Answers To Biblical Contradictions Contradictions 1 to 55
Contradictions 56 to 99
God is 56. Obedience to satisfied/unsatisfied masters/obedience with his works only to God 2. God dwells/dwells 57. There is/is not an not in chosen temples unpardonable sin 3. God dwells in 58. Man was created light/darkness before/after other 4. God is seen/unseen animals and heard/unheard 59. Seed time and 5. God is tired/never harvest never tired and rests/never ceased/ceased for rests seven years 6. God is/is not 60. God/Pharoah omnipresent and hardened Pharoah's omniscent heart 7. God does/does not 61. All Cattle and know the hearts of horses died/all cattle men and horses did not die 8. God is/is not all 62. Moses feared/did powerful not fear Pharoah 9. God is 63. Plague killed changeable/unchange 23000/24000 able 64. John the Baptist 10. God is just/unjust was/was not Elias or partial/impartial 65. Father of Mary's 11. God is/is not the husband was author of evil Jacob/Heli 12. God gives 66. Father of Salah freely/witholds his was Arphaxad/Cainan blessings 67. Thirteen/Fourteen 13. God can/cannot be generations from found by those who Abraham to David
Contradictions 100 to 143
100. Michal had five children/one child 101. David was tempted by the LORD/by satan to number Israel 102. Number of fighting men in Israel was 800,000/1,100,000, number of fighting men in Judah was 500,000/470,000 103. David sinned in numbering Israel/David never sinned except in the matter of Uriah 104. One of David's penalties for sinning was seven years of famine/there were only three years of famine 105. David took 700/7000 horsemen 106. David bought a threshing floor for 50 sheckles of silver/600 shekles of gold 107. David's was to endure forever/David's throne was cast down 108. Christ is equal/is 1