Jogja Mag April 2013 edition

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FREE No. 10 April

for Tourists and Expats


Adventures along the Green Canyon 17 years of contemporary art Jogja, the Art and Handicraft heaven Javanese wisdom 97 year old cigarette vendor Interview with a decision maker Also inside : • What’s up in April 2013 • Practical information

+ Map of Yogyakarta

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General Information Monthly magazine Editorial Editor in Chief : S. Pacchiani Contributors : Patrick Vanhoebrouck Narve Rio Piotr Śmieszek Deti Lucara ViaVia cafe Circulation : 5 000 Produced by PT Mindo Jl Suryodiningratan Griya Surio Asri 2 No. A2 - Yogyakarta Tel. +62 274 372 971 -

Advertising: If you want to advertise in Jogja Mag, send email to :

• Adventures along the Green Canyon. 5 • 17 years of contemporary art in ViaVia. 8 • Rare species of street food: Kerak Telor. 10 • Yogya, the Art and Handicraft heaven. 12 • Natural House. 14 • Javanese wisdom. 16 • Javanese Health Secrets. 18 • 97 year old cigarette vendor. 20 • Interview with Nur Kholis. 22 • What’s up in April 2013 in Yogyakarta. 24 • Practical information. 24 • Map of Yogyakarta. 26


In this issue of JogjaMag we explore the wonders of Gunung Kidu. This area offers exceptional panoramas and unique treasures all of our readers are sure to enjoy. Read on.....mystic caves and waterfalls await you.

The Editor

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Destination of the Month Adventures along the Green Canyon Inside Gunung Kidul lies the river Oyo. This moving river snakes its way between plains and hills, collecting water from many tributaries on its way to the sea. In this issue of JogjaMag we’ll take a look at a particular tributary to this majestic river that has caught our attention. Easily accessible and full of splendor, the “Green Canyon” tributary is an adventure all its own. Gunung Kidul attracts many tourists with its abundance of caves. While the total number of caves in this area remains unknown, there are more than a dozen which are accessible to the public and can be easily visited. Goa Rancang Kencana is one of the famoust caves in the area, and is filled with ancient history. For hundreds of years Javanese tradition has held that this is a sacred location, especially valued as a wonderful place for meditation. The first thing likely to grab a visitor’s attention is the giant majestic tree that stands guard at the mouth of the cave. Dominating and picturesque this tree pushes forth from the cave and casts its branches and leaves to both sides as if to try and hide the entrance keeping the cave’s beauty for itself. Push past this tree and you’ll enter into the cave, and as you do, the atmosphere begins to grow damp and warm. With 3 rooms comprising a total underground length

of 45 meters, Goa Rancang Kencana gives visitors plenty of space to explore and walk around. To go inside the last room however the chances are good that you will have to crouch and watch your head. In this last room you will find a plaque stating that this small hot room was a favorite hiding spot for those trying to avoid detection during Indonesia’s anti communist period. Close your eyes and think of how many days, or even weeks you could live in such a warm cramped space. Filled up with ancient history and starting to feel the heat? Great, it’s time to leave the cave and cool off at Green Canyon’s next hidden wonder...

It is possible to swim in the river directly in front of the falls, however please be cautious in doing so the water’s currents can be strong.

To Get There:

Gunung Kidul’s magnificent waterfall “Sri Gethuk”, and its mystic cave “Goa Rancang Kencana” lie about 1.5 hours heading east from Yogyakarta, South West just before you arrive at Wonosari.

Sri Gethuk Waterfall

Sri Gethuk is a majestic waterfall at 1 km nearby the the cave. Once you park your vehicle, just go downstairs until the river. There, you have 2 options: you can go simply, and walk along the canyon until you arrive at the waterfall (roughly 250m) or you can take the luxury route - just take a few steps to the river’s edge and pay the boat toll of 10,000 IDR. Made with plastic barrels for floats, old wooden boards as decking, and employing a large shovel as a makeshift rudder you are now aboard the best boat to Sri Gethuk. After this 10 minute pleasure cruise you will dock at the foot of the basin of Sri Gethuk. Approximately 30 meters high, this waterfall can send down a torrent of water which never stops even during the dry season. There is a large open area to the side of the falls where you can sit and relax as you take in the sights. Or if you’re looking to cool off, there are a number of shallow pools near the falls that offer a good spot for a quick dip.

By motorbike or by car, you will need to take Jalan Wonosari (in the direction of Wonosari). This road is on the east side of Yogyakarta, and can be found off the Ring Road. This road’s endless straight line brings you directly to the feet of Gunung Kidul. There the curves will never stop until you leave the main road. Watch out on the right side and you will see a perfect panorama of Yogyakarta Valley. Stop for a moment if you are not in hurry, as many warungs provide food and beverages with the million dollar view of Jogja below. If you are lucky, you can see the ever present, mostly silent, Mount Merapi in the background. Continue on towards Wonosari - this stretch of asphalt is a treat for roadtrip lovers. Before arriving in Wonosari, follow signs to Playen on the right side. Once you arrive in Playen, follow the directions to Banyusoca, also on the right. There, you will go straight west on a road freshly repaved. You will see indications such as «Sri Gethuk», and simply follow them. Once you reach the entrance, there is a tarif of IDR.10 000/person. This entrance fee includes access to Goa Rancang Kencana, Sri Gethuk, and parking. JM

17 years of contemporary Art in ViaVia As we know, Jogja is the center for contemporary art in Indonesia. With the Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Art Academy in town, low cost of living, and access to the country’s most skilled artisans, our city has become home to a large group of artists and art students. Contemporary art defines the city, especially to those who stay here longer than the average tourist. However, the role of art in Jogja’s society has changed as much over the last few decades as the political and economic landscape. During the time of Suharto, Indonesian art was mostly political, where artists enjoyed some limited freedoms to address social and political issues through their works. In the Reformasi Era, artists and activists flocked to the opportunity to contribute to the process of re-identifying what it meant to be Indonesian in times of optimism, liberation and freedom. The art in this period was often liberating and community based. In the post-Reformasi era, Indonesian contemporary art experienced a boom. National and international collectors alike opened their eyes to the thriving art scene, and many artists have experienced tremendous commercial success. Arguably, this has pushed the Indonesian art scene towards a market economy. At the same time, art has become trendy and fashionable, which can be witnessed at the endless supply of exhibitions and art events throughout the city every week. There are other forces at play in Jogjakarta, which work to provide non-commercial opportunities to artists with the aim of straightening the infrastructure

at the base of Indonesian art, where art continues to play a critical role of society, and artists make art for the sake of art itself. The most notable places are Cemeti Art House, Kedai Kebun and IVAA. ViaVia Cafe in Prawirotaman has, since their beginning in 1996, incorporated contemporary art into its vision for sustainable tourisms. Young, unestablished artists have been given free reign to express themselves on the walls, and sometimes floors and ceilings of the restaurant. The contemporary art confronts the typical idea of Indonesia as exotic and traditional, an image often portrayed by the mainstream tourism industry. In ViaVia, travelers are challenged by the presence of dynamic and contemporary art, which shows Indonesia as a modern society where people have things to say. The idea is that a society has the right to change and move without being questioned about its authenticity and cultural integrity. Through the last 17 years, ViaVia has supported young artists with an opportunity to try, fail and succeed. Artists have been selected based on their concept, not based on previous experience, which has made ViaVia an important stepping stone in the artists’ career in Jogja. On April 20, 2013, the book about 17 years of contemporary art in ViaVia will be launched with an exhibition in the cafe. ViaVia is a small place, but the compilation of art works over the years gives a sweet little keyhole from where we can observe the many changes our city and country have gone through. VV

“Rare species” of Javanese Street food In this episode of the series “Rare Species of Javanese Street Food’’ we discover an unusual Indonesian dish a la Betawi. Betawi is the name for the idigenous people of Jakarta. And since today’s Hero is a dish that is not only rare, but very very rare, I am excited to write a few words about it. If you manage to luckily “hunt” done your local Javanese street vendor that sells Kerak Telor please use this unique opportunity because, presumably, it may never come to you again. Kerak Telor is a traditional spicy and crunchy omelet made from a specific type of glutinous rice cooked with egg and served with “serundeng” (fried coconut) “bawang goreng” (fried shallots) and “ebi” (dried shrimp) for topping. The Kerak Telor history dates back to Dutch colonial times when this simple appetizer was such a luxury that only the wealthy inhabitants of the island of Java were able to afford it. In this episode, each of our samples of Javanese crunchy omelets was made to order by vendor Pak Kerak. He always puts jellied glutinous rice made from beras ketan on his small wok pan and heats it softly on the low heat fire. He then adds an egg with salt and pepper and fries it tenderly without using any cooking oil. When the omelet is fried sufficiently (the secret skill) Pak Kerak sprinkles the whole thing with grated fried coconut and salty dried small shrimps. The real Betawi Kerak Telor is always made on a charcoal fire from a small clay oven commonly known as Tungku Tanah Liat. This omelet can be

made from ordinary chicken egg, but duck eggs, as subject experts’ claim, are considered much more delicious. If you can’t find Kerak Telor on your Jogja streets, you have to visit capital Kota Tua (old town) of Batavia (a.k.a Jakarta) or in the neighborhood of the capital’s Monas monument. Capital Omelet, like most Javanese street food snacks is relatively cheap. Certainly, it does not stretch out even a single dollar (USD) from your wallet. Rush to your Kerak Telor before it is too late! Piotr Smieszek

Yogya the Art and Handicraft Heaven When an English language newspaper in Jakarta solicited a pitch about two cooperating handicraft producers in Yogyakarta, the photographer and I had to do some background research on the matter from whatever information we could find, since the rapid changes in Indonesia and growing interest in Yogya are rather new, and impacts are not well documented. However, it is by now a well known fact that Indonesia is economically and socially among the fastest growing countries in the world, but what repercussions does that have on the arts and crafts scene in our city? From tourism statistics it is easy to see that there must be some impact at least; numbers of visitors to Yogyakarta increased by 128% from 2010 to 2011, reaching more than 3.2 million people who spent time in a hotel. In 2012 almost 60,000 foreign tourists arrived in Yogya through the airport, and the city registered the highest star-hotel roomoccupancy rate in Indonesia at 65%. The level of education in Indonesia is also growing, more people are getting higher education, and for “Kota Pelajar” (Student City) that means ever more students are joining universities here. When Googling the subject you find more and more hits presenting Yogya as an arts and handicraft heaven. We see ourselves that workshops and outlets are popping up all over town in a raging tempo around Sosro Wijayan, in the Prawirotaman area, and in Kraton. The so-called “Integrated Craft Center”, the XT Square on Jl. Veteran, was opened in December last year to host 264 kiosks to double as workshops and outlets and offer zones for crafts, activities and food. We have also witnessed that the creativity and variety of crafts and arts that we find in our daily travels have greatly increased recently. Another example, can be the exuberant celebration of art, the Jogja Biennale XII Equator #2, which will be held from 16th November 2013 to 6th January 2014, attracting worldwide artists for more than 20 days.

Our subjects for the article were a traditional music instrument maker, and an artist who is doing figurative leather carving. They are both in the grey area between art and handicraft, where skills in the crafts are combined with artistry as it is expressed in the finished product, and manifested by the sharing of tools and trades. The instrument maker, Pak Bendot, can easily identify with the changes in Yogya, as demand from students and musicians are increasing and becoming more varied. He gets request for making traditional instruments not only from Indonesia but also to replicate instruments from China, Japan and Korea (for example). The leather crafts maker, Cetul, meets a higherend demand in his creation of beautifully carved leather items that are turned in to high quality artistic wallets and purses, among others. The size of the wallets and purses might reflect the fact that during the latest years there have been plenty of full pockets among the Indonesian population that can afford his products. However, Cetul as well as Pak Bendot, are definitely working in a niche area with their products, far away from where the most buzz is created, for example in film, music, painting, batik, silver crafts, puppetry and drama. Common for them both is that they have slowly but surely drifted into making their main interests into a livelihood, from different backgrounds and into their own niches. Taking the step, from being a carpenter (for Pak Bendot) and being a professional sports athlete and businessman (for Cetul), to become full time arts and crafts producers has meant different introductions to the local scene. But both are now enjoying the vigour and dynamics of the “new Indonesia”. We can conclude that the Indonesian economy is stable and growing, resulting in more local national travel and leisure, along with higher interest from foreign tourists, from which Yogyakarta gets its share and then a little more than that. Narve Rio

Jogja has long been known for its exquisite furniture and handicrafts. With beautiful raw materials, a rich history of artisan technique, and a culture that fosters artistic inspiration, some of the finest furniture and handicrafts in the word come from right here and Jogja. In month’s issue of JogjaMag we met up with Mr. Andre the owner and head designer at Natural House Deco. From this pioneer of the Jogja handicraft industry we hope to find out a little more about the trade and in particular their unique approach to home decor. Raised with an eco-friendly mindset Mr. Andre approaches his work with the idea that he is trying to bring out and accentuate the beauty inherent in nature. He describes it as an effort to combine love, art, and spirit, with what nature provides.

His goal is to create nature-based crafts that show their natural beauty and therefor speak to our desires for a modern minimalist world. Based in Kasongan, an area known as the craft center, Natural House Deco came from humble beginnings to become an up market distributer that sells products all over the world such as Europe, USA and Canada. Today Natural House Deco exports about 50% of its production, the other 50% remains for the growing local market. With products ranging from decorative lights, wall decorations, sculptures, and just about everything in-between Natural House Deco is a place to find all types and classes on home decor. Whenever I tried to pin down their style I would turn the corner and find something totally new. Ethnic concepts, internationally inspired design, and customized pieces can all be found in the same building. Mr Andre is probably right, because he has been rewarded at IFFINA 2013 for “the most inspiring product� Recycling Item category.

When I asked Mr. Andre about the breadth of this work he explained that “choosing the right design concept for home furnishing is an art in itself ”, and that “Ornaments and crafts on display in the house need to represent the character and values of the occupants”. Some people, whether from Indonesia or abroad will match with the Javanese etnic décor, while others will feel more at home with a modern-minimalist western design. Mr. Andre says he’s always happy to help someone pick the style and handicrafts that are right for them, but ultimately the choice should come from the customer themselves. A diverse range of products, quality guaranteed, and good customer service, are their commitment. Their relentless innovation and unique approach are what separate them from the rest. If you are looking to add a unique and artistic touch to the interior of your home, office, or hotel, I suggest you contact them. For those of you who are in Jogjakarta, enjoy this city and get a better understanding of its artisan culture by visiting their workshop and showroom in Kasongan, the Tourism Village. It will be a trip you’re sure to enjoy. JM

Javanese Wisdom: Sri Gethuk


When the piece /rhythm is broken, the act of worshipping the Creator fails In the midst of the Gunung Kidul (or Wonosari) plateau southeast of Yogyakarta city, a small natural wonder occurs in the form of an attractive waterfall. The place is called Sri Gethuk and is situated in the Bleberan sub-district near Playen town. Someone approaching this waterfall will certainly notice the dramatic change in landscape in terms of the ecological biotope this abundant source of water causes. What’s more, if the visit happens during the dry season, the typical brownish Gunung Kidul environment of parched limestone, dry teak-trees and brush vegetation turns into a sparkling green valley slope rich with copious rice fields and coconut trees. One might feel closer to a lush Balinese Subak atmosphere rather than the actual Javanese plateau. The key for this wonder is the waterfall, which is fed by 4 main underground springs. The crystalline water-supply never knows drought, as it flows out of the earth at a regular rate throughout the year. The underground springs which feed the waterfall are the subject of many legends that, to this day, are important reminders for the local population in terms of their relationship with the surrounding nature and the Universe in general. That relationship in the typical Javanese manner includes the physical and the metaphysical realms of Universe. With Sri Gethuk waterfall, the belief is centered on the fact that the water springs are inhabited by colonies of supernatural beings present from time immemorial; long before the arrival of the first human inhabitant. As in all such stories the particular spirit colony of Sri Gethuk is ruled by a King named Jin Anggo Menduro. It is said that these Jin (spirits) are fond of music and

beautiful sound harmonies, and this would explain why visitors to the place can occasionally hear faint sounds of a Gamelan orchestra playing a ladran or gending tune. More than that, some reputed ancestors of the past in Bleberan village were skilled in the mystical knowledge of Kebatinan, and familiar with the Topo Broto practice. They were able to borrow the gamelan from of music from the spirits for the human communities’ events. It is told that this gamelan was used at nighttime for weddings, village ceremonies and initiation rituals, but returned before sunrise to the metaphysical storehouse near the waterfall. The phenomena of hearing metaphysical orchestra sounds played by spirits here in Central Java (a common feature, to be honest) is called Bahasa Jawa Pandulon, or Javanese supernatural Language. The sounds and noises from the other realms can be acknowledged by humans depending on their consciousness level, which is often raised through Kebatinan methods of practice. Another story (dongeng) told locally is that an incident that occurred whereby the gamelan was returned to the spirits, yet some striking tools had been kept by unruly spectators. Thereafter, it became impossible to borrow the gamelan. The deprived community was burdened for a long time as they couldn’t play music at their traditional events, and it took a long time to get the funds together to acquire a new, physical, gamelan. The local population of the Bleberan area is very aware of the miraculous nature of their water’s rich environment, which has been consistently supplying them with fresh drinking and irrigation water for generations - since the first inhabitants settled here.

cave with the Merapi Elders (see JogjaMag…). To this day the cave and the waterfall are the subject of nighttime mystical rituals, and placing of offerings, both by locals during annual ceremonies, and outsiders in search of spiritual wisdom and powers following Kejawen precepts.

These pioneers from the 17th century discovered the spot were freedom fighters and rebels on the run from Dutch Colonial repression. Here the laskar Mataram, led by amongst other a famous knight named Ky Kromo Wongso, survived in the forbidding forests and caves to rest and supply themselves between ambush and warfare activities directed at Dutch Battalions dominating the Royal Yogyakarta and Surakarta Kraton regions. The physical and metaphysical bounty of the place, especially clean water, was the key for their longstanding role in trying to defeating the Dutch. Supernatural protection and invulnerability powers were acquired through Topo Broto practices in collusion with the Spirits of Java and especially the connection of the local Goa Rancang Kencono

The name Sri Gethuk comes from the instrument Kethuk in the Javanese gamelan orchestra, more specifically the one used interchangeably with the Kenong xylophone instrument. The musical and rythmic relationship between Kethuk and Kenong form a starting and ending process in the tembang song structure of the gamelan music. More specifically the Kethuk always initiates the Kenong which follows. Kenong is a divider, in Javanese called tibaning Guru lagu (final syllable in the song or gending). Kethuk – Kenong in the gamelan are crucial in shaping a harmonious sound of a piece due to their unique rhythmic interrelationship. Symbolically applied to the human experience itself, the interpretation suggests that a harmonious rhythm in life will help materialize Beauty. Rhythm or Alignment is the truth, beauty and goodness as long as it contains the values of consciousness as a whole. But if one fails to maintain harmony to Javanese this is like death, devotion and prayer to the supreme Godhead will fail or be fruitless. As described in the sacred text Serat Sastro Gendhing by the 3rd Mataram King Sultan Agung (17th century): “Pramila gendhing yen bubrah, gugur sembahe mring Gusti” which means “When the piece /rhythm is broken, the act of worshipping the Creator fails”. By MokoPramusanto & Patrick Vanhoebrouck

Javanese Health Secrets: Kerokan KEROKAN is a medical treatment that traditionally uses a coin, which is lightly scraped along the surface of the skin of the body in determined areas such as: neck, arm, back-waist, sacrum - buttocks, stomach (abdomen), the folding area ofthe knee (popliteal) - rear legs (gastronomeus) - heel (Achilles tendon). Pressure with the coin is accompanied by applying oil such as coconut oil or olive oil as a lubricant so as not to injure the skin. Kerokan is part of indigenous knowledge. Many Javanese suffering from sickness don’t feel comfortable if they haven’t yet performed a Kerokan. It is often used for symptoms such as bloated abdomen, headaches, light fevers or achy muscles. Javanese call these types of symptoms Masukangin or intrusion of winds. “Winds” in holistic medicine are to be understood as External Causes of Disease, such as air-drafts, cold, and humidity, which enter the skin and cause an unanticipated reaction on the Organ meridians. The effect of Kerokan is to pressure certain key points on those meridians that will effect better circulation of blood and oxygen through afflicted areas. Dead skin also gets removed in this process. According to medical research, the effect of Kerokan on the endorphin glands is significant, and when this hormone is activated a feeling of warmth, stimulation and tonification will lead to a more comfortable state. The enzyme Prostaglandin decreases by the application of Kerokan, which has direct effects on the tension on specific muscles, especially below the abdomen, and on localized spots where it reduces stomach acid and contractions in pubic muscles. Usually the kerokan scraping with the coin is done from high to low and left and right, away from the spine, making parallel lines on the left and right of the spine. The coin is held at a 45 degree angle so the scraping is not too injurious to the skin. According to the science of acupressure, the dorsal area (thoracic) contains energetic points for

the organs such as lungs, heart pericardium, heart, liver, spleen pancreas, kidneys, large intestine, triple energizer, small intestine, gallbladder, stomach and bladder. So when the kerokan hits these areas, heat spots will indicate the smooth current of energy which in turn strengthens the immune system to an optimal level.

Kerokan treatment using a coin One important element of the therapy is the emotional bond between the doer and the receiver of the Kerokan. A mother treating her kid with kerokan in an effective and caring scenario; representing a bio-psychosocial component which is often ignored in modern medicine. For kerokan of kids below the age of 5, the coin is replaced by an application of crushed red onion mixed with salt and coconut oil, which is applied on similar areas, bringing about feelings of comfortable warmth which then encourages peaceful sleep. SALAM KESEHATAN ! By Moko Pramusanto and Patrick Vanhoebrouck

97 year old cigarette vendor His body is no longer upright, his feet is no longer strong, but he walks vibrantly through the crowd in Malioboro without doubt. Mbah Sis, that’s how people call him (Mbah is short for Simbah which is a greeting for the eldery in Java), is a 95 years old, the oldest cigerette seller in Malioboro. He walks around Malioboro for nearly 50 years, carrying a wooden box with straps worn around the neck containing a variety brands of cigerette. Tukiran Prapto Siswoyo is his fullname. A friendly old man who always smiles and laughs, was born on September 29th, 1918. The difficulties of financial situation and obligation to raise a grandchild encouraged him to keep working every night hawking cigarretes. He began selling cigarretes since Suharto became President in 1966, The New Order now has passed for 15 years, times have changed, but Mbah Sis is still selling cigarettes. Mbah Sis never wants to bother other people, he always sort everything out independently. Around 7-9pm he could be found near Tugu Train Station and Mangkubumi Street. After 9pm, he used walking around Malioboro-Sosrowijayan Street. He stops by for a moment at some cafes in Sosrowijayan to unwind and chat with the tourists. While occasionally exhaling cigarette from his lips, and punctuated with chuckled proudly showing his toothless grin, Mbah Sis is a delight person to talk to. He loves meeting and talking with new people even if he could not speak English. A good nature and kind-hearted is what makes Mbah Sis is well-known in Malioboro area. Everybody loves him and sympathized to him. He always takes life easy although he struggles all the way long. Before selling cigarrete, Mbah Sis was previously a telegraphist for General Post Office in Yogyakarta. One day, he got a highly secretive telegram to be conveyed directly to President Sukarno, who was then based in the Great House of Yogyakarta. At the early time of Indonesian independence, the state capital was moved to Yogyakarta (1946-1949) for security reason, eventhough in this city the Dutch army also kept pounding the Indonesian army. Mbah Sis was

in hurry to deliver an important telegram directly to President Sukarno. He was determined not to give the telegram to anyone except the President itself. His determination enabled him to persevere through the guard at the presidential palace. President Sukarno received immediate arrival of Mbah Sis and opened the telegram in front of him. Mbah Sis didn’t understand the contents of the telegram because everything was written in numbers. But apparently it is a secret message reported the attack plan of the Dutch army over Yogya within a few days ahead. After reading the telegram, the President asked Mbah Sis to take 3 days off. Apparently within 3 days, the Dutch troop invaded Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is a witness to history, as well as Mbah Sis. His old eyes witnessed many changes along Malioboro, the legendary tourist area, from time to time. Through his lips flows smoothly story after story of how Malioboro changes. Although times change, Mbah Sis’s life remains the same. He believes each era has its own challenges, not to regret the past or worry about the future that has not come. Enjoy the present fully and live without worries is his main recipe of longevity. He says, everything depends on the heart and mind. If we are free ourselves from hate and anger and sad, all the entire body will work optimally. Perhaps in this modern era we have to humbly learn about life from him, to accept life as it is and always be grateful for all we get.

Interview with a Decision Maker

Nur Kholis General Manager of Yamaha Sumber Baru Motor Indonesian Address : Jl. Pangeran Mangkubumi 22B, Yogyakarta Tel: 0274-555652-3, Fax: 0274-513462

JM: How many dealers are under the banner of Yamaha Sumber Baru Motor? Yamaha Sumber Baru Motor is the largest Yamaha dealer in Yogyakarta and Kedu. The number of dealers in both regions is 35, with 25 dealers located in Yogyakarta and 8 dealers in Kedu. JM: How long you become a GM? I became GM in 2010. My career started as an AR (Account Receivable) in a Suzuki dealer in Semarang, then I became Branch Manager in Jepara. Before the monetary crisis, the rank of Suzuki was second, after Honda, meanwhile Yamaha was in the third market position. After the financial crisis, many Chinese motorcycles came in to the market, and I moved to Viar under the management of Mataram Sakti in 2001. Then, in 2002 Mataram Sakti began opening a Yamaha dealership, and I moved to the Yamaha division as Branch Manager of Kebumen from 2004-2009. Early in 2010 I was pulled into a management position as GM of Yamaha center for the Yogyakarta and Kedu region. JM: What are a few marketing strategies that you apply to increase sales? I apply some strategies, ranging from improving the quality of human resources, to improving customer service, and building CSR programs to get closer

to the community. For customer service, we also have a shuttle service for the motor to be serviced or repaired after damage. Anyone can contact our Call Center at 0882804922 for any assistance. And for CSR, we have program “Mbagun Desa with Sumber Baru Motor�, where we help preserve traditional arts, such as jathilan. We also hold events to clean the villages and help by providing the trash bin, etc. Once the community base is formed,our next target in 2013 is mostly showbiz; introducing the new products of Yamaha. We will do a product launch in subdistricts, with entertainment events, free motorcycle services, test drives, and so on. JM: How much the growth was there in 2012 compared with 2011? And what are your growth targets this year? Our growth is up about 10 - 15 % in 2012. While in 2013, we are targeting growth of 20%, since there are some new products launched this year. JM: What is the average monthly sales of Yamaha motorcycles? On average we sell about 3,500 units of motorcycles per month. Meanwhile, the total motor needs in Jogja every month is around 8,000 units. That means we’re almost holding a 50% market share, and we still have a lot of growth potential.

JM: Which type of motor is the “best selling�? Motor matic the biggest contributor to sales numbers, with a percentage of 51% of total sales. Motor Mio-J is the motor of the most widely purchased. The second most favorited motor is Soul GT. JM: What distinguishes Yamaha Sumber Baru Motor with other Yamaha dealers? We are the biggest dealer with experienced staff and outstanding customer service. Our mechanics have always come out as winners in the competition of International Technical Grand Prix (ITGP) at the regional level (Yogyakarta and Central Java) since 2007, the national level since 2010, up to the world level. In 2012, we sent our mechanics to compete in the International ITGP championship in Japan, and we won second place in the world Yamaha mechanic category. It is an assurance that our mechanics are experienced, professional, and reliable.

JM: What is the ratio of motorcycle buyers on credit and in cash? The comparison is about 60% buying on credit, and 40% in cash. Not a problem for me, because I know many people have economic difficulties, so we try to facilitate them getting the motorcycle in affordable way. So far we haven’t had any trouble with bad credit. JM: Do you have any driving tips for Yamaha users? For our customers, please understand safety riding, use SNI helmets, service your vehicle regularly, and do not overly modify your vehicle. All manufactured vehicles have followed security standards, if modifications are done to extreme levels involving the replacement of spare parts and even an engine, then we can no longer guarantee if the vehicle will work optimally. For those who love motorcycle modification, please consider this first. JM

What’s up in April 2013 1st April until 5th April Turning Targets #4 - Collecting Rain

Cemeti Art House / Rumah Seni Cemeti Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41, Yogyakarta 55143 Mini collection of works, mainly dominated by works on paper. Major artists actively promoted by Cemeti will be included in this collection.

1st April until 15th April Path of Journey

Tirana House Fashion, Art & Creativity Jl Suryodiningratan 55 YK Solo exhibition by Tina Wahyuningsih

4th, 18th April KcK – Cine Club - Starts at 19.00 twice a month

Institut Français LIP Yogyakarta Jl Sagan 3 Yogyakarta 4th April « Two Days in Paris », a Romantic comedy by Julie Delpy 18th April « Les Enfants du Paradis », (Children of Paradise), a French Classic film : the story of a beautiful courtesan, Garance, and the four men who love her in their own ways: a mime artist, an actor, a criminal and an aristocrat…

9th and 10th April Forum BD

Institut Français LIP Yogyakarta Jl Sagan 3 Yogyakarta Comics workshop, seminar and exhibition with the french comic artist Simon Géliot.

12th April until 15th May Mahendra Mangku

Sangkring Art Space Nitiprayan Rt 1 Rw 20 No.88 Ngestiharjo, Bantul Yogyakarta Solo Exhibition by Mahendra Mangku.

20th April Playing With Mind

Tirana House Fashion, Art & Creativity Jl Suryodiningratan 55 YK Solo Exhibition of Karya Tina Wahyuningsih (Boneka & Lukisan / Dolls & Painting).

20th April 17 years of contemporary art in ViaVia ViaVia Cafe Jl Prawirotaman 30 Yogyakarta

The book about 17 years of contemporary art in ViaVia will be launched with an exhibition in the cafe.

24th April Opera Night - starts at 19.00

Institut Français LIP Yogyakarta Jl Sagan 3 Yogyakarta Discover the fascinating world of opera through films extracts and many surprises with Vincent McDermot (opera composer) and Xavier Ricard (former opera stage director in Paris).

Every Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday Ramayana Ballet Performance 7.30pm - 9.30pm Taman Wisata Candi Prambanan Jl. Raya Yogya-Solo km 16 Prambanan Cultural performance managed to combine the diversity of Javanese art in forms of dance, drama and music.

Practical information

Police: 110 Ambulance: 118 Fire brigad: 113 Emergency: 112 Immigration office: 0274 - 487 165 International Hospital: 0274 - 446 3535 Kota Yogyakarta Hospital: 0274 - 371 195 Red cross: 0274 - 379 212 Tourism information: 0274 - 513 543 Tugu train station: 0274 - 589 685 Airport: 0274 - 484 261 Jas taxi: 0274 - 373 737 Asa taxi: 0274 - 545 545 Sadewa taxi: 0274 - 376 107 Indrakelana taxi: 0274 - 564 572 Money changer: 0274 - 561 155 Yogyakarta city government: 0274 - 562 811

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