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Once you have started your medical training, the SMA has a range of benefits available to you and your family. By joining the SMA, you automatically become a member of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) and can access all the comprehensive products, services and resources of that membership as well.

Bursaries and grants

Family Medicine Resident Bursary Program - Successful medical resident candidates can receive bursary support to a maximum of two years of funding. Upon obtaining licensure, bursary recipients are required to provide a return-in-service commitment in rural, northern or regional Saskatchewan. The deadline for application is October 31.

Special Needs Loan Program - This program provides assistance to students and residents training to practise medicine in rural, regional or northern Saskatchewan and is intended to be a last resort financial option, having exhausted other funding options.

Rural and Regional Physician Enhancement Training Program - The Rural and Regional Physician Enhancement Training Program provides funding for two second-year family medicine residents to complete a third year of training to enhance their skills in obstetrics, anaesthesia, general surgery, emergency medicine, geriatrics or psychiatry.

MD Financial Management

MD Financial Management offers investment expertise and a wide range of financial products and services to resident members and their families. They can specifically address resident needs through their financial planning service and debt-management expertise.

Physician Support Programs

The SMA supports the health and well-being of physiciansin-training through a range of programs and services. Confidential referral, assessment, treatment and ongoing supports are available to residents and their families. Please

see page 12 for more information.

Governance and leadership

The SMA meets with the Resident Doctors of Saskatchewan (RDoS) and its executive regularly in an effort to maintain an ongoing communication link regarding resident issues. Through elections by RDoS, post-graduate residents are represented on various SMA committees including the Representative Assembly (the SMA’s parliament), the Legislation and Policy Committee, the Committee on Rural and Regional Practice, the Physician Health Program, and the Specialist Recruitment and Retention Committee, and have observer status on the Board of Directors.

Resident leadership

CMA membership provides residents access to a range of programs to develop their leadership and advocacy skills. They also get opportunities to provide their perspective on important health issues and help the CMA better represent the profession. Learn more at: www.cma.ca/student-and-resident-leadership

Dr. Neil Kalra, radiology

Find out more at www.sma.sk.ca • Bursary and grant eligibility requirements • Learn more about SMA physician support programs.

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