T HE S UNDAY N EWS May 15, 2016
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on this Pentecost Sunday. We are celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit with a free breakfast in the Garden Cloister beginning at 9:30. There are activities for the kids and adults, and a dove release at 10:30, along with special activities in our worship services as we celebrate the birthday of the Church. Thank you for celebrating with us today. Parish Nurse Ministry Today. The Parish Nurse Ministry will be in the South Lanai today to discuss your health questions. The focus for this month is Senior Health. Questions? Contact Dianne Boyd, RN, dboyd@saintmichael.org Family Mission Trip Planned to Costa Rica – Join In. Interested in a mission trip to Costa Rica that includes the entire family? The Rev. Bill Murray along with several families from Saint Michael are planning a mission with Homes of Hope, November 18 -21, and are urging more Saint Michael families to join in. Everyone, even children as young as 5, can participate in a weekend of building homes for the poor and needy. Watch a brief video on Homes of Hope online. Go to YouTube and search for Homes of Hope Costa Rica. For information about the November trip contact Kathryn Francis at kwf@kewdrilling.com or Ginny Searcy at ginnysearcy@yahoo.com. Safe Church Training Scheduled for Tuesday, May 17. Safe Church Training is essential to our church's dedication to provide a safe and caring environment. It is required for anyone working with youth or children. The training will be Tuesday, May 17 at 9:30 in the Youth Center. RSVP to Kimberly Robinson at krobinson@ saintmichael.org. Women of Saint Michael Grants Top $400,000. The Women of Saint Michael celebrated the 2015-2016 program year at its annual Spring Luncheon Wednesday, May 11 by donating $401,000 to 64 charities and ministries. The grants went to local nonprofit agencies focusing on poverty and protecting and nurturing children and families, and to Episcopal Church related organizations. A list of the recipients is on the Saint Michael website. The luncheon, chaired by Mason Custard and Melinda Knowles, was attended by nearly 350 women. Former Women of Saint Michael President, Peggy Carr, was the Honorary Chair of the event. dioceSe hoSting evangeliSM conFerence. “Sharing our Faith: Evangelism for Everyday” is the subject of a conference sponsored by the Diocese of Dallas on Saturday, June 19. It will be led by Grant Skeldon of The Initiative Network and Canon J. John, advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury on Evangelism. The conference will be from 9:00 to 12-Noon at the Church of the Incarnation. Register online at www.edod.org. SuMMer Schedule BeginS Sunday, May 29 The summer worship schedule will begin on Sunday, May 29. At 9:00, the Rite II service will be in the Church and the Discovery and Joy Mass services will be held in the Saint Michael Chapel. At 11:00, the Rite I worship will be in the Saint Michael Chapel, and the 11:11 Celebration worship will be in the Parish Hall. Beginning June 5 at 10:00, Faith and Literature, the adult Sunday class, will meet in the Saint Michael Chapel; Family Summer Sunday School for children, youth, and their families will be in the Coke Activities Room. There will be no Sunday School on May 29, the Memorial Day weekend.
Parish Clergy The Very Reverend Doug Travis, Interim Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Youth & Young Adults The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Bob Johnston, Associate for Evangelism The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Rich Towers, Sunday Associate The Reverend Mary Lessmann, Sunday Associate
• Be a greeter at the Saturday morning Farmers Market. It’s a great way to invite people to experience Saint Michael. Contact Gus Seeberger at gusseeberger@ gmail.com. • The Funeral Reception Guild needs volunteers to bake cookies and make refreshments. Contact Ann Mills at amills@saintmichael.org.
Parish Vestry Matt Waller, Sr. Warden Kay Whelan, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, Whitney Grogan, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Tom Rhodus, Elizabeth L. Selzer, J.C. Snead, Arnold Spencer, Kay Whelan, and Chris Wiley.
Worship Schedule Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - Eucharist Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - Healing Service Fridays (during Lent only) 6:00 p.m. - Stations of the Cross, Church Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist 5:30 p.m. - Candlelight Mass Sunday Services 7:30 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 9:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite II, Church 9:00 a.m. - Discovery Mass, SMC 9:00 a.m. - Joy Mass - Parish Hall 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, Church 11:11 a.m. - Celebration, Parish Hall 5:30 p.m. - Evening Prayer and Eucharist - SMC www.facebook.com/ smaadallas www.twitter.com/smaadallas
Priest on Call If you have an urgent need to contact a priest after hours call 214-232-7512. Communications Card Use the card to register as a guest, make prayer requests, RSVPs, and provide information on yourself. Need Prayer Prayer Teams can pray with you after Sunday morning services. Ushers can direct you to private prayer locations. Prayer Candles A $1 donation is appreciated for lit candles in the Bishop Moore and Saint Michael Chapels.
Vacation Bible School Needs Volunteer Leaders. Vacation Bible School, June 13-16 from 9:00 -12 Noon, needs adult leaders at grade levels from Pre-K to Grade 5. Volunteers will lead groups to rotations, facilitate short classroom discussions, and oversee activity time. All supplies and materials will be provided. Experience: a love for kids and a desire to share God’s love. Sign up online at www. saintmichael.org/vbs, or contact Emily at egiven@ saintmichael.org. A Texas-sized Welcome to New Youth Director – Help Stock Her Pantry. New Youth Director Lauren Wainwright is moving to Dallas and begins her ministry at Saint Michael on June 1. To aid her transition, Saint Michael Youth Ministry has launched a campaign to stock Lauren’s new pantry with essential household items. A full list of needs and how to sign up to donate items is included in the story on the website’s homepage, www. saintmichael.org. There will be a bin in the Youth Center until May 22 to collect all donations.
Saint Michael’s Courtyard Columbarium Wins Architecture Award. The Texas Society of Architects has named Saint Michael’s Courtyard Columbarium as one of the 10 best representations of architecture in the State of Texas. Nearly 300 projects were considered in the competition for the group’s 2016 Design Awards. The Columbarium was designed by Dallas architect Max Levy. Congratulations! priMe tiMerS end prograM year With a picnic. The Prime T imers will close their program year with a picnic in the Garden Cloister on Thursday, May 26. The Rev. Hunter Ruffin will meet with the group at 10:30 in the Coke Activities Room to talk about the highlights of the year and lead a Eucharist service before lunch. Come to celebrate Spring; bring a friend! Lunch is $10.00. Make reservations by Sunday, May 22 with Mary Davis at 214-363-7761. take your Faith to a neW level – eFM (education For MiniStry). Education for Ministry (EfM) combines the study of Scriptures, Christian history, and theology with a focus on everyday experiences to discern God’s presence in one’s life. The program developed by the Episcopal seminary at the University of the South – Sewanee is widely recognized for developing one's knowledge of scripture and theology. For information contact Elizabeth Lang at langelizabeth66@gmail.com. donate extra FaBric
honduraS threadS. The Honduras Mission Trip needs any extra fabric you can donate for its upcoming mission trip. There will be collection baskets at the north and south lanai entrances through June 3. The fabric will be given to the women in the Honduras embroidery cooperatives for their appliqués and stitching designs. For information contact Shannon Callewart
at scallewart@tx.rr.com.
plan a curSillo Weekend – it can change your liFe. Take your faith to the next level during an upcoming Cursillo weekend, after which you will continue to explore your faith through small groups. The next Cursillo weekend is June 9th - 12th at Star Brand Ranch near Kaufman. Register online at www.DFWCursillo.org by June 2nd. For more details contact: Joe Walker jpwalkeriii@sbcglobal.net or Britt McGannon 3britt@gmail.com. Faith and grieF preSenting Book authorS at reception. Faith & Grief Ministries invites you to meet the authors of Faith, Grief, and Pass the Chocolate Pudding Sunday, June 12. Authors, Heather Wallace Rey and Stuart Rubio will share portions of their book at 4:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Refreshments and chocolates will be served. Books will be available for sale or online at www.passthechocolatepudding.com. large print Book of Common Prayer availaBle. Several copies of the Book of Common Prayer with large print are available for use during worship services. They can be borrowed from the South Lanai receptionist and returned following the service. alcoholicS anonyMouS. This group, open to both men and women, meets on the first and third Sundays of each month at 7:30, in the Coke Activities Room. Contact: The Rev. Neal Hern, nealhern@aol.com. Care Givers Support Group: Meets on the first and third Mondays at 11:00 in the Chapel Conference Room, providing support for those who have the responsibility of caring for a loved one. Contact: Sandra Klingeman, jsklingeman@sbcglobal.net
Christian Formation Sunday Mornings at 10:00
Pentecost Celebration in the Garden Cloister
No Classes
Memorial Weekend - No Classes
Memorial Day - Church Offices Closed
Breakfast, Games and a Dove Release
Sundays at 10 Saint Michael Chapel June 5 Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander Reviewer: Doug Travis
The Prayers of the People During the Prayers of the People you are encouraged to offer aloud or silently your own petitions. As you pray, please remember the following people who as of Thursday, May 12, have asked for our prayers: Pam Barbera, Mary Beckham, Doris Jean Betts, Doris Cowling, Ralph Cousins, Dr. Larry Davis, Mary Davis, Ken deGruy, Connie Gordon, Jody Guenther, Winnie Hamlin, Liam Hawk, Jim Howell, Charlotte Huthnance, Emily Irwin, Ginette Jefferson, Lynn Blake-Jerabek, Grace and Lynne Jordan, Kate and Dana Juett, John Kalb, Jim Klingeman, Ed Laska, Stacey Ligon, Hazel Marshall, Beverly Middleton, John Moderi, John Morrison, Douglas Nettle, Kathy O'Dohtery, Tom Park, Brown Plummer, Larry Prohaska, Kathryn Miller Rabey, Mico Rodriguez, Katy Rubarth, Jack Russo, Campbell Scott, Pat Shaw, David Smallwood, Flavious Smith, Fredna Stewart, Valerie Guenther Unger, Linda Wade, Jack Day Watson, lll, and Valerie Wenger. The flowers in the church are given in loving memory of Amanda Amsler, Betty Jo Amsler, Hervey Meyer Amsler, Billie Faye Baker, Joye Boruff, Daisy Hill Creson, Paul Creson, Florence Perkins Higgs, John Astin Perkins, Mary Ann Slowe, Margaret Stoddard Smith, and Dorothy Wallace.