Sunday News - May 29

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T HE S UNDAY N EWS May 29, 2016

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love

Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. As we worship today we give thanks for those who have given their lives to secure our freedoms and for those who come after us. Enjoy this Memorial Day holiday weekend and pray for all who put themselves in harm’s way for us. Thank you for worshiping with us today. The Church will be closed on Monday, May 30 in observance of Memorial Day. Pray for the Rector Search and Transition. A special place has been set up in the Bishop Moore Chapel where all parishioners are encouraged to pray for our Rector Search and Transition. The Prayer Ministry team and others have prayed every day since the search began, and we invite every parishioner to join in these prayers, thanking God and asking for wisdom through our transition. Diocese Hosting Evangelism Conference. “Sharing our Faith: Evangelism for Everyday” is the subject of a conference sponsored by the Diocese of Dallas on Saturday, June 11. It will be led by Grant Skeldon of The Initiative Network and Canon J. John, advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury on Evangelism. The conference will be from 9:00 to 12-Noon at Church of the Incarnation. Register online at Faith and Grief Presenting Book Authors at Reception. Faith & Grief Ministries invites you to meet the authors of Faith, Grief, and Pass the Chocolate Pudding Sunday, June 12. Authors, Heather Wallace Rey and Stuart Rubio will share portions of their book at 4:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Refreshments and chocolates will be served. Books will be available for sale or online at Cursillo Weekend: June 9 -12. A Cursillo weekend can take your faith to the next level and change your life. It can begin for you June 9 – 12 at the Star Brand Ranch near Kaufman. Register online at by June 2. For more details contact Joe Walker, or Britt McGannon, Summer Worship Schedule Starts Today The summer worship schedule begins today. There are only two changes: the Joy Mass joins the Discovery Mass in Saint Michael Chapel at 9:00 and the 11:00 Rite I worship moves to Saint Michael Chapel. The entire Sunday worship schedule is:

7:30 a.m.

Rite I

Saint Michael Chapel

9:00 a.m.

Rite II


Discovery/Joy Saint Michael Chapel

11:00 a.m.

Rite I

Saint Michael Chapel

11:11 a.m.


Parish Hall

5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer & Communion

Saint Michael Chapel

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