Jogja Mag May edition

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FREE No. 11 May

for Tourists and Expats


It all started in Kota Gede Javanese Joglo Architecture Amazing Keris Javanese wisdom Interview with a decision maker Also inside : • What’s up in May 2013 • Practical information

+ Map of Yogyakarta

Looking for anything in Yogyakarta ?


General Information Monthly magazine Editorial Editor in Chief : S. Pacchiani Erik W. Jorgensen Contributors : Patrick Vanhoebrouck Piotr Śmieszek Deti Lucara Moko Pramusanto Circulation : 5 000 Produced by PT Mindo Jl Suryodiningratan Griya Surio Asri 2 No. A2 - Yogyakarta Tel. +62 274 372 971 -

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• It all started in Kota Gede. 5 • Javanese Joglo Architecture. 8 • Rare species of street food: Pecel. 10 • Amazing Keris. 12 • Lecker Coffee House and Resto. 14 • Javanese wisdom. 16 • Javanese Health Secrets. 18 • A heart of courage and modesty. 20 • Interview with Brahm Italy. 22 • What’s up in May 2013 in Yogyakarta. 24 • Practical information. 24 • Map of Yogyakarta. 26

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Edito Jogja Mag is Jogja’s most popular English magazine for tourists and expats in Jogja. Our team work hard every month to bring you useful information for your stay in Jogja as well as interesting articles of historical and cultural significance. In this month’s issue we look at the “Joglo” a traditional form of Javanese architecture, see how the traditional javanese “Keris” or dagger is finding its way in a modern world, and much more. The Editor

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Destination of the Month It all started in Kota Gede Brooklyn is to New York what Kota Gede is to Yogyakarta. Mainly known for its jewelry activities today, Kota Gede was once the political center of one of the larger powers of Java. Indeed, Senopati, the founder of the current Sultanate, build his palace there. Today, the “sultan’s palace” that people primarily visit is only the most the recent one and is located in the center of Yogyakarta City. Senopati’s palace was the first, and build in Kota Gede. When Senopati died, he and some of his descendants were buried at the palace, effectively converting it into the cemetery that s there today. The enclosure, the royal cemetery, is still visible and visitable today. Kota Gede transports us to the time of the rebirth for the Mataram kingdom and the trade of Silver. Today, Kota Gede is one of the most charming neighborhoods of Yogyakarta. Its narrow alleys are full of treasures of traditional architecture. For example, Jl Sutowijoyo, “between two gates”, presents houses in the purest Javanese tradition renovated and visitable. You just need to ask the people living there if you can enter. The architecture of the 17th century Pendopo and traditional Dalem are highlights for the pleasure of a curious passerby. These two central elements of the traditional Javanese house have a lot of similarities concerning

architecture (Joglos, that is to say a rectangular roof in two parts - one steeply sloping, the other less so, supported by columns). Their names differ in their function. Pendopo is a semi-public space open and without walls, while Dalem is a private area with bedrooms and living room, most of the time closed all around by walls. The former palace of King Senopati is made out of red brick. Savvy visitors will recognize a similar architecture as some temples of Bali. The main chamber of the palace has been converted into a tomb contains several specific elements palaces of the time. Just after the main entrance is a mosque (in a perfect architectural blend of Javanese culture and Islam), which differs from the others because it does not look like at all a mosque. The tour continues with the tomb of Senopati itself where there can also be found other tombs belonging to other important characters of the time. Finally, below are ponds where Javanese people are still practicing ritual ablution. The legend is that these ponds are fed by water whose source is in the tomb of Senopati itself. The neighborhood was originally in the interior of the palace, with its public esplanade (alum alum), its market, and the palace itself. The esplanade,

Where to find the interesting places: The biggest brand jewelry are in Jl Mondorokan, in the east of Jl Imogiri Timur. The market is at the end of Jl Mondorokan. At Kota Gede, almost all parts are worth getting lost. The tangle of narrow streets is a treat. Specifically, “Between two Gates” is at Jl Sutowijoyo - South of the market. The old palace converted into a cemetery is at the end of Jl Masjid Besar, also South of the market. Because Kota Gede is inside the ring road, it is relatively easy to enter: By motorcycle, taxi or becak. If you plan to get there by becak, do not hesitate to rent it for the day! Also, if you want a guide who knows the area like the palm of his hand and who moreover is investing a lot of energy to maintain and revive it, do not hesitate to contact Mr Budiharto: 0274 384 507. If available he will be happy to guide you. Good ride!

Direction to the Old Palace of Kota Gede

the place where the king made his public appearances, is no longer visible. Houses were built on the site. It originally stood in front of the main entrance of the palace. The market, for its part, did not move. The location today is the same location of the first market of Kota Gede. The palace, converted into a tomb, is still a strong center of spiritual and religious focus, especially for residents. Traditional ceremonies are held regularly. It is a treat to visit this area for lovers of traditional dress and Javanese folklore. Today, Kota Gede is primarily known for its jewelry business. One is forging silver, one is elaborating filigree jewels (method of braiding silver thread). This method of manufacture was imported from Europe during the colonial period. The manufacturing centers have remained in Indonesia, and gradually have become a world-renowned expertise. Today, Kota Gede is littered with upwards of a hundred shops, among which the most prestigious HS Silver, Ansor’s Silver or Borobudur Silver.

The direction starts from the center of the Yogyakarta city, Museum Keraton Yogyakarta (King Palace ofYogyakarta. From Museum Keraton Yogyakarta, head east toward Jl. Ngadisuran. Take the First right onto Jl. Ngadisuran. Take the left toward Jl. Kol. Sugiyono. Continue onto Jl. Ngeksigondo. Turn right onto Jl. Kemasan. Continue onto Jl. Mentaok Raya. Turn left onto Jl. Masjid Besar. Turn right. Turn left. Turn left, Old Palace of Kota Gede (King Cemetery) will be on the right.

Javanese Joglo Architecture “Joglo” is the term used for a timeless Javanese structure, traditionally used for homes and living spaces. A joglo has a simple, yet strikingly beautiful design that is rich with philosophical significance. New and innovative architectural design is growing rapidly today on Java, and various models of buildings are invented annually, but the joglo design never loses its enthusiasts. A joglo always consists of several specific parts, and this consistency throughout history indicates that the Javanese have stayed true to the well thought out choices of their ancestors, respecting tradition and acknowledging the wisdom of time - building in a way that blends with the hot tropical environment and provides a cool retreat in the heat of the day. These primary elements are namely: 1. Pendapa (also Pendhapa or Pendopo) 2. Gandok Tengen 3. Gandok Kiwo 4. Pringgitan 5. Dalem 6. Senton “Pendapa” is a open area in front of the joglo, normally separated from the main building, that is a broad flat space covered by a roof supported with columns, but no walls or enclosures. This area is typically used as a meeting place or location for big events held by the host, such as a leather puppet show, dance, gamelan and other celebratory events. The pendapa functions as lobby, coming from the Sanskrit word mendapa, meaning “hall”, and can have a right and left side, known as the “Gandok Tengen” and “Gandok Kiwo”, also without walls and high steeply pitched roofs. “Pringgitan” is the link or “edge” between Pendapa and Dalem, a partition that usually contains that most famous element of Javanese design, the gebyok, or intricately carved wooden doorway, the portal into the family area of the joglo. Pringgitan can be a living room, a hall or open space of some type depending on the wealth of the owner. Passing through the gebyok family members enter the “Dalem”, the primary living space where only immediate relatives will enter; providing the private enclosure where the family conducts most of their daily activities. Inside

the dalem can be a “Sentong” or backroom, which can be for storage, prayer, or sleeping. The open simple structure of the dalem with its high roof and exterior walls allows a lot of flexibility in the placement of partitions for additional privacy, while letting heat from the day rise up to the high roof, keeping the interior relatively cool. Types of Joglo: 1. Joglo Limasan 2. Joglo Sinom 3. Joglo Jompongan 4. Joglo Musicians 5. Joglo Mangkurat 6. Joglo Hageng 7. Joglo Semar Tinandhu Commonly, the joglo is considered a Javanese traditional house, but due to the proximity of the culture, joglos are also found on Madura and Bali (nearby islands). The historical value, philosophical, and uniqueness quality of the joglo makes this building a popular target or the rich, both local and abroad. The most desirable type of joglo for domestic market is the Kudus Joglo, due to the complexity of the carvings. Meanwhile, foreign consumers are more interested in Jogja Joglo, because of its simple design, the carving being placed in specific spots. Besides, the wood of the Jogya Joglo is considered to be stronger and last longer. Their simple design means they can be taken apart and moved with relative ease. Each region in Java island has its own type of Joglo. Joglos from East Java to Solo in Central Java, get a lot of influence from the colonial era, which can be seen by the look of the color pattern. While the joglo style in Kudus is a mixture of Islam, Hindu and Chinese culture. In Yogyakarta, joglos can mostly be found in Kota Gede. People in Kota Gede have the reputation of a balanced residence. The space between one building and another is mutually sustainable. When you go to visit take notice of the roof style on Kota Gede’s joglos, which is different from the ones in other cities such as Solo. The roof in Yogya Joglo is slightly lower than in Solo. It represents to the culture simplicity, modesty, and tranquility - values they cherish and wish to promote daily. JM

“Rare species” of Javanese Street food Pecel: An Indonesia Staple A salad of assorted steamed vegetables smothered in peanut sauce served with crackers or fried tempeh and presented on a banana leaf plate. Mmmm... Sound absolutely delicious? Most Indonesians agree. There is just something about this combination of fresh veggies and spicy peanut sauce that makes the mouth water. A food steeped in tradition and hugely popular all around Java today, Pecel is a must eat for every savvy indonesian tourist. Each plate of Pecel starts with an assortment of vegetables, and while every Indonesian family or restaurant is sure to have it’s own prefered recipe, the most commonly used vegetables for making pecel are; spinach, green beans, kidney beans, basil, cassava leaves, and cucumbers. lightly steamed these vegetables provide a clean crisp taste to correspond with the peanut sauce and serve as the dish’s base. The peanut sauce is generally poured over the veggies according to personal taste. Want to keep it light? Try just a couple of spoonfuls on top. Want a spicy sensation that kickstarts your day? Drench those veggies and get ready for some serious flavor. The peanut sauce used in pecel is as varied as the vegetables, so it’s always a good idea to ask or try a small taste before letting your veggies swim in it. Generally the sauce consists of ground peanuts, mixed with kaffir lime leaves, onions, tamarind, black pepper, and salt. However, this is really just a starting point. Shrimp paste, fish sauce, chilies of varying strengths, and innumerable other ingredients are often used as well.

In Indonesia today, pecel is most commonly relished as a midday snack. When the sun is blazing, pecel provides freshness with a spicy sensation that tickles the tongue and is said to cool the body. Pecel can be found on nearly every major street corner during the day, so its not difficult to grab a bite and at a price of around 5k IDR it is a very reasonable snack as well. If you want to go straight for the most famous pecel restaurant in Jogja make your way to Gajah Mada University and look across from the traditional market located there. You’ll find Sego Pecel Bu Wiryo, which was established in 1959 and has what is arguably the best pecel in town. Piotr Śmieszek

Amazing Keris

If you or I had 200 million rupiah just lying around we might think of buying a nice car or treat our family to an exotic month long vacation. But, for a growing number of museums and rich individuals, Keris collecting has become their favorite way to spend money. The inherent charm of the Keris is undeniable. Often embedded with jewels, made of the world’s rarest woods, and many of them hundreds of years old, these traditional Javanese daggers are true works of art and a sight to behold. And now, with prices frequently escalating to the hundreds of millions of rupiah keris’s have solidified their place among more traditional medians of high value art. However, unlike paintings or sculpture there is a twist to keris collecting even more apparent than their signature curvy blades. According to Javanese tradition there is a special relationship formed between a keris and its owner. Like magnetic poles and invisible chemical bonds, there is said to be a strong unseen force that holds an owner and their keris together. And even more so, it is said that if their auras don’t fit, the keris will refuse to be owned by that specific person all together. For collectors, the ability to collect large quantities of the rarest, most spectacular keris’s is a pride in itself; a display not only of their wealth, but of the quality of their aura as well. During your stay in Indonesia, a trip to a museum or art shop specializing in keris’s is highly recommended. With a history dating back to the 9th century, and with keris’s still being given official “days off ” today, the keris is more than an object of aesthetic beauty - it is a mysterious piece of living art. And who knows, while gazing at a keris’s jewels from behind museum glass the keris might decide that your aura is a better match than its current owner and decide that it really should belong to you. (Of course it would probably be a good idea to check with the security guard to see if he agrees as well…) DL


Coffee House And Resto

Yuis (F&B Manager), Mr. Dika (GM & Owner) & Mrs. Sulcha (Owner)

“To me, the smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the greatest inventions”

-- Hugh Jackman --

For most of us, coffee is the drink that starts our day. But for more and more people coffee is becoming less of a morning tradition and more of a delicacy for the afficionado. With unique blends, complex roasting methods, and state of the art brewing machines drinking a cup of coffee has been transformed from having a drink into relashing a piece of art. Nowhere is this intense passion for coffee more apparent than at LECKER Coffee House and Resto. I caught up with Mrs. Sulcha Prihasti, the owner of LECKER Coffee House and Resto, on Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto and Jl. Tirtodipuran, Yogyakarta to see what i could learn from this coffee aficionado. You also can find LECKER in Jl. Frans Seda, Kupang as a franchise business which will be opened on May 2013. Most English speakers know that there has to be good coffee somewhere on the island of Java, because in

many English speaking countries the word “Java” is synonymous with the word coffee itself. Yet for all the similarities in name, finding a good cup of “Java” in Java can be difficult. This is because most of the islands coffee crops are designated for export and not for local sale and consumption. However, at LECKER I hit the coffee lovers jackpot. Over 20 different kinds of coffee from all of Java’s most famous and highly regarded growing regions. Coffee from Aceh, Medan, Lampung, Mandaling, Borneo, Java, Bali, Flores, and more, you name it. Dark and robust, sweet and mellow, whatever your coffee loving soul desires you will find it here. When I asked Mrs. Sulcha about how she was able to obtain such high quality premium coffee I received a simple intelligent reply, “Each bean of coffee is purchased directly from local farmers”. By dealing directly with the coffee growers before the multinational corporations get involved you make a personal relationship with the farmers and ensure that your getting the best quality beans every time. But, Mrs. Sulcha also explained that there is more to a cup of delicious coffee than location of the bean. The process is also important. When you order a cup of coffee or espresso at LECKER the barista will carefully measure and grind the right amount of beans for your individual cup. By grinding the beans to order you ensure that the beans remain fresh and that every bit of flavor and aroma finds its way directly into your cup.

Get Healthy in A Delicious Way Aside from being a paradise for coffee enthusiast, LECKER is also a place for healthy food lovers. LECKER provides only the best food and ingredients and all cooked without MSG. That bad habit of eating junk food in modern society cause many diseases such as cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, cancer, and so on. Consuming healthy food must be our main concern in daily lives nowadays.

“ Enjoy your moment… from a place to many places...... “

Their commitment to high standard of healthy food is proven by bringing various foodstuffs from abroad. In a dish, you might find potato which is ordered from the United States and Canada, salmon comes from Norway, sausages are from Germany, and pappardelle pasta is bought directly from Italy. Not enough, they also bought a special machine to remove pesticides in vegetables, and dispense cholesterol in meat. Mrs. Sulcha called LECKER Coffee House and Resto as a business by idealism. It is a combination of business, arts, hobby, and passion. All food and beverages here is treated with care and earnest, providing only the best for the customers. Have a try their signature dishes: LECKER Salmon Steak, Fried Rice LECKER, LECKER Kebuli Rice, LECKER Chicken, LECKER Salmon Salad, and many more. For beverage, have a glass of blueberry smoothie to freshen up your day. The wide selection of world cuisine from Europe, China, Indonesia, and Thailand which are served by experienced chefs await to indulge your taste buds. Enjoy their 68 kinds of dishes and 70 kinds of drinks to get fit and healthy in an absolutely delicious way.


- Jl. Tirtodipuran No. 38, Yogyakarta. (Telp. +62 274 386 224) - Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 201, Yogyakarta (Telp. +62 274 622 811) - Jl. Frans Seda, El Tari II, Kupang, NTT (Telp. +62 380 811 0177)


Email: leckerrumahkopi


Javanese Wisdom: Kota Gede


Working to achieve happiness for fellow living beings The history and attraction of Kota Gede, the quaint old town southeast of Yogyakarta city, cannot be separated from the biographies of two main characters in Yogyakarta’s history; namely Panembahan Senopati and his guru and father, Ki Ageng Pamenahan. According to the chronicles of the land of Java (check out the book Babad TanahJawi), it became the chosen spot for the capital and palace of the new Mataram Empire after the fall of the North coast Demak kingdom and the central Pajang kingdom in the sixteenth century. Ki Ageng Pamenahan was a direct descendant of the mighty Majapahit Emperor, BrawijayaV, the last of the Hindu-Buddhist rulers in Java. As a spiritual counselor to the king of Pajang, Sultan Hadiwijaya, he inherited a vast area of fertile forested land named Alas Mentaok. The place had beforehand been predicted and blessed by a respected spiritual hermit, the Sufi Saint Sunan Kalijaga, to become the seat of the next dynasty of Javanese rulers named Mataram; a dynasty that continues today with the contemporary Sultan and Sunan of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Sunan Kalijaga marked the spot where he had meditated and received this vision by planting a banyan tree in a clearing of the forest, nearby a sacred spring with abundant clear water. As Ki Ageng Pamenahan later developed the area it rapidly became a wealthy village that attracted traders and spiritually inclined seekers. He was known as one of the greatest spiritual teachers of the modern Javanese era (starting in the 16th century). Yet he was personally too humble to succeed as a King figure for he was loyal to the Sultan Hadiwijaya the King of Pajang near Kartosuro (Solo). He preferred to merely rule as an Adipati or regent, instilling moral and spiritual bits of culture into the hearts and minds of

his fellow citizens. As such, he is also considered to be one of the great founders of traditional Javanese culture, which touches upon almost all aspects of everyday life of a Javanese community. The elements of secular activities, foremost agriculture, were intimately intertwined with Kejawen spirituality, as physical and socio-political manifestation of the essential values laid out within the Kejawen world view. Ki Ageng Pamenahan merely reproduced, or revived, notions of statehood and leadership which were the developed and adopted way since before the advent of the Hindu Buddhist kingdoms of the ancient past. Kota Gede really started to become important when Ki Ageng Pamenahan’s son Panembahan Senopati, was crowned the new ruler of Java as the King from Mataram. After succeeding his adoptive father, the Sultan of Pajang, Senopati turned vast areas of Central and East Java into vassal states of the Mataram Kingdom. He consolidated the power of Kota Gede by building a Palace, a major market, and large assembly fields (alun alun) as well as developing the economic, military and political backbones of Mataram. His rule lasted only 13 years from 1587 until his death in 1601. The prosperity and power of Kota Gede (meaning ‘Big City’) was designed around an idea that positioned the new capital as the center of the Universe. Orienting the Javanese world as the source of divine power that included all representatives from different regions in the domination, from Surabaya East to the kingdoms of West Java and the Northern coastal states of Pasisir, was an challenging plan and perfect for Senopati. As ruler, he was ambitious indeed, yet his power and divine blessing (wahyu) to rule over this central sacred axis was recognized by friends and foe alike. He convinced everyone of the fact that his spiritual

level was condoned and supported by the most powerful ancestors and spirits of Java. The mythology of the early Mataram Kingdom is suffused with supernatural victories and alliances with spirit armies, the most notorious one is his forced alliance with the Queen of the South Seas, Nyai Ratu Kidul. The Queen, as a chosen representative of Mother Earth (or Kanjeng Ibu) succumbed to the powers and charm of the new human king, and promised her allegiance to him and his descendants ever after on the condition that they respected the Kejawen attitudes and worldview. Islam thus was chosen as the State religion, yet it was adapted to local beliefs and mostly remnants of Hindu-Buddhist practices. For the first time, Kejawen practices were adopted as a common public spiritual culture through the efforts of Ki Ageng Pamenahan and Senopati, two practitioners who had before been confined to their sites in natural spots in the forest.

and Central Java where Senopati and his father practiced the wisdom of Kejawen are still intensively visited by mystical seekers from all corners of Java and Indonesia. More specifically, the royal cemetery of Kota Gede and its attributes all around contribute to keeping alive an identity and a way of life highlighting traditional indigenous knowledge and attitudes. Even the old trades of gold and silversmiths are still alive, as these were intentionally also supported during the Dutch colonial period later after subduing Mataram’s rule of Java.

As part of visions and clairvoyance, Ki Ageng Mataram had trained his son to prepare him to be able to take on the task of building this new type of Kingdom which necessarily had to carry on the spiritual heritage of the old Javanese Kingdoms. This was essential, as the spirits of Java and the revered ancestors would not grant the Wahyu to rule otherwise. It was thus the fate of Senopati to become a Divine ruler, and to this day his example and life stories represent a tremendous inspiration to modern Javanese, especially for those citizens who live in Kota Gede. We could almost brand him with a title of Messiah, as he and some of his descendants, such as his grandchild Sultan Agungwho greatly expanded Mataram (now buried in Imogiri Royal cemetery) are considered leluhur agung (Grand Ancestors). The worship of such great ancestors is part of the deeply rooted Budi Luhur aspect of Kejawen. The sacred spots in nature around the province of Yogyakarta

“Nuladha laku utama , Tumrape wong Tanah Jawi , Wong agung ing Ngeksiganda , Panembahan Senapati ,Kepati amarsudi , Sudane hawa lan napsu, Pinepsu tapa brata, Tanapi ing siang ratri, Amamangun karyenak tyasing sesama “

Senopati was a huge spiritual practitioner, not a day passed without him perfecting his laku (supernatural powers). Assumedly he did this in order to guarantee the wealth of all people within his empire. In line with his exemplary life deeds, the Serat Wedhotomo text written by the 19th century King Mangkunegara IV from Solo, mentions this about Senopati:

or “Imitate the very good deed, on behalf of the people in the land of Java, by the great man of Mataram, Panembahan Senopati, trying to reach a calmed mind, defeating desire and lust, by doing meditation, both day and night, and working to achieve happiness for fellow living beings”. By Patrick Vanhoebrouck and MokoPramusanto

Javanese Health Secrets: Lenglengan Lenglengan is a multi-usage wild plant and one of the many Javanese species of plants that contain medicinal properties. As with other wild plants, lenglengan easily grows just about anywhere. This plant can be found from lowlands until heights below 1,500 meters. It grows seasonally, upright, from 20 to 60 cm high. It has a single lobed leaf, which color is light green. It grows tiny little flowers shaped like tongues, white of color, and arranged in a bouquet of dense growth. The fruit contains a pit, brown of color and seeds are round, small, and black.

External use: The whole plant is washed and then finely ground, for topical use on wounds, sores, and scabies. The physiological effect of the plant is calming. Traditionally the Lenglengan plant was called the “leaves of demon” as it was used to combat symptoms of restlessness and insomnia, which was allegedly caused by the work / disturbance of demons. Local physicians still often use this plant to cope with such symptoms. The plant is also widely used against sleeplessness, especially with children, by means of filling the pillow with dried leaves before bedtime in order for the restless child to sleep soundly. The association of the Lenglengan leaf with demons and mysticism in traditional stories is misplaced, as in reality the plants faculty to calm down nervous or restless persons are attributed to its pharmacological effects which are sedative and calming.

Directions for use: 1. Epilepsy: Wash and boil handful of leaves in 3 cups of water until the water reduces to 1 ½ cups. Let it cool and drink adding sugar to taste. One can drink 3 glasses per day for optimal effect.

The plant has bio-chemical properties and pharmacological effects - tasting bitter, spicy, and considered warmth producing. Benefits: Mainly as a tranquilizer and antiseptic. The chemical components in the leaves and roots contain potent compounds including saponins, flavonoids and tannins. The leaves also contain essential oils. Uses: As a medicine, Lenglengan is used for symptoms such as: difficulty sleeping, restlessness, headache, influenza, cough, whooping cough, diphtheria, heart palpitations, belated menstruation, impaired digestion, worms, diabetes (diabetes mellitus), seizures, epilepsy. Internal use: Boil 10-15 grams of leaves. Let steep and drink.

2. Heat cramps in children: Wash a handful of leaves, finely ground them and add water + salt. Stir until it forms mushy dough and use to scrub the body of children suffering from heat seizures. 3. Headaches and anxiety seizures: Wash and boil a stick of the roots in 3 cups of water until reduces to 1 ½ cups. After cooling down and filtering, drink the concoction by adding sugar to taste first. 3 cups a day. 4. Whooping cough: Wash and boil a stick of the roots in 3 cups of water until reduces to 1 ½ cups. After cooling down and filtering, drink the concoction by adding sugar to taste first. 3 cups a day. If you experience restlessness and worry, try the easy and cheap remedy of Lenglengan weed. Have fun and keep healthy! By Moko Pramusanto

SEPTIM Lembaga Kursus dan pelatihan Seni pengobatan Timur (EDUCATIVE COURSES IN THE ART OF EASTERN HEALING)

A heart of courage and modesty Muh Amin skillfully massages his patient’s foot. Starting from the toes, he methodically moves his way down to the heel, finding a knot in the muscle he applies pressure until it releases and then transitions into soft circular motions to increase blood flow. He will never see his patient’s face, yet through his fingers he knows them intimately; whether they suffer from disease, injury, or simple

fatigue, or whether they are in need of a deep tissue or soft relaxing massage. Bit by bit he learns their story through his sense of touch and treats each patient with individual care. Amin lost his sight during childhood. In the years that followed, he started a family but struggled to support them in his hometown of Purworejo. Finding most professions blocked due to his blindness, Amin decided to take a year long massage course offered by the social services department in 1992 and make massage his profession. After graduation, and at the advice of a close friend, Amin decided to move to a tourist town where he would be able to find a larger customer base. With a profession to his name and

filled with determination, he made his way for Jogja. Yet, life still did not come easy for Amin. When he arrived in Jogja he had no money and had nowhere to stay. He use to sleep on the street, until one fortunate day he came to a mosque in Prawirotaman for Friday prayer. He asked the mosque leader if he could occupy a small room in the back corner of the masque and help clean as compensation. His request was granted, and Amin has lived there ever since. Finding Amin these days is easy. With his friendly demeanor and optimistic outlook, just about everybody in the Prawirotaman area knows and likes him. And as a result of his personality and massage skill they often refer people to him as well. While sometimes people will charge for the referral to see Amin, Amin himself never charges for his services. It is as though the challenges of his life have freed him from the worries that occupy most peoples minds. When asked about a price for his services, he says, “people will pay if they can and want to”. When asked how he feels if he does not get a client during the day, he replies, “I will consider it as a day off and enjoy the break.” As I look at myself and Amin I can’t help but wonder which of us is really the blind person. Most of us will seek and stumble in our pursuit of a profession, rather than simply acknowledging our shortcomings and seeking out our strengths. Most of us will worry about money rather than enjoying our day off. No matter what the world brings you, it will always look better with a friendly demeanor and an optimistic outlook. Deti Lucara

Interview with a Decision Maker

Brahm Italy Owner of Samurai Pro Modelling School Indonesian Address : Jl. Godean km 6 / No. 52, Demak Ijo, Banyuraden, Gamping, Yogyakarta Tel: (0274) 626827

Why, and when, did you decide to dive into What inspired you to build the Samurai Pro the modelling world? modelling school? As a child I suffered from dyslexia and stuttering, I could not talk properly in public, especially during Bahasa Indonesian class in elementary school. My mother chose to send me to a modelling school in Bandung at the age of 4 years, as a treatment for me to build my confidence. I got my first award in a modelling competition when I was in 1st year of Junior High School. Since then, I began to win trophies often - not only in modelling competitions, but also in singing, and Master of Ceremony competitions. I became a cover boy for several teenage magazines like Aneka Yes!, Hai, Femina, and others in late the 1980s and early 1990s. Afterwards, I become a professional model, and began teaching at PAPMI (the first and oldest modelling school in Jogja). So, while initially I joined modelling school to boost my confidence, in the end it became my way of life.

For decades, you have been a master in modelling, how do you see the development of the model from year to year?

Some years ago, we looked more at the attitude of the models. The look, the physical thing, was not the first priority; the most important was to believe in ourselves, disciplined and diligent. These days, everything is seen in terms of the physical value. For a female model, she must have a height of 170-175 cm, while previously a girl with just 165 cm was enough to become a model, but not anymore. For the male models, the more macho appearances are now required.

I built this school because I want to share my knowledge to others. Initially I provided training for village children around my house in Godean in 1992. It was a free training. Anyone can be a model without having to think about the cost. I believe basically each person was born with different strengths and weaknesses. However, these shortcomings can be overcome with a strong sense of confidence. Then, in 1996 I started opening Samurai Pro modelling school to be more professional.

What makes this school is special compared to other schools? Here, we receive everyone gladly. Ranging from children, teens, adults, to mothers. Not just those who are physically attractive for current trends, because here they are not only taught to be a model, but more to the develop their characters and talents. We are here to guide each student to discover their own talents, that is why we also have class for presenter, vocal, dance, and many more.

What kinds of classes and subjects on offer at your school?

We have a basic class, skilled class, and advanced class. The basic class lasts 4-6 months, where students learn about pose techniques, walking techniques, photo sessions, choreography, grooming, makeup and hair do, market models, and self-development. The skilled class is about evaluating their individual performance.

The advanced class is focused on the direction of becoming a professional model.

your self in a decent way, have a good attitude, and also pray a lot. Prayer is important to encourage that success which is based on luck.

Tell us about your student numbers and some of their achievements? What do you like about your job? I have had a lot of students, because the school is open everyday from 11am until 11pm and the classes are always full. Outside of Samurai Pro, our teaching staff here also give lessons at several kindergartens and other schools. Our students’ achievements are extraordinary, almost in every event competition one of our students is a winner. There is a student of the Samurai Pro who is entered as a participant in Idola Cilik Show (singing talent show for kids on national TV), a soap opera actress, some who are becoming a cover boy / girl, and models on the billboards around Jogja streets.

What I love about my job that I can share knowledge and help people develop their characters. In addition to teaching models, I also worked as a physiotherapist in Sardjito hospital on daily basis, helping therapy for people with disabilities. So I like living in two entirely different worlds; one side is the glamor model world, and in the other is the world of the disabled. In addition, I also take the time to teach extracurricular fashion in some schools. I enjoyed all of my professions, because all are about my dedication toward helping others.

We know there are a lot of models today, and it seems that for a moment they are popular but then quickly disappear. Do you have any tips for the models who wish to remain in the public’s focus?

Due to my life’s background as a dyslexia sufferer, I want to devote my life to helping others. That is the motto of my life. My life should mean something to others. Helping others and sharing, it makes my life so meaningful.

Expand your knowledge, never stop learning, join a good agency, always build networking, promote

What is the motto of your life?


What’s up in May 2013 1st May – 12nd May I Made Mahendra Mangku Mem”O”rial Personal Sangkring Art Space Nitiprayan Rt 1 Rw 20 No.88 - Yogyakarta Solo exhibition 1 May – 15 May Figuring Text, Texting Figure Sangkring Art Space Nitiprayan Rt 1 Rw 20 No.88 – Yogyakarta Exhibition organized by Jogja Contemporary st


2nd May , 23rd May KcK – Cine Club at 19.00 Institut Francais LIP Yogyakarta Jl Sagan 3 Yogyakarta 2nd May « Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown», a comedy by Almodovar 23rd May « The 400 Blows » (Children of Paradise), a French Classic film by François Truffaut 5th May Mitos Melankolia – 19.00 – 22.30 LAF Garden Jl. Suryodiningratan No.37 - Yogyakarta Performance from Sarasvati, Sarita Fraya and Melancholic Bitch 7th and 8th May Europe On Screen Institut Francais LIP Yogyakarta Jl Sagan 3 Yogyakarta Films from different european countries 15th May Festival Printemps Français Institut Francais LIP Yogyakarta Jl Sagan 3 Yogyakarta Quatuor Manfred – Classical musik : Schubert, Ravel.

24th May Festival Printemps Français Institut Francais LIP Yogyakarta Jl Sagan 3 Yogyakarta Limousine – Jazz Electro 25th May Vesak Festival Candi Borobudur Vesak basically celebrates as the day of birth, death and the moment when Siddhartha Gautama obtain the highest wisdom to become the Buddha Shakyamuni. 26th May Jogja Bike Heritage – starts at 7.00 Start & Finish at Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel. Annual cycling event held by Provincial Tourism Office of Yogyakarta (Dinpar DIY). Starts at 6.30 from Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Monument, Malioboro, Yogyakarta Kraton, Taman Sari, Wijilan, Pura Pakualaman, Mandala Krida, and back to Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel.

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