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Structure and governance

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Roadmap Program

Roadmap Program


Saskatchewan Medical Association members provide direction and guidance to the organization through the Representative Assembly and a number of different committees.

Representative Assembly The Representative Assembly is the governing body of the Saskatchewan Medical Association. It consists of representatives from regional medical associations, specialty sections and medical students and residents. It is given the authority to act for the entire membership as it considers fit and proper and in the interest of members.

The Representative Assembly sets the direction of the SMA. It elects the SMA Board of Directors and approves the annual budget, including membership dues and policies regarding reimbursement of expenses to individuals providing services to the association. It is also responsible for appointing the association’s auditors.

Board of Directors and committees The Board of Directors is responsible to the Representative Assembly and exercises all powers of the association and the Representative Assembly between meetings. Responsibilities of the Board include establishing policies relating to the collection of membership dues and nomination and election of district delegates, expending funds as provided in the annual budget and engaging personnel to carry on the administration of SMA business. SMA committees vary in scope and deal with the details that accompany the policies established by the Board of Directors.

Staff The SMA staff manages the day-to-day activities of the association, and works toward the strategic priorities set out by the Board of Directors.

2019-20 Board of Directors

Executive President - Dr. Allan Woo, Saskatoon Vice-President - Dr. Barb Konstantynowicz, Regina Honorary Treasurer - Dr. Eben Strydom, Melfort Past-President - Dr. Siva Karunakaran, Regina

Board of Directors Dr. Pam Arnold Dr. Geethan Chandran Dr. Annette Epp (on leave) Dr. John Gjevre Dr. Andre Grobler Dr. Carla Holinaty Dr. Crystal Litwin Dr. Naeem Parvez Dr. Guruswamy Sridhar (CMA Representative) Vacant (RDoS Representative) Ms. Daisy Ko (SMSS Representative) Dr. Janet Shannon, Chair of the Board of Directors

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