Sunday News - August 23

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T h e S u n d ay N e w s August 23, 2015

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love

Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. The pace has certainly picked up this past week. Parents, kids, and teachers were getting ready for the start of school (and the rest of us got out of the way). Today is Back to School Sunday with the blessing of backpacks at the worship services and a stupendous “feast” in the Garden Cloister. Next Sunday (August 30) Sunday School starts. It is great this year for all ages. Thanks for worshiping with us today. We are honored to welcome The Very Rev. Cannon Douglas Travis to Saint Michael today. He will preach at the 9:00 service in the Church. The Rev. Travis is the Canon for Formation for the Diocese of the Rio Grande, and previously served as President and Dean of the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin. Dollars and Cents – A mid-year look at Saint Michael. Church treasurer Grady Schleier will give a mid-year look at Saint Michael at 10:00 in the Parlor. He will review the church’s income, expenses, and financial outlook for the rest of 1015. Speak Up! Parish Survey Begins Next Sunday. The Parish Survey for the Rector Search and Transition Committee will begin next Sunday, August 30 and run through September 20. It is important that every parishioner take the survey, which will guide the committee in identifying Saint Michael’s next Rector. The survey will be available online at survey. Hardcopies are available from the receptionist in the South Lanai. Speak Up to make sure your voice is heard. Questions: contact rector. Knitting Ministry to be Honored Next Sunday at 11:00 Service. The Prayer Shawl ministry will be honored for knitting its 2,000th shawl at the 11:00 worship service in the Church on August 30. Anyone who has ever participated in the knitting ministry is invited to participate in the ceremony. St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange Closed Until Move. The St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange in Highland Park Village is closed until it reopens in its new space after Labor Day. The new store will be adjacent to its old location and next to the new grocery store. Genesis Cooks Get Back in the Kitchen September 7. Genesis Cooks will resume providing meals for the women and children at Genesis Women’s Shelter on September 7. To volunteer contact Maria Martin at

The Feast of Saint Michael – Celebrating Our 70th Anniversary – The Rector’s Ministry Sunday, September 27 is the Feast of Saint Michael at which we will commemorate the 70th Anniversary of our Church, honor our 7th decade parishioners, and celebrate the ministry of Valerie and Bob Dannals. If you wish to contribute the Rector’s purse send your check to Saint Michael and All Angels, Attn: Rector’s Purse.

The Feast of Saint Michael And Farewell to the Dannals

P arish C lergy The Reverend Dr. Bob Dannals, Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Youth and Young Adults The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Ariail Gores, Deacon The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Pamela Theodore, Sunday Associate The Reverend Neal Hern, Sunday Associate

P arish V estry Matt Waller, Sr. Warden Kathy Jenevein, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, John Gorman, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Sallie Plummer, Randy Rekerdres, Tom Rhodus, J.C. Snead, and Kay Whelan.

W orship S chedule Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - Eucharist Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - Healing Service Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist 5:30 p.m. - Candlelight Mass Sunday Services 7:30 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 10:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite II, Church 10:00 a.m. - Discovery Mass/ Joy Mass / Celebration, SMC 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes 11:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 5:30 p.m. - Evening Prayer and Eucharist - SMC smaadallas

Priest on Call: Should you have

an urgent need to contact a priest after hours dial 214-232-7512. Blue Connect Card: Fill out a card to make Prayer Requests, RSVP, register as a guest, or to get more information on Saint Michael. Need Prayer? Want to pray on someone’s behalf, or offer up thanksgivings? Prayer Teams are available to pray with you after each Sunday morning service. An usher can direct you to the various prayer locations.

Prayer Candles. Prayer candle stands are in the Bishop

Moore and Saint Michael chapels. A $1 donation for lit candles is appreciated.

We need volunteers to cook and serve for the Austin Street Shelter • September 1, 5:30 Cooking in the Parish Hall Kitchen • September 2, Transport the food to Austin Street Shelter (one person) Serve at Austin Street, 6:00 – 8:00 If you can cook contact Randy Rekerdres at If you can transport or serve contact Rita Davis at rrdavis14@aol. com.

By Our Love Annual Planning Dinner - Sunday, August 30. The planning dinner for By Our Love is scheduled for Sunday August 30 in the Coke Activities Room beginning at 5:30. By Our Love prepares and serves dinner to people with HIV/AIDS living in housing provided by AIDS Services of Dallas. If you are a volunteer or interested in volunteering RSVP to Kelly Giron for the dinner by August 25 at Backpack 4 Kids Begins September 6. The Backpack 4 Kids campaign kicks-off on Sunday, September 6. The fundraiser supports providing a backpack of food for hungerrisk children in Dallas County. Volunteers are needed to help staff the table on Sunday mornings throughout September. For more information or to volunteer on a Sunday morning, contact Sallie Plummer at Jubilee’s After-School Program Can Use You This Fall. Jubilee Park’s after-school program serves 180 children from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Volunteers are needed to assist with homework, and enrichment activities. Tutors are needed to help with reading and math. Contact Allison Johnson at Meet Flat Michael – Presented by your Rector Search and Transition Committee. Help us find our next Rector! Take Flat Michael wherever you go and help us find the person to lead our Parish. Pick up a Flat Michael sign at locations throughout the church. Take a picture (including selfies) of yourself or your family with Flat Michael and post them on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag #flatmichael, or you can upload photos at Follow Flat Michael’s adventures using the same link. Prime Timers Give Retirement Lessons to the Dannals September 3. Prime Timers start their Fall programs with Valerie and Bob Dannals as they move into retirement. It is a great opportunity to visit and thank them for their loving service to our parish. Thursday, September 3, 10:30, in the Coke Activities Room. Reservations for lunch by August 27, $10. Call Mary Davis, 214-363-7761. Men: Join the Brotherhood. Men, consider joining Saint Michael’s chapter of the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew, the longest continually-serving ministry in the Episcopal Church. You will be joining thousands of men around the world in the Brotherhood’s goals of prayer, service, and study. We meet the first and third Saturdays of each month at 8:30 in the Drake Room. Saint Michael’s will host the annual meeting for all Brotherhood of Saint Andrew chapters in the diocese on December 5th and your participation would be most welcome! For questions, contact Kyle Moore at, or The Rev. Neal Hern at Columbarium Wins Design Award. Saint Michael’s new Columbarium and Nave Courtyard has been named to receive a prestigious 2015 Faith and Form Award, a highly esteemed international architectural competition. Our Columbarium project will be featured in Faith & Form Magazine and displayed at the national American Institute of Architects convention in Philadelphia next May. Alcoholics Anonymous will not meet on Sunday, September 6, due to the Labor Day Holiday. It will meet on Sunday, September 20, at 7:30, in the Coke Activities Room. Contact: The Rev. Neal Hern, Faith and Grief Luncheon Set for September 10. Next month’s meeting of the Faith and Grief Luncheon Ministry will be Thursday, September 10 at Noon in the Coke Activities Room. Make reservations with Katherine Bowen at Meet Amistad Mission’s Executive Director at Saint Michael, September 10. Amistad’s Executive Director, Chris King, is coming to Saint Michael on September 10 to report on the mission and the children at Casa Esperanza. A reception with refreshments will begin at 6:00 in the Coke Activities Room. For more information, contact Maria or Richard Dantoni at, or


Christian Formation Sunday Mornings Sunday School Begins Next Sunday, August 30 There will be a lot to choose from … all of it at 10:00 and all of it Good! Forum: Faith and Society

What I have learned at Saint Michael

Bob Dannals

Saint Michael Chapel

Bible Study

Abraham’s Children Islam, Christian, Jew

Dr. Robert Hunt

Coke Activities Room

Fellowship Class

Young/Middle Age Adults

Bill Murray

Parish Hall

Book Studies (Whether You’ve Read it or Not)

Can’t Wait to Get to Heaven

Peggy Carr

Chapel Conference Room

An informal time to chat with clergy during the Sunday School hour.

Lisa Flores


Coffee And Conversation With Clergy

Children and Family Ministries Information on Sunday School Classes from preschool through 5th grade can be found at

Youth Ministries Encounter Sunday School for 7th through 12th grades meets in the Youth Center Sunday Childcare Childcare is available during church services every Sunday from 8:30 to 12, for infants and children through age 5.

The Prayers of the People During the Prayers of the People you are encouraged to offer aloud or silently your own petitions. As you pray, please remember the following people who as of Thursday, August 20, have asked for our prayers: Troy Alexander, Doris Cowling, Wade Crawford, Laura Derby, Cathie Fincher, Connie Gordon, Angela Hammons, Royce Hammons, Katie Hairgrove, Wayne Houston, Jim Howell, Serena Hubbell, Charlotte Huthnance, Linda Idol, Emily Irwin, Grace and Lynne Jordan, Nancy Kimbell, Jim Klingeman, Mary Jane Lang, Bill Leech, Leech family, Evelyn Moreau, Christi Nutt, Tom Park, Tina & John Peyton, Brown Plummer, Tammy Proctor, Larry Prohaska, Avery Young Rademacher, Sissy Rowley, Rob See, Maudi Sharp, Pat Shaw, Parker Snead, Tom Waters, Maggie Withroder, and Sudie Worsham.

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