Sunday News - May 7

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T HE S UNDAY N EWS May 7, 2017

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love



Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Today is Confirmation Sunday and we are privileged to have The Rt. Rev. Michael Smith, Bishop of North Dakota with us to confirm and receive the adult confirmands this morning at 11:00 and 80 members of our Disciples Class at 3:00. Bishop Smith is serving this summer as an Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Dallas. A great Saint Michael welcome to Bishop Smith and our newest Saint Michael members. Thank you for worshiping with us today.

Organizing for Heaven Continues Today in ESD Library. Organizing for Heaven, a series on planning for the end of life, continues today at 10:00 a.m. in the ESD Library. Kathy Rose, pediatric hospice nurse for Community Hospice of Texas, will discuss Understanding Hospice Care. The third session, Sunday, May 21 will address planning a memorial service at the church and the Columbarium at Saint Michael. For information contact The Rev. Greg Pickens at Women of Saint Michael Spring Luncheon Tuesday at 11:00. The Annual Spring Luncheon of the Women of Saint Michael is Tuesday, May 9 at 7000 Park Lane. At the Annual Meeting, beginning at 11:00, the women will get reports on the Parish Party, the status of the St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange in Highland Park Village, and the distribution of funds to charities and Episcopal ministries by the Gifts Committee. The Rev. Chip Edens, former Vice Rector at Saint Michael and currently Rector of Christ Church, Charlotte will speak on “Soul Purpose.” Graduating Seniors to be Honored May 14. Saint Michael and All Angels will recognize and honor its graduating high school seniors next Sunday, May 14 at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. A light reception for students, their parents and relatives will be held in the Parlor following the service. Seniors and parents are asked to submit a picture and complete the registration/RSVP form at www.saintmichael. org/seniorrecognition. Hunter Ruffin Closes His Ministry at Saint Michael Today. The Rev. Hunter Ruffin will close his ministry at Saint Michael and All Angels today, preaching at the 5:30 p.m. service in Saint Michael Chapel. Next month he will begin his new ministry in the Diocese of Fort Worth where he will establish a new church in the western area of the diocese. Wish him well, and keep him in your prayers. Saint Michael Supports East Texas Tornado Relief: Join Us! Saint Michael and All Angels has given $1,000 to the local American Red Cross to support relief to those impacted by last week’s tornadoes in East Texas in which four people died and extensive damage was done to homes and businesses. In addition, all of the offerings from today’s Disciples’ Confirmation service will go to disaster relief, and Saint Michael’s Farmers Market collected donations at Saturday’s market. Those wishing to join in the disaster relief effort can donate at

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