T HE S UNDAY N EWS May 14, 2017
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Today we honor mothers everywhere, and especially here at Saint Michael, and we salute our graduating high school seniors. Today is the last day of Sunday School. There is an abbreviated schedule of classes for both adults, youth, and children listed in this edition of Sunday News. Congratulations to our graduates and thank you to our mothers. We love you both. Veteran Church Leader Hired as Membership Coordinator. Rector Chris Girata has announced the hiring of longtime Episcopal Church leader Anne Schmidt to serve as Saint Michael’s Membership Coordinator. She will work with the clergy, staff, and lay leadership to design and implement a comprehensive welcome, engagement, and member retention program for the church. “Anne’s experience and enthusiastic approach to building membership and parishioner engagement fits perfectly with Saint Michael’s goal to grow our church both physically and spiritually,” Girata said. She will begin her ministry at Saint Michael Monday, May 15. Read more about Anne at www.saintmichael.org. Saint Michael Youth Ministry Names Assistant Director. Garland native Chase Monson is joining the Saint Michael Youth Ministry staff as Assistant Director. A 2016 graduate of Angelo State University, Chase has served as the Director of Youth Ministry at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in San Angelo. He brings more than five years experience in youth ministry having served as Emmanuel's youth ministry intern prior to being named its director. His first Sunday at Saint Michael will be July 23rd and he will accompany our youth on their mission trip to Bolivia during the last week in July. SMU Distinguished Professor in the Forum/Bible/Fellowship Class. Dr. Jamie Clark-Soles, Distinguished Professor of New Testament at SMU, concludes her class today on “Who is God? New Images of God in the Old Testament.” The class meets in the Coke Activities Room at 10:00 a.m. The Water is Boiling for the Prayer Ministry’s Cajun Night This Thursday. The Prayer Ministry is going “Cajun” at its Thursday evening meeting. It will be an old fashioned Crawfish and Shrimp Boil, along with prayers for the crustaceans and in thanksgiving for God’s magnificent bounty. Cost is $20. RSVP to Katherine Bowen at kbowen@saintmichael.org. To Mothers More than any other human relationship, motherhood means being instantly interruptible, responsive, responsible. Thank you, God, for giving us mothers, these lovely, imperfect, sacrificial people. Thank you for making yourself known to us through them. Amen.
Parish Clergy The Reverend Dr. Christopher Girata, Rector The Reverend Dr. Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Worship and Liturgy The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Bob Johnston, Associate for Evangelism The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Young Adults The Reverend Mary Lessmann, Associate for Spiritual Growth The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Priest Associate for Worship The Reverend Rich Towers, Priest Associate for Worship The Reverend Dr. Hiltrude Nusser-Telfer, Priest Associate for Pastoral Care
Parish Vestry Eric Conner, Sr. Warden Margaret Spellings, Jr. Warden Arnold Spencer, Warden At-Large Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Cervin, Clerk Bonner Allen, Marla Jacks Briggle, Mark Demler, Whitney Grogan, Warren Houser, Kathy Kelley, Ben Leal, Christine Paddock, Sally Schupp, Elizabeth L. Selzer, J. C. Snead, and Chris Wiley.
Worship Schedule Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - Eucharist Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - Healing Service Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist 5:30 p.m. - Candlelight Mass Sunday Services 7:30 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 9:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite II, Church 9:00 a.m. - Discovery Mass, SMC 9:15 a.m. - Joy Mass, Theater
• Be a Team Leader Volunteer at the June 21 - 23 Fair Park Olympic Day Games for Kids. Get information at the South Lanai reception desk. • Be a volunteer at Vacation Bible School. Both adult and youth volunteers are needed. Information and register at www. saintmichael.org/children/vbs. 5th Grade Moving Up Party This Wednesday. Moving on up! Youth Director Lauren Wainwright and members of the youth group are throwing a party to welcome all 5th graders Wednesday, May 17. There will be food, lots of fun, and you will find out everything you need to know about Saint Michael and All Angels Youth! Meet in the Youth Center at 6:30 p.m. RSVP at www.saintmichael.org/youth/livewire.
Registration for Vacation Bible School Open: Volunteers Needed. Registration is underway for the June 5 – 8 Vacation Bible School, “Rome: Paul and the Underground Church.” Vacation Bible School is open to children ages 4 (as of June 5) to rising 5th graders. Volunteers, both adults and youth, are needed. Sign up online at www.saintmichael. org/children/vbs.
10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, Church 11:11 a.m. - Celebration, Parish Hall 5:30 p.m. - Evening Prayer and Eucharist - SMC www.facebook.com/smaadallas www.twitter.com/smaadallas
Priest on Call If you have an urgent need to contact a priest after hours call 214-232-7512. Communications Card Use the card to register as a guest, make prayer requests, RSVPs, and provide information on yourself. Need Prayer Prayer Teams can pray with you after Sunday morning services. Ushers can direct you to private prayer locations. Prayer Candles A $1 donation is appreciated for lit candles in the Bishop Moore and Saint Michael Chapels.
Vacation Bible School Family Celebration: Save the Date. Save Friday evening June 8 for a Family Celebration closing out this year’s Vacation Bible School. The kids will have been tracing the Apostle Paul’s underground church in Rome during the week and will celebrate their experiences with parents and friends. Games and activities from VBS will be showcased for parents. Cost is $30 per family. RSVP at check-in tables during Vacation Bible School. More information from Erika at ebower@saintmichael.org.
The Series “Organizing for Heaven” Concludes Next Sunday. Organizing for Heaven, the series on planning for the end of life, will conclude next Sunday, May 21, in the Parlor. The Rev. Greg Pickens and Kalita Blessing will discuss planning a memorial service at the church and the Columbarium at Saint Michael. For information contact The Rev. Greg Pickens at gpickens@saintmichael.org.
Jubilee Park Celebrates 20 Years Next Saturday. Join the party next Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. celebrating Jubilee Park’s 20th Anniversary. There will be great food, face painting, games, a petting zoo, and a Velcro wall for the kids. Twenty years ago in celebration of its 50th Anniversary Saint Michael joined Jubilee residents to rejuvenate the 62 block neighborhood. Come celebrate the many accomplishments!
May 23 Dinner Planned for Former Vestry Members. Over the past 40 years nearly 250 parishioners have served on the Vestry at Saint Michael, and for the first time they are all invited to have dinner together on Tuesday, May 23 in Parish Hall. Beginning at 6:00 p.m. the former and current Vestry members will gather to reminisce, marvel at the changes, and look to the future of our church. If you’ve served on the Vestry, save Tuesday, May 23. RSVP to Kay Whelan at kayw@sjldesigngroup.com.
Parish Nurse Sunday is May 21. Our Parish Nurses will be focusing on the summer sun next week. Stop by the Parish Nurse station in the South Lanai for information on skin cancer and sunscreen awareness. You will be able to have your blood pressure checked as well. For more information contact Diane Boyd at dboyd@saintmichael.org.
Rector and Vicar are “in the Hood.” Our Rector, Chris Girata, and Vicar, Bill Murray, are celebrating with their families this weekend their graduations in which they received their Doctor of Ministry degrees. The Rev. Dr. Bill Murray was hooded in ceremonies Friday at the University of the South – Sewannee. The Rev. Dr. Chris Girata will receive his hood in ceremonies today at Duke University. Congratulations to both!
Women of Saint Michael Distribute Funds to Area Charities. At its Spring Luncheon the Women of Saint Michael announced it was giving $237,000 to 66 non-profit agencies and Episcopal ministries addressing issues of poverty and hunger. A list of the agency recipients is on the church website, www.saintmichael. org. The funds were raised primarily by the St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange and the Parish Party. The party this year raised more than $190,000. Tricia Stewart Assumes Leadership of Women of Saint Michael. The gavel of the Women of Saint Michael was turned over to Tricia Stewart at Tuesday’s Spring Luncheon. In introducing Tricia out-going president Squeaky Connolly described her “as one of the nicest people I know – always sharing a smile, always there for anyone who needs her, and always ready with a kind word.” Tricia Tricia will serve until next year’s Spring Luncheon. Christine Stewart Paddock Christine Paddock is President-Elect. Saint Michael Supports East Texas Tornado Relief: Join Us! Saint Michael and All Angels has given $1,000 to the local American Red Cross to support relief to those impacted by the recent tornadoes in East Texas. Those wishing to join in the disaster relief effort can donate at www.redcross.org/donate/donation.
Christian Formation Sunday Mornings at 10:00 Who is God? New Images of God in the Old Testament
Jamie Clark-Soles Coke Activities Room
Sunday School Schedule Changes for This Sunday Today is the last day of Sunday School until the fall programming begins in August. There are several changes to today’s schedule: • The just confirmed 6th grade Disciples will join with the youth class meeting in the Youth Center. • The Spark (up to grade 3) and the Edge (grades 4 & 5) will meet together in the Youth Center Blue Room. • Both Catechesis Level I classes are combining and meeting in the Atrium. • Both Catechesis Level II classes are combining and meeting in Room 213. • The combined adult Sunday School offering will meet in the Coke Activities Room. All classes begin at 10:00.
Saint Michael’s Farmers Market is Going Strong The Saint Michael’s Farmers Market has record shoppers and vendors. Nearly 40 vendors, many of them new, are participating in this year’s market. Enjoy fresh from the farm produce, delicious homemade desserts and more. Find a complete list of vendors and their products on the Farmers Market website, www. saintmichaelsmarket.com. The market is open every Saturday morning from 8:00 – 12:00 Noon.
The Prayers of the People During the Prayers of the People you are encouraged to offer aloud or silently your own petitions. As you pray, please remember the following people who as of Thursday, May 11, have asked for our prayers: Mary Bergner, Art Brook, Bob Chestnut, Pat Coleman, Doris Cowling, Laura Crowl, Allen Dickey, Ken deGruy, Dianne Duncan, Zac Giles, Linda Gore, Connie Grage, Jody Guenther, John P. Hall lll, Jim Hamlin, Caroline Hite, Jim Howell, Jennifer Hulsey, Charlotte Huthnance, Terry Inman, Emily Irwin, Ann Jennings, Grace and Lynne Jordan, Stacey Ligon, Kathy O'Doherty, Tom Park, Patricia Plettner, Jean Porter, Kathryn Miller Rabey, Rhoda Ramsbottom, Richard, Connie Schroeder, Katherine Smith, Valerie Guenther Unger, Shelly Vescovo, Jack Day Watson lll, Merial West, Tom Wittenbraker, Kristen Woolery, and Joe Yardley. The Altar Flowers are given in memory of Amanda Amsler, Betty Jo Amsler, Hervey Meyer Amsler, Billie Faye Baker, Joye Boruff, Daisy Hill Creson, Paul Creson, Florence Perkins Higgs, John Astin Perkins, Ashley Horne Priddy, Mary Ann Slowe, Margaret Stoddard Smith, and Dorothy Wallace.