Sunday News - April 17

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T HE S UNDAY N EWS April 17, 2016

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love

Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. There is a lot of good news. We have hired a new Director of Youth Ministries, Saint Michael’s Farmers Market opened for its 5th season yesterday, and the Women of Saint Michael is gearing up for its Annual Spring Luncheon, and there’s a lot more. In short, there are many, many ways for you to get connected at Saint Michael. Try it! Thank you for worshiping with us today. End of Life Series Begins Today in ESD Library. A three week series dealing with End of Life issues begins today with parishioner Kathy Rose from Community Hospice of Texas discussing Hospice Care. Next Sunday, April 24, Bennett Cullum will present “The Legal Side of End of Life,” and the series closes May 1 with The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser talking about planning a memorial service and Kimberly Robinson presenting Saint Michael’s Columbarium options. The series will be in the ESD Library at 10:00. Saint Michael’s Farmers Market is Open. Saint Michael’s Farmers Market got off to a great start yesterday. The Market will be open every Saturday through September 17, rain or shine. More than 30 vendors, both long-time and new, have committed to bring their produce and products to shoppers every week. The market is open from 8:00 a.m. to 12- Noon. If you can be a Farmers Market volunteer greeter, sign up online at www.saintmichael. org/smfmvolunteers or with Saint Michael to Host Diocesan Strategic Planning Meeting Next Saturday. The Diocese of Dallas is preparing a Strategic Plan and Saint Michael and All Angels will host one of three meetings to gather input from members. The Saint Michael meeting will be held next Saturday, April 23, at 10:00 a.m. The Strategic Planning Committee is charged by Bishop George Sumner to have a plan for review at the Diocesan Convention this fall. “I have asked the Committee not only for strategic goals but also for action items to ensure the plan is subject to implementation with measurable accountability,” the Bishop said. Easter Giving Tops $40,000. The offerings made at the Easter worship services totaled $40,097. The money will be divided equally between Dallas’ Gateway of Grace, the largest refugee outreach program in North Texas; Dallas’ Our Friends Place, providing transitional resources to women facing neglect, abuse, poverty, or homelessness; and The Princess Basma Centre for Children in Jerusalem. Thank you for your generosity. Saint Michael Calls New Youth Director Lauren Wainwright has been called to be the Director of Youth Ministry at Saint Michael and All Angels and will begin on June 1. She will oversee the middle school and high school programs. Ms. Wainwright brings over nine years of youth ministry experience to Saint Michael, most recently as Director of Youth Ministries at Christ Episcopal Church in Ponte Vedra, Florida. She has a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science from the University of Southern Mississippi. The Rev. Bill Murray, Vicar, said “Lauren is a joyful youth minister who combines a thoughtful, serious side with a fun, hands-on approach.” Read more about our new Youth Director at

Parish Clergy The Very Reverend Doug Travis, Interim Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Youth & Young Adults The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Bob Johnston, Associate for Evangelism The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Rich Towers, Sunday Associate The Reverend Mary Lessmann, Sunday Associate

Parish Vestry Matt Waller, Sr. Warden Kay Whelan, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, Whitney Grogan, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Tom Rhodus, Elizabeth L. Selzer, J.C. Snead, Arnold Spencer, Kay Whelan, and Chris Wiley.

Worship Schedule Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - Eucharist Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - Healing Service Fridays (during Lent only) 6:00 p.m. - Stations of the Cross, Church Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist 5:30 p.m. - Candlelight Mass Sunday Services 7:30 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 9:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite II, Church 9:00 a.m. - Discovery Mass, SMC 9:00 a.m. - Joy Mass - Parish Hall 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, Church 11:11 a.m. - Celebration, Parish Hall 5:30 p.m. - Evening Prayer and Eucharist - SMC smaadallas

Priest on Call If you have an urgent need to contact a priest after hours call 214-232-7512. Communications Card Use the card to register as a guest, make prayer requests, RSVPs, and provide information on yourself. Need Prayer Prayer Teams can pray with you after Sunday morning services. Ushers can direct you to private prayer locations. Prayer Candles A $1 donation is appreciated for lit candles in the Bishop Moore and Saint Michael Chapels.

• Vacation Bible School is looking for adult and youth volunteers. Sign up online at or contact Emily at • Be a Meals on Wheels driver and deliverer. Contact Mary Bartholow at

Registration Underway for Vacation Bible School: Volunteer Opportunities Abound. Registration for this year’s June 13 - 16 Vacation Bible School, Deep Sea Discovery, is going on now. Adult and youth volunteers are needed and can sign-up now online at Saint Michael Episcopal School Kids Coin Drive Success. During Lent, the children at Saint Michael Episcopal School were challenged to fill a jar in their rooms with quarters. The money would be used to buy farm animals for families in thirdworld countries. Our kids raised $330, enough to buy a pig, a goat, and a flock of chickens. Way to go! Saint Michael Episcopal School Summer Camp Registration Underway. Beginning in June, the Saint Michael Episcopal School will offer seven week-long summer camps for children 2-years old – 5 years old. Included is a “Stay and Play” option in the afternoons. The August Summer Camp will focus on Getting Ready for Kindergarten. Get a complete description of the camps at www. Barnyard Bash Next Sunday – Supports Saint Michael Episcopal School. Petting zoo, pony rides, and bounce houses and more will highlight next Sunday’s Barnyard Bash. The fun starts at 4:00 with games, attractions, and food followed by an Eddie Coker concert from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Activities include a snow cone truck, petting zoo, bungee jump, bounce houses, pony rides, train rides and more! Please visit barnyardbash for underwriting opportunities, reservations, and to volunteer.

Senior Recognition Sunday, May 8. Saint Michael and All Angels will recognize and honor its graduating high school seniors on Sunday, May 8 at the 11:00 worship service. A celebratory luncheon for the students, their parents and relatives will be held in the Garden Cloister following the service. Students and parents should complete the registration/ RSVP form online at Courtyard and Columbarium Tours Scheduled Today. Take a stroll and experience the beauty of Saint Michael’s Nave Courtyard and Columbarium after the 11:00 services today. The Columbarium Committee will provide tours of this wonderful space where the combination of wind, water, and sky are blended to enhance the serenity of our entire campus. PT Cruisers to Follow the Bluebonnet Trail. The PT Cruisers hit the road this week to follow the Bluebonnet Trail. On Thursday, April 21, the Cruisers hop on the bus leaving the church at 9:30. First stop is the Wildflower Cafe for lunch and then a guided tour of the roadsides painted blue The cost for this glorious day is $20. Make your reservations by today with Mary Davis at 214-363-7761. Women of Saint Michael Spring Luncheon Set for Wednesday, May 11. The Women of Saint Michael, will culminate the 2015 - 2016 year with its Annual Spring Luncheon Wednesday May 11, featuring nationally recognized corporate change-agent Courtney Ferrell. The luncheon, starting at 11:00 and honoring Peggy Carr as Honorary Chairman, will be held at 7000 Park Lane. Luncheon reservations can be made online at or on Sundays at Women of Saint Michael tables near the Parlor. Large Print Book of Common Prayer Available. Several copies of the Book of Common Prayer with large print are available for use during worship services. They can be borrowed from the South Lanai receptionist and returned following the service. Alcoholics Anonymous. This group, open to both men and women, meets on the first and third Sundays of each month at 7:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Contact: The Rev. Neal Hern, Care Givers Support Group meets on the first and third Mondays at 11:00 in the parlor, providing support for those who have the responsibility of caring for a loved one. Contact: Sandra Klingeman, Saint Michael Serves at The Gathering April 24. Next Sunday, April 24, Saint Michael will be serving at The Gathering, the worship service and lunch for the homeless in Thanks-Giving Square in Downtown Dallas. We need volunteers: (1) to cook lunch in the Parish Hall Kitchen Sunday morning at 11:00 and (2) to serve it at Thanks-Giving Square after then 1:00 worship. To volunteer contact Lane Clark at Explore Saint Michael’s Amistad Mission May 1. For many years, Saint Michael missioners have been changing lives of children and families at the Amistad Mission in Bolivia. Sunday, May 1 at 10:00 in the Parlor you can learn about the church’s work at Casa Esperanza and this year’s mission trip to Boliva. For information contact Richard or Maria D’Antoni,, or The Rev. Hunter Ruffin at Mission Outreach to Explore Gifts for New Ministries: Building the Fire. A Mission Outreach sponsored workshop, “Building the Fire: Discovering the Gifts of the Spirit,” Sunday May 1st will explore ideas for new ministries reaching from within Saint Michael to the Dallas community and beyond. “There are so many gifts in our church that we can use to ignite new ways to reach out and serve in the name of Christ,” said Mission Outreach Associate The Rev. Hunter Ruffin. “We need people of all ages to help us identify these gifts.” Results of the workshops will be unveiled at worship services on Pentecost Sunday, May 15. Sign-up for the workshop online at www.


Christian Formation Sunday Mornings at 10:00


The Forum

The Adult Bible Study Class

The Fellowship Class

Saint Michael Chapel

Coke Activities Room

Spirituality for the Second Half of Life

The Jesus Found in Q - the lost source used by Matthew and Luke

Doug Travis


Spirituality for the Second Half of Life Doug Travis

Living. Faith.

End of Life Series

Parish Hall

Chapel Conference Room

ESD Library

Jacob Dating

The Terror of God

Hospice Care

Bill Murray

Greg Pickens

Kathy Rose

The Synoptic Jesus

Jacob and Esau: Part II

News Flash: Science Discovers God!

The Legal Side of End of Life

Irwin Sentilles

Hunter Ruffin

Greg Pickens

Bennett Cullum

Irwin Sentilles

Children and Youth Sundays @ 10 Catechesis Level One Edge Room and Power Library Catechesis Level Two Rooms 101 and 213 Children’s Choir

ESD Lobby

PreK & Kindergarten Room 15 1st & 2nd grade

Room 17

The Bridge 3rd Grade Room 108 The Edge

4th and 5th Grade Blue Room - Youth Center

Disciples Confirmation Class 6th Grade – Theater Encounter Sunday School

7th - 12th Grades – Youth Center

The Prayers of the People During the Prayers of the People you are encouraged to offer aloud or silently your own petitions. As you pray, please remember the following people who as of Thursday, April 14, have asked for our prayers: Sarah Berg, Luke Blaylock, Ben Cervin, Doris Cowling, Ralph Cousins, Dr. Larry Davis, Ken deGruy, Connie Gordon, Guy Griffeth, Bonnie Grose, Jody Guenther, Winnie Hamlin, Liam Hawk, Jim Howell, Charlotte Huthnance, Emily Irwin, Ginette Jefferson, Lynn Blake-Jerabek, Grace and Lynne Jordan, Kate and Dana Juett, Graham Kinahan, Jim Klingeman, Stacey Ligon, Tom & Lindsay McKinnon, Beverly Middleton, John Moderi, Jan Moncrief, Azure & John Morrison, Douglas Nettle, Halimah Olaekeji, Tom Park, Brown Plummer, Larry Prohaska, Kathryn Miller Rabey, Mico Rodriguez, Katy Rubarth, Pat Shaw, Ken Smith, Fredna Stewart, Valerie Guenther Unger, Jack Day Watson, lll, Valerie Wenger, and Herman Willie. The flowers in the church are given in loving memory of Leonie Biehler, Clarence Snowden Grayson, Elizabeth French Grayson, Steve Hodges, Corinne T. Matson, Marshall Matson, Frances Moffitt, Betty Nash, E. Clay Pearce, Jean M. Pearce and in thanksgiving for Judy King, and Stuart King.

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