The Archangel Magazine – Spring 2025

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The Official Magazine for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

March 5

7 AM | Saint Michael Chapel

Ash Wednesday

12 PM | Church

Ash Wednesday With Holy Communion

12:30 PM | Preston Center

Ashes To Go

5 PM | Saint Michael Chapel

Joy! Ash Wednesday Family Service

7 PM | Church

Ash Wednesday With Holy Eucharist

Scan the QR code to view the lent season hubpage or visit

6:30 AM Sunrise Service Outdoor Patio on Colgate

9 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite II Church

Joy! A Children’s Service Chapel

5:30 PM

Holy Eucharist Rite II Church

7:30 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite I Chapel

11 AM Contemporary Service Church

Holy Eucharist Rite I Chapel


Dr. Robert August

Rob Baber

Shannon Blake

The Rev. Nate Bostian

Katherine Bowen

Dianne Boyd

The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon

Melisa Bray

Justin Brooks

Carter Bruey

Robert Butler

BJ Clark

Susan Dixon

Sarah Fairweather

Bonita Frederick

The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata

The Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso

Tom Hammond-Davies

Shelby Hendryx

Lynelle Hill

The Rev. Robin H. Hinkle

Meghan Houk

Angelia Hunter

Beth Igoe

The Rev. Bob Johnston

Cydni Joubert

Karen Krasovec

Bhavnita Masih

Morgan Milan

Caroline Moore

Samuel Moore

Colleen O’Hara

Marilu Ohl

Darla Osterhout

The Rev. Greg Pickens

Jenna Pitman

Edgar Porras

Marco Reyes

Elsa SanJuan

Catherine Seveney

Dr. Timothy M. Smith

The Rev. Canon René Somodevilla

Rob Springer-Kyle

Celise Stephenson

Samuel Sweet

Brian Turner

Meredith Turner

Alma Vega-Rouse

Tish Visinsky

Associate Director of Music and Organist

Director of Finance

Executive Assistant to the Vice Rector

Sunday Assistant

Assistant to Pastoral Care

Coordinator for Worship Media

Vice Rector

Operations Manager

Director of Contemporary Music

Graphic Designer I

Assistant Director of Facilities

Assistant to Operations / Receptionist

Revenue Processing Specialist

Digital Marketing Manager



Senior Associate for Discipleship

Director of Music

Director of Early Childhood Music

Assistant to Finance and Foundation

Associate for Mission & Outreach

Director of Children & Family Ministry


Assistant to Formation

Associate for Contemporary Worship

Assistant Director of Children & Family Ministry

Assistant to Worship & Liturgy

Executive Assistant to the Rector

Assistant to Mission & Outreach

Director of Advancement

Director of Youth Ministry

Director of Operations

Senior Accountant


Associate for Pastoral Care

Graphic Designer II




Assistant to Music

Director of Adult Formation

Sunday Assistant

Director of Engagement

Database Manager & Parish Records

Assistant Director of Music

Manager of Audio, Visual, & Lighting (AVL)

Director of Communications

Director of Advancement

Director of Parish Life


The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata , Rector

The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon , Vice Rector

The Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso , Senior Associate for Discipleship

The Rev. Robin H. Hinkle , Associate for Mission & Outreach

The Rev. Greg Pickens , Associate for Pastoral Care


The Rev. Nate Bostian, Sunday Assistant

The Rev. Bob Johnston, Associate for Contemporary Worship

The Rev. Canon René Somodevilla, Sunday Assistant


7:30 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite I, Traditional

9 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite II, Traditional

9 AM: JOY! A Children’s Service

10 AM: Formation Classes for All Ages

11 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite I, Traditional

11 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite II, Contemporary 5:30 PM: Holy Eucharist Rite II, Traditional


Carter Bruey


Jenna Pitman


Ken Brannon

Chris Girata

Robin Hinkle

Bhavnita Masih

Meredith Turner

Tish Visinsky


Ken Brannon

Doug Ferber

Chris Girata

Robin Hinkle

Mary Lessmann

Greg Pickens

Tim Smith

Meredith Turner


A&A Creative

Kady Dunlap

Sylvia Elzafon

Sarah Fairweather

Tu esd ays , March 25 – M ay 13

Alpha Cours e

Le d by the Rev. Ken Brannon, Justin Brooks, and the Rev. Bob Johnston 6:3 0 p.m. | Youth Center

$10 fre e -will of fering to cover costs

Did you grow up in the Christian faith but still search for the right words to ar ticulate it? Are you exploring the Christian faith? All are welc ome to join us for dinner, learning, and small group c onversation as we explore the tenets of the Christian faith and get to know one another bet ter

No part of this publication may be used without written permission.

Every effort is made to avoid error, misspellings, and omissions. If an error comes to your attention, please accept our apologies and notify us.


Dinner is provided with registration. Childcare is available at no cost with pre-registration. We ask that attendees make a commitment to attend most classes because the lessons build on each other, and attending the whole course offers the richest experience.

Dee Ann Anigian Hudson Weichsel Julie Allen


Susan Barnicoat, Allison Bovard, James Carry, Jim Chambers, Squeaky Connolly, Terry Demler, Elizabeth Gambrell, Amanda Harris, Zoe Hart, LeAnne Langholz, Jack Marshallsea, J. Puckett


Exp 2027

Michael Cosby, Ryan Kneipper, Paul Talbot

Exp 2025 Croft Chestnut, Kathy Hayes, Todd Howard

Exp 2026 David Hopson, Chris McClung


Exp 2027 Joe Bumpas (1), Jack Sears (2)

Exp 2025 Chuck Butterworth (1), Joseph Cahoon (2)

Exp 2026 Amanda Harris (1)


A Message from the Rector, the Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata

We are moving through the season of Epiphany and on our way to the beginning of Lent next month. This year, Lent is quite late, giving us a bit of extra time in the “season of light.” Epiphany has always been one of those in-between seasons, often forgotten between Christmas and Lent, but this year, we have a bit of time to consider what Epiphany offers us.

Epiphany is strongly linked to Christmas because both root themselves in the Incarnation of God in Christ. The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek and means revelation or manifestation. In the earliest records of the church, Jesus’s birth was celebrated as a revelation to the world, and specifically to those who represent the non-Jewish world: the Magi. In Matthew’s Gospel, the story of the Magi travelling to welcome and worship Jesus represented the new way in which God was unifying all of humanity.

Some centuries later, when Rome incorporated Christianity, the birth of Jesus shifted to the celebration of Christmas. In the eastern Christian traditions, the feast of Epiphany became associated with Jesus’s baptism, differentiating it from the celebration of Jesus’s birth. Today, the distinction between the arrival of the Magi and the celebration of Jesus’s baptism still anchors the different celebrations of Epiphany, yet we can point to the common root of revelation that God is doing something new in the world, and that new action is meant to unify us all.

Jesus’s birth and baptism, and the recognition of Jesus’s Incarnation by shepherds and Magi, can still inspire us today. When I think of birthdays, of Christmas, and of those who

visited the newborn Jesus, I can’t help but think of gifts. We give and receive gifts on birthdays and at Christmastime, and the Magi brought royal gifts to the baby Jesus. Whenever we give and receive gifts, the purpose of those actions is to recognize and celebrate identity. The love of one another, and even the love we receive from God.

Gifts are important to our Christian discipleship. Sometimes those gifts can be physical, but more often those gifts are spiritual. Most recently, I’ve been teaching on St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians in my Wednesday Bible study. In chapter 12, Paul writes:

“God’s various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit… Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people! The variety is wonderful: wise counsel, clear understanding, simple trust, healing the sick, miraculous acts, proclamation, distinguishing between spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues (1 Cor 12:4-11, The Message).”

Paul emphasizes spiritual gifts because he is hoping to encourage mutual respect for all the ways in which we differ. Even the most homogenous group of people can acknowledge the differences and diversity among them. And when we take the whole of humanity, it’s clear that we have a beautiful variety of skills, interests, personalities, and abilities—spiritual gifts!

Spiritual gifts are important for Christian disciples to understand and use well. The array of gifts we possess gives us a glimpse of the beautiful complexity and diversity of God’s Spirit, and in turn, we are called to use those gifts together to help build up God’s way of love on earth. I doubt anyone in our Saint Michael community would disagree with the idea that we each have a unique set of gifts and that God calls us to use them, but being confident in our gifts and committing to using our gifts is a process.

The process of growth that helps us know and use our unique gifts is perhaps the core of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. When Jesus offered the unifying greatest commandment—Love God and love your neighbor as yourself—he was offering us the macro frame to know and use our spiritual gifts. When we develop a deep sense of loving God, we not only receive and reciprocate God’s love, but we see what is most profoundly lovable in us, that which God loves, as a spiritual gift to be honored. We then take that giftedness as the foundation for how we can extend love through our gifts to our neighbors.

Learning to love ourselves as God loves us so that we can extend love to our neighbors is a fundamental concept of discipleship and what drives us in this church. When I speak of discipleship, I’m not speaking of a program to do or not do at our convenience. When I speak of discipleship, I’m speaking of a committed way of life that responds to Jesus’s great commandment. I’m speaking of a path that guides us more deeply into our own spiritual identity, unlocking the power of our own spiritual giftedness, so that we will be compelled into the world by God’s love to love others.

When we speak of discipleship, we speak of spiritual giftedness. And when we speak of spiritual giftedness, we speak of wholeness. We have been journeying together through the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, with the theme of Peace on Earth. God’s peace is a promise of wholeness, realized by embracing God’s powerful love for us. You have been wonderfully and beautifully made, with uniquenesses that have purpose in God’s world. Now, as we look toward the spring, we will continue to journey deeper.

In just a few short weeks, we will begin the Forty Days of Lent that helps us prepare for the Great Fifty Days of Easter. Together, we will explore two related themes that encourage a deeper understanding of and commitment to our spiritual giftedness. In Lent, we will explore our true “strength in weakness” before God, in order to root our selves more powerfully in God’s “great promise.”

The journey we walk together is one that will help us grow in ways we can only imagine. Together, we commit to a life of incredible discovery and impact that extends the hope of Christ inside each of us. Togeth er, we help build up God’s king dom of love, transforming one heart at a time.


On November 10, our special guest preacher the Rt. Rev. Ann Ritonia, Bishop Suffragan of the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries, led us in celebrating the brave men and women who have served our country. Parishioners, friends, families, and neighbors came together for this festive event to say “Thank You!” to our Veterans.


Park City Club 7:30 a.m.



Evensong Choral



February 2 | March 2 March 30 | May 4 | May 11

Join us for a time of reflection, connection, and renewal at Saint Michael’s Choral Evensongs in 2025. Each service in this series features our talented choristers who will be traveling to London to sing at St. Paul’s Cathedral as the resident choir in 2026. Evensongs offer moments of peace and beauty to our busy lives.

*incense will be used at these services


“Sabbatical” derives from the word “sabbath.” Sabbath means to rest and worship. During my two months of sabbatical (September 3 – November 5, 2024), I found both rest and worship, as well as discovery and connection. I am grateful for Saint Michael’s investment in clergy well-being.


I discovered that it takes time to let down and rest. My first week at home was very productive, completing multiple home projects that had been begging for my attention for months (and years). It was as if I simply shifted my work pace to my home. Gradually, I was able to slow down and find a different rhythm. I began the day with prayer. I wrote letters to friends. I took long walks and drives. I read books. It was wonderful to be able to invest more fully in the well-being of my family and my home.


For a few weeks, I didn’t attend church at all. But halfway through my sabbatical, I found myself hungering for the Eucharist. I began to attend other churches in the Diocese of Dallas, and it was wonderful to see the perplexed looks on my colleagues’ faces as I joined them on Sunday! This practice of going to different churches reminded me that we are part of something much larger than our parish; we are part of a “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1) who seek and follow Christ.


As part of my sabbatical, I wanted to go places I had never been before. We began with a family trip to Portugal, where we visited Lisbon, Tavira, and Porto. We enjoyed tiny hole-in-the-wall restaurants, slept under a beach umbrella, and tasted the finest port from Douro Valley. We also found ourselves driving through a massive wildfire and gave thanks for the local angel who “adopted” us and guided us to safety!

After we bid farewell to our adult children, we traveled up to Spain to begin the Portuguese route of the Camino de Santiago with numerous other couples from the church. We walked 118 kilometers over six days and discovered new towns, new foods, new paths, and new friends, while also strengthening old friendships. A favorite memory was celebrating Eucharist with the group in the courtyard of our hotel as the sun rose.

Several weeks later, Rachel and I drove out to west Texas and discovered the fascinating geology and wide-open spaces of Big Bend National Park. We visited the McDonald Observatory in Fort Davis, lounged around Marfa, and enjoyed breakfast with the Rev. Mike Wallens, a former priest at Saint Michael who is now Vicar of St. Paul’s in Marfa and leader of the Rio Grande Borderland Ministries. Mikes sends his greetings to everyone!

Toward the end of my sabbatical, I traveled to New York. I enjoyed getting reacquainted with New York City, walking through fall foliage in Central Park, and going to the Broadway revival of Our Town, starring Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory). I also went on retreat at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park and attended a course entitled, “Monastic Wisdom for Everyone.” We delved into the writings of Benedict, Bernard, Hildegard, and Merton and explored how the monastic virtues of humility, simplicity, viridity (greenness), and solitude can strengthen us in our daily lives.

I ended my sabbatical by working as an election clerk in southeast Dallas on Election Day. I was able to physically express my gratitude for democracy and forge new friendships with a diverse and generous group of Dallas citizens.


Sabbath isn’t just about stopping work. Sabbath is about creating space where God can renew us, reignite us, and restore us. With your support and generosity, I was able to find sabbath in my sabbatical, and that makes me a better husband, father, priest, and citizen. Thank you!

Rachel, Isaac, and Lucy
Ken and Rachel arrive at the Cathedral of Santiago
Central Park in the fall
The Chapel at Holy Cross Monastery



Join us for an unforgettable evening as Saint Michael Presents Canadian Brass. With an international reputation as one of the most popular brass ensembles today, Canadian Brass has truly earned the distinction of “the world’s most famous brass group.” Don’t miss this chance to experience the excitement and artistry of Canadian Brass live in concert! This free concert is open to the public.


Confirmation is one of the most important moments in a young person’s life. After a year of learning about scripture, theology, history, and tradition, it was such a joy to come together and celebrate all our 2024 confirmands and the commitments they have made in their faith. Having taken this monumental step, we cannot wait to see how these students continue to use their faith and spiritual gifts to expand God's Kingdom.



“The Rev. Mary Lessmann, who has served Saint Michael faithfully for almost nine years, retired in January. She and her husband, Russ, are looking forward to a wonderful season where they can focus more of their time and energy on their family. As they make their transition, I'm especially glad that Mary and Russ will remain an active part of our parish community! Mary has been an incredibly valuable member of our clergy team and her impact on our community will echo for years to come.” – Chris Girata, Rector

What are the most significant moments that stand out to you during your time as a member of the clergy at Saint Michael?

Some special moments that come to mind are our hosting both the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry. It underscored Saint Michael’s significant role in the greater Church. The clergy and staff were able to pose for photos with both men and I treasure my copies.

But my favorite memories are all about encounters with our parishioners. Folks who trusted me enough to come in to talk with me about myriad topics and situations and allowing me to gather up our time with prayer as we closed. Our Enneagram classes, where, even if folks were skeptical, they were willing to give it a try and ended up learning so much about themselves and the people

they love. The privilege of being with folks during their times of greatest loss and greatest joy. Getting to know folks better through classes or pilgrimage or worship and truly developing friendships. Greeting parishioners and catching up before and after the worship services on Sunday. There’s a reason you see me smiling so much! I’ve loved all of it.

I’ve absolutely loved leading worship and I am quite convinced it will be the aspect of my ministry that I will miss most. Our goal is to craft and lead worship such that very little comes between our congregants and their ability to experience God. And because you are more relaxed when we are more relaxed, the clergy prepare well so that worship is as seamless as possible. Saint Michael does this better than any church I’ve been a part of, and we should never underestimate what a gift it is to our experience of God in worship.

You led a number of pilgrimages across the globe, which one was the most memorable and why?

One of the ministries that was not on my radar when I arrived at Saint Michael was leading pilgrimages. Early on, in one of our clergy meetings, Chris spoke to us about pondering what we would like to see or do and then crafting an experience for the congregation to join us. In that moment, the first thing that came to mind was that I wanted to hike the Camino de Santiago.

Within two weeks of that meeting, Margaret Spellings, who was serving as Senior Warden, asked if we could get coffee to get to know one another better. At that coffee, Margaret brought up that she would love us to think about taking a group to hike the Camino, and she’d be willing to lead. So it was totally a God thing. We decided we wanted it to be a ladies’ trip and we were worried it wouldn’t fill. When the article came out in the July Archangel, the trip was filled within a day. People were out of town on vacation, but they were calling and emailing to get a slot! With such high demand, Margaret and I huddled and decided to offer a second week. So that first year, 2019, we were able to take about 35 women from Saint Michael to hike the Camino. And now ladies’ trips to the Camino are offered regularly. As of today, about 75 women have experienced the Camino this way. And the women on these trips now know each other well and have developed deeper friendships.

I’m also extremely grateful to have led a group from Saint Michael to the Holy Land. Being able to see and walk upon the sites where Jesus was born, raised, ministered, and underwent his passion was lifechanging. And Russ was with me, so we were able to have this experience together. Now we are reminded of how tenuous our ability is to access these sites. We didn’t realize it at the time, but ours would be the last group to go from Saint Michael before the Hamas attack in Israel that has led to the current war in the region. While we’re grateful for our pilgrimage, we pray for peace and stability in the region so that others from Saint Michael can experience these sites as well.

How has your understanding of faith grown and evolved over time?

I was raised in the church and have always known the love and grace of God. In baptism, when we chrismate, we say, “You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.” I’ve never doubted that truth; that no matter how far I might travel from God, I am his forever. For someone like me, who is wired to achieve and perfect and earn, this has been deeply comforting. By the time you’re my age, if you’ve been honestly paying attention, you know the things that regularly separate you from God; your tendencies that aren’t in your best interests or of those whom you love. We are humbled by our predictability and offer our rough edges to God to be smoothed. This work can keep us occupied for the rest of our lives. And we need one another, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to walk beside us as we do this holy work.

For me, the priesthood has always just been a continuation of my discipleship. In my thirties with two young sons, my Chuck E. Cheese call experience took me as much by surprise as anyone. But discerning that call affirmed the direction of my discipleship. While I am a priest in Christ’s church and always will be, the shape of my discipleship will continue to evolve and change. In Godly Play, when we snuff out a candle and watch the ribbon of smoke rise, we say, “The light is not gone, it is only changed.” I feel this way about my transition now. The way I’m living into my discipleship is not gone, it will just change.

What are you looking forward to in retirement?

Russ and I have always been big travelers. In retirement we expect to do more of this. Russ is still a couple of years from retirement, but his schedule continues to become more flexible, and we plan to take advantage of that. We like the thought of being more available for our sons and families. I’m looking forward to a slower pace of life and spending more time with my amazing girlfriends.


The Compline Choir at Saint Michael and All Angels is delighted to present a diverse and compelling series of services throughout 2025, each offering a unique reflection on the liturgical year. Beginning with an Epiphany Compline and concluding with a service in Advent, each service will draw inspiration from the seasons’ themes, inviting reflection and deepening spiritual connection.

The year begins with "Alleluia," an Epiphany Compline service that explores the joyful significance of this sacred word and its evolution within the choral tradition. As we move into Lent, our service "Ashes" will invite contemplation on penitence, humility, and the power of self-examination, setting the tone for a season of reflection and renewal.

For Easter, we are pleased to present "Mater: A Compline Service for Mother's Day," a special offering honoring maternal influences while also celebrating the resurrection and the promise of new life. The Pentecost service, "Flaming Tongues," will infuse the space with vibrant choral works in multiple languages, invoking the fiery spirit of Pentecost.

As the year draws to a close, we will offer "O Antiphons," a meditative and beautiful service during Advent, featuring Arvo Pärt’s haunting setting of the ancient O Antiphons. This service will mark a fitting conclusion to the year, as The Compline Choir’s services build to the pinnacle of the liturgical calendar preparing us for our parish’s Christmas services.

If you have yet to make a pledge or financial gift to the 2025 program year, please visit or scan the QR code.



And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. Acts 2:42–47

Have you ever considered what a joy it is to be a Christian? We are so blessed to be able to come together for worship, where I have notice that invariably the prevailing emotion of our people as they leave a service is joy. You shine with it as you walk out the door, stopping to greet your clergy, greeting old and new friends, stopping to give encouragement to one another. Even those who have come through the doors with a troubled heart, for a moment feel a peace if not a glimmer of light, cut through their darkness.

As the early Christians soon discovered, the joy of their worship of our Lord Jesus Christ flowed and increased in a synergistic way to their service of the poor and needy. The feeding of their eternal souls in joyful gathering led to the literal feeding of people, and the joy of serving returned and added to their worship in praise. All this love and joy and service was noticed by those outside the church who then became curious—what is the source of this joy? What is this strange way of living and sharing abundantly? Curious seekers came to see, and the church added to its numbers exponentially.

Twelve became 100’s, leading to 1,000’s, leading to millions and then billions. That is how God works, and that is the call for all Christian’s through the ages to today. I am therefore delighted we are instituting a Saint Michael Day of Service where we can experience the joy of serving together for one day, young and old, working together to help those in need. On April 26, 2025, we will gather at our church to pack 50,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger, a nonprofit dedicated to ending hunger in remote communities worldwide. Join us for a funfilled, high-energy event, complete with upbeat music and a breakfast or lunch provided to keep you fueled as you make a real difference.

Everyone from ages 2 to 99 is welcome to come together and pack meals from 8:30–10 a.m. or 9:30–11 a.m. Then, from 11–3 p.m., youth in grades 6–12 will compete to pack the most meals and load them onto the truck, bringing a lively spirit of competition to the day! Sign up online and be part of Saint Michael Day of Service. You won’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to help others. Come share our joy!



All Parishioners (Ages 2–99)

Join us for a fun-filled, fast-paced day of giving back at Saint Michael where we will pack 50,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger! All ages are invited to help from 8:30 – 10 a.m. or 9:30 – 11 a.m., then youth grades 6-12 will compete to pack the most meals from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Enjoy music, meals, and the chance to make a real difference. Sign up online for this lively, impactful event!

“We have been looking for ways for our children to give back and are so excited about the Rise Against Hunger Event in April. This day of service will give us quality time with our young daughters while providing critical sustenance to those in need. Inspiring gratitude, boosting empathy, solidifying an immense appreciation for our many blessings and spending time with fellow Saint Michael families are just a few reasons this event is at the top of our list in 2025!” – Emily and Baxter Billingsley

“One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 58 and 58:10 says ‘if you offer your food to the hungry and the satisfy the needs of the afflicted then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday.’ When I visualize our church family, parishioners of all ages, coming together to follow this sacred command I see a bright light illuminating Saint Michael. You can be that light! Join us!” – Maria & Richard D’Antoni

"The Saint Michael Day of Service is sure to be one of the highlights of the year. Many of my most profound moments of spiritual formation have been on days like these, when I have been able to contribute and bear witness to the great joy we experience in service with one another. I hope you will come, be encouraged, and leave fulfilled as we have some great fun united in service!" – Samuel Moore, Director of Youth Ministries

Honorary Chairs: Emily, Baxter, Lucy & Henry Billingsley, Ann Marie Cowdrey & Johnny, Richard & Maria D’Antoni



FEBRUARY 2, 2025 – MAY 11, 2025




11 a.m. | Chapel

Traditional Service (with incense)

The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, also known as Candlemas, commemorates Mary and Joseph presenting infant Jesus at the Temple, fulfilling Jewish law, and with Simeon recognizing Jesus as “a Light to enlighten the nations.”



4 p.m. | Church

This Spring, join us for a time of reflection, connection, and renewal at Saint Michael’s Choral Evensongs in 2025. Each service in this series features our talented choristers who will be traveling to London to sing at St. Paul’s Cathedral as the resident choir in 2026. Evensongs offer moments of peace and beauty to our busy lives.



5:30 p.m. | Youth Center

$10 per person, Children under 3 eat free

For centuries, the observance of Shrove Tuesday has provided Christians with the opportunity to do two things. First, the practice of “shriving” (making a confession and receiving absolution) brings to mind ways we might need to grow spiritually and thereby helps us be more intentional about our Lenten practices. Second, it provides us with an opportunity for a festive celebration before the more austere season that begins with Ash Wednesday. Our observance of Shrove Tuesday will include both opportunities. We’ll begin with a traditional pancake supper and will have activities for children and families. Then we’ll end the evening with a Compline service that will include special music from our Choristers. All are invited and encouraged to attend.

See ad on page 7 to register!



7 a.m. | Chapel | Traditional

12 p.m. | Church | Traditional & Holy Eucharist

12:30 p.m. | Preston Center | Ashes-to-Go

5 p.m. | Church | Joy! Service

7 p.m. | Church | Traditional & Holy Eucharist



7 p.m. | Church

Experience the peace of Choral Compline, featuring “Ashes,” a sung, meditative service in a candlelit church, offering prayer and reflection at day's end.

WEDNESDAYS, MARCH 12, 26, & 30, APRIL 2 & 9


Wednesdays, 12:10 p.m. | Chapel

Take a moment for meditation and reflection before each midweek Eucharist, and immerse yourself in the music of the Lenten season through these performances.



7 p.m. | Church

Join us for an unforgettable evening as Saint Michael Presents: Canadian Brass. With an international reputation as one of the most popular brass ensembles today, Canadian Brass has truly earned the distinction of “the world’s most famous brass group.” Don't miss this chance to experience the excitement and artistry of Canadian Brass live in concert! This free concert is open to the public.



7:30 a.m. | Chapel | Holy Eucharist Rite I

9 a.m. | Church | Holy Eucharist Rite II

9 a.m. | Chapel | Joy! A Children’s Service

11 a.m. | Church | Contemporary Service

11 a.m. | Chapel | Holy Eucharist Rite I

5:30 p.m. | Chapel | Holy Eucharist Rite II




7 p.m. | Church

Get ready for a toe-tapping, hand-clapping good time as Saint Michael’s contemporary band teams up with our traditional musicians for a parish wide singalong of classic hymns with a bluegrass twist. This event will be a celebration of our faith, music, and community, set up like the iconic Grand Ole Opry and reminiscent of vintage variety shows like Hee-Haw and Prairie Home Companion. This will be an unforgettable night of music, laughter, and fellowship for all. Bring friends and family and be ready to sing your heart out—bluegrass style.




7 a.m. | Chapel | Morning Prayer



7 a.m. | Chapel | Morning Prayer



7 a.m. | Chapel | Morning Prayer

7 p.m. | Church | Tenebrae



7 a.m. | Chapel | Morning Prayer

7 p.m. | Church | Maundy Thursday & Stripping of the Altar

9 p.m. – 6 a.m. | Chapel | Vigil in the Garden of Repose



7 a.m. | Chapel | Good Friday

12 p.m. | Church | Good Friday & Holy Communion

12 p.m. | Chapel | Family Stations of the Cross

1:15 p.m. | Church | Traditional Stations of the Cross

5:30 p.m. | Church | Contemporary Stations of the Cross

7 p.m. | Church | Contemporary Good Friday & Holy Communion



8:30 a.m. | Chapel | Holy Saturday

7 p.m. | Church | Great Vigil of Easter




6:30 a.m. | Outdoors | Sunrise Service

7:30 a.m. | Chapel | Holy Eucharist Rite I

9 a.m. | Church | Holy Eucharist Rite II

9 a.m. | Chapel | Joy! A Children’s Service

11 a.m. | Church | Contemporary Service

11 a.m. | Chapel | Holy Eucharist Rite I

5:30 p.m. | Church | Holy Eucharist Rite II



6 p.m. | Chapel




10 a.m. | Room 205



10 a.m. | Room 205



10 a.m. | 2nd Floor of the Education Building

Discover a variety of Sunday class options designed to foster spiritual development. There are age-specific classes catered to adults, children, and youth.



Rector’s Bible Study




8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. | Youth Center

Get ready for an exciting and fast-paced day of giving back at Saint Michael! Every parishioner is invited to be a part of this truly impactful day of service packing 50,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger, a nonprofit dedicated to ending hunger in remote communities worldwide. Join us for a funfilled, high-energy event, complete with upbeat music and a breakfast or lunch provided to keep you fueled as you make a real difference.

Everyone from ages 2 to 99 is welcome to come together and pack meals from 8:30-10 a.m. or 9:30-11 a.m. Then, from 11-3 p.m., youth in grades 6-12 will compete to pack the most meals and load them onto the truck, bringing a lively spirit of competition to the day! Sign up online and be part of Saint Michael Day of Service. You won’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to help others while having a blast!


Giving financially supports the good work Saint Michael does to build God’s kingdom. Through stewardship pledges, planned giving, memorial gifts, and so much more, we grow in our capacity to give back and, in turn, we grow in our


Meghan Houk, Director of Child & Family Ministry

Cydni Joubert, Assistant Director

Beth Igoe, Assistant to Formation

For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these o erings, please visit




8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Room 19: 0–23 months | Room 20: 2–3 years

Our early childhood offerings help build your child’s faith foundation from the ground up. Children play enriching games, sing spiritual songs, and hear age-appropriate Bible stories. Children can be picked up at any time. Be sure you have the Saint Michael app to check in your children for nursery care!



9 a.m. | Traditional Service | Church

Kids ages 3–8 are invited to join us on Sunday mornings during the 9 a.m. Traditional Service. Children will visit the JOY! service for the Bible story and sing songs before returning to their families during the Peace/Announcements.



9 a.m. | Chapel

Families with young children are invited to this vibrant, engaging, and interactive worship service that focuses on making the spiritual message accessible and enjoyable for both parents and children.




10 a.m. | 2nd Floor Education Wing

Godly Play

PreK – Kinder (Level I) | Room 213

1st Grade (Level II) | Room 208

Godly Play is a Montessori-style curriculum that helps children create personal meaning through story, wonder, and play. Children explore various stories of the Bible and wonder about the mystery of God as they continue to build their faith. The Level I class builds a solid faith foundation for children as they move through Godly Play, while the Level II class expands on this foundation with additional Bible story extensions. This class focuses on creating a calm and quiet environment for children who prefer to work independently.

Weaving God’s Promises 2nd & 3rd Grade | Room 209

Children build upon their understanding of God and God’s relationship with people through meaningful lessons and hands-on time with the Bible’s stories, people, and places. Using storytelling, prayer, and other playbased activities, this class is sure to engage your youngster and help them grow in their faith. This class encourages an active and lively environment where children can participate in a variety of activities.

Launch 45 4th and 5th Grade | Room 207

Using Orange’s Pre-teen 252, we ask important questions: What if you knew that God was HERE for you and with you no matter what? In an anxious and lonely world, what if every kid had the skills to be fully present with God— HERE and now—through prayer, Scripture, community, worship, and serving? What if every kid had a meaningful relationship with a consistent leader committed to being HERE for them at this phase of life? HERE is where Jesus invites us and meets us to transform and renew us. HERE is how we show what matters most to us. HERE is where everything has the potential to change. This year, as we lean into the theme of HERE, you’ll discover an invitation to us all to be HERE for it as we understand more about God, ourselves, and others.




Children and Families invited to be a part of the Saint Michael Day of Service (see page 23 & 30)



SMES Music Room

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.: SMES Students, PreK – Kinder 4:15 – 5:15 p.m.: PreK – 2nd Grade

Children are offered a chance to get their feet wet with singing basics in this first level of the Saint Michael Chorister program. Children hear Bible stories, participate in faith-based activities, learn to sing various songs, and engage in music and movement-based games. Participants sing in worship services on certain Sunday mornings throughout the year. Contact: Shelby Hendrix at



Giving financially supports the good work Saint Michael does to build God’s kingdom. Through stewardship pledges,



CHURCH | 5:30 PM


Samuel Moore, Director of Youth Ministries

Beth Igoe, Assistant,

For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these o erings, please visit .




5:30 p.m. | Church

Join us as we gather together to celebrate, recognize, and bless our graduating seniors. To register for senior recognition please visit




10 a.m. | Youth Center

Middle and High School | 6th – 12th Grade

Join us each week as we gather together over donuts and Bible study and discuss how God is moving in our lives.


Confirmation is a chance for students in 8th grade or above to confirm their faith and the promises made over them at their baptism. Throughout this journey, we encourage students to ask questions and participate in discussion that helps them claim their faith as their own.



6:30 – 8 p.m. | Youth Center

Join other students to share a meal, gather for a time of worship, play games, and talk about what it means to live out our faith in every-day ways, both in large group and grade-specific settings. This is the place where your students can learn, grow, and connect with their friends throughout the school year.


JUNE 2 – 6


8 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Stephen C. Foster Elementary

Calling All Youth Volunteers (Grades 7-12)! Join us for a rewarding opportunity to lead a week-long camp called "Camp All Angels" at Foster Elementary and earn up to 45 service hours. You’ll have the chance to help with fun activities, including arts and crafts, music, sports, and special events— all while making a positive impact on the community.

We encourage volunteers to attend the full week for the best experience, but if you’re unable to commit to the entire week or full days, please let us know your availability in the comment section when you sign up.



Giving financially supports the good work Saint Michael does to build God’s kingdom. Through stewardship pledges, planned giving, memorial gifts, and so much more, we grow in our capacity to give back and, in turn, we grow in our discipleship.


Rob Springer-Kyle, Director of Engagement

For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these o erings, please visit .



Come meet, connect, and build friendships with other adults in their 20s and 30s at this weekly Bible Study.


Dr. Tim M. Smith, Director of Adult Formation

Beth Igoe, Assistant to Formation,

For more information, to see a comprehensive listing of events, or to see how construction on our campus may impact these o erings, please visit .



11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Power Room 204

Led by Gayl Braymer

Providing care for a loved one can be isolating and overwhelming. Our group provides confidential and loving support to those involved in caregiving. We seek to give emotional support and resource suggestions to those in need. Contact Gayl Braymer, to participate or with questions.


1 – 3 p.m. | Power Room 204

Led by Peggy Carr

To date, over 2,925 have been knitted and distributed by the Saint Michael Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry, extending the love of our parish to those who are hurting or ill. Each of these shawls is tagged with a label that identifies it as being knit with love at Saint Michael and a healing prayer is added. Each shawl is blessed by the clergy and by the entire congregation prior to distribution. Join us for camaraderie, prayers, and the joy of knitting a message of love. During the week, knitted (and blessed) prayer shawls are available in the Pastoral Care Ministries Office, 8100 Lomo Alto, Suite 235. Please contact Katherine Bowen, to arrange a time to pick up a prayer shawl. During weekend reception hours in the Lanai (Saturday 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., and Sunday 7 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., prayer shawls may be picked up from Bonita Frederick, Weekend Receptionist. Contact Peggy Carr, with questions.




10 a.m. | Education Building, 2nd Floor

Saint Michael 101 (SM 101):

New Member & Adult Confirmation Class

Sundays, January 12 – May 11 | Room 200

Led by Clergy & Staff

If you are new to Saint Michael, want to learn more about our mission and purpose, or are interested in becoming a member, please join us for this series that will introduce you to our vibrant ministries, provide an overview of the Episcopal Church, guide you through our worship practices and the Book of Common Prayer, and explore key themes of Anglican faith and practice. You’ll gain insights into our faith and learn how we put it into action through praying, learning, serving, and giving.

Engaging the Word: The Story of Scripture

Sundays, January 12 – May 11 | Room 203

Led by Clergy & Staff

We continue our exploration of the overarching story of the Bible. Having started with the stories of creation, the calling of Abraham and Sarah, and the wilderness wanderings of Israel, we now continue with the stories of David, the Babylonian exile, and the rise of the prophets, all of which look forward to the coming of the messiah and the birth of the church. Grow in your understanding of the Bible and its message, as well as in your ability to engage the scripture in daily life and your commitment to following Jesus.

Faith and Practice:

Making a Difference in Dallas and Beyond

Sundays, April 27 - May 11 | Room 201

Led by the Rev. Robin Hinkle

Saint Michael parishioners devote a tremendous amount of time and energy to helping those in need. This series will examine some of the most pressing concerns in the community around us—issues like poverty, homelessness, and human trafficking—and describe ways we are seeking to address these issues in meaningful and transformative ways. Come and learn more about the opportunities that exist at Saint Michael to participate in one of the many initiatives we support that seek to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those among our neighbors who struggle with the challenges of life.

The Book of Common Prayer

Sundays, February 2 – 23 | Room 201

Led by the Rev. Ken Brannon

Anglicans recognize there is a strong connection between what we pray, what we believe, and how we live; “the rule of worship,” it is often said, “informs the rule of faith.” At the heart of Anglican faith and practice is the Book of Common Prayer, a collection of rites and prayers designed as much for use in the home as in the church. We will explore the background of the Prayer Book, the spirituality articulated in its rites, its structure, and ways it can be used for spiritual growth in daily life. A better understanding of the Prayer Book will help you enter more fully into corporate worship and provide you with resources for deepening your relationship with God.

The Wisdom of the Desert

Sundays, March 9 – April 13 | Room 201

Led by Clergy & Staff

One of the most powerful and influential sources of spiritual wisdom in Christianity has been monasticism. We will examine the characteristics of various monastic traditions (Benedictine, Franciscan, Ignatian, etc.) and invite us to reflect on ways we can apply the wisdom of these traditions to our own lives. Through centuries of disciplined practice, monastics have developed profound, meaningful ways of praying, learning, serving, and giving. This series is designed for those who would like to enrich their faith and practice as well as their appreciation of the breadth and depth of Christian spirituality.


How to Pray for Your Children

Sundays, January 12 – February 9 | Room 212

Led by Dr. Tim Smith

There are so many challenges to raising children and so many challenges our children face as they are growing up. What are parents supposed to do? Too often, the one thing we often overlook is the most powerful thing we can do: pray. What are your hopes and dreams for your children? What are your worries and fears? No matter what difficulties you and your children face, there is always hope. “In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4.6-7). Join us as we learn about prayer through the lens of parenting and how you can become a praying parent.

Time Management for Busy Families

Sundays, February 16 – April 6 | Room 212

Led by Clergy & Staff

Families in today’s busy world often struggle to balance work, school, home, and the many demands of life. Finding time to do all we need to do while also pursuing lives of meaning and purpose can be a real challenge. We will examine a range of strategies and tools that can help you organize your life and your family’s life so you can prioritize the things that are most important, organize your days most efficiently, and engage all the members of your family in pursuing a manageable and satisfying lifestyle. With easy-to-follow tips and strategies, you'll learn how to prioritize your time, streamline your routines, and create more meaningful moments with your loved ones.

Love to Stay

Sundays, April 13 – May 11 | Room 212

Led by Clergy & Staff

The gift of marriage can be an extraordinary blessing, but also brings with it unique challenges. This series is designed to help married couples cultivate relationships that not only endure, but also continue to be a source of grace and love throughout their lives. The series will draw on the scriptures and the faith of the church, as well as insights from contemporary research on factors that contribute to happy and healthy marriages. Couples will have the opportunity to reflect on how they can deepen their awareness of the presence of God in their relationship with one another, and how this can help sustain a healthy, meaningful, and romantic relationship across the course of a lifetime.



Unending Conversation Group

February 3 – March 31

9:30 – 11 a.m. | Coke Room 201

Led by Linda Westerburg and Nancy West

This class of inquisitive women seek to learn more about their faith, emerging church ideas, and new ways of following Christ. This fall, the group will read Being Christian in the Twenty-First Century by Sam Gould, which draws from a base of historical, theological, archaeological, and sociological scholarship to place Scripture within its original context yet present it within a perspective suitable for the 21st century mind. For more information, contact Linda Westerburg or Nancy West

Women’s Cusillo Group

First Monday of the month 11 a.m. – Noon | Room 203 and Zoom

Led by Maria D'Antoni

All women who have completed a Cursillo weekend or have interest in doing so are welcome. For those who are unable to make it to the church, zoom connection is offered. For more information, contact Maria D'Antoni at .


ALPHA 2025

March 25 – May 13 | 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. | Youth Center

Led by the Rev. Ken Brannon, Justin Brooks, and the Rev. Bob Johnston

Did you grow up in the Christian faith but still search for the right words to articulate it? Are you exploring the Christian faith? All are welcome to join us for dinner, learning, and small group conversation as we explore the tenets of the Christian faith and get to know one another better. Please see ad on page 5 for more information.

Women Word Work

2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. | Room 206

This unique Christian book club is recharged with purpose for close community, insightful discussion, and faith exploration. In here, you will deepen your understanding of our faith in today's fast-paced world within a supportive environment. For more information, please contact Kathy Hayes at

Education For Ministry

Tuesdays | Room 200

10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Morning Class) 6:30 – 9 p.m. (Evening Class)

Led by Dr. Elizabeth Lang

Education for Ministry combines studies of scriptures, Christian history, and theology, focusing on ordinary experiences to discern God’s presence in one’s life. Our program comes from the Episcopal Seminary at Sewanee, famous for educating adults to see God acting through their lives and gaining knowledge of scripture and theology. Attend the morning or evening class. $350 tuition per year; registration required; Partial scholarships available. For questions and enrollment contact Dr. Elizabeth Lang 682-429-3360 or

Brown Bag Bible Study Tuesdays, 11 a.m. – Noon | Room 203

Led by Peggy Carr

Brown Bag Bible Study is studying Mark: Follow Me by James Hoover. In the New Testament Gospel of Mark, we meet Jesus, the man who is King. But this king comes to serve–not to be served. He eats with sinners rather than royalty. His crown is made of thorns instead of gold. Come learn about Jesus as a compassionate, suffering, astonishing king who calls us to follow him. Books available at Amazon. Feel free to join at any time. Zoom is also available for those unable to meet in person. For questions or the Zoom link, please contact Peggy Carr


Men of Saint Michael: The Seekers Wednesdays, 7 – 8 a.m. | Room 200

Led by Dr. Tim Smith and Other Leaders

The Seekers are reading and discussing John Stott’s classic book, The Cross of Christ. With compelling honesty, John Stott challenges readers with the centrality of the cross in God’s redemption of our pain-filled world. Empowering us to see triumph in tragedy and victory in shame, this object of Roman distaste and Jewish disgust has become the emblem of our worship and the axiom of our faith. And what does it mean for us today? At the cross, Stott finds the majesty and love of God disclosed, the sin and bondage of the world exposed and a pattern for a Christian life of worship, hope and mission. Coffee and breakfast tacos are served. For more information and questions, please contact Tim Smith at

Imaging The Word Lectionary Bible Study

Wednesdays, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. | Room 200

Led by Karen Wiley

The Bible and the arts are inherently and historically linked. Since the 4th century in the Christian era, congregations have been guided by the lectionary's imaginative and disciplined journey through the Bible. Using these readings, the liturgy, music, colors, movements, and celebrations of the church year, the Bible and the arts are brought together in a significant way. Imaging the Word is a resource providing visual arts, music, photography, prose, poetry, prayers, and commentary based on each Sunday's lectionary readings. The class is open to everyone anytime. For questions and the Zoom link for those unable to attend in person, please contact Karen Wiley

Rector’s Bible Study

10:30 – 11:30 a.m. | Chapel or Online

See ad on page 30.


Men’s Lectionary Bible Study

Thursdays, 7 – 8 a.m. | Zoom

Led by Various Members

This men’s group meets to discuss the Lectionary’s Scripture lessons for the current week, exploring ways in which the passages speak to everyday life and our own spiritual journey. Lessons and commentary are emailed early each week to enable participants to familiarize themselves with the material. Several participants rotate facilitation of the discussion of the lessons and other available information on the subject. You’ll be challenged and encouraged in your faith! For questions or the Zoom link please contact Bill McGannon at bill@mcgs. com or David Cowling at

A Men’s Bible Study

Thursdays, 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. | Room 203

Led by Phil Ritter

This Bible study is based on the Lectionary readings for the coming Sunday. Come when you can and as often as you can. Advance preparation is not required. The group is led by lay members of the group and occasionally clergy. For more information, contact Phil Ritter at

Community Bible Study (For Men and Women) “God and Families in Genesis”

Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. | Room 200

Led by Elizabeth Lang, Barbara Kennard, & Brady Millican

After God created Adam, God stated that “it is not good” that the human be alone. As people in Genesis work out how to be “in family,” they are at times extraordinarily dysfunctional or remarkably wonderful. What is constant is God’s continual redemption of God’s people as they learn how to relate to one another through successive generations in Genesis. For more information, contact Dr. Elizabeth Lang at

Bible Study Fellowship

Thursdays, 9:45 – 10:30 a.m. | Rooms 205

Led by Kimberly Colonnetta

This group is studying Revelations weekly until May to unlock the mysteries of the book. In Revelation: The Hope, we will discover is that Jesus Christ is central to every prophecy, promise and passage. Revelation gives us hope of a world made new by redemption and restoration that Jesus offers today and for eternity. Questions? Contact Kimberly Colonnetta at 214-683-1259. To join, go to , then “find a class,” and follow the prompts to Saint Michael and all Angels Episcopal Church.


First Thursdays of the month | 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Primetimers provides fellowship, spiritual support, and service opportunities for older adults, fostering connection and growth within our parish. This vibrant group gets together for a $15 lunch and engaging speaker. For more information, contact Tim Smith at

Lectio Divina

Thursdays | Room 200 and via Zoom March 13 – April 17 | 2 – 3 p.m.

Led by Nancy Somodevilla

Take some time to get out of the hurried ways of life and the noise around us to draw close to God through Lectio Divina. This is a contemplative way of reading the Bible or other texts and was established by Benedict in the 6th century. It provides a time of meditation and quiet, focusing upon a reading or even art, followed by discussion and growth with others. Lectio is not a Bible study or even an alternative to Bible study but something radically different. It understands Scripture as a meeting place for a personal encounter with the living God. All you need is a desire to be changed. For more information, contact Nancy Somodevilla at

8-Week Grief Workshop:

“Comfort and Hope for the Journey of Grief”

Thursdays | Power Room 204

February 6 – March 27 | 6 – 8 p.m.

Led by Faith and Grief Ministries

Participate in this supportive community where we learn coping skills and practice spiritual exercises that bring comfort. Please register by Wednesday, February 5. Registration is required: Contact Katherine Bowen, with questions.


Writers' Retreat

Third Saturday of Each Month | 10 a.m. – Noon

The home of Cynthia Sample

Facilitated by Cynthia C. Sample and Carol Roehrig

Writing for publication, spiritual work, therapeutic journaling, or even just for the fun of it can be enhanced by community. Our meetings begin with a short introduction, then one of our facilitators will offer a few writing prompts. After an hour, writers will have the opportunity to share their work and solicit comments. All skill levels and/or genres are welcome. For more information, contact Cynthia Sample at or Carol Roehrig at 214- 437-3855.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

First and Third Saturdays of the Month | Room 203 8:30 – 10 a.m.

Led by Kyle Moore

We will read and discuss Lee Strobel’s book, The Case for Christ. Strobel is seasoned journalist who chases down the biggest story in history and asks the tough question: Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Cross-examining a dozen experts with doctorates in their own fields, he challenges them with questions like: How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event? Join us as we seek answers to the foundational question of our faith. To join, please email Barry Crossman,, or 214-357-4939.


Women of Saint Michael Luncheon

Dallas Woman’s Club, 7000 Park Lane

Wednesday, May 7 | 10:30 a.m.

Women of Saint Michael Spring Luncheon | Practicing Thankfulness, Kindness and Mercy…and Having Fun Doing It

Kay Willis Wyma, author, blogger, video podcaster and mother of five is our special guest speaker at our spring luncheon. She will dive into her latest book, The Peace Project, as she helps us explore how to practice thankfulness, kindness and mercy in our everyday lives. Learn more and register at

Mardi Gras Party

Dallas Country Club | 4155 Mockingbird Lane

Friday, February 21 | 7 – 11 p.m.

Beads and Bling – It’s a Saint Michael Mardi Gras Thing!

The Women of Saint Michael invite you to a dazzling Mardi Gras Party filled with music, delicious Cajun-inspired food, and festive fun. Celebrate in style with an evening of beads, bling, and the vibrant spirit of Mardi Gras. Don’t miss this unforgettable night of joy and connection – get your tickets today and let the good times roll!

See ad on page 51 to purchase tickets.


Happy Hour

Thursday, February 13 | 6 – 8 p.m. | The Barley House

Men With Purpose Speaker Series: Colonel Ben Saylor Park City Club | $30

Wednesday, February 26 | 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

The Semper Fi & America’s Fund is dedicated to caring for our nation’s critically wounded, ill, and injured service members, veterans, and military families. Join us for an inspiring event as Colonel Ben Saylor shares his personal journey of faith and the transformative mission of the fund. Scan the QR code to register.

Spring BBQ

Thursday, April 10 | 6 – 8 p.m. | The Home of Bob Penn

Men With Purpose Speaker Series: Patrick Jenvein Park City Club | $30

Wednesday, April 30 | 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Patrick Jenevein, author of Dancing With the Dragon, will share his two-decade journey of working with China's state-controlled aviation and military industries, his betrayal by trusted partners, and the rare success of prevailing in court. He will reflect on these experiences, the current state of US-China relations, and offer a roadmap for navigating the years ahead.

St. Mary’s Guild Bake Table

Outside by the South circle drive between Church & Chapel Sundays | February 9, March 2, May 4, June 8 &15 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.



Serving in church helps support our clergy and staff during worship services, formation classes, and much more. Explore the different opportunities and ways to serve in church on Sundays and throughout the week, including:


The GSM builds a sense of community within the larger geographical area of approximately 102 community areas that make up our current congregation. Good Shepherd volunteers serve as liaisons between Saint Michael and their community area parishioners in times of need or celebration and reach out to new parishioners with a warm welcome. Doing “small” things together that make a “BIG” impact. Contact Rob Springer-Kyle at or 903-404-7447 to learn more and become part of the team.


A Sunday greeter is often the first person a parishioner, visitor, or guest encounter upon entering the doors. It is important for that first experience to be encouraging, welcoming, and helpful. If you are looking for the next step in connecting at Saint Michael, serving as a Greeter Volunteer is a simple, fun way to help welcome, inform and connect people while also making new friends and building stronger relationships. To learn more about becoming a part of this ministry, contact Rob Springer-Kyle,


Partner with the Welcome-Greeter Ministry to help clergy and staff connect with new and returning people on Sundays and at parish-wide gatherings. Volunteers are asked to intentionally look for new people on Sundays and then notify the Director of Engagement with any details (and/or invite them to sign up for the Saint Michael Weekly eNews at one of the Welcome Hubs). To learn more about becoming a part of this ministry, contact Rob Springer-Kyle,

• Angel Food Cooks

• Card Ministry

• Friends in Christ

• Intercessory Prayer Ministry

• Lay Eucharist Visitors

• Recovery Advocates

• Spiritual Direction

• Stephen Ministry

• Touch Base Phone Ministry


There are several ways to get involved and serve God in our city. Explore these and more ongoing opportunities at


Friday, March 7 | 9:30 a.m. – Noon

Jubilee Park and Community Center

Join us for a meaningful morning touching the lives of so many within the community. Volunteers will lead Senior Bingo, rock babies at Jeannie's Place, and assist with reading and school activities at David’s Place. Others will help in the Community Garden and stock the Food Pantry shelves. We’d love for you to be part of this opportunity to make a difference! For more information, contact Michelle Thomas at


Saturday, April 5 | 3 – 5 p.m.

Jubilee Park and Community Center

Join the Women of Saint Michael at this special event celebrating Women’s History Month and honoring mothers and daughters at Jubilee Park. Women volunteers are needed for fellowship with the women of the community, to serve refreshments, and to lead activities. Contact Emily Billingsley, or Lillian Greene, to sign up or learn more.


Add your name to the list of on-call volunteers to serve at one of the shelters during inclement weather. You will be contacted during emergency response events and asked to volunteer if available. Scan the QR code to sign up.


The Saint Michael Food Bank Super Team visits different foodbanks throughout the month. We invite you to join this team to make a big difference in the lives of those in need. Volunteers are asked to serve one or more times per month.

• Brighter Bites, Thursdays, Noon – 2 p.m.

• Jubilee, Saturdays, 9 a.m. – Noon

• North Dallas Shared Ministries, Tuesday, 1 – 3 p.m.


Join Saint Michael volunteers to cook or serve a delicious meal to the homeless community at Austin Street Center. Sign up online.

Cooking Team

The First Tuesday of the month | 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Westminster Presbyterian Church | 8200 Devonshire Drive

Serving Team

First Wednesday of the month | 5 – 7 p.m. Austin Street Center


First and third Tuesday of the month | 12:30 p.m.

1818 Corsicana

A faithful group of our men from Saint Michael hosts a Bible Study at The Bridge for men who are struggling with homelessness. We are inviting new members to join this team. We provide coffee and donuts and social support, while the class is taught by a local pastor. If you have been feeling called to help with our homeless community, come be a part of our good work at The Bridge! Contact Robin Hinkle at for more information.


Whether seeking to integrate faith with service or gain valuable insights from diverse cultures, global missions provide a meaningful platform for spiritual growth and impactful service. Explore upcoming opportunities to engage in this vital work.


Sunday, February 16 | 9 a.m. | Church

A team of Saint Michael parishioners will travel to Tela, Honduras from February 22 – March 1 to work and worship in partnership with Espiritu Santo, an Episcopal Church and day school. They will provide fluoride treatment to children and eyeglasses to seniors in the barrios of Tela as well as Christian education in the barrios and at the school.

Please keep the team in your prayers!


Giving financially supports the good work Saint Michael does to build God’s kingdom. Through stewardship pledges, planned giving, memorial gifts, and so much more, we grow in our capacity to give back and, in turn, we grow in our discipleship.



Thursday | $30


with Colonel Ben Saylor

Park City Club

Wednesday | $30

7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Thursday 6 – 8 p.m.


God calls us into a life that is often difficult and full of loss, but it’s only when we experience true vulnerability that we experience the full power and presence of god. We are products of our history, which shapes our identity. However, we can choose to change our path to define ourselves in christ. The unique character of our church helps us grow in spiritual health.


Saturday 9 a.m. – Noon





This “journey of faith" for men is a continuous process of personal spiritual growth, where individuals navigate uncertainties and challenges in life through their faith in God and relationship with other men who are on the journey. The key to spiritual growth is taking "the next step," meaning actively choosing to move forward in their faith, even when the path leads them outside their comfort zone, but trusting that God’s guidance will be provided along the way; it signifies a commitment to ongoing spiritual development and action based on faith, one step at a time.

The Men of Saint Michael seeks to be a ministry to all men of the church no matter the age and stages of life. Through collaboration with Saint Michael’s plan of discipleship, we hold major events, programs, service opportunities and other faith related efforts to meet men’s individual and group needs and interests. The goal is to increase interest and engagement in the men's ministries at Saint Michael and empower spiritual growth and transformation.

One main program is the Men with Purpose Speaker Series. We did not want men to just come to an event, but also to give them an immediate “next step” to take. In September, Jim Keyes, former CEO of 7-11 and Blockbuster, was our speaker. He shared the story of his upbringing, the challenges of turning 7-11 around when the stock hit $4 a share and his journey to re-position Blockbuster, only to have the financing pulled in the eleventh hour. He also shared the role of his faith through it all and how it carried him through the darkest of times.

What man doesn’t like brisket? The next step we invited men to was to tour the best BBQ “joints” in Dallas.

The MOSM Holy Smokes BBQ Tour and an adventure in search of faith, fellowship, and BBQ in Dallas were born. At each stop, we discussed one theme from Jim Keye’s presentation. While many familiar faces joined us each week, over one-third were new faces in attendance, and I must say that we all had a lot of fun while deepening our spiritual growth and building new relationships.

Stops on the three-week faith-based feeding frenzy were Heim’s BBQ near Love Field, Terry Black’s in Deep Ellum, and Oak’d in Old Town. In addition to tasty ribs, sausage, brisket, and a plethora of scrumptious sides, the evening events featured a guest speaker from our congregation who shared how the topic of the evening had touched their lives and spiritual journey. They included Grady Schleier, Elliott Burdett, and Scott Hinkle. I am extremely grateful for their participation, as sometimes it’s not so easy to share your story.

The first stop on the tour was Heim’s BBQ where we discussed leaving a lasting legacy and how important it is to make a meaningful impact that continues to influence others, even after you're gone. It's not just about being remembered, but about the positive difference you've made in the lives of others and the world around you. At the end of the talk, we were invited to discuss with others at our tables the legacy you want to leave by asking:

– What do I want to be remembered for? – How can I make a positive impact today that will last? – What lessons or values do I want to pass on to others?

Living intentionally and aligning your actions with your desired legacy can be challenging, but it can ensure that the impact you leave is both meaningful and lasting.

The second tour event took place at Terry Black’s. The evening’s topic was gratitude, a powerful emotion that involves recognizing and appreciating all things in life. It's more than just saying "thank you;" it’s a deep sense of appreciation for everything from small gestures to significant blessings. Benefits of practicing gratitude include improved mental health, stronger relationships, increased happiness, better physical health, and enhanced resilience. Those present were asked to discuss how they could incorporate gratitude into their lives. Some suggestions were keeping a gratitude journal, expressing thanks” more often and in different ways, being mindful to help you stay present and appreciate the moment, and writing “gratitude letters” to people that have positively impacted their lives. Practicing gratitude regularly and more often can transform our mindset and enhance our overall well-being. It’s a simple yet profound way to bring more positivity into your life.

The final stop on the tour was the outdoor patio at Oak’d BBQ. The topic was Overcoming Adversity, which is a significant part of the human experience and often shapes our character while building resilience. Adversity comes in many forms, such as personal struggles, financial hardships, health challenges, or societal obstacles. How you respond to these challenges can define your path forward. Like leaving a lasting legacy and incorporating more gratitude into your life, overcoming adversity is a process that requires resilience, support, positive mindset, but most of all, a focus and reliance on your faith in God. By building faith, staying persistent, seeking help when needed, and maintaining a focus on your goals, you can navigate through difficult times and emerge stronger on the other side.

What began as a “what if we did this…?” elevator conversation turned into a really fun series of outings for the men’s ministry of Saint Michael and All Angels. The events were casual, yet meaningful. The fellowship was abundant, and new relationships were formed. We came to the tour stops with empty stomachs and perhaps a “gap” in our faith and left nourished through BBQ and personal, in-depth discussions about our lives and faith. Most of all, we were enriched with a renewed knowledge that we are all beloved children of God. I have already been asked what the next tour will be. Stay tuned, we have only just begun. In the meantime, go in peace and may the Lord be with you! And consider what your next step of faith might be as well...

The next Men with Purpose Speaker Series will be Wednesday, February 26 at 7:30 a.m. at the Park City Club. Our speaker will be Colonel Ben Saylor, who served 28 years in the United States Marine Corps, including Operation Iraqi Freedom. Ben currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of Fidelity Contract Flooring in San Diego, CA. He volunteers with the Semper Fi & America’s Fund which helps returning servicemen navigate their individual and unique life challenges to strength, resilience, and independence. Ben will be sharing his journey of faith and the mission of the Semper Fi & America’s Fund.

If you would like to know more about the Men of Saint Michael, contact Dr. Tim Smith at 214.363.5471 or email him at


Join us in welcoming our newest staff members!

ALMA VEGA-ROUSE Director of Advancement

Saint Michael is happy to announce Alma Vega-Rouse as our new Director of Advancement. She has more than two decades of experience in non-profit administration and development across social services, the arts, and academia. Born in Mexico, Alma immigrated to the United States as a child and was raised in Dallas, Texas, where she developed a keen understanding of the power of education, opportunity, and serving others. Her professional journey has been defined by creating inclusive programs, strengthening organizational infrastructures, and fostering environments where individuals can thrive.

Alma served her country as a member of the U.S. Marine Corps then later married David Rouse, a former U.S. Navy serviceman, reflecting their shared commitment to service and sacrifice. Their son, Blake, continues that tradition in the U.S. Navy, currently stationed in Japan with his wife, Krystal, and their two children, Solomon and Endymion. Alma’s daughter, Clarissa, engaged to Thomas Rachelle, is a student at the University of Texas at Arlington, working toward her own meaningful contributions to society.

Alma holds a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences from the University of North Texas and is currently pursuing her Master of Business Administration at the University of Texas at El Paso. Alma finds joy in the simple comforts of home. She and David share their lives with two beloved Chihuahuas, Pablo and Lilly—siblings who bring warmth, laughter, and unconditional love into their household. Through every endeavor, Alma Vega-Rouse remains dedicated to empowering others and building a more inclusive, supportive world.



Assistant for Worship & Liturgy

Karen Krasovec, joins Saint Michael as the Assistant for Worship & Liturgy. She comes to us after having served for more than eight years in various capacities at Highland Park ISD, most recently in the Athletics office. KK, as she is more often known, grew up in the Park Cities and graduated from SMU in 1991 with a degree in Journalism & Broadcast News. She is an active member at Highland Park UMC, is the recruitment chair for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumni Association, and is also active in the Junior League and the National Charity League. KK’s husband Mark is Director of Sales at Linear Roofing & General Contractors LLC, their older daughter Katie is an actor and singer who is in the process of relocating to New York City to pursue a career in musical theater, and their younger daughter Mary Elise is enrolled at the University of Arkansas.


Martha Bogdon, Director of Stewardship, was recruited to a new position with the Children’s Medical Center Foundation, which provides philanthropic support to Children’s Health in Dallas. Martha was an invaluable member of our fundraising team, bringing professionalism, kindness, organizational skills, and effectiveness to her work. Martha shared, “Since arriving last fall, I have greatly appreciated the wonderful parishioners and team members I have had the privilege to work with, as well as the generous spirit of the Saint Michael community.”

Haley Dettra , Director of Worship Ministries, has been given the opportunity to join the staff of the Living Church. Haley provided effective support and guidance to our many worship ministries and helped ensure our weekly services, pastoral services, and seasonal offerings all reflect our commitment to worship that is reverent, engaging, and meaningful. She has also been instrumental in helping equip and support new leaders in several worship ministries. Although we will very much miss having her as a member of the staff, we’re grateful her work for the Living Church will enable her to continue worshiping and serving at Saint Michael as a parishioner.

The Rev. Mary Lessmann, Associate for Spiritual Growth, who served Saint Michael faithfully for almost nine years, retired in January. Mary wrote in a letter to the parish in December, “My time on staff at Saint Michael has been a tapestry of Enneagram offerings, Ladies’ Bible Studies, and Confirmation preparation. It has been pilgrimages on the Camino de Santiago, to the Holy Land, and to Ireland. It has been Sunday School classes, podcast reflections, and sermons. I am so grateful for each and every one of you I have grown to know through these ministries. You have enriched and blessed my life. Working with my clergy colleagues has been the most fun I’ve had as a priest. What an amazing group of talented, committed, and wickedly funny clergy we have at Saint Michael!” We are thrilled that Mary will continue to be an active member of Saint Michael.

Caroline Moore, Director of Advancement retired at the beginning of February. For the past three years, Caroline has done an incredible job partnering with Chris Girata and the Capital Campaign Committee to reach our unprecedented Building our Future capital project goal. She worked tirelessly to bring in more than 800 participants who joined the campaign, exceeding the more than $74 million budget. We are so glad Caroline has been part of the Saint Michael professional team, and we are delighted that she will continue to be an active member of Saint Michael.

Caroline Wilks, Advancement Manager, was recruited to a new position with the Catholic Diocese of Dallas as Prospect Research Analyst. “I truly have served here with all my heart, and I will miss each and every one of the wonderful staff at this marvelous place,” Caroline wrote.


In early October, Pastoral Care invited our volunteers and their friends to gather for our 2024 Annual Pastoral Care Awards. In all, 67 came together for food, fellowship, and to recognize the amazing work done by our volunteers.

This year, we instituted the New Volunteer Award. With the growth of our parish, we realized that many people who have been at Saint Michael less than a year, were working hard to integrate themselves into our church ministries. This year, we recognize Joseph Soundrapandriyan as our recipient of this award.

Joseph moved to Dallas from Dubai in 2022 to work in IT. As a member of the Anglican Church in Dubai, he was very involved with the choir and operations. From the moment Joseph arrived as a visitor to Saint Michael, he began serving as a Sunday Greeter and then became part of the Young Adult Leadership Team. We are grateful for your service, Joseph!

In 2023, we created the Angel Wings Award to recognize that Pastoral Care is only a part of what Saint Michael offers to this neighborhood. We work with many ministries throughout the year and are grateful for our collaborations with them. This award recognizes outstanding service to Pastoral Care from another ministry area. This year’s recipient of the Angel Wings Award is Marvin Thedford.

Marvin has some real fans at Saint Michael. One of them wrote, “Marvin is one of those people who is always available to help at church and is always concerned about others.” And this wasn’t the only note-many have stopped me in the halls to say how much they love what he does for this parish.

Marvin has been part of Saint Michael since December of 2004-that is a good long discipleship. He is deep into ministry, participating in ministries across our parish, like: Faith and Grief, Prime Timers, Building and Grounds Committee, and performing many special acts of service. He would never say this about himself, but Marvin is truly a servant in this community, and he well deserves the Angel Wings Award.

Our third award is the Servant’s Heart Award and is given for faithful service to this parish. This year, we recognize four people:

Jeanne Snead has been a servant at Saint Michael for years and continues to serve across many ministries. But in Pastoral Care she has done an amazing job as one of our Parish Nurses—making parishioner visits during her own rounds as an RN and then checking on the patients when they arrive back home to assure they are doing well.

She is deeply invested in our Angel Food Ministry where parishioners, after a hospital stay, may receive a meal. Jeanne loves and supports this ministry along with her husband J.C. And speaking of ministry with J.C., both have served as Lay Eucharistic Ministers, taking the blessed bread to people at home.

Anne Leary is primarily, a servant. She has been active as a Meals on Wheels volunteer and works at the Women’s Exchange. Most recently, though, Anne serves as a leader of our Good Shepherd Ministry.

Liz Wheelan has put her skills to work in many of Saint Michael’s ministries: Farmers Market, Greeter, and Mission & Outreach. Liz continues to support those ministries, but she heads up one that really touches my

heart. The Touchbase Ministry is dedicated to keeping up with parishioners who have health issues. Imagine yourself to be in a facility or home with minimal contact with the outside world; to receive a call from Liz must feel like a direct line from God.

Mary Kardell spent many years honing her ministry skills with Mothers Against Drunk Driving, an amazing group that continues to save lives through their work. Here at Saint Michael, she has been involved with the Women of Saint Michael, Greeters, and Farmers Market. But I know her best as a member, then leader, of Stephen Ministry. These are highly trained Saint Michaelites equipped to be a strong listening presence when folks experience one of life’s downturns. With her experience, Mary reconfigured the Stephen Ministers into the group it is today-a true gift to the church and neighborhood.

Thank you to all of our Servant’s Hearts recipients!

Finally, The Lifetime Service Award is given in recognition of extraordinary efforts sustained over a long discipleship. Ministry is not always easy and to continue to labor through the ups and downs of life and church ministry is a special gift. The recipient this year is Sue Patton.

Sue is amazing. She and her husband Bob came to Saint Michael in 1978 and she was almost immediately serving. The list is long because she has offered herself in every conceivable way: Funeral Guild, Prime Timers, Hurricane Relief, various Bible studies, Good Shepherds, and Pie at 4th of July. Sue is a Past President of the Women of Saint Michael, and a longtime leader and co-leader of the Women's Cancer Support Group. Well done, Sue!

These disciples and many others make Pastoral Care ministries part of the bedrock this parish has to offer. It is an honor to serve with them.

From left to right: The Rev. Greg Pickens, Sue Patton, Marvin Thedford, Anne Leary, Liz Wheelan, Jeanne Snead, Mary Kardell, and Joseph Alwyn Soundrapandiyan


New leaders are elected annually at the Fall Parish Meeting. These leaders were elected on Sunday, October 27, 2024.



• Co-Founder of Project Moses

• Ministry Chair of Pastoral Care

• Graduate of the Education for Ministry (EfM) program of the University of the South

• Acolyte Corp - Chalice Bearer, Verger, Master of Ceremonies

• Co-Chair of the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Dallas


• Past President, Women of Saint Michael

• Catechesis of Good Shephard Teacher

• Past Chair, Children and Family Ministry Committee

• Graduate of the Education for Ministry (EfM) program of the University of the South

• Past Board Chair of Community Partners of Dallas (CPD)


• Communications Chair, Women of Saint Michael

• Member, Stewardship Committee

• Co-Director and Volunteer, Vacation Bible School

• Current Chair, CFM Standing Committee

• Current Diocesan Convention Alternate


• Pastoral Care/Engagement Committee Member

• Member, Saint Michael and All Angels Young Adults Member

• Saint Michael and All Angels Men's Thursday Lectionary Member

• Men of Saint Michael Member

• Volunteer Advisor to St. Philips School to develop real estate along MLK Boulevard


• Confirmation teacher and youth volunteer

• Rector Advisory group

• Stewardship Committee

• Strategic Planning Committee

• All Angels Foundation Nominating Committee



• All Angels Foundation Trustee

• All Angels Foundation, Vice President –Communications

• Acolyte/Chalice Bearer

• Verger Fellow, Verger Guild of Episcopal Church

• Former Member, Ministry to Newcomers


• Acolyte Master (50 years)

• Horizon Outreach Fund Committee Member

• Sunday School Teacher (10 years)

• Disciples Confirmation Class Teacher

• Board Member, All Angels Foundation


• Current Chair, All Angels Foundation Grants Committee

• Past Women of Saint Michael Luncheon Co-Chair

• Past Vacation Bible School and Sunday School teacher

• Confirmation Disciples Leader

• Visiting Nurse Association Foundation Board, Southwestern Medical Foundation Board

Diocesan Convention


• Finance Committee Member

• Managing Director, JLL

• Professional organizations through work including TREC and ULI

• Leadership or mentorship opportunities within the firm I work for (JLL / HFF)


• Acolyte and Chalice Bearer

• Choir Member

• Men of Saint Michael member

• Episcopal Diocese of Dallas Convention Delegate


• Current President, All Angels Foundation

• Senior Warden, Saint Michael Vestry (2015 – 2017)

• Horizon Outreach Fund Committee Member

• Stewardship Campaign Committee (multiple years)

• Adult Formation Committee Member (multiple years)


• Usher, Saint Michael Chapel (19 years)

• Youth Sunday School Teacher (2 years)

• Boy Scouts of America, Troop Committee

• Executive Council, KBH Energy Center, UT Austin

• Investment Banking M&A and Finance (35 years)


• Acolyte Corps

• Member, Stewardship Committee

• Chair-Elect, Stewardship Committee

• Episcopal School of Dallas Board of Directors

• ESD Alumni Board and Past President ESD Dad's Partnership


• Acolyte Corps

• Chalice Bearer

• Trustee, Dallas Historical Society


• Lead Coordinator, Contemporary Service

• Small Group Leader, ALPHA Course

• Usher, Chalice Bearer

• Lector Reader / Prayers of the People

FEB 21 MAY 09

9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Coke Room (Room 201)

We need you! The Parish Nurse Ministry, in partnership with the American Red Cross, will sponsor blood drives this winter and spring. To schedule an appointment, scan the QR code, enter 75225 in the red “Find a Blood Drive” box at the top right of the screen, press the arrow, and scroll down to find the Saint Michael blood drive dates. On the day of your donation, please bring your driver’s license, your Red Cross card, or use the Red Cross app.

There is a season called Lent, and it lasts 40 days. This story takes place during Lent, and on day 34, Palm Sunday, Jesus went into Jerusalem. Now remember Jesus’ birth and how important that donkey was? Well, the donkey is important in this story, too!

You see, Jesus was going into Jerusalem and said to the apostles, “I need a donkey to ride. There’s a man that has some donkeys right around the corner. Go there and get one of them. If he says anything, tell him the master needs it and that you’ll return it.” So they went, and sure enough, there was the donkey, eating. They took it away from the food and were trying to put a rope around it when the donkey’s owner said, “Hey! What are you doing?” The disciples jumped and said, “We need to borrow the donkey. Jesus said that you would say it’s ok. We’ll bring it right back.” The owner said, “Jesus said that? I like Jesus, so you can take the donkey and bring it back.”

Well, the donkey didn’t like it, because he was eating and resting. He didn’t want to go anywhere, so he started kicking up his hooves like crazy! Eventually, he calmed down, and they put a rope around him. They also put a cloth on his back

so Jesus could sit on him. The donkey went along with them, but his head was down as he moped along, as he really did not want to do this.

When they arrived at the Mount of Olives, Jesus got on the donkey. If you were to see that donkey now, you would have seen his ears go straight up. His head lifted, and his body became rigid and straight. That donkey knew that Jesus was a very special person and was riding him! They overlooked the city of Jerusalem and started down the hill. When they got to the bottom, people were waving, yelling, and throwing palm leaves and branches along the road (that’s why we call it Palm Sunday.) They shouted, “Hosanna, Son of David!”

As he got closer, somebody took off their cloak and put it on the ground so the donkey could walk over it. There were also apostles and disciples among the people, waving palm branches and singing, “Hosanna! Hosanna, to the Son of David!” What a wonderful day it was. Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey was a sign of peace. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a Roman ruler named Pontius Pilate rode a horse with an army behind him. The horse was always a sign of war. So, there they were: Pontius Pilate, the warrior on a horse, and Jesus, a man of peace, on a donkey. The donkey praised God with a loud HEE-HAW!

Amen. May God bless you.


May the souls of these faithful departed rest in peace

Bobby G. Barnett

May 7, Tricia Monfrey (sister) and Mark (brother-in-law)

Gerard “Kendrick” LeBlanc

June 4, David LeBlanc (brother) and Abigail (niece)

Neil Dunning Anderson

October 12, Mary Anderson (wife), Anna Anderson Lammens (daughter), Lorenz (son-in-law), Annabel and Sebastian (grandchildren)

Mary Lou Klotzman

October 21, Kathryn McCoy Devine (granddaughter) and Will (grandson-in-law)

Fredna “Sue” Slaton Luce Alter

October 25

Frederick E. "Shad" Rowe

October 25, Michele Rowe (wife), Ginette Beecherl (daughter), Johnny (son-in-law), Roy, Michele, and Samuel (grandchildren)

Jack Harold Haaker

October 27

Mark Sebastian Schaffenburg

October 28

Dorothy Jackson Garland

October 30, Dotti Singhal (daughter), Nupe (son-in-law), Jackson and James (grandsons)

Leonard Mariash

November 2, Leslie Taylor (daughter) and Katherine Smith (granddaughter)

Joleen McCoy

November 7, BJ Clark (niece)

Jack L. Williams

November 13, Whitney Grogan (daughter), Jay (son-in-law), and Will (grandson)

Richard Douglas "Dick" Frazar

November 26, Cookie Frazar (wife) and Kevin Frazar (son)

Dr. Allan Ernest Price

December 8, Mary Jo Price (wife)

Mary Therese "Terry" Costa Weathers

December 9

Verna Jean McCoy

December 12, Don McCoy (son) and Melissa (daughter-in-law)

Geraldine Penn "Geri" Booras

December 13, Jack Rubarth (son-in-law), Andy, Charlie, and Oliver (grandsons)

Elaine Lee Ellsworth Vail

December 15

Richard Ernest Skochdopole

December 23, Jim Skochdopole (son), Nancy (daughter-in-law), Kate Minnich (granddaughter), Tyler (grandson-in-law), Sam (great-grandson), Ellie Wolfe (granddaughter) and William (grandson-in-law)

Joseph "Patrick" Reynolds

December 27, Gloria Reynolds (mother)

Nancy Barnett Penn

December 28, Jiggs Foster (daughter), Todd (son-in-law), Elizabeth, Jack, and William (grandchildren)

Betty Fischer Conner

December 29, Eric Conner (son), Judy (daughter-in-law),

Nick, Noah, and Olivia (grandchildren)

Juanita Belen Hinkley

December 30, Catherine Seveney (aunt) and Harrison (uncle-in-law)

Dr. Thomas Craddock "Tom" Howard III

January 4, Todd Howard (brother), Elizabeth (sister-in-law), Boyd (nephew) and Catherine (niece)

Alan Bernard Stein

January 4, LaRee Stein (wife)


Celebrating the arrival of our newest family members

Grace Lynn Grogan

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Parents: Christine and Reed Grogan (Previous Members) Grandparents: Jay and Whitney Grogan

Fletcher Chase Pitman

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Parents: Jenna (Saint Michael Graphic Designer II) & Josh Pitman


Cho irs!


Did you sing in high school or college? Do you have a nice "chorus voice?" Basic music reading skills? We're expanding our ranks, and we would love to sing with you! The Saint Michael Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7 – 9 p.m. and primarily sings at the 9 a.m. Traditional Service.


Does your child love to sing? Are you looking for a group for your child to plug in to at Saint Michael? The Chorister Program is open to children grades 3 – 12. We provide a comprehensive music education in a fun, welcoming environment.

For more information about any of our choirs, scan the QR code, visit, or contact:

Catherine Seveney, Administrative Assistant to Music, or 214.692.3005


The Saint Michael Cherub Choir teaches children the basics of healthy singing, music literacy, and liturgical formation through songs, Bible stories, and crafts. This choir is for children who are pre-K through 2nd grade. Two sessions are offered each week. The first session is particularly designed for pre-K and kindergarteners and the second session is primarily for kindergarteners through 2nd graders, but your child is welcome at whichever session is most convenient for your family's schedule.


Mary & Jerry Andrlik

Arkay Foundation

Marla & Tony Briggle

Mary Louise & David Hopson

Judge JW Kerr Jr.

Kelly Compton & DeWitt McCarter

Suzanne & Jay Lipscomb

Jeff & Darrel Rice

Wyatt & Carolyn Rousseau

John & Kathy Yeaman


Shannon Wilson Callewart

Nicole & Chris Girata

Jane & Pat Jenevin

Bob & Marti Korver

Allan & Dawn Morrill

Byrd Teague

Mary & Matt Waller

Sherry & Robert Wilson

Pam Barbera Nell Beck

Becky & Mike Casey

John Ellerman

Louise & Guy Griffeth

Libby Norwood Johnson

Dr. David & Mrs. Corinne Karp

Patricia Plettner

Gigi & Jerry Poglitsch

Erica & Charlie Sartain

Tricia & Tom Stewart

Paige Wilbur


Julie & Chuck Butterworth

Jane & Greg Greene

Michael & Sylvia Hood

Elizabeth & John Lang

John & Prudence Mackintosh

Sue & Bob Patton

Tig Thompson

Nancy Wilbur


Sandra & Dr. Fred Ciarochi

Margaret Cervin

Sally & Mark Cullum

Kendall & Deanna Goodman

Barbara Kandel

Don & Pat Moore

Jennifer & Thomas Russell

Gail & Ken Vesledahl

of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

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