognizes behind-the-scenes “heroes” who have helped advance the field of public media throughout their careers. She has been at NPR

for five years, including serving for nine months as NPR’s interim CEO in 2011. In her current role, Slocum serves as secretary to the NPR board of directors and is an adviser to the NPR Foundation Board of Trustees.

1983 Mary Beth Clary, a partner in Porter Wright ’s corporate department in the firm’s Naples, Fla., office, was named “Woman Lawyer of the Year” by the Collier County Women’s Bar Association. This award is given annually to a female lawyer who has excelled in her career, overcome traditional stereotypes associated with women and promoted the status of women within the profession and/ or promoted the status of women in the state of Florida.

1984 Scot Boulton, a senior partner at Polsinelli, was named to the 2013 Missouri/Kansas Super Lawyers in the area of estate planning and probate: nonprofit. Helen Ferraro -Zaffram, supervising attorney at Legal Services for the Elderly, Disabled or Disadvantaged of Western New York, received the Bar Association of Erie County’s 2013 Lawyer of the Year Award. She is the first lawyer from the nonprofit sector to receive this award. Although she handles all areas of elder law, Ferraro-Zaffram’s primary expertise is in guardianships and she has served as guardian for hundreds of seniors in the Buffalo area.

1985 Mark Brown was named one of Washington, D.C .’s Best Lawyers by Washingtonian Magazine, based on inquiries and interviews with lawyers and judges. Mark E . Fatum is a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, one of the premier legal associations in America. Hon. Andrew J. Gleeson, resident circuit judge in the 20th Judicial Circuit in Belleville, Ill., completed civil mediation at the National Judicial College, now making him able to conduct mediation sessions. Patrick Hagerty, a partner at the St. Louis plaintiff law firm Gray,

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Ritter & Graham, PC, was named a 2014 Best Lawyer in America in the categories of personal injury litigation-plaintiffs and railroad law. Joan M. Holt, senior counsel, workers’ compensation for Schnuck Markets Inc., received the St. Louis Workers’ Compensation Distinguished Lawyer Award. The award, established in 2003 and jointly presented by the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis and Kids’ Chance, is given to a St. Louis area workers’ compensation attorney whose professionalism has earned the respect of the community. Thomas J. Magee , a partner at HeplerBroom LLC, was named to the Super Lawyers top 50 St. Louis and top 100 Missouri lists. He has received each of these honors every year since 2008. Magee has tried over 150 jury trials to verdict, representing clients in Missouri and Illinois. He focuses on trials involving complex business litigation matters including: products liability, professional liability, commercial litigation, personal injury, automobile and trucking. Michael Ward, managing principal of Brown & James, P.C., was named to the 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers in appellate practice and to the top 50 St. Louis Super Lawyers list. He was also honored among the 2014 Best Lawyers in America for appellate practice.

1986 Dale Hermeling joined the Clayton, Mo., law firm Jenkins & Kling, PC. He focuses his practice on environmental regulation, construction law and general business practice. Thomas O’Toole Jr., a partner at the St. Louis law firm of Mickes Goldman O’Toole, LLC, will become president of the United States Golf Association (USGA), serving a oneyear term begining in February 2014. As president, he will lead the USGA’s professional staff of more than 300 and nearly 1, 200 volunteers who serve on more than 30 committees. O’Toole has been associated with the USGA since 1988. John Simon, managing partner and founder of The Simon Law Firm,



PC , was one of the winners of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis’ President ’s Award. Anthony Soukenik , a shareholder at Sandberg Phoenix & von Gontard, was one of the winners of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis’ President ’s Award. William J. Swift, an attorney at the Missouri Public Defender’s Columbia office, was honored with the 2013 Defender of Distinction Award by the Missouri Bar. Stephen Woodley, a partner at the St. Louis plaintiff law firm Gray, Ritter & Graham, PC , has been named a 2014 Best Lawyer in America in the categories of personal injury litigation-plaintiffs and medical malpractice law-plaintiffs.

1987 Lisa Fadler was named assistant dean of career and professional development by the Thomas M. Cooley Law School. Eric Trelz , a shareholder at Polsinelli, was selected for inclusion to the 2013 Missouri/Kansas Super Lawyers in the areas of employment litigation-defense, employment & labor and business litigation.

1988 Margaret Donnelly was appointed Family Court Commissioner in St. Louis County. The appointment is made by a vote of all the circuit and associate judges in the county. Mary L . Reitz, a lawyer and officer in Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale PC’s litigation practice group, was elected to the board of directors of the Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers.

1990 Joseph A . Frank , owner of The Law Offices of Joseph A Frank, LLC , was elected president elect of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis.

J. Bradley Young was hired by the St. Louis law firm of Harris, Dowell, Fisher & Harris, LC as an attorney.

1991 John J. Diehl Jr., a partner at Armstrong Teasdale, was elected Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives. He will take the helm after the 2014 session. Diehl, who is chairman the House Ethics Committee, began his House term in 2008 and also serves as the majority floor leader. Henry Luepke III joined the St. Louis office of Dentons as counsel in its litigation and dispute resolution practice. Mark Ward joined Midwest Litigation Services as operations manager. He will manage Midwest ’s internal office operations, policies and human resources as well as oversee client services, strategic business planning and fiscal and performance management.

1992 Jeff Devine was appointed director of human capital at Onsite Occupational Health and Safety, Inc., where he will direct all human capital activities for the company, including employee relations, compensation and benefits, and the training, development and performance management of staff worldwide. The company is based in Princeton, Ind. Jacqueline Dimmitt joined the St. Louis office of Thompson Coburn as counsel. She focuses her practice on estate planning, trusts and taxes. Jane Dueker, a partner at Stinson Morrison Hecker, received the President ’s Award from the Women Lawyers’ Association of Greater St. Louis. The award acknowledges both her work within the legal industry as well as her dedication to mentoring fellow female associates in the legal profession. Joseph S. Dueker was appointed by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to fill a vacancy for associate circuit judge in the 21st Circuit. The circuit encompasses all of St. Louis County. Christopher Erker joined the law firm Polsinelli as a shareholder. He has served both local and national clients for the past 18 years, concentrating exclusively on environmental matters


and health and safety matters. Maureen McGlynn, a principal with the Kortenhof, McGlynn and Burns law firm, joined the board of directors for the St. Patrick Center, a nonprofit organization that helps the homeless. James Scott became the district attorney for Juneau, Alaska in early July 2013. He was appointed by the Department of Law to replace the previous district attorney who retired at the end of April. Patricia A . Zimmer, a partner in the law firm Ripplinger & Zimmer, was re-appointed to the Tort Law Section Council of the Illinois State Bar Association. The Tort Law Section Council advises the Association in all areas of tort law: medical and other professional malpractice, auto collision law, and other areas of negligence and strict tort liability.

1993 David Bub, of Brown & James, P.C., was selected to the 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers in civil litigation defense. Anthony DeWitt, a partner at the law firm Bartimus, Frickleton, Robertson & Gorny’s Jefferson City, Mo., office, was honored with the Missouri Bar’s 2013 Pro Bono Publico Award. James Hammerschmidt, a principal at the law firm of Paley Rothman located in Bethesda, Md., was elected to serve as co-president of the firm. He also serves as the co-chair of the firm’s labor & employment law group. Joan Lockwood, a partner at the St. Louis plaintiff law firm Gray, Ritter & Graham, PC , was named a 2014 Best Lawyer in America in the categories of medical malpractice law-plaintiffs, product liability litigation-plaintiffs and personal injury litigation. Patricia Williams was named corporate vice president general counsel by SSM Health Care. She will lead SSM’s newly formed Legal Affairs Department and be responsible for overseeing legal affairs for the hospital system.

1995 Bradford Cytron joined the


Clayton, Mo., law firm of Spencer, Fane Britt & Browne, LLP as a partner. His practice area includes the representation of public and private entities in the acquisition, disposition and development of office, retail, multifamily, industrial and hospitality buildings.

wide range of industries on technology transactions, Internet law, e-commerce and intellectual property matters.

Lisa Parker Freeman joined Husch Blackwell in the firm’s Chicago office as senior counsel, practicing in the areas of educational institutions and education litigation, bringing extensive on-the-ground industry experience.


Patricia Kievlan was appointed an associate judge in the 20th Judicial Circuit, St. Clair County, Ill., in May 2013. She lives in Belleville, Ill., with her husband and three sons.

1996 Nicole Colbert-Botchway was elected president of the Mound City Bar Association. In 2013 she was also elected to the board of governors of the Missouri Bar, where she serves on its professionalism task force, the Missouri Supreme Court ’s child support guidelines review subcommittee and its joint committee on gender and justice. Colbert-Botchway was honored with the 2013 University of MO-St. Louis’ Distinguished Alumni Award. Amy Collignon Gunn, an attorney at The Simon Law Firm, PC , was one of the winners of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis’ President ’s Award, as well as the recipient of the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys’ 2013 Thomas G. Strong Trial Attorney Award. Kevin Gunn joined Polsinelli’s St. Louis office as a shareholder, focusing his practice on energy issues. He is also the former chairman of the Missouri Public Service Commission. Eric Kukowski, of counsel at the law firm Evans & Dixon, was elected secretary of the Bar Assocation of Metropolitan St. Louis. Saraann Parker joined Armstrong Teasdale as a partner. She is a member of the corporate services practice group, focusing her practice on the technology area, advising clients in a

Julie Siegel was admitted as a partner at the Clayton, Mo., law firm Frankel, Rubin, Bond, Dubin, Siegel & Klein, PC .

Robert Brady, of Brown & James, P.C., was selected to the 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers in insurance coverage. Carl Geraci joined HeplerBroom LLC as an associate attorney in the Edwardsville, Ill., office, focusing his practice on complex business litigation matters, including products liability, asbestos defense, toxic tort defense, and premises liability. He served as a judicial law clerk for the Missouri Court of Appeals for the Eastern District of Missouri before entering private practice. Jim Guest, director of the Volunteer Lawyers Program at Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, was re-elected to the Missouri Bar’s board of governors. Garrett Hoerner was chosen the new Belleville Ill., city attorney by the Belleville City Council. He is currently a partner at Becker, Paulson, Hoerner & Thompson. Dawn M. Lewallen was recently promoted to senior underwriting counsel for Stewart Title Guaranty Company. She is also one of 18 employees selected to participate in a year-long accelerated leadership development program designed to develop future leadership within the company.

1998 James Arnold was hired by the St. Louis law firm Williams Venker & Sanders, LLC as a litigation support specialist. Jeffrey Jensen joined Husch Blackwell’s St. Louis office as a partner. Joseph McCulloch, a partner at the St. Charles, Mo., law firm of Todt, Ryan & McCulloch, was reappointed to the St. Charles County Convention & Sports Facilities Authority.

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Francis X. Miller joined Lathrop & Gage, LLP’s Clayton, Mo., office in the corporate and real estate departments. Steven Pozaric was named to the board of directors for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. He specializes in the areas of corporate, mergers and acquisitions, health care, technology and securities law. Christine Vaporean, of Brown & James, P.C ., was named to the 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers in personal injury defense-medical malpractice.

1999 Luke Mangan, a shareholder at Polsinelli, was named a 2013 Missouri/ Kansas Super Lawyers Rising Star in the areas of class action/mass torts, personal injury defense-products. Cole Peterson was appointed associate general counsel for Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla. She most recently served as general counsel, chief regulatory officer, privacy officer and management representative at United Orthopedic Group (Frisco, Texas). Rochelle Woodiest was appointed commissioner of the Drug Court for Missouri’s 22nd Judicial Circuit in the City of St. Louis. She previously was an assistant circuit attorney for Court.

2000 Beth Bauer, a partner at HeplerBroom LLC , was named to the 2013 Illinois Super Lawyers in the category of top women attorneys in Illinois. She focuses her practice in the area of civil litigation defense. Amy Bender-Levy was elected to the Missouri Bar Association’s board of governors. Stacy Rummel Bratcher was named deputy general counsel of the University of Southern California,where she will manage significant transactions and litigation that involve the university, and will assist the general counsel with management of the Office of General Counsel. Matthew Casey, a partner at the law firm Casey & Devoti PC, was named



one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers.

2001 Mark Braunel , a partner at Thompson Coburn LLP, was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers. Justin Chapell , of Brown & James, P.C ., was elected to join the board of directors of the Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers. Aaron French, a shareholder at Sandberg Phoenix & von Gontard, PC , was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers.

Aisling Murphy works at Scottrade as associate general counsel. Christopher Schmidt, a partner at the law firm Bryan Cave, LLP, was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers. Dora B. Schriro, commissioner of the New York City Department of Correction, was recently appointed by the American Bar Association to serve as a member of its commission on immigration. The commission’s primary role is to ensure fair and unbiased treatment, and full due process rights, for immigrants and refugees within the U.S. Rebecca Verble joined HeplerBroom LLC’s Edwardsville, Ill., office as an associate attorney with an emphasis in asbestos toxic tort defense.

Bradley Hansmann, of Brown & James, P.C ., was named to the 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers in personal injury defense. Sara Ratner joined RedBrick Health, in Minneapolis, Minn., as senior vice president for operations. She also teaches business and health law for the University of St. Thomas MBA program. Timothy Wolf, of Brown & James, P.C ., was named a 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers Rising Star in insurance coverage.

2002 John J. Fischesser II, of the law firm Pitzer Snodgrass, PC, was honored by the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis with its John C. Shepherd Professionalism Award. The award recognizes a young lawyer who exemplifies professionalism and respect for the practice of law. Corey Kraushaar, a principal with Brown & James, P.C., was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers. He was also named to the 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers in personal injury defense. Cicely Lubben, a partner at Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP, was named to the Center of Creative Arts (COCA) Junior Board. The board is charged with raising awareness of COCA among young adults by serving as ambassadors in the St. Louis community and promoting COCA events and programs. Todd Lubben, of Brown & James, P.C ., was named to the 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers in professional liability: defense.

2003 Erica Bash was named general counsel of Dawson Logistics, Inc., which specializes in customized supply chain solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, as well as carrier management and storage and distribution for its domestic and international clients.

 Jeffrey Bash was named managing partner of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith’s Madison County, Ill., office. Ted Disabato was featured as the realtor on HGTV’s “House Hunters.” He owns a real estate brokerage, TdD Premier Real Estate, and opened a title company, ClearVision Title. Jacqueline Kinder, of Brown & James, P.C ., was named a 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers Rising Star for Missouri in civil litigation defense. Matthew Leppert and Elizabeth Leppert (Nee Disana, ’04) are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Caroline, in August 2013.

2004 Christina Lewis Abate was


elected to the Missouri Bar Association’s Young Lawyers’ Section. Brandy Barth tried a jury trial in St. Louis Circuit Court (City) in October 2013, and the jury returned its verdict in favor of her client the plaintiff for $3.67 million. The claim was for wrongful discharge in violation of public policy. Ryann Carmody was hired as an associate by the St. Louis law firm Carmody MacDonald, PC , practicing litigation. John M. Challis, a shareholder at Polsinelli, was named to the 2013 Missouri/Kansas Super Lawyers in the area of intellectual property litigation, and estate and trust litigation. Patrick Foppe , a partner with the law firm Lashly & Baer, PC, was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up & Coming Lawyers. Jennifer Collins Hansen opened The Hansen Firm, LLC in St. Louis. The firm is devoted to protecting the interests of individuals and small business owners. She is an experienced litigator and trial attorney and focuses her practice on personal injury, family law, employment matters and business law. Elizabeth Leppert and her husband, Matthew Leppert (’03), are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Caroline, in August 2013. Jennifer Matthew was elected to the Missouri Bar Association’s Young Lawyers’ Section. Stacey L . Meinen was appointed chair of the Solo and Small Firm Committee for the Missouri Bar for 2013-2015. Edward Zeidler, of Brown & James, P.C., was named a 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers Rising Star for Missouri in personal injury: defense.


Company as vice president and senior adviser of the family office division, which advises 79 wealthy families on more than $8.8 billion in assets. Sara Weilert Gillette , an intellectual property attorney at the law firm Senniger Powers, was one of the winners of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis’ Young Lawyers Division’s Award of Merit. Aaron Haber, a member at the law firm Muchnick & Haber, LC, was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers. Bryan Mauller was hired as senior counsel of the in-house legal team at Safety National Casualty Corporation in St. Louis. Abby Risner, an associate at the law firm Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, PC , was named as one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers. Sander Sowers, of Columbia, Mo., was elected to the Missouri Bar Association’s Young Lawyers’ Section. Jason Steinmeyer joined Gori Julian & Associates’ Edwardsville, Ill., office. Patrick T. Wittenbrink was hired by Carmody MacDonald PC as an associate in the firm’s transactional practice group. George Diehr Jr. was elected to shareholder at Polsinelli. Brian K aveney, an Armstrong Teasdale partner, received the 2013 Society Award from the Society of Industrial Security Professionals (NCMS) in recognition of his efforts and contributions to the Society’s advancements. Kaveney is a frequent speaker at NCMS events at which he advises facility security officers about security issues and regulations.

Justin Flach joined Commerce Trust

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2006 Brandon Copeland was elected principal at Brown & James, P.C . He focuses his practice on first-party insurance coverage and construction defect work after five years working as a field claims adjuster for a national insurance company. Michael Davidson was promoted to partner at the law firm Hinshaw & Culbertson. Halle Dimar, of Brown & James, P.C., was named a 2013 Missouri Super Lawyers Rising Star in personal injury defense: medical malpractice. Justin Guerra , an associate at Holloran, White, Schwartz & Gaertner, LLP, was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers. Matt Voorhees launched Voorhees Family Law, LLC , located in downtown Clayton, Mo.

2007 Nathan Bach joined the law firm of Heyl, Royster, Voelker & Allen, PC in its Peoria, Ill., office as an associate. He concentrates his practice in the area of civil litigation, including business and commercial litigation, tort litigation, professional liability and commercial motor carrier litigation. Maureen Hughes Bulgrin was hired as a senior attorney by the Stange Law Firm PC in their Edwardsville, Ill., office, focusing her practice on family law. Joseph Dulle was elected to the Missouri Bar Association’s Young Lawyers’ Section. K atherine (Fansler) Moore joined the law firm of Barklage, Brett, Wibbenmeyer & Hamill as an associate attorney, practicing real estate, land use, corporate, contract and municipal law. David M. Perron was promoted to senior associate at Brown & James, P.C ., practicing in the firm’s health


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care litigation group. Melanie Renken, an associate at the law firm Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, PC , was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers. Chrissie Scelsi received her Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Entertainment and Media Law from Southwestern School of Law in Los Angeles.

2008 David Borgmeyer joined the Missouri Public Defender’s St. Louis County office. Christopher Layloff joined Gori Julian & Associates’ Edwardsville, Ill., office, practicing personal injury litigation. Christopher Stagg joined the U.S. Department of State in 2010 as senior policy advisor in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs as the department ’s deputy lead for President Obama’s Export Control Reform initiative to revise U.S. export control laws and to advise the intelligence community on national security investigations related to the Arms Export Control Act.

2009 Meggie Biesenthal , formerly of the St. Louis office, joined the Troy, Mo., office of the Missouri Public Defender. Amanda Colvin, an attorney at Bryan Cave LLP, was honored by Legal Services of Eastern Missouri with its annual John R. Essner Young Lawyer Award for her meaningful contribution to the lives of LSEM clients through pro bono work. Matthew Diehr was hired as an associate at Husch Blackwell’s St. Louis office. Sarah K Johnson, an attorney in the Missouri Public Defender’s St. Louis office, was a winner of the 2013 Missouri Bar’s Lon O. Hocker Trial Lawyer Award for excellence in trial practice. Shontaia Riley, an associate at Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, PC , was named one of the 2013 Missouri Lawyers Weekly Up and Coming Lawyers.

2010 Ranya Al-Abboud and Alma



Imsirevic Von Gontard have started their own law firm, AlAbboud and Imsirevic, LLC , focusing on the needs of immigrants. Salim Awad, partner at McQueen Awad LLC, was named vice chairman of the Veterans Business Resource Center’s board of directors. Sherin Joharifar Bruning was hired as an associate in the St. Louis office of Polsinelli, practicing litigation. Lilian Doan Davis, was hired as an associate by Polsinelli in the firm’s St. Louis office, practicing labor and employment law. She was named to the 2013 St. Louis Business Journal ’s 30 Under 30 honorees. Amy Davis joined the Missouri Public Defender’s Rolla office. Mark R. Falkowski joined Husch Blackwell in its St. Louis office as part of the firm’s business litigation practice group. Megan Gilbreth was hired as an associate by Blake Law Firm in Belleville, Ill. Sheena Hamilton was appointed vice chairman of the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division’s Labor and Employment Law Committee. She was also appointed to the Regional Business Council’s Young Professional Network steering committee. Additionally, Hamilton was selected by the American Bar Association Section of Labor and Employment Law as a fellow. Michael Jente was hired as an associate by Lewis Rice & Fingersh, practicing commercial litigation. Tamma Keim joined the Missouri Public Defender’s Troy office. Emily Kiser was elected to the Missouri Bar Association’s Young Lawyers’ Section. Mary Lemp joined the Stange Law Firm, PC in its St. Louis County office, practicing family law. Amy Merideth joined Armstrong

Teasdale as an associate in the firm’s litigation practice group, concentrating primarily on matters alleging personal or catastrophic injury and wrongful death. Michael McGinley was hired as an associate attorney by the St. Louis law firm Lashly & Baer, PC, practicing business litigation, general litigation and transportation litigation. Andrew Ramirez was hired as an associate by the St. Louis law firm Brown & James, P.C . Carla Tolbert started a new position at Sandberg Phoenix as an associate in the health law practice group. Erin Blagg Walker is the assistant director for philanthropy at University of Washington Medical School, primarily raising money for the Division of Dermatology, stroke research, and the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. Kevin Wilkins founded The Wilkins Law Firm, LLC , which focuses its practice on plaintiff ’s personal injury litigation and criminal defense.

2011 Erica Blume , of Brown & James, P.C., was re-elected to board of directors for The Women Lawyers’ Association of Greater St. Louis for 2013-14.

 Kendall Canfield joined HeplerBroom LLC’s St. Louis office. Scott Hunsaker was hired as an associate by Herzog Crebs in the firm’s litigation group, with a concentration in complex business litigation matters, including toxic and mass tort, product liability and commercial litigation. Sarah Jane Hunt joined the Law Offices of Thomas E. Kennedy, III, L.C. in September 2013, continuing her practice of litigating wage and hour, discrimination, whistleblower and wrongful termination claims. She will also join the firm in the prosecution of civil rights and constitutional law


claims such as those under the First Amendment, the Missouri and Illinois Human Rights Acts, Fair Housing Act and Americans with Disabilities Act. Nicholas Loyal , of Brown & James, P.C ., was elected to the Missouri Bar Young Lawyers’ Section Council for 2013-14 in District 9. Carol Mena Quick , an attorney at Debra K. Schuster PC, was elected to the board of directors of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. She graduated from the Chamber’s Latino Leadership Institute in June 2013. Phillip Reither joined the Stange Law Firm, PC in its Arnold, Mo., office as an associate, focusing his practice on family law. Heather Siddle was hired as an attorney by The Blake Law Group, P.C . in Belleville, Ill.

2012 Monique Brown is a compliance analyst for Essence Healthcare. Jason Emmons joined the Missouri Public Defender’s Jefferson City office. Julia Fogelberg joined the Missouri Public Defender’s St. Louis County office. Leslie Dean Henke was hired by SmithAmundsen as an associate in the firm’s St. Louis office, practicing commercial litigation, labor and employment, and toxic tort cases. Anna Johnson joined the Missouri Public Defender’s Monett office. Timothy Larkin was hired as an associate by Herzog Crebs in the firm’s litigation group, concentrating in asbestos and toxic tort defense. Lea H. Lockhart joined Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, PC as an associate in the firm’s Indianapolis office, focusing on health information technology, general business transactions and services, privacy and security and electronic health records. Courtney Logan was hired as an associate in Heyl, Royster, Voelker & Allen, P.C .’s Edwardsville, Ill., office, practicing general tort, insurance coverage litigation, complex civil litigation, toxic tort matters and product liability. Julie Newman was hired as an associate in Bryan Cave LLP ’s St. Louis office, joining the class actions

client service group. Prior to joining the firm, she clerked for the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District. Angela Odlum was hired as an associate in Armstrong Teasdale’s St. Louis office, focusing her practice on managing clients financial liabilities and representing creditors in reorganization and liquidation proceedings. Jessica Steffan won the prestigious 2013 Hughes Gossett Student Prize for her paper on Justice Louis Brandeis, which will be published in the Journal of Supreme Court History. Joseph Whitener joined the Missouri Public Defender’s Bolivar office. Jennifer Wood joined Roberts Perryman, PC , practicing trucking litigation and insurance coverage and defense.

2013 Victoria Alvarez was hired as an associate by Brown & James, P.C ., focusing in the areas of premises liability, transportation, construction law and product liability. Aubrey Arndt was hired as an associate by Husch Blackwell in the firm’s St. Louis office, joining the corporate group. Nicolas Cejas was hired as an associate by Brown & James, P.C . He will focus in the areas of business and commercial litigation, insurance law and premises liability. Sarah Fandrey joined Bowers Harrison, LLP as an associate attorney. She also serves as a title agent for Apex Title, LLC , a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bowers Harrison. Her practice areas focus on commercial and residential real estate transactions covering acquisition, disposition, development, leasing and financing of real estate as well as business counsel and contracting services. Brian Figueroa was hired as an associate by Lewis Rice & Fingersh, practicing estate planning and probate.


Gaetana Franklin joined HeplerBroom LLC as an associate in the firm’s St. Louis office, focusing on toxic torts. Matthew Haas was hired as an associate by Brown & James, P.C . He will focus in the areas of arson-fraud litigation and insurance law. Justin Hamrick joined the transactional practice group at Carmody MacDonald, where he focuses his practice in the areas of banking law, business law, estate planning, real estate and taxation. Lauren Hamvas was hired by Legal Services of Eastern Missouri as an employment and outreach attorney. Caleb Haydon was hired as an associate by Bryan Cave LLP in the firm’s St. Louis office, joining the corporate finance, transactions and technology, entrepreneurial and commercial client service groups. Robert Hurtt was hired as an associate by Husch Blackwell in the firm’s St. Louis office, joining the business litigation group. William Kellner was hired by Armstrong Teasdale as an associate in the firm’s litigation group, counseling health care providers in medical negligence actions before state and federal regulatory boards. Lindsay McClure-Hartman was hired as an associate by Husch Blackwell in the firm’s St. Louis office, joining the business litigation group. Mandi Moutray was hired as an associate by Brown & James, P.C ., focusing in the areas of premises liability and insurance law. Hannah Nelson was hired as a health care law associate attorney by Lashly & Baer. Elizabeth A. O’Brien was hired as an associate by Lewis Rice & Fingersh, practicing corporate law, securities and mergers and acquisitions. Jonathan Pollmann was hired by Senniger Powers LLP as an associate. His practice involves intellectual property law, with a primary focus on the preparation and prosecution of patent applications related to mechanical engineering.

VO LU M E 1 5 I SS U E 1




Alicia Ragsdale was hired as an associate by Bryan Cave LLP in the firm’s St. Louis office, joining the commercial litigation and product liability client service groups. J. Clifton “Cliff” Smith has been hired as an associate by Danna McKitick, PC in the firm’s litigation department, assisting in representing individuals and corporations in civil litigation primarily related to public pensions, business law, securities, trusts, entertainment law and intellectual property.

the firm’s St. Louis office, joining the banking and finance group. Natalie Stoltz was hired as an associate attorney by Brown & James, P.C., focusing in the areas of arsonfraud litigation, subrogation, premises liability and insurance law. Lucas Ude was hired as an associate attorney by Brown & James, P.C., focusing in the areas of business and commercial litigation, premises liability, arson-fraud litigation and insurance law.

Lucie Wolken Stanley was hired as an associate by Husch Blackwell in



intellectual property practice group.

Zachary Wegmann was hired as an associate by Armstrong Teasdale in the firm’s St. Louis office, joining the

Zachary Wood was hired as an associate by Polsinelli in the firm’s St. Louis office, practicing real estate development. Lindsay Wuller was hired as an associate by Bryan Cave LLP in the firm’s St. Louis office, joining the commercial litigation and product liability client service groups.



The Hon. Jack Arnold, 1950

Mr. Douglas Walker, 1966

Mr. James Wuller, 1950

Mr. Harold Heitmann, 1967

Mr. Francis Toohey, 1951

The Hon. Gene Nottolini, 1968

Mr. Donald Nichols, 1951

Mr. Daniel Nack, 1969

Mr. Andrew Ries, 1952

Mr. Ralph Skinkiss, 1970

Mr. Warren Burgard, 1954

Mrs. Christine Drucker, 1972

Mr. Charles Haverstock, 1954

Mr. Anthony Coultas, 1973

Mr. Earl Smith, 1955

Mr. Henry Rieke, 1973

Mr. Edwin Gasaway, 1956

Mr. Garrett Reuter, 1973

The Hon. William French, 1959

The Hon. Joseph Beatty, 1974

Mr. John Healy, 1959

Mr. Joseph Devereux, 1974

Mr. John Hannegan, 1960

Mr. John Beeson, 1974

Mr. Richard Wolff, 1960

Mr. Robert Raleigh, 1983

Mr. Donald James, 1963

Mr. Michael Coles, 1988

K C A B G N I V I G N O FOCUS The Office of Development and Alumni Relations is highlighting why alumni give to the School of Law and the different avenues available to you to support future legal education at Saint Louis University. In this installment, we take a look at a first-time giver to the Loyal to Law Annual Fund.



WHAT FACTORS ENCOURAGED YOU TO MAKE YOUR FIRST GIFT TO SLU LAW THIS FALL? While attending SLU LAW, I was enormously impressed with my fellow classmates and faculty; without question, there was something about SLU LAW that attracted these individuals. Now, as an involved alumnus, I continually witness the School of Law striving to exceed all expectations – the new building downtown and the practical legal skills being taught to students are just two prime examples. These examples, along with numerous others, encouraged me to donate money to SLU LAW.

DO YOU ENCOURAGE OTHER YOUNG ALUMNI AND FIRST-TIME DONORS TO MAKE A GIFT TO THE SCHOOL OF LAW? WHY? Absolutely. Contributing to SLU LAW unquestionably attracts future talent, students and faculty alike. Additionally, gifts to the School of Law preserve the high quality programs already in existence and help fund new projects and activities. Beyond the aforementioned, giving back to an institution that has already given me so much is rewarding because I know it makes a difference.

WHY DID YOU DIRECT YOUR GIFT TO THE LOYAL TO LAW ANNUAL FUND? The Loyal to Law Annual Fund provides Dean Wolff with necessary funds to use in order to further the mission of SLU LAW. The Annual Fund serves a diverse array of students by providing scholarships, offsetting the cost of the moot court programs and enhancing the overall student experience. With an outstanding reputation and the highest level of integrity, I am confident that Dean Wolff will utilize the gifts made to the Annual Fund to advance the best interests of the students and improve the quality of SLU LAW.

To learn more about how you can continue the legacy and support the School of Law, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations: SHERIDAN HAYNES 314-977-3303 AMANDA GOLDSMITH ('07) 314-977-4141 School of Law Development Office 100 N. Tucker Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63101 314-977-3300

SA I N T L O U I S U N I V E R S I T Y S C H O O L O F L AW 100 N. TUCKER BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MO 63101-1930




S P R I N G 201 4


Journals Reunion


Adler-Rosecan Lecture (CLE credit)


Public Interest Law Group (PILG) Ambulance Chase 5K


Downtown Alumni Lunch


Health Law Symposium (CLE credit)


Class of 2003 Reunion




Public Interest Law Group (PILG) Auction


Class of 1963 & 1964 Reunion Luncheon


WLSA Judicial Reception

20 21

28 28 1

10 12 APR

Clayton Alumni Lunch


Class of 1978 Reunion

24 26


15 15


JUNE 6. 13, 20 & 27 Summer CLE Series at SLU LAW

More information can be found at

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