Nominations are open now until August 18.
Do you know a fellow parishioner who would be an excellent candidate to serve on the Vestry or as a Delegate to the annual Diocesan Convention? If so, learn more about what it means to serve in these roles, find out what the candidates’ requirements are, and gain an understanding of the nomination process.
The Diocese of Dallas is seeking a Bishop Coadjutor to work alongside Bishop Sumner and succeed him upon his retirement. To inform the search process, the diocese is asking for your input. Your responses will help the Search Committee develop a profile of the skills, qualities, and gifts that the diocese seeks in its next bishop. Please take this 20-minute survey that is open until July 29.
Tuesday, August 6 | 6 p.m.
*Incense will be used at this service
The Feast of the Transfiguration commemorates Jesus’ unveiling as the Son of God and his radical change of appearance while in the presence of Peter, James, and John while on a mountaintop.
The Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso, agrosso@saintmichael.org Dr. Tim Smith, tsmith@saintmichael.org
Saint Michael offers Adult Formation classes on Sunday mornings and hosts group meetings throughout the week for every age and stage of life. Explore these offerings and discover ways to grow in your discipleship.
Rob Springer-Kyle, rspringer-kyle@saintmichael.org
Young Adult Ministry is a place to pray, learn, serve, and give in the context of genuine community as you grow your relationship with God and others.
Sam Moore, smoore@saintmichael.org
Wednesdays | 7:30 p.m.
FC Dallas Game | Toyota Stadium
Transportation will be provided to and from game Youth Group will be going to the FC Dallas game in Frisco. Registration is available on youth page.
Every day we are making significant progress on Saint Michael’s unprecedented Building our Future construction project. We are about to embark on the last stretch of Phase 1, and it’s important that you know what to expect, so together, we can continue in community worship and have fellowship with one another.
Beginning Monday, July 22 there is a big shift in how you enter and leave the church building – especially on Sundays.
Visit saintmichael.org/construction-impact or click the QR code to find out what you need to know.
The Rev. Robin Hinkle, rhinkle@saintmichael.org
Help our food bank partners with distributions to assist low-income families living on the edge of economic security. Contact Morgan Milan at mmilan@saintmichael.org to join the team.
North Dallas Shared Ministries Fourth Tuesdays, July 23 | 1 – 3 p.m.
Jubilee Park and Community Center Food Pantry Fourth Saturdays, July 27 | 9 a.m. – Noon
Saturday, July 27 | 8 – 11 a.m. or 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. 9507 Overlake Drive
Saint Michael is proud to host an arts and crafts project for students of all ages as part of this annual event that helps prepare families for a successful school year. We invite you to volunteer with us to make a real difference in this community. Please sign up online to join us.
North Dallas Shared Ministries School Supply Distribution: Saturdays, August 3 & 10 | Between 7:45 a.m. – 4 p.m
Megan Houk, mhouk@saintmichael.org
Children & Family Ministry at Saint Michael provides parents and children, ages 0 – 5th grade with the tools they need to become faithful disciples of Christ. Fun and interactive programming allows families to deepen their connection with each other, God, and the Saint Michael community. Learn more and sign up for the CFM newsletter.
The Rev. Greg Pickens, gpickens@saintmichael.org
Led by Gayl Braymer, gaylbraymer@gmail.com
Mondays, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Volunteer in two-hour shifts to distribute school supplies for DISD students. Ask a friend or family member to help DISD students get ready for school. Students can receive community service hours. Sign up online.
North Dallas Shared Ministries School Uniform Distribution: July 29 – August 2 & August 5 – 9 Monday – Friday | 7:45 a.m. – 4 p.m
Volunteer at NDSM to distribute school uniforms to 2,000 DISD students. Two-hour volunteer shifts will be available Monday – Friday each week. Students can receive community service hours.
First and Third Tuesdays at 1 p.m. | 1818 Corsicana Street
A faithful group of men from Saint Michael host a Bible Study at The Bridge for men who are struggling with homelessness. We provide coffee and donuts and social support, while the class is taught by a local pastor. If you have been feeling called to help with our homeless community, come be a part of our good work at The Bridge! Contact Robin Hinkle for more information.