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CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT TO RIGHT "Officer Jay" enjoyed his last Sunday on duty here at Saint Michael—we are so grateful to Jay and his Dallas Police colleagues who work to ensure we are safe; Vice Rector Ken Brannon welcomes those worshiping in person at the 11 a.m. Contemporary Service, Acolyte Layna waiting for the procession; on-set with Ross Taylor and Rector Chris Girata, recording segments for the "Building the Kingdom" Stewardship2021 Campaign.
CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT TO RIGHT One of our younger parishioners, Alexandra, captivated as she engages the Cherub Choir weekly online stream from CFM & Music, with Madelyn Ivy, Monica Awbrey, and Regan Wallace; Congratulations to Evelyn for being named a Frontline Hero by D Magazine—"what a gift you are to our Jubilee community. Thank you for all you do to make us stronger every day!" The Men of Saint Michael (MOSM) busy studying on Zoom; Fr. Michael Harmuth blessing a poochie at the Blessing of the Animals event; our new pandemic reality won't stop us from worshiping, and Fr. Eric Liles also blessing the animals!