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THE REV. BOB SCOTT With gratitude, we celebrate your ministry with us and send you with love and blessings for your next chapter!

Dear Parish,

I’m writing to you with the news that the Rev. Bob Scott will be leaving his position as Associate for Worship and Liturgy at the end of October. In August, Bob and his family experienced the tragic and sudden death of his son-in-law. After a lot of thought and prayer, Bob and Jann have decided to return to Tulsa where they can live near and support their daughter and two grandchildren.

I am so grateful for the time we’ve had with Bob and Jann. Having been longtime members and volunteers at Saint Michael before leaving for Oklahoma more than two decades ago, Bob's return as a priest to serve with this community has been a gift. Bob’s time with us has been special and will be remembered fondly.

Although we can’t have the farewell party we wish we could, you are invited to celebrate Bob’s ministry during the 9 a.m. service on October 11th.

As Bob and Jann make plans to return to Tulsa, please join me in giving thanks for their ministry among us and lift them in prayer for their next chapter. Our our family and assist their recovery from this tragedy.

love and support go with them, as does our faith in the healing power of God.

With hope, ing and support of our difficult decision. I ask for your prayers and support as we begin this transition. In the meantime, I will work diligently to make sure the ready for new leadership. I also would like to thank my

The Rev. Christopher D. Girata Rector

Dear Parish,

As many of you know, our family has gone through a very traumatic last 30 days. On August 7, our son in law died unexpectedly from a massive stroke. Since then, my wife has spent most of this time in Tulsa supporting our daughter and her two children, who are 14 and 11. Having spent the last 13 years in Tulsa before moving back to Dallas last August, Jann and I are very close to our daughter and grandkids, having spent a great deal of time together during that time.

Although our time at Saint Michael has been rich and rewarding, both getting reunited with our many friends from years past, and working at the church as a member of the excellent staff and clergy team, we have had to make a After much deliberation and prayer, Jann and I have come to the decision that we are needed in Tulsa full time to support

I am grateful for Chris and Ken, and their understandCurrently, my last day at Saint Michael will be Friday, October 23.

Worship and Liturgy department will be in good order and difficult decision.

Assistant and friend for over 30 years, Dianne Boyd. She is a talented member of the team and I am so grateful for her diligence and expertise.

You will all be in my prayers that Saint Michael will continue to thrive and become all that God intended it to be.

Best regards,

The Rev. Bob Scott Associate for Worship and Liturgy

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