T HE S UNDAY N EWS April 24, 2016
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. During your worship today include our P.T. Cruisers Senior ministry involved in a tour bus accident on Thursday, as well as. the flood victims in the greater Houston area, and earthquake victims in Ecuador and Japan, in your prayers. We are honored that you have chosen to worship with us today. Do it often! Barnyard Bash Today – Supports Saint Michael Episcopal School. The fun starts at 4:00 with games, attractions, and food followed by an Eddie Coker concert beginning at 6:00. Activities include a snow cone truck, petting zoo, bungee jump, bounce houses, pony rides, train rides and more! End of Life Series Continues in the Theater. The series dealing with End of Life issues continues today with parishioner Bennett Cullum presenting “The Legal Side of End of Life.” The series closes next Sunday, May 1, with The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser talking about planning a memorial service and Kimberly Robinson presenting Saint Michael’s Columbarium options. The series meets in the Theater at 10:00. Bill Murray Begins Writing Leave. Saint Michael’s Vicar, The Rev. Bill Murray, will begin his two-month writing leave tomorrow (April 25), during which he will read, study, and write the thesis for his Doctor of Ministry degree at the University of the South – Sewanee. He will return June 25. Episcopal Relief and Development Establishes Funds for Texas, Ecuador and Japan Disasters. The victims of the floods in the Houston area as well as earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan are receiving aid from Episcopal Relief and Development. Saint Michael and All Angels has made a donation in response. Anyone wishing to make a personal donation may do so at www.episcopalrelief.org/disasterresponsefund-1. Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 8. Saint Michael and All Angels will honor all mothers on Sunday, May 8 at every worship service. Join us! Saint Michael Spring Luncheon Set for Wednesday, May 11. The Women of Saint Michael will celebrate the 2015 - 2016 year with its Annual Spring Luncheon Wednesday, May 11, featuring nationally recognized corporate change-agent Courtney Ferrell. The luncheon, starting at 11:00, will be held at 7000 Park Lane. Luncheon reservations can be made online at www.saintmichael.org/springluncheon or on Sundays at Women of Saint Michael tables near the Parlor. Women
Saint Michael Calls New Youth Director Lauren Wainwright has been called to be Saint Michael’s new Director of Youth Ministry. She will begin on June 1, overseeing the middle school and high school programs. Ms. Wainwright brings over nine years of youth ministry experience, most recently as Director of Youth Ministries at Christ Episcopal Church in Ponte Vedra, Florida. She has Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science degrees from the University of Southern Mississippi. Read more about our new Youth Director at www.saintmichael.org.