T HE S UNDAY N EWS July 24, 2016
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. We give thanks for the ministry of The Very Rev. Doug Travis, who steps down as Interim Rector at the end of July. Today will be his last Sunday to serve and celebrate with us. We will “officially” say Thank You on Sunday, August 21 at the 9:00 service when we welcome our new Rector, The Rev. Chris Girata, to Saint Michael’s pulpit. Mark your calendar and be sure to be here. A Welcome and Thank You reception will be held in the Garden Cloister. We
welcome you to
Mary Lessmann and Gigi Poglitsch Lead Sunday Classes. The Rev. Mary Lessmann will review the book The Poisonwood Bible at the Faith and Literature class in Saint Michael Chapel, and former directress Gigi Poglitsch will talk about the work of the Altar Guild at the Family Summer Sunday School in the Coke Activities Room. Both classes meet at 10:00. A complete schedule of adult, youth, and children’s Sunday School classes will start August 28. Class details will be available in the August Archangel and online at www.saintmichael.org. Farmers Market is the Saturday Morning Place to Be. Looking for the freshest produce, fruit, meat and eggs straight from the farm. You’ll find it at Saint Michael’s Farmers Market. And, each week the market features special events such as cooking demonstrations, visits from the fire station’s fire truck, music and more. Join your friends and neighbors Saturday morning for a breakfast taco or fresh sweet roll at Saint Michael’s Farmers Market. The market also collects shoes for The Shoe Bank and men’s clothing for One Man’s Treasure. It’s open every Saturday from 8:00 to Noon in the north parking lot. July is North Dallas Shared Ministries Month. Fill at least one grocery bag during July and bring it to the South Lanai. Grocery bags and a list of needed items are available at several locations throughout the church. Financial contributions are just as valuable. Make checks payable to North Dallas Shared Ministries and bring to the South Lanai receptionist. Book Shop Featuring Beach Bags, Scarves, and Books. Looking for the perfect bag for the beach or pool parties? You’ll find handmade straw bags from Madagascar at the Saint Michael Book Shop. Also, check out the beautiful, one-of-a-kind Kyrgyzstan scarves in either silk or wool. The Book Shop is open today until 12:30. New Rector Starts Saint Michael Ministry August 15 Our new Rector, Chris Girata, begins his ministry with us on Monday, August 15 and he will preach his first sermon at the 9:00 and 11:00 worship services in the Church on Sunday, August 21, when we will return to our full schedule of services. If you haven’t sent a greeting to Chris and his family, please do so. They can be reached at cgirata@saintmichael.org.