Sunday News - April 3

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T HE S UNDAY N EWS April 3, 2016

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love

Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Thank you for joining us today as we celebrate Eastertide. Today Saint Michael’s youth are returning from their Spring Retreat at Camp All Saints, and tonight The Rev. Bob Johnston initiates Saint Michael 101 for anyone that is interested in joining or learning more about our church. There is still time to RSVP. Just tell a priest you want to attend. Saint Michael is a great place to be…and there is a place for you. Distinguished Lecture Series Next Sunday: Walter Brueggemann. Dr. Walter Brueggemann, considered one of the most influential Old Testament scholars of modern times, will be Saint Michael’s Distinguished Lecturer next Sunday, April 10. In Parish Hall at 10:00 Dr. Brueggemann will speak on “Covenant as an Alternative to Pharaoh.” And, at a reservations-only lunch in the Coke Activities Room at 12:30, he will address “Covenantal Economics: How God Wants us to Treat The Other.” Make reservations with Julia at Cost is $15. Childcare with lunch is available upon request. Confirmation Preparation for Adults – There’s Still Time to Join. Learn about the joining the Episcopal Church and Saint Michael and All Angels. Confirmation classes, led by Interim Rector Doug Travis and The Rev. Greg Pickens, are held Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 through April 27in the Coke Activities Room. Dinner and childcare (for ages 3 & under) is provided. Register online at www. or contact Ann Mills ( or Tish Visinsky ( for more information. Saint Michael to Host Diocesan Strategic Planning Meeting April 23. The Diocese of Dallas is preparing a Strategic Plan and Saint Michael and All Angels will host one of three meetings to gather input from members. The Saint Michael meeting will be held Saturday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. The Strategic Planning Committee is charge by Bishop George Sumner to have a plan for review at the Diocesan Convention this fall. “I have asked the Committee not only for strategic goals but also for action items to ensure the plan is subject to implementation with measurable accountability,” the Bishop said.

Saint Michael 101, Tonight – A Dinner Experience for Newcomers Saint Michael 101 is an evening for people who want to join or learn more about Saint Michael and All Angels Church. The Rev. Bob Johnston will lead a lively fastpaced, and fun dinner from 6:00. to 8:00 in the Coke Activities Room. Come meet our Clergy, Vestry, and Program Staff. Learn about our ministries, opportunities for involvement, and the exciting future of our parish. Dinner and childcare provided. Tell a priest today if you are able to attend.

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