Last year, I noted that we are moving in a new direction for our annual report. Instead of creating a piece that simply reports the business of the year, we are shifting to a piece that reflects the culture and mission of our church community. We want the annual report to be an impact report of who we are and how we engage with one another and the world around us. As we did last year, we’ve taken another step in that direction. We will continue to be transparent about the necessary business of our church while also seeking to point in the direction of our shared mission and ministry in the world.
In 2024, we took two big steps into our future. First, the tangible: We completed the first phase of our historic building project, as well as beginning the second phase, with work that will continue into 2026. Second, the spiritual: We began to move toward a culture of discipleship that I hope will transform who we are individually and corporately.
December 2023 saw us kick off Phase 1 of our Building the Future capital project. The first phase of our project focused primarily on the Education Building. We spent the winter and spring of 2024 preparing the Education Building for the building blitz that hit it in the summer. Timed so that we could keep church and school students in the building as long as possible, we compressed most of the renovation work into a very tight window between the 2023–2024 and 2024–2025 school years. Countless people helped coordinate the complex work, and we successfully reopened the Saint Michael Episcopal School after Labor Day, with Church classes beginning just a few weeks later. What a whirlwind of activity!
The excitement didn’t stop there. Before we even reopened the Education Building, we began the work of Phase 2. The second phase of our capital project is nearly 80% of the total work and will continue into 2026. Phase 2 remakes the entire flow of our campus, making our
building smarter and more supportive of our shared mission. You’ve likely seen the massive excavation happening in the center of our campus—an exciting site for all, especially from the second floor classrooms of our education building. At the end of 2024, I’m very pleased to report that the construction project is on schedule and on budget.
Our construction project would not be possible without the generosity of so many members of our church community. When we began our capital project, we knew that the goal of the project—both the physical work planned and how much money we needed to raise to do it all—was bold. I firmly believe that our bold spiritual life required a bold goal for the future, and by the end of 2024, we officially raised enough money to cover the total cost of our project! That is an incredible achievement and one that only happened because of the faithfulness shown by all those who committed themselves to the work.
As you might imagine, with all that work happening, how we navigate the campus shifted. I am so grateful to the staff and volunteers who have so joyfully committed themselves to making our changes so smooth for everyone seeking God in this place. The work of our church might appear to be focused on construction, but the building is always only in service of our sacred mission to extend God’s kingdom of love as far as we can, which takes me to the second big step we took in 2024.
Discipleship has always been key to the Christian church. Jesus’s final charge to his disciples before his ascension was, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them everything I have taught you (Mt 28:19–20).” Forming disciples of Jesus
Christ is our most sacred call, and we are recommitting ourselves to that call in very real ways.
In 2024, our engagement increased in every way. Our worship attendance increased, our volunteerism increased, our classes increased, and our giving increased. That increase, even in the face of so much change—the physical shifting on our campus, in addition to the major capital raise—is a small miracle in and of itself. Yet that small miracle is nothing like the power of Christ. God’s Spirit is in this place, and we are beginning to sense the future momentum of our sacred work.
Last fall, you began to hear the priests speak more explicitly of discipleship. Rather than speaking of discipleship intangibly, we have developed and are beginning to use plain language to encourage growth. The Pillars of Discipleship are now being used when we preach and teach, and we are thrilled that parishioners use the pillars in conversation around the church.
The four pillars—pray, learn, serve, and give—are now animating us in fundamental ways. These guiding principles are anchored firmly in our baptismal covenant and provide a sure foundation upon which we can thrive. You will continue to see the discipleship pillars used to lead us into our future, and that begins now. This annual report will be guided by the discipleship pillars to tell the story of the past year, as well as to inspire the years to come. I hope the work we’ve accomplished will be an inspiration to you in this new year, and that we can confidently look back once again next year and celebrate with gratitude how much we have grown.
e have so much to be grateful for at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church! Our community is growing in discipleship. Specifically, this means our members are attending church regularly, participating in classes, volunteering in the community, and making a financial pledge to our campaigns (annual and capital). Your faithfulness is not only good for your soul, but also for the souls who are taking the journey with you. Thank you for the tangible ways you are following Christ and transforming the community around you.
From a leadership perspective, we are very clear about our Core Focus, Core Values, 10-Year Target, 3-Year Picture, 1-year Plan, and Quarterly Rocks (priorities).1 This strategic blueprint is developed with regular input from parish leaders, reviewed quarterly, and reconsidered annually. In 2024, we made major progress in the following areas:
• Set an ambitious capital campaign goal and invest time, energy, and resources to meet the target
Build Christian Disciples for a Transformed Community.
• Communicate construction changes carefully to enhance the in-person experience on campus
• Clarify the meaning of discipleship and provide pathways to increased engagement
• Ensure that staff have the training, skills, technical resources, and incentives to excel in their work
In the first half of 2025, we expect to increase engagement opportunities, prepare for the opening of the new building, select and implement new church management software, and develop an improved communication strategy and brand identity. In May 2025, we will conduct our annual review and ensure that we are on track for at least the next three years.
On a personal note, I would like to thank the parish for the opportunity to take a two-month sabbatical in the fall of 2024. I used this time to travel, deepen personal relationships, pray, and rest.
A vibrant community of committed disciples impacting the church and the world.
I also want to thank the clergy and staff for extraordinary service to Saint Michael Church. They are not only very good at what they do, but they are a joy to work with. They certainly embody our core values: collaborative, loyal, kind, effective, and growth-oriented. They are also a ton of fun, making Saint Michael one of the most enjoyable places to work in the region. Gratias Deo!
The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon Vice Rector
1 https://www.eosworldwide.com/
Kindness is strong, clear, and respectful. When we act in love, hard conversations bear the fruit of authenticity and grace. Communicating with compassion and empathy helps people thrive.
Collaboration is working together to encourage a culture where all ideas are respected. Seeking clear decision points that consider impacts outside our ministry area helps us support one another’s work and celebrate one another’s successes, rather than being in competition.
Loyalty is achieving alignment, not always agreement. Nurturing authentic, durable relationships with one another, based on honesty and clear communication, helps us achieve unity of purpose and mission.
Effectiveness is born out of good actions based on strategic alignment with our core focus, consistent decision-making, hard/smart work, mutual accountability, and measurable outcomes.
Growth orientation combines a fearless, can-do attitude with a commitment to discipleship and the missional focus to bring people into our community who are not yet part of it.
It has been our privilege and honor to serve Saint Michael and the Vestry during this remarkable time in our church’s transformation. Change is good! In our service as Wardens, we had the extraordinary opportunity to witness the growing impact of our parish as followers of Christ.
In 2024 we celebrated the successful launch and completion of Phase I of construction and the beginning of Phase II. On Pentecost Sunday, we officially broke ground on our new campus. Hundreds of us signed our names and well-wishes on an I-beam which will support the new building. Phase I included complete renovation of the Saint Michael Episcopal School, the church’s education wing, the new Coke Room, Power Room, and Parlor. With the reopening of the Saint Michael Episcopal School, we welcomed a record number of students to colorful, redesigned classrooms. The Vestry was honored to be present with Mrs. Anne Coke for the Rector’s dedication of the new Coke Room and at the reopening of the Education Wing on Feast of Saint Michael. Since the opening of these new spaces, adult formation classes have attained their highest attendance to date! The Vestry is grateful to The Beck Group, Pritchard Consulting, and the leadership of our church staff for their commitment to completing Phase I on time and on budget. We are also very grateful for the chairmanship of Rick Currey, Barry Hancock, and the Campus Construction Committee—all of whom have volunteered their professional expertise.
One of the 2024 Vestry’s prioritized goals was developing innovative ways for those in their 20s and 30s to deepen their faith and fellowship. Young adult membership grew significantly in 2024, with 120+ young adults attending ministry events, neighborhood Bible study groups, mentoring dinners, numerous volunteer service projects, and the revived Pub Theology series.
The Vestry also had the privilege of joining the All Angels Foundation in approving the Horizon Outreach Fund’s first multiyear grant to the Dallas Leadership Foundation. The purpose of this three-year grant is to expand the prerelease program for inmates of Hutchins State Jail in southwest Dallas by adding a faith-based dormitory for 58 men. These funds are a direct result of our church’s faithful decision to use the proceeds from the land lease of the adjacent office building to share Saint Michael’s abundance with our Dallas community.
Lastly, the 2024 Vestry prioritized a deeper understanding and launch of the four guiding pillars of discipleship at Saint Michael: Pray, Learn, Serve and Give. The basis of our planning and evaluation for Christian formation and education programs are now rooted in these pillars of what it means to be a Christian disciple. Likewise, we have the extraordinary blessing of witnessing the change and growth of our physical campus into a place where we can pray, learn, serve and give together.
Our church is blessed with the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Chris Girata, the Rev. Ken Brannon, the Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso, as well as all of the clergy and staff, who bless us with their dedicated spiritual guidance and corporate governance.
In your service,
Kelly Reddell, 2024 Senior Warden
Carol Goglia, 2024 Junior Warden
• Co-Founder of Project Moses
• Ministry Chair of Pastoral Care
• Education for Ministry (EfM) Graduate
• Acolyte Corp
• Annual Convention of the Diocese of Dallas Co-Chair
• Past President, WOSM
• Catechesis of Good Shephard Teacher
• Past Chair, CFM Committee
• Education for Ministry (EfM) Graduate
• Past Board Chair of Community Partners of Dallas (CPD)
• Communications Chair, WOSM
• Stewardship Committee Member
• Co-Director and Volunteer, VBS
• Chair, CFM Standing Committee
• Current Diocesan Convention Alternate
• Pastoral Care/Engagement
• Young Adults Member
• Men’s Thursday Lectionary Member
• Men of Saint Michael Member
• Volunteer Advisor, St. Philips School
• Confirmation Teacher / Youth Volunteer
• Rector Advisory Group
• Stewardship Committee
• Strategic Planning Committee
• All Angels
Nominating Committee
• Finance Committee Member
• Managing Director, JLL
• Professional organizations through work including TREC & ULI
• Leadership or mentorship opportunities within JLL & HFF
• Acolyte Corps
• Member, Stewardship Committee
• Chair-Elect, Stewardship Committee
• Episcopal School of Dallas (ESD) Board of Directors
• ESD Alumni Board and Past President ESD Dad’s Partnership
• Acolyte and Chalice Bearer
• Choir Member
• Men of Saint Michael member
• Episcopal Diocese of Dallas Convention
• Acolyte Corps
• Chalice Bearer
• Trustee, Dallas Historical Society
• Lead Coordinator, Contemporary Services
• Small Group Leader, ALPHA Course
• Usher, Chalice Bearer
• Lector Reader / Prayers of the People
Croft Chestnut
Kathy Hayes
Todd Howard
David Hopson
Chris McClung
Michael Cosby
Ryan Kneipper
Paul Talbot
Chuck Butterworth
Joseph Cahoon
Amanda Harris
Joe Bumpas
Jack Sears
Iam pleased to report our finances are sound and our cash reserves remain strong.
We finished 2024 on budget. While our parishioners continued to fulfill their pledges and make additional contributions, Unpledged Contributions fell short of expectations, driving Revenue lower than anticipated. This shortfall was partially offset by other revenue components such as Other Income and Plate categories and use of Vestry designated reserves.
Expenses were lower than expected chiefly due to staff positions filled later than planned while sourcing qualified candidates. These savings were offset by Communications costs related to the website upgrade and timely and comprehensive information to the Parish regarding construction navigation. Performance awards were provided to staff, recognizing their hard work in an extraordinary year for our campus.
The church’s operational budget is based on pledging dollars from the annual stewardship campaign. From the total dollars pledged, annual revenue available to our ministries is projected for the year. Staff engage in a professional budgeting process, forecasting costs for their ministry areas. Those budget dollars are compared with the stewardship campaign results for consistency. As you can see, every pledge matters and every dollar matters.
As of February 1, total pledges for 2025 were $7,319,246, ending a successful campaign. I thank all of you as well as our outstanding Advancement Committee. The Vestry and its Finance Committee have approved the 2025 budget of $9.11 million of total revenue and an equal amount of expenses, based on those pledges and estimates of other components of income. 2025 will continue to be a year of growth at Saint Michael.
Construction is well underway for the revitalization and expansion of our church facilities. Comprehensive internal processes are in place to manage the costs of this initiative. In addition, the Finance Committee monitors the project status and reports results to the Vestry monthly.
Saint Michael received an unqualified (or “clean”) audit opinion for the year 2023. The church Audit Committee reports to the Vestry and is independent of the staff, Treasurer and Finance Committee. Its members were George Baldwin (Chair), Stuart Brown, James Carry, LeAnne Langholz, and Kay Whelan.
Saint Michael has an excellent financial staff led by our Director of Finance Rob Baber who has faithfully served our parish for 16 years. He and his accounting team have enormous institutional financial knowledge and serve as the backbone of our financial process. Our Finance Committee is appointed by the Vestry to oversee and advise on church finances. The committee meets monthly and comprises a dedicated group of individuals with a broad range of experience. The 2024 committee included Michael Cosby, Glen Davison, Patrick Jenevein, Kathy Kelley, Bill McGannon, Michael Reddell, Jeanie Sikes, Jim Smith, and Chris Wiley. I am extremely grateful for this team.
The clergy, staff, and lay leaders at Saint Michael are careful stewards of the church’s resources. The church’s well-being is in your hands as you decide how to use the material gifts you received from God.
Respectfully submitted,
Becky Odlozil 2024 Treasurer
2024 Revenue and Expenses, 2025 Budget
As you entrust Saint Michael to be faithful stewards of your gifts, you are committing to supporting the work we do not only internally to deepen our ministries, grow our initiatives, and invest in staff, but also beyond our walls to make an impact locally and throughout the world as we carry out our core focus to Build Christian Disciples for a Transformed Community. For the complete report, please see page 22. $6.8M
82% of revenue is derived from current year pledges
Horizon Outreach Fund, fueled by the grace of Saint Michael’s gift of the North Land and a commitment to bold, life-changing and strategic initiatives beyond its doors, endeavors to drive transformative change in the Dallas-Fort Worth region. The Horizon Outreach Fund committee focuses its grantmaking on the theme of Second Chances, supporting established nonprofit organizations that empower people seeking a second chance after facing personal or systemic challenges and programs that help people who aspire to rebuild their lives with dignity.
thousands, as of February 1)
In 2024, Horizon Outreach Fund awarded a $50,000 grant to Heart House , an organization empowering refugee and immigrant children in Vickery Meadow by bridging gaps in academic and social emotional learning. The balance of the Horizon Outreach Fund at December 31, 2024, was $3.4 million.
The committee reorganized and enhanced its structure in 2024 by classifying its membership across overlapping terms to promote continuity, to broaden the collective skills matrix of its members, and to enable the addition of four new members in 2024 and three in 2026. The Horizon Outreach Fund in 2025 is implementing a shift to a venture philanthropy model of grantmaking, which allows for longterm investment in time, talent and treasure with nonprofit organizations as strategic partners (versus short-term grants to grantees).
Through prayer and worship, we deepen our relationship with God as we engage with him in our daily lives. He reveals to us the great work he is doing in our lives and in the world and invites us to join him in that work.
Just as Jesus came to us in the form of a servant, we are called to love and serve others. Helping those in need, we grow spiritually and are transformed as we develop virtues such as humility, patience, and compassion. Serving also fosters a sense of purpose and fulfillment, as we experience the joy of making a positive impact in the lives of others.
Learning is a lifelong journey as we recognize more and more how the Gospel touches every part of our lives. We discover how Jesus invites us to know the truth that sets us free by studying the traditions, teachings, and practices of the Bible and of the Church.
As we learn to appreciate that everything we have is a gift from God, we can express our gratitude by being more generous with our treasure. As we grow in our capacity to give back, we grow in our discipleship.
TSundays Weekdays
Marriages Burials
Adult Baptisms
Child Baptisms
All Baptized Members as of December 31, 2023
Confirmed Communicants as of December 31, 2023
Children Receptions
Transferred Communicants
Other Adds
Total Additions
Transfers Out-Active
Other Losses
Total Losses
All Baptized Members as of December 31, 2024
Confirmed Communicants as of December 31, 2024
hrough prayer and worship, we deepen our relationship with God as we engage with him in our daily lives. He reveals to us the great work he is doing in our lives and in the world and invites us to join him in that work.
This past year, our worship services have brought us closer to the transformative work God is doing among us and helped us strengthen our fellowship with one another. Key highlights from 2024 include:
• Redevelopment of the leadership structure of the acolyte ministries and identification of new opportunities for parishioners to serve in the acolyte corps.
• Music ministries saw significant increase in participation and support, including increased participation in Choristers and increased attendance at Compline services.
• Growth of Contemporary worship offerings, including both increase in average attendance and increase in the number of music ministers serving in the Contemporary band.
• Music ministries helped extend our worship offerings beyond Saint Michael through performances in the community and programs like the United Adoration songwriters retreat.
Every time you walk through the quaint red doors to the Chapel or the large wooden doors to the Church, you are fully in the presence of Godwhether you came to sit in the pews to worship or serve as an acolyte, greeter, Altar Guild, musician, singer, or usher.
Learning is a lifelong journey as we recognize more and more how the Gospel touches every part of our lives. We discover how Jesus invites us to know the truth that sets us free by studying the traditions, teachings, and practices of the Bible and of the Church.
2024 has been a season of meaningful change, marked by renewed spaces, and robust learning opportunities for our children, youth, and adults at every age and stage of life. As we reflect on the past year, it’s clear that collaboration, innovation, and renovated gathering spaces have been key drivers of this success.
Growth in Sunday School Attendance
Kids Participated in VBS
Children Participated in the Nativity Pageant
2024 was a year of exciting changes and growth for our Children & Family Ministry. In September, we unveiled our new Education Building, complete with bright, colorful classrooms and spaces designed to inspire creativity and learning and to be a welcoming place for children to grow in faith.
Due to construction, we held our VBS in the evening this year, which turned out to be a fun and successful change of pace. The construction theme brought the Bible stories to life in a whole new way, and children loved the interactive experience.
We kicked off the fall season with our lively and fun "Bubble Bash," and to close out the year, our children took center stage in the Nativity Pageant, beautifully retelling the story of the birth of Jesus. Their joyful participation in the pageant was a fitting conclusion to a year of growth and transformation in our ministry.
Over this past year, Youth Ministry at Saint Michael was driven by strong connections and a focus on discipleship. A key factor in this growth was our collaboration with Mission and Outreach; students who participated in service projects and mission trips became more engaged in weekly formation, leading to a deeper commitment to their faith.
The Youth Center in the Education Building is now a vibrant hub for spiritual growth, making it a central part of the program's success. With upgraded AV technology and renovations, we’ve been able to enhance two of our largest and fastest-growing programs: Confirmation and Wednesday Night Youth Group. New screens allow us to simultaneously display videos and teaching materials, while the addition of microphones has helped create a dynamic worship experience. These improvements have created a space that is not only more conducive to learning and worship, but also a place where students can gather, connect, and have fun.
Increase in weekly attendance at Sunday and Wednesday formation after the reopening of the Youth Center.
In 2024, we focused intentionally on deepening our discipleship through a new Plan for Discipleship, which encourages each of us to reflect on where we are in our faith journey and take the next step toward growth. Our goal is to move more deeply into our identity as Episcopalians, making faith an integral part of who we are.
Growth in Formation attendance
Adults participate in mid-week groups
Sunday Formation & Midweek Classes
A key aspect of this plan was the expansion of Sunday Formation into four distinct tracks: the Bible Track; the Faith and Practice Track (exploring the beliefs, traditions, and customs of the Episcopal Church); the Parent Class (equipping parents for today’s challenges); and a reimagined, semester-long Saint Michael 101. These offerings resulted in an 18% increase in Sunday morning engagement, highlighting a growing commitment to spiritual growth. Additionally, our midweek groups continued to thrive, nurturing over 400 individuals spiritually each week.
Rector’s Bible Study
The Rector's Bible Study explored the Gospel of John this year. Participants joined each Wednesday morning in the Saint Michael Chapel or tuned in online from all across the country to hear that week’s lesson. This study continues to be a key offering that can help each of us grow in our discipleship.
Men of Saint Michael
The Men of Saint Michael expanded their ministry with the addition of new groups, including one specifically for men under 40. They also launched a three-week event, “The Holy Smoke BBQ Tour,” followed by a discussion night, along with their popular Men with Purpose Speaker Series. These events attracted strong attendance, with nearly 30 men gathering each evening and many new faces joining in.
After a brief hiatus, our Primetimers group (for those over 65) relaunched with a fresh leadership team, ensuring ongoing support and fellowship.
Young Adult Taskforce Members
Young Adults participating in 2024 spring and fall ministry kickoff events
The Young Adult Ministry saw significant growth and engagement, driven by a core group of 15-20 individuals in their 20s and 30s who formed a dedicated Taskforce. This group played a key role in organizing and leading various initiatives, contributing to a thriving community. Our spring and fall ministry kickoff events attracted over 120 young adults, marking a strong start to each season.
The Thursday night neighborhood Bible study became a central gathering point for spiritual growth, while our young adults also contributed to the community through volunteer service at the Saint Michael Farmers Market and other ministry opportunities. Throughout the summer, we hosted a meeting and mentoring dinner, fostering deeper connections and discipleship. Additionally, young adults were instrumental in helping to facilitate Summer Pub Theology, a fun and meaningful way to engage with faith in an informal setting. These efforts reflect a growing and vibrant community of young adults eager to connect, serve, and grow in their faith together.
As we take next steps together in our faith, we eagerly look forward to seeing how God will guide us to make a meaningful impact in the year ahead.
Just as Jesus came to us in the form of a servant, we are called to love and serve others. Helping those in need, we grow spiritually and are transformed as we develop virtues such as humility, patience, and compassion. Serving also fosters a sense of purpose and fulfillment, as we experience the joy of making a positive impact in the lives of others.
Three core volunteer ministries—Welcome-Greeter Ministry, Welcome Liaison Ministry, and Good Shepherd Ministry—work together across generations to help members and visitors connect with and explore opportunities to serve and engage in fellowship at Saint Michael, fostering growth in their relationship with God and others.
Growth in WelcomeGreeter volunteers 12%
Growth in the Good Shepherd Ministry
Pastoral Care in 2024 had another record year of service to Saint Michael parishioners, our neighbors, and friends. The volunteers and leaders worked tirelessly to serve all who God puts in their way, making 10,245 ministry contacts at the end of the year. These numbers represent the depth of care that our volunteers have for this wonderful faith community. While reporting these contacts is fulfilling, it is the hundreds of “thank you for checking on me” phone calls and cards, sent back to the Pastoral Care office that truly make this level of dedication amazing.
This past year, Mission and Outreach lived into the inspiration of Saint Peter in his letter to the early churches, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good
stewards of God’s varied grace …” (1 Peter 4:10). So many of us are heeding this call to serve as a disciple of our Lord.
In 2024 we had an amazing 42% increase in the number of people who volunteered when compared to that number in 2023. We are delighted that more and more of our parishioners are engaging in service as we work together in God’s world to walk alongside our neighbors. Together, we are seeking to address some of the hardest issues our community faces, including child poverty, homelessness and issues affecting our seniors. The Mission and Outreach Standing Committee is therefore in the midst of important strategic planning that began in 2024 and will continue into 2025.
We will continue to be actively engaged with our longstanding community partners, always seeking ways to collaborate with them in their impactful work as we explore new opportunities for children and families, youth, and young adults. This type of work includes things like tutoring, mentoring, building houses alongside the future residents. We excited to see where we go together in service in 2025 and beyond!
Those who participate in international mission trips deepen their faith through serving others, develop compassion and empathy for those in need, learn about different communities around the world, and gain a broader perspective on their own lives—all while building stronger relationships with each other by serving together.
In 2024, 17 parishioners traveled Tela, Honduras, for the “Fruits of the Spirit” mission trip where they provided fluoride treatments and Christian education to 250 children in barrio schools, made improvements to school buildings, and fit seniors and others with reading glasses.
41 Saint Michael Youth volunteers 55 campers 100 snow cones
30 Saint Michael missioners
2,040 hours served
800+ people impacted
In the month of July, Saint Michael’s youth headed to Amistad in Cochabamba, Bolivia, for the “Let Your Light Shine” mission trip. While there, the teams spread friendship and love with shared meals, worship, and large and small activities with the children. Mission trips continue to lead to spiritual growth as participants experience God's work in and through them.
7 parishioners recognized at the 4th annual Pastoral Care Awards
524 individual visits to hospitals and facilities
1,976 encouraging cards written to parishioners
2,274 telephone calls to check in on members
42% Increase in unique volunteers. 640 unique volunteers in 2024, compared to 452 in 2023.
8,867 Volunteer hours served
5,471 attendees at our support offerings
As you entrust Saint Michael to be faithful stewards of your gifts, you are committing to supporting the work we do not only internally to deepen our ministries, grow our initiatives, and invest in staff, but also beyond our walls to make an impact locally and throughout the world as we carry out our core focus to Build Christian Disciples for a Transformed Community.
Parishioners showed unwavering dedication to the programs and ministries supported by our annual campaign, Building the Kingdom. Thanks to the leadership of Kim Snyder, chair of the Stewardship Committee, and the Advancement team, our Stewardship campaign reached a new high, not only in dollars raised, but also in the number of households who gave. As we do the good work of building the kingdom at Saint Michael, there is no doubt that your pledged dollars accelerated our progress and empowered us to expand our ministries.
On September 24, 2023, we launched an unprecedented capital campaign, Building our Future, to support the decades-long overdue revitalization and expansion of our church facilities. Chaired by Mary and Matt Waller, alongside Honorary Chairs Ann and Lee Hobson, and Director of Advancement Caroline Moore, the campaign was a bold step to unite our community, reinvigorate our campus, and invest in education. We were thrilled to announce that the campaign raised $76 million as of February 1, 2025, successfully covering the cost of this bold and transformative project!
$6.8M Pledged in 2024 1,010
Participating households $76M
Million dollars raised 864
Total donors
The Building our Future project will help us provide more life-changing education opportunities, discipleship experiences, and relationship development with each other and our neighbors, both inside and outside of our walls while preserving the beauty of our sacred spaces. We are grateful for your prayerful and generous support. Giving has made the dream a reality, and this investment in our future will inspire and encourage all those who come after us.
Through your generous giving, Saint Michael has been able to make a tangible impact on the lives of those in need, both within our community and beyond. Programs such as Easter and Christmas plate giving, Women of Saint Michael grants, Heart of Giving, and our Emergency Relief Fund initiatives are just a few examples of how your support has made a real difference. Because of you, we have been able to invest in lives outside our walls, sharing Christ’s love in meaningful ways and meeting the practical needs of those who need it most.
Easter 2024...................................................
Christmas 2024............................................
Direct Outreach...........................................
Direct Outreach Austin Street Center......
Direct Outreach Care Dallas......................
IBIA Sponsorships........................................
Emergency Relief Funds Sent...................
Good Friday Plate.......................................
Heart of Giving 2024...................................
All Angels Fund Grants.............................. Horizon Outreach Fund Grants.................
WOSM Grants..............................................
St. Mary's Guild Grants............................... Total OTHER GIVING
Designated for Jubilee...............................
Tela Honduras..............................................
Confirmation Plate.......................................
Rector's Discretionary.................................
The Operations team plays a pivotal role in overseeing the unprecedented Building our Future construction project in addition to managing the church campus, staff offices, technology solutions, and more. To prepare for Phase 1 and 2 of our construction project, the Operations team worked tirelessly throughout 2024 facilitating office moves in April and June, packing and storing essential files, books, supplies, and furniture. They also spent endless hours preparing for the official reopening of the newly renovated Education Building in September 2024.
At the beginning of the year, the Bishop Moore Chapel was decommissioned and the Operations team converted it into the Clergy and Altar Guild Sacristies. At the same time, the South Lanai was repurposed to serve as the Acolyte robing area and storage space. In the Church, the prayer chapel was also decommissioned so the Operations team could oversee the construction of a new Audio, Visual, and Lighting (AVL) studio, allowing the former AVL space at the back of the church to be transformed into
three restrooms. Additionally, next to the Columbarium there is a new outdoor patio space where Saint Michael can host events and receptions.
In consultation with the Building and Grounds Committee, the Operations team completed several major initiatives across campus. These included upgrading the Chapel Columbarium with new stone and engraving, updating grading and drainage on the smaller west playground, replacing sewage and storm piping along the west side of the building, and updating the electrical systems for the bell tower.
Parish leaders and teams thoughtfully planned, prepared, and executed these projects and so many more throughout this construction project so we can continue to pray, learn, serve, and give at Saint Michael.
For all construction highlights and the impact, please visit saintmichael.org/construction-impact.
Looking back on 2024, the Communications team, alongside the leadership of the Communications Standing Committee, made several positive changes in its strategies and deliverables over the course of the year. With launching the new website, implementing our brand’s refreshed visual components, restructuring the Sunday bulletins and Sunday News, redesigning the Saint Michael Weekly, and sending out construction updates letters, Saint Michael is improving its communications to parishioners and visitors through our various channels.
The Communications team reconstructed and redesigned the Saint Michael website to make it more welcoming and intuitive, allowing visitors and parishioners to more easily find what they are looking for and engage with the content and our church in a more meaningful way. As a result, we have decreased the bounce rate by more than 20% and increased our total average weekly site visits significantly.
Increase in average weekly views
Decrease in bounce rate
In July 2023, Google Analytics updated all of its accounts to comply with new privacy laws, which only tracks views of people who allow their information to be tracked. Therefore, the 3% increase in the number of average weekly views is likely significantly lower than the actual average weekly views.
We also refreshed the visual components of Saint Michael’s brand to revitalize and strengthen our communications. With the new campus opening in 2026, the updated logos, rich color palette, and defined typefaces present a more cohesive visual identity that will enhance Saint Michael’s presence in our community and the world.
We now print the Sunday bulletins in-house and distribute a separate Sunday News publication. The separate Sunday News piece allows people to recycle the bulletins, and still take home the publication with information that they need to know to participate in the life of our parish.
The Saint Michael Weekly email newsletter underwent a significant transformation to reflect the new branding, increase engagement, capture attention, and serve as an effective communication tool.
Open Rate
Industry Open Rate
Because of the fresh design and structure, the Saint Michael Weekly now experiences a 58% open rate compared to a 17–28% open rate, which is standard for most mass email communications.
Our Saint Michael campus is undergoing drastic changes through our Building our Future construction project. We are committed to keeping our community fully informed about these significant changes, ensuring parishioners and visitors can continue worshipping and growing in their discipleship during this exciting time of transition. As we reach key milestones in our campus renovation, we prioritize communication to help everyone understand and engage with our evolving spaces.
I am excited to share the impact of the All Angels Foundation (AAF) in 2024, a transformative force supporting Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church (Saint Michael). Our fundamental mission is to transform lives through acts of love, a philosophy we actively pursue both within and beyond our church walls. As stewards of over 20 different funds, AAF serves as the cornerstone of Saint Michael’s long-term mission and community outreach.
In recent history, AAF has provided critical seed funding within Saint Michael for cornerstone programs including the Farmer's Market, Chorister Program, and vital personnel positions, while sustaining essential ministries such as Project Moses, Faith Formation, and Saint Michael Presents.
In 2024, AAF distributed $370,000 in grants supporting both internal church initiatives and external community partnerships. Within Saint Michael, we've made strategic investments like the $83,000 allocation to modernize the Youth Center's technology infrastructure.
Beyond our church walls, AAF awarded grants to 10 nonprofit organizations aligned with Saint Michael’s mission. These partnerships address community needs in healthcare, homelessness, recovery, education, and rehabilitation. Notable examples include partnering with the Baldridge Foundation to fund a Licensed Vocational Nurse position at North Dallas Shared Ministries ($29,000), launching a Godly Play program at St. Philips School ($15,500), and supporting Housing Forward's Street to Home initiative ($30,000) to reduce homelessness by 50% in Dallas and Collin counties.
We've expanded our community impact through support for United to Learn, Elevate North Texas, Magdalen House, Cornerstone Crossroads, Unlocking Doors, and Dwell with Dignity.
Looking ahead, AAF aims to expand our corpus through planned giving to increase our granting capacity. To learn more about contributing through your will, family estates, or other gifts, please contact Alma Vega-Rouse, Director of Advancement, or any AAF Trustee.
Together, we continue building on our foundation of service and community impact, guided by our unwavering commitment to transforming lives through acts of love.
$370,000 in total strategic grants awarded by AAF in 2024, including support to 10 different nonprofit organizations beyond Saint Michael’s walls.
$83,000 for Saint Michael’s Youth Center technology modernization.
$30,000 to Housing Forward's Street to Home initiative to reduce homelessness by 50% compared to 2021 levels.
$29,000 leveraged through a matching gift opportunity to fund a critical Licensed Vocational Nurse position at North Dallas Shared Ministries.
President, All Angels Foundation
The mission of Saint Michael Episcopal School (SMES) is to provide a nurturing, individualized, and inclusive early childhood experience that is based on our four pillars: Love, Faith, Education, and Service.
SMES also seeks to thoughtfully create a community that keeps our children and our four pillars at the center. We continue to partner closely with our families and Saint Michael to provide the best educational opportunities for them, both now and in the future.
We experienced an incredibly historic and successful 2024 with the tremendous opportunity to fully renovate Saint Michael Episcopal School. With over 70 families, board members, and staff stepping in boldly as anchor donors to join and support the campaign, this allowed us to move forward in creating our bright new classrooms and shared spaces. In August, we began the school year in our beautiful, engaging and thoughtfully renovated school spaces specifically designed for early childhood learners! With only a small delay to the start of school due to the focused and dedicated efforts of the SMES, Saint Michael, and BECK construction teams, all were eager to begin the school year. With our 57 staff members, we welcomed excited children and families back to our glorious new school! Our theme for the year is “A Stellar New Start”! This honors the amazing new school and the learning spaces that have been elevated to match the level of Love, Faith, Education, and Service our SMES Stars have been receiving for many years.
SMES is at its highest enrollment in the school’s 39-year history with 330 students from 248 families, which is a testament to our deep passion for early childhood education. Our dedicated teachers keep children at the center with developmentally appropriate learning and nurtur-
ing in intentional and thoughtful ways. Additionally, our teachers, administrators and Board of Directors also continue to engage in innovation and best practices while remaining grounded in the mission of the school and four Pillars of Love, Faith, Education, and Service. With this robust enrollment, SMES remains a special and faithfully connected community. We continue to put our precious children first in all that we do, joyfully fostering a strong sense of belonging within each child.
Service to others remains a cornerstone of our SMES pillars, shaping the values we share and teach our children. This year, our kindergartners once again hosted their fun and successful lemonade stand to support a canine service organization. Our annual new coat drive for the St. Philip’s Christmas Store collected over 430 new coats for their community. In November, children and teachers gathered several hundred food items for North Dallas Shared Ministries, which were blessed during our Family Thanksgiving Service. We concluded the year with a successful Toy Drive benefiting Stephen C. Foster Elementary, in partnership with Saint Michael.
As 2024 ended and we launched into 2025, Saint Michael Episcopal School once again looks forward to celebrating with our annual auction fundraiser, “SMES Rhinestone Rodeo”. We wish to extend a sincere thank you to all our parents, staff, church members and leaders for your continued support of SMES in all that we do!
Netra Fitzgerald Head of School
Excited children
57 Staff Members
248 Families
All women who are members of our parish are members of the Women of Saint Michael (WOSM). Our purpose is to “be the extension of Christ’s Kingdom by uniting the women of the parish in a program of worship, study, service, and fellowship and leading them into service for the Church, in the parish, the community, the diocese, the nation, and the world.”
This year our theme has been “Rejoicing in God’s Creation,” and we’ve invited our members to give thanks for the many gifts He has bestowed on us, including our intellect, the natural world, creativity, and compassion. Our guiding verse this year is “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it well” (Psalm 139:14).
Given the exciting construction going on at Saint Michael, we kicked off our luncheon series in September offsite at the Center for BrainHealth. Dr. Sandra Chapman, the Chief Director, discussed why women carry the burden and mantle for brain health. In October we were back in the new Saint Michael education spaces with Julie Eggers and Donna Letier of Gardenuity, who discussed how developing closeness to nature can feed our spirituality. In January we welcomed author Clay Small to talk about his recent books about the fascinating world of art forgery. We also had representatives from several WOSM grant recipients at our lunches to tell us about their wonderful work, including One Man’s Treasure, Texas Ramps, and Catch Up and Read. We also look forward to an exciting spring luncheon featuring Kay Willia Wyma who will discuss her recent book “The Peace Project: Practicing Thankfulness, Kindness, and Mercy.” Many thanks to our luncheon season subscribers and underwriters who made all of these programs possible.
In November, St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange graciously welcomed us for an evening of Christmas Shopping. The Exchange, led by the wonderful Ginger Baden, continues to thrive thanks to the team of over 140 volunteers who give of their time and talents. Exchange profits combined with the bi-annual Parish Party and special events have enabled the WOSM Gifts Committee to give over $12 million to non-profits over the past 60+ years. Our Gifts committee work is already underway researching and reviewing grant requests to Dallas agencies fighting poverty and providing support to those in need. Last year, 73 agencies received grants totaling more than $700,000!
Saint Mary’s Guild, led by Bitsy Hudnall, is also part of WOSM, and although this has been a challenging year, they have still found ways to provide savories and sweets on Sunday mornings and parish events. Last year they donated $6,500 to two local agencies. That is a lot of yummy treats!
The Altar Guild works behind the scenes to prepare all the items and spaces necessary for worship and celebration at Saint Michael. The work is meaningful, the fellowship is warm, and the time commitment is minimal. We are always recruiting new members and would love to have you join us! For more information, call or text Jeanie Sikes, Altar Guild Directress, at 214-213-7864.
Judy Conner,
GREENE Vice President
In 2024...
73 agencies
$700,000! received grants totaling more than
20,000 vendors each Saturday 36 patrons each Saturday 987
guests to the church during the 2024 season
The Saint Michael’s Farmers Market (SMFM) was founded to be an extension of the church’s fellowship, and 2024 was no exception. The market continued to thrive in the West Parking Lot of the church, mid-April through Labor Day. We averaged 36 vendors and 987 patrons each Saturday. In total, that is around 20,000 guests to the church during the season—quite a successful ministry right in our own backyard!
We have noticed a significant increase in the number of young families attending the market. There is a parade of families strolling, biking, and walking down Douglas and Colgate every Saturday.
We held our fourth annual Electronics Recycling Event in August and filled two large containers. Thanks to everyone who participated to protect our planet. We hosted another Family Day at the Farmers Market the last Saturday in October and it was a huge success! We had over 1,500 guests dressed in costume, playing fun games, visiting the Station 27 fire trucks and shopping from over 30 local farmers, ranchers, and food artisans. It’s always great partnering with Saint Michael ministries, including Children & Family Ministries, Parish Life, the Young Adults Group, and Engagement. Our final market of the season was our fifth annual Holiday Market at Klyde Warren Park. The weather was perfect! Our volunteer Farmers Market musicians joined us for the first time this year and added a whole new level of fun with market favorites and holiday music too. Our market regulars enjoy coming downtown to this beautiful and festive oasis and it’s a great way to introduce our wonderful market and vendors to a new audience.
We are looking forward to kicking off our 14th season on Saturday, April 26, 2025, 8 a.m. until noon. We will continue our mission to build community; to provide fresh local food to our neighborhood and beyond; to support local, small businesses; and to offer opportunities for outreach. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers, our SMFM Committee, and to the Friends of the Farmers Market, who through their time and donations, make the market possible year after year.
Tricia Stewart Director of Saint Michael ’s Farmers Market
The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata Rector Bhavnita Masih Executive Assistant to the Rector
The Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso Senior Associate for Worship & Discipleship
Dianne Boyd Coordinator for Worship Media
The Rev. Robert "Bob" Johnston III Associate for Contemporary Worship
Karen Krasovec Assistant to Worship & Liturgy
The Rev. Canon René Somodevilla Sunday Assistant
The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon Vice Rector
Shannon Blake Executive Assistant to the Vice Rector
The Rev. Nate Bostian Sunday Assistant
Dr. Timothy M. Smith Director of Adult Formation
Tom Hammond-Davies Director of Music
Samuel K. Sweet Assistant Director of Music
Samuel Moore Director of Youth Ministry
Meghan Houk Director of Children & Family Ministry
Justin Brooks Director of Contemporary Music
Catherine Seveney Assistant to Music
The Rev. Robin H. Hinkle Associate for Mission & Outreach
Morgan Milan Assistant to Mission & Outreach
Cydni Joubert Associate Director of Children & Family Ministry
Beth Igoe Assistant to Formation
Dr. Robert August Associate Director of Music & Organist
Shelby Hendryx Director of Early Childhood Music
Tish Visinsky Director of Parish Life
Tricia Stewart Director of Farmers Market
The Rev. Greg Pickens Associate for Pastoral Care
Rob Springer-Kyle Director of Engagement
Katherine Bowen Assistant to Pastoral Care
Alma Vega-Rouse Director of Advancement
Maliska Haba Advancement Manager
Meredith Turner Director of Communications
Sarah Fairweather Digital Marketing Manager
Jazmin Agustince Assistant to Advancement
Brian Turner Manager of Audio, Visual, and Lighting (AVL)
Jenna Pitman Graphic Designer II
Carter Bruey Graphic Designer I
Rob Baber Director of Finance
Lynelle Hill Assistant to Finance and All Angels Foundation
Colleen O'Hara Director of Operations
Edgar Porras Sexton
Marilu Ohl Senior Accountant
Susan Dixon Revenue Processing Specialist
Robert Butler Assistant Director of Facilities
Elsa SanJuan Sexton
Angelia Hunter Accountant
Darla Osterhout Accountant
Melisa Bray Operations Manager
Marco Reyes Sexton
Celise Stephenson
Database Manager & Parish Records
Dora Rangel Sexton
BJ Clark Assistant to Operations and Receptionist
Bonita Frederick Receptionist