Sunday News - June 4

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T HE S UNDAY N EWS June 4, 2017

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love

Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Remember that at 9:00 a.m. all of the worship services (Joy, Discovery, and Rite II) are combined in the Church. The Fires of Pentecost will be blazing at both the 9:00 and 11:00 services. The 11:11 Celebration service in Parish Hall will have heat of its own as The Rev. Bob Johnston begins a sermon series: The Empowered Life – living in the spirit. Thank you for worshiping with us today. Vacation Bible School Starts Tomorrow. More than 125 youngsters will show up tomorrow morning for the beginning of Vacation Bible School. This year they will “travel” to Rome and experience Paul’s Underground Church. On Thursday evening the kids and their parents and friends will have a Family Celebration beginning at 5:30 on the ESD Field. Games and activities from VBS will be showcased for parents. Cost is $30 per family. RSVP at check-in tables during Vacation Bible School. More information from Erika at Goodbye Reception Next Sunday for Erika Bower. A Thank You and Goodbye reception for Erika Bower, Assistant Director of Children and Family Ministry, will be in the Garden Cloister next Sunday, June 11 at 10:00 a.m. She has been a leader in our children’s ministries since June of 2014. Erika is leaving to be Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministry at an Episcopal Church in Philadelphia.

Sunday Summer Worship Schedules Begin next Week The Sunday worship schedule begins next Sunday, June 11. Sundays – June 11 through August 13 • 7:30 a.m. Rite I in Saint Michael Chapel • 9:00 a.m. Rite II in the Church Joy Mass in Parish Hall (Discovery Mass will not meet during the summer) • 11:00 a.m. Rite I in the Church • 11:11 a.m. Celebration in Parish Hall • 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer and Holy Communion The weekday and Saturday worship schedule is as follows: Weekdays and Saturdays – May 30 through August 13 • 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Holy Communion: Tuesday, Thursday, Bishop Moore Chapel • 10:00 a.m. Healing Service: Wednesday, Bishop Moore Chapel • 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion: Saturday, Bishop Moore Chapel • 5:30 p.m. Candlelight service and Holy Communion, Saint Michael Chapel We return to the regular schedule on Sunday, August 20.

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