The Archangel April 2016

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the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

April 2016

Living the Resurrection


Okay, first things first. It really happened. The tomb really was empty. Jesus really appeared to his disciples. The man who was totally unjustly

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Saint Michael 101 Dinner Distinguished Lecture Series Walter Brueggeman

executed was raised from the dead and appears to those who will accept him and be transformed by him. It’s nearly as if he’s saying, “All I did was tell you how much my Father loves you and how to live into that

Farmers Market Vestry Meeting Disciples Retreat Acolyte Training Barnyard Bash

life. For my efforts you killed me. But violence and evil cannot overcome peace and love. My Father has raised me. I’m still with you and I still love you. Now what are you going to do? I hope you’ll accept me into your hearts and be resurrected with me.” As a rule when we think of justice we think of retributive justice – an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth – despite Jesus’ expressly telling us to do otherwise. (Cf., Matthew 5:43-48) What Jesus

Saint Michael’s Farmers Market Opens Saturday, April 16 – Volunteer Now Saturday, April16 will be the opening day for Saint Michael’s Farmers Market. Our long-time vendors will be joined by several new ones with delicious, healthy produce, fresh eggs, nohormone meats, and a lot more. The market will be open from 8:00 to Noon. The market has been recognized by D Magazine and The Dallas Morning News as one of the best farmers markets in the Dallas area. Last year nearly 400 shoppers visited our market every Saturday. Now is the time to volunteer as a Farmers Market Greeter. Register online at smfmvolunteers or with

extols instead is restorative justice, a justice filled with mercy, more concerned with restoring the sinner to his or her God-given potential than with extracting a price for evil deeds done. The power of such love is demonstrated precisely in the love the witnesses to the resurrection exhibited after having known the Risen One. The human response to pain inflicted is to seek revenge, yet we have not one single account of any of the witnesses to the resurrection striking back. And, so far as

Volume 28 No. 4

cont. on page 19

Easter baskets were loaded Saturday morning. See the hunts on page 7

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