ResponsiveEnvironments_Body Perception_Case Studies

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Responsive Environments Assignment 1 Saurabh Mhatre MDeS_Technology 2015

The Eyes of the Skin -­‐Juhani Pallasmaa

The Tactilu Wristband panGenerator

Tactilu, a bracelet for remote tactile communication. Using Bluetooth or a Wi-­‐Fi connection, the bracelet is capable of transmitting the touch between two individuals. The system is comprised of two elements: a bracelet that sends data and a bracelet that receives data. A touch sensor located on upper side of the bracelet coverts swipes into tactile or haptic motion for the user with the receiving device.

The Good night Lamp Alexandra Deschamps-­‐Sonsino

What does it do? Turn a Big Lamp on and Little Lamps you’ve given away to loved ones around the world turn on too. Use it to tell your family in another time zone that now’s a good time to talk, give a Big Lamp to your grandmother to keep tabs on her daily routine or give a Little Lamp to a colleague so he knows when you’re still in the office. Collect your friend’s Little Lamps and watch them turn on and off as they come home, go out or go to bed. You’ll never come back to an empty home again.

Constellaction panGenerator Tired of interactive installations driven by the complexed, centralised software and hardware and strived for something that generates intricate emergent behaviours based on very simple and autonomous building blocks. And that’s how CONSTELLACTION was born.

Results. The rules of behavior are dead simple -­‐ if the tetrahedron detects sudden change of light intensity ( caused for example by casting shadow or pointing a flashlight ) it blinks for a short period of time with fixed delay, additionally making a sound. When there are other tetrahedrons nearby they might catch this light and pass it further, giving an effect of a “light wave”. The high-­‐level patterns are built upon this simple rule and are shaped by the participants playing with the installation consisted of 400 blinking tetrahedrons. In result the CONSTELLACTION “shape” evolved and branched during the evening, depending on the creativity and decentralized, collaborative effort of the whole audience, effectively showing what’s emergence is all about.

The main, and only component of this interactive installation/ experience is small, vacuum formed tetrahedron. Inside there is a custom made electronics driven by ATtiny24A microcontroller working with voltages as low as 1.8V,For light detection we’ve used three standard photo resistors. On top of that was as tiny buzzer making some noise along with the blink. As for power supply two CRC2032 batteries were used, and thanks to heavy power consumption optimizations (such as utilizing watchdog timer) the tetrahedrons are working even today -­‐ a month after the event.

Capacitive body 2 Mar5n Hesselmeier

Capacitive body is a modular light system that reacts to the sound of urban spaces. Each custom built module consists of a piezoelectric sensor, a high bright electroluminescent wire and a microcontroller. The sensor is used to measure the vibration of a solid body. This data is transformed to the luminance of the wire. For a first test run we installed five modules of the system at the Tschumi Pavillion in Groningen, which is situated in a public place in the center of the city. Here we attached one module at each side of the glass shell, whose vibrations are triggered by the traffic noise of its environment. With the electroluminescent wires we built a new dynamic space inside the rigid body. In this setup we use the sensor data to trigger the on/off rhythm of each light wire. Thereby a visual feedback of the aural activity of the pavilion's environment is given to the observer of the system.

Bit.Fall Julius Popp

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