May 2009 Issue of the NuVibez

Page 1

Crossing Barriers What to Wear On Your Job Interview

Mumbai Baby The Thrills & Chills of SL Racing

Page 25 Page 115 Page 85

Travel-Log INSILICO : SL’s Cyberpunk Masterpiece Page 41 Human Interest Ann SLanders

Representing for My Newbie Peeps Cape Able Gallery

Here and Now Freedom Fighters of SL Terrorism

Changes in the SL Adult Section

Designer’s Den Fabulous Spring Fashion

A Perfect Storm...Storm Babeli Burlesque Beauties of Nyla Cheeky Events : Elan Fashion Show

That’s Entertainment! The Gay Clubber Goes to Jake’s

Page 101 Page 19 Page 31 Page 65 Page 129 Page 11 Page 59 Page 95 Page 123

Page 71 DJ Booth : The Girl the DJ...Aussie Style Page 105 Media Review: Page 9 X-Men Origins : Wolverine


Editor’s Notes: From the time I was a lil Scorpinosis I have always heard the importance of a good name. My dad, (Mr. Nightfire to everyone else) would always say son if you are going to pick a name make sure it’s a good one. So now many moons later I find myself in the naming or branding business and a name being a good one means more than the reputation we bring to a name, that’s what my dad was referring to. In today’s branding wars a name has to really reflect the actions the name identifies or spotlights and it is for that reason that we felt like we could not call our blooming magazine the SL Vibe any longer. With articles and interviews that expand beyond the borders of Second Life we knew we needed a name that encompassed our broader perspective and coverage which is why we are now Nu Vibez Magazine. We want to thank all our staff, advertisers and most importantly our growing readership for making this transition with us in our effort to make sure we accurately present our publication in a way that is accurate and makes everyone associated with it proud and that includes you too dad…I mean Mr. Nightfire. : ) All the best, Scorpinosis Nightfire Scorpinosis Nightfire Nu Vibez Magazine CEO and Owner


NuVibez Editorial Staff: Ariel Lingiuan Editor-In-Chief Aristipuss Larssen Supervising Editor & QC Jewell Munro Fashion and Style Editor Scorpinosis Nightfire Entertainment Editor IoleJanana Chajit Copy Editor Eddi Haskell Photography Director Contributors: Cobra Momiji Aja Gold Sherrie Shepherd Trapped Underwood Prissy Price KathleenK Spitteler Junga Hannu Aliyeh Yifu Staff Photographers: Demoneka Dhaelie Luscious Giano Brady Rowell Roxie Richez Nellie Choche


On the Cover: The Indianapolis 500-Mile Race, often shortened to Indianapolis 500 or Indy 500 or commonly known simply as The 500, is an American automobile race, held annually over the Memorial Day weekend at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana. The event lends its name to the IndyCar class of formula, or open-wheel, race cars that have competed in it. In this issue, we would like to have a parallel view not on the actual Second Life version of this event but how our fellow secondlifers are keen on enjoying races in a virtual world like SL. Our team went around the grid and talked to some enthusiasts that provided our friends here the facilities to enjoy the thrill of race using the cursor keys instead of the steering wheel.

Models : Zaaren Giano and Demoneka Daehlie Skin : Emil3 and Rihanna of Redgrave Hair : Mirai Style for Demoneka and Uw St for Zaaren Clothes : Roosters for Demoneka Fi Shop for Zaaren Accessories : Glasses and Gloves from Rooster Photography by : Demoneka Daehlie


Review By: Cobra Momiji

media review:


Hugh Jackman reprises his role as Wolverine in this 4th installment of the X-Men movie franchise. However this movie is a prequel that tells the history of Wolverine and his journey that leads up to the 1st X-Men movie. Filled with enough special guests to make any fan boy happy, Wolverine delivers on several fronts. The movie is action packed with solid performances from Jackman and his supporting cast. The complex but well played relationship between Wolverine and Saber tooth (Liev Schreiber) is one of the movie’s high points. For Jackman fans there are plenty of scenes where the actor is showing off why he was People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” winner. Now die-hard fans of the Wolverine and X-men comics may have a problem with the creative license the film uses in presenting the certain characters and their relationships within the X-men universe. It’s no secret that script writers often change iconic parts of established works when they adapt them to film, television or stage plays in order to make the work more mainstream for non fans that may be unaware of the characters before their adaptation

hits the public. Wolverine is no exception to the adaptation process and the movie changes some iconic storylines that have been the way these characters have been presented since their inception. However over all, the fact that Wolverine is a very good movie that will keep other comic to film projects coming to the big screen, may be enough to satisfy even the most hard core comic fans. Wolverine hits theaters May 1st 2009.








“In general, the people who are having the most fun in Second Life are those who enjoy creating things to show off, share, or sell to others. But many first-time visitors never make it that far. They find themselves wandering aimlessly through what looks like a game, except that there’s no way to win it. In fact, the experience is often compared to entering a foreign land and trying to explore it without knowing how to read the street signs.” Second Life: Is Business Ready For Virtual Worlds? By David F. Car Stop me if you have heard this one before. A guy/girl tries this online virtual world (to have a new experience and meet cool people) only to realize that to meet cool people and enjoy the new stuff happening there you have to already be or know the cool people. So ironically what started out as a journey filled with optimism and excitement ends up as our friend above so accurately described with our guy/girl feeling like the jokes on them. Now all of this takes me back in the day when I was a newbie fresh on Orientation Island. I was very frustrated with the lack of support




senting for My Newbie Peeps

By : Scorpinosis Nightfire Photo by: Luscious Giano


or instructional materials to help first timers acclimate a boat load of facts as well as do’s and don’ts. If I remember correctly, I actually came in and left disenchanted with the entire experience and at that time did not plan on coming back. However when I did come back, thank goodness I came across a handful of people that saw more than a newbie nuisance, they saw a person and a potential friend. So with benefactors in mind and on behalf on my newbie brothers and sisters (arriving all times of day everyday) this article is for you. First and foremost, it goes without saying that all the choices one has upon arriving in Second Life can be overwhelming. How to walk/fly, how to dress, how to use chat or voice, where are the cool places etc are juat a few of the choices awaiting the new user. However being a newbie does not have to be as difficult as it is for most if those of us that are more seasoned will adopt new comers and with the help of S.L.O.A.N. (the SL Owners Alliance Network) you can do just that without straining your personal budget or giving up all your time. Thank goodness that very caring


and considerate people reached out and took me under their wing. They didn’t have the help of a business association like S.L.O.A.N. but they reached out anyway and with or without help, so can we. It’s so easy to forget our own newbie blues and be impatient with new arrivals by not taking into account that we also struggled with getting a handle on all of this. I have to confess that I have not been the champion of newbie rights that this article may make it appear I am. Like many I have been too busy or impatient when someone new needed more than a welcome to Second Life here’s a balloon and kick inthe butt now get out of here.

*Show them how to use the search to find people, cool places and groups that fit their interests. *Let visitors know they don’t have to say yes to every pop up that invites them to join some group or agree to unclear animation invitations from people or places. *Have them yahoo or google “how to get started in Second Life” for helpful articles and orientation videos *Bring visitors to the SL Owner’s Alliance so they can be connected with all the shops, clubs, service providers and goods makers that can offer work, inexpensive rentals, etc. *Oh and get them a copy of The Nu Vibez Magazine so they get all the latest news and info

However they say being able to admit our faults is the first step to overcoming them so my need to be a better host to our new brothers and sisters is before you all, but the work of being a better host is at the very Lack of space prevents me from least in progress. listing more but lack of resources out Last but certainly not least, here are there to help others are abundant if some aids you can share with newbie we really commit to helping people contacts so their first visit is not their find their way and enjoy their new Second Life. last: *Show visitors where they can go to get the good freebies and take them shopping for their first ao, skin, hair, outfit, accessories and how to use the different chat tolls I.e. voice, local open chat and private IM chat.


The majesty of ancient Egy take your clubbing experienc

Club Cleopatras & Luxury Suites

ypt is perfectly infused with state of the art club tech to ce to a new level. ROCK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN!!

What to Wear for Job Interviews

By Peter Vogt, MonsterTRAK Career Coach Photography By: Eddi Haskell 25

racing: “Am I dressed the way I should be for this interview?” “In an interview situation, you’re marketing yourself as a product, and so you want and need to have the best image possible,” says Amy Glass, a trainer and coach at Brody Communications Ltd. of Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, and an expert on presentation skills, business etiquette, professional presence and interpersonal communication. Presenting a professional image is more about doing your homework than spending money. So as you prepare for your interview, keep these wardrobe tips in mind. It’s OK to ask What to Wear

You have a job interview in five minutes. You’ve learned everything about the company, you’re prepared for any questions they ask, and you even arrived a few minutes early. You couldn’t be more ready.

In many traditional industries, like finance or accounting, business professional dress will be appropriate: A conservative suit, shirt and tie if you’re a man, or a conservative suit if you’re a woman, with - perhaps - personality shown through your shirt or jewelry, Glass says. In other industries such as advertising, public relations, graphic design and information technology, what to wear might be less clear. If that’s the case, Glass says, ask about the company’s general dress policies when you’re first contacted about an interview.

“You can say to the person you speak But when you stop in the restroom for a with, ‘I want to make sure I understand lost look in the mirror, your mind starts your company culture and dress


appropriately,’” Glass notes. “It’s not a bad thing at all. In fact, it shows respect.” If in doubt, err on the conservative side. “I’ve been overdressed at times, and that can be uncomfortable,” Glass says. “But that’s much better than being underdressed.” Shop Smart You don’t have to buy several suits for different interviews at the same company. In many instances, you can get by with one suit combined with what Glass calls a “capsule dressing” strategy -- varying what you wear with the suit each time. “If I’m a young woman and I invest in a nice black pantsuit, I could use that one suit for interviews, but change the shirt, jewelry or scarf each time,” says Glass. You Don’t Need to Spend a Fortune Visit higher-end stores, like Nordstrom’s or Neiman Marcus, to look at interview wardrobe possibilities, Glass says. But when you’re ready to buy something and money is tight, head for the outlet stores.

When considering your purchasing options look not so much at the specific price tags on various garments, but at the “cost per wearing,” suggests Glass.


“suppose you see a suite that’s $150. If it’s a trendy cut and it wasn’t made of

great fabric, you might be able to wear it once a month for two years. So your cost per wearing is fairly high. If you buy something for $300 instead, in a cut that will last longer -- not trendy but not old-fashioned either, and not screaming the year it was made -- your cost per wearing goes down dramatically. So don’t look at the original price so much as how long the piece will be useful to you.” Don’t Neglect Accessories If you have leather shoes, Glass says, make sure they’re shined. If you have suede shoes, make sure they’re brushed. And if your shoes are five years old, have the soles redone at a shoemaker. If you have a leather briefcase and it’s still in good shape, now’s the time to use it. If you don’t, a nice portfolio binder will do just fine. Will all the effort and expense you put into looking the part during your interview make any difference? Absolutely, Glass says. In fact, it’s essential. “Your image matters because it shows your attentiveness to detail and gives recruiters an idea of how you’ll represent their company to clients, both internally and externally,” Glass concludes. “The visual message you send makes a big difference in how you’re perceived and, ultimately, whether or not you get the job.”


By: Sherrie Shepherd The Grand Opening of the Cape Able Art Gallery, Art Gallery, Cape Able (166, 157, 78), on February 22nd featured an exhibition of the works of hearing- Impaired artists Ellie Kidder (aka Hope McAlpine) and Ronin1 Shippe. The gala event was hosted by Cape Able Estate Manager, Treasure Ballinger. Cape


Able was recently acquired by Virtual Ability Inc., a federally licensed 501 c3 non-profit corporation whose mission it is to assist people with disabilities who wish to explore SL and virtual reality environments. The event celebrated a splendid new building to house the gallery and the riveting and whimsical art of these

Photography By: Eddi Haskell two very talented artists.

is especially poignant since while Kidder, profoundly deaf since birth growing up she had no means of and without benefit of a formal art writing, speaking, hearing or reading education, has been a practicing until the age of eight. artist since childhood. She speculates As Kidder herself describes it, “it was that perhaps being born profoundly a calling”. However, this “calling” did deaf pushed her further along in her not stop her passion for art. She has journey of becoming an artist. This another passion dealing with her


dedication to honoring heroic fallen first responders. She recounts, “When I was a child, I admired police officers in uniform.” As an adult, her life was saved by police officers during an incident of domestic abuse. Many of her works reflect the images of first responders and/or symbols of their profession. This dedication was further fueled by the tragedy of 9/11. “My love and my compassion is intense toward police officers, emergency medical technicians, firefighters, rescuers and other first responders”, she said. Kidder is the founder and Commander of Melissa’s Blue Angel Police and Fire Memorial Community Garden, Camlann Tarl (102, 237, 79), named for her very own friend who was herself a fallen police officer. There she honors fallen police officers and firefighters and provides a place where SLers can go to pay their respects and to quietly reflect. An art gallery on the premises offers her RL works for sale. Ronin1 Shippe is an SL and RL artist whose mediums include wood, clay, steel and painting on the virtual canvas. While also hearing impaired, he explains “I am more fortunate


than many. I am slightly hearing impaired and wear amplification in both ears.” He has done arts in one form or another almost all his life beginning with music, martial arts and hatha yoga in his teens. “I have done carving and sculpture in wood, metal and clay in RL and it was a natural evolution from that to painting”, he said. He began painting in SL as a function of his activities as the Virtual Ability Inc., Public Information Officer. He felt it was a good way to raise awareness and acceptance of SL’s many people with disabilities who he says “comprise as much as twentyfive percent of SL’s population.” Shippe is inspired by the little things in life he describes as “a moment, a vision of natural beauty, an impression... Simple things that we can all understand. Whimsy that makes us, universal brotherhood, peace.” In addition to his paintings, Shippe has a sculpture entitled the Klein Bottle that he describes as “a sort of three dimensional Mobius Strip. The shape itself was done by my friend Kaznats Oh who modified an original design by Artfox Daviau…The Klein Bottle

Ronin1 Shipp is pictured with his art work The Lute Player


Deaf Artist Ellie Kidder’s art displayed at Cape Able Art Gallery





Ellie Kidder (aka Hope McAlpine) shown with her art work honoring fallen first responders

shares with the Mobius Strip the interesting characteristic of having only one surface. Essentially I have used it as a canvas, an unorthodox canvas for one of my textures. Interestingly enough, it seems very happy to achieve motion without the aid of a script.” He muses that he was initially concerned with the problem of creating lag in an avatar-dense environment so he deleted the motion script. Much to his amazement, the motion persisted as an artifact becoming part of the very texture of the work. He attributes his inspiration to his friend, fellow artist, and well-known SL designer, Sasha Dielli, who he regards as a genius at this new medium of SL art. The opportunity to create art in SL, Shippe contends “offers new vistas to an artist by making it possible to create art that would be difficult or impossible to create in RL. I am just beginning to explore that medium. My work is mostly created by hand, using my trusty mouse, and the common “Paint” program that almost everyone has on their computer…very simple art that we can all relate to.” There are two galleries where his art work can be purchased, The Zen and laido Sangha, Ugisu (230, 5, 23) and Fantasy China Dynestyland, Legends of China (231, 221, 31).


Nicolo Anthony, Cape Able Art Gallery Art Director, commented on the gallery and the artists when he said “The Cape Able Art Gallery is one of the major new showcases in Second Life for people to see and appreciate artwork coming from the global community of people with disabilities. The gallery and the artists remind us that the human spirit is not bound by physical or mental challenges. Ronin1 Shippe and Hope McAlpine create work that


would stand up in any art forum; seeing them in this context gives us the opportunity to redefine our own views of the contributions of this community to our collective culture.” Kidder and Shippe’s exhibits will continue at the Cape Able Art Gallery through mid-April after which the interactive art of talented autistic artist Adelene Dawner will be exhibited.


INSILICO: SL'S CYBERPUNK M ( An Interview with Skills Hak, INSILIC Article and Photography by : Eddi Haske 41

MASTERPIECE CO Visionary, Founder, and Builder ) kell 42


Cyberpunk is more than just sci fi at INSILICO. It is a living and breathing virtual city, visualizing a future of dark cityscapes, multicultural icons and signage, and a terse rapid pace that will either enthrall or frighten our readers. It reminds you of how the visionary movie Blade Runner might have looked if the World Wide Web existed when the movie came out in 1982. Nu Vibez own Eddi Haskell sits down with INSILICO founder and visionary Skills Hak for an interview. Eddi Haskell: Thank you Skills for allowing us to interview you today! Please tell our readers something about your real life. Skills Hak: Thank you Eddi for taking the time and interviewing me today! Let me see. I am 30 years old, currently living in Germany, and running a graphic design business. I plan to move in with my boyfriend soon. EH: Were you always interested in science fiction and futuristic architecture? SH: Yes indeed! Especially near future design with influences of gothic structures and other postmodern elements. I like the current mega skyscrapers going up in Far East, and dark mega cities-- like those in the movies Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell EH: Have any other movies inspired you? I watched them all and I guess they leaved their marks, but I didn’t think of any specific movie when I made it, it’s just how I think a mega city will look like at some point. Of course mega cities of the future will have much taller buildings, and be much bigger, but that’s hard to build within SL’s current limits.




EH: When did you first enter Second technical things including Life? How did you find out about it? libopenmetaverse, C#, hundreds of weird SH: It was a rainy day in early 2007. SL bugs, SL’s packet communication, I think a friend told me about it and I how to connect SL to other networks wanted to try making some designs in like IRC, etc. In addition, I learned how to create a community and economy 3d for web site illustrations. and deal with all kinds of people. EH: Is this your first virtual world? Most importantly, I learned how not to SH: I entered the first virtual world when burn out! I was born 1978! EH: How many sims are in INSILICO? EH: That is a very good answer Skills. I fail to see the reality in the first world SH: INSILICO currently spans 4 regions but I expect it to grow further as soon at times. as I have more time to build again. Getting back to our interview, when did you start to build INSILICO? Was EH: How do they differ? it your first major project in Second SH: INSILICO, The main sim is downtown, Life? I have to admit, it is an amazing relatively clean with shops and some build. clubs. SH: INSILICO was my first major Second Life project. I ordered the region on May 1st 2008 and started a few days later. Most of the main sim was built in two weeks.

INSILICO EAST is a dirty industrial area.

SH: I wasn’t new to prims, but learned allot about 3d modeling and scripting, server and client performance, and viewer source code.

headquarters are, with pale people high up in skyscrapers, pulling their threads.

I also learned about some very

SH: Most of them are done in

INSILICO WEST has a high crime rate and is a bit seedy, and has some gothic architecture. Large parts of the west EH: Two weeks is a very short time to sector are owned by triads, this is also have built something this impressive. where the INSILICO underground is What did you learn as you were hiding! building? INSILICO SOUTH is where the corporate


EH: Where do you get your amazing textures? Do you do them yourself?




Photoshop, but my friends contributed some. EH: One thing I have noticed is that INSILICO has darkness to it. INSILICO would not be considered a “green” view of the future that is nature centric. Have you ever thought about this? SH: That would not be as much fun! Being in a bright shiny future is unrealistic considering solar warming. The actual reason INSILICO is dark is that the earth is covered by a massive solar screen, blocking harsh sunlight and producing energy. EH: Who should people contact if they wish to build or move here? SH: My partner Cinndreia Messmer is handling most of the rental management for me, she is happy to give people tours and show them all the hidden breathtaking. spots. EH: How expensive is it to live here Your readers can find more info on the and build here? Do you sell land, pricing and rules here: http://insilico. or just rent spaces? SH: We don’t sell land, just prim allotments in our over 200 commercial and residential rentals. There are apartments and a penthouse all over the place, more or less visible from outside, but the views from inside is


EH: How important is role play for INSILICO residents? Must you be involved in role play to live here? SH: There is no need to RP at all, the apartments are absolutely private and OOC (out -of- character). .most

of the people get addicted to the city done, Overdrive Island, Hern Worsley’s and want to get into the roleplay. builds, Black Knight, sick, and Saijo EH: Are there any other sci fi / City. futuristic based sims that you like?

EH: Do any other virtual worlds SH: There are quite a few of “INSILICO interest you? copies” sprouting all over the grid, SH: I have accounts on a few open more or less failing at design and sim based grids, but it’s rather boring management. but to name a few there. I am going to apply as a Blue original and inspiring builds: Hangars Mars content developer to see how it Liquides, Nexus Prime which is long is compared to Second Life.




EH: Skills, is there anything else you would like to tell our readers? SH: I would like to thank my friends, and I am sure they know who they are, and the people closest to me, for their efforts, support, and help in making the INSILICO vision a reality. I would also like to thank everyone living and working in INSILICO. They give this build life and add another dimension. You can’t simply build with prims alone! Thank you Eddi for spending the time here today! And your readers are always welcome to visit INSILICO! EH: Thank you Skills! And I am looking forward to coming back to explore on my own! SLURL for INSILICO: INSILICO/184/165/3602 The main INSILICO web site: You can find out about INSILICO pricing here: --------------------------------SLURL to Eddi Haskell’s Gallery: Eddi Haskell blogs at Eddi Haskell has produced a still video of images he captured on the INSILICO sims. They can be seen at watch?v=LatHNFT2wwk


Skills Hak and Jago Constantine






The year was 2007 and Reebok along with American Apparel had both of their corporate stores vaporized by nuclear bombs here in Second Life. On other occasions reports document that residents were hit with in-world bullets (obviously not fatal but definitely irritating) at stores representing 1st life corporations as they shopped. There are more cases of bombs going off and splattering signs and residents with whiteout but why or for what purpose? The answer we would give today might be “oh because grievers enjoy being pains in the bum“. However in the above listed cases of hit and run another answer was put forth why that has us looking back at the SLLA (Second Life Liberation Army) as they were called. Yet not only are we are looking back but we are also addressing issues that many of us never expected to follow us from First Life into Second Life. Even though dubbed Second Life, how much like our first lives is this world becoming or better yet how much are we making it in the image of our first life? It seems we don’t have to look too far to answer this question when an article such as this one has found relevance in a virtual community. It has been said that where there are real people, there will always be


In-world o Freedom

( A Look Back at the S

By : Cobr

real issues both good and bad. No matter how unreal the surrounding environment may be or even with the absence of the laws of physics, we seem to be inextricably tied to our humanity and all the virtues and baggage included. So seeing that tie to our non virtual vices and virtues, is there any reason to not expect the issue of terrorism or just freedom by any means necessary to exist in a world of our making? Ok so when wanting to get the real scoop on what motivated someone or some organization, it’s always best to go to that person’s or group’s source material. Since there is quite a bit of source material on what has been dubbed SL terrorism involving the Second Life Liberation Army, we get the motives without needing to dig for them. According to former SLLA President Marshil Cahil, the SLLA was

Terrorist or m Fighters

SL Libreation Army )

ra Momiji

“…an attempt to force voting rights into the Second Life environment. In a user created world it would seem obvious to grant those users some power to determine how the world is run.” The Toronto Star reported: The Liberation Army demands “Democratic control of Second Life by its inhabitants, as well as an end to the corporate


invasion of our world,” wrote Solidad confused with P Diddy): Sugarbeet, a group member, in an “When I started, Linden Lab always used email. to pride themselves on how everyone Now the SSLA were not the only belonged in SL - the content creators, dissenters (mentioned in the Star report the sexual deviants, whatever.” “But ) that felt like there were extreme issues what I saw was a small company trying that just justified extreme measures. to baby sit thousands and thousands Another voice that found expression of adults. And I just thought ‘What in what was considered over board happens in three years, when there’s expression was that of resident Plastic millions of SLers and they can’t baby sit them all anymore? That’s not going Duck. According to PD (not to be


went on on to say in the same coverage: “(Linden Lab) said SL was for everyone. They said they weren’t going to ban anyone. And then 60 users got banned at the same time. And that was around the time they stopped advertising themselves as a welcoming community.” However the SLLA was more than random pranks or grief-ing for kicks, as a news report video on You Tube (look under Second Life Liberation Army) makes clear. Also, the group had an organized set of tenants that identified them and presented the reasons why they went to the trouble of organizing and creating actual infrastructure to give life to their impassioned perspective. The following information is from their statement of purpose document:

to work.”

The Second Life Liberation Army (SLLA) was formed as the ‘in-world’ military wing of a national liberation movement within Second Life. The movement contends that political rights should be established within Second Life immediately. As Linden Labs is functioning as an authoritarian government the only appropriate response is to fight.

The onthe record position of Linden Labs has been that they are cool with any type of expression that does not harm SL or the residents. However PD has has his account suspended before and has been charged by LL as being responsible for several TOS violations ranging from recreating September 11 The SLLA will conduct a political and attacks in SL to making self-replicating military compaign to ensure its penises all over the place. PD even


demands are met and avatar rights residents staged their own version of are established. the Boston Tea Party. Still one could easily argue that there is a difference The SLLA’s demands are simple: in simulating the Tea Party and The establishment of basic political showering residents with virtual bullets. ‘rights’ for avatars within Second Life. I don’t think we have conclusively answered the question regarding Campaign: was the SLLA being SL terrorists or The SLLA will not seek to harm the freedom fighters. Yet what I have done normal operation of the world. is give you the info to make up your From the guidelines presented above it own minds and possibly take up your would seem that anyone and everyone own causes. While it is the position of would agree with SLLA in principle this publication that the end does not regarding the importance of rights always justify the means, it is also our and that liberty sometimes requires position that freedom isn’t free. we be more than spectators. After all a tax that was going to be imposed here in SL was dropped by LL after


The Gay Clubber Goes Interviews with DJ Syriana P

By: Eddi Haskell 71

to Jake’s!

Paine and owner JakeC Hotshot Photography: Brady Rowell 72

Every month, NuVibez covers Second Life’s vibrant club and event scene. This month, we are covering Jake’s, a Saturday night institution, and one of the hottest club destinations in Second Life. NuVibez Photographer and writer Eddi Haskell caught up with DJ Syriana Paine, a legend on the club scene with a large and committed following, and club owner JakeC Hotshot after a fun Wild West Party at Jake’s on April 18: Eddi Haskell’s Interview with DJ Syriana Paine: EH: Please tell us as much or as little about your real life as possible, where you are, what you do, what sort of music you like, anything you would like to share with us?

Syriana Paine


SP: I am a single Mom in my first life, two beautiful girls. For music, I enjoy all types depending on my mood, however I will admit to liking country and hardcore rap least of all, still there are a few songs in each genre I can’t live without. EH : Were you ever a DJ in real life? You have a very good voice and a very good way of announcing. Is this something you discovered in SL? SP: No, I’ve never DJ’d in my first life. Thank you for complimenting my voice. I think I am successful in announcing by just being me; and have been lucky so far in that I enjoy all the events I work at, which for me makes all the difference in the world. EH: When did you first join SL,, and when did you first start DJ’ing? SP: Originally, I joined SL in January of 2007. In April 2007, I stated to DJ. DJ’ing has never been just a ‘job’ for me. I really enjoy it and put as much personal effort into it as I do professional. EH: Many consider you an Icon on icon on the gay scene. How do you explain your success? SP: Thank you Eddi! But an icon is a pretty big pedestal to be put on, and I honestly don’t feel like that!. I enjoy my music, and enjoy sharing my enthusiasm with others, but I don’t consider myself a superstar! EH: How would you explain your appeal to gay guys? SP: Honestly, I can’t! I often wonder what it is, and I guess the best I can figure is, they LOVE the music and the fact I’m so bluntly honest. I flirt relentlessly - but they all know I’m harmless on the serious side!


EH: Do you also DJ at non-gay clubs? SP: Yes, I DJ at both gay and nongay clubs and events. Additionally I am contracted through a wedding company and do many of their receptions. I also do a number of private parties and events, none of which are sexuality specialized. EH: Which clubs are you currently DJi’ng at, and what nights of the week? SP: I have a website that lists my schedule, currently, as well as a bit more information about me. It’s found at EH: When did your relationship with Jake’s club start? SP: It started in April 2008 when I was asked to do a bon voyage party for Jake. It was then followed by one other event. Jake then approached me in July 2008 about coming back for regular Saturday nights. After that, I was asked to do Thursday sets as well! I’ve been at Jake’s since then. EH: How do you explain the success of Jakes? SP: Our patron, who knows how to have a good time, and the staff of Jakes are the two biggest factors in ensuring our success. EH: How do you decide what music to play? SP:The main influence on my music selection is to keep


Syriana Paine positive energy going at whatever club I am at. I select music that is not necessarily high as in fast pounding hard beats, but high as in elevated happy, with a nice sensual undertone. In addition, whenever Jake’s or any event has a theme night, I will select some music to match. I also love taking requests. And, like any other DJ, some of my music selection depends on my mood at the time. EH: Any plans for the future for you in SL? SP: I’m always looking to expand and find more ways to give and spread positive enegy around. Recenty, I’ve begun officiating


weddings as well. EH: Anything else you would like to add? SP: Yes, first I’d like to thank all the awesome people that make Jake’s the best place on the grid Saturday nights. Secondly, thank you to all the fans, friends, and family that make my SL a wonderful journey of growth and expansion. What a great place to show and share love. Thank you Eddi and the staff of NuVibez for asking me to do this interview, it’s been a pleasure. EH: And thank you for your time Syriana! I am looking forward to your next event!

Jamie Flintock and KevinM Vollmar


Eddi Haskell’s interview with club owner JakeC Hotshot: EH: Thank you Jake for taking the time to talk with us today.. Can you begin by telling us something about your real life? JCH: I am a California boy born and raised. I work in non profit fundraising, marketing and promotion specifically. I love all types of music from classical to classic rock and everything in between. I love to enjoy finer things in life, family and friends being at the top of that list. EH: How long has Jake’s been open? JCH: Jake’s has been around for over a year now, we had a hunble beginning and have grown a loyal following since. EH: What makes Jake’s different from other clubs on Second Life? JCH: What makes us different, in my opinion, is the all inclusive vibe we work so hard to create. So many clubs work to cater to specific segments of the community. At Jake’s we are all inclusive and our doors are welcome to anybody and everybody. We believe strongly in our motto and live it in all we do. At Jake’s when you are here you are at home. EH: I’ve heard you talk about the Jake’s family before. JCH: I refer to the Jake’s family because that’s exactly what we are. I only refer to Syriana Paine and “The Boys” as staff in business


Jake’s Staff

settings and even then I have a tough time doing it. Endeavor and each member of the family brings unique and amazing talents and opinions. The one thing we all share is a commitment to our guests and their wants and needs. EH: You have mostly a gay clientele attend. Are non gay people welcome? JCH: Everybody is welcome at Jake’, We welcome ladies too! ! While the majority of our guests are members of the SL gay community, we do not limit ourselves, and embrace those outside of it. One of the truly amazing things about SL is how it makes the world a much smaller and more intimate place. Jake’s is a great meeting place for people of all backgrounds. One where we can come together, listen to some great music, and enjoy each other’s company. EH: Tell us about your move, your mall and other things that are unique to your new location.


JCH: Jake’s most recent move came as the result of an

opportunity presented to us by our friends at Fire Island. We felt that the time was right to launch the Jake’s Resort Sim with the club as it’s focal point. It was a real opportunity to build a community based on the principles that our club was founded on. Our expansion includes retail. We were fortunate to use the Jake’s name to recruit the finest men’s fashion, accessories, and lifestyle products in SL. We strongly believe that Jake’s is one of the premier shopping destinations on the grid with so much to offer all who visit us. As part of our goal to build community we also launched the Jake’s Club Landing Sim where we offer great residential opportunities. We have some great condos and townhome style units are in development. One of the original Jake’s Boys, Theo Verstandig and his partner Myles Capalini own and manage this portion of the Jake’s community and operate it with the same attention to detail and commitment to community as the club and mall.

JakeC Hotshot


EH: Any plans for the future? JCH: Our plan for the future is a humble one, that’s to continue to deliver quality entertainment, retail, and a sense of community to all who come in contact with Jake’s. EH: Is there anything else that you wish to say to our readers? JCH: The most gratifying thing about what we do are the little things. It’s a great feeling when somebody IM’s and thanks me and the Jake’s Family for what we do. It is always a bit mind boggling to know that we can have a significant impact on those around us. As long as there is even one person who feels like their second life is better because of Jake’s we’ll be around to do what we do, and we’ll all continue to enjoy doing it EH: Thank you Jake! And best of luck with your club and your expansion plans! SlURL l to Jake’s Club Resort: Resort/186/83/24 SLURL to Brady Rowell’s Gallery at Jake’s: Resort/192/86/24 Jake’s Club Resort has a blog with a club calendar listing: DJ Syriana Paine’s Website: Eddi Haskell blogs at

Jago Constantine produced a video at Jake’s the night of the Wild West Party: Jago Constantin


Baz Ceawlin and JakeC Hotshot

ne and Eddi Haskell


The Thrills and Chills of Second By: KathleenK Spittler Photography by: Eddi Haskell 85

d Life Race

GENTLEMEN, START YOUR ENGINES! And they’re off in a cloud of pixels. In celebration of the big one, the Indy 500. There are racetracks all over Second Life. People racing in the virtual world, just as they do in Indianapolis and the many, many races all over the world. The Indianapolis 500 Mile Race, often shortened to The Indianapolis 500 Mile Race, or shortened to the Indianapolis 500 or commonly known simply as the 500. is an American automobile race, held annually over Memorial Day weekend at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana. The event lends it’s name to the Indy Car class or formula race The event billed as “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing” is one of the oldest motor sports events, and is considered one of the three most significant motor racing events in the world. In the grand manner. Race tracks all over Second Life compete every day. People dedicated to racing, try their hand at driving the “brick road”. In the virtual world they time their races, just like the real thing. Av’s with an interest in racing come from all over the world to put wheels


to track and wait for the checkered saying, it’s a lot of fun. It would flags. be interesting to run a longer race In sims like Silver Motor Sport sometime to see what our regular Complex, all kinds of racing is drivers would think of that. possible. From drag racing,stock car racing,truck racing roadsters and go-cart racing are done. And they are always trying to find new ways of racing. I talked to Bary Rinkitink, the manager of SMC about the kinds of racing available and what types of cars used. NuVibez: Do you do any Indy style races? Barry Rinkitink: :Not exactly, although our stock cars are based on the Nascar COT (Car Of Tomorrow). Our race events for those are generally shorter though, between 10-20 laps although we have been known to run longer races up to 75 laps. The biggest problem with the longer races is is that with longer races the drivers complain of numb When you’re done, your hands do need a rest. I’m


NV: Do you give trophies? BR: Yes and linden prizes for all of our races. We like to give something back to our customers. They buy our cars and then all the race events are free to enter so long as they have the appropriate car, they can come

along and join in. The winner gets a we really need is a good car or trophy and top 3 or 4 linden prizes. vehicle script that will get your car NV: Do you feel racing in Second Life running. Then you have a winner. is more technology or racing itself? NV: In Second Life it’s all about fun, BR: I would say in our circles, the isn’t it? numerous tracks around Second Life, that it’s all about the racing. A lot of drivers in the game take it very seriously. But here at SMC, we try to make it fun too. We want our drivers to have fun, Technology wise all

BR: Yeah, that’s why I play. If it isn’t fun, I’m not going to do it. You might want to mention our other manager, CarlyAnn Rainbow too. We share managerial duties here.


the racers bought it from them and Carly managed it. I joined her as security and then later as a fellow manager. NV: So you have been with this project for a long time then? BR: I have, as either driver then as an The track’s owner is Beer Hoggard. employee. Carly and I don’t get NV: How long has this sim been paid much for doing this. Mostly we do it for the love of the race. I here? would hate to see it disappear from BR: Oh, a long time,since the beginning Second Life. of time, Second Life time that is, since July 2005.It is the original Second Life NV: Do you have a crowd racing oval. It was built by Gremlin watching? Glitterbuck and Myztree Gorky who BR: During races the sim is generally ran it for years and was doing so open to the public to come watch or when I first found it. I was originally even buy a car and join in. a driver here but the track went up NV: Do you have to wear anything for sale as Gremlin and Gorky were special to come here, or take off moving on to other things. One of


bling? BR: Well within reason. People can wear bling so long as they keep it to a minimum. If people are covered in bling, we might ask them to remove it. We do want to keep the track

running as smoothly as possible. Really the only thing we ask people to remove is weapons. That’s one rule we enforce here. Other than that, if you’re behaving here, you’re welcome.

a license. Anyone who sees me racing here should understand why. I would be a serious health risk on the roads.... lol. Although I am aware that some drivers in Second Life do race in Real Life or have done some at

one time or another. NV: Do you do anything other than racing in Second Life?

BR: Is there anything other than racing in Second Life? My life revolves around racing and NV: Do you race in RL? occassionally a spot of building. I BR: Me? Heck no. I don’t even have build the stock cars, roadsters,


trucks and go-carts for the track. Other than that I like just hanging out with my friends and running races myself. My knowledge of scripting is pretty basic. We have scripts done for us by a friend of the track called Les White, an excellent scripter and he also runs a very popular tracks in SL. One in particular is MOOZ, where he races bikes and formula one cars. NV: one final question.What do you see as the future of racing in Second Life? BR: I am seeing more and more tracks appearing all over Second Life and that’s not a bad thing. Healthy competition is so cool for us to see. I see so many types of racing and vehicles all over Second Life. We are Asking, however, that if you have too always trying to see what new thing much bling, that it be removed. we can bring. Who knows. I guess NV: How do you start out a race? we will just have to wait and see. Eddie Mathieson: We start out running Another track of note is Racers Island 3 or 4 cars at a time, depending on it’s owned by Eddie Matheson. The lag. We run them 3 times around the track is dedicated to racing in every track. Everybody gets a turn going form The enthusiastic people here through the gate. The fastest is in have racing in their blood. They do the pole position. Then we run 6 at stock car racing, kart and formula a time. This is a longer race. The one. They have one of the most prim winner moves up. This all depends heavy places in Second Life. They on how many show up. run as many as 15 cars at a time.


graphics. I started making race tracks and then I built a sim. I bought the sim from a friend, almost 2 years ago. NV: Who works here? EM: Most of the people that work here do it because they love racing. NV:How many tracks do you have here? EM: There are 7 tracks on the sim. NV: How many people are involved in racing here? EM:We have 440 group members. 60% of them are women. NV: Does this sim ever crash? EM:No this is a class 5 sim. We’ve run over 20 cars and didn’t crash. We have 15,00 prims and sometimes run NV: Have youever been interested 16,000. in racing in RL? NV: Who makes your cars? EM: Not interested, but in SL, Formula EM: A guy by the name of Raver One. Bellos makes our cars. NV: Do you give lessons? NV: Do you give prizes EM: Yes, we give racing lessons. All EM: Yes. one has to do is buy a car and then NV: What do you think the future of they can race. racing in Second Life will be? NV: How did you get you start EM: As far as I’m concerned, it’s racing? always getting better and more EM: I have a background in 3D refined as well as the technology


keeps evolving and so do we. Racers have always striven to stay on top of what works most with ease and to offer a more enjoyable for many, while they visit or hang around here. NV: Well thanks for your time here. It’s been really interesting ,learning about racing here. I can tell you have lots of fun at this. I didn’t know there was so much to racing in SL.I hope to watch some of your races. Thanks for the racing suit. So I come away from all this, really surprised at the amount of time and care these people put into their love of racing. These are people who have a great love of racing. This track is the cutting edge of what is brilliant building in Second Life. If you would like to zoom around in fast cars and meet interesting people, This is a wonderful place for the racing enthusiast. I am always surprised at the variety of things to so in Second Life and this is no exception



Burlesque Beauties of Nyla Cheeky

Miss Bee Burlesque Model : Nadia Felwitch Skin: Angelina from Redgrave Hair: Kiera by Sky Everett Miss Ivy Burlesque Model: IoleJanana Chajit Skin: Sakura of Redgrave Hair: Sleek Bob from Curio Miss Candy Burlesque Model: Madam Goldrosen Skin: Leticia from Redgrave Hair: Sirena Seduction by Sirena Miss Tangerine Burlesque Model: Demoneka Daehlie Skin: Leticia from Redgrave Hair: Patricia from Bish


Photography by: Roxi Richez



I recently put together a collection of Burlesque beauties , inspired by the St.Patties Girl. The outfit comes with Three hat styles, with and without Russian Veiling and also a cute and quirky Clockwork hat with a working Pocketwatch monocle/eye piece. You can see it in Miss Tangerine and Miss Ivy Burlesque images. Also included , Corset , Bra, Garterbelt, Panties, Stockings , Pearls and Crocodile Sculpted Pumps! All prims are modifiable and I included a second size for easy of fitting. If you ever need a bit of help with fitting just let me know. All new items can be found at Nyla Cheeky’s shop at Starax House of Nyla, Starax (192,117,25) Please join House of Nyla Fashionista’s on Facebook, Flickr and Twitter!!! h t t p : / / w w w. f a c eb o o k . c o m / g ro u p. php?gid=36190379315#/group. php?gid=36190379315 Feel free to invite your girlfriends!!!


Your’s Truly, Ann SLanders

By: KathleenK Spitteler

Miss SLanders takes a lighthearted look at friendships, romance and how to deal with each other with more respect and humor in this wondrous world of SL. Dear Ms. SLanders,

and have a good time in the knowledge I’m going to have a rez day party. that everybody is also having a good I have invited all my friends and of time too course my bf. But I’m wondering if I Ann SLanders should invite some old bf’s. I know they would like each other but I’m Dear Ms. SLanders, not sure if it would make everybody I have been with my gf for quite uncomfortable. awhile. We get along well together These people have all been such a and I care about her a great deal. part of my SL experience. I hate to We spend hours and hours talking the leave them out. nights away while dancing in some beautiful venues. She’s a kind and Rez Day Girl lovely person I enjoy her a lot. Dear Rez, My problem is that I’ve met someone I know you want to have these people new. Someone who is exciting and share your special day but it might make interesting and also beautiful. It’s really your bf or your other friends, tempting to leave my old gf and pursue for that matter, feel uncomfortable. this wonderful new person. Should I, or You might have a small party just for would this be a big mistake? some of your old friends. That way they can still celebrate your day with Undecided you. And at your rez day party, you can relax and not worry about if anyone is Dear Undecided, uncomfortable. It is your day. Relax I know it’s alwayshard when you meet


somebody new and exciting. But if you have a good relationship with the gf you have now, it’s worth it’s weight in gold. Love is never easy to find but if you do find it, hold on to it tight. You may never find it again. I like to think of it as a gift, a gift some never find. You are truly lucky to have this person in your life. Don’t waste it on flights of fancy. You may be sorry later. Ann SLanders Dear Ms SLanders, Lately I’ve had problems with people treating me like a dumb blonde. (Well I am a blonde) But I get tired of people treating me this way. What can I do to have them treat me with more respect? I am really quite an educated person but do I have to go back to school? One Smart Cookie Dear Cookie, Being blonde, myself. I understand the problem. I’ve heard all the jokes, gotten all the adverse comments and gotten my feelings hurt. I tired a little experiment recently. I tried changing my hair color to see the reactions I would get to different


colors. I was amazed at the reactions I received. When I was blonde, yes I was treated as a dumb blonde. And as a redhead I was treated as if I wanted to play and have fun all the time, the proverbial joker. As a brunette, I was treated with more respect. It was as if I had just gotten a PHD. I was queried by everyone on subjects they would never ask a blonde or for that matter, a redhead.

for a day, try a wig. It works wonders. And if you’re going to a party, try being a redhead. But be prepared for fun and craziness. But then it’s always nice to have fun at a party. You can be anything you want to be. People shouldn’t judge you for your hair color, but they do. Just like in everything else, life can sometimes be unfair. But I say go along with it. Have some fun. Our SL lives are short.

My advice to you is to be yourself. If, Ms Ann SLanders however, you want to seem intelligent


The DJ... The Girl... Aussie S A Look at DJ Demoneka By Prissy Price 105

Style 106

Second Life is truly an international or shall we say global community. We see here people from all over the world and we interact with them. Distance nor time is no longer a limiting factor but rather it adds more to the adventure that we embark on this journey. In the past issues, we have talked to DJs that are within the boarders of the US continent, now let us take you to the southern part of the globe.... way down to a place known as “Down Under”. Yes, this DJ is from the land of koala bears and kangraoos...we’re flying you to Australia to meet our DJ for the month and our mate ( using a heavy australian accent ) Demoneka Daehlie. The Girl... From Brisbane in the State of Queensland, Australia, Demoneka has done alot in her real life with music. She taught herself to read music when she was young, played several instruments and would love to DJ in the real world, who wouldn’t for someone who has a natural talent with a mic. Like most of us, she came to SL when friends told her to visit this new world. She thhought it was just another program so she didn’t bother to look at it until she felt bored and decided to download the program and become


a newbie, for all of one hour she came in with a new shape, skin, clothes that made her look good and as they say... the rest is history.. But you may ask, “Why Demoneka? Such an unusual name?” and she said “Well I have used this name for about 8 years online now, it reflects who I am and who I can be sometimes, in all honesty the name was one I thought I had made up but it turns out it is a name of a dominatrix in the states lol but yeah I have my dark moments and I have my light moments all of which are a part of me. I can be stubborn, cranky, busy, sexy, cheeky and above all sweet and kind. I will do anything for anyone if I can and i love to help new arrivals in second life get a foot up and look good so they feel good too.” Dem is able to balance her second life with someone very special she spends time dancing, fooling around, ejnjoying romantic time together, but as she says “the best part for me is the way he talks to me...he is my angel and the most precious gift SL has given me.” Toddler, is a grandson she has here in SL whom she finds to be a most amazing little man. Toddler she mentions “role plays a child in world and to me he is just beautiful and nana’s pride and joy


i adore him and will do anything to belting “Right Round” at the background make him happy and feel all the love (see she’s also human ). he needs.” In her nearly three ( 3 ) years of being When not streaming music for events, a resident in SL she sees that her time gigs, and clubs, Dem takes pictures. spent here has been very educational. She owns a photography studio known Relationships, owning clubs, running as DemonArt Photografix. Dancing, businesses, all of it an amazing journey hanging out with friends, meeting new and something that can’t be traded off people, laughing and just having fun. for anything good and bad. Part of Listens to her favorite tunes such as the learning process on how to survive dance top 40 music, new releases and in this place. at the moment, hearing Flo Rida


The DJ...

it and that was it pretty much. I worked Here are the answers that DJ Dem in there for a radio station and when gave us when we threw at her some I came to SLife it wasn’t long before I was beating out the tunes live for them questions about being a DJ in SL.. in here also. NV: How did you become a DJ? NV: Why do you DJ? DD: When I was a chatter in Halsoft, friends of mine introduced me to SAMS3 DD: I love music, beat, sound, rhythm. ( radio streaming program that most Music has been in my blood for most DJs use even real world DJs use it. It of my life and when I was given the enables us to stream live music and for opportunity to become a DJ online I people to listen to it no matter where jumped at the chance because I love to they are ) and showed me how to use bring music to the people and to enjoy dancing and laughing enjoying every tune and finding new ones everyday. NV: What is it like having a Manager? DD: Ahh well I remember the first time I met Scorp ( he’s the Nightfire Entertainment CEO, Scorpinosis Nightfire ) I was dancing and DJing at the same time and he heard me speak over the mic and was impressed as I can Multi task well. When he shared his vision with me I knew he and I would be great friends but mostly great business partners. Having him taking care of my businesses has been great take the stress out of my job and my slife and he has a voice to die for...killer combination in my books he has talent and he works hard for me and for that I am truly grateful.


NV: Where do you DJ? What Clubs? Club Arouse, Club Olympia, Sensual Nights, Desari and Cool’s Mystical Rose, Club Cleopatras & Hotel

I DJ anywhere and everywhere I have done private parties, club work, openings, Birthday Parties, Hens Nights etc, so I will DJ wherever I am asked to and whenever I am asked too. Wherever you will find people wanting live music and a good DJ you will find me there with them :) NV: What was your last private event? DD: It was a Rez Day party and it was for a friend we had an awesome time and I was belting out the tunes I knew he would love and everyone was enjoying it. Had a great 2 hours and cant wait to do it again. NV: What can we expect from you in the future? DD: Bigger and Better, More hot tunes new releases a whole lot of fun and laughs. I plan to be doing more with my DJ work and working hard on the projects Scorp is handing to me trying to make my brand one of the best in slife.

NV: Based on your career as a DJ what advice or final comment would


you offer to a budding dj or reader trying to decide what to do in SL? DD: Follow your dreams if you want to be a DJ then ask around learn the programs feel the music if it is inside you then you will know, no matter what it is you want to do in world when you put your heart and soul into it you can do almost anything and everything in here. There you go peeps, follow your dreams and like our mate she did, and has been happy and successful...Now before we fly back to home base, let me further explore Australia and maybe meet the famous actor Hugh Jackman....ha ha ha ha -------------------Club Arouse-NEW, Club Olympia Stargate SENSUAL NIGHTS - LADIES ONLY Desari and Cool’s Mystical Rose, Lily ( 46,138,21 ) CLUB CLEOPATRAS & HOTEL


y b a

B i a

u n n a H b a e g m h n c u u o J h M y C B e e i h l l T e N : y b o t o h P 115

I have reasons to go to Mumbai regularly. I have just come back. Reasons alone are a feast. Me actually going there about twice a year is heaven. They sell vibrators in the street, on the pavement. Not that I have much use of them, which I will perhaps explain another time. It is the sight of them standing there, innocently erect next to unrelated merchandise such as reading glasses, that makes my day as a day cannot ever be made anywhere else.

interesting in itself.

Before exposing you to more profound aspects of Mumbai life first an issue that might have come up with several readers by now: what has this to do with Second Life? Stay with us, it will become clear, if perhaps not immediately as a satisfying justification of drawing Mumbai into it. But then, every Mumbai story is

bullets into innocent travellers there is a marble monument of commemoration, in Leopolds there is that hole. People make pictures of it. Leopolds has become a tourist attraction, not just because of beer and ambience but because the tour guide includes it in his Coloba itenerary of horrors. Adding terror to a colorful

There is a Mumbai café called Leopolds. A week after my visit before the recent one it was raided by terrorists. That cost several people their lives. The whole drama unfolding on late November days in 2008 seized the whole neighborhood. A neighborhood I love, even if –like Leopolds—it accommodates for tour grouping elderly western hippies on their way to the Osho International Resort in nearby Pune for a renewed salvation. I saw what proved to be an Australian They are fun too. couple, attracted by a pavement stall I was not worried whether the tour groups because glasses were on offer and would still be there. It was whether the woman had lost hers. She was so Leopolds would still be Leopolds, even happy that –at last—she was going to after its innocence had been taken, be able to read the fine print of the as one says. Well Leopolds has never Lonely Planet India guide again that been innocent, and neither has Colaba, she oversaw the only other collection the part of Mumbai you find it in. So the vendor carried. It was the husband absolutely, Leopolds is still Leopolds, in whom the vendor saw an opportunity and more so than ever. Sans scruples to sell a vibrator. While the woman was it has kept a magnificent bullet hole trying the glasses on for fit he said in a in one of the windows. Where in the clear voice: “Perhaps a nice present for nearby Taj Mahal Palace Hotel there is the wife?” Now, where else do you get a moving plaque with names, and in the that? railway station where terrorist sprayed


history is what Leopolds can permit itself like no other establishment it seems, as Colaba goes its way without forgetting either death, life or liveliness. Vibrators, terror ridden tourist hot spots, my favourite drinking hole, how does that relate to Second Life. Well, I realised that I could not tell you stories like that about the Xcess Sexy Beach Sim where my friend lives, Pinnacle Rock were we dance, or about SL Paris for that matter, where I felt really bored. That does not disqualify each spot in SL. It draws attention to what SL as a whole lacks. There is a Mumbai demand for vibrators, such that the street merchants of Mahatma Gandhi Road stand them up next to reading glasses, deodorant, combs and brushes, colourful robots. That demand comes about in a way we cannot track. Through the unintended happening, such as a container of the things washing up on a nearby beach, people looting the container, not knowing what they have found, selling them to someone who asks around, and -in the end - finding a street vendor in Mahatma Gandhi Road saying: “Not sure what it is, but it looks interesting.”

And then thre is this boy who asks his mum: “Can I have such a rocket? Please!” His mum buys the thing, the boy sees no use in it after all as it has this weird flesh like colour unbefitting a vehicle bound for Mars, mum picks


it up, it starts to vibrate, she thinks: “Eh!”, puts it to use, has multiple orgasms, tells friends about it, and there the street vendors go. And then there are the peripheral stories. The bustle of the street takes the merchandise for granted, it seems. It could be that most passersby see the vibrator as –well—that toy rocket, part of the plastic toy display that overflows into the reading glass cum vibrator stand. But the majority of the pedestrians there really know very well what that thing is for. Perhaps they come home with a

what he saw. “Well, dear, perhaps you know there is a certain kinds of apparatus used to trigger certain physical sensations. They sell them in Mahatma Gandhi Road, opposite the Bank of Baroda.” “You mean the long pointy things for the sexual satisfaction? A vibrator they call it quite appropriately.” the woman replies. The startled man is silent for a moment and then utters: “How did you acquire expert knowledge regarding the, eh, vi-bra-tor?” “It comes with use,” the woman says.

story. “It is not decent! But I must tell you this darling. What is happening in Mahatma Ghandi Road? Where is Mumbai going?” the middle aged middle caste Indian man tells his bewildered wife. “What are you talking about,” she says in the strict mother tone that is part and parcel of middle caste women’s way of coping. And again: “What are you talking about?” The man - now committed to coming clean with the vibrator issue struggles to find the words to describe

SL is a market place, but not the kind that generates a narrative, to use one of my favorite words. When I buy a pleasure swing at Zozo’s, or a bra at Armidi, there is no crowd, passersby, nor pedestrians who simply stop to have a good look at a developing awkwardness. In SL we do not go downtown to people watch. Or do we? I don’t. I hardly ever come SL home with stories of chance meetings or random happenings. Nor is there the kind of horror to be exploited that makes holes in windows as proof of evil. SL can neither be that entertaining nor that painful. In issues of passion it is middle ground. At least in its current state of affairs. Not that people are not hurt. Or fall in love in SL. Hurt they can be to the extent that they leave, forever. Love seems also to push the love’s contributors out of SL, as SL offers too little in


terms of celebration. In that sense SL is a game, demanding to adhere to rules of engagement that might seem like RL, but in fact are alien to it.

perpetrator of evil. Again, the hurt was, and were pushed off stage. I still want that play. Working on it brings me to what might after all be the generator of narrative, real SL narrative. It is narrative that does not have meaning, but assumes meaning when brought into another world. It emits stories that cannot ever be understood within SL, but only in another world. As such, SL is not an artificial world but a fragment of a world, and that makes it interesting. Think of it as a workshop for tools, in which the use of the tools made is not understood.

Without pain and pleasure other than acted out pain and pleasure, SL does not generate stories. I tried to write a play on a SL club called Blackhearts. A friend of mine had told stories of people hurting people there. She had been victim of verbal abuse, as had her girlfriend of that moment. I was amazed at the viciousness of what was happening to them, and others. I was as if the whole operations was run as an opportunity to freely go around hurting people. It was a hurting club. I realized that for some ....Continued in next month’s issue participants that was exactly what SL offered. An opportunity to hurt. There are interest groups of all strange sorts, so why not have people start a SL club so that they can go around picking on people? It was this theme that took hold of me and I started to write a play. But every time I wanted to zoom in on perpetrators and victims there was this lack of drama to explore. No slaps in faces, no voice modulations, no gestures to be recorded other than the ones all others were making. There was a total lack of force, of carrying capacity in what was going on. And if there was real hurt, and there was, it was because in RL there was some sort of reverberation. Such as a sl hurt exposing real hurt, or words used mimicking the real



Model : Krystanna Wycliffe Clothes : Catwalk Collection Longing Skirt



Model : Cayce Newell Clothes : Naive Wool Socks, Music Top Gold and Jean Shorts Oxid Shoes : Girl’s Biker Boots in White by Redgrave Hair : Chia in Black by MiraiStyle Skin: Camille Skin - Light Brunette 01 Lips 03 by Naive


Model : Vera Canning Clothes : Catwalk Collection : Lilian Shoes :Stiletto Moody Bare Audrey Hair : Quiet Seduction by Sky Everett Skin PXL Grace SK


Model : Lolita Nomura Clothes : Catwalk Collection : Flori Shoes : Stiletto Moody Bare, Greta Black Patent Hair : Hannah in Ash Blonde from Lelutka Skin: Coral China Tone from Bebae


Chan in second sect

by: aristip The richness of Second Life becomes apparent with every exploration of a new sim. From extensions of real life concerns into SL to pure flights of fancy, creativity abounds.

this virtual world as PG entertainment and those who wish to pursue more adult type of activities. So Linden Labs will make some changes in the coming months concerning “adult” content.

But another side of SL exists, one just as creative and fanciful, but where avatars in role-play can be raped, slashed, beaten, mutilated, and even killed.

The announcement of this change has generated a fierce debate, much rumor, and many unfounded fears. People have circulated notecards saying those who are prudes in life wish to force their morality on all in SL. People have said this is just a ploy so the teen world can be merged with the PG side of SL. Others fear that such a change will intrude on what happens in the bedroom of their homes.

Linden Labs recognizes the variety of uses people make of SL. As Cyn Linden noted in a March 12 posting: “It is very important to Linden Labs that we support and preserve this creativity and openness as our community continues to grow.” What exactly will occur with this But sometimes creativity and openness change? conflict, as in the case of those enjoy


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puss Larsson First, a new sim designation will be added. To the current PG and Mature designations will come an Adult designation, which will be applied to those who offer explicit sexual or extremely violent content.

forums ongoing where residents can discuss the changes, ask questions, and give feedback on what LL plans to do. A suggest plan will be revealed shortly, if it hasn’t already as this publication goes to press. But some things are Second, a new continent will be clear already. created for those who offer the type Yes those who have role-play areas of content that would fall under the on the mainland and cater to what “Adult” category. will fall under the “Adult” designation Third, search results will be better wil have to move to the new “Adult” filtered so those who do not to see continent. Whether Linden Labs will do a quid pro quo and merely help these “Adult” offerings can avoid them. concerns move to the new continent Fourth, those who want access to or without having to sell their old land want to see “Adult” content will have and buy new land hasn’t yet been to have their accounts verified, by decided. It should be one of the first payment or age verification. decisions made, and it should be made The full details of LL’s plans are yet to in a way that makes the transition of “adult” concerns easy and painless. be worked out. LL has several


LL should give “adult” concerns the same size lots they already have on the mainland and assume responsibility for selling the old lots. Forcing adult content provides to sell their old land, possibly at a loss, and buy new land, possibly at a premium, would alienate too many people. It also would make LL’s state goal of not affecting the type of content offered, merely access to it.

so. You can read the forums about the “Adult” continent by following this link: showthread.php?t=311510

One the areas still being defined concerns just what constitutes “explicitly” sexual and extremly violent” content. Most people could agree that having an orgy outside an SL Those who church, or own estates clothing store, will not be or tea house required to would be move, but sexually they will be explicit. And required to most people flag their could agree content. that Mature beheading, areas will mutilating, or be able to remain mature, meaning running an avatar through with sword what goes on behind closed doors is in a public park would be extremely your business only. LL is only interested violent. in keeping “Adult” content out of public As Blondin Linden wrote to answer areas. some questions asked in a forum about Those who think having a new continent definitions: “The idea is that overtly where all “Adult” content will be sexual or violent themed areas would located creates a ghetto are as wrong be classified as Adult. Sex beds in a as they are blind. Ghettoes are not private home, skins, and such are all just made. If the new “adult” continent fine and would not have to move. It’s becomes like a ghetto, it will because when the theme or main advertising the people who populate it makes it


point is sexual that it would cross a line between mature and adult.” You can read more about the debate over definitions by following this link: There should be little debate over better search filtering. That is for the benefit of those who are searching. Some people do not want to see adult or perhaps even mature content, just as others might not want to see religious, political, alternative lifestyle, or other kinds of content. You can read what people are writing and LL is answering on search filtering at the following link: php?t=311511”. By the way, in that forum one person asked about profiles. Jeska Linden answered: “We are not currently filtering profiles, although as you mentioned per our Community Standards any content displayed within your profile (including picks) should confirm to the overall PG standards. We’re not currently flagging profiles as pg/mature/adult, but I’ll take that idea back to the team for their consideration.” Just a word of warning, if yoru profile isn’t PG-rated, you are in violation of


of the SL’s Community Standards. Perhaps the diciest area of this change will be the verification process for adult content. People worry they will be shut out, or customers and visitors their mature sim will be shut out, or information required will reveal too much of their personal life. While LL still considers the best way to implement a verification process, it has sought to allay people’s fears. You can read the full forum on verification at this link: http:// php?t=311512&page=2&pp=15.

ploy to force free account uses to upgrade to paying accounts? Those who have paying accounts are verified through the payment method already. But someone with a free account would presumably not be allowed access to an “adult” area unless they become verified, not matter how adult they currently are and how much time they spend in “adult” areas.

But briefly, Cyn Linden remind people that a mature estate doesn’t require any account verification and that current payment information on file, which covers a great many of SL’s active residents, works just find. People already on file will not have to go through a new verification process. The discussion is far from over, but a It may have been brought up in the change is definitely on the horizon. forum ( 25 pages of forum entries More information can be found at require a tremendous commitment of the Adult-Oriented Content Controls time), but definitely wasn’t answered FAQ. by any Linden in the forum: Is this a


As these changes occur, residents should understand that SL is a community peopled by the very same people who live in your real-life communities. It is proper for a community to regulate what happens in public or where certain businesses can be located. You can’t, for example, have sex in the middle of the downtown area of your real-life community and you can’t, as another example, have an adult-oriented business located across from a school. Laws regulate behavior and zoning regulates building. Links: “ deptID=4417&task=knowledge&questionID=6032 the Maturity Ratings FAQ eptID=4417&task=knowledge&questionID=6010, and Upcoming Changes for Adult Content: Motivations and Goals


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