living simple & simply living.
Learning how to breathe.
Back to nature.
Gardening with what you’ve got.
Hang it out to dry. The benefits of hangline drying your clothes.
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Back to nature In your pantry Not your Grandma’s craft )DUPHUҋV PDUNHW IRRG ÀQGV Game night
6LPSOLÀHG OLYLQJ *DUGHQLQJ ZLWK ZKDW \RXҋYH JRW Hang it out to dry Learning how to breathe
Back to Nature
Health Benefits of Basil Studies have established that basil essential oil contain a substance that have a strong antioxidant that can prevent premature aging, age related problems and even cancer. Essential oil of basil has anti-bacterial properties. Studies have shown the effectiveness of basil in restricting growth of numerous bacteria (like staphylococcus, enterococcus and pseudomonas) that has become resistant to commonly used antibiotic drugs. %DVLO FRQWDLQ à DYRQRLGV RULHQWLQ DQG YLFHQLQ DUH WKH WZR LPSRUWDQW ZDWHU VROXEOH à DYRQRLGV WKH à DYRQRLGV LQ EDVLO protect cell structures as well as chromosomes from radiation and oxygen-based damaged. %DVLO KDV DQWL LQà DPPDWRU\ HIIHFWV PDNLQJ LW DQ LGHDO IRRG for those people suffering from arthritis. The basil oil contains substance called eugenol which blocks the activity of an enzyme in the body called cyclooxygenase. This enzyme would normally cause swelling. Basil is a rich source of Beta-carotene, this help protect epithelial cells (lining of numerous body structures including the blood vessels) from free radical damage. Free radical damage is a contributing factor in the development of conditions like arthritis and cancer. Basil is also a good source of magnesium, a mineral that makes the muscles and blood vessels to relax, therefore LPSURYLQJ EORRG à RZ DQG OHVVHQLQJ WKH ULVN RI LUUHJXODU KHDUW rhythm of the heart muscle or a blood vessel. Basil is a very good source of iron, calcium, potassium and YLWDPLQ & DQG . ,W LV DOVR D JRRG VRXUFH RI GLHWDU\ ÀEHUV Basil essential oil when used as skin and hair moisturizer, it enhances the luster of dull looking skin and hair. Basil essential oil is effective in treating skin problems like acne and psoriasis. Basil tea is used to treat constipation, stomach cramps, indiJHVWLRQ DQG à DWXOHQFH ,W FDQ DOVR SURYLGHV LPPHGLDWH UHOLHI from the gas in your stomach and intestines. Basil essential oil is effective in providing relief from cold, LQà XHQ]D ZKRRSLQJ FRXJK DVWKPD EURQFKLWLV DQG VLQXV infections. Basil essential oil can be used as an anti vomiting agent in motion sickness and many other vomiting cases. Basil essential oil when used in aromatherapy can provide a calming effect; it is therefore effective in stress related probOHPV OLNH PLJUDLQHV DQG GHSUHVVLRQ ,I XVH UHJXODUO\ FDQ JLYH mental strength and clarity. Basil is a tender low-growing plant that grows in warm, tropiFDO FOLPDWHV ,WV OHDYHV ORRNV D OLWWOH OLNH SHSSHUPLQW VLQFH WKH\ EHORQJ WR WKH VDPH SODQW IDPLO\ %DVLO LV QDWLYH WR ,UDQ ,QGLD DQG RWKHU WURSLFDO UHJLRQ LQ $VLD 7KH SODQW JURZV WR between 30-130cm tall, it has a light green silky leaves and a ZKLWH à RZHU %DVLO LV YHU\ VHQVLWLYH WR FROG DQG LV EHVW JURZQ in hot, dry conditions. Basil highly fragrant leaves it is best used when fresh as a seasoning, when used in cooked dishes it is generally added when the food is almost cook because as the heat can easily GHVWUR\ LWV à DYRU There are many varieties of basil, all of which differ somewhat in appearance and taste. The most commonly used YDULHW\ LQ ,WDOLDQ FRRNLQJ LV VZHHW EDVLO DQG WKH 7KDL EDVLO RU holy basil is used in Asian cooking. Other famous varieties are lemon basil, anise basil and cinnamon basil all have à DYRUV WKDW VXEWO\ UHà HFW WKHLU QDPHV
Health Benefits of Curry Powder
By Renee Miller You may be surprised to learn that curry powder is actually made with ingredients from at least four different spices depending on what country you live in. These ingredients, which commonly include turmeric, cardamom, cumin, and coriander all have healing properties that combine to improve your health and well being. Thanks to the ingredient turmeric, curry powder is slowly gaining recognition from the medical community for its antiLQà DPPDWRU\ SURSHUWLHV ,Q ,QGLD WXUPHULF LV FRPPRQO\ XVHG to treat skin burns and cuts. As a result, curry powder is being studied as an anti-aging spice since it bears none of the side effects synthetic treatments carry. Fights Alzheimer’s Curcumin, the yellow pigment in curry powder is being seriRXVO\ ORRNHG DW E\ VFLHQWLVWV DV D WRRO WKDW ÀJKWV $O]KHLPHUҋV Disease. One of the culprits in Alzheimer’s is a dangerous plaque that debilitates victims ability to function properly. Curcumin effectively blocks this plaque, subsequently protecting WKH EUDLQ ,W VKRXOG EH QRWHG WKDW ,QGLD D FRXQWU\ IDPRXV IRU its use of curry powder in several dishes, has an Alzheimer’s rate that is four times lower than the U.S. Studies on laboratory mice and a few studies on humans KDYH HQFRXUDJHG VFLHQWLVWV LQ WKH ÀJKW DJDLQVW EUHDVW FDQFHU ,W KDV EHHQ VKRZQ WR HIIHFWLYHO\ FORVH GRZQ WKH JHQHV WKDW FDXVH EUHDVW FDQFHU ,W KDV DFWXDOO\ LQFUHDVHG WKH EHQHÀWV RI the chemotherapy drug taxol, used in treating breast cancer. Another hopeful sign in the rarely treatable pancreatic cancer is that curry powder has shown promise in stabilizing this cruel disease. ,WҋV QRW VXUSULVLQJ WKDW PDQ\ RYHU WKH FRXQWHU GUXJV XVHG WR treat arthritis actually contain curcumin. This is good news for those who prefer not to take synthetic drugs or have trouble tolerating them. While the taste alone is enough to entice SHRSOH WR DGG LW WR WKHLU GLHW WR ORZHU LQà DPPDWLRQ WKH IDFW that it is side-effect free is an added bonus. There are simple ways to add curry powder to your diet, even if you aren’t skilled in the kitchen. Find one you like DQG DGG LW WR HYHU\ GD\ PHDOV ,W FDQ EH IRXQG LQ YDULHWLHV that are mild or pungent. Adding one and a half teaspoons to PD\RQQDLVH DGGV D QHZ GLPHQVLRQ WR ERULQJ VDQGZLFKHV ,W PDNHV D QLFH DGGLWLRQ WR VRXSV DQG VWHZV ,WҋV DOVR JUHDW ZLWK omelets so that you start your day off on a healthy note. ,I \RX NQRZ \RXU ZD\ DURXQG WKH NLWFKHQ WKHQ \RX PD\ be interested in learning more recipes that include curry spices. The iFood network, found online, is a great source RI LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ KRZ WR FRRN ZLWK FXUU\ ,W HYHQ LQFOXGHV instructional videos that you can follow from home.-
living simple Gardening with what you’ve got
Gardening with what you’ve got Are you short on space, time, or ideas for your garden? Here we have compiled some information to help you with your gardening problems. working with your small space creative containers easy guide to composting
living simple Gardening with what you’ve got
“Full sun and rich soils are the ideal conditions in which to grow vegetables. But we all sometimes face circumstances that fall short of this, you may be surprised by what it’s possible to grow in less than optimal conditions.”
living simple Gardening with what you’ve got
fertilizer. Use an organic slow-release formula. If you plant in containers, mix up to half compost with any potting soil you use. In addition, put diluted fertilizer in the water you give your plants through the season. Use vertical space and plant closely. You can maximize both available space and light by going up. Training plants that vine to grow vertically increases available space on the ground for other crops. It’s also likely that vertical supports will enable plants to reach more sunlight. Whether planted in containers or in the ground, bear in mind each plant’s eventual height. Then situate everything to make the best use of available light, so taller crops don’t cast shade on shorter ones.
Working with your small space Full sun and rich soils are the ideal conditions in which to grow vegetables. But we all sometimes face circumstances that fall short of this. Is it possible to grow fresh vegetables in a city apartment with a small balcony, or on a deck that only receives a few hours of sunlight all day? Can vegetables thrive in containers when there’s no open ground available? Here’s how space-challenged gardeners in any setting can maximize what they’ve got.
Some candidates for training up are pole beans, peas, most tomatoes, cucumbers and vining summer squash, such as Tromboncini. But experiment; in Japan, where space has long been at a premium, the commercial melon crop is grown on vertical trellises—an impressive feat that is achieved by supporting individual fruits in mesh slings. Don’t waste valuable space on wide aisles. Narrow spaces between rows necessitate greater care when weeding and harvesting, but that’s a small price to pay for increased planting space. Combine larger, slower growing crops with small, quick ones. Try filling the spaces between leeks and cabbages with quick plantings of mesclun mix, radishes, scallions or cilantro.
Some veggies need less sun How much sun do you have? The best way to find out is to clock the sun’s presence; most of us make mistakes when we rely on memory. Southern exposure, of course, is best. But limited amounts of eastern and/or western light over the course of the day can add up. Even northern exposure will do if the path of sunlight is unobstructed and lasts sufficiently. No vegetable grows in full shade. But you may be surprised by what it’s possible to grow in less than optimal conditions. For our purposes, vegetables can be broken down into three categories: fruit, root and foliage. Plants from which we primarily harvest the fruit, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and squash, require the most sunlight and warmth. It’s probably unwise to attempt growing any of these if your site receives less than six hours of sunlight a day. Vegetables grown primarily for their roots and flowers require a little less. If you have as much as four hours of sun it may be worth trying to grow radishes, beets, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. With as little as three hours of sun, you can successfully grow leafy vegetables: radicchio, arugula, spinach, kale, chard and mustard greens. Of course all these are more productive the more sunlight they receive, but with a little care they can produce with less. The light level in your garden probably changes if your space is affected by tree-cast shade, or simply by the changing angle of the sun as the seasons progress. All vegetables perform best with rich, welldrained soil. Don’t stint on the soil you provide them. Enrich existing loam with compost and
Creative containers Whether you want an original gift idea or just an unusual way to display a plant in your home, these creative plant containers are not just cheap - they’re also fun. Regular pots seem boring when compared to these reconceived ordinary objects. These creative plant containers include many items you may already have lying around an attic, garage, or cupboard, while others can be cheaply procured at a thrift store. When using nonstandard containers for plants, remember to pay attention to drainage issues, as well as potentially harmful substances (i.e. residue from cleaning supplies). With good cleaning and a liner or other modifications, you can make these creative plant containers work for you: Flour or Sugar Sack. After their contents have been exhausted, small flour and sugar sacks can make creative plant containers. They’re remarkably sturdy and add a beat-up pragmatic look to a kitchen counter. Mailbox. Take an old school mailbox and turn it on its side to fashion a creative plant container. Great for both indoor and outdoor placement, mailboxes possess a distinct, almost artful shape.
living simple
Metal Garbage Pail. Oscar the Grouch isn’t the only thing that can inhabit a garbage can. These old school trash receptacles will lend a rustic urban charm and sturdiness to a small tree. Boot. From a Dutch wooden shoe to an old leather boot, you can modify some footwear to make funky, creative plant containers. Aquarium. Have an old aquarium that needs a second lease on life? Fill it with dirt, repot some greenery, and let the transparent sides give a new look – greenery in glass. Old Dresser Drawer. If you’re discarding a desk or dresser, keep a drawer before you kick the whole thing to the curb. Sitting atop a table and filled with flowers, the idea of a drawer-turnedgarden shows how a deconstructed object can be used for kitsch practicality. Coffee Percolator. It seems like every thrift store has an old coffee percolator on its appliance shelves. Turn it into a creative plant container for a kitschy kitchen counter. Old Wooden Chest. This may not count as the cheapest idea unless you already own one, but a wooden chest can cradle a hearty garden both indoors and outdoors. Keep the top flipped open and plant an array of green treasures. Crockery. Whether you find them in an attic or at a thrift store, old crocks come in a variety of sizes and make fun alternatives to regular flowerpots. Old kitchen counter crocks labeled “salt” or “sugar” are especially charming as creative plant containers. Liquor Crates. While you may need to line the inside to contain the soil, a liquor crate can make for a conversation-starting plant container. Teapot. Select a teapot (not a kettle) and remove the top. This is an especially nifty place to grow something like a peppermint plant – or any herb that can be turned into tisane. Watering Can. For a sprinkle of irony, find a metal (or attractive plastic) watering can with a decently-sized opening on top, and use it as a creative plant container. A spider plant will grow fast enough that you can wrap the everexpanding greenery around the handle. Toolbox or Tacklebox. Both of these flip-top containers can be added to a garden or window as creative plant containers. It’s yet another flip-top idea. Old Canvas Bag. Puff out an old bag, fill it with dirt to firmness, and place a plant in this makeshift “pot.” While it’s not as sturdy as some creative plant containers, it’ll do just fine if you leave it alone on a table. Or better yet, use the strap to make an original plant hanger.
The first step in turning the garden into a composting environment is to buy a good dry compost activator. Compost starter, also called compost activator or compost inoculate, is a natural organic product generally made from polysaccharides and other organic raw materials. It contains specific bacterial and fungal cultures which stimulate micro-organism activity, thereby accelerating the decomposition of organic waste. What many gardeners don’t know is that these same biological processes that are beneficial to composting help to make an ideal growing environment in the garden which is why compost starter is also an exceptional soil amendment that is high in nitrogen and also helps to maintain a perfect soil PH balance.
Gardening with what you’ve got
Easy guide to composting
Step 2: A Small Rolling Tiller Helps for Working Compost Starter into the Soil Work the compost starter into the top 6 inches of the soil in the entire garden at a rate of 2 ½ cups per 10 sq. ft. area. If plants are already established use care not to disturb their root systems. Step 3:Find an empty spot in the garden and dig a small hole big enough to hold about 1 sq. ft. of compost material. Locate 1 sq. ft. of organic waste. This may be leaves and small twigs, shredded newspaper, organic kitchen waste etc. and bury it in the hole, placing the dirt removed from the hole in a mound on top. Step 4:Worms Do Wonders in the Garden Place a small container of worms on the loose soil next to the mound in the evening when it is cool. Worms can process their body weight in organic material each day, turning the material into castings prized by master gardeners as an ideal soil additive. Worms will generally show up in the garden if good soil conditions exist, but the process can be accelerated by adding worms to the garden. Worms can be purchased from garden supply houses or where they are sold as fishing bait. Step 5:After three weeks the mound over the compost will be reduced in size and any remaining dirt can be raked into the garden to level the soil. After another couple of weeks planting can resume in this area. The process can be repeated in other areas of the garden without further addition of compost activator or worms. Step 6:Finished Compost Has an Earthy Odor, Spongy Texture and Rich Brown Color At the beginning of the next growing season reapply compost activator and work into the soil. By following this easy and inexpensive process, a garden can be turned into a composting environment and soil conditions can be greatly improved.
Coffee or Peanut Cans. These cans are usually made of metal or some kind of reinforced/treated paper. Besides being cheap, they drain well: just use a sharp object to poke a few holes in the bottom of the can. Tire. There several options for cutting a tire open and filling it flowers or other plants. This is a great way to recycle a flat tire that would otherwise head to a dump.
Its in your Pantry:
Facial masks
Facial masks should be an integral part of every woman’s beauty regime. Not only do they replenish our skin, but they force us, in an unobtrusive way, to take time for ourselves and relax; after all, it’s impossible to get much of anything done with a layer of creamy goodness slathered over your face, and cucumbers over your eyes. But why get dressed up and go out to a salon, when you can get the same EHQHÀWV DQG UHPDLQ FRPIRUWDEOH LQ \RXU RZQ VSDFH" 7KH DQVZHU LV WKHUH LV QR reason. Below there are recipes for favorite at-home face masks. Each provides XQLTXH EHQHÀWV EXW DOO DUH TXLFN DQG HDV\ WR EOHQG XS DW KRPH ZLWK LQJUHGLHQWV you use every day. Hey, you can even make yourself a smoothie while you’re at it.
Nourish:   Banana-Avacado  Mask
Tighten:  Peach  Mask
,QJUHGLHQWV 1/2 over-ripe banana 1/2 over-ripe avacado 7EVS XQĂ DYRUHG IXOO IDW \RJXUW 1 tsp olive oil
,QVWUXFWLRQV Mash banana and avacado, combine with other ingredients, and mix well. Apply liberally to face and neck. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
,QVWUXFWLRQV Peel and pit the peach. Blend together with egg white and yogurt until smooth. Pat gently onto face. Leave on 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
Exfoliate:  Tomato-Lemon  Mask ,QJUHGLHQWV 1 over-ripe tomato 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp instant oatmeal ,QVWUXFWLRQV Put all ingredients in blender, puree until smooth. Apply to face, let soak 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Smooth:  Honey-Almond  Mask
Refresh:  Cucumber-Parsley  Mask
,QJUHGLHQWV 7EVS KRQH\ 1 egg yolk 1/2 tsp almond oil 7EVS \RJXUW
,QVWUXFWLRQV Mix all ingredients together until well blended. Apply layer to face, leave on 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, gently wipe residue with a damp cloth.
,QVWUXFWLRQV Puree cucumber and parsley until smooth. Add yogurt and mix well. Apply mixture to skin, let sit 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
Reduce  Oil:  Yeast-Yogurt  Mask ,QJUHGLHQWV 1 tsp brewer’s yeast 7EVS XQà DYRUHG IXOO IDW \RJXUW ,QVWUXFWLRQV Mix enough yogurt into the yeast to make a thin paste. Pat gently onto oily areas and allow to dry. Leave on no longer than 20 PLQXWHV 5LQVH ÀUVW ZLWK ZDUP ZDWHU WKHQ cold. Blot dry.
Moisturize:  Chocolate  Mask
Soothing:  Green  Tea  Mask
,QJUHGLHQWV 7EVS FRFRD SRZGHU 7EVS KHDY\ FUHDP 1 tsp cottage cheese 4 tsp honey 1 tsp oatmeal
,QJUHGLHQWV 7EVS *UHHQ 7HD 3RZGHU 7EVS 'DUN FRFRD SRZGHU Enough honey to make a thick paste
,QVWUXFWLRQV Mix all ingredients in blender. Smooth onto face. Let sit 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
,QVWUXFWLRQV Mix all ingredients together. Smooth onto face. Let sit 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
living simple
When the weather is pleasant and bright it’s a great time to take advantage of the most natural way to dry our clothes — outside.
living simple
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Not only does your clothes hangline drying freshing feelingive them a retons of energy g, it also saves .
rs in There are more than 88 million drye excess the U.S. alone, each emitting in year. of one ton of carbon dioxide per
living simple Hang it Out to Dry
where to hang your laun
where to start Begin with a good quality clothes line, and have the lines very tight so that your clothes won't make the line sag when you hang them. Every month or so, take a rag with a pine oil solution and warm water and wipe off the clothesline. Decide the frequency of cleaning by where you live and how much exposure to bugs and birds you will experience. Make sure that your clothespins are snag-free and clean, also. To clean your clothespins, place them in a mesh bag and swish thru warm sudsy water, rinse, then hang on the line to dry.
Outside in the warm, dry air A covered porch or balcony In the basement Indoors (any place but the bathroom, as this room tends to be too damp)
some benefits of lin
e drying
Air-drying is easier on your clothes. Laundry machines toss clothes around, causing wear on the seams and sometimes snagging things with zippers. If you use a washer and dryer, you subject your clothes to twice as much tumbling as you would if you used only a washer. Air-drying can reduce wrinkles. If you remove clothing from a dryer immediately and hang or fold it, most items are relatively unwrinkled; however, this requires careful timing. Clothes that have been properly hung for air-drying will dry in the right shape, virtually wrinkle-free, and will be waiting when you’re ready to get them.
Air-drying eliminates static cling. Electric dryers produce static electricity by rubbing clothes over each other repeatedly. Avoid this process, and you’ll avoid the static! You’ll notice WKDW DLU GULHG FORWKHV IHHO D ELW VWLII DW ÀUVW $OO \RX QHHG WR GR is add your favorite liquid fabric softener in the wash for not only great softness, but for your chosen scent preference. It’s free! If you use coin-operated laundry machines, you know that dryers account for at least half the expense. If you own a dryer, you’re paying for extra electricity and repairs.
tips for clothesline use Make double levels for small items. If you hang a second clothesline about a foot below the main one, you’ve got twice the space for socks and underwear. Shake out wrinkles. Snap an item briskly through the air and most of the wrinkles will disappear. Remove any remaining by pulling the item smooth after hanging it. If an item will be stored on a hanger, put it on one while it’s damp, pulling collars and pockets into the proper position. Hang the hanger between items on the line or on a hook nearby. Outdoors, wire hangers can be bent around the line to prevent them from blowing away. Put hosiery and lingerie in a nylon-net bag in the washer and then hang them on the line.
Hang T-shirts by the tails and socks by the toes so clothespin marks won’t be visible. Hang jeans and towels folded over the line. Halfway through drying, turn them so they’re folded the other way, and they’ll dry all the way through. Put heavy items near the ends of the line to reduce sagging, which can cause the supports to come loose. When hanging clothes outdoors, don’t let them touch walls or posts, which may be dirty. +DQJ ÀWWHG VKHHWV IROGHG RYHU WKH OLQH ZLWK WKH SRFNHWV RQ WKH inside, so they don’t catch leaves or other debris. Sunlight can cause colors to fade so dry bright / deep-dyed colors in the shade or when possible, turn them inside out.
living simple Hang it Out to Dry
Clothesline Â
by AMY CLARK There must be something great about drying your clothing outside as it seems all of the laundry detergents aim to get that fresh smell LQ WKHLU GHWHUJHQWV , VHH SURPLVHV RI IUDJUDQFHV ÀOOHG ZLWK WKH smell of mountain freshness and April showers. What is not to love about that? Did you know that it is possible to achieve that just by line drying your clothing outside? With a simple clothesline and some clothespins, you can save your family money and achieve the scent that every detergent company is trying to capture. ,I \RX OLYH LQ D VXEGLYLVLRQ LW LV LPSRUWDQW WR ÀUVW FKHFN WKH JXLGHlines of your homeowner’s association to make sure that you are allowed to put up a clothesline or if you are even allowed to dry your items outside. Since many associations are strict and can mandate house colors, drapery, and whether your garage should be open or shut, a clothesline may also be on the list of big nonos. To begin line drying your clothing, you will need a good clothesline. The most important thing to make sure of is that the clothesline is pulled very taut so the clothing does not cause the line to sag when you hang the clothing. The only maintenance you will need to do after hanging your clothesline is to make sure that you wipe it down once a month with a damp rag, to make sure that the line remains clean and doesn’t get your clean clothes dirty in the process. I wipe this down every time I use it, just as assurance to me that my clothes will not get dirty. The second item you will need are clothespins. Clothespins come in several different varieties, but I prefer the plastic kind, as they are not hard on your clothing and come in bright colors, making WKHP HDVLHU WR ÀQG IRU XQFOLSSLQJ , EX\ P\ SODVWLF FORWKHVSLQV DW the dollar store, over in the laundry section. Whichever kind you choose, make sure that you keep them in a place where they will stay clean and dry. I have a small plastic tote with a handle that I use to store them in, which helps me keep them in good condition DQG KHOSV PH WR ÀQG WKHP ZKHQ , QHHG WKHP 7KHUH DUH PDQ\ JUHDW EHQHÀWV WR XWLOL]LQJ D FORWKHVOLQH 2QH RI WKH EHVW EHQHÀWV RI OLQH GU\LQJ \RXU FORWKHV LV WKDW WKH\ ZLOO ODVW PXFK longer than they would if they were just thrown in the dryer. Did you ever think about how much lint is in your dryer when you are done drying it? That is actually all of the worn-away fabric, that would have remained on your garments if you had line dried them. Zippers cause snagging on clothing when tossed in the dryer, but when line dried your garments will remain intact. 7KH RWKHU DGGHG EHQHÀW LV WKDW \RX VDYH \RXUVHOI VRPH GRXJK LQ the process. Did you know that electric dryers are often among the top energy-uses in a home, followed by refrigerators, lighting and water heaters? Not only will you save on your electricity bill, but you can also save on laundry products. The sun is a natural whitener, so no need to buy any bleach. Static cling is created by
clothing rubbing together, but if your clothing is hung out to dry it is not necessary to buy any dryer sheets. The most important element of line drying is hanging them properly. Proper hanging will reduce the amount of ironing you need to do and will maintain the shape and colors of your fabrics. The basic rule of thumb is to hang the clothing upside down to help avoid stretching in the material where it might be noticeable. Another basic rule is to hang your colored clothing inside out to maintain the color of the clothing. With whites, you will love that bleaching effect of the sun, but you don’t want this to occur with your colored items. %HIRUH \RX KDQJ \RXU LWHPV EH VXUH WR ÀUVW VKDNH RXW WKH ZULQNOHV in the fabric. I give each item a shake until I hear it snap. Once you hear snapping, you will see the wrinkles begin to loosen from the fabric. Pin the item up on the line and smooth it out with your hand. These small steps will save you a lot of ironing time and I will do anything I can to get out of doing that! Shirts and socks can be hung upside down, to insure that you will not have noticeable clothespin marks. Jeans and towels should be folded in half over the line and then pinned once. Halfway WKURXJK \RX FDQ à LS WKHVH LWHPV DQG GU\ WKHP RQ WKH RWKHU VLGH There are items that can be a bit trickier to hang, but are easy once you know how. Sheets, for example, can be folded hem to hem. You will then fold three to four inches of one hem over the line and in at both ends. Pin the corners of the other hem a few LQFKHV LQVLGH WKH ÀUVW WZR 7KH VKHHW VKRXOG WKHQ RSHQ WRZDUGV the wind so it will blow like a sail, assuring you of even drying. I have never been brave enough to hang my unmentionables out on the line, but you would think that in this day and age, where girls allow their thongs to hang out and half nude models are used all of the time to promote clothing, that I would feel comfortable GRLQJ WKLV , ÀJXUH WKDW , DP VDYLQJ PRQH\ E\ SXWWLQJ WKH LWHPV WKDW take longer to dry on the line and the rest of these items can go in the dryer for a quick tumble. If you are braver than me, however, you can create a wall of clothing on each side and then place your XQGHUJDUPHQWV LQ WKH FHQWHU PDNLQJ LW GLIÀFXOW IRU WKH QHLJKERUV to see your items. ,I \RX ÀQG WKH LWHPV WR EH VWLII ZKHQ GULHG RQ WKH OLQH \RX FDQ throw them in the dryer for a quick tumble. I use the touch-up setting on our dryer to loosen any wrinkling and to make sure the clothes are still nice and soft. I hope this article offers some helpful tips for saving your famLO\ PRQH\ DQG HQMR\LQJ WKH WUXO\ ZRQGHUIXO EHQHÀWV RI OLQH GU\LQJ your clothing!
Farmers Market Food Finds Local Produce is Healthier for You and the Planet
Late summer and early fall are perfect seasons for visiting farmers markets. From the small, mom-and-pop stand at the corner, to the large, organized market with multiple vendors and extensive selecWLRQV LW LV GHĂ€QLWHO\ ZRUWK WKH WULS ([SHULHQFLQJ IRRG DW LWV Ă€QHVW FDQ encourage even the pickiest eater to try a few bites. When it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables, the market is the perfect place to locate VRPH IDEXORXV IRRG Ă€QGV IRU HYHU\RQH LQ WKH IDPLO\ %HQHĂ€WV RI VKRSSLQJ DW WKH )DUPHUV 0DUNHW The fruits and vegetables are grown locally and picked when perfectly ripened. This enhances the taste, texture, and aroma of the produce. Often, market prices are lower than at grocery stores. Our existing system of food transportation and distribution requires enormous amounts of energy and resources. Before reaching your WDEOH WKH DYHUDJH IRRG LWHP LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV ZLOO WUDYHO PLOHV In fact, only about 10% of the fossil fuel energy used in the world’s food system is used for production. The other 90% goes into packaging, WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ DQG PDUNHWLQJ RI WKH IRRG $OO WKLV LQHIĂ€FLHQF\ FUHDWHV many environmental problems. 6KRSSLQJ DW WKH )DUPHUV 0DUNHW EHQHĂ€WV WKH ORFDO IDUPHU DQG VWUHQJWKens your local community. Since the produce is picked at the peak of the season, nutrients, and phytochemicals will be more abundant. Hippocrates said, “Let food be \RXU PHGLFLQH Âľ HDW D 5$,1%2: 2) &2/25 )DUPHUV 0DUNHW )XQ Try a new fruit or vegetable, or prepare your produce in a new way. Ask the vendor his favorite way to prepare a particular type of produce. Many have recipes to share. Check if there are any special events being planned at the Farmers Market. Many have cooking demonstrations, tastings, and fun activities .
Learning how to Breathe Learning the proper breathing technique is the start to a better health. So, let us start our journey by asking ourselves this question. Is your breathing technique correct?
Self evaluation Proper breathing really matters Breathing exercises
Self  Evaluation
Proper  Breathing  Really  Matters
Now, when you are ready, just take a deep breath, then let it out. Yes, do it now. Just inhale ... wait for a while ... then e-x-h-a--l--e. Good, you’re done ! It’s as simple as that. Now, I have a question for you: When you inhaled, which enlarged more, your chest or your tummy? Picture what just happened, or if you can’t, take another deep breath.
If you are doing it correctly, congratulations! You can skip this section. If not let’s have a chat, shall we?
So, which enlarged more? If the answer is your chest, you are like most people and unfortunately, are doing it wrong. When you don’t expand your stomach you are not using the full capasity of your lungs, and therefore not allowing enough oxygen to your body.
Do not worry if you are not doing it right, because at least you’re about to learn how to do it correctly. Consider yourself lucky! Yes, although correct breathing technique is simply the foundation of good health, only a small number of people know how to breathe effectively. Only a few of us really get the maximum amount of oxygen that is supplied by nature. Of all the elements required for good health, oxygen is the vital one. Why? It could be the difference between life or death, between a dead brain or a functional one or a healthy ERG\ RU D VLFN RQH :KDWŇ‹V WKH VFLHQWLĂ€F SURRI" $OWKRXJK I do not think there is a need for one (it’s so obvious, that no argument is needed), let me tell you of one study. Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize winner and director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology has demonstrated that healthy cells could be turned into malignant ones just by ORZHULQJ WKH DPRXQW RI R[\JHQ DYDLODEOH WR WKHP $V VLPSOH as that! If you are looking for a free but powerful medicine that could do wonders for the body, learn the proper breathing technique, learn how to breathe like a baby. Remember, if you start any body cleansing program that does not talk about correct breathing, you are only talking about cleaning on the surface - not the inside. 'U $QGUHZ :HLO GLUHFWRU RI WKH 3URJUDP LQ ,QWHJUDWLYH 0HGLFLQH DQG FOLQLFDO SURIHVVRU DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $UL]RQD who teaches breathing technique to his patients said, “I have seen breath control alone achieve remarkable results: lowering blood pressure, improving long-standing patterns of poor digestion, decreasing anxiety and allowing people to get off anti-anxiety drugs, and improving sleep and energy cycles.â€? So, take a deep breath, let your stomach expand as you inhale, hold for a few seconds, exhale and let’s re-learn the correct breathing technique ..
nt: a t r o p Im thâ€? a e r b  ep e d  a e Â
Breathing  Exercises one: Pick a comfortable spot to lie on. Lie on your back and put a book on your stomach. Now, relax and inhale deeply into your abdomen so that the book rises. When you exhale, the book should fall. Do this exercise when you wake up in the morning or before you go to sleep. Do it a few times only, slowly. Do not overdo it - take it easy, go slow. The aim is to make such breathing get into your everyday breathing naturally. Remember, breathing is not something you force - it is something done unconsciously.
two: If you prefer to sit, try this one. Place your right hand on your abdomen and the other hand on your chest. Breathe deeply so that your right hand (that is on the abdomen) will rise and fall while your stomach should stay relatively still. Breathe OLNH WKLV IRU PLQXWHV $V \RX EUHDWKH LQ FRXQW WR KROG IRU DQG UHOHDVH \RXU EUHDWK LQ FRXQWV
three: Okay, this is the last exercise for you and is called alternate nose breathing. Yes, I know, it sounds weird. $OWKRXJK LW PD\ VRXQGV IDQF\ WKH DLP RI WKLV H[HUFLVH LV very basic - to relieve stress. I give you an overview of the technique so that you can form a clearer picture of what it’s all about. What you will do in this exercise is basically to breathe in one nostril and out the other. Then breathe in the VHFRQG QRVWULO DQG RXW WKH ÀUVW This is how you should do it. Breathe in the left nostril to the FRXQW RI ZKLOH XVLQJ \RXU ÀQJHU WR KROG WKH ULJKW QRVWULO closed. Hold your breath for 3 counts. Release the right nostril and while your left nostril is closed, breathe out in the count of 6. Breathe back in the right nostril for 6 count. Hold for 3 counts. Release the left and breathe out to the count of 6 while the right nostril is closed. Repeat this a couple of times.
Some breathing exercise wants you to hold your breath longer than what we told you. If you think holding your breath longer makes you feel better, then do it. The most important thing we want you to get out of this page is to make you relearn to breathe using your abdomen rather than your chest. 7U\ WR SHUIRUP WKHVH H[HUFLVHV WKURXJKRXW WKH GD\ $ JRRG time is when you have just wake up or before you go to sleep. If you are doing it correctly, and if it becomes your KDELW \RX VKRXOG IHHO FDOPHU DQG ÀQG \RXUVHOI PRUH UHOD[HG There are a few course available in the internet on deep breathing, and we recommend that you look for more information about it
Did  you  know: that most people have unhealthy breathing habits? They hold their breath or breathe high in the chest or in a shallow, irregular manner. These patterns have been unconsciously adopted, accidentally formed, or emotionally impressed. Certain “typical� breathing patterns actually trigger physiological and psychological stress and anxiety reactions!
Not your Grandma’s craft
We’ve been watching a design trend develop and evolve over the years and
That happy-hands-at home, made-by-grandma-with-love application has
we are really inspired by where it’s found itself at the moment‌from fashion,
become a super stylized pattern and texture when applied to unexpected
to contemporary art, to furniture and lighting, the art of crochet has become
modern products. The juxtaposition between the two different aesthetics cre-
an inspiring modern design element.
ates such interesting, innovative results.
Some of our favorite creations so far:
1. Make a short list. Take out a sheet of paper and fold it into a small square, perhaps 3 5 inches. Or take out an index card. Now make a short list of the 4-5 most important things in your life. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most important to you? What do you value most? What 4-5 things do you most want to do in your life? Simplifying starts with these priorities, as you are trying to make room in your life so you have more time for these things.
2. Drop 1 commitment. Think about all the things in your life that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re FRPPLWWHG WR GRLQJ DQG WU\ WR Ă&#x20AC;QG RQH WKDW \RX dread doing. Something that takes up time but doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give you much value. Perhaps youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on a team, or coaching something, or on a board or committee, or whatever. Something that you do each day or week or month that you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really want to do. Now take action today to drop that commitment. Call someone, send an email, telling the appropriate person or people that you just donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the time. You will feel relief. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d recommend dropping all commitments that donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t contribute to your short list (from Item #1), but for today, just drop 1 commitment.
3. Purge a drawer. Or a shelf, or a countertop, or a corner of a room. Not an entire room or even an entire closet. Just one small area. You can use that small area as your base of simplicity, and then expand from there. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how to purge: 1) empty everything from the drawer or shelf or corner into a pile. 2) From this pile, pick out only the most important things, the stuff you use and love. 3) Get rid of the rest. Right now. Trash it, or put it in your car to give away or donate. 4) Put the stuff you love and use back, in a neat and orderly manner.
4. Set limits. Read Haiku Productivity for more. Basically, you set limits for things you do regularly: email, RSS posts, tasks, feeds, items in your life, etc. And try to stick with the limits. Today, all you have to do is set limits for a few things in your life. Tomorrow, try to stick with them.
5. Simplify your to-do list. Take a look at your to-do list. If itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more than 10 items long, you can probably simplify it a bit. Try to Ă&#x20AC;QG DW OHDVW D IHZ LWHPV WKDW FDQ EH HOLPLQDWHG GHOegated, automated, outsourced, or ignored. Shorten the list. This is a good habit to do once a week..
6. Free up time. Simplifying your life in general is a way to free up time to do the stuff you want to do. Unfortunately, it FDQ EH KDUG WR Ă&#x20AC;QG WLPH WR HYHQ WKLQN DERXW KRZ WR simplify your life. If thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the case, free up at least 30 minutes a day for thinking about simplifying. Or alternatively, free up a weekend and think about it then. How can you free up 30 minutes a day? Just a few ideas: wake earlier, watch less TV, eat lunch at your desk, take a walk for lunch, disconnect from the Internet, do email only once today, shut off your phones, do 1 less thing each day.
7. Clear your desk. I can personally attest to the amazing feeling that a clean desk can give you. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s such a simple thing to do, and yet it does so much for you. If your desk is covered with papers and notes and gadgets and RIĂ&#x20AC;FH VXSSOLHV \RX PLJKW QRW EH DEOH WR JHW WKLV done today. But here are the basic steps: 1) Clear everything off your desk and put it in a pile (either LQ \RXU LQER[ RU RQ WKH Ă RRU 3URFHVV WKH SLOH from top to bottom, one item at a time. Do not defer decisions on any item â&#x20AC;&#x201D; deal with them immediDWHO\ DQG TXLFNO\ )RU HDFK LWHP HLWKHU Ă&#x20AC;OH LW LPmediately, route it to someone else, trash it, or note it on your to-do list (and put it in an â&#x20AC;&#x153;actionâ&#x20AC;? folder). ,I LWŇ&#x2039;V D JDGJHW RU RIĂ&#x20AC;FH VXSSO\ Ă&#x20AC;QG D SODFH IRU LW LQ your desk drawers (or get rid of it). 4) Repeat until your pile is empty and your desk is clear. Be sure to get rid of any knick knacks. Your desk should have your computer, your inbox, perhaps a notepad, and maybe a family photo (but not many). Ahh, a clear desk! 5) From now on, put everything in your inbox, and at least once a day, process it in the same way as above.
8. Clear out your email inbox. This has the same psychological effect as a clear desk. Is your email inbox always full of read and unread messages? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re delaying decisions on your emails. If you have 50, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s say, or fewer emails in your inbox, you can process them all today. If you have hundreds, you should put them in a temporary folder and get to them one chunk at a time (do 20 per day or something). Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how you process your inbox to empty â&#x20AC;&#x201D; including emails already in your inbox, and all future incoming emails: 1) process them top to bottom, one at a time, deciding and disposing of each one immediately. 2) Your choices are to delete, archive, respond immediately (and archive or delete), forward (and archive or delete), or mark it with a star (or something like that) and note it on your to-do list to respond to later (and archive). 3) Process each email like that until the inbox is empty. 4) Each time you check your email, process to empty. Ahh, an empty inbox!
9. Move slower. We rush through the day, from one task to another, from one appointment to another, until we collapse on the couch, exhausted, at the end of the day. Instead, simplify your life by doing less (see Items 1, 4 and 5) and doing them more slowly. Eat slower, drive slower, walk slower, shower slower, work slower. Be more deliberate. Be present. This isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t something youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to master today, but you can start practicing today.
10. Single-task. Instead of multi-tasking, do one thing at a time. Remove all distractions, resist any urge to check email or do some other habitual task like that while youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing the task at hand. Stick to that one task, until youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re done. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll make a huge difference in both your stress level and your productivity.
Game Night Fun for everyone
Looking for the best methods to escape stress can be a real challenge for many people. Sometimes, the best ways are right in front of us, even if we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see them, such as fun stress relief games. Stressful VLWXDWLRQV DVVDXOW XV HYHU\ GD\ VWDUWLQJ ZLWK WKH FLW\ WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F WKH SUHVsuring boss at work or the family problems. Stress acts like a real thief that takes on all of us both physically and emotionally, and we can do something about it using the simple yet effective fun stress relief games. When was the last time you had some good, old-fashioned fun? I bet you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even remember, and this might be one of the reasons you are still stressed. If you would try to use some fun stress relief games LQ EHWZHHQ \RXU ZRUN DQG KRPH GXWLHV \RX ZLOO GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ EH DEOH WR relieve some of stress that surrounds our lives. Just start by playing a simple game with your kid; this is a great start to play off the tension. Fun stress relief games can include all sorts of games, from the classic ERDUG JDPHV VXFK DV 0RQRSRO\ WR FKHVV RU 7ULYLDO 3XUVXLW <RX ZLOO Ă&#x20AC;QG yourself captivated and distracted from the stressful situations in your live. You can get creative, have fun and relax, and no matter what the fun stress relief games bring out from a person, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something different from the daily routine. But we all know you can go further: you can ask some of your friends for a game night and start a game of charade or a karaoke session. - Laughing, singing and joking will help you relieve all the stress and the tension in the body, while building stronger relationships with your friends and family. Choosing fun stress relief games that require you to make use of physical energy are ideal for relieving the negative thoughts and emotions withheld by the daily routine. Try some golf, some kickboxing or some soccer - those are fun stress relief games that will make you feel much better by getting you focused on something, or better, on nothing:). You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be skilled to have fun when it comes to sport related games; all you have to do is have a good time. * For example, outdoor games successfully combine the enjoyment of IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV ZLWK WKH EHQHĂ&#x20AC;F HIIHFW RI WKH H[HUFLVLQJ * Indoor fun stress relief games usually target the pent up energy and frustration in your mind. +HUH DUH IHZ H[DPSOHV RI HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW IXQ VWUHVV UHOLHI JDPHV FKHVV card play, Monopoly, solitaire, puzzle, golf, football. Contrary to the common beliefs, you can have fun at the workplace as well. In fact, many companies have chosen fun stress relief games as a way to manage the employeesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; workplace stress. Getting rid of stress through fun stress relief games is quite easy if you can make time for them in your world full of appointments and â&#x20AC;&#x153;have - toâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;?. You can even schedule your funny activities, but once you start, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see that it is quite hard to stop.